A web framework for building browser based 3D, AR and VR experiences.

Find more examples on the homepage, A Week of A-Frame, and WebVR Directory.
👓 Virtual Reality Made Simple: A-Frame handles the 3D and WebXR
boilerplate required to get running across platforms including mobile, desktop, and all headsets (compatible with a WebXR capable browser) just by dropping in <a-scene>
❤️ Declarative HTML: HTML is easy to read and copy-and-paste. Since A-Frame can be used from HTML, A-Frame is accessible to everyone: web developers, VR and AR enthusiasts, educators, artists, makers, kids.
🔌 Entity-Component Architecture: A-Frame is a powerful framework on top of three.js, providing a declarative, composable, reusable entity-component structure for three.js. While A-Frame can be used from HTML, developers have unlimited access to JavaScript, DOM APIs, three.js, WebXR, and WebGL.
⚡ Performance: A-Frame is a thin framework on top of three.js. Although A-Frame uses the DOM, A-Frame does not touch the browser layout engine. Performance is a top priority, being battle-tested on highly interactive WebXR experiences.
🌐 Cross-Platform: Build VR and AR applications for any headset compatible with a WebXR capable browser. Don't have a headset or controllers? No problem! A-Frame still works on standard desktop and smartphones.
🔍 Visual Inspector: A-Frame provides a built-in visual 3D inspector
with a workflow similar to a browser's developer tools and interface similar to
Unity. Open up any A-Frame scene and hit <ctrl> + <alt> + i
🏃 Features: Hit the ground running with A-Frame's built-in components such as geometries, materials, lights, animations, models, raycasters, shadows, positional audio, tracked controllers. Get even further with community components such as particle systems, physics, multiuser, oceans, mountains, speech recognition, or teleportation!
Build VR and AR scenes in the browser with just a few lines of HTML! To start playing and publishing now, remix the starter example on:
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.6.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
<a-box position="-1 0.5 -3" rotation="0 45 0" color="#4CC3D9"></a-box>
<a-sphere position="0 1.25 -5" radius="1.25" color="#EF2D5E"></a-sphere>
<a-cylinder position="1 0.75 -3" radius="0.5" height="1.5" color="#FFC65D"></a-cylinder>
<a-plane position="0 0 -4" rotation="-90 0 0" width="4" height="4" color="#7BC8A4"></a-plane>
<a-sky color="#ECECEC"></a-sky>
With A-Frame's entity-component architecture, we can drop in community components from the ecosystem (e.g., ocean, physics) and plug them into our objects straight from HTML:
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.6.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@c-frame/[email protected]/dist/aframe-particle-system-component.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/[email protected]/dist/aframe-extras.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fern-solutions/aframe-sky-background/dist/sky-background.umd.min.js"></script>
<a-entity id="rain" particle-system="preset: rain; color: #24CAFF; particleCount: 5000"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="sphere" geometry="primitive: sphere"
material="color: #EFEFEF; shader: flat"
position="0 0.15 -5"
light="type: point; intensity: 5"
animation="property: position; easing: easeInOutQuad; dir: alternate; dur: 1000; to: 0 -0.10 -5; loop: true"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="ocean" ocean="density: 20; width: 50; depth: 50; speed: 4"
material="color: #9CE3F9; opacity: 0.75; metalness: 0; roughness: 1"
rotation="-90 0 0"></a-entity>
<a-sky-background top-color="#EBEBF5" bottom-color="#B9B9D2"></a-sky-background>
<a-entity id="light" light="type: ambient; color: #888"></a-entity>
To use the latest stable build of A-Frame, include aframe.min.js
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.6.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
To check out the stable and master builds, see the dist/
npm install --save aframe
# Or yarn add aframe
import AFRAME from 'aframe'; // e.g., with Webpack or Vite.
git clone https://github.com/aframevr/aframe.git # Clone the repository.
cd aframe && npm install # Install dependencies.
npm start # Start the local development server.
And open in your browser http://localhost:9000.
npm run dist
For questions and support, ask on StackOverflow.
- To hang out with the community, join the A-Frame Slack.
- Follow
A Week of A-Frame
on the A-Frame blog. - Follow @aframevr on Twitter.
- Subscribe to the Newsletter.
And get in touch with the maintainers!
Get involved! Check out the Contributing Guide for how to get started.
You can also support development by buying a gorgeous A-Frame t-shirt with exclusive designs
This program is free software and is distributed under an MIT License.
aframe's People
kustomzone 5y pandahisham mattdesl conqs oceanzou123 fnet123 blombergniklas zjjay solmetricchris jvlstudio matrixy cemkod ngokevin jaytoday expropriator duyet dbas-11 zofuthan kennylisc olachan izyh npc7 wintlu hemel-cse cmpereirasi zhangf911 citms rotosix duataud lighter owenb132 alexrkass imskojs vendorlisy09 mukulkant webmansa henry56575 diamondesign zhangxbin techscientist kevinmel2000 hagiasofiya keyzf wangjiale1027 cygod giszh86 yorkyorkxp mrdavidburns shelmorgan ypwalter devenlu ibeeger yashilanka nasodandev touchx alex-tsai ancchaimongkon kevinschroeder obswork emmairwin mattpolicastro pk8est dmak78 rpboyer15 alblaine dmarcos perceptoscope sergioroja richardhowlett kanhema digitalchaotics wizztjh meikaiyipian arabic58 tomvanleenhove apiaget jerbob92 jcasascas hyper-active novapropaganda honglok jzitelli zuuring caarloshugo aroapp drakon58 ericflo evancisneros k4orta caseyyee maxkrieger dl988 mauricedw22 jrc00 chillee151 dchicurel peroht silky meta-metaaframe's Issues
[text] SDF for crisp fonts
We should generate signed distance fields for crisp font rendering at all magnifications and orientations.
Resolve material URLs from template definition source
How it works today:
<template is="vr-template" name="vr-skysphere" radius="5000" url="default.jpg">
<vr-object geometry="primitive: sphere; segments: 54; radius: ${radius}" material="url: ${url}"></vr-object>
<vr-skysphere position="0 0 0" url="../_images/panos/city.jpg"></vr-skysphere>
How it should work:
<template is="vr-template" name="vr-skysphere" radius="5000" url="../../skysphere/default.jpg">
<vr-object geometry="primitive: sphere; segments: 54; radius: ${radius}" material="url: ${url}"></vr-object>
If a url
is passed from <vr-skysphere>
instance, we use that URL relative to the location of the HTML document. That's what we're today, and that's fine.
But if a url
is not passed and we use the default url
defined in the import source, we should resolve those URLs from the location of the HTML import document.
I'm on the fence about making this change because it's kind of weird and inconsistent from a default vs override passed POV, but it is probably a more sane expected default. Perhaps we could accept some type of basepath
attribute that would change the base root path of any URLs used inside the template definition. Thoughts?
Add build step that bundles templates together
So I don't have to manually add some HTML import. I just drop in the vr-components.js
script, and they're magically there.
https://github.com/polymer/vulcanize is probably the best bet (fastest without HTTP/2) for now.
Cannot rotate vr-skybox
Add a third-party component to contrib
Maybe vr-carpet
Should we call the core compoents core?
We have core components as well in vr-markup
. What about 'standard' components instead of core?
Add cube template
Enables devs to add cubes to their scenes.
Dev can specify:
- Width (default 1)
- Height (default 1)
- Depth (default 1)
Skybox image paths should not be hardcoded
Should somehow pass in the patterns via some attributes on <vr-skybox>
Add 360° video player template
Enables devs to create 360° video players.
Features should be in line with what we had in pre-refactor <vr-video>
and <vr-video360>
components, and with the HTML5 <video>
Dev can specify:
- Video source
- Autoplay boolean
- Looping boolean
- Height
- Width
- Muted boolean
- Controls boolean (shows or hides controls for playback)
Please add anything missing from the above. Looking at the <video>
element spec, I'm not sure how important autobuffer
, crossorigin
, and poster
are, for example.
While the image is loading, nothing is visible. Should look at adding preloaders and/or placeholders in the future.
Allow composed DOM subtrees to be toggled via a `subtree` attribute/component
<vr-box color="green" position="0 2 0" rotation="-45 45 0"></vr-box>
<vr-element name="vr-box">
<vr-object mixin="cube" position="${position}" rotation="${rotation}" material="color: ${color}"></vr-object>
results in this composed (rendered) DOM:
<vr-box color="green">
<vr-object mixin="cube" position="0 2 0" rotation="-45 45 0" color="green"></vr-object>
<vr-element name="vr-box">
<vr-object mixin="cube" position="${position}" rotation="${rotation}" material="color: ${color}"></vr-object>
with shadow DOM, it could be:
<vr-box color="green">
<vr-element name="vr-box">
<vr-object mixin="cube" position="${position}" rotation="${rotation}" material="color: ${color}"></vr-object>
this bug is to toggle the subtree not to use shadow DOM (which requires quite a hefty polyfill for non-Chrome browsers):
<vr-box color="green" subtree="false"></vr-box>
<vr-element name="vr-box">
<vr-object mixin="cube" position="${position}" rotation="${rotation}" material="color: ${color}"></vr-object>
compared with the following:
<vr-box color="green" subtree="true">
<vr-object mixin="cube" position="0 2 0" rotation="-45 45 0" color="green"></vr-object>
<vr-element name="vr-box">
<vr-object mixin="cube" position="${position}" rotation="${rotation}" material="color: ${color}"></vr-object>
Add image template
Enables devs to add images to their scenes.
Feature set is analogous to pre-refactor component. Dev can specify:
- URL of image to load
- Width / height (default is empty, and matches image width/height ratio, with max of 1m)
- Color (default empty (transparent))
- Opacity (default 1)
By default the color is transparent, so that a PNG with transparency will appear comped against the background. When then user specifies a color value, the image instead appears comped against this color.
While the image is loading, nothing is visible (can look at adding preloaders and/or placeholders in the future).
Add instructions to git clone for contributors
`vr-hemispherelight` needs to support `attributeChangedCallback`
In the vr-hemispherelight
component, there's only a createdCallback
, not a attributeChangedCallback
Rename repo, package names, and all `<vr-` to `<a-`
To aframe
? Probably need to rename vr-markup
to like aframe-core
or something.
Also see MozVR/vr-markup#238.
/cc @jcarpenter
[text] word wrapping
I have a very primitive example, but we should take a look at reusing others' previous solutions.
Fix model and obstacle examples by dropping in ImageLoader and ColladaLoader into examples for now
Add linting
Add plane template
Enables devs to add planes to their scenes.
Dev can specify:
- Width (default 1)
- Height (default 1)
Planes render "standing up", that is along the X any Y axes. To lie the plane down, the user must rotate it 90°.
May want to enable users to add segments also. eg:
- Horizontal segments (default 1)
- Vertical segments (default 1)
Make `<vr-template>`'s inject and registerTemplate's `rerender` DRY
Remove old (broken) examples
Fix `ImageUtils` calls in core components to support cross-origin image loading
just need to do this:
THREE.ImageUtils.crossOrigin = '';
Add cylinder template
Enables devs to add cylinders to their scenes.
Dev can specify:
- Radius (default 0.5)
- Height (default 1)
- Radius segments (default 36)
- Height segments (default 4)
- Open ended (determines whether caps are added to the cylinder. Default true)
Position, rotation and scale should be default attributes on instances of templates
Enables a template dev to not have to define position, rotation and scale manually on their template definitions, reducing code bloat and eliminating a big foot gun for developer error.
Enables users of templates to rely on position, rotation and scale always being available, as fundamentals of our system.
Add expand attribute to vr-template
false by default. When set to true it inserts the hidden vr-objects
into the DOM. Simulates collapsing / expanding the shadow DOM.
Support `attributeChangedCallback` for `<vr-video>` and `<vr-video-360>`
And reuse the same <video>
element. Don't keep injecting new ones into the page. 👍
Add grid primitive
Enables the dev to add a grid to their scenes.
Dev can specify:
- Color (default is gray)
- Size (width and height of grid in meters. Default is 10)
- Density (number of horizontal and vertical segments in the grid. Default is 10).
Get npm private account working again
My CC on file with npm changed. I updated with a new card, and npm shows me a success page and says everything's working. But when I go to npm publish
after doing npm login
with the mozvr account, no 🎲.
npm ERR! You need a paid account to perform this action. For more info, visit: https://www.npmjs.com/private-modules (2KB)
Here's a workaround until I hear back from npm support folks:
Simply git pull
both projects and run these two npm link
Add model template
Enables devs to add models to their scenes.
Can specify:
- URL of model
- Scale (default is 1)
- Material (default is to display model's own materials. In future we might want to enable dev to specifying a different material to the template, which is copied to all children of the loaded object)
Most model scales are too large for VR. In the original vr-model
component, the solution was to multiply the user-specified scale with an internal value. This was set to 0.01
. This approach may not be correct, however. We may instead want to evangelize that devs model their scenes in units that work directly with VR's meter scale, without modification (1 to 1).
Can use pre-refactor vr-model
component as one reference: https://github.com/MozVR/vr-components/blob/d455bfbfb60bb048906853f615f5af3431aa5bfb/core/vr-model.js
Add skysphere template
Enables devs to add skies to their scenes.
Dev can specify:
- URL of texture (equirectangular 2:1 will be the best practice)
- Radius (default should be very large (eg 5000) but less than default camera far clipping plane distance)
- Horizontal segments (lower priority. Can provide sane default initially)
- Vertical segments (lower priority. Can provide sane default initially)
- Color
- Effected by fog (boolean, default false)
By default the color is transparent, so that a PNG with transparency will appear comped against the background. When then user specifies a color value, the image instead appears comped against this color. The color is also visible while the image is being loaded, or if an image is not specified.
[text] colors
It would be nice to allow the color to be specified via attribute on the vr-text tag.
Add skybox primitive
Enables devs to add skies to their scenes.
Dev can specify:
- URL of textures
- Radius (default should be very large (eg 5000) but less than default camera far clipping plane distance)
- Segments (number of times skybox box geometry is divided. Am not sure we need this).
- Color
- Effected by fog (boolean, default false)
URL of textures works as follows:
<a-skybox url="images/city/city">
The template then looks inside the directory specified for six images with the city
filename and ending with top
, bottom
, left
, right
, front
, back
, respectively. Am not married to this implementation, but it worked well in the original pre-refactor skybox component.
By default the color is transparent, so that a PNG with transparency will appear comped against the background. When then user specifies a color value, the image instead appears comped against this color. The color is also visible while the image is being loaded, or if an image is not specified.
Determine a way to prevent objects in template code from getting executed
Need to figure out a way to do this:
<p>Hi, my name is ${name}.</p>
var t = document.querySelector('template');
var newHTML = t.innerHTML.replace('${name}', 'seavan'); // This is equivalent to where we do string replacements for variables.
var d = document.createElement('div');
d.innerHTML = newHTML;
Code in <template>
elements is not supposed to get executed (i.e., is not live). But because the <template>
code has to be parsed to do string replacement.
vr-image default geometry size should match loaded image proportions
Enables devs to simply define an image with src and get a nice result. They can then either use scale or size attributes to adjust as desired.
Currently the defaults are:
var width = this.getAttribute('width', 10);
var height = this.getAttribute('height', 10);
We should wait until the image is loaded, derive the dimensions, create the geometry, then add to the scene.
Fix native HTML Imports in Chrome for loading templates
Tried troubleshooting for quite some time but keep experiencing some race condition or something.
Fix `autoplay` + `loop` in video examples
When I did that getAttribute
patch, I made autoplay
default to false
for <vr-video>
+ <vr-video360>
. The examples should at least be autoplay="true"
instead of just autoplay
. Should fix that.
unable to npm start
➜ vr-components git:(master) npm run build
> @mozvr/[email protected] build /Users/Nicholas/mozilla/vr-components
> mkdir -p build && browserify ./index.js -o build/vr-components.js --debug -s 'vr-components' -t browserify-css
Error: Cannot find module '@mozvr/vr-markup' from '/Users/Nicholas/mozilla/vr-components'
at /Users/Nicholas/mozilla/vr-components/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:46:17
at process (/Users/Nicholas/mozilla/vr-components/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:173:43)
at ondir (/Users/Nicholas/mozilla/vr-components/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:188:17)
at load (/Users/Nicholas/mozilla/vr-components/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:69:43)
at onex (/Users/Nicholas/mozilla/vr-components/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:92:31)
at /Users/Nicholas/mozilla/vr-components/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:22:47
at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:95:15)
npm ERR! Darwin 14.5.0
npm ERR! argv "/Users/Nicholas/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7/bin/node" "/Users/Nicholas/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7/bin/npm" "run" "build"
npm ERR! node v0.12.7
npm ERR! npm v2.11.3
npm ERR! @mozvr/[email protected] build: `mkdir -p build && browserify ./index.js -o build/vr-components.js --debug -s 'vr-components' -t browserify-css`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the @mozvr/[email protected] build script 'mkdir -p build && browserify ./index.js -o build/vr-components.js --debug -s 'vr-components' -t browserify-css'.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the @mozvr/vr-components package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! mkdir -p build && browserify ./index.js -o build/vr-components.js --debug -s 'vr-components' -t browserify-css
npm ERR! You can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls @mozvr/vr-components
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /Users/Nicholas/mozilla/vr-components/npm-debug.log
Make VRLoader an actual component
Compenentise VRLoader — and possibly make it a third-party dependency.
Originally MozVR/vr-markup#138
Create video player component
Moved from https://github.com/MozVR/vr-markup/issues/18 in vr-markup repo.
Dynamically loading `ImageLoader` and `ColladaLoader` when needed
PBR images are not getting loaded correctly
MozVR/vr-markup#151 needs to get fixed for this to work correctly (without hacks).
Add sphere template
Enables devs to add cylinders to their scenes.
Dev can specify:
- Radius (default .5)
- Horizontal segments (default 36)
- Height segments (default 18)
Handle nested templates without replacing entire `innerHTML`
Support this use case:
Update budo when new budo@next package is published
It's almost ready:
Document the build system in the README: `build` vs. `dist`
Add sound primitive
Enables devs to add audio to their scenes.
User can specify:
- Source URL
- Position of sound
- Bounding box and falloff (not sure how to articulate this in values)
- Loop / play-once
- User triggered (true/false. If true, sound is played when user enters bounding box)
@nickdesaulniers created a component for this under the original architecture. We may be able to re-use some of that logic?
Is dependent on (or related to?) https://github.com/MozVR/vr-markup/issues/255
Add video player template
Same as #40, but for flat videos, so developer should also be able to specify width and height of the video.
fs-events gets compiled 3 times when running npm i
[email protected] gets compiled 3 seperate times.
[email protected] twice
[email protected] twice
I think there's a way to share/squash deps on semver matches.
Rename `name` attribute to `element` for templates
glsl shaders broke browserify
ngokevin/aframe-core#237 introduced a new browserify transform for .glsl
Because our browserify build isn't using that transform, stuff breaks:
% npm start /opt/vr-components (master)
> @mozvr/[email protected] start /opt/vr-components
> npm run dev
> @mozvr/[email protected] dev /opt/vr-components
> npm run build && budo index.js:build/vr-components.js --debug -v --port 9000 --onupdate 'semistandard -v $(git ls-files '*.js') | snazzy' -- -s 'vr-components' -t browserify-css | garnish -v
> @mozvr/[email protected] build /opt/vr-components
> mkdir -p build/ && npm run browserify -- --debug -o build/vr-components.js
> @mozvr/[email protected] browserify /opt/vr-components
> browserify ./index.js -s 'vr-components' -t browserify-css "--debug" "-o" "build/vr-components.js"
#define PI 3.14159265359
ParseError: Unexpected character '#'
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