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ihmp's Issues

[IHMP] Pregnancy Enrolment Advice through Form Stitching

Note – Check it with program VOID and Exit Program.


QA Comments – 

• If the program enrolment is void, it does not give the button at the end to enrol in mother program.

In needs assessment form, if the woman is detected as pregnancy then user is supposed to enrol her into Pregnancy program. 

Right now we are just giving a systems recommendation. We also need to show a button to directly go to the next step.

[IHMP][Support] Fix Registration extract report.

Report -

ticket -

Add column -

  1. Household Number - Show household number for all the HH members. (Pick that from HH profile if not available in Individual profile)
  2. Relationship with Head of HH - In each Individual profile show the relationship with head of HH
  3. Head of Household - In all the Household and Individual profile that are linked to Household, show name of Head of Household.
  4. Slum Name -The column Name "Village", rename it to "Village/Slum" and show slum name in case of Urban Individual profile.
  5. Number of Family members. - Show number of family members in household profile. (count number of family embers attached to HH profile)

[IHMP Support] Update logic for TT1 vaccination

Update logic in ASHA ANC as --

  1. If a pregnant woman told ASHA that she has taken TT1 during her visit then TT1 and TT booster should not be displayed in next month visit of ASHA.

  2. If a pregnant woman told ASHA that she has taken TT2 during her visit then TT1, TT2 and TT booster should not be displayed in next month visit of ASHA.

  3. If a pregnant woman told ASHA that she has taken TT booster during her visit then TT1, TT2 and TT booster should not be displayed in next month visit of ASHA.

[IHMP][Report] MPR

QA Comment – 

  1. Add serial number in the report.
  2. Number of Home visits by ASHA worker to all non-sterilized Eligible couples – This number is not
    calculated right.  for Feb 19. Need assessment is done for “test demo” 
  3. The number of Home visits by ASHA worker to all Eligible couples – This number is not calculated right. for Feb 19. Need assessment is done for “test demo” 
  4. Number of the postnatal mother who received postnatal care through ASHA, this indicator is not right. - NOT DONE
  5. Checked with Apr 19 month and there are few cases in which PNC is done in Apr’19. but not showing in the report. - DONE
  6. “Number of Pregnant Mother from Pregnancy program” and “Number of Pregnant mother from EC program”, sum of these two should match with the report “List of Pregnant woman”. The Number is double. Please check once.  - DONE
Requirements -

Context / Purpose of the report:

User needs this report to see the progress of the program every month. 

Title / Metabase Question name: 

Monthly Progress Report.

Criteria / Logic for data: 

The logic for all the different indicator is given in the spreadsheet above. But this report will take enrolled women in the respective programs (EC or Pregnancy). And exit women will be counted as if the visit is done in that time period the woman must be there in the respective program.

Columns (along with logic for columns except for the basic ones):

various indicator are there described in the spreadsheet.


Mentioned in the spreadsheet.

include non enrolled individuals - NO
included exited enrolments - YES
include cancelled encounters - NO
included scheduled but not completed encounters - NO

Note to developer :
1. To accommodate criteria in above table please use relevant views. If the view is not present then discuss on gitter and create them. 
2. Include the mingle story number as a comment in the metabase for backtracking
3. Start the title with [Not Released/Do not use]. This would be removed once the showcase is done to the client and reports are release in batches.

Output -

Metabase Question / Dashboard Link :

[IHMP] Update data in Household subject type.

When we will create a new subject type 'Household', we would need to update the household information in the household and move the same info from individual.

  • Create household per unique household along with fields
  • Add members using household number
  • Add relationship using the field in Individual

[IHMP][Report] Form Extract Reports.

Form extract for all the visits done. Including non-program encounter.

In Registration Extract - Add
User Name
Location Hierarchy
Date Range Filter

[IHMP] Marathi translation of app.

QA Comment – 

​My Dashboard – 

            • Schedule- नियोजित भेटी 

Translation Pending – 

Eligible Couple 
All the form names In form header are showing in English.
Registration – Ration Card – APL is missing.
Registration – Whether sterlized
Registration – Whether any disability
Program enrolment from Individual profile– Program Name is in English
Cancel Visit (encounter)
Edit (encounter)
Menu Bar – शाध (Search) should be - शोध (This seems to be a design issue, it is because of search icon.)
Individual Profile – Relative add
Growth Chart
Non-program encounters (Census, Marriage, Death reg etc.)

Census Form- Form group “Household/Family details”.
Menu Bar – “More” and “Home”
Filter – Program
Individual profile – प्रोग्राम भेंट  – Choose Visit, Planned Visits, Unplanned Visits.
High-risk Reason – Primigravida.
Marriage Registration – Qus “When attended LES courses- years”.
Asha Input Form – form element group पुरुष घटक (few translations missing).
Pregnancy Enrolment – UPT (Urine Pregnancy Test) and its options (Positive , Negative)
ASHA ANC Encounter – “Whether registered for Antenatal care?”
 ASHA ANC Encounter – “Whether enrolled in any government scheme related to pregnancy?”
ASHA ANC Encounter – “Whether treatment taken for antenatal complication?”
ASHA ANC Encounter – “Whether the Antenatal complication is addressed?”
ASHA ANC Encounter – form element group शारीरिक परीक्षण, “Pedal Edema” qus is coming up as “??”.
ASHA ANC Encounter – “Whether antenatal examination done”
Summary Page – Visit being scheduled table needs to be translated.
ANC VHND Encounter – HB
 Delivery Encounter – Form element group – “Service Details”
Delivery Encounter – Form element group – “Medical Details” – Question “बाळंतपणातील गुंतागुंती” option 10th is coming up as “????” in Marathi.
Delivery Encounter – “Whether eligible for JSY”
Delivery Encounter – “Whether the received benefit of JSY”
Delivery Encounter – “Whether received benefits of Pradhanmantri Matrutva Vandan Yojana (PMVY)”
Abortion Encounter – Form element group “Basic Details”
Abortion Encounter – गर्भपाताचे प्रकार - “Spontaneous”
Visit Name – “First Post-abortion home visit”, “First Post-abortion home visit” and so on.
First Post-abortion home Visit –  “Whether taken treatment for post-abortion complication”
First Post-abortion home Visit –  “Whether complication cured”
PNC – Form element group “Danger Sign”
Need Assessment encounter translation – replace गरज ओळखणे  to गरजांचे मूल्यांकन 
Need Assessment encounter - “Whether got monthly periods”
Need Assessment encounter - Whether currently pregnant”
Need Assessment encounter  – RTI section option “Prolapsed uterus” is showing up as “???”
Need Assessment encounter  – RTI section option “Wound/Ulcer around the vaginal area”
Need Assessment encounter  – “Whether the treatment for RTI taken”
Need Assessment encounter  – “Whether infection cured”
Need assessment encounter – Summary and observation page कार्यक्रम नोंदणी सल्ला – “Enrol in mother program”.
Family Planning Encounter – “Whether she utilized last referral service”.
Family Planning Encounter –  question कुटुंब नियोजनाबाबत  दिलेले  सामोपदेशन – option “Woman”.
Program Exit – Form element group “Basic Details”
Birth form –  Form element group “General”, qus अर्ध्या  तासाच्या  आत बाळाला  दूध पाजणे – Option “Within 1 hour after birth”
Neonatal encounter – “Whether limp/blue/pale  at the time of birth”
Neonatal encounter – “Whether any congenital information”
Neonatal encounter – ”Whether feeling cold”
Neonatal encounter – ”Whether having any eye problem”
Neonatal encounter – option “Watery secretion from umbilicus”
Neonatal encounter – “Whether feeling hot”
Neonatal encounter – ”Whether baby having diarrhoea”
Neonatal encounter – ”Whether baby having cough and cold”
Neonatal encounter – ”Whether having any skin problem” option “Yellowness”
Neonatal encounter – ”Whether taken treatment for neonatal complication”
Neonatal encounter – ”Whether neonatal complication addressed”
Neonatal encounter – qus What did you do to keep your baby warm within the first 7 days of birth? options “Swaddled the baby in cotton cloth” and “Swaddled the baby in woollen cloth/dressed baby in woollen clothing”
Vaccination encounter – “Administered by” options “PHC” and “Taluka Hospital or above”
Vaccination checklist – “Expired”, “Overdue” and “Due”.
When Monthly need assessment form redirects to Mother enrolment, Marathi translation is not right for button “Save and enrol into mother”.
Some translation seems to be LBP implementation specific translations – 


Add Translation sheet

Report issues (while demo)

Census report

  • Check eligible couple percentage
  • Voided should not calculate

MPR BCC activity

  • change row name 'Number of parents of unmarried girls attended meeting' to Number of VHSNC members attended meeting.

MPR vital event

  • Add new row "Number of birth recorded in the reporting month"

[IHMP] Changes in IHMP after user testing.

• Change the element group name in Neonatal form -

"Immediate complications within 0 – 5 days" to "(Neonatal complications – 1) नवजात बाळाला ज्न्मानंतर पहिल्या 28 दिवसात होणारे त्रास / गुंतागुंती – 1 "

"Intermediate complications within 0 - 10 days" to "(Neonatal complications – 2) नवजात बाळाला ज्न्मानंतर पहिल्या 28 दिवसात होणारे त्रास / गुंतागुंती – 2 "

"Delayed complications 0 – 42 days" to "(Neonatal complications – 3) नवजात बाळाला ज्न्मानंतर पहिल्या 28 दिवसात होणारे त्रास / गुंतागुंती – 3"

• Add a new question in Neonatal form - "Breastfeeding".

• Change in Visit schedule in Neonatal.

• Add new question in Abortion - Treatment for Post Abortion complication.

• Change in visit schedule in PNC.

• Change in translation in Abortion form -
आपोआप झालेला/नैसर्गिक गर्भपात
करून घेतलेला गर्भपात

[IHMP] Update individual profile based on census form data.

In registration, the user captures information of an individual.
Then in census form again these questions are asked and new information gets recorded. 
Now if the information is changing with the time in the census form.
The profile of the individual should get updated based on new data recorded by census form.

IHMP app issue


  • Skipping the PNC visit for individual--

Vasti : Anandnagar 1
Beneficiary : Sana Tosif shaikh


  • PNC 4 was scheduled before PNC 1 visit and PNC 2, 3 & 4 are skipped
    Vasti : Ramnagar 2
    Beneficiary name: Afrin Ehsan Ansari

  • In monthly needs assessment "Whether missed monthly periods" is not showing sometimes

ex:-in August and appeared in September (refer below two images)
Vasti : Shantinagar
Beneficiary : Lalita Jwala Parcha


  • TT 1 and TT2 doses and booster doses should not appear in the form if it fills once.


  • Filter of family planning in AVNI shows pregnant mothers

  • Filter of RTI included women who are cured.

  • There is a difference of one day between date of delivery and date of birth of child

Household Related changes


  1. First point is probably not possible as we cannot change the translation of "Name". We may have to change the key name to {subjectType} Name
  2. Total member - simple translation change
  3. Buddha - straightforward impl change
  4. New relations to be added - straightforward specific impl change
  5. Religion specify other - straightforward specific impl change
  6. Relation to head of the household - this will be a platform change.not easy. - keep it on hold for now.
  7. Maid servant - straightforward impl change.

Tech Tasks

  • Add translations
  • Add Specify Others if other option is selected
  • add new concept answer maid servant "In occupation of the individual"

New report dashboard

ref ticket :

Home visit by asha

- total enroll EC
- No. Of expected visits
- actual visits done

Pregnancy details

- No. of ECs visited
- No. of women who missed periods
- No. of women who undergone preg. test
- No. of pregnant mother

Status of pregnancy mother

- Expected preg mothers  for 1000=9 mother
- No. Of enrolled mother
- Having ANC checkup
- with any complications 
- With complications and took treatment 

FP data

- Total eligible couples
- EC who use FP methods
- EC who use FP method at least 6 month
- EC who showed desire to use FP 
- EC who’ show desire and started using FP

Utilisation of mother care

- Total preg mother
- Mother with antenatal complications 
- Women with min 5 ANC checkup 
- Women who consume min 100 if a
- Women who took 2 TT

Functional asha

- Total asha
- No of asha who had done min one visit


- total no. of deliveries 
- mother with any delivery complications 


- Total babie
-LBW babies

RTI data

- Total EC visited
- EC with RTI symptoms 
- EC with RTI symptoms and tool treatment 
- EC with RTI symptoms and tool treatment  and gets cured

add indicators in MPR


In MPR needs assessment add these tow indicator

  • No. of pregnant women in reporting month (as per eligible couple program)
    Logic: Count women who have "Whether currently pregnant?" Yes in the Eligible Couple Program.
  • No. of women in pregnancy program in reporting month

### Ticket has been re-opened, same changes need to be done in the Combined MPR (Child and Needs assessment) report as well.

  • Create a line list of Pregnant women as per eligible couple program
    Logic: List of pregnant women who said "Yes" for the question "Whether currently pregnant?" (in eligible couple program) in reporting month. Date filter similar to other reports as well

[IHMP Support] Report number mismatch

There are number mismatch in the following aggregate and linelist reports, in order to fix we will have to create respective linelist using same ETL tables.

Create linelist - List of the women and their FP Status using ETL

Aggregate report -

Linelist report -

[IHMP Support] Add age filter in the metabase reports

Support ticket -

  • Add age filters in all the other reports as done in the following report -

  • List of the women who missed monthly periods

  • List of post natal mothers

  • List of Pregnant Women

  • List of the women and their FP Status

  • List of the women who missed monthly periods

  • Marriage Register report

  • Eligible couples who missed monthly period in the reporting month

  • Home visits by ASHA worker to all Eligible couples linelist

  • Home visits by ASHA worker to all non-sterilised Eligible couples

  • Home visits by ASHA worker to all sterilized Eligible couples linelist

  • Mothers delivered in the hospital linelist

  • Mothers delivered in the reporting month linelist

  • Number of home visits paid by ASHA worker to married adolescent girls of age <=19 years linelist

  • Number of home visits paid by ASHA worker to young married women of age 20-24 years linelist

  • Pregnant mothers line list

  • Pregnant mothers who reported any one symptom of antenatal complication linelist

  • Pregnant mothers who took treatment for Antenatal complications linelist

  • Pregnant mothers who undergone antenatal check up in reporting month linelist

[IHMP] Changes in translation and other changes after User testing.

QA Comment -

  • Registration form - Relation with household head - Add translation for Grand child.
  • Not able to find the translations I did on Github.
  • Add translation for Caste new Option - VJ/NT.
  • Take out the field “labourer (मजूर)” it has appeared twice (This is not done).
  • In physical examination section – the first option is blank – no translation is displayed for “Pedal Edema” - please put “पायावर सूज” - DONE
  • 'Enrol in Program' - Options are not translated . - Not DONE
    • गरोदरपण
    • शिशु
    • पात्र जोडपी
    Please make sure the same translation is there in the app
    Do the changes in the translation on "Register Page".

Ref Doc-

[IHMP][Report] Dashboard Issue

  1. On date filter - Home visit by ASHA is not visible. Fixed
  2. Utilisation Of maternal care services. - Not showing data on date filter. Fixed
  3. User latasb@ihmp - Total EC Visited = 11 and on DEA it is 10. from Report import. Address - nalewadi 2
  4. In Dashboard, Status of Pregnant Mother - No of mother enrolled = 73 and In Longitudinal export, ANC list from Web console- Report Console - 87 (ANC count)
  5. In dashboard, Number of pregnant mothers with complication = 1 (Wadigodari and Dec month) and this should be 2 (From field numbers). This number is Out of pregnant women. Currently, it is out of Total ANC checkup done.
  6. In dashboard, Number of mother having ANC checkup = 6 but it should be 58. (filter Wadigodri and date Dec month)
  7. The problem is filter - FIlter should be on encounter date currently it is on Enrolment date.
  • Same is with Number of mother with complication and taken treatment.
  1. Post natal and Neonatal care -

    • Count need to be checked. for new added bar
  2. family Planning

    • Total EC couple - make this total EC visited.
    • EC who use FP method. = 125 in Longitudinal export it is 126. Diff of 1.
  3. MPR child - on filter no data showing. Loading for long time.

IHMP report issues

  • The beneficiary completed standard antenatal care but in child MPR shows zero in indicators.

    • name : सीमा योगेश गायकवाड
  • Sheet 2 : Patient took treatment of RTI shows more than no. of RTI patients
    Vasti : Ramnagar 1

  • Sheet 3 and image 8 : No. of desire to use FP methods in metabase list of FP status is more than no. show in MPR
    Vasti : Vaiduwadi 2

  • Image 9 and 10 : MPR and eligible couple list shows variation of total beneficiaries
    Vasti : Vaiduwadi 2

[IHMP] Left-out Translations

Dashboard -
  • As on Date
  • Filter
  • Filter <- Program
  • Filter <- Date
  • More
  • Home
  • Individual
Settings/More -
  • Change Password
  • Video List <- Videos(App header)
  • Location
  • Track Location
Search Page -
  • Choose type
  • ASHA Area Input
  • Include voided
Individual Dashboard
  • Programs
    - Summary
    - Visits Planned
    - Cancel - Not done
    - Enrolment Details
    - Edit
    - Completed Visits
    - Unplanned Visit
  • Profile
    - Relatives
    - Add Relative
    - Add Relative <- Relation.
    - No Relative Added
    - Registration Details
    - Registration Date
    - Edit
    - Void
  • General
    - Completed Encounters
    - New form <- Name of forms are in English
    - Expand
    - Collapse
New Program Visit
  • Choose Visit

  • Planned Visits

  • Unplanned Visit

  • In the app header form names are showing in English.

Visit Schedule table
  • Visit names are in English.
  • Save and Register another individual.
  • Save and Enrol into Child
  • Save and enrol into mother
  • Save and Enrol into Eligible couple
  • Save and enrol into mother - (for Pregnancy enrolment)
QA Comment -

Child Program

  • Growth Chart.

[IHMP] [Support ticket] Report fixes

Metabase Reports

  • List of neonatal children

    • The filter is not working for the field ASHA –
      All other filters – LBW, start date, end date, phc, subcenter, slum, and the village also nonfunctional
  • Census report

    • Report is not generated even after applying any filter.
  • Death register

    • Add filters – PHC, ASHA,Slum, Sub center, village, start date, end date
    • Add a column named ASHA
  • Encounter type attendance cancellation report

    • Filter does not show any result
  • List of postnatal mothers

    • The filter is not working for the field ASHA – All other filters – LBW, start date, end date, phc, subcenter, slum, and
      village also non functiona
  • List of FP status

    • Lists are not generated for any filters
  • List of women who missed monthly periods

    • Lists are not generated for any filters
  • List of women with RTI

    • Lists are not generated for any filters
  • Marriage register

    • Add filters – PHC, ASHA, Slum, Sub center, village, start date, end date

Metabase form Extract reports

  • Abortion
    • There is no record in the abortion follow-up list.

The ASHA filter is not working for below reports

  • Abortion follow-up
  • ANC VHND follow-up
  • Child Enrolment
  • Delivery
  • Eligible couple enrolment
  • PNC
  • Pregnant women enrolment
  • Registration extract

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