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devdevdany ailgo

algorun's Issues

One-click node DNS LookupSRV error

Hello! I believe I was running the one-click node solution successfully for two weeks, based on this guide.

However, Yesterday I ran out of RAM, which caused a whole slew of errors. I figured, okay I'll just stop my node, and get it back up and running again. However, I am now faced with the following error, and the node cannot sync:

{"file":"bootstrap.go","function":"","level":"info","line":43,"msg":"ReadFromBootstrap: DNS LookupSRV failed when using system resolver: DNS error: NXDOMAIN","time":"2023-09-14T13:10:18.458582Z"}

{"file":"bootstrap.go","function":"","level":"info","line":43,"msg":"ReadFromBootstrap: DNS LookupSRV failed when using system resolver: no signature in DNS response for","time":"2023-09-14T13:20:17.841736Z"}
I've read that I can change the DNS security config flag ("DNSSecurityFlags": 0) in ./data/config.json of the container, however if I change that JSON, it just gets overwritten next time I execute algorun start.

I've tried updating algorun, since they say it should be v0.1, but it looks like I might be on a different beta version right now:

PS C:\Users\Eric> algorun --version
algorun, version 0.0.1b4
PS C:\Users\Eric> pipx upgrade algorun
⚠️ Overwriting file C:\Users\Eric.local\bin\algorun.exe with C:\Users\Eric.local\pipx\venvs\algorun\Scripts\algorun.exe
algorun is already at latest version 0.0.1b4 (location: C:\Users\Eric.local\pipx\venvs\algorun)
I'm really not sure what to do. I've tried uninstalling docker, and algorun, and reinstalling both again. Anyone have any ideas, or ways to debug?

Node crashes during sync - database or disk is full

Installation on Win11 + Docker + Python works well, but when starting the node, it crashes after a few minutes.
After some investigations, it seems the partition /algod/data is full:

# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
overlay 1007G 4.2G 952G 1% /
tmpfs 64M 0 64M 0% /dev
tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
shm 64M 0 64M 0% /dev/shm
overlay 3.9G 3.9G 0 100% /algod/data
/dev/sde 1007G 4.2G 952G 1% /etc/hosts
tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /proc/acpi
tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /sys/firmware

Is it possible to change the docker container to have enough space to sync?

algorun goal node catchup - accounts processed resets during syncing

I was able to clone the algorun repo on my mac mini (all the instruction commands were pretty straightforward), but during the goal node catchup experience was it'd jump to a lower account processed number after it synced for awhile (see screenshot).

Screenshot 2023-07-29 at 9 33 24 PM

After 3 failed algorun goal node catchup attempts like this, I just ended up setting up my node using the developer portal website instructions without the algorun method (and without docker). The regular goal node catchup command ended up being much faster for me and it's working as expected (I was able to generate a participation key and am now participating in consensus).

I just wanted to leave this feedback in case someone else also ran into this problem.

algorun goal status -w flag leaves container goal processes in limbo

when an algorun user uses the -w flag for continuing status, and then control-C's out of it, the goal process that was spawned inside the container continues to live. if the user makes repeated runs of "algorun goal node status -w" , these goal processes continue to accumulate.

In looking at my particular container, each residual goal process is consuming about 39 MB (seen via "top" RES) and holding an established socket connection to port 8080, which i see using netstat. So if the user uses -w a lot, the resource load starts to add up pretty fast.


Ubuntu Server 22.04 - Docker Engine Permissions Issue

When trying to start Algorun, it doesn't recognise that docker engine is running unless you install as superuser / root.
Installation guide doesn't mention if elevating to root for install is required for it to work.
General users wanting an easy install may get caught out by this.

derova@algorun:~$ pipx install algorun

  installed package algorun 0.0.1b4, installed using Python 3.10.6
  These apps are now globally available
    - algorun
done! ✨ 🌟 ✨

derova@algorun:~$ algorun start
Error: Docker engine isn't running; please start it.

derova@algorun:~$ systemctl status docker
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2023-07-02 04:13:04 UTC; 6min ago
TriggeredBy: ● docker.socket
   Main PID: 4055 (dockerd)
      Tasks: 8
     Memory: 25.4M
        CPU: 212ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
             └─4055 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock

Jul 02 04:13:03 algorun systemd[1]: Starting Docker Application Container Engine...
Jul 02 04:13:03 algorun dockerd[4055]: time="2023-07-02T04:13:03.581091341Z" level=info msg="Starting up"
Jul 02 04:13:03 algorun dockerd[4055]: time="2023-07-02T04:13:03.582334701Z" level=info msg="detected nameserver, assuming systemd-resolved, so using resolv.conf: /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf"
Jul 02 04:13:03 algorun dockerd[4055]: time="2023-07-02T04:13:03.815139401Z" level=info msg="Loading containers: start."
Jul 02 04:13:03 algorun dockerd[4055]: time="2023-07-02T04:13:03.966943226Z" level=info msg="Loading containers: done."
Jul 02 04:13:03 algorun dockerd[4055]: time="2023-07-02T04:13:03.980697599Z" level=info msg="Docker daemon" commit=659604f graphdriver=overlay2 version=24.0.2
Jul 02 04:13:03 algorun dockerd[4055]: time="2023-07-02T04:13:03.980955798Z" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization"
Jul 02 04:13:04 algorun dockerd[4055]: time="2023-07-02T04:13:04.002450162Z" level=info msg="API listen on /run/docker.sock"
Jul 02 04:13:04 algorun systemd[1]: Started Docker Application Container Engine.

derova@algorun:~$ algorun start
Error: Docker engine isn't running; please start it.

derova@algorun:~$ algorun --version
algorun, version 0.0.1b4

Re-installing as root works as expected.

derova@algorun:~$ sudo su

root@algorun:/home/derova# pipx install algorun
  installed package algorun 0.0.1b4, installed using Python 3.10.6
  These apps are now globally available
    - algorun
⚠️  Note: '/root/.local/bin' is not on your PATH environment variable. These apps will not be globally accessible until your PATH is updated. Run `pipx ensurepath` to automatically add it, or manually modify
    your PATH in your shell's config file (i.e. ~/.bashrc).
done! ✨ 🌟 ✨

root@algorun:/home/derova# pipx ensurepath
Success! Added /root/.local/bin to the PATH environment variable.

Consider adding shell completions for pipx. Run 'pipx completions' for instructions.

You will need to open a new terminal or re-login for the PATH changes to take effect.

Otherwise pipx is ready to go! ✨ 🌟 ✨

root@algorun:/home/derova# pipx install algorun
'algorun' already seems to be installed. Not modifying existing installation in '/root/.local/pipx/venvs/algorun'. Pass '--force' to force installation.

root@algorun:/home/derova# pipx install algorun --force
Installing to existing venv 'algorun'
  installed package algorun 0.0.1b4, installed using Python 3.10.6
  These apps are now globally available
    - algorun
⚠️  Note: '/root/.local/bin' is not on your PATH environment variable. These apps will not be globally accessible until your PATH is updated. Run `pipx ensurepath` to automatically add it, or manually modify
    your PATH in your shell's config file (i.e. ~/.bashrc).
done! ✨ 🌟 ✨

root@algorun:/home/derova# pipx ensurepath
/root/.local/bin has been been added to PATH, but you need to open a new terminal or re-login for this PATH change to take effect.

You will need to open a new terminal or re-login for the PATH changes to take effect.

Otherwise pipx is ready to go! ✨ 🌟 ✨

root@algorun:/home/derova# exit

derova@algorun:~$ sudo su

root@algorun:/home/derova# algorun start
Starting Algorand mainnet node now...
docker: algod Pulling
docker: 759700526b78 Pulling fs layer
docker: 41cc3f585336 Pulling fs layer
docker: 67d93adbb858 Pulling fs layer
docker: 5965ab5ffe9d Pulling fs layer
docker: 4f4fb700ef54 Pulling fs layer
docker: 5965ab5ffe9d Waiting
docker: 4f4fb700ef54 Waiting
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [>                                                  ]    327kB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=>                                                 ]  981.3kB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [===>                                               ]  2.272MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=====>                                             ]  3.242MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [>                                                  ]  24.64kB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [======>                                            ]  3.894MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [=>                                                 ]   50.1kB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=======>                                           ]  4.877MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [=>                                                 ]  75.06kB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=========>                                         ]  5.835MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [===>                                               ]  149.1kB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [===========>                                       ]  7.134MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [======>                                            ]  291.8kB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [============>                                      ]  7.789MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [========>                                          ]  390.1kB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [============>                                      ]  8.117MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [===========>                                       ]  553.9kB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [===============>                                   ]  9.747MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [================>                                  ]  783.3kB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=================>                                 ]  11.05MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [=====================>                             ]  1.045MB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [===================>                               ]  12.02MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [========================>                          ]  1.176MB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [====================>                              ]  12.68MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [============================>                      ]  1.373MB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [====================>                              ]  13.01MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [==============================>                    ]  1.504MB/2.429MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [===================================>               ]  1.701MB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [======================>                            ]  14.32MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [=====================================>             ]  1.832MB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=======================>                           ]  14.65MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=======================>                           ]  14.97MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [=========================================>         ]  1.996MB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [========================>                          ]  15.63MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [>                                                  ]  539.9kB/163.7MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Downloading [==============================================>    ]  2.258MB/2.429MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=========================>                         ]  15.96MB/31.42MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Verifying Checksum
docker: 41cc3f585336 Download complete
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [>                                                  ]  1.076MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [============================>                      ]  17.92MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [>                                                  ]  1.611MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=============================>                     ]  18.58MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [==============================>                    ]  19.22MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [>                                                  ]  2.151MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [===============================>                   ]  19.88MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [>                                                  ]  2.692MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [================================>                  ]  20.53MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=================================>                 ]  20.86MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [>                                                  ]  3.233MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [==================================>                ]  21.51MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=>                                                 ]  3.773MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [===================================>               ]  22.49MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [====================================>              ]  23.14MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=>                                                 ]  4.314MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [======================================>            ]  24.13MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=>                                                 ]  5.395MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=======================================>           ]   25.1MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=>                                                 ]  5.936MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [========================================>          ]  25.75MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=>                                                 ]  6.477MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [==========================================>        ]   26.4MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [===========================================>       ]  27.05MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [============================================>      ]  27.71MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==>                                                ]  7.017MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=============================================>     ]  28.36MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==>                                                ]  7.558MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [===============================================>   ]  29.66MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==>                                                ]  8.099MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [================================================>  ]  30.32MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [================================================>  ]  30.64MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==>                                                ]  8.639MB/163.7MB
docker: 5965ab5ffe9d Downloading [==>                                                ]  1.369kB/33.11kB
docker: 5965ab5ffe9d Downloading [==================================================>]  33.11kB/33.11kB
docker: 5965ab5ffe9d Verifying Checksum
docker: 5965ab5ffe9d Download complete
docker: 759700526b78 Downloading [=================================================> ]  31.29MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Verifying Checksum
docker: 759700526b78 Download complete
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [>                                                  ]  327.7kB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [====>                                              ]  2.949MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==>                                                ]  9.721MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [==========>                                        ]  6.554MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===>                                               ]  10.26MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [===============>                                   ]   9.83MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===>                                               ]  10.79MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [===================>                               ]  12.45MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [========================>                          ]   15.4MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===>                                               ]  11.88MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [============================>                      ]  17.69MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===>                                               ]  12.95MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [=================================>                 ]  20.97MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [====>                                              ]  14.03MB/163.7MB
docker: 4f4fb700ef54 Downloading [==================================================>]      32B/32B
docker: 4f4fb700ef54 Verifying Checksum
docker: 4f4fb700ef54 Download complete
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [======================================>            ]  24.25MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [===========================================>       ]  27.53MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [====>                                              ]  15.11MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [=============================================>     ]  28.84MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [====>                                              ]  16.19MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [===============================================>   ]  30.15MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=====>                                             ]   17.8MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [================================================>  ]  30.47MB/31.42MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=====>                                             ]  18.88MB/163.7MB
docker: 759700526b78 Extracting [==================================================>]  31.42MB/31.42MB
docker: 759700526b78 Pull complete
docker: 41cc3f585336 Extracting [>                                                  ]  32.77kB/2.429MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [======>                                            ]  20.51MB/163.7MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Extracting [=============================================>     ]  2.228MB/2.429MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Extracting [==================================================>]  2.429MB/2.429MB
docker: 41cc3f585336 Pull complete
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [======>                                            ]  21.59MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [======>                                            ]  22.66MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=======>                                           ]  24.28MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=======>                                           ]  25.36MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=======>                                           ]   25.9MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [========>                                          ]  26.97MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [========>                                          ]  28.04MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [========>                                          ]  29.12MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=========>                                         ]   30.2MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=========>                                         ]  31.29MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=========>                                         ]  32.37MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==========>                                        ]  33.44MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==========>                                        ]  34.51MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==========>                                        ]  35.59MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===========>                                       ]  37.21MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===========>                                       ]  38.29MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [============>                                      ]  39.37MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [============>                                      ]  40.99MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [============>                                      ]  42.06MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=============>                                     ]  43.14MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=============>                                     ]  44.22MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=============>                                     ]  45.82MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==============>                                    ]  46.36MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==============>                                    ]  47.98MB/163.7MB
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docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===============>                                   ]   49.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===============>                                   ]  50.68MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===============>                                   ]  51.22MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [================>                                  ]  52.84MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [================>                                  ]  53.92MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [================>                                  ]  54.46MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=================>                                 ]  56.08MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=================>                                 ]  57.16MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=================>                                 ]  58.23MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==================>                                ]   59.3MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==================>                                ]  60.38MB/163.7MB
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docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===================>                               ]  62.53MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===================>                               ]   63.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===================>                               ]  64.66MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [====================>                              ]  65.74MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [====================>                              ]  66.28MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [====================>                              ]  67.36MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=====================>                             ]  68.98MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=====================>                             ]  70.06MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=====================>                             ]  71.14MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=====================>                             ]  71.69MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [======================>                            ]  73.31MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [======================>                            ]  74.38MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=======================>                           ]  75.46MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=======================>                           ]  76.54MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=======================>                           ]  77.62MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [========================>                          ]  78.69MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [========================>                          ]  79.77MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [========================>                          ]  80.31MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [========================>                          ]  81.38MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=========================>                         ]  82.45MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=========================>                         ]  84.06MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=========================>                         ]  85.14MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==========================>                        ]  85.68MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==========================>                        ]  86.76MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==========================>                        ]  87.84MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===========================>                       ]  88.91MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===========================>                       ]  89.99MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===========================>                       ]  91.06MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [============================>                      ]  92.12MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [============================>                      ]  93.19MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [============================>                      ]  94.27MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=============================>                     ]  95.35MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=============================>                     ]  96.43MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=============================>                     ]   97.5MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=============================>                     ]  98.04MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==============================>                    ]  99.66MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==============================>                    ]  100.7MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===============================>                   ]  101.8MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===============================>                   ]  102.9MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===============================>                   ]  103.4MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [================================>                  ]    105MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [================================>                  ]  106.1MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [================================>                  ]  107.2MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=================================>                 ]  109.3MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=================================>                 ]  110.4MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==================================>                ]  111.5MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==================================>                ]  112.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==================================>                ]  113.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===================================>               ]  114.7MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===================================>               ]  115.8MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===================================>               ]  116.9MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [====================================>              ]    118MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [====================================>              ]    119MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [====================================>              ]  120.1MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [====================================>              ]  120.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=====================================>             ]  122.3MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=====================================>             ]  123.3MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=====================================>             ]  124.4MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [======================================>            ]  125.5MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [======================================>            ]    126MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [======================================>            ]  127.1MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=======================================>           ]  128.2MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=======================================>           ]  128.7MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=======================================>           ]  129.2MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=======================================>           ]  130.3MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=======================================>           ]  130.9MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [========================================>          ]  131.4MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [========================================>          ]  132.5MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [========================================>          ]  133.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [========================================>          ]  134.1MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=========================================>         ]  135.2MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=========================================>         ]  136.3MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=========================================>         ]  137.3MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==========================================>        ]  138.4MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==========================================>        ]  138.9MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==========================================>        ]  140.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===========================================>       ]  141.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===========================================>       ]  143.2MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [============================================>      ]  144.3MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [============================================>      ]  145.9MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [============================================>      ]    147MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=============================================>     ]  147.5MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=============================================>     ]  148.1MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=============================================>     ]  148.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=============================================>     ]  149.7MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==============================================>    ]  150.8MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==============================================>    ]  151.9MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [==============================================>    ]  152.9MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===============================================>   ]    154MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===============================================>   ]  155.1MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [===============================================>   ]  156.2MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [================================================>  ]  157.2MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [================================================>  ]  158.8MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [================================================>  ]  159.9MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=================================================> ]  161.5MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=================================================> ]  162.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Downloading [=================================================> ]  163.7MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Verifying Checksum
docker: 67d93adbb858 Download complete
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [>                                                  ]  557.1kB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [=>                                                 ]  5.571MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [==>                                                ]   9.47MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [====>                                              ]  13.37MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [=====>                                             ]  17.83MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [========>                                          ]  27.85MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [=========>                                         ]  31.75MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [===========>                                       ]  36.21MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [=============>                                     ]  44.01MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [==============>                                    ]  47.35MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [================>                                  ]  54.59MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [==================>                                ]  59.05MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [===================>                               ]  62.95MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [=====================>                             ]  70.75MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [======================>                            ]  74.65MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [========================>                          ]  80.22MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [=========================>                         ]  84.12MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [==========================>                        ]   86.9MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [===========================>                       ]  90.24MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [==============================>                    ]  99.71MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [===============================>                   ]  103.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [================================>                  ]  106.4MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [==================================>                ]  114.2MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [====================================>              ]  118.7MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [======================================>            ]  124.8MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [=======================================>           ]  128.1MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [========================================>          ]  131.5MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [==========================================>        ]  139.3MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [===========================================>       ]  142.6MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [============================================>      ]  145.9MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [===============================================>   ]  155.4MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [================================================>  ]  158.2MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Extracting [==================================================>]  163.7MB/163.7MB
docker: 67d93adbb858 Pull complete
docker: 5965ab5ffe9d Extracting [=================================================> ]  32.77kB/33.11kB
docker: 5965ab5ffe9d Extracting [==================================================>]  33.11kB/33.11kB
docker: 5965ab5ffe9d Pull complete
docker: 4f4fb700ef54 Extracting [==================================================>]      32B/32B
docker: 4f4fb700ef54 Extracting [==================================================>]      32B/32B
docker: 4f4fb700ef54 Pull complete
docker: algod Pulled
docker: Network derova_default  Creating
docker: Network derova_default  Created
docker: Container mainnet-container  Creating
docker: Container mainnet-container  Created
docker: Container mainnet-container  Starting
docker: Container mainnet-container  Started
Started; the node is now catching up to the latest ledger state

root@algorun:/home/derova# algorun goal node status
 Last committed block: 6
 Sync Time: 136.8s
 Catchpoint total accounts: 17884880
 Catchpoint accounts processed: 1124352
 Catchpoint accounts verified: 0
 Catchpoint total KVs: 13373
 Catchpoint KVs processed: 0
 Catchpoint KVs verified: 0
 Genesis ID: mainnet-v1.0
 Genesis hash: wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=

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