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[LAHI] Program Status auto-update after enrolment

[LAHI] Volunteer is able to follow-up with Student for HCL Application

Volunteers follow-up with Students after enrolling them in Application for HCL TechBee Program to help them proceed with the application, take updates from student and help them answer their concerns.


  1. Volunteer enrolls student in "HCL TechBee - Application" program and on enrollment first follow-up visit for the same date is scheduled named "HCL TechBee - Application follow-up 1"
  2. User updates details in the follow-up form after interacting with student.
  3. User updates the Status for Program in the form.
  4. User gives a date for next follow-up if it is required.
  5. Next follow-up visit "HCL TechBee - Application follow-up 2" is scheduled on the date provided by volunteer on submitting the form.
  6. Whenever user submits a follow-up visit with a follow-up date, it should schedule the next follow-up form with name "HCL TechBee - Application follow-up n" where n is the number of follow-up. i.e. 3,4 etc.
  7. The follow-up visit populates answers for fields recorded in previous follow-up.

Acceptance Criteria:
User is able to enroll the student in the program and do follow-up visits with required criteria as mentioned in the form:

"HCL TechBee - Application follow-up" Form Requirements:

[LAHI] Program for enrolment to be visible based on Eligibility Status

After a student is determined eligible for specific Programs, they have to go through the application process before joining a program. Avni is required to have specific Programs for Applying to these different programs. Only the programs for which students are eligible should be visible for enrollment.

Program Eligibility encounter records eligibility for different programs. Program(s) where eligibility is Yes should be visible for enrolling the student. If eligibility is No for a specific program, those programs are not visible.

Acceptance Criteria:
User completes Program Eligibility encounter for a Student and Eligibility for a single or multiple program is updated.
The system should only show Programs for which Eligibility is Yes, and not show if it is updated as No.
The system should check all Program eligibility encounters to determine which programs to show.
i.e. if NavGurukul - Eligibility is updated as Yes, the Enrollment option in Student profile shows "Apply for NavGurukul" Program.
If user goes back, updates details in Program eligibility encounter and Eligibility is updated as No, then the program "Apply for NavGurukul" should not be visible for enrollment in Student profile.

[LAHI] Masai school and Magic Billion Eligibility not displayed when not Eligible

In Program Eligibility, choose Masai school and Magic Billion in Programs interested question.

Now, on moving next to the respective page for both program, when user fills details, the Eligibility field displays "Not Known yet" on android and on web app it does not show anything.

This only happens when the Eligibility value is required to be autopopulated as No - in case when Student is Eligible the status is shown as Yes.

Attaching screenshot for reference:

[LAHI] Custom offline dashboard for Students

Custom offline dashboard for Students:

Dashboard requirements:

Acceptance criteria:

  1. Make this primary dashboard for Volunteer.
  2. Clicking on the folder should take the user to linelist of the students.
  3. It should only display count and list of students for the program which the volunteer is assigned to.
  4. It should not display students who have exited the program.

[LAHI - Report] User should be able to view Student Status for all Programs

A report that displays some basic details of student along with the programs interested in and the stage in which they are in the application process.

User is able to access Student Status report which displays status for all the program they are interested in and the stage in application process for all the students. The report should have all the details displayed correctly as provided in the requirements here:

Acceptance criteria:
User should be able to see correct details of all the students along with interested programs and the application progress that they have made for the program.

[LAHI] The System should record and determine student eligibility for a program.

Vindhya (BPO) users interact with Students on the programs they are interested in, fill the details in application and based on criteria such as education, age, gender and other program specific criteria, it is determined whether the student is Eligible for specific program or not.

User completes a general encounter named "Program Eligibility" for the Student where different questions are asked to students based on specific programs they are interested in and depending on the answers and details provided in Registration and the application determines the Eligibility based on the criteria.

Acceptance Criteria:
User should be able to complete the Program Eligibility encounter where:
Program specific pages and questions are shown/hidden based on program interested.
Eligibility is auto calculated based on given criteria.
User is able to update Status of the Program for Student.
User is able to fill a new encounter for "Program Eligibility" when student shows interest for another program.

Program Eligibility Form Requirements:

[LAHI] Go Live tasks

[LAHI] Misc items

  • Web App - For HCL TechBee program - HCL TechBee status is not displayed in Program summary.
  • Web App and Android - For Techmahindra, Masai School and Magic Billion Program, both Program status and Application status are missing in program summary.

[LAHI - Report] User should be able to view aggregate report of Partner, Volunteer and Students

A detailed report which displays the aggregate number of students for each Partner/program classified by gender along with details of volunteer and the state they belong to is required - for the purpose of monitoring the interest in specific programs of students.

User is able to access the "Partner, Volunteer and Students" report with all the required fields as mentioned in the sheet here:

Acceptance criteria:
User should be able to access the report which has correct details as mentioned in the referred sheet and details are displayed correctly on selecting specific filters.

[LAHI Support] Removing entries for voided programs

Following programs have been voided on live app:

  • Karigar

There are test entries (students) who have been enrolled in these programs. Clicking on this entry is giving error.

  • Remove the students enrolled in programs mentioned above.
  • Resolve any form mapping issues which might have happened because of voiding the program and relevant program forms.

Screenshots for reference:
Voided program entries.jpg
Error on voided program enrollment.jpg

[LAHI] UAT Feedback

*Wherever changes are there in requirement sheets, cells have been highlighted in green in respective sheets.
Drive link for Forms:

  • Restrict Student Age to between 14 and 25. Add validation for this in Date of birth.
  • Upload State, District, Block, School Name and UDISE code mapping. Based on State, District options will show, subsequently blocks should be displayed based on District. Based on Block, School Name will be displayed and based on School name, the UDISE code should be auto-populated. Currently data is available for Maharashtra.
  • Add Other School and Other School Name questions in Student registration.
  • Add "Are you interested in higher education, employment, skilling or internship?" question in Registration.
  • Keep "Does Student give permission to LAHI to Send Whatsapp/SMS/Call for any career opportunities" question after the question mentioned above. Sequence updated in Registration sheet.
  • Add date validations for date fields in Application follow-up forms of different programs - details added in requirement sheet of all programs.
  • Remove Program Status field from Program Enrollment Form
  • Skip logic and Mandatory/Non-mandatory to be done as per LAHI requirement sheet. Changes done in requirement sheet of Follow-up encounters for all Programs.
  • Hide Unplanned visits within the Programs.
  • Add Program name in Search filter field. Not doable in Avni right now
  • Remove Percentage criteria from HCL Program eligibility and add Academic year criteria to be 2021-21 or 2021-22. Updated in requirement sheet.
  • Verify NavGurukul - Eligibility criteria as given in the requirement sheet.
  • Verify Masai School - Eligibility criteria as given in the requirement sheet.
  • Remove "Is follow-up required" in Program Eligibility form.
  • Show Eligibility criteria in the form and the fields for the students - at the top of the form in DEA.

[LAHI - Report] State-snapshot report

State-Snapshot Report

Gives aggregate data for each State on number of Active Programs, Students registered and have shown interest in any of the program along with different program status.


  • Linelist on clicking on count of students, programs within each column.
  • Mentioned filters are working correctly for the report.
  • Unique records - some columns require to show count of students with different program status. This count should not consider multiple number of students if one student has Applied in multiple programs. It should count that student only once to avoid duplicates.

[LAHI] Volunteer is able to complete follow-up with student for TechMahindra Application

Volunteers follow-up with Students after enrolling them in "TechMahindra - Application" Program to help them proceed with the application, take updates from student and help them answer their concerns.


  1. Volunteer enrolls student in "TechMahindra - Application" program and on enrollment first follow-up visit for the same date is scheduled named "TechMahindra - Application follow-up 1"
  2. User updates details in the follow-up form after interacting with student.
  3. User updates the Status for Program in the form.
  4. User gives a date for next follow-up if it is required.
  5. Next follow-up visit "TechMahindra - Application follow-up 2" is scheduled on the date provided by volunteer on submitting the form.
  6. Whenever user submits a follow-up visit with a follow-up date, it should schedule the next follow-up form with name "TechMahindra - Application follow-up n" where n is the number of follow-up. i.e. 3,4 etc.
  7. The follow-up visit populates answers for fields recorded in previous follow-up.

Acceptance Criteria:
User is able to enroll the student in the program and do follow-up visits with required criteria as mentioned in the form:

Acceptance Criteria:
User is able to enroll the student into "TechMahindra - Application" program and subsequently complete the follow-up visits with required criteria as mentioned in the form.

"TechMahindra- Application follow-up" Form Requirements:

[LAHI] UAT Feedback issues

  • Add following filters for Search (Students) in web app.
    1. Phone number (Contact number concept)
    2. All locations.
    3. Gender
    4. Highest Qualification
  • HCL Eligibility is updated as NO in following conditions. It should be updated as Yes.
    • 12th-HSC, Appearing, Academic year 2020-21, Math/Business Math
    • 12th-HSC, Appearing, Academic year 2021-22, Math/Business Math
    • 12th-HSC, Results awaited, Academic year 2021-22, Math/Business Math
    • 12th-HSC, Results awaited, Academic year 2021-22, Math/Business Math
    • 12th-HSC, Pass out, Academic year 2020-21, Math/Business Math
  • In HCL Application follow-up, for "Interview-1" field, date validation "Date cannot be on or before the date of CAT 2 - rescheduled" is shown even when "Date of CAT-Reschduled (CAT-2) Exam" is not there. The validation should show based on "CAT-1 exam Date" or "CAT-Rescheduled (CAT-2) Exam" whichever is available. If both are available, it should consider the rescheduled date for validation.
  • Same issue as above to be resolved for Navgurukul as well.
  • For Navgurukul Application follow-up, if no date for first interview has been provided, date for 2nd interview should not throw a validation.
  • For all the programs' follow-up encounter, the "Next follow-up date" should not allow the date on which that encounter is filled or a date before that.
  • For Navgurukul Application follow-up, even when last mandatory question answered is "Result of 1st interview" and answer is failed, it shows Application Status as Result of 1st interview available. Check 12th slide in below given link:

[LAHI] Add "Other" location values for all locations

Use case:
Students do not necessarily share all address level details like District, block and other lower level locations through Whatsapp (Glific chatbot). This means that once the integration is done and data from Glific is pulled into Avni for Registration, it will not have all location details. In order to complete the Registration for these students, we should have the option "Other" for all the location fields.

State, District, Block, School name, UDISE code to have Other option.

Acceptance criteria:

  • Have locations with complete hierarchy with title "Other" - From State to UDISE
  • Have "Other" District, block, School and UDISE locations created under existing States.

When Student registrations are done by pulling data from Gliffic. The location values should be selected as "Other".

[LAHI] Volunteer is able to complete follow-up with student for NavGurukul Application

Volunteers follow-up with Students after enrolling them in "NavGurukul - Application" Program to help them proceed with the application, take updates from student and help them answer their concerns.


  1. Volunteer enrolls student in "NavGurukul - Application" program and on enrollment first follow-up visit for the same date is scheduled named "NavGurukul - Application follow-up 1"
  2. User updates details in the follow-up form after interacting with student.
  3. User updates the Status for Program in the form.
  4. User gives a date for next follow-up if it is required.
  5. Next follow-up visit "NavGurukul - Application follow-up 2" is scheduled on the date provided by volunteer on submitting the form.
  6. Whenever user submits a follow-up visit with a follow-up date, it should schedule the next follow-up form with name "NavGurukul - Application follow-up n" where n is the number of follow-up. i.e. 3,4 etc.
  7. The follow-up visit populates answers for fields recorded in previous follow-up.

Acceptance Criteria:
User is able to enroll the student in the program and do follow-up visits with required criteria as mentioned in the form:

Acceptance Criteria:
User is able to enroll the student into "NavGurukul - Application" program and subsequently complete the follow-up visits with required criteria as mentioned in the form.

"NavGurukul- Application follow-up" Form Requirements:

[LAHI] UAT Feedback - 2

  • HCL Eligibility is updated as NO in following conditions. It should be updated as Yes.
    • 12th-HSC, Appearing, Academic year 2020-21, Math/Business Math
    • 12th-HSC, Appearing, Academic year 2021-22, Math/Business Math
    • 12th-HSC, Results awaited, Academic year 2021-22, Math/Business Math
    • 12th-HSC, Results awaited, Academic year 2021-22, Math/Business Math
    • 12th-HSC, Pass out, Academic year 2020-21, Math/Business Math

[LAHI] Volunteer is able to complete follow-up with Student for Magic Billion application

Volunteers follow-up with Students after enrolling them in "Magic Billion - Application" Program to help them proceed with the application, take updates from student and help them answer their concerns.


  1. Volunteer enrolls student in "Magic Billion - Application" program and on enrollment first follow-up visit for the same date is scheduled named "Magic Billion - Application follow-up 1"
  2. User updates details in the follow-up form after interacting with student.
  3. User updates the Status for Program in the form.
  4. User gives a date for next follow-up if it is required.
  5. Next follow-up visit "Magic Billion - Application follow-up 2" is scheduled on the date provided by volunteer on submitting the form.
  6. Whenever user submits a follow-up visit with a follow-up date, it should schedule the next follow-up form with name "Magic Billion - Application follow-up n" where n is the number of follow-up. i.e. 3,4 etc.
  7. The follow-up visit populates answers for fields recorded in previous follow-up.

Acceptance Criteria:
User is able to enroll the student in the program and do follow-up visits with required criteria as mentioned in the form:

Acceptance Criteria:
User is able to enroll the student into "Magic Billion - Application" program and subsequently complete the follow-up visits with required criteria as mentioned in the form.

"Magic Billion - Application follow-up" form requirements:

[LAHI] Volunteer is able to follow-up with Student for Masai School Application

Volunteers follow-up with Students after enrolling them in "Masai School - Application" Program to help them proceed with the application, take updates from student and help them answer their concerns.


  1. Volunteer enrolls student in "Masai School - Application" program and on enrollment first follow-up visit for the same date is scheduled named "Masai School - Application follow-up 1"
  2. User updates details in the follow-up form after interacting with student.
  3. User updates the Status for Program in the form.
  4. User gives a date for next follow-up if it is required.
  5. Next follow-up visit "Masai School- Application follow-up 2" is scheduled on the date provided by volunteer on submitting the form.
  6. Whenever user submits a follow-up visit with a follow-up date, it should schedule the next follow-up form with name "Masai School- Application follow-up n" where n is the number of follow-up. i.e. 3,4 etc.
  7. The follow-up visit populates answers for fields recorded in previous follow-up.

Acceptance Criteria:
User is able to enroll the student in the program and do follow-up visits with required criteria as mentioned in the form:

"Masai School- Application follow-up" Form Requirements:

[LAHI] Make program follow-up forms as immutable encounters.

Test scenarios:

  • For all programs, the Application follow-up encounter should be configured as Immutable.
  • Whenever user completes a follow-up visit and opens form for new follow-up visit, it should open the page from where details were not provided in form in earlier visit.
  • After opening form for new follow-up visit, if user clicks on Previous, they should be able to see details filled earlier.
  • User is able to fill details in form for previously not filled pages and able to successfully save the form.

[LAHI] User is able to register Partner details in the application.

Partners are organizations which offer different program to students. The details of organization along with contact details of a person who is point of contact are required to be updated in application along with different programs which are offered. This will be useful to LAHI in internal reporting.

User is able to register partner details in application.
Subject Type: Individual
Location: State, District, City
Form: Partner Registration

Acceptance criteria:
User should be able to update Partner details along with programs offered based on the requirement details provided in the sheet mentioned below:

[LAHI SUPPORT] Ticket 2474

Corresponding product bug card -

-- 317
-- 325
-- 1085

// Currently above are assigned to user "alims@lahi" with id = 5904;

set role lahi;
update user_subject_assignment
set is_voided = true,
last_modified_date_time = current_timestamp,
last_modified_by_id = (select id from users where username = 'taqi@lahi')
where id = 1085;



[LAHI - Report] User should be able to view State wise Program Report

A report is required which gives aggregate number of students interested in various programs classified by Gender and different States.

User is able to access "Program-State" Report which displays aggregate count of students for each program for each state classified by Gender as mentioned in the sheet referred:

Acceptance Criteria:
User is able to access the report and the count for each state for each program is displayed correctly.

[LAHI] Misc changes/Issues

Eligibility criteria:

  • Masai school eligibility check should consider student eligible when 12th status is Appearing or pass out (along with other conditions). Currently it only considers if Student is 12th Pass out.
  • MagicB Eligibility status was not visible when Eligibility status was No. sharing screenshot at the end.

Following date validations are not working correctly:

  • HCL TechBee Application follow-up: Interview-2 validation is shown when interview-1 date is not even provided.
  • Navgurukul Application follow-up: Date of rescheduled (2nd) interview still throwing validations if first interview date is not there.
  • Masai school follow-up: Date of interview should not throw validation when exam date is not present.
  • TechM Application follow-up: Interview date should not give validation if none of the exam date is given. Rescheduled date validation should happen only when it is provided.
  • MagicB application follow-up: Second interview date should not throw validation if 1st interview date is not there.

Refer to this screenshot when MagicB Eligibility Status was No.
MagicB eligibility not visible.jpg

[LAHI] Volunteer is able to enrol student in different programs for Application process

Once a student is made eligible for specific Programs, volunteer will start following-up with them and helping them with the application process - this process of follow-up will be captured in Avni by using separate Programs.

Enrollment Form and Exit form for following Programs should be available once student is marked eligible in Program Eligibility form:

  1. HCL TechBee - Application
  2. Masai School - Application
  3. NavGurukul - Application
  4. TechMahindra - Application
  5. Magic Billion - Application

Acceptance Criteria:
User is able to enroll students into different programs to apply for them and also exit them from the application process.

HCL TechBee Forms link:

Masai School - Application Forms link:

NavGurukul - Application forms link:

TechMahindra - Application forms link:

Magic Billion - Application forms link:

[LAHI] User is able to follow-up for Program Eligibility

When user interacts with Student, it is possible they may not have gone through webinar or some other details may not be available with them at the time and user will require to follow-up with Student.

After recording all the available details in Program Eligibility form, if a follow-up is required, user gives a follow-up date and next interaction (Program eligibility form) is scheduled for that date.

Acceptance Criteria:
User fills the Program Eligibility form with required details and at the end is able to update follow-up details and follow-up date if required and Saves the form. A visit for the follow-up date provided must be scheduled for Program Eligibility.
In the follow-up visit, questions already filled should be visible for user and he/she should be able to Edit and Save the form.

[LAHI - Report] User should be able to view Partner wise reports for Students

A report is required for each program which has a list of all the students and details of the application for the specific program and different stages.

User is able to access the Partner-wise report for all students as mentioned in the referred sheets here for all programs:

Currently HCL and NavGurukul have been provided as samples.

Acceptance criteria:
User is able to access program wise report for all students showing list and the specific details for each program application as provided in the sheet and all details are displayed correctly.

[LAHI] Student Profile Linelist

A student profile report is required to have access to complete profile of all the students along with the programs they are interested in and the status for the programs. This report is also submitted to external stakeholders such as State government officials.

User should be able to have access to Student profile report which have all the details as mentioned here:

Acceptance criteria:
User is able to access the report and correct details are available for all students for all the fields mentioned and with necessary filters.

[LAHI] User is able to register students in Avni

Vindhya (BPO) users receive details of Students through a google form shared with Students using Gliffic. Once they receive the details of Students, they are required to fill this data in Avni - they may also get on call with student for verification or to take details on specific fields. Once the integration of Gliffic is done - this data will be pulled from Gliffic to directly into Avni, for now the users will do entries fromspreadsheets.

Users are able to register Student details in Avni application with all the necessary details as provided in the requirements.
Student Subject type - Person
Location - State and District
Form Requirements:

Acceptance Criteria:
User should be able to register Student details in the application. They should be able to enter middle name of Students and the form should also display Full name of student based on First name, middle name and Last name. It must satisfy all the validation criteria provided for each field in the requirements.

Test Scenarios:

  1. Full name is displayed as "First Name" + "Middle Name" + "Last Name" (skip middle name, if not available)
  2. Unique check on E-mail id: User should not be able to register a student with same email address.

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