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DevOps Test

Must do:

  1. GitOps Principles Explainer Video
  2. Document your solution

Requirements and Step

  1. Set up a Kubernetes cluster on a single node (CP + Worker) using Kubespray
  2. Create a Helm Chart that bootstraps a WordPress application with MySQL and PhpMyAdmin ingress
  • WordPress Ingress
  • MySQL Deployment
  • PhpMyAdmin has an Ingress


  1. You will be given a VPS running Ubuntu 22, you must be able to deploy with the single command line on this VPS.
  2. You must plan your code in such a way that if we erase the VPS and start over, we must arrive at the same state that you intended.
  3. Must have a single execution script/file that we can bootstrap and review your result in a clean Ubuntu server in our environment
  4. Clone/copy this repository into a new GitHub repository and add your result, then share the result with user: mason-chase on GitHub in private mode.
  5. We must be able to navigate to and observe PhpMyAdmin UI and it must work
  6. WordPress must be available at

To Do:

  1. Add TLS certificate to the URLs. -> Used K8s default cert instead
  2. Test argocd repo add with ssh-key
  3. Add hostPort when installing ingress-nginx
  4. Move folders of pma & wordpress deployments.
  5. Add explanation about adding hostPort to ingress-nginx.
  6. General TO-DOs:
  7. matchLabels
  8. Use credentials by secrets
  9. Add pv for mysql
  10. WordPress pv
  11. PVC for mysql
  12. PVC for WordPress
  13. Add services
  14. Add ingresses
  15. Create a GitHub account just for testing, & connect it to ArgoCD
  16. Change domain names from to (in values.yaml, bash script, here, etc) [//]: # (At last, check that ALL values in values.yaml are referenced by at least one usage)


  1. I didn't use any real TLS certificate for HTTPS, as I didn't have access to DNS manager of the domain (and of course, see it unnecessary to try to get a real one for this test).
  2. I didn't take many production & security principles into consideration, as I assumed this project is only deployed on a testing environment and nothing more is requested.
  3. I've added my user (behnia) as sudoers without prompting for the password.


Download & run it as root user:

sudo su
chmod +x

My work:

  • Show each command executing:
set -x
  • Install prerequisites:
cd ~
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install python3-pip -y (or pip upgrade )
apt install git -y
  • Install Ansible:
pip install ansible
  • Install KubeSpray:
git clone
cd kubespray/
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install K8s cluster using KubeSpray:
cp -rfp inventory/sample inventory/mycluster
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N ""
cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
printf "all:\n  hosts:\n    localhost:\n      ansible_host:\n      access_connection: local\n  children:\n    kube_control_plane:\n      hosts:\n        localhost:\n    kube_node:\n      hosts:\n        localhost:\n    etcd:\n      hosts:\n        localhost:\n    k8s_cluster:\n      children:\n        kube_control_plane:\n        kube_node:\n    calico_rr:\n      hosts: {}\n" > inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml
ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml  --become --become-user=root cluster.yml
  • Install Helm:
curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700
  • Install Nginx controller (with hostPorts added):
curl > ~/install-nginx-ingress.yaml
kubectl apply -f ~/install-nginx-ingress.yaml
  • Install ArgoCD
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
  • Install ArgoCD CLI to be able to work with CLI (required in this task, as everything must be automated):
curl -sSL -o argocd-linux-amd64
sudo install -m 555 argocd-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/argocd
rm argocd-linux-amd64
  • Wait until ArgoCD is ready
sleep 30
  • Get ArgoCD admin password (in $ARGOCD_PASSWORD):
echo 'export ARGOCD_PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)' >> ~/.bashrc
  • Set domain name as a variable:
echo 'export' >> ~/.bashrc
  • Make ArgoCD accessible from outside & get it's NodePort:
kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
echo 'export ARGOCD_ACCESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n argocd get svc argocd-server -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}";)' >> ~/.bashrc
  • Save these variables:
source ~/.bashrc
  • Login to argocd CLI:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=argocd
argocd login --core
  • Add devops-test repo to ArgoCD
echo '-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\nb3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAACFwAAAAdzc2gtcn\nNhAAAAAwEAAQAAAgEAt0uIdW3Me1SUx7MNYVvhK+oWHT7VikbxIq73TPpEZfmDbaIjJlqh\nUi7vka922/LiHW8ShIZLfmzpS66PYKRHqcSE3UYiWErhL69J5qrDh9wjXKjospUfOP5Qiz\nfRbKG1qZQD9s9Cq84NbxtlJDNwUy6rwzw+7DwUOKUHj7suupcVcc0tOBJGRGGKID9wwf+X\nvL+Cmg8Ak+vqM3YSMXOzQ/pYa+ZPlb6sQXqkTcRFT+uEdnOai5MfT+0US8rPvCWv9MSQjJ\nDR4FYP/MeCiushWekGJ2whrN3KlWKPjIQM/Cge1KqTCIuoV6QEJ0dEpOhgUb1Xp0qVWfRP\nrXm+4gRHdJdjw9x+Tlxnqx48yDxMGJncHNTsnZxn2gLnenfyNgCLCwYyVYOsH5TczOYlwb\nxo4y2ywE9g3XCHh16s606hwdVLsrE/WgeQFQHWasf50QDGvbo9/e88RCHim9q5Ha4NU7s8\nDMwAowJOfsUXCXlWUR6FEBGF5bFKUkq8SqwWJiZk6qTaL0tIaz3FS4YtLwYriUZhJGMWXq\nw9IKK/aWMClTlzP7Kc3DHgTfqNhVMUiv1fJmvNEWJHNdn0QSDPSfZaRvMZLQQORBTBFufx\n+VL9LEvD6MmxUUaXtpMvJ7N0QG0X5MYimFV28zaR8ptG5pOL6Yo6pngwIyPft0pEyEFP+6\nsAAAdIHS4/dB0uP3QAAAAHc3NoLXJzYQAAAgEAt0uIdW3Me1SUx7MNYVvhK+oWHT7Vikbx\nIq73TPpEZfmDbaIjJlqhUi7vka922/LiHW8ShIZLfmzpS66PYKRHqcSE3UYiWErhL69J5q\nrDh9wjXKjospUfOP5QizfRbKG1qZQD9s9Cq84NbxtlJDNwUy6rwzw+7DwUOKUHj7suupcV\ncc0tOBJGRGGKID9wwf+XvL+Cmg8Ak+vqM3YSMXOzQ/pYa+ZPlb6sQXqkTcRFT+uEdnOai5\nMfT+0US8rPvCWv9MSQjJDR4FYP/MeCiushWekGJ2whrN3KlWKPjIQM/Cge1KqTCIuoV6QE\nJ0dEpOhgUb1Xp0qVWfRPrXm+4gRHdJdjw9x+Tlxnqx48yDxMGJncHNTsnZxn2gLnenfyNg\nCLCwYyVYOsH5TczOYlwbxo4y2ywE9g3XCHh16s606hwdVLsrE/WgeQFQHWasf50QDGvbo9\n/e88RCHim9q5Ha4NU7s8DMwAowJOfsUXCXlWUR6FEBGF5bFKUkq8SqwWJiZk6qTaL0tIaz\n3FS4YtLwYriUZhJGMWXqw9IKK/aWMClTlzP7Kc3DHgTfqNhVMUiv1fJmvNEWJHNdn0QSDP\nSfZaRvMZLQQORBTBFufx+VL9LEvD6MmxUUaXtpMvJ7N0QG0X5MYimFV28zaR8ptG5pOL6Y\no6pngwIyPft0pEyEFP+6sAAAADAQABAAACAAc9ivzLtlgcCNFN18MQx6qq0VTQA2XPusnz\n8pdH2FiiEpIyGJ4oCYqFibeBIHpvwOuiVGKHxSB2JoENOpZGs839xU6euc/Jcju/+nTyKe\ncj+wGeBBMjcNt/fQ8CyKY4Sd5fZAiyOmzIjVJ/2O7x8tRWWgXMS3ADFe/NSEJiBbNSyulD\n5/vFcDq836GGeZ3JyuSmnzIWuNJSPCrsO97xz9/PjWg1umisr4FAQJB4QFF332bbPWLMdp\nNhrUhd910nRlwU2uDlysr7aB/dtODOVb+6qyBdIeqby3TUzKoJ5uybz4JdepFlcuQc+bNt\nGhKpjnFFv9o/FMc8FcNBTxj+fxQHmBq9rHqH2KQ8Wc3HFGFyDd0NE0SNN8nvocea3BAfTN\nmziqrqkjdOZY61DEbP3UPmBsgX9YozMNpzCMqd59ZPq4QPOPuSTN6NXjDx9vPSEE9Whtbh\nceDiv9nRkwqOS5otltL5bydvGBhSZ80maiNfeDcw+QDWzkjYp0HlFlvyiK7e/L/DkWd8bb\nuYid08sQ3OvED05OFLQWqiDnwJUs5ySXTYflHcUfdg8WrnheN1u6DIOdseM1wTv9aDDJiq\nA+2zbxyPbwFrYdbPwQi17MfySgremCB7SaqpN4s1S6ByGAWAd4NfC78YXDwvP7LrMN7Aw/\nN561UapgbcSA/tQMSBAAABAD1iQYJWIgn06ycdy3+4vfQf3rEhkhbxr3QH/2FmIcZUNlTY\nQlze7dKqdyViJ407MSaS7PrI1xNIfT82118ms6eYeNhbehxuuddDuhVHd8DuMuWswOL4rs\nTEc1fVnmRsz1CxRcJOr1dFH/Eo5+3Bp0JMK1fYpasCOYLKSLG2KKmkAbxBMNu3Tx14f3nv\nBTJqVylNZJwkezg5ZOOchGqe2SzMSBfgMpkDRf3xddUOGxxDVWsPAxuIyQ+WgTL/ChgTBw\nypkPhQazwCuGE5MD59mQRRX5DoZ0keqVm6U8EQBZyzXm80xibw3k+eu2gMBQTRanR4hVDW\nD1y12RR/kcb3N10AAAEBAOi8WHqHBMF9HmN5Iil4PvymATiETwTvlKLXDwESIZ49tDtc1L\nOdqOHQCX3ZgP8zMGPwKnEDKW2CJdlIBDTq+H39FbiCZ+ZfhCwtLD+/Ef+0hnExdBRev6tX\n7DD01QGBud3jgr3ojiUfuUg7YC6GnCQRVYMxYlyQ3XZc0fj7QkF+V5e3ukqQ7WEm0IXkIl\nogtfOHgdKHZUF18uObO3OAFAxRvaJGf4RLp6zMuqVMS0FUjfNBIgsMtdTcGwp9wPFhjgr7\nd06tll8SB2Obhv0d+7CH2ouxta68gvn6cP+xz2z0WUOTSRk/0eVi7nnnUQUQMHts2a/ES6\nSJxNaQZqEbph0AAAEBAMmeAwTZ/yFn7lUQfcxdSpRrW7dF+HjSEL7JdFcvXpKzSrqUeBE1\n1UEgCT3CD8GNnPHXVwWFrXPYrggUcVr5dGz19SVVCRA3cXGr8U4sQCth0fs6C7m45XgNFR\nl20oJ7kvF/uNzV3BP5MU4DQqApjrA1XT8zbJDvSRuPywThMh/u+rfP/VtrZvnZLXxsPHBn\ndBiUXXedjS5i6vNm0gdbcm7NQzdDTRHUhWw19/62ZD3fO19x+PyPjjCIvG1ZPLyG/XqgZm\n0I8LeToTz+563uluiQ03rGbGwiIPW0by7PzAtTho6QMhtkkJ1GTLmr8sdiX6j1kYC1CThN\nQQRsm6Q/3mcAAAAPcm9vdEBWTTk1MjM1NDg1AQIDBA==\n-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----' > ~/.ssh/github_ssh_key
argocd repo add [email protected]:behniafb/devops-test.git  --insecure-ignore-host-key --ssh-private-key-path ~/.ssh/github_ssh_key
  • Pull images (I do because I want deployments to run ASAP):
nerdctl pull wordpress:php8.2-apache
nerdctl pull phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin:latest

Final steps

  • Create & run the cluster, in a GitOps manner:
printf "apiVersion:\nkind: Application\nmetadata:\n  name: task\nspec:\n  destination:\n    name: ''\n    namespace: devops-test\n    server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'\n  source:\n    path: task\n    repoURL: '[email protected]:behniafb/devops-test.git'\n    targetRevision: development\n    helm:\n      valueFiles:\n        - values.yaml\n  sources: []\n  project: default\n  syncPolicy:\n    syncOptions:\n      - CreateNamespace=true\n    automated:\n      prune: true\n      selfHeal: true" > ~/task.yaml
argocd app create -f ~/task.yaml
  • Wait for 30s, so the app is deployed. Then continue:
echo 'The app is being deployed...'
sleep 30
  • The final step, to make the ingresses route correctly:
kubectl -n devops-test exec -it deployments/task-phpmyadmin -- mkdir /dbadmin
kubectl -n devops-test exec -it deployments/task-phpmyadmin -- bash -c 'mv /var/www/html/* /dbadmin/'
kubectl -n devops-test exec -it deployments/task-phpmyadmin -- bash -c 'mv /dbadmin /var/www/html/'

kubectl -n devops-test exec -it deployments/task-wordpress -- mkdir /wordpress
kubectl -n devops-test exec -it deployments/task-wordpress -- bash -c 'mv /var/www/html/* /wordpress/'
kubectl -n devops-test exec -it deployments/task-wordpress -- bash -c 'mv /wordpress /var/www/html/'

wpm-repo's People


behniafb avatar



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