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Broken Position

After restart keycastow loses position.
It only works after setting and reset at start.
everything worked well before
I displayed tips on a second monitor
in my case, they move out to the side and can not see them! (red arrow)

key combinations overwrite previous display

As soon as a key combination e.g. or even is pressed, it immediately overwrites the previous display, instead of shifting it up. This also makes it impossible to show repeated key presses e.g. in Emacs is shown as a single .



希望能够设置,在按键中包含ctrl 或 alt时 才显示按键,虽然设置中有“only comand keys”, 但什么空格和退格都显示出来了。

因为ctrl 或 alt 一般是软件中的快捷键。 这样对录制教程帮助就大了,但不至于成为干扰。

[Request] mouse wheel scroll up and scroll down.

Hi there,

I really love your program.
This is not an issue the program work perfectly fine but you could make it better by displaying that the mouse wheel is scrolling up or scrolling down.


mouse actions missing

Great tool, thank you very much! It would be perfect if it would also capture mouse actions, e.g. Alt-Left-Click, Middle-Mouse-Button-Down and -Release etc.



系统: Windows7 32bit 专业版

  1. 设置Linger Time 小于 Fade Duration时, 桌面提示的按键永远不会消失.

  2. 关闭了鼠标动作, 但是点击程序的最小化按钮时会显示

  3. 关闭了鼠标动作, 从本地桌面切换到远程桌面(mstsc)时会显示

  4. 在远程桌面里面按下的组合键不会显示Ctrl,Alt,Shift之外的其他键.

  5. 我使用了双屏桌面, 在桌面2的按键提示只会显示到桌面1. (1是主桌面, 2是扩展桌面)

  6. 按一下Win键会同时显示多次NumLock

  7. 按一下Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, Num Lock, 这几个都会提示两次.

  8. 按一下 Ctrl + Alt + s , 会提示一列:

    Ctrl - Alt - s
    Ctrl - Num Lock
    Ctrl - Pause
    Num Lock
    Num Lock

  9. 希望增加定制按键提示的外括号和连接符 如 [Alt + Tab]

  10. 希望增加定制屏幕上同时显示的按钮数量, 现在如果连续按Alt+Tab切换较多的程序, 或者编辑时敲入过快过多的字符或组合键, 屏幕就被一整列给遮住了, 影响下一步操作....

  11. 希望增加鼠标动作定制, 只在按住不放和与键盘组合按键时提示, 单独鼠标操作不提示.

  12. 希望增加键盘功能键定制, Ctrl/Alt/Shfit单独按键不提示, 按住不放和组合按键时才提示.

  13. 希望增加按键黑白名单定制, 只显示白名单的按键提示, 不显示黑名单的按键提示. (黑白名单中的单键和组合键区分开, 比如单按Backspace不提示, Ctrl+Backspace提示)

非常感谢作者提供的软件, 希望越来越好.

Numpad numbers are not displayed differently than regular numbers

There are applications (like blender) in which the input from numeric pad has different functions than those on the regular keypad. so pressing numpad 9 is not the same as 9, or the plus and minus key do different things. Is there a way to display Numpad+Number in KeyCastOW?

Turn on-off toggles

  1. It would be nice to make the ability to disable text formatting Components <>
  2. It was also good to make the ability to disable LButtonUp, Down, and so on. just keep LButtonClick, MButtonClick, RButtonClick. And maybe will be good so add "hold" identificators - "LButtonClick (hold)"
  3. Maybe I have a problem with windows, maybe the program have a bug. Try to open a text document for example, and hold any letter on the keyboard. In my case will be displayed just one letter. Program locks pressed letter-keys in windows. Something like this.

Hopefully could normally to explain

Thank you very much for such a wonderful program. The best for hotkeys display!

Hide the blue "Hi There bar"

Is it possible to hide the "Hi there, press any key.." bar? On my small screen it kinda gets in the way of screencasting.


KeyCastOW doesn't fetch saved user settings

[Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit, 1920x1200 monitor]

To replicate the issue:
Start KeyCastOW > Change Alignment to LEFT > Save. Close the program and start it again. Display will now be completely off-screen to the RIGHT, showing barely the border.

Here, I tried to manually positioning the display box and here's what got saved in the .ini settings:

offsetX=0 and offsetY=1160

This is Bottom left, above Windows taskbar, exacly where I want it.

If I exit, start it again and save the settings right away without making any changes, here's what gets saved instead:

offsetX=1917 and offsetY=1160

It's the ONLY big issue I've found so far... everything else are just small issues that I can work around.

Keep up the good work! :D

咨询KeyCastOW 和 LICEcap 录制gif的方法

你好,我使用你的KeyCastOW 和 LICEcap 尝试录制gif,但是没有成功。得到的gif里面没有捕捉KeyCastOW显示的按键。网上没有搜索到相关的信息,能否提示一下应该怎么做?

Feature Request: Ignore keyboard repeat interval

Usually, keyboard have time interval to repeat the key itself. For example, I try to press Ctrl + Shift + something. When I hold down Ctrl + Shift, the screen will flood of
Ctrl + Shift
Ctrl + Shift
Ctrl + Shift
Ctrl + Shift
because the keyboard repeat the keys. I hold the key too long such over than a second.

In this case, I think it should be able to show only single
Ctrl + Shift
or be able to ignore to repeat show on the screen with the same key set.

Tildes being captured, but not returned to input

When KeycastOW is active, user becomes unable to input tilde (acute) keys (i.e. á é í ó ú). It shows the key in the tooltip but is not sent like it should. I can confirm that KeycastOW is the cause as when the program closes, everything works fine.


Critical - Unable to use GIMP

When KeyCastOW is running while I'm using GIMP, several things start to go wrong:
-I am unable to zoom in/out in GIMP with Ctrl+MouseWheel Up/Down.
-The cursor stops changing according to tools being uses.
-I can't click the create new layer button with the mouse.

KeyCastOW takes a few seconds before "activating".

Also, on start, KeyCastOW does not show Ctrl+MouseWheel actions if I edit the "Combination Chars" from "<->" to " +" (to look cleaner)

If I revert back to "<->", Save, then back to " +", it will work. Again, I think it doesn't read properly its saved .ini config file.

Need center Alignment

Hi! thanks for great app ... best to compare ...
Would you mind to add a new set for center alligment text and rounded background? thx!

Ignore Mouse Up Actions

Would be great to have an option to not display mouse up events. I want to show when I hold the mouse button down but don't need to distract viewers with the mouse up events.

Show actual character instead of Shift combination

Suppose I press Shift + ], the program will show <Shift - ]> when actual character that is being rendered by that key combination is }. Is there a way/option to make the program show the resulting Shift/Alt/Ctrl etc combinations rather than <Shift(Ctrl)(Alt) - {some key}? Thank you!!

Extensible Key Exclusion System

I'm requesting a simple but universal solution to the common problem of excluding an undesired key from display. Instead of having to anticipate all possible exclusions a user may want, I propose a simple blacklist approach that allows the user to specify keys to exclude using the name that appears when they are pressed.

To both clarify what I propose, and demonstrate the demand for such a feature, I have constructed potential "blacklists" that would solve the problems presented in other issues:

Issue Potential Blacklist String
Myself {Delete, Enter, Backspace, Space, ...}
#28 {LButtonUp, RButtonUp, ...}
#25 {LButtonUp, Down, ...}

Thank you for constructing such a great program, and for your time maintaining it. If the program was open source I would be more than willing to implement the functionality myself, but sadly it isn't.



  1. 这个软件我主要用来演示游戏操作,但是很多游戏中经常出现一个键要按很久的情况(比如按Z射击,按方向键移动等等),结果整个屏幕就有一大串的Z和方向键,于是建议增加一个选项,在按键按下的时候无论按的时间有多久,只要在按下时出现一个就够了,不要刷出那么一大长条的按键
  2. 我把 Label Spacing 改成 0 时感觉两行间还是有点稀疏,后来改成了 -1, 然后 Save,结果程序崩溃,系统提示【keystroke visualizer for Windows, lets you easily display your keystrokes while recording screencasts. 已停止工作】,鼠标、键盘均无响应(但是系统并没有卡死),无奈只好重启电脑,结果重启后连程序都打不开直接就停止工作了(现在仍没能打开),我估计可能是因为不支持负数导致的,想清空一下设置也不知道配置文件在哪。(放在注册表里了吗?如果是这样我觉得把设置保存在一个文件里比较好)
  3. 能不能做个中文界面?(当初下载时我还以为又是老外写的软件呢)


Is it posible to make the display box draggable instead of manually setting its position in the setting?

Shift key as conditional modifier key

Presently (in whatever the current version is; can't tell due to #47) there's a single checkbox for controlling the shift key behavior -- "SHIFT as Modifier Key". Especially with "Only Command Keys" enabled, it makes sense to leave this unchecked.

However, this leaves two undesirable options:

  1. If "SHIFT as Modifier Key" is checked and "Only Command Keys" is also checked, simply capitalizing any letter will result in a displayed keystroke, which seems silly.
  2. Alternatively, if "SHIFT as Modifier Key" is unchecked while "Only Command Keys" remains checked, you get an undesirable behavior: complex keypresses (any involving CTRL or ALT plus SHIFT) end up printing multiple keystrokes to the screen.

What I expect and want is for "Shift-a" to never be displayed (that's just a capital letter), while pressing Ctrl-Shift-A should only result in a single reported keystroke, not Ctrl-Shift followed by Ctrl-Shift-a, but there's no way to do this.


Missing mouse + modification key + some idea )

Imagine that I did not need to see the usual mouse click.
But it is necessary to see if the mouse button is pressed together with the ALT, or SHIFT or CTRL. Disable "mouse action" and now i see only (for example) CTRL ONLY! when releasing the button.

1 Can add the option to display the buttons on the mouse only together with other modifiers?
2 Combine the UP and DOWN for mouse if they are very fast (in the settings create option for time)
3 Add a bit of space on the side. To balance the bottom and top.
4 Add the ability to see UP or DOWN for ctrl/alt/shift. Now I do not see actual moment of pressing the button.
At the moment, the program does not have enough possibilities to show ALT-CTRL-SHIFT buttons with mouse action (like CTRL+drag without many single mouse click). Perhaps show (and stay on screen UP while pressing) the moment of pressing (UP and DOWN) for ALT-CTRL-SHIFT without mouse button.
nice app!


1.连续按某个键,建议不显示重复的内容,而是显示”xN“。比如按7次空格,就闪烁显示'space X2''space X3''space x3''space X4''space X5''space x6''space X7'
5.显示内容美化。比如win徽标图案就比win文字漂亮,alt/ctrl /space之类的命令键使用反色就比尖括号漂亮

Operational problems at the time of the dual display

When I use this software in the display of the two, if an attempt is displayed on the display of the second command, Delay is disabled.
For example, when you have to 3500 the Xoffset, [a] will be displayed alongside five vertical instead [aaaaa] If you enter five times [a] continuously.



Keystroke delay in configuration file

after changing the keystroke delay setting, saving and then closing the program, your previously defined keystroke delay will be overwritten by the standard configuration.
By showing the "keycastow.ini" there is no configuration value for this attribute, therefore the configs are not saved and, logically, not loaded by re start.

Improvement - KeyCastOW version not displayed

It would be helpful for everyone (including the developer) to know which version we're running. Version could be shown in 2 places:

  1. When right-clicking the tray icon, an "About" link could be added above "Exit", which would display a pop-up box with the version, credits, etc.
  2. In the settings, in a corner somewhere.

I can't wait for the critical bugs to be squashed to share it on my blog!

Thanks a lot!

Extended Mouse Action Capturing

Hi there,

at the moment, it is possible to capture all mouse actions and detect click and double click. It is also possible to capture mouse actions just with modifier keys. But whats really annoying is that every click of the mousewheel is captured. it would really nice to disable mosewheel capturing seperately or even better if there is a mousewheel timeout which captures mouswheel when the clicks are recognized faster than the configured timeout

OEM_3 for ` and OEM_7 for ' .

Hello. I love this software it is the best I have found so far.
I am having problems with quotation marks [ ' ] / [ " ] displaying as OEM_7 and [ ` ] / [ ~ ] displaying as OEM_3.
Also it appears that when running keycastow these keys are registered twice.
I am using a keyboard that uses those symbols for generating letters such as à è ì ò ; á é í ó ; ä ë ï ö ... etc.

Also do you think it is possible to display the key pressed for the current keyboard layout? For example the same key can be used to enter the Latin letter Y or the Cyrillic letter Щ depending on the currently selected keyboard layout.

Awesome software nonetheless

Operational problems at the time of the dual [email protected]

For the improvement of the symptoms of the last in the dual display, it was downloaded version, but another problem has occurred.

Display that uses the I 3840px horizontal width of the total in the two 1920 * 1080px, but now can not be changed at 1451px or more even as you try to specify to 3500px the Xoffset in order to be displayed on the display on the right.
(I was able to set 1451px or more in the last version, but. Keystroke that has been disabled)
As a reference, a display that uses the I set as the main display on the left.

AltGr repeats on screen

When I hold AltGr down, Ctrl + Alt are repeated on screen.
I remapped the Windows key to the Alt key and the Alt key to the Windows key using AutoHotkey and pushing the Alt key (formerly the windows key) repeats Alt + Win on the screen.

Feature Request: Be able to display only Control key set


This is really amazing tools and help on screencasting. May I request for some feature?

  • Feature to captuing only when key pressed is not alphabet (Only control set such Enter / Printscreen / Ctrl / Alt / Windows )
  • or is it possible to turn off message showing when toggle capturing. Basically, it won't interrupt student from video casting.

Doesn't display Shift key

First of all, thanks for this great tool! It's really nice and simple.

I'm guessing this was intentional, possibly because of regular typing where Shift simply capitalises the letter - however when using this tool to show hotkeys, e.g:[Shift+S] does one action and regular [S] does another, it's be really nice if you added an option to display the Shift key just like you display the Ctrl key.

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