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safecopy's Introduction

acid-state Hackage version acid-state on Stackage Nightly Stackage LTS version Cabal build

Unplug your machine, restart and have your app recover to exactly where it left off. Acid-State spares you the need to deal with all the marshalling, consistency, and configuration headache that you would have if you used an external DBMS for this purpose.

How does it work?

Acid-state does not write your data types to disk every time you change it. It instead keeps a history of all the functions (along with their arguments) that have modified the state. Thus, recreating the state after an unforeseen error is a simple as rerunning the functions in the history log.

Keep in mind that acid-state does not provide schema migrations. If you plan on changing the definition of your data-type during the lifetime of your application (you most likely do), you can either use a fixed schema such as XML or JSON, or you can use safecopy. As of version 0.4, safecopy is the default serialization path but using XML or JSON is still a possibility.


  • Will my data still be accessible with future versions of AcidState?
    • Yes, all future versions will be compatible with, or easily upgradeable from, older versions.
  • Is AcidState thread-safe?
    • Yes, using AcidState from multiple threads will only increase performance.
  • Does AcidState work on Windows?
    • Yes, as of version 0.5.1, acid-state works on Windows.
  • Is using Template Haskell (makeAcidic) recommended?
    • Yes.
  • Is it necessary to use Template Haskell?
    • No, all instances and data-types can be declared by hand. See the NoTH examples
  • Can two processes access the same AcidState store?
    • Using Data.Acid.Remote you can create a UnixSocket and one process can communicate with another though a ‘file’ on the file system. Check out examples/Proxy.hs in the github source for acid-state.
  • Can two machines access the same AcidState store?
    • Data.Acid.Remote can do that as well. See RemoteClient / RemoteServer. At the moment, zero security is provided. But that is quite fixable.
  • Does AcidState have a mechanism for interactive queries?
    • Using Data.Acid.Remote, you should be able to fire up ghci and run existing queries interactively. You can then munge that data using normal Haskell functions. Obviously, this is not a total solution. It would be nice to see some generics based stuff added to make this process friendlier and more powerful.
  • My process seems to be consuming a bunch of CPU even though it is idle, why is that?
    • Run your application with +RTS -I0 (which can be done via compile time options in your .cabal). This disables idle-time garbage collection which is almost always the cause of CPU usage while idle in acid-state based apps.
  • How does AcidState deal with the presence of very big data structures which may not fit in memory?
    • There are a few answers to this depending on the situation. One solution is to just buy more RAM. After all, you can buy machines with 1TB of RAM these days. But, obviously, not everyone has that kind of budget. (Interestingly, Facebook keeps something like 90% of their working data in RAM using TBs of memcached servers.)

    • A related solution is to buy more RAM, but spread it across multiple machines using replication/sharding. That area of acid-state is still in development. happstack-state has had a few experimental replication implementations. Lemmih is working on a new approach for acid-state.

    • Another potential solution is to create a special data-structure like IxSet which stores only the keys in RAM, and uses mmap and/or enumerators to transparently read the values from disk without loading them all into RAM at once.

    • You could also do something similar but in a more manual/controlled way where you store parts of your data structure in acid-state, and use another system to store key/value blobs on the disk which you load in explicitly. Allow your app to have very fine control over what, when, and how data gets loads into RAM, flushed to disk, etc. Rather than having a general purpose system try to guess what data should be in RAM.

    • It’s a cost vs speed tradeoff. The only reason anyone would choose to use disk over RAM is because it is cheaper. But it is also 100x slower (or more). Obviously, in many cases much slower is still fast enough. However, acid-state still aims to beat traditional SQL in terms of development and maintenance effort.


  • How do I recover a corrupted acid-state database?
    • acid-state provides an acid-state-repair tool. Build it with stack build in the root of this repository, you can then call acid-state-repair from a directory holding a corrupted database to repair it. In most case it should only drop the last entry, presumably a partial write because of a crash, but if the base is heavily corrupted, it may restore the database to an older state. Your database is always saved in .bak files, so that the repair operation is reversible.
  • How well does acid-state deal with errors?
    • List of Error Scenarios.

safecopy's People


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safecopy's Issues

Need changes for GHC-9.0

src/Data/SafeCopy/Derive.hs:222:14: error:
    • Expecting one more argument to ‘TyVarBndr’
      Expected a type, but ‘TyVarBndr’ has kind ‘* -> *’
    • In the type signature: tyVarName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
222 | tyVarName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
    |              ^^^^^^^^^

I used following patch

diff --git a/src/Data/SafeCopy/Derive.hs b/src/Data/SafeCopy/Derive.hs
index 34e29fc..30494c3 100644
--- a/src/Data/SafeCopy/Derive.hs
+++ b/src/Data/SafeCopy/Derive.hs
@@ -219,9 +219,15 @@ forceTag :: DeriveType -> Bool
 forceTag HappstackData = True
 forceTag _             = False
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0)
+tyVarName :: TyVarBndr s -> Name
+tyVarName (PlainTV n _) = n
+tyVarName (KindedTV n _ _) = n
 tyVarName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
 tyVarName (PlainTV n) = n
 tyVarName (KindedTV n _) = n
 internalDeriveSafeCopy :: DeriveType -> Version a -> Name -> Name -> Q [Dec]
 internalDeriveSafeCopy deriveType versionId kindName tyName = do
diff --git a/test/generic.hs b/test/generic.hs
index b3eb6fb..d777328 100644
--- a/test/generic.hs
+++ b/test/generic.hs
@@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ t2 = (T2 'b')
 t3 = (T3 'c')
 t4 = T4 100 200 300
-$(deriveSafeCopy 3 'base ''T1)
 $(deriveSafeCopy 4 'base ''T2)
 $(deriveSafeCopy 5 'base ''T3)
+$(deriveSafeCopy 3 'base ''T1)
 $(deriveSafeCopy 6 'base ''T4)
 data T1G = T1G Char T2G T3G deriving (Generic, Show)

Tests are broken with Template-haskell 2.10.0

    Not in scope: data constructor ClassP
    Perhaps you meant one of these:
      ClassI (imported from Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax),
      ClassD (imported from Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax),
      variable classP (imported from Language.Haskell.TH)

Support deriving SafeCopy using Generic

I tried this myself a while ago:

It worked but didn't generate very efficient instances, and certainly not the same instances as deriveSafeCopy. The problem was with my code being too stupid, and probably not Generic not being powerful enough or anything like that. It should be perfectly doable.

Filing this here in case anyone wants to take a stab at it, since I wasn't smart enough to do it. I might try my hand at it again though some time.

Can't migrate when you have 2 consecutive fields of the same type and then one of them changes type

Take the following program:


import Data.SafeCopy
import Data.Acid

newtype X = X String

data Foo = Foo X X

deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''X
deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Foo

makeAcidic ''Foo []

main = do
  db :: AcidState Foo <- openLocalStateFrom "acid-hs/" (Foo (X "a") (X "b"))
  putStrLn "loaded the database successfully"
  createCheckpoint db
  putStrLn "created checkpoint"
  closeAcidState db
  putStrLn "closed db"

Introduce a type Y and try to go from Foo X X to Foo X Y:


import Data.SafeCopy
import Data.Acid

newtype X = X String
newtype Y = Y String               -- new

data Foo = Foo X Y                 -- was Foo X X

deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''X
deriveSafeCopy 1 'extension ''Y
deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Foo

instance Migrate Y where           -- migration from X to Y
  type MigrateFrom Y = X
  migrate (X a) = Y a

makeAcidic ''Foo []

main = do
  db :: AcidState Foo <- openLocalStateFrom "acid-hs/" undefined
  putStrLn "loaded the database successfully"
  createCheckpoint db
  putStrLn "created checkpoint"
  closeAcidState db
  putStrLn "closed db"

Try to run the 1st version and then load the checkpoint in the 2nd version:

$ runghc acid1.hs
loaded the database successfully
created checkpoint
closed db

$ runghc acid2.hs
acid2.hs: Could not parse saved checkpoint due to the following error: 
Failed reading: safecopy: Char: Cannot find getter associated with this version number: 
Version {unVersion = 1627389952}
From:   Main.Foo:


I think the reason it happens is that for Foo X X we generate the following safePut:

      putCopy (Foo arg_a9dA arg_a9dB)
        = contain
            (do { safePut_X_a9dC <- getSafePut;
                  safePut_X_a9dC arg_a9dA;
                  safePut_X_a9dC arg_a9dB;
                  return () })

It will write the version tag for X only once (since writing the tag is done in getSafePut). However, when reading Foo X Y we will try to read the version tag twice:

        = contain
               (do { safeGet_X_a9fJ <- getSafeGet;
                     safeGet_Y_a9fK <- getSafeGet;
                     (((return Foo) <*> safeGet_X_a9fJ) <*> safeGet_Y_a9fK) }))


(My actual usecase, by the way, involves migrating from something like Foo X X to Foo (X Int) (X Bool), where Int and Bool are phantom (i.e. X is defined as newtype X a = X Text).)

Loose time package constraint

Should I make a pull request or is it enough to post it here.

time is currently
time < 1.6, but is safe to change it to time < 1.7, since its [changelog](time < 1.6,) doesn't mention something that could harm the library.

PS: I would also like to mention that the changes in #37 are merged here but not yet uploaded to hackage and it's the last step to have it working with GHC 8

PolyKinds breaks phantom newtype deriving with non obvious error message


I am upgrading SafeCopy to version and discovered following
unpleased behavior. Mostly I concerned with stumbling error message.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}

module Main where

import           Data.SafeCopy
import           Data.Serialize  
import           GHC.Generics 
import           Type.Reflection 
import           Prelude

newtype IntKey r = IntKey { intKey :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Serialize, Typeable)

instance Typeable r => SafeCopy (IntKey r)

The snipped above is just fine until I enable PolyKinds extension.
Error message makes impression like GHC is incapable to do the obvious thing!

    • Could not deduce (Typeable k)
        arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
      from the context: Typeable r
        bound by the instance declaration
        at Main.hs:31:10-43
    • In the instance declaration for ‘SafeCopy (IntKey r)’
31 | instance Typeable r => SafeCopy (IntKey r)

Make "Duplicate version tags" crash a compile-time error

My program just crashed at run-time with

ghc: Duplicate version tags: [2,2,1]

because I wrote

deriveSafeCopy 2 'extension ''Mytype_v2
deriveSafeCopy 2 'extension ''Mytype_v3

when I meant deriveSafeCopy 3 'extension ''Mytype_v3.

Since I use deriveSafeCopy which is TemplateHaskell, it would be great if this mistake could be pointed out to me at compile time.

SafeCopy instance of Vector

Can you add it?

instance SafeCopy a => SafeCopy (Vector a) where
  getCopy = contain $ fromList <$> safeGet
  putCopy = contain . safePut . toList


Tests are broken with template-haskell 2.10.0

It fails with a message like this:

    Not in scope: data constructor ‘ClassP’
    Perhaps you meant one of these:
      ‘ClassI’ (imported from Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax),
      ‘ClassD’ (imported from Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax),
      variable ‘classP’ (imported from Language.Haskell.TH)

Fix compilation with template-haskell-2.15 (GHC-8.8)

  • disallow build failure on travis (remove --allow-failure argument from haskell-ci invocation)
  • bump bounds (to `template-haskell <2.16)
  • fix the code
src/Data/SafeCopy/Derive.hs:246:61: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘[Type]’ with actual type ‘Type’
    • In the second argument of ‘map’, namely ‘ty’
      In the third argument of ‘foldl’, namely ‘(map return ty)’
      In the first argument of ‘worker'’, namely
        ‘(foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty))’
246 |               worker' (foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty)) context [] (zip [0..] cons)
    |                                                             ^^

src/Data/SafeCopy/Derive.hs:249:61: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘[Type]’ with actual type ‘Type’
    • In the second argument of ‘map’, namely ‘ty’
      In the third argument of ‘foldl’, namely ‘(map return ty)’
      In the first argument of ‘worker'’, namely
        ‘(foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty))’
249 |               worker' (foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty)) context [] [(0, con)]
    |                                                             ^^

src/Data/SafeCopy/Derive.hs:280:21: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Type’ with actual type ‘[Type]’
    • In the second argument of ‘(==)’, namely ‘tyIndex’
      In the expression: ty == tyIndex
      In a stmt of a pattern guard for
                     a case alternative:
        ty == tyIndex
280 |             | ty == tyIndex ->
    |                     ^^^^^^^

src/Data/SafeCopy/Derive.hs:281:61: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘[Type]’ with actual type ‘Type’
    • In the second argument of ‘map’, namely ‘ty’
      In the third argument of ‘foldl’, namely ‘(map return ty)’
      In the first argument of ‘worker'’, namely
        ‘(foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty))’
281 |               worker' (foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty)) context [] (zip [0..] cons)
    |                                                             ^^

src/Data/SafeCopy/Derive.hs:286:21: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Type’ with actual type ‘[Type]’
    • In the second argument of ‘(==)’, namely ‘tyIndex’
      In the expression: ty == tyIndex
      In a stmt of a pattern guard for
                     a case alternative:
        ty == tyIndex
286 |             | ty == tyIndex ->
    |                     ^^^^^^^

src/Data/SafeCopy/Derive.hs:287:61: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘[Type]’ with actual type ‘Type’
    • In the second argument of ‘map’, namely ‘ty’
      In the third argument of ‘foldl’, namely ‘(map return ty)’
      In the first argument of ‘worker'’, namely
        ‘(foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty))’
287 |               worker' (foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty)) context [] [(0, con)]

Space leak in getCopy for lists

The current instance SafeCopy a => SafeCopy [a] has this implementation of getCopy:

getCopy = contain $
          do n <- get
             getSafeGet >>= replicateM n

This doesn't force evaluation of the list elements, which leads to thunks being left around in the deserialized state. Something like this (based on getListOf from cereal) is probably better:

getCopy = contain $ do
    n <- get
    g <- getSafeGet
    go g [] n
    go :: Get a -> [a] -> Int -> Get [a]
    go _ as 0 = return (reverse as)
    go g as i = do x <- g
                   x `seq` go g (x:as) (i - 1)

Hello world is not complete


I am studying safecopy library and trying to execute hello world.
I followed the example from haddock and cannot get deserialization working for a new type.
Something is missing in example, which is not obvious.

GHCi, version 8.8.3

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Main where

import GHC.Generics
import Data.SafeCopy
import Data.Serialize

data BaseT = BaseT Int deriving (Generic, Serialize, Show, Eq)

instance SafeCopy BaseT where
  version = 0
  kind = base
  putCopy (BaseT s) = contain $ safePut s
  getCopy = contain $ BaseT <$> safeGet

data NextT = NextT Int Int deriving (Generic, Serialize, Show, Eq)

instance SafeCopy NextT where
  version = 1
  kind = extension
  putCopy (NextT a b) = contain $ do safePut a ; safePut b
  getCopy = contain $ NextT <$> safeGet <*> safeGet

instance Migrate NextT where
  type MigrateFrom NextT = BaseT
  migrate (BaseT s) = NextT s s

*Main> (runGet safeGet (encode $ BaseT 888)) :: Either String NextT
Left "Failed reading: safecopy: Int: Cannot find getter associated with this version number: Version {unVersion = 888}\nEmpty call stack\n"

deriveSafeCopy broken with template-haskell 2.10.0 and tuple types

Minimal code to reproduce:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Data.SafeCopy

newtype IntPair = IntPair (Int, Int)

deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''IntPair

It fails to compile with:

    Illegal variable name: ‘safePut_(,)IntInt’
    When splicing a TH declaration:
      instance Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.SafeCopy Main.IntPair
    where Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.putCopy (Main.IntPair arg_0) = Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.contain (do {safePut_(,)IntInt_1 <- Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.getSafePut;
                                                                                                    safePut_(,)IntInt_1 arg_0;
                                                                                                    GHC.Base.return ()})
          Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.getCopy = Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.contain (Data.Serialize.Get.label "Main.IntPair:" (do {safeGet_(,)IntInt_2 <- Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.getSafeGet;
                                                                                                                         GHC.Base.return Main.IntPair GHC.Base.<*> safeGet_(,)IntInt_2}))
          Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.version = 0
          Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.kind = Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.base
          Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.errorTypeName _ = "Main.IntPair"

safecopy-0.8.3 broken with GHC 7.10

The following snippet works fine with GHC 7.8.4 and safecopy-0.8.3

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Data.SafeCopy

newtype Log a = Exp { ln :: a } deriving (Eq,Ord)

deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Log

but with GHC 7.10 it fails to compile with

    Expecting one more argument to ‘Log’
    The first argument of ‘SafeCopy’ should have kind ‘*’, but ‘Log’ has kind ‘* -> *’
    In the instance declaration for ‘SafeCopy Log’

GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving broken on GHC 7.8.2


I noticed this today when trying to build my blog with GHC 7.8.2

Minimal complete example:

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

import Data.SafeCopy

newtype Foo = Foo Integer
            deriving (SafeCopy)


~/s/acid-test> ghc Broken.hs 
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Broken.hs, Broken.o )

    Could not coerce from ‘Kind Integer’ to ‘Kind Foo’
      because the first type argument of ‘Kind’ has role Nominal,
      but the arguments ‘Integer’ and ‘Foo’ differ
      arising from the coercion of the method ‘kind’ from type
                   ‘Kind Integer’ to type ‘Kind Foo’
    Possible fix:
      use a standalone 'deriving instance' declaration,
        so you can specify the instance context yourself
    When deriving the instance for (SafeCopy Foo)

Using the TH call deriveSafeCopy works fine, but seems to generate instances incompatible with earlier instances derived automatically. Fails with an error: Could not parse saved checkpoint due to the following error: Failed reading: safecopy: Integer: Cannot find getter associated with this version number: Version {unVersion = 5131390}

Any ideas?


Typeable in base 4.7 gives duplicate Proxy type

    Ambiguous occurrence Proxy
    It could refer to either Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy.Proxy,
                             imported from Data.SafeCopy.SafeCopy at src/Data/SafeCopy/Instances.hs:5:1-29
                             (and originally defined at src/Data/SafeCopy/SafeCopy.hs:391:1-20)
                          or Data.Typeable.Proxy,
                             imported from Data.Typeable at src/Data/SafeCopy/Instances.hs:34:1-30
                             (and originally defined in Data.Proxy)

If fixed it with:

import Data.Typeable hiding (Proxy)

We probably need a conditional to support previous versions.

Test suite failure with time- (duplicate instances)

Preprocessing test suite 'instances' for safecopy-0.9.1...
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( test/instances.hs, dist/build/instances/instances-tmp/Main.o )

test/instances.hs:64:1: error:
    Duplicate instance declarations:
      instance Show UniversalTime -- Defined at test/instances.hs:64:1
      instance [safe] Show UniversalTime
        -- Defined in ‘time-’

SafeCopy instance of a parameterized type

There are circumstances where more context is needed on the type parameter when generating a SafeCopy instance from T1 typ. For example, is a module where the IxSet types create a need for Data, Typeable, and Ord. I'm not yet sure what the correct solution is to this issue, but for the moment I've added these superclasses to our version of safecopy.

errorTypeName method has sensible default implementation

Using DefaultSignatures, the errorTypeName method could easily be given the implementation:

    default errorTypeName :: (Typeable a) => Proxy a -> String
    errorTypeName prxy = show (typeRep prxy)

Since all types are Typeable in recent GHC, this would be trivially satisfiable for all types.

Add example where the result is a ByteString

I don't get from the documentation how to use Data.Serialize.encode/decode. I think the introduction example should include the few lines necessary to work with ByteStrings, not only the SafeCopy typeclass.

Unnecessary constraint in generated SafeCopy instance

The Proxy type in Data.Proxy looks like

data Proxy t = Proxy

It has a type parameter t, but no actual data of that type. However, the SafeCopy instance that deriveSafeCopy generates has the unnecessary constraint

instance SafeCopy t => SafeCopy (Proxy t) where...

Interchangable Backends

It would be very nice if safecopy supported interchangable backends - I'd like to use safecopy and it's versioning, but actually store the data in a human-readable format like json, xml, oder whatever.


It would be nice to be able to add SafeCopy instances in libraries without getting inferred Unsafe, even if it means writing the instances by hand (until we have generics).

Is there anything exported from Data.SafeCopy that actually is unsafe? I don't think the TH code is a problem in itself because a downstream consumer would just be unable to use TH with -XSafe anyway.

If there's no objections I'll fire up a pull request adding a conditional Trustworthy claim.

template-haskell constraint for ghc-8.4.1

ghc-8.4.1 comes with template-haskell- but safecopy-0.9.4 depends on template-haskell < 2.13. I installed successfully with cabal install --allow-newer=template-haskell but I haven't run the test-suite to be sure all is ok.

Better error messages

I'm looking at this error message:

ErrorCall (Failed reading: safecopy: Ratio: Cannot find getter associated with this version number: Version {unVersion = 1}

It would be very helpful to know where Ratio is coming from. Keeping a list of the types that have been traversed would be helpful to get a sense of where these problems are occurring.

deriveSafeCopy not working for mutual recursive data-types in GHC 9.2.4

Hi folks, I've just installed GHC 9.2.4 (now that is the recommended versio) and tried to compile one of my projects that is working fine in GHC 8.10.7.

To rule out many details, let's say that I have to define two mutual recursive types TypeA and Type B. With 9.2.4 I get errors that can be abstracted as

Could not deduce (SafeCopy TypeB) ... arising from a use of ‘getSafePut’ ... in
$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''TypeA)

and if I try to swap the order of definitions of TypeA/TypeB I get the dual error message.
Am I missing something new that has to be done with 9.2.4 or is it a bug in deriveSafeCopy?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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