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print-first-css's Issues

Writing styleguide: code and tabular data

Writing and compiling

  • #24 (they're mixed and messy at the moment)
    • A simple way to write and compile an article or a blog.
    • A simple way to generate a pdf or presentation.
    • Just use Pandoc?

Monospaced fonts

  • #64 (and check <code><strong> inherited styles)
  • #31
  • #57

Code examples, references, images

Insert and delete

  • ins, and del vs s?

Tables, instructions, lists

See here and here

  • Tables with and without headers (what are the semantics)
    • Section headers?
    • Real headers?
    • Style table headers?
    • Or, use a data list (dl) if there's no need for column / row headers?
    • Longer content, other content

Maths (unlikely I'll use it)

Rename `--color` variables?

Update: current naming of variables in latest commit

Now it's:

  • --color-b
  • --color-l

Previously was:

  • --color-d
  • --color-l

Adding in Anki Themes code, it was:

--color-card-l (no colour for light in Anki Themes)

The --color-card is mostly used for background colour, but also used for .missing-Notes font colour.

Might be worthwhile having a --colour-d for dark text and a colour-l for light text. Something like that.

Add a form reset?

Should I be concerned about basic forms or is this a job for each individual site?

  • Check some healthy resets
  • Leave it to the browser Gods

Just use CSS/HTML (not less or javascript)

Eventually I want to replace .less files with .css files, as most features I want to use in Anki Themes are now possible in default CSS. However, I have a lot of less // comments.

CSS Nesting

I don't think the editor CSS syntax highlighting is properly set up for CSS nesting (yet).

Less.js is only really useful now for @includeing partials, and compiling a css file:

One day I'll be able to rip out the less code and use a simple compiling script, or at least simply use it to watch for CSS file changes and compile the main.css file.

Other useful HTML/CSS features

  1. HTML can do that?
  2. CSS can do that?
  3. Collapsable section with nothing but HTML/CSS

Add font tracking?

In Material Design (and original cardinal-stylus) I was using --font-tracking variables:

  • letter-spacing: $font.tracking.pppp

Put back in?


Hashes fail silently

Hashes fail silently if they've been used but not declared — $this.hash.isnt.setup but is referenced, with no errors given

Build script and security

Explaining some of the build problems

You'll need to reference some (or all) of these problems in the advanced tutorial for Anki Themes) — especially the "Github dependencies" and "NPM commands" which should be to-the-point and leave no need for thinking. Remember to hide complexity when writing the docs.

The Pandoc build script is a little hard to remember:

The Pandoc documentation is pretty verbose, and I struggle with it. I also want to be aware of security concerns with NPM such as here.

  1. Output a standalone file
  2. Using a template file --template=./source/pandoc/template.html (you can use variables also)
  3. By default Pandoc outputs a fragment ...
  4. To include a custom CSS file (or many), use -c or --css flag!
  5. --embed-resources: a standalone document with no external dependencies?
  6. #24 (make things simpler?)7.

NPM commands: Updating your packages

npm can install and run your "scripts".
npx seems to allow you to run CLI commands locally (like this website builder).
I tend towards installing packages locally (not globally)

⚠️ Neither npm update, nor npm install <package> will update to the latest version if you're using ~ or ^ semver ranges!!! Why? Read on ...

🏆 You can specify the @major version with npm install. Alternatively, you must change package.json dependency version first, then npm update to that version. Can be done programatically or manually.

  1. Dev dependencies currently updating range only (patch/minor)
    • View npm outdated for regular packages (it won't show GitHub dependancies) and npm update (why won't it update to latest version?)
    • View the Change Log before updating to a major version!
    • npm list --depth 1 will list package dependencies (1 level deep)
  2. More on NPM Dependencies and scripts

Such a lot of reading, for such a simple thing 🤬😩

Github dependencies: It get's worse!

GitHub repositories that are dependencies don't update at all!! 😔

Make sure you change the #commit-number on the end of the dependency url. You'll also need to explicitly update the package npm update print-first-css.

Use a makefile and watch changes?

An interesting approach to auto-load changes for .less files in this article.

I think I was using the Marked App to compile the and files:

You can view the original .md files here

  1. Adding the print-first-markdown css file to the app
  2. Using it with yaml code Marked Style: print-first-markdown.
  3. Marked App uses highlight.js to render code blocks

Pre blocks generally don't stack together

Is it necessary to prevent a gap if two code blocks are siblings?

  • pre tags have no margins
  • .sourceCode from Skylighting have margins.
  • pre.sourceCode is also overriding pre + pre styles.
  • Probably wise for a margin-bottom on <div> or the <pre> for sibling components.

Pandoc spews out default css code in the header when compiling the template. Removing margin: 1em 0 from .sourceCode will stack them together — but this shouldn't be needed — custom Skylighting css should be the default (not Pandocs template code).

Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 18 34 36

Wasted code?

I think originally I added this because of the Anki Themes layout.

  • div wrappers have no padding or margins
  • pre tags have padding only (no margins)

Two code blocks in Anki Themes will stack together with no gaps.

Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 18 29 06

The following code.less is using negative margin-top:

  & + & {
    border-top: transparent;
    margin-top: calc(var(--spacing) * -1);  // #2

I expect my thinking was to make sure that two pre blocks together would stack up without a gap ... only, while using Pandoc the <div class="sourceCode"> for Skylighting the pre blocks are never going to be right next to each other!

div.sourceCode {
  margin: 1em 0;

The above code is what Skylighting wrapper will do; two pre blocks rendered with Pandoc will produce a gap.

Compress normalize.css and print files

Ideally need to update the following base files, that set up standards:

Consolidate files where possible, delete junk:

  • Merge _reset.less and _root.less?
  • Keep normalize.css up-to-date?
  • Better manage @print functionality?

Baseline grid is a nice ideal, but ...

Baseline grid can be a bit confusing and a nice ideal, but hard to stick to.

TL;DR: Alignment to a small grid is possible, but items like images aren't quite sticking to it. The more complex the site, the more components it uses, the more you have to be flexible (and break from the grid).

¶: It's also difficult to stick to as a website grows in complexity:

Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15 13 47

Thoughts on working for free (opensource)

🔍 Google: Staying sane with open source

Things eventually go dead (or get handed on to other people) with open source:

Some great talks amongst others (like Hammock Driven Development) that cross over different industries (like design, coding, charities, ...) with common problems on burnout, or working for free.

Ways to stay sane!

`pre` kills vertical rhythm

This might have something to do with the font-size of the monospace font — again this is going to be tricky to resolve when using system-ui as there's no way to know how it'll render without checking every OS!

screen shot 2018-06-26 at 12 25 29

  • Using pre means total area no longer divisible by 4
  • pre-line and pre-wrap work

Adding html to markdown files

Sketch out the pros and cons, as well as the workflow options

Markdown is a simple formatting method, so it's probably best not to get too clever when writing and formatting ... but when adding HTML, current difficulties:

Pandoc allows the following syntax to wrap with a div:

::: {#special}
text goes here
  • Marked App seems to add empty paragraphs, causing broken layout
  • Pandoc doesn't seem to suffer from this problem

Code example:

<div class="split"><div class="split-left">

- list
- of

</div><div class="split-right">



Need to decide whether it's best to:

  1. Use Markdown for full pages (with HTML inside file)
  2. Use Markdown for partials (and a templating language)
  3. Use Markdown with frontmatter
  4. Use javascript to style some elements (the introduction, for instance)

HTML inside Markdown is easy(ish) to compile, and if done right can provide some flexibility (such as figcaption etc) — but feels a bit hacky, somehow.

Perhaps there's a balance between building a structure and using markdown files, within that structure.

Print links

Some changes to links:

  • Force links to always be black with !important

Is it possible to add them as footnotes, instead of using [raw text] in brackets?

Less color functions don't work with css variables

For now, in general, I'm using as little functionality from Less CSS as possible:

And that's about it. So avoid Possibly best to avoid fancy but ultimately wasteful features — colour functions area nice-to-have, not a need-to-have. Nor do they work nicely with --css-variables anyway.

Keep it simple, stupid!

Writing styleguide

This issue is too long!! Split into manageable chunks!

"I just let it run, because you can always rewrite, check things, find the right way to say things. If you sit and plan, you get stuck in the planning. When you’re writing a book, I find my fingers just start doing it." (Terry Prachett, source)

Just-in-time and revise as-you-go — easy to understand for beginners and just enough for serious writing. Do the next right thing. Pick a style and stick with it! You can cherry-pick some of the styles you prefer, but it's easier to pick one style guide as a base.

  • A refresher on quasi-academic writing.
    • Citations are helpful!
    • Long boring text isn't.
  • See also source/markdown/
  • Things like the Oxford comma?

Decide a general tone, style (academic? head first) as a standard default. This can always be extended or updated for child themes.

Writing must be

  1. Easy to understand and reckon with (the stupid version of future me)
  2. Easy to write in Markdown (including extra html markup)
  3. Work in any version of Markdown (Stick with CommonMark)
  4. Easy to extend (for specific needs)
  5. Looks pretty

Don't be boring

I don't need to think of all this upfront, as the main things I'm using this repo for is simple articles, the anki tool, possibly a faq or simple documentation, someday a book ... so on. It just needs a simple guideline that's reasonably fun to read (and not a wall of text).

Start super small, super simple and build from there.

  • A lot of documentation and writing sucks
  • Don't make me think, just enough information (and no more)
  • Look at design systems and even kid's books for inspiration.
  • Aim to keep the language simple
  • Are you writing a programming book? A CV? An article? Documentation?


  1. Going to print
  2. Designing for print
  3. Economist style guide
  4. Practical Typography
  5. styleguide (design styleguide)
  6. A nice [styleguide] that combines different guides

See also:

  • #20 — page breaks
  • #18 — is this a bad idea?1

Legible fonts



  • When to use italic to highlight terms (or places, authors, titles)
  • Bear in mind that serif fonts are way better than sans-serif fonts for this.2

I'm finding it hard to find examples in context online: the way it's actually written in the book. There's lots of quotes with images, but not so many in the original style (a thought in italics)

  • When to use <i> for styling?
  • When not to use <i> for visual styling?

Heavily used in Terry Prachett's work and Game of Thrones. There's also times where it may not be appropriate.

Italics for works, titles, etc — or should this be 'quotation' style? For instance, this guide has seemingly arbitrary rules for not using quotation marks on certain types of works.


Bold or italic: they're mutually exclusive

Possibly for sans-serif font to replace italic terms (ie: titles, but not thoughts)

  • When to use bold to highlight terms?
    • Does it detract from the text or not?
  • When not to use <b> for visual styling?

Using quotations and brackets

These also tend to change depending on country — there's a few ways to go about this ¡Vamos!

Semicolons and dashes


  • Better figure and figcaption defaults
  • #13 images
  • pre inside figure (with figcaption)
    • linking to a figure (and format, i.e. fig. 1 fig.1 — description
    • figure plus quote
    • figure + figure or figure > img + img (what happens when more than 1?)
  • Images styleguide (rough guide on sizes, dimensions, so on)


General writing


Other stuff




  1. Just use Markdown and stick to basic css and regular HTML tags (that Pandoc accepts), using child themes (like Anki) which have proper templating languages for more complex stuff. There might be some scope for e-Books later!

  2. They just don't stand out very well. For sans-serif fonts I feel "this stands out" better than this stands out. Possibly "this stands out" even better. For instance the "first instance of a cited Book Title" could look like this.

Too many `--font-size` and `--spacing` variables?

They were lifted from the original Material Design, and might be overkill. Just how many font-sizes are acceptable, and how big should a heading font get?!

  • Probably add rem sizing in the comments on typography
  • Check how many of the variables I'm actually using (in print-first-css and anki themes)
  • Glance over the new Material Design documentation and see how many spacers and font-sizes there are there.
  • #40

The economics of writing

An annual survey carried out by the University of Glasgow tracked author earnings over the last 15 years. The results showed a clear drop in average author income, from £18,013 in 2006 to £10,497 in 2018. By 2022, author income has dropped even further, with professional authors earning an average of just £7,000 a year.


Research suggests just 19% of authors earn their income solely from writing.1

Should probably write about this proper, but good to have a few links and references.


  1. Source

  2. Full article here

Consider how to differentiate with plain markdown

Within the #10 issue, how might I be able to write standard markdown, but style in a subtle, useful manner?


  • Do I stick to basic styling in print-first-css (a blank canvas)
  • Or set up some "academic" style defaults?
    • Or, use a child theme for this?


  • Link styling — could be useful for footnotes or references

Stylus is back in fashion?

I'm pretty sure I'm only using --css-variables and simple @includes with Less CSS now, as I made a bunch of changes after scrapping Stylus. This is stated in #19.

It's good to note that Stylus is back in vogue, and actively maintained now. One of the main appeals of the language was it's similarity to Python notation.

Alas, my general feeling now is that CSS is hard enough, without added complexity of preprocessor trickery. The features of Stylus, Sass, Less, or others can be a nice touch, but too much of a ballache to reason about when files and folders expand.

Keep it simple, stupid and don't make me think!


  • Remove $grid hashes?
  • Remove dependencies (original Cardinal Stylus)
  • Remove buttons?

Custom fonts

Child themes

Remember that Print First CSS is a bare-bones approach.
It is not a framework. A child theme takes on that responsibility.

Currently the default font is system-ui, the headings are font-weight: normal and inherit from :root, and there's no custom font included. Beware that @font-face should not be nested inside a selector or class.)

Add a @font-face to customise your fonts? Definitely a problem for child themes, not the defaults as we're using system-ui font stack.

Anki, Anki-child-theme etc

Some nice font examples

The particulars


Writing mode and css layout for multilingual websites

For different languages
Also could be useful stylistically

⚠️ It get's complicated!!
..... Seems tricky to find good Arabic examples?
..... Grids and Flexbox is hard enough without foreign languages!

Some questions

  1. Should books be transliterated?
  2. Or should they be in their own language?

For non-natives, it's hard to manage a site that carries international languages as some things are very hard to add, edit, and search for without knowing the language (or owning the keyboard in ___ language)

Some example sites

Make image-friendly

Needs a debate on which method to use, whether to blanket-force responsive images ... and so on.

  • max-width: 100% on all images [using]
  • center all images?
  • responsive? resolution?
  • Aspect ratios?

Simplify, mofo!

UPDATE 2023: Why should I give a fuck?

e.g: 4 days worth of work and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface:

  • Installing the software required
  • Refactoring code and minor updates to files
  • Copious amounts of Google searches and document reading
  • Issues, issues and more issues (documentation)
  • Note taking and abstract thinking about problems
  • And on, and on, and on, ...

... Little wonder Computer Science drop-out rates seem to top the charts!

CSS it too damn slow (to create)

It takes forever just to get a simple CodePen working, unless the css is super simple. Anything with a butt-load of html starts to get more time consuming — especially if you're trying to reason about and override someone else's code (like Pandoc's Skylighting)

It's quite infuriating. 💩


Currently the only repos including print-first-css is Anki themes which, I don't think is sticking to the baseline grid; and Print First CV

Why should I give a fuck? That's a great question to ask yourself whenever you consider working on a new feature/update. The file system is a bit nebulous and I'm beginning to wonder if humans really want to print out a webpage anyway. Do I really need to create a CV page created in code? Does it really need to be designed? Does anybody actually give a shit about this repo?

No, no, and probably no.

On Design Systems

A general rule is Reduce, Reduce, reduce!!! (succinct and distilled)

On Writing Styleguides

Some other considerations:

Where to create a theme for print/screen code?

Currently not sticking to the printable css philosophy in Anki Themes. Should print styles be considered and @media screen rules used?

  • Avoid overkill:
    • Case by case basis, i.e:
    • Useful for a CV document
    • Useful for certain portions of a website (blog post)
    • Useful for an [epub] book (possible with Pandoc)
      • Also Ascii doc but that's in Ruby. Yuck.
      • There's the question of professionalism; are apps better?
      • ePub3 has some nice features (also accessibility)
  • Can you even print from Anki?! This is a no in my view.
  • A styleguide for an ePub-style document (print and screen)
  • Also see #5
  • #57

Look into Pandoc `--highlight-style`

  • Include verbatim main.css file contents in <header> using Yaml? (interesting but not relevant essay post)
  • Include a .json file to change the <header> CSS highlight styles
  • Simply include a <link ...> file to main.css and just override highlight styles there (e.g: edit HTML template file and hardcode CSS file there)

You can find the basic documentation here ... though I've forgotten how the bloody html templates and flags work in the npm command for Pandoc rendering the template in terminal. I think it's wise to use Pandoc templates frugally as, to me, the documentation is as clear as mud and likely to change.

See a better overview in the Stackoverflow thread (seems more thorough than the official docs) and this is also a good guide for the .json files that Pandoc uses — and this Stackoverflow conversation is a good reference for printing out the default html template, and css files that Pandoc uses (this link is ok for the basic html and css template, but I think the $highlighting-css$ is dynamically created through the .json file. Yeah, it's getting confusing (and this bug isn't helping either)

Outputs a .json file, which I think you could replace with --css-variables at least to create a light and dark theme. The core Skylighting css file might be better suited to live in print-first-css, only extending it in Anki themes if absolutely necessary.

It'd then be a simple case of changing the values for --css-variables in a simple colours.less file!!!

Also see this comment about Skylighting's downsides.

    "text-color": null,
    "background-color": null,
    "line-number-color": "#aaaaaa",
    "line-number-background-color": null,
    "text-styles": {
        "Alert": {
            "text-color": "#ff0000",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": true,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Annotation": {
            "text-color": "#60a0b0",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": true,
            "italic": true,
            "underline": false
        "Attribute": {
            "text-color": "#7d9029",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "BaseN": {
            "text-color": "#40a070",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "BuiltIn": {
            "text-color": "#008000",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Char": {
            "text-color": "#4070a0",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Comment": {
            "text-color": "#60a0b0",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": true,
            "underline": false
        "CommentVar": {
            "text-color": "#60a0b0",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": true,
            "italic": true,
            "underline": false
        "Constant": {
            "text-color": "#880000",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "ControlFlow": {
            "text-color": "#007020",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": true,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "DataType": {
            "text-color": "#902000",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "DecVal": {
            "text-color": "#40a070",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Documentation": {
            "text-color": "#ba2121",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": true,
            "underline": false
        "Error": {
            "text-color": "#ff0000",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": true,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Extension": {
            "text-color": null,
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Float": {
            "text-color": "#40a070",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Function": {
            "text-color": "#06287e",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Import": {
            "text-color": "#008000",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": true,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Information": {
            "text-color": "#60a0b0",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": true,
            "italic": true,
            "underline": false
        "Keyword": {
            "text-color": "#007020",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": true,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Operator": {
            "text-color": "#666666",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Other": {
            "text-color": "#007020",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Preprocessor": {
            "text-color": "#bc7a00",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "SpecialChar": {
            "text-color": "#4070a0",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "SpecialString": {
            "text-color": "#bb6688",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "String": {
            "text-color": "#4070a0",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Variable": {
            "text-color": "#19177c",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "VerbatimString": {
            "text-color": "#4070a0",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false,
            "underline": false
        "Warning": {
            "text-color": "#60a0b0",
            "background-color": null,
            "bold": true,
            "italic": true,
            "underline": false

Writing style guide: composition

Getting the hierarchy and order right (aftercare)

  • What's important? How do you read at-a-glance rules and which are priority? Start with the absolute basics, atoms.

Look over some examples of articles, stories, documentation, and aim to get an overarching style that reads nicely and could work for varying purposes.

  • Pages for grouping content (H2 headers per page)
  • HTDP has a side-menu and call-out sections, but a lot of text.
  • How do elements "fit" together? How do they not?
    • headers can look bad in some combinations (depending on css)
    • Do we really need two pre elements stacked together?
      • Keep the css simple and add only if necessary (in child themes)
  • Specific guides for highlighting words and sections Guides for highlight words
    • This isn't perfect but has short pages and key terms highlighted (overall it's not pretty)
  • When to write in prose style, or short "snippet" style
    • An article has paragraphs smushed together
    • A documentation might have short paragraphs, lots of subheads, lots of bullet-points etc.

Typography stack for system fonts

Using system-ui, --system-mono and --fallback-mono
In general, these should use the defaults for each OS.
The monospace font seems to have a larger x-height ...
So we're using a Goldilocks hack with calc(...) for --font-family-mono.1

I'm going to allow for variety of fonts depending on system-ui:


  1. This has some repercussions when using a child theme, as we possibly have to overwrite this hack. If the --font-family and --font-family-mono fonts share the same x-height then we can safely remove it. From (limited) tests, this does not seem to be the case with SF Pro and SF Mono

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