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Comments (9)

larsks avatar larsks commented on June 10, 2024 2

@szarkos That code relies on the waagent script to actually interact with the metadata service. This means that if you have a standard guest image (like, say, one of these), it won't work unless it already has the WALinuxAgent package installed. If cloud-init were able to talk to the metadata service natively without requiring the waagent, then generic "cloud" images like this would Just Work.

Besides, if you're going to say "A TCP endpoint exposing a REST API used to obtain deployment and topology configuration." it seems you should document that as well.

from walinuxagent.

smereczynski avatar smereczynski commented on June 10, 2024


from walinuxagent.

larsks avatar larsks commented on June 10, 2024

Also +1, because being able to implement support for this natively in cloud-init would simplify things.

from walinuxagent.

szarkos avatar szarkos commented on June 10, 2024

The necessary components are already implemented in cloud-init here:

What else do you think you need?

from walinuxagent.

larsks avatar larsks commented on June 10, 2024

For the curious, here are some notes on the configuration REST API, gleaned from running waagent with strace. The IP address of the configuration server is discovered via DHCP options provided in the Azure environment. You can see this in /var/log/waagent.log:

2016/04/16 04:41:39 DHCP packet ended at offset 0x149
2016/04/16 04:41:39 Discovered Windows Azure endpoint:

REST API Endpoints

  • /?comp=versions -- get a list of API versions supported by the configuration server.

    A request looks like:


    A response looks like:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  • /machine/?comp=goalstate -- return an XML document with information about available API configuration endpoints for this host. Can except the x-ms-version HTTP header (-H "x-ms-version: 2012-11-30") and the x-ms-agent header (which should be WALinuxAgent).

    A request looks like:

      curl -H 'x-ms-agent-name: WALinuxAgent' -H 'x-ms-version: 2012-11-30'

    A response looks like:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <GoalState xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="goalstate10.xsd">
  • /machine/<container_id>/<instance_id>?comp=config&type=hostingEnvironmentConfig&incarnation=1

    A request looks like:

      curl '' -H "x-ms-version: 2012-11-30" -H "x-ms-agent-name: WALinuxAgent"

    A response looks like:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <HostingEnvironmentConfig version="" goalStateIncarnation="1">
          <StoredCertificate name="Cert0My" certificateId="sha1:65A6D1D84F048F358766291CA26FB715033AEAB4" storeName="My" configurationLevel="System" />
        <Deployment name="f6cd1d7ef1644557b9059345e5ba890c" guid="{db132ce8-da09-4d62-a802-8f96304f2f25}" incarnation="0" isNonCancellableTopologyChangeEnabled="false">
          <Service name="lars-test-1" guid="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" />
          <ServiceInstance name="f6cd1d7ef1644557b9059345e5ba890c.0" guid="{5f60b5ac-c18b-409d-898f-457e0c68e3b4}" />
        <Incarnation number="1" instance="lars-test-1" guid="{ae4f8ba1-08d5-4e6c-ae67-6dd36d7b2114}" />
        <Role guid="{bfb200dd-637f-6714-805b-18c16799a4cd}" name="lars-test-1" hostingEnvironmentVersion="1" software="" softwareType="ApplicationPackage" entryPoint="" parameters="" settleTimeSeconds="0" />
        <HostingEnvironmentSettings name="full" Runtime="">
          <CAS mode="full" />
          <PrivilegeLevel mode="max" /><AdditionalProperties><CgiHandlers></CgiHandlers></AdditionalProperties></HostingEnvironmentSettings>
          <Setting name="__ModelData" value="&lt;m role=&quot;lars-test-1&quot; xmlns=&quot;urn:azure:m:v1&quot;>&lt;r name=&quot;lars-test-1&quot;>&lt;e name=&quot;openInternalEndpoint&quot; />&lt;e name=&quot;ssh&quot; />&lt;/r>&lt;/m>" />
          <Setting name="ProvisionCertificate|Cert0My" value="sha1:65A6D1D84F048F358766291CA26FB715033AEAB4" />
  • /machine/<container_id>/<instance_id>?comp=config&type=sharedConfig&incarnation=1

    A request looks like:

      curl -H "x-ms-version: 2012-11-30" -H "x-ms-agent-name: WALinuxAgent" ''

    A response looks like:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <SharedConfig version="" goalStateIncarnation="1">
        <Deployment name="f6cd1d7ef1644557b9059345e5ba890c" guid="{db132ce8-da09-4d62-a802-8f96304f2f25}" incarnation="0" isNonCancellableTopologyChangeEnabled="false">
          <Service name="lars-test-1" guid="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" />
          <ServiceInstance name="f6cd1d7ef1644557b9059345e5ba890c.0" guid="{5f60b5ac-c18b-409d-898f-457e0c68e3b4}" />
        <Incarnation number="1" instance="lars-test-1" guid="{ae4f8ba1-08d5-4e6c-ae67-6dd36d7b2114}" />
        <Role guid="{bfb200dd-637f-6714-805b-18c16799a4cd}" name="lars-test-1" settleTimeSeconds="0" />
        <LoadBalancerSettings timeoutSeconds="0" waitLoadBalancerProbeCount="8">
            <Probe name="D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E" />
            <Probe name="36F83AEC94AE1DFC70BFCFBDD173D1D6" />
          <Endpoint name="lars-test-1:openInternalEndpoint" type="SFS">
            <Target instance="lars-test-1" endpoint="openInternalEndpoint" />
          <Instance id="lars-test-1" address="">
            <FaultDomains randomId="0" updateId="0" updateCount="0" />
              <Endpoint name="openInternalEndpoint" address="" protocol="any" isPublic="false" enableDirectServerReturn="false" isDirectAddress="false" disableStealthMode="false">
                  <LocalPortSelfManaged />
              <Endpoint name="ssh" address="" protocol="tcp" hostName="lars-test-1ContractContract" isPublic="true" loadBalancedPublicAddress="" enableDirectServerReturn="false" isDirectAddress="false" disableStealthMode="false">
                  <LocalPortRange from="22" to="22" />
  • /machine/<container_id>/<instance_id>?comp=config&type=extensionConfig&incarnation=1

    A request looks like:

      curl -H "x-ms-version: 2012-11-30" -H "x-ms-agent-name: WALinuxAgent" ''

    A response looks like:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Extensions version="" goalStateIncarnation="1"><GuestAgentExtension xmlns:i="">
      <StatusUploadBlob statusBlobType="BlockBlob">;sp=rw&amp;se=9999-01-01&amp;sk=key1&amp;sv=2014-02-14&amp;sig=I3w8%2BrZg3Y2qDM5Qc48bk0qLDTEMR6Ez6Ufzx9SL5zg%3D</StatusUploadBlob></Extensions>
  • /machine/<container_id>/<instance_id>?comp=config&type=fullConfig&incarnation=1

    This appears to be a combination of the other individual config endpoints.

  • /machine/<container_id>/<instance_id>?comp=certificates&incarnation=1

    Requests certificates (such as SSH public keys) from the configuration server. This requires the x-ms-guest-agent-public-x509-cert HTTP header, the value of which is an X509 certificate that will be used to encrypt data to the client, and the x-ms-cipher-name header, which on my systems is set to DES_EDE3_CBC.

    The waagent script generates the certificate like this:

    openssl req -x509 -nodes -subj /CN=LinuxTransport -days 32768 \
      -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout TransportPrivate.pem -out TransportCert.pem

    A request looks like this:

      curl -H "x-ms-version: 2012-11-30" -H "x-ms-agent-name: WALinuxAgent" '' -H 'x-ms-cipher-name: DES_EDE3_CBC" -H "x-ms-guest-agent-public-x509-cert: MIIDBzCCAe+gAwIBAgIJAIWfUkZm9kO7MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMBkxFzAVBgNVBAMMDkxpbnV4VHJhbnNwb3J0MCAXDTE2MDQxNjA0MjAxMloYDzIxMDYwMTAzMDQyMDEyWjAZMRcwFQYDVQQDDA5MaW51eFRyYW5zcG9ydDCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBANVx7qUSBq6Xif73Eu6C70mfBZH1bif3IEUmmqTGL7kqD3Q+ENgmNCVegXO5Gx6QIjFzDV4vda8f5Eyyhw2dLJApJ4ghvm+dCTK60unMC7HZsHy9LulIvvkuPIb9iPxYAsXjhPe69ZtFeOeWabTIJScYjIk73at/F44KUtAHgIymHgkoxhzERDU8NufuvX8ATRW1D27ZLBnq0f+lgqu+FhYzNZQBKZ2EkGojEJb2GSZg0628SzDrQKCe5CEyDCOaRTIxDmjU5ou6AbH36WWxH4C1i62FaAoDMn7e0k5yGstqcZO+n2Zeh5oS7blKWK3GarnJcPbh/ulniUU+BtmERVMCAwEAAaNQME4wHQYDVR0OBBYEFEVAakbIzxxaMX1CQckBbQfXSVWIMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFEVAakbIzxxaMX1CQckBbQfXSVWIMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBACStjmZTm24ZFJ5klRUCysOj3kujMxY/84v5uMS+UrKEltjK5D7nVJV67T6qa/fDGsp0XYwA1gz2Zy9TrOHkn/23WwuKhPgrSQfoyxMkYkPLqP/Af1k2vWtFqQzuApdAi9YkT8lLoEGuVPJ8P9q0TUzgzv/X/AR4vMo3lgeLRV2PCsw5lCc3xBn3V+YcZOHdTYdN605JsfJLd8dxkSup2bWQJM20X/N6qsCePkg97bjF9n/IYMaOPrRkten/0qoVd20oZK097252tv0vCdx5J2V96MN/l/nnstqzrqSIQaeGWIQg7f/zgDvxg/tu9z0IeNzWKdvbu418tzMPM7QWQeI="

    A response looks like this:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <CertificateFile xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="certificates10.xsd">

    The waagent script decrypts that response like this (using the key generated earlier when we created the certificate):

      openssl cms -decrypt -in Certificates.p7m -inkey TransportPrivate.pem \
        -recip TransportCert.pem |
      openssl pkcs12 -nodes -password pass: -out Certificates.pem

from walinuxagent.

szarkos avatar szarkos commented on June 10, 2024

If you're just interested in provisioning then the cloud-init helper script interacts with metadata service. That's why the Ubuntu snappy images don't contain the agent.

Again, is there something else you need?

from walinuxagent.

larsks avatar larsks commented on June 10, 2024

Again, is there something else you need?

Yes, documentation! :) Which I am working on. Cheers!

from walinuxagent.

larsks avatar larsks commented on June 10, 2024

@carlhoerberg I've put my API notes up at That has some additional documentation not including in my earlier comment. Hope that helps out.

from walinuxagent.

ahmetb avatar ahmetb commented on June 10, 2024

@larsks it is golden, thanks. since it was an internal API, it did not get much attention. thanks for documenting it, perhaps you can add an appendix section in the 2.1/README as an unofficial guide. Closing this issue.

from walinuxagent.

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