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Updating android ApiDemos to Android Studio and fixing bugs

Kotlin 99.76% HTML 0.16% AIDL 0.08%

apidemos's Introduction

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atLeastHoneycomb        v11
HONEYCOMB_MR1           v12
atLeastHoneycombMR2     v13
atLeastIceCreamSandwich v14
atLeastJellyBean        v16
atLeastJellyBeanMR1     v17
atLeastJellyBeanMR2     v18
atLeastKitKat           v19
atLeastLRelease         v20
LOLLIPOP                v21
LOLLIPOP_MR1            v22
M                       v23
N                       v24
N_MR1                   v25
O                       v26
O_MR1                   v27
P                       v28
Q                       v29
R                       v30

  Accessibility/Accessibility Node Querying  v14
        .accessibility.TaskAdapter new so that kotlin can find it
            Starts up the task list that will interact with the AccessibilityService sample.
            TaskListView acts as a go-between for all AccessibilityEvents sent from items in its
            ListView, providing the option of sending more context to an AccessibilityService
            by adding more AccessibilityRecords to an event.

  Accessibility/Accessibility Service  v14
            This is the entry activity for a sample that demonstrates how to implement an
            AccessibilityService, namely the ClockBackService

  Accessibility/Custom View           v14
            Demonstrates how to implement accessibility support of custom views. Custom view
            is a tailored widget developed by extending the base classes in the android.view
            package. This sample shows how to implement the accessibility behavior via both
            inheritance (non backwards compatible) and composition (backwards compatible).
            While the Android framework has a diverse portfolio of views tailored for various
            use cases, sometimes a developer needs a specific functionality not implemented
            by the standard views. A solution is to write a custom view that extends one of the
            base view classes. While implementing the desired functionality a developer should
            also implement accessibility support for that new functionality such that
            disabled users can leverage it.

  Accessibility/MagnificationService v24
            This class is an AccessibilityService that controls the state of display 
            magnification in response to key events. It demonstrates the following key features
            of the Android accessibility APIs:
               Basic implementation of an AccessibilityService
               Observing and respond to user-generated key events
               Querying and modifying the state of display magnification
            It includes the file xml/magnification_service.xml describing the service, which is
            referenced by a meta-data android:name="android.accessibilityservice"
            android:resource="@xml/magnification_service" element in AndroidManifest.xml.

Animation (disabled for froyo)
  Animation/Activity Transition v21+
        .animation.ActivityTransition Becomes:
    Animation/Details of a specific thingy v21+
            Uses ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation to transition using
            a shared view as the epicenter of the transition. The xml sets
            android:onClick="clicked" to use for each thumbnail in the GridLayout
            and clicked() creates an intent to launch ActivityTransitionDetails.class
            using a bundle containing an ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation()
            which causes the thumbnail to "expand" into the image detail version. When the
            ImageView in the image detail version is clicked, the reverse transition to
            ActivityTransition activity occurs. The animation is set up using AndroidManifest
            android:theme="@style/ActivityTransitionTheme" which contains elements which point
            to files in res/transition

  Animation/Bouncing Balls v11+
            Uses several different kinds of ObjectAnimator to animate bouncing 
            color changing balls. When onTouchEvent is called with either a
            MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN or MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE a ball of random
            color is added at the events event.getX(), event.getY() coordinates.
            The ball motion and geometry is animated, then an animator of the balls
            alpha is played fading it out from an alpha of 1.0 to 0.0 in 250 milliseconds.
            The onAnimationEnd callback of the fade animation is set to an
            AnimatorListenerAdapter which removes the ball when the animation is done.
            The background color is also Animated. Note that setting the background color
            will automatically invalidate the view, so that the animated color, and the
            bouncing balls, get redisplayed on every frame of the background color animation.

  Animation/Cloning v11 
            Creates an ObjectAnimator to animate the y position of an object from 0 to the
            bottom of the View, .clones it and uses .setTarget to set it as the animation
            of a second View. Then it creates two ObjectAnimator's to: animate the y position
            of an object down, and a second to animate y position up again and creates an AnimatorSet
            to play them sequentially, clones this AnimatorSet and .setTarget's the clone as the
            AnimatorSet for a second object. Uses an AnimatorSet to play the first two ObjectAnimator's
            and first AnimatorSet, requesting that they be run at the same time by calling
            playTogether(ObjectAnimator1,ObjectAnimator2,AnimatorSet1), and the second AnimatorSet
            to run after the first AnimatorSet by calling playSequentially(AnimatorSet1,AnimatorSet2).

  Animation/Custom Evaluator v11 
            Implements the TypeEvaluator interface to animate using a custom:
            "public Object evaluate(float fraction, Object startValue, Object endValue)"
            function. The x and y coordinates of an "animation.ShapeHolder ball" are 
            animated by calling evaluate, and onAnimationUpdate is called which calls
            invalidate() which causes the onDraw method to be called.

  Animation/Default Layout Animations v11 -- layout uses GridLayout so crash,  if < v14.
            Uses android:animateLayoutChanges="true" in the GridLayout used to contain buttons,
            to automate transition animations using the default animations as Buttons are added
            to or removed from that ViewGroup.            .

  Animation/Events v11
            Supposed to show when the various Sequencer Events and Animator Events: 
            Start Repeat Cancel and End occur, but Repeat Events are not generated
            for the Sequencer because the api does not support setRepeatCount on a

  Animation/Hide-Show Animations v11
            Uses setLayoutTransition to set default transitions, and setAnimator to 
            specify custom animations if checkbox is checked. Buttons disappear when
            touched using these animations. If "Gone" checkbox is checked, 
            setVisibility is used to set the button's view to View.GONE which means 
            that it takes up no layout space, and the remaining buttons move together
            to fill the now empty space, otherwise it is set to View.INVISIBLE which
            makes it invisible, but it still occupies the same layout space.
            Pressing the "Show Buttons" button while the "Custom Animations" CheckBox 
            is checked causes a crash which blanks out the system wallpaper. (Sometimes?)

  Animation/Layout Animations v11
            Adds and removes buttons using custom or default animations. Custom animations crash
            badly, causing temporary problem for system wallpaper on Pixel

  Animation/Loading v11 -> v23 or higher required due to android:fraction="0"
            Loads animations from Xml files: R.animator.object_animator (animates ball[0] "y"
            from 0 to 200, and reverses), R.animator.animator (animates ball[1] alpha from 1 to
            0 and reverses), R.animator.animator_set (an animator set which animates ball[2]'s
            "x" from 0 to 200, and "y" from 0 to 400), R.animator.color_animator (an animator
            which animates ball[3]'s color from #0f0 to #00ffff), R.animator.object_animator_pvh
            (an animator which animates ball[4]'s "x" from 0 to 400, and "y" from 0 to 200 using
            propertyValuesHolder's), R.animator.object_animator_pvh_kf (uses propertyValuesHolder
            to hold keyframe specs for x and y and uses the default linear interpolator on balls[5]),
            R.animator.value_animator_pvh_kf (uses propertyValuesHolder to hold keyframe specs
            for a value which balls[6] uses in an AnimatorUpdateListener for an alpha animation),
            and R.animator.object_animator_pvh_kf_interpolated (the animation used for balls[7] has an
            accelerate interpolator applied on each keyframe interval instead of the default used on
            balls[5], As these two animations use the exact same path, the effect of the per-keyframe
            interpolator has been made obvious.)

  Animation/Multiple Properties v11
            Uses AnimatorSet.playTogether(Animator... items) to play four different 
            animations at once: yBouncer (animates y using a BounceInterpolator), yAlphaBouncer
            (animates y and alpha using an AccelerateInterpolator), whxyBouncer (animates width,
            height, x and y using PropertyValuesHolder's), and yxBouncer (animates y and x
            using Keyframe's to split the animation into three sections with a repeat count of
            one and setRepeatMode(ValueAnimator.REVERSE)), all of which are set up in the method

  Animation/Path Animations v11 -- uses android.util.Property crashes if < v14. Also 
        uses android.animation.ObjectAnimator crashes if < v21. Also extends abstract
        class android.animation.TypeConverter crashes if < v21.
            Moves a frog around an using six different ways to move
            the View: named_components (Uses the named "x" and "y" properties for individual
            (x, y) coordinates of the Path and sets them on the view object. The setX(float)
            and setY(float) methods are called on view. An int version of this method also
            exists for animating int Properties), property_components (Use two Properties
            for individual (x, y) coordinates of the Path and set them on the view object.
            An int version of this method also exists for animating int Properties.),
            multi_int (Use a multi-int setter to animate along a Path. The method
            setCoordinates(int x, int y) is called on this during the animation. Either
            "setCoordinates" or "coordinates" are acceptable parameters because the "set"
            can be implied.), multi_float (Use a multi-float setter to animate along a Path.
            The method changeCoordinates(float x, float y) is called on this during the
            animation), named_setter (Use the named "point" property to animate along the Path.
            There must be a method setPoint(PointF) on the animated object. Because setPoint
            takes a PointF parameter, no TypeConverter is necessary. In this case, the animated
            object is PathAnimations.), and property_setter (Use the POINT_PROPERTY property
            to animate along the Path. POINT_PROPERTY takes a Point, not a PointF, so the
            TypeConverter PointFToPointConverter is necessary.). The radio buttons to choose
            which way to use need to be in an HorizontalScrollView not a ScrollView in order
            to be seen on narrow screens.

  Animation/Reversing v11
            Demonstrates the use of android.animation.ValueAnimator.reverse() method
            to play an animation in "reverse".

  Animation/Seeking v11
            Uses a SeekBar to allow user to set the animation to a particular position
            using android.animation.ValueAnimator.setCurrentPlayTime(long playTime)
            Pressing the Run button will play from the current position of the animation.

  Animation/Simple Transitions v11 -- TransitionInflater.from(this) requires v19 as does
        Scene.getSceneForLayout, as does android.transition itself.
            Uses classes from android.transition to animate transitions between 4 (or 3) 
            different layouts. scene4 is not an actual 'Scene', but rather a dynamic
            change in the UI, transitioned to using beginDelayedTransition() to tell
            the TransitionManager to get ready to run a transition at the next frame.
            It merely re-sizes four of the views in whichever of the first three Scenes
            happens to be displayed at that moment.

  Animation/View Flip v11
            Uses fancy custom ObjectAnimator to swap two list views occupying the same
            space in a LinearLayout, by setting one to android:visibility="gone" and the
            other to android:visibility="visible" when they are to be "flipped", the
            english list starts as the visible list as defined in the Layout xml file.

  Action Bar (All Disabled for Froyo)
    App/Action Bar/Action Bar Mechanics v11
            Populates its Action Bar programmatically with no xml files used, even
            for the Activity layout.

    App/Action Bar/Action Bar Navigation v16 (new Document Flag requires v21)
        .app.ActionBarNavigation goes to:
            Shows how to use "Up" button in the ActionBar. A new Document is created in a 
            separate activity, so you have to use "recent" to swipe away the activity that
            launched it, switch to the new "Document", and then the "up" button works as "up",
            otherwise it works as "Back". Uses the attribute android:taskAffinity=":bar_navigation" 
            to associate the activities.

    App/Action Bar/Action Bar Tabs v11
            You need to toggle tab mode before tabs show in action bar. Crashes when rotated
            because it needs a zero argument constructor. The text should be passed in a bundle.
            Working on doing this Right. Did so, but need to use retained fragments in order
            to keep tabs (TODO: add retained fragments to this)

    App/Action Bar/Action Bar Usage v11
            This demonstrates idiomatic usage of the Action Bar. The default Honeycomb theme
            includes the action bar by default and a menu resource is used to populate the
            menu data itself. If you'd like to see how these things work under the hood, see
            ActionBarMechanics. Shows a bunch of different action bar actions, and how to use
            and configure in both java and xml

    App/Action Bar/Action Provider/Settings Action Provider v14
            demo creates an ActionProvider for launching the system settings and adds
            a menu item with that provider, in this case it will launch the system
            settings app. Demonstrates how to implement an android.view.ActionProvider

    App/Action Bar/Action Provider/Share Action Provider v14
            Shows how to add a Share Action Provider to the Action Bar. Shares robot.png
            packaged with the app in res/raw by using content.FileProvider
            TODO: Broken for R -- need to look into this

    App/Action Bar/Display Options v16
            Shows how various action bar display option flags can be combined and their
            effects. The flags are: DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP, DISPLAY_SHOW_HOME, DISPLAY_USE_LOGO,
            DISPLAY_SHOW_TITLE, DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM, all fields in ActionBar. Also you
            can cycle the gravity of the Custom View from START->CENTER_HORIZONTAL->END->START,
            all fields in Gravity, as well as toggle the bar's visibility using ActionBar.hide()
            and, and toggle system ui visibility using setSystemUiVisibility(0)
            to make it visible, and setSystemUiVisibility(View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN) to
            make it invisible.

    App/Activity/Animation                 all
        JELLY_BEAN (v16+) required for "modern animations" by java code if/else statement
        animates in to:
            Example of using a custom animation when transitioning between activities. 
            Legacy "Fade In" and "Zoom In" use:
            overridePendingTransition(int enterAnim, int exitAnim), where enterAnim and 
            exitAnim are the R.anim.* for xml files in res/anim, (R.anim.fade, R.anim.hold)
            for the "Fade In" animation, and (R.anim.zoom_enter, R.anim.zoom_exit) for 
            the "Zoom In" animation.
            The modern versions of these use ActivityOptions.makeCustomAnimation() and
            ActivityOptions.toBundle() to pass the animations to the startActivity function.
            The "Scale Up" animation uses ActivityOptions.makeScaleUpAnimation and the
            "Thumbnail Scale Up" animation uses ActivityOptions.makeThumbnailScaleUpAnimation
            to create options to bundle with toBundle to pass to the startActivity function.

    App/Activity/Custom Dialog             all
        style name="Theme.CustomDialog" -- element in values/styles.xml
            Creates a pop-up activity over the App/Activity list which looks like a dialog, and
            uses a android:theme="@style/Theme.CustomDialog" set in the AndroidManifest.

    App/Activity/Custom Title              v21 due to AppCompatActivity migration oddly enough
            Used to be an example of how to use a custom title. Used Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE
            to create a custom title bar from layout/custom_title_1 for the activity, and allowed
            the user to change the title. But when migrating to [AppCompatActivity] I found out that
            new versions will always throw a runtime exception: "You cannot combine custom titles
            with other title features", and there is no way to turn back the clock to the days when
            title bars were used instead of [ActionBar]'s (apart from targeting Api 7.0 instead of
            the latest). What I did instead is embed a CustomView in the Activity's [ActionBar].
            Looks and acts the same, but allows you to use all the other neat features of

    App/Activity/Dialog                    all
            Creates a Dialog using a style derived from a theme that is appropriate 
            and available given the Api level: style/ThemeCurrentDialog is defined in
            each: values/styles.xml values-v11/styles.xml values-v19/styles.xml and
            values-v20/styles.xml with the parent set to android:Theme.Dialog, 
            android:Theme.Holo.Dialog, android:Theme.Material.Dialog, and
            android:Theme.Material.Light.Dialog respectively.

    App/Activity/Finish Affinity           v16
            Show how to end a deeply nested stack of activities, returning to the 
            activity at the very top. It does this by calling finishAffinity() which
            finishes this activity as well as all activities immediately below it in 
            the current task that have the same affinity.

    App/Activity/Forwarding                all
            Example of removing yourself from the history stack after forwarding to 
            another activity. This is simply done by calling finish() after calling 

    App/Activity/<b>Hello <i>World</i></b> all
            Simple app which only displays a layout containing a single TextView.

    App/Activity/Intent Activity Flags     all -> v11
            This activity demonstrates how to build a backstack of activities into an
            array of Intent[] and use it to replace the current backstack by using 
            makeRestartActivityTask() to create Intent[0] with the flags set to 
            re-launch ApiDemos task in its base state, Intent[1] to launch ApiDemos
            at the "Views" "", Intent[2] to launch
            ApiDemos at the "Views/Lists" "" and requesting
            to reset the back stack to these three "activities". It then launches these
            intents using startActivities() if the FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK button is
            pressed, or putting them into a PendingIntent which it "later" calls using

    App/Activity/Intents                   all
            Uses Intent.createChooser(Intent, "title") to create a "chooser intent" 
            from three different mime types ("audio/*", "image/*", and "*/*") of
            Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT Intents based on which button the user clicks,
            and it then hands the created "chooser Intent" to startActivity(Intent)

    App/Activity/Max Aspect Ratio/1:1
            Uses android:maxAspectRatio="1" in AndroidManifest.xml to set the aspect
            ratio of an empty MaxAspectRatio activity subclass Square

    App/Activity/Max Aspect Ratio/16:9
            Uses android:maxAspectRatio="1.77777778" in AndroidManifest.xml to set the aspect
            ratio of an empty MaxAspectRatio activity subclass SixteenToNine

    App/Activity/Max Aspect Ratio/Any
            Uses no android:maxAspectRatio in AndroidManifest.xml to use any aspect
            ratio of an empty MaxAspectRatio activity subclass Any

    App/Activity/Overscan                  v18
            Uses "@style/Theme.MyOverscanStyle" set in AndroidManifest, (which is my
            custom AppCompat version of @android:style/Theme.Holo.NoActionBar.Overscan)
            and android:fitsSystemWindows="true" in its layout/overscan_activity.xml to
            place a surrounding "white box" in the overscan region of the display, and
            displays a picture in a FrameLayout offset to avoid the overscan region.

   App/Activity/Persistent State          all
            Demonstrates saving and restoring activity state by using a
            SharedPreferences.Editor to save state in the onPause() callback, then 
            restoring the state in the onResume callback.

    App/Activity/Picture in Picture        v26
            Minimal demo of Picture in Picture mode, just enters that mode with current
            content view when button is clicked. You have to drag the PIP down instead of
            up in order to dismiss it -- well guarded secret until Android Q revealed it
            to me in a Toast.
    App/Activity/Presentation -- registerDisplayListener v17 getSupportedModes v23
            Presents a presentation on a secondary display. (Needs secondary display.)

    App/Activity/Presentation with Media Router MediaRouter needs v17
            The activity uses the MediaRouter API to automatically detect when a 
            presentation display is available and to allow the user to control the
            media routes using a menu item.  When a presentation display is available,
            we stop showing content in the main activity and instead open up a  
            Presentation on the preferred presentation display.

    App/Activity/QuickContactsDemo         all
            Shows how to query the contacts database using a cursor, and display the
            results in a ListActivity hosted ListView. It uses a deprecated api which
            queries the database on the UI thread -- it is better to use LoaderManager
            with a CursorLoader. See the documentation for LoaderManager for an example
            of how to do this. TODO: write LoaderManager version.

    App/Activity/Receive Result            all
            Show how to start a second activity (.app.SendResult) to generate a result,
            receive it using startActivityForResult(intent, GET_CODE), followed on completion
            by the callback onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data).
            It launches the Activity SendResult, which then returns the result using
            setResult(RESULT_OK, (new Intent()).setAction("Corky!")), followed by

    App/Activity/Recreate                  v11
            Uses setTheme(theme) followed by recreate() to cycle through three different 
            Holo themes (original version did not initialize the field that the current 
            theme is kept in, causing it to crash on Material Light default devices.)

    App/Activity/Redirection               all
            Consists of three activities: RedirectEnter, RedirectGetter, and RedirectMain.
            RedirectGetter stores user input in the shared preference file "RedirectData"
            RedirectEnter just describes what will happen, and when the "Go" button is 
            clicked starts up RedirectMain, which immediately starts RedirectGetter if 
            there is no data stored in "RedirectData" yet, if there is data it will display
            it and give the user the options to either "Clear and Exit" back to RedirectEnter,
            or "New Text" which restarts RedirectGetter. RedirectMain uses the request 
            codes INIT_TEXT_REQUEST, and NEW_TEXT_REQUEST that it sends in the Intent to 
            RedirectGetter to determine what to do if the result code was RESULT_CANCELED,
            either finish() back to RedirectEnter, or just display the old text.

    App/Activity/Reorder Activities        all
            ReorderOnLaunch is the first of a sequence of four Activities: ReorderTwo,
            ReorderThree, and ReoderFour follow.  A button on the fourth will use the 
            Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT flag to bring the second of the 
            activities to the front of the history stack. After that, proceeding back
            through the history should begin with the newly-frontmost second reorder 
            activity, then the fourth, the third, and finally the first.

    App/Activity/Rotation Animation        v26+ or crash
            Allows you to choose the animation that occurs when the screen is rotated:

    App/Activity/Save &amp; Restore State  all
            Broken? Or too much memory for a kill needed?
            Supposed to show that only EditText with an "id" assigned to the view will
            have its state preserved, but both EditText views remember text entered after
            switching to another app and back. However if you rotate screen then only the
            state of the EditText with android:freezesText="true" is saved, the new content
            of other EditText is forgotten.

    App/Activity/Screen Orientation        all -- v18+ required for full use
            Lets the user choose the screen orientation programmatically -- some orientations
            are only available for v9+, and some only for v18+ but froyo ignores them rather 
            than crashes. Very nice example of spinner layout and use.

    App/Activity/Secure Surfaces/Secure Dialog          all
            Shows a secure dialog by setting WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE on an
            AlertDialog before calling

    App/Activity/Secure Surfaces/Secure Surface View    all
        .app.SecureSurfaceViewActivity                  v17+ or Crash
            This activity demonstrates how to make a SurfaceView use a secure surface so 
            that its contents will only be visible on secure displays. The surface view's
            window has been made secure using setSecure(true) to make it use a secure 

    App/Activity/Secure Surfaces/Secure Window          all
            This activity demonstrates how to make an activity use a secure surface so
            that its contents will only be visible on secure displays. The activity's 
            window has been marked with FLAG_SECURE by calling:


            in the onCreate callback just after calling setContentView to make it use
            a secure surface.

    App/Activity/SetWallpaper              all
            This demonstrates the how to write an activity that gets the current system 
            wallpaper, modifies it and sets the modified bitmap as system wallpaper. The
            image it uses is too small for larger screens because the current wallpaper
            is compressed to fit in the ImageView used by the layout, which is then used
            to set the new wallpaper.

    App/Activity/Soft Input Modes          all
            Shows how the various soft input modes: "Unspecified" (The system will try to
            pick one or the other depending on the contents of the window); "Resize"
            (allow the window to be resized when an input method is shown, so that its
            contents are not covered by the input method); "Pan" (window will pan when
            an input method is shown, so it doesn't need to deal with resizing but is just
            panned by the framework to ensure the current input focus is visible); and
            "Nothing" (window will not adjust for a shown input method. The window will
            not be resized, and it will not be panned to make its focus visible) effect
            the resizing of the UI windows when the IME is displayed. They are set with:

    App/Activity/Translucent               all
            Sets the theme on the window in AndroidManifest to @style/Theme.MyThemeTranslucent
            which is defined in values/styles.xml, its parent is "Theme.AppCompat" with attribute
            items copied from android:style/Theme.Translucent, thereby causing the window to be
            composited over whatever is behind it.

    App/Activity/Translucent Blur          all Not Blurred enough on lollipop
            This is the same as .app.TranslucentActivity, with the background blurred on
            older api's - WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND is no longer 
            supported as of API level 14, so Lollipop does not blur at all.

    App/Activity/Wallpaper                 all
            This is an app which has the system wallpaper behind it. It does this by 
            setting the theme on the window in AndroidManifest to Theme.MyThemeWallpaper,
            which copies attributes from the system theme android:style/Theme.Wallpaper,
            which has android:windowShowWallpaper = "true":

            <style name="Theme.MyThemeWallpaper"
                    <item name="android:windowBackground">@android:color/transparent</item>
                    <item name="android:colorBackgroundCacheHint">@null</item>
                    <item name="android:windowShowWallpaper">true</item>
                    <item name="android:colorForeground">#fff</item>

    App/Alarm/Alarm Controller             v23
            Shows how to schedule both one-shot alarms (, and repeating
            alarms ( using AlarmManager.set() for one-shot and 
            AlarmManager.setRepeating() for the repeating alarm. OneShotAlarm and RepeatingAlarm
            are declared as <receiver>'s in AndroidManifest.xml

    App/Alarm/Alarm Service                v26
            This demonstrates how you can schedule an alarm that causes a service to be
            started (.app.AlarmService_Service)  This is useful when you want to schedule 
            alarms that initiate long-running operations, such as retrieving recent e-mails.
            Note: as of API 19, all repeating alarms are inexact. If your application needs
            precise delivery times then it must use one-time exact alarms, rescheduling each
            time. Legacy applications whose targetSdkVersion is earlier than API 19 will
            continue to have all of their alarms, including repeating alarms, treated as exact.

  Alert Dialogs
    App/Alert Dialogs                      all (v11+ or crash for some)
            Allows you to create different types of dialogs: DIALOG_YES_NO_MESSAGE = 1;
            and DIALOG_PROGRESS_SPINNER = 14. It does this by calling showDialog with the
            int identifying the dialog to be shown, and overriding "Dialog onCreateDialog(int id)"
            which uses a switch to branch between code needed to create the Dialog which it
            returns. All this is very deprecated - TODO: Write a DialogFragment version.

  Device Admin
    App/Device Admin                       Works only on newer versions(?) v24+ or crash
            Shows how to implement a comprehensive UI for exploring and operating the 
            DevicePolicyManager api.
            TODO: work up enough courage to play around with this (lem?)

  Fragment                                 v11+ for all samples
    App/Fragment/Alert Dialog              v11
            Demonstrates how to show an AlertDialog that is managed by a Fragment. Uses
            DialogFragment as base class and overrides onCreateDialog in which it builds
            the AlertDialog using an AlertDialog.Builder

    App/Fragment/Arguments                 v11
        .app.FragmentArgumentsFragment only used in
            Demonstrates a fragment that can be configured through both Bundle arguments
            and layout attributes. Different layout in landscape, including an extra 
            fragment configured within the landscape layout only.

    App/Fragment/Context Menu              v11
            Demonstration of displaying a context menu from a fragment.

    App/Fragment/Custom Animations         v11 -> v21 due to getDrawable call
            Uses FragmentTransaction.setCustomAnimations to cause animations to be used
            when replacing one fragment with the next. The "POP" button does the same thing
            as the back button by calling onBackPressed, it takes you back through the numbered
            fragments on the stack after you "Push" them, again using the same animation.
            onSaveInstanceState saves the mStackLevel in an int "level" which is used when
            the Activity is recreated to remember the stack level, mStackLevel is then used
            to set the int argument "num" passed to the new fragment when it is created.

    App/Fragment/Dialog                    v11
            Example of displaying dialogs with a DialogFragment. Press the show button
            at the bottom to see the first dialog; pressing successive show buttons on 
            the dialogs will display other dialog styles as a stack, with back going to
            the previous dialog. The various styles are: STYLE_NO_TITLE; STYLE_NO_FRAME;
            STYLE_NO_INPUT (this window can't receive input, so you will need to press 
            the bottom show button); STYLE_NORMAL with dark fullscreen theme; STYLE_NORMAL
            with light theme; STYLE_NO_TITLE with light theme; STYLE_NO_FRAME with light 
            theme; STYLE_NORMAL with light fullscreen theme; and STYLE_NORMAL.

    App/Fragment/Dialog or Activity        v11
            Shows how to show the same DialogFragment embedded in the activity layout,
            and as a dialog.

    App/Fragment/Hide and Show             v11
            Demonstration of hiding and showing fragments while keeping fragment state
            using FragmentTransaction.hide(Fragment), and
            The Fragment's used to be created in the layout using the <fragment> xml element,
            which works when using the Activity class, but with the AppCompatActivity or the
            FragmentActivity class you need to use a FragmentTransaction to add the fragments
            the first time the app is run if you want to hide/show them, otherwise we get a null
            pointer exception when you try to find them using the FragmentManager for some
            reason, but the android docs do mention a problem, see:
            Where it says:
            Note: When you add a fragment to an activity layout by defining the fragment in the
            layout XML file, you cannot remove the fragment at runtime. If you plan to swap your
            fragments in and out during user interaction, you must add the fragment to the activity
            when the activity first starts, as shown in Build a flexible UI.

    App/Fragment/Layout                    v11
        .app.FragmentLayout                CRASHES both Xcite and Nexus 7 (fixed)
            Demonstration of using fragments to implement different activity layouts.
            This sample provides a different layout (and activity flow) when run in
            landscape. It crashes as is in landscape mode because of a reference to the
            non-existent containerViewId in the call at line 156: 
                  (FragmentTransaction) ft.replace(, details)
            This was obviously added by a runaway modification script, and the container
            id should be

    App/Fragment/List Array                v11
            Uses a ListFragment as the sole content of the activities window, using setListAdapter to
            configure the list to display an array by constructing an ArrayAdapter<String> using that
            array (Shakespeare.TITLES) as its data:

            ArrayAdapter<String>(getActivity(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, Shakespeare.TITLES));

            It overrides onListItemClick simply to log the id of the item clicked.

    App/Fragment/Menu                      v11
            Builds menus from two fragments, allowing you to hide them to remove them.

    App/Fragment/Nesting Tabs              v17
            Uses tabs in the ActionBar to select between other activities in App/Fragment:
   Uses FragmentManager.enableDebugLogging(true) to produce
            debugging info from the FragmentManager (very useful)

    App/Fragment/Receive Result            v11
            FragmentReceiveResult builds a FrameLayout in java -- no xml layout. To this it adds
            the Fragment ReceiveResultFragment which uses the layout R.layout.receive_result. Then
            it starts the activity SendResult (startActivityForResult) which returns the
            users input in an intent setResult(RESULT_OK, (new Intent()).setAction("Corky!"))
            which FragmentReceiveResult receives in the callback onActivityResult and then
            appends it to the Editable TextView id contained in the layout

    App/Fragment/Retain Instance           v11
            Work fragment/thread calls setRetainInstance(true) in its onCreate callback, 
            causing it and the thread it is running to be retained when the device configuration
            changes. Shows how you can use a Fragment to easily propagate state (such as 
            threads) across activity instances when an activity needs to be restarted. This is
            a lot easier than using the raw Activity.onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() API.

    App/Fragment/Stack                     v11 -> crashes less than v16
            Shows how to push and pop fragments using the system backstack. 
            FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack() adds the fragement to the backstack, and
            getFragmentManager().popBackStack() (or simply pressing "back" button) goes back
            one fragment, using a fancy animation for push and pop. (Not really visible on
            Nexus 6 Marshmallow, but striking on Excite 10.)

    App/Fragment/Tabs                      v11 -> v13 because of .detach
        .app.FragmentTabs *** TODO: Revise to non-deprecated API
            This demonstrates the use of action bar tabs and how they interact with other
            action bar features. The Activities chosen to populate the tabs all have 
            their own uses for the action bar, and they are switched in and out by a 
            class which implements ActionBar.TabListener (TabListener<T extends Fragment>)

    App/Job/Job Work Service Controller   v26
            Example of interacting with JobWorkService.

  Launcher Shortcuts
    App/Launcher Shortcuts                 all
            Supposed to show all that goes into creating a shortcut, and responding 
            to it, but could not get it to work.
            TODO: separate Activity into its own Application

    App/Loader/Cursor                      v11
            Creates a custom class CursorLoaderListFragment which extends ListFragment, 
            with the necessary callbacks to serve as a CursorLoader to load and display 
            contacts data in the ListFragment. Includes the use of a SearchView which
            might come in handy for MarkovChain

    App/Loader/Custom                      v11 -> v14
            Shows how to implement a custom AsyncTaskLoader, it uses the system function
            PackageManager.getInstalledApplications to retrieve a List<ApplicationInfo> 
            containing the AndroidManifest information for all the installed apps.

    App/Loader/Retained                    v11 -> v14
            Demonstration of the use of a CursorLoader to load and display contacts
            data in a fragment. Shows how to retain a ListFragment by calling
            setRetainInstance(true) in the onActivityCreated callback.

    App/Loader/Throttle                    v11
            Demonstration of bottom to top implementation of a content provider holding
            structured data through displaying it in the UI, using throttling to reduce
            the number of queries done when its data changes. Implements a custom CursorLoader
            which pretends to be a SQLite database, and simulates a slow provider of data

    App/Menu/Inflate from XML              all -> v14
        .app.MenuInflateFromXml            crashes froyo invalidateOptionsMenu()
            Lets you choose from a bunch of different xml menus:, 
            and and use MenuInflater.inflate to inflate them.
   does not show the icon (boo hoo!), but oddly enough
            the submenu does?

    App/Notification/Background Service    v26
            Example service that gets launched from a notification and runs in the background. The
            nested class `Controller` of `NotificationBackgroundService` is the `AppCompatActivity`
            which is run when the user starts the demo.

    App/Notification/IncomingMessage       all -> v26
        .app.IncomingMessage               interstitial crashes froyo startActivities()
            Allows you to choose between a regular app notification, and an interstitial
            notification and shows how to launch IncomingMessageView from either type of
            notification. The interstitial choice launches IncomingMessageInterstitial 
            which on clicking the "Switch to App" button uses the same function as the 
            non-interstitial notification to launch IncomingMessageView.

    App/Notification/Notifying Service Controller  -- all -> v26
        .app.NotifyingController controls:
            Updates a notification every 5 seconds from a background thread. Note use of
            ConditionVariable to implement the condition variable locking paradigm, blocking
            for 5*1000 milliseconds after every notification (very useful approach).

    App/Notification/NotifyWithText        all
            Show notification in a Toast.

    App/Notification/Status Bar            all -> v26
            froyo crash -- sound/vibrate/all calls: Intent.makeRestartActivityTask() 
            and PendingIntent.getActivities() -> v11+ only. Displays icon, and text when
            buttons pressed. Marquee does not work lollipop.

    App/Print/Print Bitmap                 v19
            Shows how to print a Bitmap. Uses ImageView.getDrawable()).getBitmap(); to
            retrieve a bitmap of the drawable used in the screen, then to print it uses:
            PrintHelper.printBitmap("Print Bitmap", bitmap);

    App/Print/Print Custom Layout          v19
            Nifty example of a ListActivity with a custom ListAdapter, but it also shows
            how to allow the user to specify options for the printout, and then re-layout
            the pdf canvas View to reflect those changes when it comes time to print.

    App/Print/Print HTML from screen       v21
            Uses a WebView as the View for the app, which allows it to use 
            WebView.createPrintDocumentAdapter() to print using PrintManager.print()

    App/Print/Print HTML off screen        v21
            This activity shows a text prompt and when the user chooses the print option
            from the overflow menu an HTML page with content that is not on the screen
            is printed via an off-screen WebView.

    App/Search/Invoke Search               all
        .app.SearchSuggestionSampleProvider (A provider specified in AndroidManifest.xml)
            This activity shows a few different ways to invoke search, and inserts context-specific
            data for use by the search activity The search activity  is defined in AndroidManifest.xml
            using a meta-data element added to our activity parent component which has the attributes:
            android:name="" and android:value=".app.SearchQueryResults"
            This specifies .app.SearchQueryResults to be our searchable activity (it performs searches).
            The definition of is more typically handled at the
            applications level, where it can serve as a default for all of your activities.

    App/Search/Query Search Results        all
            This activity accepts query strings via the ACTION_SEARCH intent.  In a 
            full implementation, you would use the query string to select results from
            your data source, and present a list of those results to the user. Does not
            actually do anything unless the device has a "Search Key" like Froyo does.
            Note: that although this is intended to only be called by SearchInvoke it also can be
            launched using the "App/Search/Query Search Results" path of the ApiDemos app.

    App/Service/Foreground Service Controller  -- all -> v26
            This demonstrates how you can implement services that run in the foreground
            when needed. Informative use of new Class[] TODO: Study reflection!

    App/Service/Isolated Service Controller    -- v16
            Show how to use android:isolatedProcess="true" AndroidManifest option for
            a service -- the "two" services .app.IsolatedService and .app.IsolatedService2
            do absolutely nothing so there is no way to tell.
            TODO: Make this example service actually do something

    App/Service/Local Service Binding          -- all
            This demonstrates the implementation of a service that runs in the same 
            process as the rest of the application, which is explicitly started and 
            stopped as desired. Binds to

    App/Service/Local Service Controller       -- all
            Example of explicitly starting and stopping the local service. Starts 

    App/Service/Messenger Service              -- all -> v26
        .app.MessengerService --> service we bind to
            This is an example of implementing an application service that uses the
            Messenger class for communicating with clients.  This allows for remote
            interaction with a service, without needing to define an AIDL interface.

    App/Service/Remote Service Binding         -- all -> v26
        Uses the aidl files  IRemoteService.aidl, IRemoteServiceCallback.aidl and ISecondary.aidl
            This is an example of implementing an application service that runs in a 
            different process than the application. Because it can be in another
            process, we must use IPC to interact with it. The Controller, Binding and
            BindingOptions classes show how to interact with the service.

    App/Service/Remote Service Binding Options -- all -> v26
        Uses the aidl files IRemoteServiceCallback.aidl and ISecondary.aidl
            Examples of behavior of different bind flags.

    App/Service/Remote Service Controller      -- all -> v26
        Uses the aidl files IRemoteServiceCallback.aidl and ISecondary.aidl
            Need to make explicit.

    App/Service/Service Start Arguments Controller -- all -> v26
            Shows how to send arguments to the service you are starting by adding them 
            to the Intent you give to ContextWrapper.startService(Intent service) using

    Implicit to Explicit conversion:
     * Android L (lollipop, API 21) introduced a new problem when trying to invoke implicit intent,
     * "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service Intent must be explicit"
     * If you are using an implicit intent, and know only 1 target would answer this intent,
     * This method will help you turn the implicit intent into the explicit form.
     * Inspired from SO answer:
     * @param context
     * @param implicitIntent - The original implicit intent
     * @return Explicit Intent created from the implicit original intent
    public static Intent createExplicitFromImplicitIntent(Context context, Intent implicitIntent) {
        // Retrieve all services that can match the given intent
        PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
        List<ResolveInfo> resolveInfo = pm.queryIntentServices(implicitIntent, 0);

        // Make sure only one match was found
        if (resolveInfo == null || resolveInfo.size() != 1) {
            return null;

        // Get component info and create ComponentName
        ResolveInfo serviceInfo = resolveInfo.get(0);
        String packageName = serviceInfo.serviceInfo.packageName;
        String className =;
        ComponentName component = new ComponentName(packageName, className);

        // Create a new intent. Use the old one for extras and such reuse
        Intent explicitIntent = new Intent(implicitIntent);

        // Set the component to be explicit

        return explicitIntent;

    App/Text-To-Speech                     all -> v21
        .app.TextToSpeechActivity          LANG_MISSING_DATA on froyo
        Need  to call:
       // missing data, install it
            Intent installIntent = new Intent();
       Shows how to use android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech class.

  Voice Recognition
    App/Voice Recognition                  all
            Sample code that invokes the speech recognition intent API. Contains excellent example
            of creating a Handler in the onCreate method for other threads to use to run code on
            the UI thread.

            Just asks for all permissions listed in AndroidManifest.xml using Marshmallow api

    Content/Assets/Read Asset              all
            Shows how to read a data file contained in the app's apk "assets" directory
            using getAssets() to get an AssetManager and filename)
            to open the "file" as an InputStream.

    Content/Clipboard/Data Types           v11 - newHtmlText, getHtmlText, coerceToStyledText,
    .content.ClipboardSample               coerceToHtmlText requires v16
            Shows how to copy to, and paste from the clipboard using the different conversion methods

    Content/Packages/Install Apk           v13 -- v14 needed for some fields and methods.
            Shows how to use Intent.ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE, and Intent.ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE
            to install and uninstall packages.

    Content/Packages/Install Apk using Session API    v21
            Demonstration of package installation and using the package installer Session API.
             AndroidManifest activity element has an android:launchMode="singleTop" attribute.

  Process Text Intent                      v23 uses things not supported earlier.
    Content/Process Text Intent
            Shows how to handle text selection intents, when text in .content.ProcessTextLauncher
            is selected, Marshmallow and above allow you to send the selected text to the
            .content.ProcessText Activity using the"android.intent.action.PROCESS_TEXT" action.
            ProcessText is specified to be the recipient in AndroidManifest.xml by this:

                <action android:name="android.intent.action.PROCESS_TEXT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <data android:mimeType="text/plain" />

    Content/Provider/Changed Contacts      all -- but LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Cursor>
    .content.ChangedContacts               requires v11, and some fields require v18
            Shows how to access the contacts database and list those that have changed or been
            deleted since a certain time. Layout is created by java code, includes instructive
            use of a ListView to contain the results of the Cursor queries.

    Content/Provider/Media Content Observer v24
            Shows how to use a JobService and TriggerContentUri to monitor when there is a 
            change detected by the media provider.

    Content/Provider/Pick Contact          all
            Demonstrates launching the contacts app to pick a contact.  Does not require
            permission to read contacts, as that permission will be granted when the 
            selected contact is returned.

    Content/Provider/Share Content         v16 required for setClipData v11 for newUri
            Demonstrates the share content api, uses the <provider> ".content.FileProvider" to
            pipe the image/jpeg to the app that the user selects to handle it.

    Content/Resources/Layout Reference     all
            Shows how to write layout resource references in values-* directories,
            so that you can define multiple different configurations of a layout
            resource that refer to one actual XML definition. References are defined
            in layout.xml files contained in res/values-xlarge and res/values-sw600dp
            which point to @layout/resources_layout_reference_tablet and
            @layout/resources_layout_reference_tablet respectively (uh... both same
            file?) There is also a default resources_layout_reference.xml file in
            res/layout/ which is used for other size screens.

    Content/Resources/Resources            all
            Shows how to fetch R.string.styled_text from values*/strings.xml as styled
            text using Context.getText (int resId), as a string stripped of its style
            using Context.getString(int resId), and as styled text again using this 
            time Resources.getText (int id). The styled text uses html markup <b>, <i>,
            and <b><i> surrounding the text to set the style used

    Content/Resources/Smallest Width       v13
            Layout file <includes \> layouts from layout, and layout-sw***/ in order to create custom
            FrameLayout area for different smallest width (sw480dp, sw600dp, and sw720dp). These in
            turn <include\> other FrameLayout's also with different versions for the smallest width
            (cute - huh?)

    Content/Resources/<i>Styled</i> <b>Text</b>  -- all
            Shows a resource string being used directly in the layout, and by being 
            retrieved and assigned programmatically.

    Content/Resources/Width and Height     v13
            The layouts included by the {@code FrameLayout} inside R.layout.resources_width_and_height
            use layout-wNNNdp and layout-hNNNdp to select between different versions based on the size
            of the screen. Those from layout-hNNNdp are included first using @layout/resources_height
            and these different layouts in turn include layouts from layout-hNNNdp by asking for

    Content/Storage/Documents              v21
            Exercises the client side of the DocumentsContract api. Layout is created

   External Storage
    Content/Storage/External Storage       all
            Shows how to use the external storage directory api for both public and 
            app private directories. Note: as of Android Q the public storage is no
            longer usable without android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true", go it
            is best to switch public storage use to the Content/Storage/Documents aka
            DocumentsContract api above.

    Content/Undo                           android:allowUndo="false" requires v23 ("m")
            Simple example of using an UndoManager for editing text in a TextView. (Or so it says)
            Actually an example of using InputFilter.LengthFilter to limit the length of text entered,
            a DigitsKeyListener, and a TextWatcher.

    Graphics/AlphaBitmap                   all
            Shows how to use alpha channel compositing in 2D graphics using PorterDuffXfermode
            and Bitmap.extractAlpha -- also shows how to create your own View in code alone.
            for details of the graphic algebra performed with the different PorterDuff modes
            You can use the key below to understand the algebra that the Android docs use to
            describe the other modes (see the article for a fuller description with similar terms).

                Sa Source alpha
                Sc Source color
                Da Destination alpha
                Dc Destination color

            Where alpha is a value [0..1], and color is substituted once per channel (so use
            the formula once for each of red, green and blue)

            The resulting values are specified as a pair in square braces as follows.


            Where alpha-value and color-value are formulas for generating the resulting
            alpha chanel and each color chanel respectively.
            TODO: Exercise all the other PorterDuff modes.

    Graphics/AnimateDrawables              all
            Shows how to use the Animation api (in this case TranslateAnimation) in order 
            to move a jpg around a Canvas. Uses AnimateDrawable which extends ProxyDrawable
            (A neat way to package the methods required when extending Drawable, overriding
            only draw in AnimateDrawable)

    Graphics/Arcs                          all
            Shows how to draw arcs and rectangles to a Canvas -- need to figure out what
            slows down frame rate -- I'm guessing something inside native_drawArc

    Graphics/BitmapDecode               all crashes LG-8.3, works: froyo, Nexus 7. Nexus 4, Nexus 9
        .graphics.BitmapDecode             Crash in native method draw
            line 40. Shows how to decode various image file formats into displayable bitmaps:
            drawable/beach.jpg, drawable/frog.gif (creates also an Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 bitmap,
            and a Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444 bitmap from that bitmap), drawable/button.9.png, and
            drawable/animated_gif.gif which it animates using
            TODO: replace Movie with

    Graphics/BitmapMesh                    all
            Uses method drawBitmapMesh to warp a bitmap near the 
            area it is touched. Very subtle effect on Nexus 6 and Nexus 6P -> Marshmallow
            or just small high density screen?

    Graphics/BitmapPixels                  all crashes lollipop, works froyo, jellybean
            Supposed to show Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565, and Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444
            configurations of the same color ramp, but ever since KitKat Bitmap.createBitmap will return 
            a Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 bitmap instead of Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444 bitmap, so the call to
            mBitmap3.copyPixelsFromBuffer(makeBuffer(data4444, N)); on line 147 will crash Lollipop.
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) kludge to make it work on newer
            versions. TODO: make kludge use ARGB_8888 instead?

    Graphics/CameraPreview                 all crashes froyo -- getNumberOfCameras() needs v9+
            Shows how to create a SurfaceView for the deprecated Camera api (use android.hardware.camera2)

    Graphics/Clipping                      all
            Shows how to use methods clipPath and clipRect, as well as
            some other Canvas drawing methods.

    Graphics/ColorFilters                  all
            Applies a PorterDuffColorFilter to tint some button like drawables using several
            different colors, and both PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP, and PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY
            PorterDuff modes to apply them. Oddly only froyo spaces the drawables properly 
            probably due to the use of drawable-mdpi and drawable-hdpi versions. Checking
            Drawable.getIntrinsicHeight() and modifying the spacing for hdpi fixes the problem.

    Graphics/ColorMatrix                   all
            Uses ColorMatrixColorFilter's to create three different versions of a jpeg, 
            animating them through different "contrasts". One changes both scale and 
            translate, one changes scale only, and one changes translate only. (The original
            is at top of left column, scale and translate to right of it, scale only second row,
            and translate only is in the third row.)

    Graphics/Compass                       all
            Displays a compass pointer which it rotates according to SensorEvent it receives
            in its override of the onSensorChanged method. The rotation is done using the
            matrix pre-concatenated by Canvas.rotate(float degrees) 

    Graphics/CreateBitmap                  all
            Shows how to create bitmaps programmatically, how to compress them to JPG and PNG
            formats, and shows how JPG looses information while PNG is loss-less.

    Graphics/Density                       all
            This activity demonstrates various ways density can cause the scaling of bitmaps
            and drawables. Includes sample code for different ways to get drawables onto the
            different dpi screens.

    Graphics/Drawable/GradientDrawable     all
            Uses xml to draw <shape> ImageView(s). shape_5.xml has a <gradient>

    Graphics/Drawable/ShapeDrawable        all
            Drawing using the Drawable class methods, many of them usable in <shape> xml drawables.

    Graphics/FingerPaint                   all
            Shows off some Canvas drawing methods and View.onTouchEvent usage.

    Graphics/Layers                        all
            Shows the use of Canvas.saveLayerAlpha() and Canvas.restore() to save and restore
            Canvas settings while doing some drawing in an off screen buffer.

    Graphics/MeasureText                   all
            Shows how to use the text measurement methods: Paint.getTextWidths(), 
            Paint.measureText(), and Paint.getTextBounds() to determine what area
            each character in a string as well as the complete string will occupy 
            when they are drawn using Canvas.drawText, then draws a colored rectangle
            around each string and a line under each at the baseline. Text was too
            small so I modified it a bit.

  OpenGL ES
   Compressed Texture
    Graphics/OpenGL ES/Compressed Texture  all
            Demonstrate how to use ETC1 format compressed textures. This sample can be
            recompiled to use either resource-based textures (compressed offline using
            the etc1tool), or textures created on the fly by compressing images.

   Cube Map
    Graphics/OpenGL ES/Cube Map            all
            Demonstrate how to use the OES_texture_cube_map extension, available on some
            high-end OpenGL ES 1.x GPUs. Shows how to load and use GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP
            textures to animate a gyrating Torus.

   Frame Buffer Object
    Graphics/OpenGL ES/Frame Buffer Object all
            Demonstrate the Frame Buffer Object OpenGL ES extension. This sample renders
            a scene into an offscreen frame buffer, and then uses the resulting image as
            a texture to render an onscreen scene.

    Graphics/OpenGL ES/GLSurfaceView       all
            Wrapper activity demonstrating the use of GLSurfaceView, a view that uses OpenGL
            drawing into a dedicated surface. Uses CubeRenderer to render a pair of tumbling
            cubes created and draw(n) by

    Graphics/OpenGL ES/Kube                all
        .graphics.kube.Kube Main Activity
            Animates a Rubic cube, randomly spinning layers one by one.

   Matrix Palette Skinning
    Graphics/OpenGL ES/Matrix Palette Skinning  -- all
            This sample shows how to implement a Matrix Palette, used to rock a column
            back and forth.

   OpenGL ES 2.0
    Graphics/OpenGL ES/OpenGL ES 2.0       all
            This sample shows how to check for OpenGL ES 2.0 support at runtime, and then
            use either OpenGL ES 1.0 or OpenGL ES 2.0, as appropriate. Since even froyo 
            uses 2.0 this is not all that important it seems. Does show a simple example
            of using Vertex shaders, and Fragment shaders (Pixel shaders).

   Sprite Text
    Graphics/OpenGL ES/Sprite Text         all
            Shows how to add text to a GLSurfaceView using OpenGL labels. OpenGL labels 
            are implemented by creating a Bitmap, drawing all the labels into the Bitmap,
            converting the Bitmap into an Alpha texture, and drawing portions of the
            texture using glDrawTexiOES. The benefits of this approach are that the 
            labels are drawn using the high quality anti-aliased font rasterizer, full
            character set support, and all the text labels are stored on a single texture, 
            which makes it faster to use. The drawbacks are that you can only have as many
            labels as will fit onto one texture, and you have to recreate the whole 
            texture if any label text changes. Characters are too small on lollipop, okay
            on froyo. TODO: Resize characters

   Textured Triangle
    Graphics/OpenGL ES/Textured Triangle   all
            Shows a rotating triangle using a bitmap made from raw/robot.png as the 
            texture. It uses a GLSurfaceView.Renderer that uses the Android-specific 
            android.opengl.GLESXXX static OpenGL ES APIs. The static APIs expose more 
            of the OpenGL ES features than the javax.microedition.khronos.opengles APIs,
            and also provide a programming model that is closer to the C OpenGL ES APIs, 
            which may make it easier to reuse code and documentation written for the C 
            OpenGL ES APIs. It uses android:theme="@style/ThemeCurrentDialog" in the
            AndroidManifest.xml so the SurfaceView is shrunk to appear in a dialog size
            window TODO: Appears to be very broken on Pixel 2 XL - find out why.

   Touch Rotate
    Graphics/OpenGL ES/Touch Rotate        v26
            Shows how to redraw in response to user input. Draws a cube, and allows the
            user to rotate it using their finger.

   Translucent GLSurfaceView
    Graphics/OpenGL ES/Translucent GLSurfaceView  -- all
            Sets the background of the GLSurfaceView of a CubeRenderer to Translucent, 
            allowing the user to see the ApiDemos application behind the rotating cube.

    Graphics/PathEffects                   all
            Shows how to use the PathEffect classes to make animated dashed lines, and 
            smoothed, rounded lines.

    Graphics/PathFillTypes                 all
            Shows the effect of four different Path.FillType's on the same Path, which
            consists of two intersecting circles: 
            Path.FillType.WINDING, Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD, Path.FillType.INVERSE_WINDING, 
            and Path.FillType.INVERSE_EVEN_ODD.
            TODO: See convertDpToPixel for example of converting pixels to dp and apply elsewhere

    Graphics/Patterns                      all
            Creates two Bitmap's: a blue rectangle on a red background, and a green 
            circle on a clear background. It uses these Bitmap's to make two 
            BitmapShader's, and it rotates the Circle BitmapShader by 30 degrees.
            In the onDraw method it first draws using the rectangle pattern, translate's
            the Canvas based on the current MotionEvent movement and draws using the
            circle pattern. The effect is to allow you to move the circle pattern with
            your finger while leaving the rectangle pattern stationary and partially visible
            through the circle pattern on top.

    Graphics/Pictures                      all
            Shows how to use the Picture class to record drawing instructions performed
            on the Canvas returned by Picture.beginRecording(width, height), then after
            calling Picture.endRecording() the Picture  is turned into a Drawable by
            calling PictureDrawable(Picture). Then in the onDraw method it first draws
            the Picture using the Canvas.drawPicture(Picture) method then it stretches
            the Picture when drawing using the Canvas.drawPicture(Picture,RectF) method,
            then it draws the Drawable it created with PictureDrawable(Picture) to draw
            using Drawable.draw(Canvas).
            Prior to API 29 then it wrote the Picture to a ByteArrayOutputStream and drew
            it by reading that ByteArrayOutputStream back in and then drew it using
            Canvas.drawPicture(Picture.createFromStream(is)), but API 29 removed both
            Picture.writeToStream and Picture.createFromStream

    Graphics/Points                        all
            Creates an array of points, draws RED lines between them using Canvas.drawLines()
            then draws the points by themselves in BLUE using Canvas.drawPoints().

    Graphics/PolyToPoly                    all
            Shows how to use Matrix.setPolyToPoly to move and warp drawings done to a Canvas:
            translate (1 point); rotate/uniform-scale (2 points); rotate/skew (3 points); and
            perspective (4 points).

  PurgeableBitmap *** Both NonPurgeable and Purgeable CRASH on Q but not on Api 16 "JellyBean"
    Graphics/PurgeableBitmap/NonPurgeable  all
            Uses Options.inPurgeable to increase the number of Bitmap's before running 
            out of memory, but it is deprecated as of LOLLIPOP, and is ignored. Use 
            inBitmap or other bitmap memory tricks instead.

    Graphics/PurgeableBitmap/Purgeable     all
            Uses Options.inPurgeable to increase the number of Bitmap's before running 
            out of memory, but it is deprecated as of LOLLIPOP, and is ignored. Use 
            inBitmap or other bitmap memory tricks instead.

    Graphics/Regions                       all
            Shows how to use the Region class to merge two or more Rectangle's in a 
            Region using Union, Xor, Difference, and Intersect operations.

    Graphics/RoundRects                    all
            Shows how to use a GradientDrawable to draw rectangles with rounded corners,
            and three different types of color gradient: GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT,
            GradientDrawable.RADIAL_GRADIENT, and GradientDrawable.SWEEP_GRADIENT.

    Graphics/ScaleToFit                    all
            Shows the results of using Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL, Matrix.ScaleToFit.START,
            Matrix.ScaleToFit.CENTER, and Matrix.ScaleToFit.END as the ScaleToFit options
            when calling:
             Matrix.setRectToRect(Rect srcRect, Rect dstRect, Matrix.ScaleToFit stf)

    Graphics/SensorTest                    all
            This sample only draws a nice looking arrow, and logs sensor readings. No
            meaningful graphics lessons here?
            TODO: update mValues from sensor readings.

  Shadow Card Drag
    Graphics/Shadow Card Drag              v21 (or crashes due to Outline.setConvexPath)
            Shows "material design" effects of simple draggable shapes that generate a
            shadow casting outline on touching the screen

  Shadow Card Stack
    Graphics/Shadow Card Stack             v11 (or crash due to android.animation.Animator)
            Clever use of Animator and AnimatorSet to move card stack using "material 
            design" shadowing. The properties being animated are: translationY (expandAnimators), 
            translationZ (towardAnimators), rotationY and translationX (moveAwayAnimators), 
            rotationY and translationX (moveBackAnimators),  translationZ (awayAnimators), and
            translationY (collapseAnimators).

  Surface Window
    Graphics/Surface Window                v21 or crash
        .graphics.WindowSurface            SurfaceHolder.Callback2 needs v9+
            Demonstrates how to take over the Surface from a window to do direct drawing
            to it (without going through the view hierarchy). Good example of how to use 
            a background thread to do your drawing. Shows use of life cycle callbacks when
            a thread is running in the background.
            TODO: Prevents back button use - Fix this

  SurfaceView Overlay
    Graphics/SurfaceView Overlay           all
            Shows how to use a FrameLayout to layer views within it, and how to use 
            View.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE), View.INVISIBLE, and View.GONE to toggle
            which ones are shown. Good use of a translucent background as well.

    Graphics/Sweep                         all
            Animates a SweepGradient Shader by rotating its setLocalMatrix(Matrix M),
            used to paint a circle.
            TODO: Add alternative input for keypad.

  Text Align
    Graphics/Text Align                    all
            Shows how to position text drawn to a Canvas using Paint.setTextAlign, 
            Canvas.drawPosText, and along an arbitrary path using Canvas.drawTextOnPath
            TODO: resize text for dpi and fix deprecated methods warnings

  Touch Paint
    Graphics/Touch Paint                   all v14+ or crash
            Demonstrates the handling of touch screen, stylus, mouse and trackball 
            events to implement a simple painting app. (Lots of features, but unable
            to access with only the touch screen.)

    Graphics/Typefaces                     all
            Shows how to load and use a custom Typeface.

    Graphics/UnicodeChart                  all
            Draws a unicode chart, and cycles from page to page of the chart as
             you click it (or use dpad)

    Graphics/Vertices                      all
            Shows how to use Canvas.drawVertices with BitmapShader to draw warp-able
            Bitmap's. The Canvas.translate before drawing the bottom version of the
            two is not far enough away from the top for high dpi so it overlaps it
            in the original version, so I scaled it by the logical screen density.

    Graphics/Xfermodes                     v21 Due to use of new Canvas.saveLayer
            Shows the results of using different Xfermode's when drawing an overlapping 
            square and a circle to the same Canvas. It was way too small on the newer devices
            (froyo OK), so I modified it to scale for dpi

    Hardware/Consumer IR                  all  -- but v19+ or crash
            App that transmits an IR code, demonstrates the android.hardware.ConsumerIrManager
            android.hardware.ConsumerIrManager class. Unfortunately I have no devices with an
            IR Emitter.

    Media/AudioFx                          all -- but v9+ or crash
            Nifty equalizer with simplified audio waveform display using onWaveFormDataCapture
            callback of the Visualizer.OnDataCaptureListener interface.

    Media/MediaPlayer                      all
            Shows how to use the MediaPlayer class to control playback of audio/video 
            files and streams.
            TODO: Set the path variables to a local audio and video file path.

    Media/MediaProjection                  all -- v21 or crash
            Shows how to use a ProjectionManager.createScreenCaptureIntent to capture
            screen content to a VirtualDisplay which is created using
            MediaProjection.createVirtualDisplay to display to a SurfaceView.
    *** Crashes on Q due to: java.lang.SecurityException: Media projections require a
     foreground service of type ServiceInfo.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MEDIA_PROJECTION
     TODO: Fix to run on Q eventually.

    Media/VideoView                        all
            Shows how to use the VideoView class in an application to play a video, as
            well as a MediaController to provide control buttons for the playback.

    NFC/ForegroundDispatch                 all -- v10+ or crash
            An example of how to use the NFC foreground dispatch APIs. This will intercept
            any MIME data based NDEF dispatch as well as all dispatched for NfcF tags.

    ******* Android Beam has been removed as of Q *******
    NFC/ForegroundNdefPush                 all -- v16+ or crash
            An example of how to use the NFC foreground NDEF push APIs to push an url to
            another android device.

    NFC/TechFilter                         all
            No idea, but nfc related somehow. Having looked at it more closely, it does not
            look like it does anything at all

************** Removed to ease targeting API 29
*   OS/MMS Messaging                       v21 or crash
*       .os.MmsMessagingDemo
*       .os.MmsWapPushReceiver
*       .os.MmsFileProvider
*           Shows how to send and receive mms messaging (test using real phone)

    OS/Morse Code                          all
            App that vibrates the vibrator with the Morse Code for a string. This 
            demonstrates the android.os.Vibrator class.

    OS/Rotation Vector                     all -- v9+ or crash
            Uses output from Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR to change the rotation matrix
            of an openGL Cube.

************** Removed to ease targeting API 29
*   OS/SMS Messaging                       all
*       .os.SmsMessagingDemo
*       .os.SmsReceivedDialog
*       .os.SmsMessageReceiver
*           Shows how to send and receive SMS messages. Nifty use of tts as well.

    OS/TriggerSensors                      all -- v18+ or crash
            Shows how to use the Sensor.TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION sensor as a TriggerSensor
            and respond to TriggerEvent it receives as a TriggerEventListener.

    Preference/1. Preferences from XML     all
            Uses deprecated method PreferenceActivity.addPreferencesFromResource to load 
            preferences. TODO: use PreferenceFragmentCompat and PreferenceFragmentCompat.addPreferencesFromResource

    Preference/2. Launching preferences    all
            Shows how to launch a separate PreferenceActivity activity to collect user
            preference choices. TODO: Use PreferenceFragmentCompat instead.

    Preference/3. Preference dependencies  all
            A primitive example showing how some preferences can depend on other preferences.
            Uses android:dependency to point to key of another Preference that the Preference
            will depend on. If the other Preference is not set or is off, the Preference will
            be disabled. TODO: reimplement using fragment-based PreferenceActivity.

    Preference/4. Default values           all
            How to properly use default values when using a preference file. This activity is an
            example of a simple settings screen that has default values. In order for the default
            values to be populated into the SharedPreferences(from the preferences XML file), the
            client must call PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(android.content.Context, int, boolean)}.
            This should be called early, typically when the application is first created. An easy way
            to do this is to have a common function for retrieving the SharedPreferences that takes
            care of calling it.
            TODO: use PreferenceFragmentCompat instead.

    Preference/5. Preferences from code    all -- v14+ or crash
            Shows how to fill a PreferenceScreen using java code.
            TODO: use PreferenceFragmentCompat instead.

    Preference/6. Advanced preferences     all
        .preference.MyPreference ?
            Show how to impliment a OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener.
            TODO: use PreferenceFragmentCompat instead.

    Preference/7. Fragment                 v11
            Shows how to use a PreferenceFragmentCompat instead of the deprecated PreferenceActivity.

    Preference/8. Headers                  v11 -- need to override isValidFragment or crash
            After override of isValidFragment {return true;} you have a top-level preference 
            panel with headers which when clicked launch the PreferenceFragment's listed
            in the xml/preference_headers.xml resource loaded using loadHeadersFromResource.
            TODO: use PreferenceFragmentCompat instead

    Preference/9. Switch                   v14
            Shows how to use android.preference.SwitchPreference.
            TODO: use PreferenceFragmentCompat instead.

    Security/KeyStore                      all -- v23+ or crash
            Shows how to use api to generate Key pairs, sign and verify.
            TODO: Replace use of deprecated android.R.color.primary_text_dark with own <selector>
            TODO: Replace use of android.os.AsyncTask with coroutines.

    Views/Animation/3D Transition          all
            This sample application shows how to use layout animation and various 
            transformations on views. The result is a 3D transition between a ListView
            and an ImageView. When the user clicks on an item in the list, it flips to
            show the item's picture. When the user clicks the picture, it flips to show 
            the list. The animation is made of two smaller animations: the first half 
            rotates the list by 90 degrees on the Y axis and the second half rotates the
            picture by 90 degrees on the Y axis. When the first half finishes, the list
            is made invisible and the picture is set visible. (This would be good to use
            in my ClockSlice app!)
            TODO: Remove or replace deprecated setPersistentDrawingCache

    Views/Animation/Interpolators          all
            Shows the effect of selecting each of seven different types of TranslateAnimation
            interpolator: "Accelerate", "Decelerate", "Accelerate/Decelerate", "Anticipate",
            "Overshoot", "Anticipate/Overshoot", and "Bounce".

    Views/Animation/Push                   all
            Shows how to use the four different animations available for a ViewFlipper:
            "Push up", "Push left", "Cross fade", and "Hyperspace". A ViewFlipper is a
            Simple ViewAnimator that will animate between two or more views that have 
            been added to it. Only one child is shown at a time. If requested, it can
            automatically flip between each child at a regular interval.
    Views/Animation/Shake                  all
            Shows use of a translate animation defined in xml to "shake" a TextView.
            It uses an android:interpolator also defined in xml which consists of a 
            cycleInterpolator whose android:cycles="7".

  Auto Complete
    Views/Auto Complete/1. Screen Top      all
            Shows how to use an AutoCompleteTextView to provide suggestions as a user 
            types. The AutoCompleteTextView is located at the top of the screen, so
            the suggestions appear in a drop down list.

    Views/Auto Complete/2. Screen Bottom   all
            Shows how to use an AutoCompleteTextView to provide suggestions as a user 
            types. The AutoCompleteTextView is located at the bottom of the screen, so
            the suggestions appear in a pop-up list

    Views/Auto Complete/3. Scroll          all
            Shows how to use an AutoCompleteTextView to provide suggestions as a user 
            types. The entire very long layout is inside a ScrollView that you have to
            scroll down to see the AutoCompleteTextView's, which control the ScrollView
            as they need to when presenting the suggestion list.

    Views/Auto Complete/4. Contacts        all
            Shows how to use the ContentResolver for the contacts database as the source
            of data for an auto complete lookup of a contract.
            TODO: replace CursorAdapter constructor with LoaderManager with a CursorLoader

    Views/Auto Complete/5. Contacts with Hint -- all
            Shows how to use the ContentResolver for the contacts database as the source
            of data for an auto complete lookup of a contact. It uses android:completionHint
            to show the hint "Typing * will show all of your contacts." in the AutoCompleteTextView.

    Views/Auto Complete/6. Multiple items  all
            Shows how to use a MultiAutoCompleteTextView to show completion suggestions 
            for the substring of the text where the user is typing. Adds a comma at the
            end of every selected suggestion and MultiAutoCompleteTextView.CommaTokenizer
            uses that to separate the words for the MultiAutoCompleteTextView.

    Views/Buttons                          all
            Shows three different buttons, all totally defined in layout/buttons_1.xml:
            a default button, a small button using style="?android:attr/buttonStyleSmall",
            and a ToggleButton. The small button is same size as normal button on M.

    Views/Chronometer                      all
            Demonstrates the Chronometer class.

    Views/Controls/1. Light Theme          all
            A gallery of basic controls: Button, EditText, RadioButton, Checkbox, Spinner
            and switch if v14+. This example uses the light theme which is set using
            the activity attribute android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light" in

    Views/Controls/2. Dark Theme           all
            Same as .view.Controls1 but android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat" is set in

    Views/Controls/3. Holo Light Theme     v11
            Uses .view.Controls1 with android:theme="@style/Theme.MyHoloLight" set
            in AndroidManifest.xml
            TODO: Make it look more like "@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light"

    Views/Controls/4. Holo Dark Theme      v11
            Uses .view.Controls1 with android:theme="@style/Theme.MyHolo" set in
            TODO: Make look more like android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo"

    Views/Controls/5. Material Light Theme v24
            Uses layout/controls_material.xml with aandroid:theme="@style/Theme.MyMaterialLight"
            set in AndroidManifest.xml which contains more advanced controls than used in old
            TODO: Make look more like android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Material.Light"

    Views/Controls/5. Material Light Theme v21
            Uses .view.Controls1 with android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Material.Light"
            set in AndroidManifest.xml
            TODO: Make look more like android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Material.Light"

    Views/Controls/6. Material Dark Theme v24
             Extends ControlsMaterialLight with android:theme="@style/Theme.MyMaterial"
             set in AndroidManifest.xml
             TODO: Make look more like android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Material"

    Views/Controls/6. Material Dark Theme  v21
            Uses .view.Controls1 with android:theme="@style/Theme.MyMaterial" set
            in AndroidManifest.xml
            TODO: Make look more like android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Material"

    Views/Controls/7. Custom Theme         all
            Uses .view.Controls1 with a custom theme android:theme="@style/MyCustomTheme" derived
            from parent=""Theme.AppCompat.Light"",
            with: <color name="custom_theme_color">#b0b0ff</color> used for both
            android:windowBackground, and android:colorBackground

    Views/Controls/8. Current or Old Theme all
            Uses .view.Controls1 with style/ThemeCurrent which selects a theme based on the
            version using values/styles.xml and values-vNN/styles.xml to select between the
            TODO: Make all the themes look more like the real ones

    Views/Controls/9. Default Theme        all
            Uses .view.Controls1 without specifying a theme which uses the system default
            of the device it is running on.
            TODO: this crashed because of need for use of Theme.AppCompat, so I use it for now

    Views/Custom                           all
            Demonstrates creating a Screen that uses custom views. This example uses
   -- the attributes it accepts
            are defined in the file values/attrs.xml

  Date Widgets
    Views/Date Widgets/1. Dialog           all
            Basic example of using date and time widgets, including
            and android.widget.DatePicker. Also provides a good example of using Activity#onCreateDialog,
            Activity#onPrepareDialog and Activity#showDialog to have the activity automatically
            save and restore the state of the dialogs. Nifty TimePickerDialog on Nexus 6, lame one
            on Jellybean

    Views/Date Widgets/2. Inline           all
            Shows the use of an inline TimePicker. Neat on M lame on J

  Drag and Drop
    Views/Drag and Drop                    v11
            Shows how to implement draggable views.

  Expandable Lists
    Views/Expandable Lists/1. Custom Adapter  -- all -- v17+ or crash
            Demonstrates expandable lists using a custom ExpandableListAdapter from
            BaseExpandableListAdapter. The custom BaseExpandableListAdapter groups
            different child lists under group names: "People Names", "Dog Names", 
            "Cat Names", and "Fish Names". When clicked the groups expand to show the
            child lists, any child or group which is long-pressed will pop up a context
            menu with an "action button".

    Views/Expandable Lists/2. Cursor (People) -- all -- crashes on froyo: null pointer
            Demonstrates expandable lists backed by Cursors -- uses Contacts data base to
            retrieve names and when a name is clicked expands to show the phone numbers 
            for that name.

    Views/Expandable Lists/3. Simple Adapter  -- all
            Demonstrates expandable lists backed by a Simple Map-based adapter, which is
            created using SimpleExpandableListAdapter

    Views/Focus/1. Vertical                all
            Demonstrates the use of non-focusable views: caused by android:focusable="false" 
            in layout file layout/focus_1.xml

    Views/Focus/2. Horizontal              all
            Uses android:nextFocusRight="@+id/rightButton" to skip middle button -- need
            input device suitable for changing focus.

    Views/Focus/3. Circular                all
            Uses android:nextFocusDown="@+id/bottom", android:nextFocusLeft="@+id/left",
            android:nextFocusUp="@+id/top", and android:nextFocusRight="@+id/right" to
            specify focus behavior that would be difficult with default focus calculation 
            algorithm -- need input device suitable for changing focus.

    Views/Focus/4. Internal Selection      all
            android.view.View#requestFocus(int, and 
            android.view.View#onFocusChanged(boolean, int,
            work together to give a newly focused item a hint about the most interesting
            rectangle of the previously focused view.  The view taking focus can use this
            to set an internal selection more appropriate using this rect.
            This Activity exercises that behavior using three adjacent InternalSelectionView
            that report interesting rects when giving up focus, and use interesting rects
            when taking focus to best select the internal row to show as selected.
            Were InternalSelectionView not to override android.view.View#getFocusedRect, or
            android.view.View#onFocusChanged(boolean, int,}, the focus 
            would jump to some default internal selection (the top) and not allow for the 
            smooth hand-off. Need keys to move focus, so I do not know what this does.

    Views/Focus/5. Sequential (Tab Order)  all
            Demonstrates using nextFocusForward in the layout/focus_5.xml to explicitly 
            set sequential focus order. Not for touch only.

    Views/Focus/6. Window Focus Observer   all  -- v18+ or crash
            Implements a WindowId.FocusObserver() whose onFocusGained(WindowId) merely
            prints "Gained focus", and whose onFocusLost(WindowId) prints "Lost focus".
             When menu items are clicked or the app is put in the background the window
             loses focus even on a touch only device.

  Game Controller Input
    Views/Game Controller Input            all
            Demonstrates how to process input events received from game controllers.
            It also shows how to detect when input devices are added, removed or 
            This activity displays button states and joystick positions. Also writes 
            detailed information about relevant input events to the log. The game 
            controller is also uses to control a very simple game.  See GameView
            for the game itself, it is used by our layout file R.layout.game_controller_input.
            No game controller here.

    Views/Grid/1. Icon Grid                all
            Shows how to use a GridView to display a grid of ImageView's created from
            the app icons retrieved from the PackageManager

    Views/Grid/2. Photo Grid               all
            Shows how to use a GridView created from resource jpg's using 

    Views/Grid/3. Selection Mode           all -- v11+ or crash
            Implements multi-selection mode on GridView

  Hover Events
    Views/Hover Events                     all -- v14+ or crash View.OnHoverListener()
            No idea what this is supposed to do -- need mouse.

    Views/ImageButton                      all
            Simply shows how to draw images on buttons using the SDK stock image.

    Views/ImageView                        all
            Shows how to control scaling in an ImageView in a layout file using:
            android:layout_width, android:layout_height, android:maxWidth, and 
            android:maxHeight and other attributes of ImageView.

  Input Method
    Views/Input Method/HintLocales         v24
             Provide some EditText with specifying android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo.hintLocales
             so that IME developers can test their IMEs.

    Views/Input Method/ShowInputMethodAndSubtypeEnabler  v24
             Demonstrates how to show the input method subtype enabler without relying on
             InputMethodManager.showInputMethodAndSubtypeEnabler(String), which is highly 
             likely to be broken.

  Layout Animation
    Views/Layout Animation/1. Grid Fade    all
            Uses @anim/layout_grid_fade.xml which is a gridLayoutAnimation which uses
            @anim/fade.xml to fade in app icons in a GridView

    Views/Layout Animation/2. List Cascade all
            Shows how to use a LayoutAnimationController to animate the layout of a list
            in a ListActivity Too fast on Nexus 6 to see effect
            TODO: slow down animation for fast devices.
            TODO: Use androidx ListFragment or androidx RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Layout Animation/3. Reverse Order  -- all
            Same as List Cascade above, but an android:layoutAnimation attribute in the layout
            file R.layout.layout_animation_3 uses anim/layout_bottom_to_top_slide.xml which uses
             anim/slide_right instead of implementing the animation in code
             TODO: Use androidx ListFragment or androidx RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Layout Animation/4. Randomize    all
            Its layout file R.layout.layout_animation_4 uses a android:layoutAnimation attribute
            to animate using anim/layout_random_fade which has an android:animationOrder="random"
            attribute and uses the alpha animation specified in anim/fade.xml to fade in app
            icons in random order.

    Views/Layout Animation/5. Grid Direction  -- all
            Its layout file R.layout.layout_animation_5 uses an android:layoutAnimation attribute
            which uses "@anim/layout_grid_inverse_fade" which in turn uses the attributes
            android:directionPriority="row", and android:direction="right_to_left|bottom_to_top"
            along with anim/fade.xml to fade in app icons in a grid from bottom right to top left
            instead of top down order.

    Views/Layout Animation/6. Wave Scale   all
            Its layout file R.layout.layout_animation_6 uses an android:layoutAnimation attribute
            specifying "@anim/layout_wave_scale" as the animation, which in turn uses an
            android:animation attribute to specify @anim/wave_scale as its animation. This
            animation animates alpha from 0.0 to 1.0 with a duration of 100, and two fancy scaling
            animations. The results are: 1. Fade in app icons, 2. Scale them in from .5 size, to
            1.5 size, 3. Scale back from 1.5 to 1.0 size.

    Views/Layout Animation/7. Nested Animations  -- all
            Its layout file R.layout.layout_animation_7 contains an android:layoutAnimation
            attribute specifying @anim/layout_animation_table as its animation. This creates
            an animation of the layout files TableLayout, with the layout of each TableRow
            animated using an android:layoutAnimation so that alternating rows use
            @anim/layout_animation_row_right_slide and @anim/layout_animation_row_left_slide.
            Way too fast to see effect well even on Excite 10
            TODO: slow down animation to show effect.

    Views/Layouts/Baseline/1. Top          all
            Use default android:layout_gravity of LinearLayout to place widgets at top 
            of window -- the baseline of the text in the views of differently sized text
            is used to align.

    Views/Layouts/Baseline/2. Bottom       all
            Uses android:layout_gravity="bottom" of LinearLayout to place widgets at 
            bottom of window -- the baseline of the text in the views of differently sized
            text is used to align.

    Views/Layouts/Baseline/3. Center       all
            This example shows that baseline alignment has no effect when the layout
            gravity is set to center_vertical.

    Views/Layouts/Baseline/4. Everywhere   all
            This example scatters widgets around the window using different values of

    Views/Layouts/Baseline/5. Multi-line   all
            Demonstrates the baseline alignment in a RelativeLayout when one of the 
            widgets is a multi-line EditText

    Views/Layouts/Baseline/6. Relative     all
            Shows alignment in a RelativeLayout using android:layout_alignParentLeft="true"
            and android:layout_alignParentRight="true" for two different TextView widgets.

    Views/Layouts/Baseline/Nested Example 1  --all
            Shows how to use android:baselineAlignedChildIndex to align the baseline of
            widgets contained inside a android:orientation="horizontal" LinearLayout
            TODO: describe layout file R.layout.baseline_nested_1

    Views/Layouts/Baseline/Nested Example 2  --all
            More use of android:baselineAlignedChildIndex to align specific widget inside
            compound nested Views

    Views/Layouts/Baseline/Nested Example 3  --all
            Using android:baselineAlignedChildIndex again this time to point to a linear 
            layout to baseline align by, which in turn will point to a text view inside 
            of it.

    Views/Layouts/CustomLayout             all -- v11+ or crashes combineMeasuredStates
            Example of writing a custom layout manager.  This is a fairly full-featured 
            layout manager that is relatively general, handling all layout cases.  The
            custom parameters that it supports are extensions of ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams

    Views/Layouts/GridLayout/1. Simple Form  --all -- v14+ or crashes GridLayout
            Demonstrates using GridLayout to build the same "Simple Form" as in the
            LinearLayout and RelativeLayout demos.

    Views/Layouts/GridLayout/2. Form (XML)  --all -- v14+ or crashes GridLayout
            A form, showing use of the GridLayout API from XML, using a separate layout
            for landscape mode defined in layout-land

    Views/Layouts/GridLayout/3. Form (Java)  --all -- v14+ or crashes GridLayout
            A form, showing use of the GridLayout API from java code. Here we demonstrate
            use of the row/column order preserved property which allows rows and or
            columns to pass over each other when needed. The two buttons in the bottom right
            corner need to be separated from the other UI elements. This can either 
            be done by separating rows or separating columns - but we don't need to 
            do both and may only have enough space to do one or the other. Uses
            GridLayout.Spec spec(...) to specify the horizontal and/or vertical
            characteristics of the cells.

    Views/Layouts/HorizontalScrollView    all
            Demonstrates horizontal scrolling with a HorizontalScrollView. Needed to set
            android:textSize to see properly.

    Views/Layouts/LinearLayout/01. Vertical  --all
            Demonstrates a simple linear layout. The height of the layout is the sum of 
            its children due to android:layout_height="wrap_content"

    Views/Layouts/LinearLayout/02. Vertical (Fill Screen)  --all
            Demonstrates a simple linear layout. The layout fills the screen, with the
            children stacked from the top due to android:layout_height="match_parent"

    Views/Layouts/LinearLayout/03. Vertical (Padded)  --all
            Demonstrates a simple linear layout. The layout fills the screen, with the 
            children stacked from the top. The middle child gets allocated any extra 
            space due to android:layout_weight="1"

    Views/Layouts/LinearLayout/04. Horizontal  --all
            Demonstrates a horizontal linear layout with equally sized columns due to
            all children View's using android:layout_weight="1"

    Views/Layouts/LinearLayout/05. Simple Form  --all
            Demonstrates building a simple form with nested LinearLayouts. It uses
            a horizontal layout to hold the two buttons at the bottom and uses
            layout_gravity="right". This means the whole horizontal LinearLayout is
            right aligned, not the individual items within it. The horizontal
            LinearLayout's width is set to wrap_content. (If it was match_parent
            it would not have any room to slide to the right.)

    Views/Layouts/LinearLayout/06. Uniform Size  --all
            LinearLayout which uses a combination of wrap_content on itself and 
            match_parent on all of its children to get every item to be the same width.

    Views/Layouts/LinearLayout/07. Fill Parent  --all
            Demonstrates a horizontal linear layout with equally sized columns. Some 
            columns force their height to match the parent. Does not work as is for some
            reason. Changed the height of the longest text to android:layout_height="wrap_content"
            and it works as advertised.

    Views/Layouts/LinearLayout/08. Gravity  --all
            Demonstrates changing gravity of a LinearLayout programmatically using
            setOrientation(LinearLayout.*) as dictated by options menu choice.

    Views/Layouts/LinearLayout/09. Layout Weight  --all
            Demonstrates a simple linear layout. The layout fills the screen, with the
            children stacked from the top. The ListView receives all the extra space due
            to android:layout_weight="1.0", but because it is still larger than the screen
            it is forced to enter scroll mode.

    Views/Layouts/LinearLayout/10. Background Image  --all
            Demonstrates the use of LinearLayout backgrounds to group labels,
            EditTexts, and buttons, -- OR -- Demonstrates using a LinearLayout
            background to group related TextViews, EditTexts, and Buttons.
            (EditText is hard to read because of background color -- please fix.)
            TODO: Change background or text color so it can be read especially for Excite 10.

    Views/Layouts/RelativeLayout/1. Vertical  --all
            A simple layout which demonstrates stretching a view to fill the space
            between two other views. This occurs oddly enough because even though all
            three share the same default weight, the android:layout_height="0dip"
            causes the center view to take the leftover space from the parent.

    Views/Layouts/RelativeLayout/2. Simple Form  --all
            Demonstrates using a relative layout to create a form.

    Views/Layouts/ScrollView/1. Short      all
            Demonstrates wrapping a (short) layout in a ScrollView.

    Views/Layouts/ScrollView/2. Long       all
            Demonstrates wrapping a LONG LinearLayout in a ScrollView (All but the first
            TextView and Button in the LinearLayout are Created and .addView'd programmatically)

    Views/Layouts/ScrollView/3. Internal Selection  --all
            Demonstrates how a well behaved view with internal selection InternalSelectionView
            can cause its parent android.widget.ScrollView to scroll to keep the internally
            interesting rectangle on the screen.  InternalSelectionView achieves this by calling
            android.view.View#requestRectangleOnScreen each time its internal selection changes.
            android.widget.ScrollView, in turn, implements android.view.View#requestRectangleOnScreen
            thereby acheiving the result.  Note that android.widget.ListView also implements the
            method, so views that call android.view.View#requestRectangleOnScreen that are embedded
            within either android.widget.ScrollView's or android.widget.ListView's can expect to
            keep their internal interesting rectangle visible.  Needs keyboard and a fix to
            background colors in

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/01. Basic    all
            Very simple example of TableLayout done entirely in xml, three rows, three columns of

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/02. Empty Cells  --all
            TableLayout of Button and TextView's showing how to leave a cell empty

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/03. Long Content  --all
            Rows have different number of columns and content doesn't fit on screen:
            column 4 of row 2 shrinks all of the other columns android:shrinkColumns="2, 3"
            Oddly enough my test devices are too wide to need shrinking so it does not
            actually show what it intends to show. Not only that, but if the text is too long
            it is wrapped and the row is increased in size to fit the entire text.

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/04. Stretchable  --all
            Stretch some columns: second column uses android:gravity="right",
            android:stretchColumns="1" (column numbers are zero based)

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/05. Spanning and Stretchable  --all
            Uses android:stretchColumns="1" and has View divider line children along with the

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/06. More Spanning and Stretchable  --all
            Uses android:stretchColumns="1" to stretch second column, and android:layout_column="1"
            to skip column 0 for some TableRow's

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/07. Column Collapse  --all
            Button's toggle collapsed state of column 0 or column 2, also show how to build a
            TableRow and add it to a TableLayout programmatically. Note that the attribute
            android:collapseColumns="2" starts column 2 in a collapsed state.

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/08. Toggle Stretch  --all
            Uses Button to toggle stretch attribute of one column. Includes programmatically built
            TableRow along with xml TableRows

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/09. Toggle Shrink  --all
            Button uses setColumnShrinkable to toggle the shrinkColumns attribute of a table which
            has a column so long it forces the last columns off the screen.

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/10. Simple Form  --all
            Uses xml only to construct a form, too long of an entry in the EditText boxes does a
            weird thing -- it scrolls the buttons at the bottom off the screen!
            TODO: Scroll the EditText boxes instead.

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/11. Gravity  --all
            Shows difference in layout for android:gravity="right",
            android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" and
            android:layout_gravity="right|bottom" (large cell height is set by
            a "strut" of 68dp for the right|bottom example row.)

    Views/Layouts/TableLayout/12. Cell Spanning  --all
            Creates large multi-column cells for several rows using android:layout_span=

    Views/Lists/01. Array                  all
            A list view example where the data for the list comes from an array of strings. It uses
            an `ArrayAdapter<String>` to fill a [ListView]'s list. It sets the isTextFilterEnabled`
            property of the [ListView] to `true` so that the list is filtered when the user types,
            but as there is no way for the keyboard to appear on a phone this nifty feature does not

    Views/Lists/02. Cursor (People)        all
            Builds a cursor using getContentResolver().query(...) of the Contacts provider for a
            projection of Contacts._ID, and Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME and sets it as the ListAdapter
            for the ListActivity's list
            TODO: Switch to the new CursorLoader class with LoaderManager instead of SimpleCursorAdapter
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/03. Cursor (Phones)        all
            A list view example where the data comes from a cursor, and a SimpleCursorAdapter
            is used to map each item to a two-line display.
            TODO: Switch to the new CursorLoader class with LoaderManager instead
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/04. ListAdapter            all
            A list view example where the data comes from a custom ListAdapter which displays from
            an array of strings using a custom view (reusing recycled views when one is given to it.)
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/05. Separators             all
            A list view example with separators. Separators are implemented by overriding the methods
            areAllItemsEnabled, and isEnabled
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/06. ListAdapter Collapsed  --all
            A list view example where the data comes from a custom ListAdapter, onListItemClick is
            overridden to "toggle" the view between two states: collapsed to a title, and expanded
            to a title and text for that title
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/07. Cursor (Phones)        all
            A list view example where the data comes from a cursor. Original used the "selected"
            item in list to display the details of an item at the bottom of the string by implementing
            OnItemSelectedListener, I modified to do the same when onListItemClick is called since
            a touch interface cannot select.
            TODO: Switch to the new CursorLoader class with LoaderManager instead
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/08. Photos                 all
            A list view that demonstrates the use of setEmptyView. This example also uses a custom
            layout file that adds some extra buttons to the screen instead of using the ListActivity
            default layout.
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/09. Array (Overlay)        all
            Another variation of the list of cheeses. In this case, we use
            to display the first letter of the visible range of cheeses. Uses an
            Handler thread to remove the dialog displaying the letter after 3000ms
            using postDelayed(mRemoveWindow, 3000); where mRemoveWindow is a pointer
            to a class RemoveWindow which implements Runnable. (Cute -- need to use this)
            TODO: Make overlay more transparent
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/10. Single choice list     all
            This example shows how to use choice mode on a list. This list is in
            CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE mode, which means the items behave like radio-buttons.
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/11. Multiple choice list   all
            This example shows how to use choice mode on a list. This list is in
            CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE mode, which means the items behave like checkboxes.
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/12. Transcript             all
            Demonstrates the using a list view in transcript mode. The bottom of the layout
            is an EditText, clicking on the EditText view .add()'s  the text to the
            ArrayAdapter filling the ListView above it.
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/13. Slow Adapter           all
            Demonstrates how a list can avoid expensive operations during scrolls or flings.
            In this case, we pretend that binding a view to its data is slow (even though it
            really isn't). When a scroll/fling is happening, the adapter binds the view to
            temporary data. After the scroll/fling has finished, the temporary data is
            replaced with the actual data. Usable approach but needs major modification to
            use in real world application.
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/14. Efficient Adapter      all
            Demonstrates how to write an efficient list adapter. The adapter used in this example
            binds to an ImageView and to a TextView for each row in the list.
            To work efficiently the adapter implemented here uses two techniques:
            - It reuses the convertView passed to getView() to avoid inflating View
              when it is not necessary
            - It uses the ViewHolder pattern to avoid calling findViewById()
              when it is not necessary
            The ViewHolder pattern consists in storing a data structure in the tag of the view
            returned by getView(). This data structure contains references to the views we want
            to bind data to, thus avoiding calls to findViewById() every time getView() is invoked.
            Note: uses mInflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item_icon_text, parent, false) instead of
            mInflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item_icon_text, null)
            TODO: Fix all other inflate() with null rootview.
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/15. Selection Mode         all -- v11+ or crash
            This demo illustrates the use of CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL, a.k.a. selection
            mode on ListView. It switches into selection mode on long press.
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/16. Border selection mode  all -- v11+ or crash
            This demo illustrates the use of CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL, a.k.a. selection
            mode on ListView couple with the new simple_list_item_activated_1 which uses
            a highlighted border for selected items.
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Lists/17. Activate items         all -- v11+ or crash
            A ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE list view where the last item the user
            clicked is placed in the "activated" state, causing its background to
            highlight. Uses the built-in layout android.R.layout.simple_list_item_activated_1
            for showing a list item with a single line of text whose background
            changes when activated. Uses getListView().setItemChecked in onCreate
            to start with first item activated.
            TODO: Use ListFragment or RecyclerView instead of ListActivity

    Views/Number Picker                   all
             Demonstrates how to use a NumberPicker

    Views/Overlay Window
             Demonstrates the display of overlay windows, i.e. windows that are drawn on top of
             other apps.
             TODO: Remove overlay in onDestroy?

    Views/Pointer shapes v24
            A gallery of the different pointer icons -- Needs mouse
            Constructs a PointerIcon using kotlin code in its onResolvePointerIcon override
            Loads a PointerIcon from the "pointer-icon" resource R.drawable.custom_pointer_icon
            in its onResolvePointerIcon override
            Constructs a PointerIcon from a BitmapDrawable in its onResolvePointerIcon override
            Loads a PointerIcon from one of the system pointer icons in its onResolvePointerIcon

  Popup Menu
    Views/Popup Menu                       all -- v11+ or crash
            This demonstrates the use of the PopupMenu class. Clicking the button will
            inflate and show a popup menu from an XML resource.

  Progress Bar
    Views/Progress Bar/1. Incremental      all
            Demonstrates how to use ProgressBar as a widget. The ProgressBar is defined in
            the layout xml file to use style="?android:attr/progressBarStyleHorizontal",
            android:layout_width="200dip", android:layout_height="wrap_content",
            android:max="100". It uses android:progress="50" to initialize the state of
            the default progress and android:secondaryProgress="75" to initialize the state
            of the secondary progress. Buttons below the ProgressBar decrement or increment
            the two progress states. In spite of the comments in the code, the progress bar
            does not appear in the title bar, it appears at the top of the LinearLayout

    Views/Progress Bar/2. Smooth           all
            Demonstrates the use of indeterminate progress bars as widgets and in the
            window's title bar. The widgets show the 3 different sizes of circular
            progress bars that can be used. The window title bar does not work, it has
            been dropped as of Android 5.0 appCompat library.

    Views/Progress Bar/3. Dialogs          all
            Demonstrates the use of progress dialogs.  Uses Activity#onCreateDialog
            Activity#showDialog to ensure the dialogs will be properly saved and
            restored. Buttons on the main Layout allow you to choose between one
            which sets the title using dialog.setTitle("Indeterminate") and one which
            has no title. (Direct use of showDialog is deprecated, use a DialogFragment
            instead). TODO: convert to use DialogFragment

    Views/Progress Bar/4. In Title Bar     all -- does not work lollipop
            Demonstrates how to use an indeterminate progress indicator in the window's
            title bar. This does not work for android starting with 5.0

  Radio Group
    Views/Radio Group                      all
            Demonstrates RadioGroup, including adding a RadioButton to an xml defined
            RadioGroup programmatically (the is created in the file values/ids.xml),
            retrieving the* of the RadioButton selected, clearing all buttons, and the
            value View.NO_ID (=-1) returned when no RadioButton is selected.

  Rating Bar
    Views/Rating Bar                       all
            Demonstrates how to use a rating bar. The top two RatingBar's have their
            RatingBar.OnRatingBarChangeListener set to this and a onRatingChanged method
            updates a TextView and two RatingBar indicators based on the values passed to

  Rotating Button
    Views/Rotating Button                 all -- v11+ or crash
            This application demonstrates the ability to transform views in 2D and 3D,
            scaling them, translating them, and rotating them (in 2D and 3D). Use the
            seek bars to set the various transform properties of the button. It sets the
            SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener of each SeekBar to morph the button using
            setTranslationX, setTranslationY, setScaleX, setScaleY, setRotationX, setRotationY,
            and setRotation. Good demo of SeekBar.
            TODO: fix crash that occurs if you rotate too much

    Views/ScrollBars/1. Basic              all
            Demonstrates scrolling with a ScrollView. Done entirely in xml, the ScrollView is
            the root view with a single LinearLayout child (ScrollView's can have only one.)

    Views/ScrollBars/2. Fancy              all
            Demonstrates scrolling with a ScrollView, android:scrollbarTrackVertical
            and android:scrollbarTrackVertical are set to colored drawables created in xml
            using <shape> and android:scrollbarSize="12dip" makes it wider than normal.
            The drawable/scrollbar_vertical_thumb has <corners android:radius="6dp" /> which
            gives a rounded look to the top and bottom of the scrollbar.

    Views/ScrollBars/3. Style              all
            Demonstrates scrolling with ScrollView's with android:scrollbarStyle set to
            outsideOverlay and outsideInset in the xml, and one set programmatically using
            TODO: Scroll bars are too small to see clearly, scale them better

  Search View
    Views/Search View/Action Bar           v11+
            This demonstrates the usage of SearchView in an ActionBar as a menu item. It sets
            a SearchableInfo on the SearchView for suggestions and submitting queries to. In
            AndroidManifest.xml a <meta-data> element android:name=""
            android:value=".app.SearchQueryResults" sets the Activity to handle search requests.

    Views/Search View/Always Expanded      v11+
            This Activity extends .view.SearchViewActionBar, with the only difference being it
            Override's isAlwaysExpanded() to return true instead of false.

    Views/Search View/Filter               v11+
            Shows a list that can be filtered in-place with a SearchView in non-iconified mode.
            Calls setTextFilterEnabled(true) on the layout's ListView to filter the children
            displayed in the ListView and the value it gets in the onQueryTextChange callback
            it implements as a SearchView.OnQueryTextListener to setFilterText on the ListView.
            (Very sweet -- need to try this!)

  Secure View
    Views/Secure View                      all -- v9+ or crash
            This activity demonstrates two different ways in which views can be made more secure to
            touch spoofing attacks by leveraging framework features.

            The activity presents 3 buttons that ostensibly perform a risky security critical
            function.  Under ordinary circumstances, the user would never click on these buttons
            or would at least think long and hard about it.  However, a carefully crafted toast can
            overlay the contents of the activity in such a way as to make the user believe the buttons
            are innocuous.  Since the toast cannot receive input, the touches are passed down to the
            activity potentially yielding an effect other than what the user intended.

            To simulate the spoofing risk, this activity pops up a specially crafted overlay as
            a toast lay-ed out so as to cover the buttons and part of the descriptive text.
            For the purposes of this demonstration, pretend that the overlay was actually popped
            up by a malicious application published by the International Cabal of Evil Penguins.

            The 3 buttons are set up as follows:

            1. The "unsecured button" does not apply any touch filtering of any kind.
               When the toast appears, this button remains clickable as usual which creates an
               opportunity for spoofing to occur.

            2. The "built-in secured button" leverages the android:filterTouchesWhenObscured view
               attribute to ask the framework to filter out touches when the window is obscured.
               When the toast appears, the button does not receive the touch and appears to be inoperable.

            3. The "custom secured button" adds a touch listener to the button which intercepts the
               touch event and checks whether the window is obscured.  If so, it warns the user and
               drops the touch event.  This example is intended to demonstrate how a view can
               perform its own filtering and provide additional feedback by examining the MotionEvent
               flags to determine whether the window is obscured.  Here we use a touch listener but
               a custom view subclass could perform the filtering by overriding
             TODO: Make first TextView secure_view_overlay.xml More visible.

  Seek Bar
    Views/Seek Bar                         all
            Demonstrates how to use a seek bar. It implements SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener which
            has the three call backs: onProgressChanged, onStartTrackingTouch, and onStopTrackingTouch
            displaying appropriate text based on the information passed it.
            TODO: why do first two SeekBar's start out enabled in spite of android:enabled="false"

    Views/Spinner                          all
        .array.colors (in values/arrays.xml)
        .array.planets (in values/arrays.xml)
            Demonstrates the use of the Spinner widget. It creates two ArrayAdapter<CharSequence>
            from string-array resources and uses setDropDownViewResource to set the view used by the
            adapter to create drop down views, then uses setAdapter to set the adapter used by
            each Spinner. setOnItemSelectedListener is used to set an OnItemSelectedListener
            for each which involves implementing onItemSelected and onNothingSelected to receive
            callbacks when an item in the Spinner's is selected.

  Splitting Touches across Views
    Views/Splitting Touches across Views   all - v11+ or crash in layout
            This activity demonstrates splitting touch events across multiple views within a
            view group.  Here we have two ListViews within a LinearLayout that has the attribute
            android:splitMotionEvents set to "true". Try scrolling both lists simultaneously
            using multiple fingers.

    Views/Switches                         all - v14+ or crash in layout
            Demonstrates the use of the toggle switch widget. Customized text removed for Lollipop
            unless attribute android:showText="true" is added

  System UI Visibility
    Views/System UI Visibility/Content Browser  -- v16
            This activity demonstrates how to use system UI flags to implement
            a content browser style of UI (such as a book reader). Includes "Content",
            and implementation of a view for displaying immersive content, using system
            UI flags to transition in and out of modes where the user is focused on
            that content. When the user clicks, it toggles the visibility of navigation
            TODO: replace deprecated OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener with OnApplyWindowInsetsListener

    Views/System UI Visibility/Content Browser Nav Bar  -- v19
            This activity demonstrates how to use system UI flags to implement a content
            browser style of UI (such as a book reader) that hides the nav bar as well as
            the status bar. The difference is the addition of the flags
            TODO: replace deprecated OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener with OnApplyWindowInsetsListener
            TODO: replace deprecated Action bar navigation using tabs
            TODO: replace SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_* with WindowInsetsController

    Views/System UI Visibility/Game        v19
            This activity demonstrates how to use the system UI flags to implement
            an immersive game.
            TODO: replace deprecated OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener with OnApplyWindowInsetsListener
            TODO: replace SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_* with WindowInsetsController

    Views/System UI Visibility/System UI Modes  -- v18
            This activity demonstrates some of the available ways to reduce the size or
            visual contrast of the system decor, in order to better focus the user's
            attention or use available screen real estate on the task at hand. Uses
            CheckBox'es to set or unset the various flags passed to View.setSystemUiVisibility
            for the IV extends ImageView which serves as the background in the FrameLayout
            holding it and the CheckBox'es which overlay it.
            TODO: replace deprecated OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener with OnApplyWindowInsetsListener
            TODO: replace deprecated Action bar navigation using tabs
            TODO: replace SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_* with WindowInsetsController

    Views/System UI Visibility/System UI Modes Overlay  -- v16
            Extend .view.SystemUIModes with the addition of requesting the window feature
            Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY which overlays the action bar rather than
            positioning the action bar in the space above the window content.
            TODO: replace deprecated OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener with OnApplyWindowInsetsListener
            TODO: replace deprecated Action bar navigation using tabs
            TODO: replace SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_* with WindowInsetsController

    Views/System UI Visibility/Translucent Bars  -- v19
            Layout sets the attribute android:fitsSystemWindows="true" to adjust view layout
            based on system windows such as the status bar. When true, it  adjusts the padding
            of the view to leave space for the system windows. Will only take effect if this
            view is in a non-embedded activity. This has the effect of allowing the text
            displayed to be visible below the system navigation bar and notification bar.
            android:theme="@style/Theme.NoActionBar.MyTranslucentDecor" is set in
            AndroidManifest to make the bars translucent.

    Views/System UI Visibility/Video Player  -- v16
            Implementation of a view for displaying full-screen video playback, using system
            UI flags to transition in and out of modes where the entire screen can be filled
            with content (at the expense of no user interaction).
            Note: AppCompat does not do android:uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow"
            TODO: replace deprecated Action bar navigation using tabs
            TODO: replace deprecated OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener with OnApplyWindowInsetsListener
            TODO: replace SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_* with WindowInsetsController

    Views/Tabs/1. Content By Id            all
            An example of an TabActivity that uses labels TabSpec#setIndicator(CharSequence)
            for its indicators and views by id from a layout file TabSpec#setContent(int).
            TextView's sharing a FrameLayout are selected by the tabs.
            TODO: replace deprecated TabActivity with modern navigation idiom

    Views/Tabs/2. Content By Factory       all
            Example of using a tab content factory for the content via
            It also demonstrates using an icon on one of the tabs via
            but this does not work using the default Theme as of Ice Cream Sandwich.
            TODO: replace deprecated TabActivity with modern navigation idiom

    Views/Tabs/3. Content By Intent        all
            An example of tab content that launches an activity via
            android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec#setContent(android.content.Intent), the
            three tabs launch .view.List1, .view.List8, and .view.Controls1
            respectively, using Intent's. The last sets the Intent flag so that it is
            recreated each time the tab is clicked using:
            TODO: replace deprecated TabActivity with modern navigation idiom

    Views/Tabs/4. Non Holo theme           all
            Identical to Tabs2. The change is in the theme used in the manifest file:
            android:theme="@android:style/Theme" The Icon shows up now unlike Tabs2.

    Views/Tabs/5. Scrollable               all
            Demonstrates the Tab scrolling when too many tabs are displayed to fit
            in the screen. In the layout a HorizontalScrollView contains the TabWidget
            and 30 tabs are added to it using TabHost.addTab(TabHost.TabSpec tabSpec)
            the callback createTabContent creates the content as each tab is selected.
            TODO: replace deprecated TabActivity with modern navigation idiom

    Views/Tabs/6. Right aligned            all
            Uses a right gravity for the TabWidget. Does not seem to have any effect even
            after changing AndroidManifest to android:theme="@android:style/Theme"
            TODO: replace deprecated TabActivity with modern navigation idiom

            Demonstrates the android.widget.EditText widget. android:imeOptions="actionSearch"
            only produces an action key in landscape orientation for some reason. (No :id?)

    Views/Text/Linkify                           all
            Four different ways to generate html like links and styled text: text1 shows
            the android:autoLink property, which automatically creates links for things
            like URLs and phone numbers found in the text. No java code is needed to make
            this work; text2 has links specified by putting <a> tags in the string resource.
            By default these links will appear but not respond to user input. To make
            them active, you need to call setMovementMethod() on the TextView object;
            text3 shows creating text with links from HTML in the Java code, rather than
            from a string resource.  Note that for a fixed string, using a (localizable)
            resource as shown above is usually a better way to go, this example is
            intended to illustrate how you might display text that came from a dynamic
            source (eg, the network); text4 illustrates constructing a styled string
            containing a link without using HTML at all.  Again, for a fixed string you
            should probably be using a string resource, not a hardcoded value.

    Views/Text/LogTextBox                        all
            Using a LogTextBox to display a scrollable text area to which text is
            appended. is a custom TextView that is Editable and by
            default scrollable, like EditText without a cursor.

    Views/Text/Marquee                           all
            Uses android:ellipsize="marquee" in the layout file to auto scroll Button
            text that is longer than the view is wide.
            Need to add android:focusable="true" and android:focusableInTouchMode="true"
            to each of the buttons in order for the Marquee animations to run.

    Views/Text/TextClock                        all - v17+ or crash
            Variants of TextClock: Default formats; Shows the date only; Uses styles
            (different android:format12Hour, and android:format24Hour strings with
            font and face defined in string xml); Shows seconds; Uses a fixed time zone.

    Views/Text/TextSwitcher                     all
            Uses a TextSwitcher to animate changes in the View controlled by the TextSwitcher.
            Two TextView's are requested from the app's overriding of ViewSwitcher.ViewFactory
            method makeView, and when the View needs to be updated TextSwitcher.setText is
            called to change the text and animate to it.

            Demonstrates the android.widget.TextView widget. Shows different values for
            android:textAppearance: ?android:attr/textAppearanceSmall,
            ?android:attr/textAppearanceMedium, and ?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge,
            as well as the effect of android:textIsSelectable="true",
            android:visibility="invisible", and android:background="#ff00ff00"

    Views/Tooltips                         v26
            A demo for tooltips, it is implemented almost entirely in the layout file
            layout/tooltips.xml using the android:tooltipText attribute for the views,
            but the TextView with id has its tooltip set using its
            setTooltipText method in our onCreate override.

    Views/Visibility                       all
            Demonstrates making a view VISIBLE, INVISIBLE and GONE. Three buttons control
            the visibility of a TextView which is sandwiched between two other TextView's

    Views/WebView                          all
            Sample creating 1 webviews. Html data is loaded into the layout's WebView using

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