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gss's Introduction

Author: Andrew Crites
Contact: [email protected]

GSS (Glorious StyleSheets) is a parser written in Python that translates GSS into minified
CSS for use by web browsers.  GSS can be used to translate css files on the fly, or to create css files
to be used directly.  GSS supports the following features that CSS lacks:

* variables
* inheritance
* nesting
* macros
* functions (built in to the GSS engine, but customized may be written in python)

GSS really is "just another stylesheet parser."  There are more than enough, so why not add one more?

GSS also automatically converts rules requiring vendor prefixes to append those prefixes.  This is maintained
based on an up-to-date list of existing vendor prefixes for corresponding rules.

GSS also focuses on compression, trying to minimize the target css filesize.

GSS attempts to avoid collisions with current and future CSS syntax and should appear almost as a different

GSS avoids the use of keywords in favor of relying specifically on symbols.

==About this document

What follows is a description of key GSS features and how to use GSS.  This works mostly by displaying
examples of GSS with the resulting CSS side-by-side.  The resulting CSS is what would be displayed in
no-compression mode.  GSS compresses CSS completely by default.

==GSS Engine Rules

When compiling a CSS from GSS, you can use the following rules


Minimizes as much as possible.  Mostly, this removes nearly all whitespace, but it uses an algorithm to minimize
selector and rule repition.  Default.


Turn compression off.


Displays warnings with invalid GSS, but tries to recover. Default.


Quits execution on reaching invalid GSS.


Recovers from invalid GSS silently.

==Basic syntax

The basic syntax or GSS is as follows.  If there are any unfamiliar terms, they will be defined later:

    {global-variable variable-value}
    (macro-definition macro-arg=macro-arg-default)
      macro ruleset
         macro-rule-name macro-rule-value
         macro-rule-name {macro-arg}
         macro-rule-calling-global-variable {global-variable}
      macro-global-rule-name macro-global-rule-value
    selector {:name}
      rule-name rule-value
      rule-name-calling-global-variable {global-variable}
      {local-variable variable-value}
      rule-name-calling-local-variable {local-variable}
      (private-rule-name private-rule-value)
      | nested ruleset
         rule-name rule-value
         |! deeply nested ruleset forcefully inheriting parent values
            rule-name rule-value
      |nested ruleset without space links parent and this rule
         rule-name rule-value
         | (private-ruleset)
            rule-name rule-value
      rule-overwriting-inherited-rule value

A "ruleset" is any group of rules.  Rulesets are defined in GSS as selectors or names (selectors can be named).
Any valid CSS selector is a valid GSS selector and defines a ruleset.  Rulesets cannot contain newlines.

A "rule" is a specific style.  Rules in GSS are declared by name <space> value.  Values themselves can contain
spaces.  A rule can be any unbroken word and can contain any value, but it cannot start with a pipe (pipes are
not valid in CSS rule names as it is).  The colon after a rule name to signify the start of rule values
should be omitted as should the semicolon at the end of a rule.  Instead, rules are ended with newlines.

"Cascading" refers to the concept of repeating declarations to override past declarations of the same name.
This is a key concept in CSS, and it applies even moreseo in GSS.  There is no such thing as a naming collision
in GSS, and everything cascades.


GSS can use the standard CSS comment syntax of /* comment */.  // syntax is also allowed, and comments that are
started with a double slash continue to the end of the line.  Comments are omitted from the resulting CSS
in compression mode, but they are left in tact in non-compression mode.  // comments are correctly converted
to the /* */ style.

GSS does not allow you to use comments as stylesheet information.  That is, you cannot escape the slash.


Variable definitions in GSS are done thusly:

    {var-name variable value}

Variables are then deployed thisly:


Braces are used because GSS uses whitespace for its declarations and works independently of braces.  Since CSS
requires braces, there should never be a conflict ($ will potentially conflict with the CSS4 parent selector).

Variable declarations and calls begin with an open brace followed immediately by the variable name (no space).

Variables names can start with and contain any character except a space.
Variable values can contain anything except a closing brace unless it is escaped with a prepending backslash.
A double backslash is interpreted as a backslash, but this does not escape a following closing brace.
You can declare multiple variables on the same line, or each on their own line.  It doesn't matter.

   {valid valid} {also-valid also-valid}
   {valid-too valid-too}

Colons may have a special meaning in variable values.  These are discussed in the function section.  Until you
have covered that section, you may want to avoid colons in variable values as these can have unexpected effects.

If quotes or apostrophes are included in variable values, they will be part of the variable interpolation itself.

    {var-name verdana, "comic sans"}   .ruleset {
    .ruleset                              font-family: verdana, "comic sans";
      font-family {var-name}           }

It is not invalid in GSS to omit a closing quote or apostrophe, so you should be careful to do this as it can
create invalid rules.

    {var-name "no close quote}

This would be invalid in:
    .ruleset                        .ruleset {
      font-family {var-name}           font-family: "no close quote;

This would break the rest of the stylesheet.

Space is NOT stripped from between the first space and the any non-space part of the variable value, or between
such a part and the closing brace.  99% of the time this should be irrelevant, but this causes the CSS to emit
more whitespace than necessary.

   {var-name  var-value }        .ruleset {
   .ruleset                         style:  var-value ;
      style {var-name}           }

This extra space is included irrespective of compression settings.

Deploying a variable that is not yet defined in the cascade results in an error.

The following is also invalid.

    {var-name }

You need to omit any white space when deploying a variable.

===Variable declarations are scoped

    {blue blue}

   .ruleset                         .ruleset {
      {blue red}                       color: red;
      color {blue}                  }

   .other-ruleset                   .other-ruleset {
      color {blue}                     color: blue;

Each ruleset or macro (discussed later) has its own scope.

===Variables interpolate anywhere

   {blue blue}
   {color color}

   .{blue}-banner                   .blue-banner {
      {color} {blue}                   color: blue;

You can deploy a variable at any time in GSS and it will be interpolated in-place.

===Overwrite Variables

You can overwrite variables by cascading.  Variables are updated in the order written

    {blue blue}

    .blue                           .blue {
      color {blue} //blue              color: blue;
    {blue red}

    .red                            .red {
      color {blue} //red               color: red;

===Avoiding interpolation

You should probably never have to include a literal variable name in the stylesheet, but if you want to
prevent a variable from interpolating, prepend a backslash to the deployment call:

    .rule            .rule {
      style \{blue}     style: {blue}

The same works for variable declarations, but note that a variable declaration or deployment would make an invalid
selector in CSS.  You can use a double backslash to emit a single backslash in CSS if it's followed by a brace.

==Named Rulesets

Rulesets can be named.  This is required for inheritance (covered later).  Rules are named with {:rule-name}
syntax. The colon is required and distinguishes a name declaration from a variable deployment.  Rule names
should come at the end of the line of the ruleset or rule.  Names are always in the global scope.

    .ruleset {:name}
       style value

===Using names to group rules without a selector

You may want to group some rules together in a ruleset, but you may not want these rules to apply to a selector
in the final CSS.  Simply omit the selector.

      style value

These will apply all rules defined in the named ruleset when the name is deployed later.  You don't ever have
to deploy the name either, but this may make others wonder why you have it.

===Naming Specific Rules

You can also name rules. This is done by adding the rule name to the end of the line of the rule.  If you want
the value to contain a literal brace-colon-characters for some reason, escape the brace with a backslash as
you would a deployment of a variable.

   .ruleset                            .ruleset {
      style value {:name}                 style: value;
   .ruleset                            }
      style-two value-two \{:name}     .ruleset {
                                          style-two: value-two {:name};


Inheritance is done simply by referencing a named rule in the ruleset

    .rule {:name}                                  .rule {
      style value                                     style: value;
    .other-ruleset                                 }
      :name                                        .other-ruleset {
      other-style other-value                         style: value;
                                                      other-style: other-value;

You can deploy the name with a colon followed by the rule name (similar to a name declaration, but omit the
braces).  All rules tied to the named ruleset are pulled in to the deploying ruleset.

Rules are pulled in when the rule name is deployed.

    .rule {:name}                                  .rule {
      style value                                     style: value;
    .other-ruleset                                 }
      other-style other-value                      .other-ruleset {
      :name                                           other-style: other-value;
                                                      style: value;

Deploying a name that has not been defined in the cascade is an error.

===Overwriting ruleset names

You can overwrite names in the same stylesheet by cascading.

    .ruleset {:name}                               .ruleset {
      style value                                     style: value;
    .other-ruleset                                 .other-ruleset {
      :name //all styles from .ruleset                style: value;
    .some-other-ruleset {:name}                    .some-other-ruleset {
      other-style other-value                         other-style: other-value;
    .some-final-ruleset                            .some-final-ruleset {
      :name //all styles from .some-other-ruleset     other-style: other-value;

===Names are independent of selectors

   .ruleset {:name}
      style value

      other-style other-value

      :name //only inherits styles from .ruleset

Named rulesets are independent of the selector that named them.  Remember that rulesets don't even need a
selector in order to be named.

===Private rules

Rules can be kept to the master ruleset only.  These are called private rules and are surrounded by parentheses.

   .ruleset {:name}                    .ruleset {
      (private-rule private-value)        private-rule: private-value;
      public-rule public-value            public-rule: public-value;
   .other-ruleset                      .other-ruleset {
      :name                               public-rule: public-value;

===Grouping named rulesets

Named rulesets that inherit rulesets can be referenced with all rules in tact.

    .ruleset {:name}                   .rule {
      style value                         style: value;
    .other-ruleset {:other-name}       }
      :name                            .other-ruleset {
      other-style other-value             style: value;
    .final-ruleset                        other-style: other-value;
      :other-name                      }
                                       .final-ruleset {
                                          style: value;
                                          other-style: other-value;

Note that `.final-ruleset` inherits its rules from both .ruleset and .other-ruleset because the latter included
rules from :name.

Rulesets do not require a selector to inherit either.

    {:name}                      .rule {
      style value                   style: value;
    {:other-name}                   other-style: other-value;
      :name                      }
      other-style other-value

===Private Name Deployment

Rules inherited from a name can all be made private by wrapping the name deployment in parentheses as well.  This
is only useful if the ruleset that does this itself is named and is a selector:

    .ruleset {:name}                   .ruleset {
      style value                         style: value;
    .other-ruleset {:other-name}       }
      (:name)                          .other-ruleset {
      other-style other-value             style: value;
    .final-ruleset                        other-style: other-value;
      :other-name                      }
                                       .final-ruleset {
                                          other-style: other-value;

This applies in a similar fashion to declaring rules as private.

You will notice that deploying a name privately is not useful for a selector that is not named nor is it useful
for a name without a selector.  Attempting either of these is an error.


You can create selectors using descendents without having to rewrite ancestors.

   .rule                                  .rule {
      style value                            style: value;
      | .sub-rule                         }
         other-style other-value          .rule .sub-rule {
         | .sub-sub-rule                     other-style: other-value;
            third-style third-value       }
      |.with-rule                         .rule .sub-rule .sub-sub-rule {
         final-style final-value             third-style: third-value;
                                          .rule.with-rule {
                                             final-style: final-value;

The | (pipe) operator indicates that the rule should require the parent rule as an ancestor. Note that
whitespace after the pipe has meaning.

The pipe was chosen to prevent ambiguity with rule declarations and inheritence deployment. It also simplifies
specifying `rule-rule` syntax vs. `rule -rule`.  Finally, the pipe is rarely valid in CSS.

Since most CSS rules are inherited by elements automatically, GSS chooses not to have parent rules applied
to nested rulesets by default.  These rules can be applied with a small syntactic change described later.

Note that you can use any valid CSS selector after  the pipe (or anything, but if it's not valid CSS
it won't work properly)

    .rule                                 .rule {
      style value                            style: value;
      | > .sub-rule                       }
         other-style other-value          .rule > .sub-rule {
                                             other-style: other-value;

Note that sub rulesets can also be named.  Remember that names are global, and also remember that the name
is irrespective of the selectors involved.  Only the rules themselves are applied to the name.

Finally, a selector is required for nesting.  It is invalid to try to nest with a name only.

===Creating multiple nested rulesets with multiple pipes per selector

The pipe is not a valid character in CSS selectors, so GSS uses it freely to save some space.

    .rule                                 /* All three equivalent in CSS */
      | .sub-rule|.with-rule              .rule .sub-rule {
         style value                         style: value;
    .rule                                 .rule.with-rule {
      | .sub-rule                            style: value;
         style value                      }
         style value

      | .sub-rule {:name}
         style value

Note that white space before and after rule declarations in the pipe matters, which is why it is written as
`.sub-rule|.with-rule` as opposed to `.sub-rule |.with-rule`.  It wouldn't matter in this instance, but if
a rule was nested under `.sub-rule`, it could.

===Using commas in nested rulesets

Sub Ruleset declarations with commas can be used to apply rules to selectors irrespective of the parent in the

    .rule                                 .rule .sub-rule, .other-sub-rule {
      | .sub-rule, .other-rule               style: value;
         style value                      }

Beware when using this feature, because it implies that `.other-rule` is somehow nested with `.rule`, but it
isn't.  This also has a direct impact on rules that are nested in the sub rule in this case.  This is described
in detail later on, which may also answer the question as to why this choice was made.

In order to avoid ambiguity, it is preferable to use names.

    .rule                                 * SAME AS ABOVE *
      | .sub-rule {:name}
         style value

This has the same affect, but it does not incorrectly imply that the `.rule` and `.other-rule` selectors are

Just remember to consider that the pipe is expanded to the parent selector (all parent selectors in multiple

    .rule                                    .rule .sub-rule, .other-sub-rule, .rule.with-rule {
      | .sub-rule, .other-rule|.with-rule       style: value;
         style value                         }

===Inheriting specific rules

As in CSS, the same selector may be used multiple times. Each selector declaration represents a different ruleset,
and each can have a different name.
Remember: rules from rulesets are applied to names.  Names are not tied to selectors themselves.

    .rule {:name}
      style value
      unnamed-style unnamed-value
    .rule {:other-name}
      other-style other-value

All rules declared for this ruleset will be applied to the selector.  However, you can inheret each set of
rules independently.  You can use this to group rules.

    .rule {:name}                         .rule {
      style value                            style: value;
    .rule                                    unnamed-style: unnamed-value;
      unnamed-style unnamed-value            other-style: other-value;
    .rule {:other-name}                   }
      other-style other-value             .other-rule {
    .other-rule                              style: value;
      :name                               }
    .third-rule                           .third-rule {
      :other-name                            other-style: other-value;
    .final-rule                           }
      :name                               .final-rule {
      :other-name                            style: value;
                                             other-style: other-value;

You can also specify which rules to inherit using the name and the rule's name or declaration.

    .rule {:name}          .rule {
      style value {:rule}     style: value;
      style-two value-two     style-two: value-two;
    .other-rule            }
      :name style          .other-rule {
    .final-rule               style: value;
      :name :rule          }
                           .final-rule {
                              style: value;

===Overwriting selectors in cascade does not affect names

    .rule {:name}             .rule {
      style value                style: other-value;
    .rule                     }
      style other-value       .other-rule {
    .other-rule                  style: value;
      :name                   }

The rules of the original name are still applied.  If you want the rules for the name to be overwritten,
you must apply the name again.

Remember: names function independently of selectors.  This section just reiterates that.

===Adding more rules to a name

You can add more rules to a name by declaring that name within a ruleset that deploys it.

    .rule                              .rule {
      style value {:name}                 style: value;
    {:name}                            }
      :name                            .other-rule {
      more-style more-value               style: value;
    {:name}                               more-style: more-value;
      :name                               final-style final-value;
      final-style final-value          }

New rules are applied via the cascade.

If you want to append rules to a name, be careful to deploy the name in the ruleset.  If you do not do this,
the name is overwritten by the new ruleset in the cascade instead.

===Easily forcing rule inheritence in nesting

Sometimes you want to nest and also inherit rules.

    .rule                                 .rule {
      style value                            style: value;
      force-rule force-value                 force-rule: force-value;
      | .sub-rule                         }
         !force-rule                      .rule .sub-rule {
                                             force-rule: force-value;

You can also force a rule by its name.  This is not special forcing syntax, but simply default name
deployment syntax.  It is merely noted here as a reminder.

    .rule                                       *SAME AS ABOVE*
      style value
      force-rule force-value {:force-me}
      | .sub-rule

This can also be applied more easily to rulesets if there are multiple rules

    .rule {:name}                .rule {
      style value                   style: value;
      other-rule other-value        other-rule: other-value;
    .rule                        }
      | .sub-rule                .rule .sub-rule {
         :name                      style: value;
                                    other-rule: other-value;

Notice that the ruleset is named separately.  Not doing so would induce recursion (discussed later).

Finally, you can force all rules from all parents easily with a simple operator.

    .rule                                 .rule {
      style value                            style: value;
      |! .sub-rule                        }
         other-style other-value          .rule .sub-rule {
                                             style: value;
                                             other-style: other-value;

The force operator is `|!` (not `| !` or a variant).

The force operator only works in the immediate parent.  If you want to inherit rules from two parents up (or
higher), without the immediate parent inheriting a the rules, you must use names or simply rewrite the rules.

    .rule                              .rule {
      style value {:name}                 style: value;
      | sub-rule                       }
         sub-style sub-value           .rule .sub-rule {
         |! sub-sub-rule                  sub-style: sub-value;
            :name                      }
         |! alternate-sub-sub-rule     .sub-sub-rule {
            style value                   sub-style: sub-value;
                                          style: value;
                                       .alternate-sub-sub-rule {
                                          sub-style: sub-value;
                                          style: value;

As implied above, forced inheritence will cascade to sub rulesets.

    .rule                              .rule {
      style value                         style: value;
      |! sub-rule                      }
         |! sub-sub-rule               .rule .sub-rule {
                                          style: value;
                                       .rule .sub-rule .sub-sub-rule {
                                          style: value;

Note that the default of many css rules is to inherit them, so using the force operator in nesting should not
be necessary the majority of the time.

===Sub rulesets are applied to comma-separated parents independently

    .rule, .other-rule     .rule .sub-rule, .other-rule .sub-rule {
      | .sub-rule             style: value;
         style value       }

As described above, a comma used in a sub-rule does not have its parents applied, so beware of this.  If you
want the parents applied, you need to use a pipe.  Compare

   .rule, .other-rule                  .rule .sub-rule, .other-rule .sub-rule, .other-sub-rule {
      | .sub-rule, .other-sub-rule        style: value;
         style value                   }


    .rule, .other-rule                 .rule .sub-rule, .rule .other-sub-rule {
      | .sub-rule| .other-sub-rule        style: value;
         style value                   }
                                       .other-rule .sub-rule, .other-rule .other-sub-rule {
                                          style: value;

Comma rules for parents also apply to parents that are themselves nested.

    .rule, .other-rule                 .rule .sub-rule .sub-sub-rule, .other-rule .sub-rule .sub-sub-rule {
      | .sub-rule, .other-sub-rule        style: value;
         | .sub-sub-rule               }
            style value                .other-sub-rule .sub-sub-rule {
                                          style: value;

Here is where using a comma instead of a pipe in a nested selector directly affects the stylesheet.
`.other-sub-rule` gets to use the other nested selectors in its nesting, and it is treated like a master selector.

==Inheriting Nested Rules

Inheritance applies to nested rules

   .rule {:name}                    .rule {
      style value                      style: value;
      | .sub-rule                   }
         other-style other-value    .rule .sub-rule {
   .other-rule                         other-style: other-value;
      :name                         }
                                    .other-rule {
                                       style: value;
                                    .other-rule .sub-rule {
                                       other-style: other-value;

Rules on privacy also apply with inheritence

    .rule {:name}                      .rule {
      (style value)                       style: value;
      other-style other-value             other-style: other-value;
      |! .sub-rule                     }
         third-style third-value       .rule .sub-rule {
      | .other-sub-rule                   other-style: other-value;
         final-style final-value          third-style: third-value;
      :name                            .rule .other-sub-rule {
                                          final-style: final-value;
                                       .other-rule {
                                          other-style: other-value;
                                       .other-rule .sub-rule {
                                          other-style: other-value;
                                          third-style: third-value;
                                       .other-rule .other-sub-rule {
                                          final-style: final-value;

When a name is deployed, you can consider the selector (if any) that is deploying to be the pipe in the
expansion of the rules.  Remember that comma-separated selectors in nested rules don't apply, so you can
consider the comma to have no effect on a named rule at all.  This is especially true of comma separation
in the master selector because, as has been said, naming applies to the ruleset, not the selector.

    .rule, .other-rule {:name}         .rule .sub-rule, .other-rule .sub-rule, .other-sub-rule {
      | .sub-rule, .other-sub-rule        style: value;
         style value                   }
    .calling-rule                      .calling-rule .sub-rule {
      :name                               style: value;

Note that `.other-sub-rule` and `.calling-rule` are irrelated.

===Private Sub Rulesets

Sub rulesets can also be marked as private with parentheses:

    .rule {:name}                      .rule {
      style value                         style: value;
      |( .sub-rule)                    }
         other-style other-value       .sub-rule {
    .other-rule                           style: value
      :name                               other-style: other-value
                                       .other-rule {
                                          style: value;

Notice that there is no `.other-rule .sub-rule` ruleset even after the name deployment.

The parentheses must wrap all selectors to be made privateseparated by pipes.  The paren themselves can close
over the pipes, and these will be treated as independent, private nested selectors, but it is also valid to wrap
each pipe-separated selector in its own set of parentheses.  Commas are not allowed in parentheses.  It would
not make sense to wrap a comma-separated nested master selector.  No characters, whitespace included, are allowed
between the parentheses and the pipes.  All whitespace inside the selectors applies.

    .rule {:name}                                                 .rule {
      style value                                                    style: value;
      |( .sub-rule|.with-rule)| .inherited-rule, .other-rule    }
         other-style other-value                                  .rule .sub-rule, .rule.with-rule {
   .inheriting-rule                                                  other-style: other-value;
      :name                                                       }
                                                                  .rule .inherited-rule, .other-rule {
                                                                     other-style: other-value;
                                                                  .inheriting-rule {
                                                                     style: value;
                                                                  .inheriting-rule .inherited-rule {
                                                                     other-style: other-value;

The following would have the same effect.

    .rule {:name}
      style value
      |( .sub-rule)|(.with-rule)| .inherited-rule, .other-rule
         other-style other-value

You could also declare `.with-rule` after `.inherited-rule`.  If you wanted to have `.other-rule` and keep all
other declarations private, you would have to have `|,` because nothing is allowed between paren and the pipes
(so `),` would not be allowed).  GSS throws out empty selectors.


It is possible to recur declarations by having a nested ruleset call its parent in the same declaration

    .rule {:name}       .rule {
      style value          style: value;
      | .sub-rule       }
         :name          .rule .sub-rule {
                           style: value;
                        .rule .sub-rule .sub-rule {
                           style: value;

Notice that `.sub-rule` is applied as a child to itself.

Recursion is unlikely to have an effect depending upon the selectors you are using, but it may be undesirable.
You can avoid it by naming a ruleset separately from its nested rules, or you can declare the nested selector
as private (but then it won't be part of the name).

    .rule {:name}       .rule {
      style value          style: value;
      |( .sub-rule)     }
         :name          .rule .sub-rule {
                           style: value;

`.sub-rule` does not inherit `.sub-rule` from `:name`.

Remember that you can inherit all rules from an immediate parent with the |! operator.  It should be very rare
that you have to call a parent's name in a nested selector that is part of the name ruleset.

===Named ruleset clumping

You can apply a name to multiple rules in a ruleset.

    .rule                                 .rule {
      {:name}                                style: value;
         style value                         other-style: other-value;
         other-style other-value             third-style: third-value;
      {:other-name}                          final-style: final-value;
         third-style third-value          }
      final-style final-value             .other-rule {
    .other-rule                              style: value;
      :name                                  other-style: other-value;
    .final-rule                           }
      :other-name                         .final-rule {
                                             third-style: third-value;

You can also nest names, but parent and child names ignore each other.  This is not true nesting.

    .rule                                 .rule {
      {:name}                                style: value;
         style value                         other-style: other-value;
         {:other-name}                    }
            other-style other-value       .other-rule {
    .other-rule                              style: value;
      :name                                  other-style: other-value;
    .final-rule                           }
      :other-name                         .final-rule {
                                             other-style: other-value;

Remember that selectors are required for nesting.  It would be invalid to declare a nested selector under a
clumping name in a ruleset.  The following is invalid GSS.


Omitting the pipe is valid, but `.sub-rule` would then be treated as a rule, not a nested selector.

Selectors are not required for clumping.

==Multiple inheritence

You can inherit from multiple rulesets.  Simploy deploy the name of the ruleset you want on each
line.  If a name inherits rules via name deployment, those rules will also be applied when the name
is deployed.

    .rule {:name}                   .rule {
      style value                      style: value;
    .other-rule {:other-name}       }
      :name                         .other-rule {
      other-style other-value          style: value;
    .third-rule                        other-style: other-value;
      :other-name                   }
    .fourth-rule {:final-name}      .third-rule {
      final-style final-value          style: value;
    .fifth-rule                        other-style: other-value;
      :name                         }
      :final-name                   .fourth-rule {
    .final-rule                        final-style final-value
      :other-name                   }
      :final-name                   .fifth-rule {
                                       style: value;
                                       final-style: final-value;
                                    .final-rule {
                                       style: rule;
                                       other-style: other-value;
                                       final-style: final-value;

Notice that `.final-rule` inherits all rules described even though it only deploys two of three names.
This is because `:other-name` inherited the rules of `:name` by deploying `:name` itself.

==Canceling inherited rules

Once a rule has been inherited, you cannot cancel it directly.  Instead, you have to override it in the
cascade.  Be careful about what rules you define in names and which names you deploy.  Try to keep your names
as finely grained as possible (or is reasonable for your application).

==Taking advantage of the cascade

Cascading still applies in GSS just as it would in CSS.  You should take advantage of this when appropriate, as
it may obviate the need for cancelation in many places:

    .rule {:name}                   .rule {
      style value                      style: value;
      other-style other-value          other-style: other-value;
    .other-rule                     }
      :name                         .other-rule {
      style other-value                other-style: other-value;
                                       style: other-value;

Notice that `.other-rule` overwrites the `style` rule it inherited from the `:name` name.  Order matters with
name deployment as well.  If the name were deployed first, the inherited `style` rule would overwrite the
rule declared specifically in the `.other-rule` ruleset.


You can create and call macros for rules.  Macros must be declared in the global scope because of a possible
syntax collision with private rulesets syntax (private rulesets can never be in the global scope).
This choice was made because scoped macros would probably not be very helpful.

    (macro-name arg1 arg2)          .rule {
      rule-left {arg1}                 rule-left: 10px;
      rule-right {arg2}                rule-right: 10px;
    .rule                           }
      macro-name(10px 10px)

Macros are called with macro-name(<args>).  There must not be a space between the macro name and the paren.
Otherwise, it will be treated as a rule.

Macros can only be called in rulesets.  They can be called at any level of nesting, and they will apply to
the current nest level.

Macros also work with the cascade.  This requires them to be declared before they are used.  A call to an
undefined macro is an error.

Note that arguments to macros become variables in the scope of the macro.

Macro arguments are separated by a space.  If you want to include a space in an argument value, you must
escape the space (\ ). Wrapping spaces in quotes does not have this effect.

Note that argument values with quotes include the quotes as part of the value.

You cannot use macros in rule values as this can collide with css rules:

   .rule                            .rule {
      background-image url(link)       background-image: url(link);

url() will not call a macro and is safe to use for the value.

Macros must define rulesets and only rulesets (the macro itself can be considered a ruleset name).  This aligns
with the philosophy that macros cannot be used for rule values.

Macro rulesets require selectors.  Name declarations are illegal inside of macros (but name deployments are
okay).  Global variables can be used in macros too, but take care to avoid collision with argument names.

===Default argument values

You can declare default values for macro arguments with the = operator

    (macro-name arg1=10px)       .rule {
      left {arg1}                   left: 20px;
    .rule                        }
      macro-name(20px)           .other-rule {
    .other-rule                     left: 10px;
      macro-name()               }

You can include = in an argument value if you want without escaping it.  Only spaces and close parent require
backslash escaping to prevent ambiguity of multiple arguments or the end of the macro declaration.

===Overriding macros

You can override a previously declared macro using the cascade.

    (macro)                .rule {
      left 10px               left: 10px;
    .rule                  }
      macro()              .other-rule {
    (macro)                   right: 10px;
      right 10px           }

===Using parameter names to change argument order

You can reference parameter names to specify arguments in any order:

    (macro left right)                 .rule {
      left {left}                         left: left;
      right {right}                       right: right;
    .rule                              }
      macro(right=right left=left)

===Macros calling macros

Macros can also call macros

    (macro-top)         .rule {
      top 50px             top: 50px;
    (macro-fixed)          position: fixed;
      macro-top()       }
      position fixed

The same rules for macro calling apply when they are called in macros as when they are called in any other

===Macros containing rulesets

Macros can also contain entire rulesets with selectors.  These rulesets are nested with the caller as the parent.

     (macro)                         .master {
       .rule, .other-rule               style: value;
         other-style other-value     }
     .master                         .master .rule, .master .other-rule {
      style value                       other-style: other-value;
      macro()                        }

Note that rules with commas are handled differently than nested rules.  Every comma-separated rule in the macro
is treated as a nested rule of the caller.

Rulesets in macros can also be nested with the pipe.

     (macro)                                    .master .rule, .master .other-rule {
      .rule, .other-rule                           style: value;
         style value                            }
         | .nested-rule, .nested-outer-rule     .master .rule .nested-rule, .master .other-rule .nested-rule {
            nested-style nested-value              nested-style: nested-value;
     .master                                    }
       macro()                                  .master .nested-outer-rule {
                                                   nested-style: nested-value;

Note that `.nested-outer-rule`, using the comma, is not nested by `.rule` or `.other-rule`, but it is nested by
the macro caller.  When a macro is called, you can consider all comma-separated selectors to be nested under
the calling ruleset.

==Predefined functions

GSS comes with many predefined functions that use Python code to calculate some value based on passed arguments.

      color darken: blue 50%

Because GSS rules do not require colons, functions are called with colons to prevent possible collisions with
CSS syntax.  As with macros, arguments are separated by spaces.  The space after the colon is optional.

Functions can only be called in variable declarations (next section) or as rule values.  If you have syntax
that would look like a function call in another context, it will be treated as a selector or a rule as is
appropriate to the situation

===Writing function values to variables

This is simple:

    {darkblue darken: blue 50%}  // {darkblue} has a value of 00007F

If you want to use an actual colon in the variable value, it must be escaped with a backslash.

    {darkblue darken\: blue 50%}  // {darkblue} has a value of darken\: blue 50%

Functions are still called when wrapped in quotes.  GSS does not have any concept of string literals.

    {darkblue "darken: blue 50%"}  // {darkblue} has a value of "00007F", quotes included.

Note that the colon only needs to be escaped if there is ambiguity about a function name.  Function names must
be valid python function names. This is not particularly useful, since colons are used only as rule-value
separator in CSS, and GSS handles this automatically.

===Creating your own functions

You can add custom functions to GSS by updating the GSS::GssCustomFunctions class.

===Limiting arguments to functions

You can wrap function arguments in parentheses:

      rule darken: (blue 50%) more-value

In this case, `more-value` does not become an argument to the function.

==Dash rules

You can use a - (dash) at the end of a rule declaration to create sub rules.  This can be done for anything,
even if the CSS rules that are created do not exist in the W3C spec, so use it wisely.

   .rule             .rule {
      margin-           margin-top: 5px;
         top 5px        margin-bottom: 6px;
         bottom 6px     margin-right: 7px;
         right 7px      margin-left: 8px;
         left 8px    }
   .invalid-rule     .invalid-rule {
      margi-            margi-n-top: tpx;
         n-top tpx   }

===Dash rules can also be named.

This is different from naming a selector rule in that the dash part of the rule is prepended even when the
name is deployed.

    .rule               .rule {
       font- {:name}       font-weight: bold;
         weight bold       font-size: 9pt;
         size 9pt       }
    .other-rule         .other-rule {
      :name                font-weight: bold;
                           font-size: 9pt;

===Inheriting all dash rules with the rule name

You can specify the rule name with or without the dash (it's optional) as part of the name to inerhit it

   .rule {:name}        .rule {
      margin-              margin-left: 5px;
         left 5px          margin-right: 5px;
         right 5px         padding-left: 5px;
      padding-             padding-right: 5px;
         left 5px       }
         right 5px      .other-rule {
   .other-rule             margin-left: 5px;
      :name margin-        margin-right: 5px;
   .final-rule          }
      :name padding     .final-rule {
                           padding-left: 5px;
                           padding-right: 5px;

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