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oblyon's Issues

Icons missing


  • Dolibarr version: 14.0.4
  • Oblyon version: 14.0.4

There are icons missing in the secondary menu:

Thank you in advance !

Proposition commercial fournisseurs


Dans le menu commerce, les propositions commerciales fournisseurs n'apparaissent pas.
Sans titre

Si je desactive le module Oblyon, cela revient
Sans titre2

The central panel gets shifted to the right, instead of filling the whole screen.


there seem to be a new bug within the v13 - in a situation when menus (top<-->side) are inverted and the folding / unfolding function is activated to gain some more screen width.

The central pannel is now generally shifted to the right side, whatever the left menu condition is (folded or unfolded), whereas in previous versions (v11) the pannel would always use the whole width of the screen. The left menu would than partly cover the central panel when unfolded.

oblyon ferme

Can the old behavior be restored?

Home Area "Open items dasboard" font issue

I'm by no means good with CSS but to temporarily remove the text clipping, I changed line 279 (see below) and now you can see dashboardlinelatecoin

from font: inherit;"
to font: 100% sans-serif;



Il y a t-il une possibilité d'afficher seulement les icônes sur le menu haut quand on passe sur un affichage téléphone.

Sur le menu haut, toujours en affichages téléphone lorsque l'on clique sur un onglets ça déroule le menu mais l'index du menu semble être un lien cliquable ce qui ne laisse pas le temps de cliquer sur les sous menus

Mobile popup tab without background

🐛 Menu tabs can summarized on mobile in a More ... tab, if there isn't enough space on the screen to display all tabs, but the popup displayed does not have a background


How to show company logo in the left menu

Hi, first of all, thank you for the work you do maintaining this theme.

We have updated Dolibarr and Oblyon from a much older version and now I am not able to display the company logo in the left menu, above the search box.

I've seen the option to show it in the top menu, but not the left menu.

Checking the source code (oblyon.lib.php), I see that there is a "print_left_oblyon_menu" function that refers to the company logo ...

It's possible?

Thank you very much in advance.

JJ Ruiz

with cashdesk module

hi, first tank you for your work with oblyon, it's amazing!
i did try it on Dolibarr 7.0.0 and activate the cashdesk module.
unfortunately It look a lil messy, i will try to check it.
If you have some hints for a quick fix, that would be awesome

Top menu is hidden

Ubuntu 21.10, on all browser installed (Firefox, Brave, Chrome, Beaker), the top menu scroll down is hidden by the mai ncaption when entering an item (Order, Invoice, Product, etc...)

Pics tell it better:

Capture d’écran de 2022-04-29 11-32-30
Capture d’écran de 2022-04-29 11-32-42

2nd sub-menu alignment

Les sous menus des sous-menus ne sont pas bien alignés.


Manque ce code en CSS :
.menu_contenu.sec-nav__sub-item.item-level3 {
padding: 0.2em 2em;

Puisse que .menu_contenu.sec-nav__sub-item.item-level2 a un padding: 0.2em 1em
Afin d'avoir une tabulation supplémentaire par rapport à son parent.

Du coup avec la largeur de nos écrans actuels il faudrait agrandir le left-menu :
.vmenu {
min-width: 250px;

Par contre je n'ai pas trouvé comment agrandir les champs "search" et "bookmark".

Quelques corrections


J'ai passé un moment pour faire quelques modif CSS où j'ai quelques bases.

Je partage mon fichier rajouté :

/* ============================================================================== */
/* PERSO                                                                          */
/* ============================================================================== */

.box-flex-item > .info-box > .info-box-content > .info-box-title {
    margin-bottom: 5px;
.user-footer a.button-top-menu-dropdown {
    padding: 1em !important;
    height: max-content !important;
    line-height: 1;
.user-footer a.button-top-menu-dropdown:hover {
    background-color: #666666;
.liste_titre.button_removefilter {
    color: white;
span.butActionDelete:hover {
    color: white;
    background-color: #f07b6e;
#tmenu_tooltip {
    background-color: #0083A2;
#mainbody .sec-nav__sub-list .item-level2 {
    padding-left: 1.5em;
#mainbody .sec-nav__sub-list .item-level2>a>span {
    border-left-color: #0083A2;
table.noborder table.nobordernopadding td:first-child {
    padding-left: 0 !important;
}, {
    background-color: rgba(0,0,0, .7);
    color: white;
} {
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0 -2px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
    box-shadow: 0 -2px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
} {
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0 -2px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
    box-shadow: 0 -2px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);

tr.liste_titre>th>a {
    vertical-align: unset;
    color: white !important;

.boxstats {
    height: 65px;

.paddingright {
    padding-right: 6px;

@media (max-width:1024px) {
    div.vmenu {
        max-width: 230px;

@media (min-width:981px) {
    #mainmenutd_companylogo {
        width: 230px;
    .menulogocontainer {
        height: 48px;
        max-width: inherit;
        margin: 3px;
    .menulogocontainer>a>img {
        height: 48px !important;
        max-width: inherit !important;
        width: auto !important;
@media (max-width:980px) {
    .login_block_other {
        display: none !important;
    div#tmenu_tooltip, #tmenu_tooltipinvert {
        padding-right: 49px;
    .blockvmenusearch a:link, .blockvmenusearch a:visited, .blockvmenusearch a:active,
    a.vmenu:link, a.vmenu:visited, a.vmenu:hover, a.vmenu:active, span.vmenu,
    .sec-nav .sec-nav__link {
        font-size: 14px;
    div.vmenu {
        min-height: calc(100vh - 54px);
    #id-left {
        position: fixed;
        overflow: auto !important;
        overflow-y: auto !important;
        overflow-x: hidden !important;
        -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

@media (max-width:500px) {
    img.photosociete {
        position: absolute;
        width: auto !important;
        max-width: 140px !important;
        height: max-content !important;
        max-height: 70px !important;
    .fiche>.tabBar>.arearef.centpercent .inline-block.floatleft.valignmiddle.refid.refidpadding {
        width: 100%;

.backgroundforcompanylogo {
    background-color: transparent;

Il reste encore quelques icones mal positionnée (devant les Tiers, etc...) mais c'est pas mal dans la globalité.

Sinon il me reste une chose que j'ai du mal : régler l'overflow sur le menu gauche en mobile.

Il serai bien aussi de supprimer le texte des icones du menu du haut sur mobile, mais ca ne se fait qu'en JS.

Search contact missing


I use the theme with Dolibarr 14
In the quick search menu "contact" option is no longer available.


Menüpunkt "Kategorien" fehlt unter Produkten und Leistungen


ich habe das obylon-template auf meinem Dolibarr 13.0.3 mit deutscher Spracheinstellung installiert.
Wenn ich das Template aktiviere funktioniert auch alles so wie es soll... bis auf 2 Punkte:

  1. Im Top-Menü steht statt dem Punkt "Produkte | Leistungen" dann "catalog"
    Das ist der einzige Menüpunkt, bei allen anderen steht die korrekte deutsche Bezeichnung.

  2. Wenn ich in den Punkt "catalog" (Produkte) gehe, dann fehlen in den Unterpunkten bei "Produkte" und bei "Leistungen" jeweils der Punkt "Kategorien".
    Der einzelne Menüpunkt "Kategorien" darunter mit "Kategorien anlegen" ist aber vorhanden.

Meine Fragen sind logischerweise: Warum? und wie kann ich das lösen?

Work´s fine in Dolibarr 16 ?

Hello, congratulations for your work, however I installed it in version 16.0.3 and it has errors in the paths for module settings, after correcting it manually in the address bar it shows the options but does not change the colors correctly, they remain the same with dark tables. Is it a version problem?

V11.0.0 Login page is broken

Hi everyone,

I was trying the V11 it has a problem in the Login Page. As you can se in the following image it's broken


Hide Left Menu, option setting disappears


In the module configuration, once you activate Hide Left Menu option, on/off button related to this option disappears and it gets impossible to disable hiding of left menu.


on/off button disappears:

Thank you

liens menus salaires

je rapporte les bugs rencontrés sans en attendre de correction je précise, je me fais mes corrections de mon côté.
lorsque j'active le module oblyon (sur V 13.0.1), les liens vers le menu salaires (facturation/dépenses spéciales/salaires) sont erronés (
de mon côté je dois virer le compta de l'url cible

si le module oblyon n'est pas actif je n'ai pas le soucis.
merci tout de même pour cet excellent thème.

How to use fontAwesome 6


I have noticed that you use FontAwesome 6 on your demo, is it automatically available with Oblyon theme ?


Backup config


In the module configuration page, it is now possible to backup Oblyon configuration and export and import into another environment.

But I'm facing an issue to get the export file; when I click on the link to download the backup file, I get the error:
File not found.

Confirmation message with no error is displayed when clicking on backup button, though.


Is there a showcase or a screenshot available? Would be nice to see how the theme looks like

Version 9.0.1 Branch 9.0

the customization panel in the modules doesn't load Blank page, and the logo on the second menu doesn't load it says this error

RequestedUrl: /viewimage.php?cache=1&modulepart=companylogo&file=favicon-3.png
Referer: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message: Error call dol_check_secure_access_document with not supported value for modulepart parameter (companylogo)

Quelque problème

3 petits problèmes relevés :

  1. Le nom du sous menu dans les propositions commerciales :


  1. Sur mobile : les tabs affichées en modal ont un problème avec le z-index... Il faudrait mettre un z-index à 2 :


  1. Sur mobile : à la création/modification d'un tiers, le form deborde :


/htdocs/custom/oblyon/ Location Issue

I have a clean install of 6.0.3 on our Linux server and when I copy /htdocs/custom/oblyon/ the theme does not work. I had to move the /oblyon folder to /htdocs

The /htdocs/custom/oblyon/ location works fine in the custom folder on my DoliWamp development PC.

Text alignement in sub-menu


  • Dolibarr version: 14.0.4
  • Oblyon version: 14.0.4

The Users & Groups sub-menu looks not correctly aligned (no indent):

Thank you in advance.

inquiry about oblyon updates

Hello Aspangaro, Are you going to continue updating Oblyon?

I could help you if you give me some instructions

Thanks in advance, this theme is fantastic

Text Colors

I put the file on the given directories, but text color and background color was not capture by Dolibarr. Changed the color text directly on the color.php file, but still does not reflect.

Plus, background color either reflects.

Extract menu from Theme

Hi and thanks for the theme.

Is it possible to extra the menu from the theme to use it with another theme like Eldy ?
Which files are used to render the menu ?

Est ce possible d'extraire le menu du thème pour l'utiliser avec un autre theme (eldy par exemple) ?
Quels fichiers sont utiliser pour le rendu du menu ? (les 2 fichiers dans le dossier menu ?, variable propre au module ?)


Dolibarr 7.x

I just wanted to pop in and say how greatful I feel that this is open source than paid solution for dolibarr. Its among the best themes to download and use.
A question, do you plan to upgradte to dolibarr 7.x at the moment?

CSS problem on v10.0.1

I know that the last version is not completely suitable for Dolibarr 10.0.1, however I tried to give it a go and for what I can actually see there should be only a missing CSS reference in "topmenu-login-dropdown". With click button is automatically added "open" reference, but I'm afraid that this has been removed or not found in loaded CSS stylesheets.
I presume that this should be an easy fix, where I can find the correct "open" reference?

Problème avec les listes


J'ai un problème d'affichage quand je vais sur une liste filtrable (liste de tiers, liste des factures,...) . Celle-ci est automatiquement ouverte complètement avec tous les filtres sélectionnable et il faut cliquer pour la refermer (ce qui est très embêtant car impossible de consulter correctement de cette manière). De plus, le titre sélectionné est trop sombre et impossible de voir le texte.

Voici un printscreen montrant le problème :

Category Pup-Up don't show existing categories in DB v18

Hi, since update to Dolibarr v18 the category pop-up choice list when editing is not working not visible anymore, no matter which category. It is e.g. possible to choose a supplier froim the list within the category menu but not a category within the third-party.
When clicking into the category field there is a fine line pop-up to see, but no category visible or choosable within the-pop-up. See about attached file. - When disabling Oblyon module,. the category pop-up works again. The error must be at Oblyon. But where?
Example shown is on Dolibvarr 18.01 and Oblyon 2.2.8


Oblyon Module Setup Error

After activating oblyon module, the setup of oblyon module throw error.

Dolibarr version: v10.0.6

Warning: Use of undefined constant DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT - assumed 'DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/volumes/custom/oblyon/admin/menus.php on line 33

Warning: require_once(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT/core/lib/admin.lib.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/volumes/custom/oblyon/admin/menus.php on line 33

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT/core/lib/admin.lib.php' (include_path='.:') in /var/www/html/volumes/custom/oblyon/admin/menus.php on line 33

problème à l'activation sur une instance 13.0.0

je rencontre une erreur lors de l'installation d'oblyon sur une instance 13.0.0.
Par contre, je ne peux pas reproduire l'erreur sur mon wamp...
si vous avez une idée de mon soucis je suis preneur !

NB : les erreurs annoncent dolibarr-10.0.2 mais c'est bien la V13, j'ai conservé le chemin en 10.0.2 pour ne pas avoir à toucher à la CRON chez mon client

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /homepages/17/d438809266/htdocs/ADMIN/dolibarr-10.0.2/htdocs/core/lib/admin.lib.php on line 1086

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/17/d438809266/htdocs/ADMIN/dolibarr-10.0.2/htdocs/core/lib/admin.lib.php:1086) in /homepages/17/d438809266/htdocs/ADMIN/dolibarr-10.0.2/htdocs/admin/modules.php on line 277

Fixed Menus

Est-il possible de fixer les menus (haut et gauche). Ou d'en faire une option ?

@media (min-width: 981px) {
#id-top {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;

 .vmenu {
      position: fixed;
      left: 0;
      top: 54px;

 .id-container {
      margin-left: 260px !important;
      margin-top: 54px !important;


ou même plutot :

@media (min-width: 981px) {
#id-top {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 260px;

 .vmenu {
      position: fixed;
      left: 0;
      top: 0px;

 .id-container {
      margin-left: 260px !important;
      margin-top: 54px !important;


Dolidroid + Oblyon Javascript erreur

Bonjour, petit test avec l'apps dolidroid.
Probléme rencontré de mon coté

Erreur javascript qd on ouvre l'apps dolidroid avec le theme ; fonctionne bien avec le theme eldy
D'autres petits bugs, comme les tabs produit qui ne 'souvre pas, un z-index plus grand sur moretabsListproduct résoud le probléme.
Probleme de couleur sur le menu, pas trouvé d'option pour changer la couleur.

Improve mobile and tablet compatibility

✨ There are many aspects that should either be fixed or improved for a better mobile / tablet experience.

Here is a summary of everything I found so far that could / should be done (list may increase):

  • the logout link is only displayed when mouse hovering the user name link... hard to do on devices without a cursor. We should be able to access logout link by clicking on a button to popup the logout link
  • the side menu takes a lof space which would be really needed on small devices. Having the side menu act like a drawer which can be hidden/displayed would help quite a lot.
  • the main menu will not display icons on mobile but only the text. This was the desired behavior but having only the icons would actually be more space efficient and probably easier to remember.
  • the main menu will overflow on several lines if there are too many modules to display. Having a "More..." button with a popup displaying the additional modules would be more efficient. Actually, this behavior would be interesting for any device and might make more sense to be part of Dolibarr itself.

Using Oblyon

Good day, I host this solution for a few clients of mine, I have not shown it to my clients as yet, but would like permission to use this awesome theme? I do not wish to sell the theme, however I do wish to use it as the for my clients instance's of Dolibarr, I see it was charged for but is no longer available? I am willing to pay for its use.

It looks very nice!

Kind regards

I'm not sure how this is going to come out but here is the google translation of what i just said in french

Bonjour, je héberge cette solution pour quelques clients, je ne l’ai pas encore montrée, mais je voudrais obtenir la permission d’utiliser ce thème génial? Je ne souhaite pas vendre le thème, mais je souhaite l'utiliser comme instance de Dolibarr pour mes clients. Je vois qu'il a été facturé, mais qu'il n'est plus disponible. Je suis prêt à payer pour son utilisation.

Ça semble très sympa!

Sincères amitiés

Change request on style.css.php

Hello, I'm sorry but I don't use Git...

There is a problem with last version of Oblyon. It doen't take into account the value of THEME_ELDY_USE_CHECKED if THEME_ELDY_ENABLE_PERSONALIZED is on.

This is the change to do:

"style.css.php", line 289, add this:
$colorbacklinepairchecked = empty($user->conf->THEME_ELDY_ENABLE_PERSONALIZED)?(empty($conf->global->THEME_ELDY_USE_CHECKED) ?$colortext:$conf->global->THEME_ELDY_USE_CHECKED) :(empty($user->conf->THEME_ELDY_USE_CHECKED)?$colorbacklinepairchecked:$user->conf->THEME_ELDY_USE_CHECKED);

between line:
$colortextlink =empty(.......
and line:
$fontsize =empty(.......

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

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