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delphiwebsockets's Introduction

Not active anymore

Unfortunately I don't have time to support this project anymore. Also the websocket protocol has changed in the meantime, so it won't work with browser and other modern implementations.

Please take a look at the free (but closed) 3rd party component:


Websockets and for Delphi

See below for an event driven async example of an server and client:

  IdWebsocketServer, IdHTTPWebsocketClient, superobject, IdSocketIOHandling;

  server: TIdWebsocketServer;
  client: TIdHTTPWebsocketClient;


procedure ShowMessageInMainthread(const aMsg: string) ;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  server := TIdWebsocketServer.Create(Self);
  server.DefaultPort := 12345;
    procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aArgument: TSuperArray; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback)
      //show request (threadsafe)
      ShowMessageInMainthread('REQUEST: ' + aArgument[0].AsJSon);
      //send callback (only if specified!)
      if aCallback <> nil then
        aCallback.SendResponse( SO(['succes', True]).AsJSon );
  server.Active      := True;

  client := TIdHTTPWebsocketClient.Create(Self);
  client.Port := 12345;
  client.Host := 'localhost';
  client.SocketIOCompatible := True;
    procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aArgument: TSuperArray; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback)
      ShowMessageInMainthread('Data PUSHED from server: ' + aArgument[0].AsJSon);
      //server wants a response?
      if aCallback <> nil then
        aCallback.SendResponse('thank for the push!');
  client.SocketIO.Emit(C_CLIENT_EVENT, SO([ 'request', 'some data']),
    //provide callback
    procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aJSON: ISuperObject; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback)
      //show response (threadsafe)
      ShowMessageInMainthread('RESPONSE: ' + aJSON.AsJSon);

  //start timer so server pushes (!) data to all clients
  Timer1.Interval := 5 * 1000; //5s
  Timer1.Enabled  := True;

procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
  Timer1.Enabled := false;
  server.SocketIO.EmitEventToAll(C_SERVER_EVENT, SO(['data', 'pushed from server']),
    procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aJSON: ISuperObject; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback)
        //show response (threadsafe)
            ShowMessage('RESPONSE from a client: ' + aJSON.AsJSon);

delphiwebsockets's People


andremussche avatar sage-syfre avatar yvi71 avatar


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delphiwebsockets's Issues

How to Configure for laypeople

Please tell how to implement this in a project, because i'm a lay people in Delphi universe, and this is hard to peoples like me!

i trying to study, i'm new on Delphi and the version i have is XE5!
thanks a lot

How to instal in delphi xe8

Please explain to me with picture how to instal DelphiWebsockets-master in delphi xe8
i want to use this component for conect to wss://ws.xxxxxxxx


Hello André,

what's the license of DelphiWebsockets?

I am considering using it for a project, but I am having trouble to find the license in the source code:
checking the github repository, the only license I could find is the LGPL stated in superobject.pas, which seems a third-party utility from Henri Gourvest,, and not the main license for the whole DelphiWebsockets.


Massimiliano Ghilardi

Compile error when WEBSOCKETSSL is switched on (missing changed IdSSLOpenSSL file)

First thanks for this cool websockets library. Good code, Great work!

One problem: When I switch on the WEBSOCKETSSL compiler directive I get the error
[dcc32 Error] IdServerIOHandlerWebsocket.pas(29): E2137 Method 'CreateOpenSSLSocket' not found in base class

The problem is that the due to the following commit:

It the comment learns me that a change in the IdSSLOpenSSL is needed but the changed IdSSLOpenSSL is not commited.

Can you please commit the changed IdSSLOpenSSL file?



Connect to WSS:// and send a text command

Hello, could you please write an example how to connect to "wss://" and send a text command like '{"channel":"funny_news"}' to its url "wss://". Also, would be great to receive text answers from this server
Would appreciate any hints, thank you!

RemObjects Web Socket Server/Browser client in javascript

Hi Andre,

Thanks for creating something that I think should be part of the RemObjects library. We have a client server solution using RemObjects' supertcp or superhttp. We now want to move to browser based clients, but do not want to lose the two-way communication and definitely want to avoid polling in the client.

I have been trying to get the examples to work on Delphi 10.2 but I have not succeeded in getting my target architecture to work. The Delphi client/delphi server setup works, but when I use a browser client, the first call to the server never completes. I get the expected 101 response and then the Network tab of Chrome says: CAUTION: Request is not finished yet. And that remains so forever.

Do you have an idea what could be causing this?

I am using the TROIndyHTTPWebsocketServer, because we need something derived from ROServer.

Kind regards,


ssl for websocket server

Hi,andremussche!,Thanks for you DelphiWebsockets.
I use TIdWebsocketServer for ssl,then can access my host( through internet browser.But use TIdHTTPWebsocketClient access hint: Error while upgrading:"200:HTTP/1.1 200 OK" .
Maybe i can't use it correctly。
My code:
server := TIdWebsocketServer.Create(Self);
server.DefaultPort := 80;
Binding := Server.Bindings.Add;
Binding.IP := '';
Binding.Port := 443;
IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := '....1_root_bundle.crt';
IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.CertFile := '.com.crt';
IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.KeyFile := '..key';
server.IOHandler := self.IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1;

Server to Client - Message

Hi, i have one problem, i make simple project and i send message from HTML page to Server and Server to HTML, all without problem. Now i send message to Server from Desktop, but when i send message from Server to Desktop i not received this.

Aleread i try use ReadLn but not receive nothing.

Push data to browser clients

Hi Andre,

I have started my server as follows:

procedure TForm1.btnCreateWSServerClick(Sender: TObject);
myServer := TIdWebsocketServer.Create(Self);
myServer.DefaultPort := 12345;
myServer.Active := True;

On the html page, I have established connection as follows:

<script type='text/javascript'>

var exampleSocket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:12345');

exampleSocket.onopen = function(){
	console.log('Connection open!');

exampleSocket.onclose = function(){
	console.log('Connection close!');

exampleSocket.onmessage = function(e){
	var server_message =;


When I connect, the browser logs Connection Open and when I close my Delphi application, browser logs Connection closed. So far so good.

Now I am trying to send a message from the server to the browser client using this

procedure TForm1.btn2Click(Sender: TObject);

but nothing happens on the browser.

what am I doing wrong?


Hear door

Hello, I have the ip and port XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9009 and I must listen to this port and whenever I hear a request will return:

Event: messageSuccess
{Request: 55, business_id: 5}

I'm trying to use the library but I still do not understand how it works, how could I be using bibliteca for this situation?

Send Messages from Server to Client(s)

My use case is to push messages (based on events) from the server to one or more clients directly - without the need for a client request.

What is the preferred way of accomplishing this behaviour?

Registering callback on external socket

I'm trying to register a callback on an external socket. I've got working js code that does just that:

const WebSocket = require('ws');

let authToken = '...';
let user = 'user';
let password = 'pw';
let port = 12345;

let ws = new WebSocket(`ws://${user}:${password}@${port}/`, "wamp", {
  origin: `${port}`,
  Host: `${port}`,
  Authorization: `Basic ${authToken}`

ws.on('message', (msg) => {

ws.on('open', () => {
  ws.send('[5, "OnJsonApiEvent"]');

I'm trying to replicate this in Delphi with your library, but I'm not really sure how to use it, neither to establish the connection, nor to do what the "on" calls do.

This is what I have so far, but it does nothing:

procedure TestSocket;
  var client: TIdHTTPWebsocketClient;
  client := TIdHTTPWebsocketClient.Create(Self);
  client.Port := 12345;
  client.Host := '';
  client.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue('Origin', '');
  client.Request.BasicAuthentication := true;
  client.Request.Username := 'user';
  client.Request.Password := 'pw';
  client.SocketIOCompatible := True;

  client.SocketIO.OnSocketIOMsg :=
    procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const text: string; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback)
      // maybe this is how to register the callback like ws.on('message', ...) ?

    procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aArgument: TSuperArray; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback)
      // or like this ?

    procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aArgument: TSuperArray; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback)
      // this is not called
      client.SocketIO.Send('[5, "OnJsonApiEvent"]');


Do you see anything wrong with that? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Request for code update IdHTTPWebsocketClient.pas to support wss

so i manage to get wss (web socket with SSL). I notice have conditional define WEBSOCKETSSL, for SSL support. But the normal websocket does not. Can someone please have the
procedure TIdHTTPWebsocketClient.InternalUpgradeToWebsocket
update with the following lines:

sURL := Format('https://%s:%d/%s', [Host, Port, WSResourceName]);
sURL := Format('http://%s:%d/%s', [Host, Port, WSResourceName]);

support android?

on windows it work fine,can support android?only websocket ,not

Is the project still active? #Help connecting to a WSS

(Is the author still working int his project?)

I'm trying to use this project's client to access this WS: wss:// from this link:
But i`m unable to make it work, someone can give me a idea?

A got this error:

Exception class EIdHTTPProtocolException with message 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

PS: I using Delphi 10.2 and XE7, here is my code copied from example:

//{$DEFINE WEBSOCKETSSL} enabled in the wsdefines.pas

  client := TIdHTTPWebsocketClient.Create(Self);
  client.Port := 443;
  client.Host := '';
  client.WSResourceName := 'trade/';
  client.SocketIOCompatible := true;

  client.Connect; //error

I suspect the origin os the error comes from this lines in IdHTTPWebsocketClient

// Why is "/" used? I don't know
        sURL := Format('https://%s:%d/', [Host, Port]);
        sURL := Format('http://%s:%d/', [Host, Port]);

Thanks for any help!

Which version of Delphi are supported?

I am still using Delphi 7 pro for a very old product still running at customers.
Can I integrate y implementation inside D7 too?

On a modern browser a typical client would be used by "socket =new Websocket()" (rfc6455) in javascript. Or do I need the API clientside in browser?

jQuery/Html as Client side

Hi Andre,
I'm trying code in Delphi 10. Works fine while server and client are both Delphi.
But when I try to connect delphi server side from jQuery\Html page I had some problems.
I use jQuery code from
When I test the jQuery client with echo server
( var wsUri = "ws://"; )
works fine. ("")
But when I tried to connect delphi server
( //var wsUri = "ws://localhost:55555/"; )
jquery code finds the server and connects successfully. Also disconnects if I stop the dlephi server side.
But nothing happens on the server side while client connecting. doent fire OnConnection and doesnt increase the ConnectionCount for example.
EmitEventToAll makes nothing on the jQuery side too.

Do I missing something here?


broadcast message to all connected clients ?

i am using that way to get some text on server then i try to broadcast back to all connected clients so i try

procedure TForm1.ServerMessageTextReceived(const AContext: TIdServerWSContext;
  const aText: string);
  strm: TStringStream;
  strm := TStringStream.Create('SERVER: ' + aText);
  //AContext.IOHandler.WriteLn('goi', IndyTextEncoding_UTF8);

procedure TForm1.broadcastmessage(const text: string);
 List: TList;
 i : integer;
List := Server.Contexts.LockList;

for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do



procedure TForm1.SendCommand(const textprm: String);

//what to do here ?

or better yet can i setup tconnection to each connected client ?as we do in normal tcpserver as example 

  **TConnection = class(TIdServerContext)
var to define connections as name etc..**

Disconnect calls Connect

Thank you for your excellent component. I am not sure if it is a bug or not but when from a client app I call Disconnect(), then Connect is called again from the Queue:

By the way, destroying the component in the client effectively disconnect from the server.

How to reconnect if connection fails?


what is the proper way to try to connect again if connection fails? If I call Connect inside OnDisconnected handler, I get access violation in TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Unlock (Self variable is nil), called from TIdHTTPWebsocketClient.Disconnect.

Using with CBuilder rathe than Delphi


Testing the C++ Builder Berlin, all the lib code compiles just fine as far as I can tell but need to translate demo apps to C++, any pointers, I have most of it but this section I'm not sure of the way to make work in C++

procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aArgument: TSuperArray; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback)
//show request (threadsafe)
ShowMessageInMainthread('REQUEST: ' + aArgument[0].AsJSon);
//send callback (only if specified!)
if aCallback <> nil then
aCallback.SendResponse( SO(['succes', True]).AsJSon );

the procedure is the problem, I suspect its my lack of understanding on what delphi is doing here that's the issue,

any ideas?




when trying to use your websockets implementation with openssl, i found a "problem" in the IdIOHandlerWebsocket.pas in the function WriteData. At the very end of this function the data is written to the binding. The binding writes the data directly, bypassing the sslsocket, which crashes the connection.

function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.WriteData(aData: TIdBytes; aType: TWSDataCode; aFIN, aRSV1, aRSV2, aRSV3: boolean): integer;

Result := Binding.Send(bData, ioffset);

Changing the line to
Result := inherited WriteDataToTarget(bdata,iOffset, (Length(bData)-ioffset));

works, though.

It took me some time to figure this out, so maybe this may help others.

best regards,

delphi xe7 use SSl

I can run the demo(DelphiWebsockets-master\Demo) without SSL;but use SSL hint :[dcc32 Error] IdServerIOHandlerWebsocket.pas(29): E2137 Method 'CreateOpenSSLSocket' not found in base class;

so, How to use in delphi xe7 with SSL,thanks

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