We're going to continue working on our quiz app, this time from the administrative side of things! We want our quizmasters to be able to view, add, edit, and delete the existing quizzes so they can change the content for the rest of our users.
There's some starter code set up, so you won't need to create any new components
for this lab. Your goal will be to work with fetch
and interact with our quiz
API to perform the necessary CRUD operations to complete these deliverables.
As usual, make sure to run npm install
to install the necessary dependencies.
For this lab, we'll be using json-server
to create a RESTful API with our quiz
data. You can run json-server
by running npm run server
(the command for
this is in the package.json
file). Once your server is running, go to
in your browser and have a look at the
question data.
Then, in a new terminal tab, run npm start
to run the React application.
When the application loads, get all the questions from
and display them using the QuestionList
You'll need to add useState
and useEffect
for this deliverable, but it's up
to you to decide where it belongs! Think about which components will need access
to the question data.
When the user clicks the 'New Question' button, a form will be displayed for creating a new question. This form is already set up as a controlled form, so your responsibility will be to send this form data to our API when the form is submitted.
For the API to work, you'll need to format your POST request like this:
POST /questions
Required Headers:
{ "Content-Type": "application/json" }
"prompt": string,
"answers": array of strings,
"correctIndex": integer
In addition to updating the form, you should display the new question in the
NOTE: because json-server
doesn't have any validations, if you make any
mistakes and send the body of your request in the wrong format, you'll need to
manually delete the entry from the db.json
When the user clicks the 'View Questions' button, a list of all the questions should show up (from deliverable 1). When the delete button is clicked, the question should be removed from the list. It should also be deleted on the server.
Make sure to include the id of the question you're trying to delete in your request's url!
When the user clicks the 'View Questions' button, a list of all the questions should show up (from deliverable 1). When the dropdown for the correct answer is changed, the question should be updated on the server.
For the API to work, you'll need to format your POST request like this:
PATCH /questions/:id
Required Headers:
{ "Content-Type": "application/json" }
"correctIndex": integer
Make sure to include the id of the question you're trying to update in your request's url!
react-hooks-fetch-crud-lab's People
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