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aliyun-oss-csharp-sdk's Introduction

Alibaba Cloud OSS SDK for C#

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Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) is a cloud storage service provided by Alibaba Cloud, featuring massive capacity, security, a low cost, and high reliability.


  • Current version: 2.13.0.

Run environment


  • Applicable to .NET 2.0 or above.
  • Applicable to Visual Studio 2010 or above.


  • Applicable to Mono 3.12 or above.

.Net Core

  • Applicable to .net core 2.0 or above

Install OSS C# SDK

Install in Windows

Install the SDK through NuGet

  • If NuGet hasn't been installed for Visual Studio, install NuGet first.
  • After NuGet is installed, access Visual Studio to create a project or open an existing project, and then select TOOLS > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.
  • Type aliyun.oss.sdk in the search box and click Search, find Aliyun.OSS.SDK or Aliyun.OSS.SDK.NetCore in the search results, select the latest version, and click Install. After installation, the SDK is added to the project.

Install the SDK through GitHub

  • If Git hasn't been installed, install Git first.
  • Clone project via git clone
  • After the source code is downloaded, install the SDK by entering Install via Project Introduction.

Install the SDK through DLL reference

  • Download the SDK packagefrom the Alibaba Cloud OSS official website. Unzip the package and you will find the Aliyun.OSS.dll file in the bin directory.
  • In the Visual Studio, access Solution Explorer, select your project, right click Project Name, select Add Reference from the pop-up menu. In the Reference Manager dialog box, click Browse, find the directory that the SDK is unzipped to, select the Aliyun.OSS.dll file in the bin directory, and click OK.

Install the SDK through project introduction

  • If you have downloaded the SDK package or the source code from GitHub and you want to install the SDK package using the source code, you can right click Solution Explorer and select Add > Existing Projects from the pop-up menu.
  • In the pop-up dialog box, select the aliyun-oss-sdk.csproj file, and click Open.
  • Right click Your Projects and select Add Reference. In the Reference Manager dialog box, click the Projects tab, select the aliyun-oss-sdk project, and click OK.

Install in Unix/Mac

Install the SDK through NuGet

  • In Xamarin, create a project or open an existing project, and select Tools > Add NuGet Packages.
  • Type aliyun.oss.sdk in the search box and click Search, find 'Aliyun.OSS.SDK' in the search results, select the latest version, and click Add Package. After installation, the SDK is added to the project.

Install the SDK through GitHub

  • If Git hasn't been installed, install Git first.
  • Clone project via git clone
  • After the source code is downloaded, open it in Xamarin. Compile the aliyun-oss-sdk project in Release mode to generate the Aliyun.OSS.dll file. Then install the SDK through DLL reference.

Install the SDK through DLL reference

  • Download the SDK package from Alibaba Cloud OSS official website. Unzip the package and you will find the Aliyun.OSS.dll file in the bin directory.
  • In the Xamarin, access Solution, select your project, right click Project Name, select Reference' > Edit References from the pop-up menu. In the Edit References dialog box, click .Net Assembly > Browse. Find the directory that the SDK is unzipped to, select the Aliyun.OSS.dll file in the bin directory, and click Open.

Running with .Net core runtime

Starting with version 2.9, OSS SDK supports the .net core 2.0 platform.

Installing .Net core SDK & runtime

.Net Core SDK 2.0 (or above)

To build apps for .Net core 2.0, you need to install the .Net core 2.0 SDK. Windows:



.Net core runtime 2.0 (or above)

If you just want to run apps of .Net core 2.0, then you need to install the runtime: Windows:



Compile OSS SDK with .net core 2.0

  • cd to the root folder of OSS SDK.
  • dotnet restore aliyun-oss-sdk-dotnetcore.sln
  • dotnet build aliyun-oss-sdk-dotnetcore.sln

To run Samples

  • Update the samples\Config.cs to update the config properties with your actual OSS AKs and endpoint.
  • use the step above to build the whole solution
  • cd to the folder where Aliyun.OSS.Samples.dll exists and then run: dotnet Aliyun.OSS.Samples.dll

Quick use

Get the bucket list (List Bucket)

    OssClient client = new OssClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret);    
	var buckets = client.ListBuckets();
    foreach (var bucket in buckets)
    	Console.WriteLine(bucket.Name + ", " + bucket.Location + ", " + bucket.Owner);

Create a bucket (Create Bucket)

	OssClient client = new OssClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret);

Delete a bucket (Delete Bucket)

	OssClient client = new OssClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret); 

Upload a file (Put Object)

	OssClient client = new OssClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret); 
	client.PutObject(bucketName, key, filePathToUpload);

Download an object (Get Object)

	OssClient client = new OssClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret); 
	var object = ossClient.GetObject(bucketName, key);	

Get the object list (List Objects)

	OssClient client = new OssClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret);
	var listResult = client.ListObjects(bucketName);
	foreach (var summary in listResult.ObjectSummaries)

Delete an object (Delete Object)

	OssClient client = new OssClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret);
	client.DeleteObject(bucketName, key)


  • In the example above, if no exception was thrown, it indicates the execution was successful. Otherwise, it indicates the execution failed. More detailed examples can be found and run in the aliyun-oss-sample project.


  • If you want to run a sample project, you must set the aliyun-oss-sdk-sample project as the 'Startup Project' and add your own AccessKeyId, AccessKeySecret, buckets and keys, and then run the project.

Contact us

aliyun-oss-csharp-sdk's People


baiyubin avatar baiyubin2020 avatar huiguangjun avatar qixu001 avatar qiyuewuyi avatar yi-liu9 avatar zaevi avatar


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aliyun-oss-csharp-sdk's Issues


得到的url总是报The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.错误。


.net core版本SendCore()方法抛出 “无法发送具有此谓词类型的内容正文”意外!

.net core版本SendCore()方法抛出 “无法发送具有此谓词类型的内容正文”意外!但.net版本没有这个问题。


protected override ServiceResponse SendCore(ServiceRequest request, ExecutionContext context)
var req = new HttpRequestMessage(Convert(request.Method), request.BuildRequestUri());
this.SetRequestContent(req, request);
this.SetHeaders(req, request);
HttpClient client = GetClient();
HttpResponseMessage resp = client.SendAsync(req, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).Result;
return new ResponseImpl(resp);


protected override ServiceResponse SendCore(ServiceRequest serviceRequest, ExecutionContext context)
var request = HttpFactory.CreateWebRequest(serviceRequest, Configuration);
SetRequestContent(request, serviceRequest, Configuration);
var response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
return new ResponseImpl(response);
catch (WebException ex)
return HandleException(ex);

高度怀疑.net core的实现方法有BUG。
这个问题已经导致我们无法使用.net core版本的解决方案。希望有人能解决下。

2.5.1 及之前的版本都会在上传网络超时时导致 IIS W3P进程崩溃,后续版本未测试


Application ID: /LM/W3SVC/11/ROOT

Process ID: 10568

Exception: System.Net.WebException

Message: 请求被中止: 请求已被取消。

StackTrace: 在 System.Net.ConnectStream.CloseInternal(Boolean internalCall, Boolean aborting)
在 System.Net.ConnectStream.System.Net.ICloseEx.CloseEx(CloseExState closeState)
在 System.Net.ConnectStream.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
在 System.IO.Stream.Close()
在 Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.ServiceClientImpl.<>c__DisplayClass6.b__4(IAsyncResult ar)
在 System.Net.LazyAsyncResult.Complete(IntPtr userToken)
在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
在 System.Net.ContextAwareResult.Complete(IntPtr userToken)
在 System.Net.LazyAsyncResult.ProtectedInvokeCallback(Object result, IntPtr userToken)
在 System.Net.HttpWebRequest.InvokeGetRequestStreamCallback()
在 System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndWriteHeaders_Part2()
在 System.Net.HttpWebRequest.SetRequestContinue(CoreResponseData continueResponse)
在 System.Net.Connection.ReadComplete(Int32 bytesRead, WebExceptionStatus errorStatus)
在 System.Net.LazyAsyncResult.Complete(IntPtr userToken)
在 System.Net.ContextAwareResult.Complete(IntPtr userToken)
在 System.Net.LazyAsyncResult.ProtectedInvokeCallback(Object result, IntPtr userToken)
在 System.Net.Sockets.BaseOverlappedAsyncResult.CompletionPortCallback(UInt32 errorCode, UInt32 numBytes, NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped)
在 System.Threading._IOCompletionCallback.PerformIOCompletionCallback(UInt32 errorCode, UInt32 numBytes, NativeOverlapped* pOVERLAP)

InnerException: System.IO.IOException

Message: 在写入所有字节之前不能关闭流。

StackTrace: 在 System.Net.ConnectStream.CloseInternal(Boolean internalCall, Boolean aborting)

Aliyun.OSS.OssClient.DoesObjectExist 报 NullReferenceException 异常,为什么?

Aliyun.OSS.dll 版本: 【升级 aliyun_oss_dotnet_sdk_2_8_0 后一样】
OSVersion:Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 NetFrameworkVersion:4.0.30319.42000

System.NullReferenceException: 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。
在 Aliyun.OSS.OssClient.DoesObjectExist(String bucketName, String key)
在 xxxx.UploadAliyunOSSImage()



环境: .Net Core 环境下, Aliyun.OSS.dll 版本 2.8.0
var files = Request.Form.Files;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
PutObjectResult result = _ossClient.PutObject(_ossSettings.Value.BucketName, key, ms);
如上代码会报 Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: startIndex 错误,
源码调试貌似 Aliyun.OSS.Common.Handlers.Crc64CheckHandler Handle方法中 var sdkCalculatedHash = BitConverter.ToUInt64(stream.CalculatedHash, 0); 此行代码报错, 因为 stream.CalculatedHash的值为 byte[], 不为空但没有值, 长度为0, 所以 Convert 失败, 导致上传不成功


  public IAsyncResult BeginPutObject(string bucketName, string key, string fileToUpload, ObjectMetadata metadata,
            AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            if (!File.Exists(fileToUpload) || Directory.Exists(fileToUpload))
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid file path {0}.", fileToUpload));

            metadata = metadata ?? new ObjectMetadata();
            SetContentTypeIfNull(key, fileToUpload, ref metadata);

            IAsyncResult result;
            //TODO 这里释放了content导致ServiceClientImpl报错
            using (Stream content = File.OpenRead(fileToUpload))
                result = BeginPutObject(bucketName, key, content, metadata, callback, state);
            return result;


  if (async)
                    (ar) =>
                        using (var requestStream = webRequest.EndGetRequestStream(ar))
                            //TODO data已被释放
                            IoUtils.WriteTo(data, requestStream, webRequest.ContentLength);
                    }, null);


public void Initialize(string endpoint, string accessKeyId, string accessKeySecret) {
    try {
        client = new OssClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret);
    } catch (System.Exception e) {
        Debug.LogErrorFormat("Connect aliyun failed, Reason:{0}", e.Message);

这段代码执行的时候,报的错误是:Connect aliyun failed, Reason:Object reference not set to an instance of an object





Application ID: /LM/W3SVC/5/ROOT

Process ID: 2396

Exception: System.Net.WebException

Message: 无法连接到远程服务器

StackTrace:    在 System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult asyncResult, TransportContext& context)
   在 System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   在 Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.ServiceClientImpl.<>c__DisplayClass6.<SetRequestContent>b__4(IAsyncResult ar)
   在 System.Net.LazyAsyncResult.Complete(IntPtr userToken)
   在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   在 System.Net.ContextAwareResult.Complete(IntPtr userToken)
   在 System.Net.HttpWebRequest.SetResponse(Exception E)
   在 System.Net.ConnectionReturnResult.SetResponses(ConnectionReturnResult returnResult)
   在 System.Net.Connection.CompleteConnectionWrapper(Object request, Object state)
   在 System.Net.PooledStream.ConnectionCallback(Object owningObject, Exception e, Socket socket, IPAddress address)
   在 System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   在 System.Net.LazyAsyncResult.Complete(IntPtr userToken)
   在 System.Net.ContextAwareResult.Complete(IntPtr userToken)
   在 System.Net.Sockets.BaseOverlappedAsyncResult.CompletionPortCallback(UInt32 errorCode, UInt32 numBytes, NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped)
   在 System.Threading._IOCompletionCallback.PerformIOCompletionCallback(UInt32 errorCode, UInt32 numBytes, NativeOverlapped* pOVERLAP)

InnerException: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException

Message: 由于连接方在一段时间后没有正确答复或连接的主机没有反应,连接尝试失败。

StackTrace:    在 System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndConnect(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   在 System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)

Application ID: /LM/W3SVC/5/ROOT

Process ID: 4756

Exception: System.IO.IOException

Message: 无法从传输连接中读取数据: 连接已关闭。

StackTrace:    在 System.Net.ConnectStream.InternalWrite(Boolean async, Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
   在 System.Net.ConnectStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
   在 Aliyun.OSS.Util.IoUtils.WriteTo(Stream orignStream, Stream destStream, Int64 totalSize)
   在 Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.ServiceClientImpl.<>c__DisplayClass6.<SetRequestContent>b__4(IAsyncResult ar)
   在 System.Net.LazyAsyncResult.Complete(IntPtr userToken)
   在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   在 System.Net.ContextAwareResult.Complete(IntPtr userToken)
   在 System.Net.HttpWebRequest.InvokeGetRequestStreamCallback()
   在 System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndWriteHeaders_Part2()
   在 System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
   在 System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()


原代码为:fileType = fileType.Trim().TrimStart(new char[1] { '.' })
修改为:fileType = fileType.Trim().TrimStart(new char[1] { '.' }).ToLower();


Unity 5.3.4f1 Editor下使用正常 打包发布apk后报错

` protected override string ComputeSignatureCore(string key, string data)

        using (var algorithm = KeyedHashAlgorithm.Create(SignatureMethod.ToUpperInvariant()))
            algorithm.Key = Encoding.GetBytes(key.ToCharArray());
            return Convert.ToBase64String(

Encoding.GetBytes 出现异常 有什么解决办法吗?


在获取 image/xxxx_middle 时,报异常: Expected hash not equal to calculated hash

恢复到 2.5.1时正常。。。


strKey = string.Format("{0}_middle", this.Key);

AliyunOSSDownloadRequest adrRequest = new AliyunOSSDownloadRequest();
adrRequest.LogId = strDownloadAliyunOSSBreviaryImageId;
adrRequest.Client = AliyunOSSHandle.DownloadClient;
adrRequest.BucketName = AliyunOSSHandle.BucketName;
adrRequest.Key = strKey;
adrRequest.Path = strBreviaryFile;
adrRequest.PartSize = 100 * 1024;

public static void Download(AliyunOSSDownloadRequest mudrRequest)
OssObject ooObject = mudrRequest.Client.GetObject(mudrRequest.BucketName, mudrRequest.Key);
using (Stream requestStream = ooObject.Content)
long lnLength = ooObject.Metadata.ContentLength;
long lnPosition = 0L;
byte[] buf = new byte[mudrRequest.PartSize];
long lnWatchCount = 0L;
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
using (FileStream fs = File.Open(mudrRequest.Path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
var len = 0;
while ((len = requestStream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)) != 0)
fs.Write(buf, 0, len);
if (mudrRequest.ProgressChanged)
lnPosition += len;
lnWatchCount += len;

                AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged adpcChanged = new AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged();
                adpcChanged.Progress = 100.0D * lnPosition / lnLength;
                adpcChanged.PartIndexs = new SafeList<int>();
                long lnTime = swWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                if (lnTime >= 500)
                    adpcChanged.SpeekValid = true;
                    adpcChanged.Speek = lnWatchCount / lnTime * 1000;
                    if (adpcChanged.Speek > 0)
                        adpcChanged.RemainingTime = (lnLength - lnPosition) / adpcChanged.Speek;
                    lnWatchCount = 0L;

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mudrRequest.MD5))
    // MD5比较

if (mudrRequest.ProgressChanged)
    AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged mudcEndChanged = new AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged();
    mudcEndChanged.Progress = 100.0D;
    mudcEndChanged.PartIndexs = new SafeList<int>();



public class AliyunOSSDownloadRequest

    private string mLogId;
    public string LogId
        get { return mLogId; }
        set { mLogId = value; }

    private OssClient mClient;
    public OssClient Client
        get { return mClient; }
        set { mClient = value; }

    private string mBucketName;
    public string BucketName
        get { return mBucketName; }
        set { mBucketName = value; }

    private string mKey;
    public string Key
        get { return mKey; }
        set { mKey = value; }

    private string mMD5;
    public string MD5
        get { return mMD5; }
        set { mMD5 = value; }

    private string mPath;
    public string Path
        get { return mPath; }
        set { mPath = value; }

    private long mLength;
    public long Length
        get { return mLength; }
        set { mLength = value; }

    private long mPartSize;
    public long PartSize
        get { return mPartSize; }
        set { mPartSize = value; }

    private SafeList<int> mPartIndexs = new SafeList<int>();
    public SafeList<int> PartIndexs
        get { return mPartIndexs; }
        set { mPartIndexs = value; }

    private SafeQueue<AliyunOSSDownloadPartStream> mPartStream = new SafeQueue<AliyunOSSDownloadPartStream>();
    public SafeQueue<AliyunOSSDownloadPartStream> PartStream
        get { return mPartStream; }
        set { mPartStream = value; }

    public event EventHandler<AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged> DownloadProgressChanged;
    public bool ProgressChanged
        get { return this.DownloadProgressChanged != null; }

    public void OnDownloadProgressChanged(AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged e)
        if (this.DownloadProgressChanged != null)
            this.DownloadProgressChanged(this, e);



dotnet core 2.1报错

再dotnet core 2.0 下运行正常
dotnet core 2.1报错

The stream was already consumed. It cannot be read again.

   at System.Net.Http.HttpConnection.HttpConnectionResponseContent.ConsumeStream()
   at System.Net.Http.HttpConnection.HttpConnectionResponseContent.SerializeToStreamAsync(Stream stream, TransportContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpContent.CopyToAsyncCore(ValueTask copyTask)


我发现C# SDK里面并没有RestoreObject的命令支持。Java SDK里面已经对该功能有所支持,并且能成功使用。
我也尝试过自己去参照其它指令去实现,发现返回了405 - Method Not Allowed的错误。下面是我的实现方式:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication;
using Aliyun.OSS.Util;

namespace Aliyun.OSS.Commands
    internal class RestoreObjectCommand : OssCommand
        public RestoreObjectRequest Request { get; private set; }

        protected override string Key { get { return Request.Key; } }
        protected override string Bucket { get { return Request.BucketName; } }
        protected override HttpMethod Method { get { return HttpMethod.Post; } }

        private RestoreObjectCommand(IServiceClient client, Uri endpoint, ExecutionContext context, RestoreObjectRequest request) : base(client, endpoint, context)
            Request = request;

        public static RestoreObjectCommand Create(IServiceClient client, Uri endpoint,
                                                 ExecutionContext context, RestoreObjectRequest request)
            return new RestoreObjectCommand(client, endpoint, context, request);

        protected override IDictionary<string, string> Parameters
                var parameters = base.Parameters;
                parameters[RequestParameters.SUBRESOURCE_RESTORE] = null;
                return parameters;


public interface IOss
// .... ignore multiple lines ... 
        /// <summary>
        /// 解冻文件<see cref="RestoreObjectResult" />。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bucketName"><see cref="Bucket" />的名称。</param>
        /// <param name="key"><see cref="OssObject.Key" />。</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        RestoreObjectResult RestoreObject(string bucketName, string key);
// .... ignore multiple lines ... 


public class OssClient : IOss
// .... ignore multiple lines ... 

        public RestoreObjectResult RestoreObject(string bucketName, string key)
            var cmd = RestoreObjectCommand.Create(_serviceClient, _endpoint,
                CreateContext(HttpMethod.Post, bucketName, key),
                new RestoreObjectRequest(bucketName, key));

            var response = cmd.Execute();

            var result = new RestoreObjectResult((int)response.StatusCode);

            return result;
// .... ignore multiple lines ... 


content length not allow to exceed 5GB

调用 GetObjectMetadata 方法时发现有5G最大限制,但是我的文件超过了8G。


ObjectMetadata.cs => ContentLength => set

未能解析此远程名称: ''

System.Net.WebException: 未能解析此远程名称: ''
在 System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
在 System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
在 Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.ServiceClientImpl.SetRequestContent(HttpWebRequest webRequest, ServiceRequest serviceRequest, Boolean async, OssAction asyncCallback)
在 Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.ServiceClientImpl.SendCore(ServiceRequest serviceRequest, ExecutionContext context)
在 Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.ServiceClient.Send(ServiceRequest request, ExecutionContext context)
在 Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.RetryableServiceClient.SendImpl(ServiceRequest request, ExecutionContext context, Int32 retryTimes)
在 Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.RetryableServiceClient.Send(ServiceRequest request, ExecutionContext context)
在 Aliyun.OSS.Commands.OssCommand.Execute()
在 Aliyun.OSS.OssClient.AppendObject(AppendObjectRequest request)
在 NVR2OSS.ObjectUploader.AppendObjectSync(Stream stream, String key, Boolean resetPos)


在mac unity上GetObject报错

System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream'.
at System.Net.WebConnection.BeginRead (System.Net.HttpWebRequest request, System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size, System.AsyncCallback cb, System.Object state) [0x0002b] in <3845a180c26b4889bc2d47593a665814>:0
at System.Net.WebConnectionStream.BeginRead (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size, System.AsyncCallback cb, System.Object state) [0x0017d] in <3845a180c26b4889bc2d47593a665814>:0
at System.Net.WebConnectionStream.Read (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size) [0x00007] in <3845a180c26b4889bc2d47593a665814>:0
at Aliyun.OSS.Common.Internal.WrapperStream.Read (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 count) [0x00000]


// 下载文件到流。OssObject 包含了文件的各种信息,如文件所在的存储空间、文件名、元信息以及一个输入流。
var obj = client.GetObject(bucketName, objectName);
using (var requestStream = obj.Content)
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
var fs = File.Open(downloadFilename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
var len = 0;
// 通过输入流将文件的内容读取到文件或者内存中。
while ((len = requestStream.Read(buf, 0, 1024)) != 0)
fs.Write(buf, 0, len);
Console.WriteLine("Get object succeeded");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Get object failed. {0}", ex.Message);



    static string accessKeyId = Config.AccessKeyId;
    static string accessKeySecret = Config.AccessKeySecret;
    static string endpoint = Config.Endpoint;
    static OssClient client = new OssClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret);

使用OssClient必须把accessKeyId 和accessKeySecret写在客户端的代码里,这样不太安全,如何通过服务端生成上传文件的postPolicy

你们的代码到底有没有经过测试?任何请求只要响应代码不是200 OK就会直接在这个位置异常。


原因也非常简单,你们上面已经读取过一次Content Stream了,发现状态码不是200 OK的时候又读取一次Content Stream,就会造成这个异常:

System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (The stream was already consumed. It cannot be read again.) ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The stream was already consumed. It cannot be read again.
at System.Net.Http.HttpConnection.HttpConnectionResponseContent.ConsumeStream()
at System.Net.Http.HttpConnection.HttpConnectionResponseContent.SerializeToStreamAsync(Stream stream, TransportContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.HttpContent.CopyToAsyncCore(ValueTask copyTask)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.ServiceClientNewImpl.ResponseImpl..ctor(HttpResponseMessage httpWebResponse)
at Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.ServiceClientNewImpl.SendCore(ServiceRequest request, ExecutionContext context)
at Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.ServiceClient.Send(ServiceRequest request, ExecutionContext context)
at Aliyun.OSS.Common.Communication.RetryableServiceClient.SendImpl(ServiceRequest request, ExecutionContext context, Int32 retryTimes)
at Aliyun.OSS.Commands.OssCommand.Execute()
at Aliyun.OSS.OssClient.ListObjects(ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest)

.net core 分支几时合到master呢?

.net core 分支几时合到master呢?
还是说.net core那个分支也可以上生产环境了?





while (true)
var listResult = _client.ListObjects(txt_selbucketname.Text);

                var coll = listResult.ObjectSummaries;
                if (coll==null||coll.Count()==0)
                foreach (var summary in coll)

                var request = new DeleteObjectsRequest(txt_selbucketname.Text, keys, false);
                DeleteObjectsResult dresult = _client.DeleteObjects(request);

                string str = dresult.HttpStatusCode.ToString();
                textBox4.AppendText(str + " " + Environment.NewLine + " ");

在一个while中 进行删除工作(因为 每次最多只可以查找100个文件.)
"Count of objects to be deleted exceeds upper limit"


Unity SDK 空引用

创建存储空间失败. 原因: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

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