Hey there have you heard about my robot friend? He's metal and small and doesn't judge me at all.
Meet AWESOM-0, you're friendly neighborhood IRC bot! Similar to Hubot, AWESOM-0 responds to a variety of commands that are defined in a folder called scripts
L1fescape: AWESOM-0 hi
AWESOM-0: Hi L1fescape!
L1fescape: AWESOM-0 image me cats
AWESOM-0: http://www.rachelkasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/kitten.jpg
L1fescape: AWESOM-0 note Bjorn totally lame.
AWESOM-0: okie dokes!
... some time passes ...
Bjorn: AWESOM-0 notes
AWESOM-0: L1fescape @ about an hour ago: totally lame.
npm install
Create a file called settings.js
(you can copy
from the existing settings.js.sample
Commands can be enabled and disabled by adding or removing them from the commands
From the command line:
node awesom0.js
With forever (note you'll need to install forever globally):
forever start awesom0.js
Using it inside another Nodejs file:
var a = require("./awesom0")
a.init({ commands: ["hi"], botname: "AWESOM0" });
On init, the array of commands we've chosen to enable in settings.js
is looped through by AWSOM-0 and each script is imported. The AWESOM-0 instance is also passed in to each script. This is so that each script can register what regular expression AWESOM-0 should listen to.
The way registration is done is via the respond
function, which takes three params: a regular expression, (optional) how to use the command, and a callback function to run when there is a match in an IRC message.
AWESOM-0 passes an object into the callback of a matched script with the following properties:
: array of the results of runningmatch
on the irc message (this is especially useful when a script needs to read in parameters).from
: the user sending the message.message
: the original message with the bot's name removed.channel
: the channel the message was sent to.
For a good example of all of this, check out the hi script.
If you want to test scripts without connecting to an IRC srever, you're in luck! In settings.js
you can set the value of debug
to true. This will display errors, show messages the irc bot receives, and will print responses triggered by vaious commands. Setting debug mode to true will also define a function called testMsg(msg)
which is an alias for onmessage("TestUser", "#test", msg)
. This makes testing commands a little easier as you don't need to define the user and channel a message was sent from/to every time.
In order to test a script (in this case, the "it's a trap" script), do the following:
$ node
> a = require("./awesom0").init()
> a.printHelp()
//=> Hi I'm AWESOM-0. Here is a list of my available commands:
//=> hi - Send greetings
//=> it's a trap - Display an Admiral Ackbar piece of wonder
//=> image me <term> - Search google for images of <term>
//=> ... more commands ...
> a.testMsg("its a trap")
//=> Message (TestUser via #test): its a trap
> a.testMsg("AWESOM-0 its a trap")
//=> Message (TestUser via #test): AWESOM-0 its a trap
//=> Response (via #test): http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqrrkpAqjf1qiorsyo1_500.jpg
> a.onmessage("AwesomeUser", "#AwesomeChannel", "AWESOM-0 its a trap")
//=> Message (AwesomeUser via #AwesomeChannel): AWESOM-0 its a trap
//=> Response (via #AwesomeChannel): http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5250/5216539895_09f963f448_z.jpg
- Write more tests
- Document using redis
If you have a feature you'd like to add or a gesture you'd like supported, submit an issue through GitHub or better yet, a pull request!
- Hubot - A TON of inspiration. AWESOM-0 initially did things much differently. Just looking at the format of Hubot Scripts got me thinking of how to get something like that to work.
- Node IRC - Super simple, awesome npm package that made writing this bot a breeze. Thanks @martynsmith!
MIT License • © Andrew Kennedy
awesom-0's People
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