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readable-stream's Introduction


Stability: 1 - Experimental

A new kind of readable streams for Node.js

This is an abstract class designed to be extended. It also provides a wrap method that you can use to provide the simpler readable API for streams that have the "readable stream" interface of Node 0.8 and before.

Note that Duplex, Transform, Writable, and PassThrough streams are also provided as base classes. See the full API details below.


Writable streams in node are relatively straightforward to use and extend. The write method either returns false if you would like the user to back off a bit, in which case a drain event at some point in the future will let them continue writing, or anything other than false if the bytes could be completely handled and another write should be performed, or The end() method lets the user indicate that no more bytes will be written. That's pretty much the entire required interface for writing.

However, readable streams in Node 0.8 and before are rather complicated.

  1. The data events start coming right away, no matter what. There is no way to do other actions before consuming data, without handling buffering yourself.
  2. If you extend the interface in userland programs, then you must implement pause() and resume() methods, and take care of buffering yourself.
  3. In many streams, pause() was purely advisory, so even while paused, you still have to be careful that you might get some data. This caused a lot of subtle b ugs.

So, while writers only have to implement write(), end(), and drain, readers have to implement (at minimum):

  • pause() method
  • resume() method
  • data event
  • end event

And read consumers had to always be prepared for their backpressure advice to simply be ignored.

If you are using a readable stream, and want to just get the first 10 bytes, make a decision, and then pass the rest off to somewhere else, then you have to handle buffering, pausing, slicing, and so on. This is all rather brittle and easy to get wrong for all but the most trivial use cases.

Additionally, this all made the reader.pipe(writer) method unnecessarily complicated and difficult to extend without breaking something. Backpressure and error handling is especially challenging and brittle.


The reader does not have pause/resume methods. If you want to consume the bytes, you call read(). If bytes are not being consumed, then effectively the stream is in a paused state. It exerts backpressure on upstream connections, doesn't read from files, etc. Any data that was already in the process of being read will be placed in a buffer.

If read() returns null, then a future readable event will be fired when there are more bytes ready to be consumed.

This is simpler and conceptually closer to the underlying mechanisms. The resulting pipe() method is much shorter and simpler. The problems of data events happening while paused are alleviated.


It's not particularly difficult to wrap old-style streams in this new interface, or to wrap this type of stream in the old-style interface.

The Readable class provides a wrap(oldStream) method that takes an argument which is an old-style stream with data events and pause() and resume() methods, and uses that as the data source. For example:

var r = new Readable();

// now you can use, and it will emit 'readable' events
// but the data is based on whatever oldReadableStream spits out of
// its 'data' events.

In order to work with programs that use the old interface, some magic is unfortunately required. At some point in the future, this magic will be removed.

The Readable class will automatically convert into an old-style data-emitting stream if any listeners are added to the data event. So, this works fine, though you of course lose a lot of the benefits of the new interface:

var r = new ReadableThing();

r.on('data', function(chunk) {
  // ...
  // magic is happening!  oh no!  the animals are walking upright!
  // the brooms are sweeping the floors all by themselves!

// this will also turn on magic-mode:

// now pause, resume, etc. are patched into place, and r will
// continually call read() until it returns null, emitting the
// returned chunks in 'data' events.

r.on('end', function() {
  // ...

Class: Readable

A base class for implementing Readable streams. Override the _read(n) method to fetch data asynchronously and take advantage of the buffering built into the Readable class.


Extend the Readable class, and provide a _read(n) implementation method.

var Readable = require('readable-stream');
var util = require('util');

util.inherits(MyReadable, Readable);

function MyReadable(options) {, options);

MyReadable.prototype._read = function(n) {
  // your magic goes here.
  // call push() at some time in the future with some data.
  // The code in the Readable class will call this to keep an internal
  // buffer at a healthy level, as the user calls var
  // to consume chunks.

var r = new MyReadable();

r.on('end', function() {
  // no more bytes will be provided.

r.on('readable', function() {
  // now is the time to call read() again.

// to get some bytes out of it:
var data =;
// now data is either null, or a buffer of optionalLengthArgument
// length.  If you don't provide an argument, then it returns whatever
// it has.

// typically you'd just r.pipe() into some writable stream, but you
// can of course do stuff like this, as well:
function flow() {
  var chunk;
  while (null !== (chunk = {
  r.once('readable', flow);

new Readable(options)

  • options {Object}
    • lowWaterMark {Number} The minimum number of bytes before the stream is considered 'readable'. Default = 0
    • bufferSize {Number} The number of bytes to try to read from the underlying _read function. Default = 16 * 1024

Make sure to call the Readable constructor in your extension classes, or else the stream will not be properly initialized.[size])

  • size {Number} Optional number of bytes to read. If not provided, then return however many bytes are available.
  • Returns: {Buffer | null}

Pulls the requested number of bytes out of the internal buffer. If that many bytes are not available, then it returns null.


  • size {Number} Number of bytes to read from the underlying asynchronous data source.

Note: This function is not implemented in the Readable base class. Rather, it is up to you to implement _read in your extension classes.

_read should fetch the specified number of bytes, and call this.push(data), where data is the returned data.

This method is prefixed with an underscore because it is internal to the class that defines it, and should not be called directly by user programs. However, you are expected to override this method in your own extension classes.

The size argument is purely advisory. You may call push() with more or fewer bytes. However, if you call push() with null, or an empty buffer, then it will assume that the end of the data was reached.


  • destination {Writable Stream object}

Continually read() data out of the readable stream, and write() it into the writable stream. When the writable.write(chunk) call returns false, then it will back off until the next drain event, to do backpressure.

Piping to multiple destinations is supported. The slowest destination stream will limit the speed of the pipe() flow.

Note that this puts the readable stream into a state where not very much can be done with it. You can no longer read() from the stream in other code, without upsetting the pipe() process. However, since multiple pipe destinations are supported, you can always create a PassThrough stream, and pipe the reader to that. For example:

var r = new ReadableWhatever();
var pt = new PassThrough();


// now I can call to my heart's content.
// note that if I *don't* call, then it'll back up and
// prevent the pipe() from flowing!


  • destination {Writable Stream object} Optional

Remove the provided destination stream from the pipe flow. If no argument is provided, then it will unhook all piped destinations.


An event that signals more data is now available to be read from the stream. Emitted when more data arrives, after previously calling read() and getting a null result.


An event that signals that no more data will ever be available on this stream. It's over.


  • {Object}

An object that tracks the state of the stream. Buffer information, whether or not it has reached the end of the underlying data source, etc., are all tracked on this object.

You are strongly encouraged not to modify this in any way, but it is often useful to read from.

Class: Writable

A base class for creating Writable streams. Similar to Readable, you can create child classes by overriding the asynchronous _write(chunk,cb) method, and it will take care of buffering, backpressure, and so on.

new Writable(options)

  • options {Object}
    • highWaterMark {Number} The number of bytes to store up before it starts returning false from write() calls. Default = 16 * 1024
    • lowWaterMark {Number} The number of bytes that the buffer must get down to before it emits drain. Default = 1024

Make sure to call the Writable constructor in your extension classes, or else the stream will not be properly initialized.

writable.write(chunk, [encoding])

  • chunk {Buffer | String}
  • encoding {String} An encoding argument to turn the string chunk into a buffer. Only relevant if chunk is a string. Default = 'utf8'.
  • Returns false if you should not write until the next drain event, or some other value otherwise.

The basic write function.

writable._write(chunk, callback)

  • chunk {Buffer}
  • callback {Function}
    • error {Error | null} Call with an error object as the first argument to indicate that the write() failed for unfixable reasons.

Note: This function is not implemented in the Writable base class. Rather, it is up to you to implement _write in your extension classes.

_write should do whatever has to be done in this specific Writable class, to handle the bytes being written. Write to a file, send along a socket, encrypt as an mp3, whatever needs to be done. Do your I/O asynchronously, and call the callback when it's complete.

This method is prefixed with an underscore because it is internal to the class that defines it, and should not be called directly by user programs. However, you are expected to override this method in your own extension classes.

writable.end([chunk], [encoding])

  • chunk {Buffer | String}
  • encoding {String}

If a chunk (and, optionally, an encoding) are provided, then that chunk is first passed to this.write(chunk, encoding).

This method is a way to signal to the writable stream that you will not be writing any more data. It should be called exactly once for every writable stream.

Calling write() after calling end() will trigger an error.

writable.on('pipe', source)

Emitted when calling source.pipe(writable). See above for the description of the readable.pipe() method.

writable.on('unpipe', source)

Emitted when calling source.unpipe(writable). See above for the description of the readable.unpipe() method.


If a call to writable.write() returns false, then at some point in the future, this event will tell you to start writing again.


When the stream has been ended, and all the data in its internal buffer has been consumed, then it emits a finish event to let you know that it's completely done.

This is particularly handy if you want to know when it is safe to shut down a socket or close a file descriptor. At this time, the writable stream may be safely disposed. Its mission in life has been accomplished.

Class: Duplex

A base class for Duplex streams (ie, streams that are both readable and writable).

Since JS doesn't have multiple prototypal inheritance, this class prototypally inherits from Readable, and then parasitically from Writable. It is thus up to the user to implement both the lowlevel _read(n) method as well as the lowlevel _write(chunk,cb) method on extension duplex classes.

For cases where the written data is transformed into the output, it may be simpler to use the Transform class instead.

new Duplex(options)

  • options {Object} Passed to both the Writable and Readable constructors.

Make sure to call the Duplex constructor in your extension classes, or else the stream will not be properly initialized.

If options.allowHalfOpen is set to the value false, then the stream will automatically end the readable side when the writable side ends, and vice versa.


  • {Boolean} Default = true

Set this flag to either true or false to determine whether or not to automatically close the writable side when the readable side ends, and vice versa.

Class: Transform

A duplex (ie, both readable and writable) stream that is designed to make it easy to implement transform operations such as encryption, decryption, compression, and so on.

Transform streams are instanceof Readable, but they have all of the methods and properties of both Readable and Writable streams. See above for the list of events and methods that Transform inherits from Writable and Readable.

Override the _transform(chunk, outputFunction, callback) method in your implementation classes to take advantage of it.

new Transform(options)

  • options {Object} Passed to both the Writable and Readable constructors.

Make sure to call the Transform constructor in your extension classes, or else the stream will not be properly initialized.

transform._transform(chunk, outputFn, callback)

  • chunk {Buffer} The chunk to be transformed.
  • outputFn {Function} Call this function with any output data to be passed to the readable interface.
  • callback {Function} Call this function (optionally with an error argument) when you are done processing the supplied chunk.

Note: This function is not implemented in the Transform base class. Rather, it is up to you to implement _transform in your extension classes.

_transform should do whatever has to be done in this specific Transform class, to handle the bytes being written, and pass them off to the readable portion of the interface. Do asynchronous I/O, process things, and so on.

Call the callback function only when the current chunk is completely consumed. Note that this may mean that you call the outputFn zero or more times, depending on how much data you want to output as a result of this chunk.

This method is prefixed with an underscore because it is internal to the class that defines it, and should not be called directly by user programs. However, you are expected to override this method in your own extension classes.

transform._flush(outputFn, callback)

  • outputFn {Function} Call this function with any output data to be passed to the readable interface.
  • callback {Function} Call this function (optionally with an error argument) when you are done flushing any remaining data.

Note: This function is not implemented in the Transform base class. Rather, it is up to you to implement _flush in your extension classes optionally, if it applies to your use case.

In some cases, your transform operation may need to emit a bit more data at the end of the stream. For example, a Zlib compression stream will store up some internal state so that it can optimally compress the output. At the end, however, it needs to do the best it can with what is left, so that the data will be complete.

In those cases, you can implement a _flush method, which will be called at the very end, after all the written data is consumed, but before emitting end to signal the end of the readable side. Just like with _transform, call outputFn zero or more times, as appropriate, and call callback when the flush operation is complete.

This method is prefixed with an underscore because it is internal to the class that defines it, and should not be called directly by user programs. However, you are expected to override this method in your own extension classes.

Class: PassThrough

This is a trivial implementation of a Transform stream that simply passes the input bytes across to the output. Its purpose is mainly for examples and testing, but there are occasionally use cases where it can come in handy.

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