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php-imap's Issues

Message Issue

I have placed this code in a Codeigniter project. It has been working good but I have run across one issue that I am not sure how to fix. I have one message that is not HTML it is plain text and the body of the message is getting dropped. I would like to fix but I am not well versed in all the parameters and suck with mail & imap. But what is happening is Line 455 -> 489 pull the body and place it correctly in the $data variable.

After that line $459 shows as having an attachementid. Once it goes into there the $data is not assigned to anything to be returned. I see that lines 520 -> 527 is the only place that the $data is assigned to be returned.

I guess my question is, is there an error in the class or is there an error in the mail message? Should I place an assignment in lines 455 -> 489? Wondering why there is not one there now.

Thanks very much for your help.

Problem with downloading files

Lib gets some mails attachments and damage their.

I decided the problem by commenting line:

if(!empty($params['charset'])) {
          $data = $this->convertStringEncoding($data, $params['charset'], $this->serverEncoding);

in method "initMailPart".

I think in this method only text parts must be converted

Any way to remove all quoted mails (previous mails from a thread)?

Consider this scenario:
A) I send email to [email protected]
B) He replies to my mail

Now in that email that i received using your class i have in $email->textPlain:

Hello this is a reply from [email protected]
Lorem ipsum.

On 2015/0723/ dejan7 said:
> this is the first email
> i sent to [email protected]

Is there any way to get only contents of the message that [email protected] wrote i.e.:

Hello this is a reply from [email protected]
Lorem ipsum.


Is it somehow stored in email parts? The problems is that different clients mark the old emails differently. Some use > and some use } etc. etc. Also some include the line "On 2015/0723/ dejan7 said:" in various formats or don't include it at all!

Great class BTW, it works great, i'm just wondering if this is somehow possible. Thanks!

I want all unseen. how to fetch all unseen emails.

WIth the below code i want o fetch all the unseen email .. but with your code only one email fetching.. No all.. But i want all unseen.
Why $mail[$mailId] = $mailbox->getMail($mailId); is not working for all Unseen email.
after Print only one email it is redirecting automatically.

$mailsIds = $mailbox->searchMailBox('UNSEEN');
if(!$mailsIds) {
die('Mailbox is empty');
if($mailsIds) {
$output = '';
$count = 1;
foreach($mailsIds as $mailId) {
$mail[$mailId] = $mailbox->getMail($mailId);

Regex for internal links


The current regex in getInternalLinksPlaceholders doesn't work with links similar to
="cid:[email protected]"

I had to change the line to :

return preg_match_all('/=["\'](cid:([\w\.%*@-]+))["\']/i', $this->textHtml, $matches) ? array_combine($matches[2], $matches[1]) : array();

This will add the @ . - % and * characters to the list of accepted characters in the internal links.

@ and . are commonly used, % is for hex encoding the special chars, * seems to be used in

Not really sure if you can have the - but well, won't hurt. ;-)

I removed the ? in cid (didn't understand why there was one).

This sill won't work with "mid:" links, but I didn't have any in my mails to test it.

Thanks for the quick fixes.

Mail field "To" processed incorrectly

PHP 5.4.4-14+deb7u8 (cli) (built: Feb 17 2014 09:18:47)
While getting mail from

[NOTICE] Undefined property: stdClass::$to File: ../vendor/php-imap/php-imap/src/ImapMailbox.php Line: 356
[WARNING] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() File: ../vendor/php-imap/php-imap/src/ImapMailbox.php Line: 356

Email threads

Currently, when I use your library, I retrieve the message HTML and it returns all of the message contents from every member of the thread. I'm trying to retrieve the messages in a thread and have the contents separated by individual email (for example, how Gmail handles there email threads). Does your library handle this? If not, how do I accomplish this task?

Search function

Hello, sorry but i do'nt understand how works the search function.

i want search on the object the work "Aword" so i use this syntax ๐Ÿ‘
but nothing found by the :
foreach($mailbox->searchMailBox('OBJECT "Aword"') as $mailId)

but i have no result.

how i can search a word on the object of the mail please ?

like "%Aword%" or Aword

thanks to u

How to archive e-mail in Gmail

Hi, It's possible to archive e-mail in Gmail? I want to get all e-mails and after prcoess them I want archive them - so they will be not in Inbox.

Error : PHP Notice: Kerberos error: Credentials cache file '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' not found (try running kinit)

well i have this error do u know what's the problem is please ?

PHP Notice: Kerberos error: Credentials cache file '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' not found (try running kinit) for in /var/www/imap/Imap7/lib/ImapMailbox.php on line 54

line 54 is that on the ImapMailmbox.php ๐Ÿ‘

 * CLose IMAP connection
public function disconnect() {
    if ($this->mbox) {
        $errors = imap_errors();
        if ($errors) {
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
        $this->mbox = null;

what do u think is it please ?

Too many attachments.

After i read an email i get my attachment on my folder.. the first time is okey but when i open the same email a second time a new attachment is generated (the same with different id).

IncomingMail incomplete

Im having a major issue with the IncomingMail class containing blank/null attributes, such as subject,textHtml,textPlain, and to/from addresses. The code works fine on some accounts, and then on others (such as when I import from AOL) it doesn't ever retrieve a message.

Any ideas?

Save mail body

 * Save mail body.
 * @return bool
public function saveMail($mailId, $filename = 'email.eml') {
    return imap_savebody($this->getImapStream(), $filename, $mailId, "", FT_UID);

avoid marking messages as seen?

Is there a way to retrieve messages without touching the SEEN flag?
Or do you have to use markMailAsUnread() on each message id?

Can't parse email dates

Hello! I get some mails with date like "Thu, 16 Apr 2015 09:15:28 +0400 (GMT-4)".
strtotime() can't parse this date, therefore $mail->date equal "false"

I've solved this issue by adding:

if(preg_match('/(.*)\(.*?\)$/i', $head->date, $a))
            $head->date = $a['1'];


$mail->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', isset($head->date) ? strtotime($head->date) : time());

in method "getMail"


Everything is working great. The only problem I have is that the images aren't being displayed when they have "cid". How do I resolve this?

how to fix : Notice: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in

Hello i have this error ervry time how i can fix it please :

'''Notice: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in /var/www/Pr/lib/ImapMailbox.php on line 426 Notice: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in /var/www/Pr/lib/ImapMailbox.php on line 426 Notice: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in /var/www/Pr/lib/ImapMailbox.php on line 426


Attachments Suggestion

Regarding the attachment saving to a folder, every time a email is retrieved it will save this file. Maybe change the naming scheme so it will either for the file originally before saving a new one? How about just using the UID of the email and name of the attachment?

Depending on the thoughts of this I can help out, also thoughts on saving attachments to AWS S3? Dependencies would be the official amazon SDK but that's it.

Mailbox.php seems to not include IncomingMail.php

Installing this onto my project, I found that I had to add this line at the top of Mailbox.php


Else I get this error

Fatal error: Class 'PhpImap\IncomingMail' not found in C:\wamp\www\hydra\Resources\php-imap\src\PhpImap\Mailbox.php on line 411

I did not use composer to install php-imap, so that may be the cause of this. Otherwise, please explain why I needed to add this line where it seems nobody has needed to.

how to fetch message by id

Let me ask a silly question in here. I can't find a function to fetch a message by id from "imapMailbox.php". (or it does exist but I'm too dump to know). I'm very new to php but very need to apply this class into my web email. Let me summarize my questions:

  1. How to fetch the message with id by get method?
  2. How to re-arrange a date format from $mail->date?
  3. Is there any example available online so I can study it myself?


textPlain is blank, txt is in attachment

I have found that certain emails return the textPlain and textHtml as null, but the actual text is in an attachment, as a .plain file

I've got around this by checking for a .plain attachment and if its found, get the string from it, and put it back into the email object.

I would imagine you're going to ask me to send you an email that this happens on, but I cannot as its a confidential email I'm afraid. Just thought you should know.

UNSEEN gives me all emails

Hello, following the example file.

$mailBox = new ImapMailbox('{}INBOX', '[email protected]', 'lordbr01', dirname(__FILE__) . '/attch', 'utf-8');
$mails = array();

$mailsIds = $mailBox->searchMailBox("UNSEEN");
if(!$mailsIds) {
    die('Mailbox is empty');

Gives me all emailsId, but I just need UNSEEN e-mails.
I'm using RoundCube to read emails, and I thing that the flags don't match.
Thanks in advance.

Error with Microsoft Exchange 2003

Hey, if i try to connect to a Microsoft Exchange 2003 IMAP Mailbox the connection crashes with the following error: "Specified character set not supported. (errflg=2)"

If i try another imap mailbox, it works correctly. Maybe a charset check is needed?

Attachments shouldn't always be iconv'd


The method initMailPart tries to convert all attachments as soon as a charset is defined.

However, the charset will sometimes be defined for attachments other than text (happened to me with .xlsx attachments).

The iconv line should be changed to convert only text parts :

if(!empty($params['charset']) && $partStructure->type === 0) {
            $data = iconv($params['charset'], $this->serverEncoding, $data);

Sorry, I'm opening a lot of bug reports, I should have just compiled everything and made a push request but my company coding policy uses spaces instead of tabs so the merge would show the entire file as different for you... ;-)

Incorrect parsing of RFC822 messages


The RFC822 messages are not correctly parsed.

Please see :

It should be fixed in initMailPart function with something like :

    if(!empty($partStructure->parts)) {
        foreach($partStructure->parts as $subPartNum => $subPartStructure) {
            if($partStructure->type == 2 && $partStructure->subtype == "RFC822")
                $this->initMailPart($mail, $subPartStructure, $partNum);
                $this->initMailPart($mail, $subPartStructure, $partNum . '.' . ($subPartNum + 1));

A simple typo error at line 166

At line 166, this:
if(!empty($partStruct->dparametersx)) {

Should be changed to this:
if(!empty($partStruct->dparameters)) {

I had a problem not getting any attachments from MDaemon Mail Server emails and found that the problem is this line causing the $params not getting filled ...

Kerberos error at connexion

PHP displays notice when IMAP server requires Kerberos tickets, even if it fallbacks to classical credentials (login/password).

PHP Notice:  Unknown: Kerberos error: No credentials cache found (try running kinit) for (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0

stdClass scope ignore

I don't understand why i have this error :

Call to undefined function PhpImap\imap_search() in /var/www/htdocs/vendor/php-imap/php-imap/src/PhpImap/Mailbox.php on line 176

the stdClass is ignored

Parsing forwared mails

Works great but if I get forwarded message it saves the HTML message body to attachment folder. If an actual attachment with html will be attached also it couldn't be possible to undertand what is attahcment and what is message body.

Headers of jpeg attachemts seem to be broken after saving attachemnt

I wanted to use the script to transfer images I sent via my iphone.
In these images exif-data is stored (e.g. gps information and the date when the picture has been made).
The problem, the attachent saved by the script does not seem to contain any readable exif data any more. Any clue?

Code exemple to get attached file

Hello, can u have a exemple code to get attached files ?

because i wan get csv files and work with data on csv, but how i can get the csv attached files please ?

problem with multiple inline image attachments

Great code! Thanks for sharing, I'm using it to import a few hundred thousand emails into a mysql database for a custom CRM tool, and your code relieves many headaches.

During testing on emails (sent from gmail to a domain account), messages with multiple inline image attachments only get the first image attachment saved, and it is renamed to "image.jpeg".

Any suggestions?

imap_search() Yahoo


Thank you for this imap class. So far it has been very useful.
However, I have found an issue while parsing mails from Yahoo which took me a while to understand.

The imap_search() charset you are using by default is "utf-8" but for some reason the yahoo imap stream expect the charset to be uppercase "UTF-8". When using imap_seach() on a yahoo stream with lowercase utf-8 the result is false while with uppercase we get the expected IDs back.

Here is a quick sample:

$sevrer = "{}INBOX";
$username = "";
$password = "";

// open connection
$imapStream = imap_open($sevrer, $username, $password);

// check connection
if (! $imapStream) {
throw new Exception('Connection error: ' . imap_last_error());

$criteria = "SINCE 01-Jan-2015";
var_dump(imap_search($imapStream, $criteria, SE_UID, 'utf-8')); // false
var_dump(imap_search($imapStream, $criteria, SE_UID, 'UTF-8')); // array of message numbers or UIDs

// close connection
if ($imapStream && is_resource($imapStream)) {
imap_close($imapStream, CL_EXPUNGE);


Imap move Mail


i m trying to creat a function on the class to move a mail, but offcourse not working :
my fonction i have add it on the class ImaMailBox.php ๐Ÿ‘

public function moveMail ($mailId,$nameDossier)
echo "Mail ID = ".$mailId;
echo "nameDossier = ".$nameDossier;
$new_path = $this->imapPath."/".$nameDossier;
echo "new_path = ".$new_path;

    if(imap_mail_move($this->mbox,$mailId,$new_path)==false){return imap_last_error();}

    undeleteMessage($mailId) ;


but i have the error message when i lunche it ๐Ÿ‘

[TRYCREATE] The requested item could not be found.

i m sure the directory exist.

Someone have a suggestion please.

all ATTACHMENTS_DIR or nothing ?

Hello, my problem i m trying to get only attachement on desirate mail.
but he get all attachement.
exemple this code ๐Ÿ‘


define('ATTACHMENTS_DIR', dirname(FILE) . '/attachments/');
define('EMAIL_site_1', '[email protected]);
define('PASSWORD_site_1', 'pass');

$mailbox = new ImapMailbox('{web.Fr/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert/notls}INBOX', EMAIL_site_1, PASSWORD_site_1,ATTACHMENTS_DIR, 'utf-8');
$mails = array();
$mails = $mailbox->searchMailbox() ;

foreach ($mails as $key => $mailId) {

    $mail = $mailbox->getMail($mailId);


will gett all attachement mail : i will an html files and the attachement

so i have tried to make a selection :


define('ATTACHMENTS_DIR', dirname(FILE) . '/attachments/');
define('EMAIL_site_1', '[email protected]);
define('PASSWORD_site_1', 'pass');

$mailbox = new ImapMailbox('{web.Fr/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert/notls}INBOX', EMAIL_site_1, PASSWORD_site_1,ATTACHMENTS_DIR, 'utf-8');
$mails = array();
$mails = $mailbox->searchMailbox() ;

foreach ($mails as $key => $mailId) {

    $mail = $mailbox->getMail($mailId);
if (trim($mail->fromAddress) == "[email protected]") {
        echo "Date : ".$mail->date; echo "\n";
        echo "subject : ".$mail->subject;echo "\n";
        echo "fromAddress : ".$mail->fromAddress;echo "\n";
        $list = $mail->getAttachments();
        $filePath_CorpMail = "";
        foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
            if (preg_match("#.txt#",$value->name))
            $filePath_CorpMail = $value->filePath;
        echo "Lien du fichier : ".$filePath_CorpMail;   


so how get only attachement on desired mail please ?


I suppose that you forget to add this function to last update. At now it does nothing.

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