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AF Concurrency Samples

Programming concurrent and multi-user applications with the PI .NET Framework (AF SDK) has its challenges. Many of the data access patterns provided by AF SDK are intended for single user programs. In this solution, we look at some examples of how to parallelize applications that use the AF SDK.

In general, the advice contained in these samples applies to all versions of PI AF Client and PI AF Server. Some behaviors may be slightly different between versions of the PI AF Client and Server. These samples have been thoroughly validated on a release candidate build of PI AF Client and Server 2015.

We avoid giving specific advice about how to parallelize your application. Rather, we discuss various techniques and their safety. We leave it to the developer to use this information to build a solution that best meets the needs of his application, especially considering his use cases and data profile.

This sample is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE in the solution root for more information.

Getting Started

The solution is a Visual Studio 2013 .sln file, which consists of a single C# project. Any edition of Visual Studio 2013 (including the free "Community" edition) should be sufficient for opening the solution and following the tutorial.

The project contains a GAC reference to OSIsoft.AFSDK.dll. You will need to install the PI AF Client in order to build and run this project.

You'll want to enable NuGet package restore in Visual Studio, as we depend on two groups of NuGet packages:

  • Xunit: The Xunit unit testing framework. We'll use this framework to lay out and prove assumptions about how the AF SDK operates.
  • SimpleImpersonation: A lightweight library for logging on as and impersonating other users. We'll use this to demonstrate some properties about how AF SDK works in multi-user scenarios.

You'll need access to a PI AF Server to run these samples (any version 2.2 or later should do). The sample code needs to be able to manipulate a single AF element, hardcoded in the source to \\MyAssets\MyDatabase\MyElement. Replace this path with the path to an appropriate AF element in your own server. The element should have no attributes and no child elements.

You'll also need a second user account with access to your PI AF Server to run one of the test cases. Details are explained in that case.


Follow along in the code in Assertions.cs.

0. Setup and Plumbing

Note the hardcoded path elementPath to the element we'd like to restore. There is also an object reference myElement to that element.

The Plumbing is responsible for ensuring that myElement is populated and ready before each assertion is run, and for ensuring that changes are reverted after each assertion is run.

1. Colliding Readers and Writers

We're going to start off with a simple case. Imagine that you're building a program that serves concurrent readers and writers in AF. These readers and writers may at some point attempt to read from and write to the same element simultaneously.

Within these examples where we intend to demonstrate a failure, we show our readers and writers within a for loop that will execute the logic 100 times. This is due to the very nature of the race conditions we wish to expose-- indeed, if we could deterministically guarantee the ordering of the operations that will be performed, the race condition wouldn't exist at all! Executing the logic in parallel loops provides us with a sort of crude Monte Carlo simulation that will hopefully repeat the parallel operations enough times and in enough different orders that eventually the race condition will be captured.

In this case, the writer is adding a child element to our test element, and the reader is enumerating the child elements. Within the iteration of reading the children, we have a Thread.Sleep -- which simply represents some unit of work that is being done on that child element. When performing these operations concurrently, we expect the reader that is iterating over the child elements to eventually have trouble when a new child is inserted by the writer during the course of that iteration. This results in an InvalidOperationException.

This outcome is of course possible in any .NET program that uses the non-concurrent classes in the .NET collections framework in a parallel setting. Indeed, the exception that is thrown ultimately originates from a .NET Framework object.

Clearly, care must be taken to protect against concurrent reads and writes.

2. Write and Refresh Deadlock

Worse than the problem of colliding readers and writers, attempting to write to and refresh an element at the same time can cause a deadlock-- the condition where one thread holds lock A and is waiting on lock B, and another thread holds lock B and is waiting on lock A.

In our previous case of colliding readers and writers, the reader eventually threw an exception. This could conceivably be handled appropriately in a well managed program. Trying to recover from a deadlock, on the other hand, is likely to leave a program in a corrupt state.

In this case, we're going to create a CancellationTokenSource to allow us to kill the threads assigned to our worker tasks once we've determined that they've deadlocked. Our refresh task will simply refresh the element definition from the PI AF Server. Our writer looks similar to our previous sample-- it will create a child element of our test element, and this time, attempt to check it in.

We're also going to add another task -- a timeout task -- to measure a duration after which we'll assume our refresh and writer tasks have deadlocked. We're using 10 seconds as the timeout here.

Ultimately, this example isn't proof that we've deadlocked -- simply that the operations haven't completed in 10 seconds. You could try raising this timeout to satisfy your curiosity. If you'd like to see conclusive proof for yourself, follow the guide in

3. Observe the AF Cache

One potential approach to solving either of these problems would be to get separate copies of myElement to operate on. However, by default the AF SDK's built-in caching mechanism will prevent this from occurring. Two separate attempts to restore the same AF object will result in the same .NET object reference being returned -- as we demonstrate in this case.

(NB: Xunit's Assert.Same is a unit testing wrapper around the .NET Framework's object.ReferenceEquals)

4. Observe the Per-User Nature of the AF Cache

Note, however, that while the same element is restored on successive calls to AFObject.FindObject, this will not be true across user contexts. In the AF SDK, each user has his own cache. This example demonstrates that indeed, the same element loaded by two different users is represented by two separate object instances.

AF SDK is not designed for object references to be passed or shared between different users. Doing so in production code could lead to undesirable behavior.

Note the signature of the Impersonation.LogonUser call (from the SimpleImpersonation library). The first argument is the domain (null, in this case means a local user). The second is the username, and the third is the password. For the sake of running this sample, you may set these to values that are appropriate in your environment.

You may need also need a higher logon level, such as NetworkCleartext, if you are attempting to connect to a remote PI AF server.

This sample is the only treatment we will give to multiple users during this demonstration. The techniques enumerated further on apply equally well to single-user or multi-user concurrent applications, so long as the fundamental rule (no sharing of objects between users) is respected.

5. The forceNewInstance PISystems Constructor Overload

In this sample, we demonstrate the forceNewInstance argument in the PISystems constructor. When true, an independent cache is created for this PISystems instance. Overloads of the various AF SDK methods will key off of an AF object to determine which cache should be used when retrieving metadata from AF. In this example, we populate the relativeFrom argument to AFObject.FindObject, which causes our test element to be separately retrieved and cached within the scopes of two different PISystems instances. We therefore now have two separate .NET objects, both of which belong to the current user, and both of which refer to the same element in AF.

In the Shorthand region, we demonstrate the exact same property using an extension method designed to simplify retrieving an object from a specific PISystems instance.

In general, this approach solves the specific problems that we demonstrated in Cases 1 and 2. However, there is significant overhead to creating a new PISystems object and an independent cache. If you are building, for example, a web application, it would not be appropriate to instantiate a PISystems object for each request. Better approaches would combine techniques discussed further on to safely share PISystems instances between multiple, possibly concurrent requests. Another approach may be to pool PISystems instances.

6. AF Caching Defaults

This case simply demonstrates the default properties of the AF Cache: that it remembers a maximum of 10,000 objects, and it does so for a period of 120 seconds.

Note that these properties are static. Adjustments made to these properties apply globally, to all PISystems instances in your application.

7. Disabling the AF Cache

This case demonstrates a non-trivial property of the AF Cache: that it cannot be completely disabled. Setting CacheMaxObjects and CacheTime to zero still results in the same object being retrieved by two successive calls to Find.

This merits additional explanation. The AF Cache is built on constructs provided by the CLR's memory model and garbage collector. When garbage collection is performed, objects in the runtime are inspected. If the collector determines that an object is no longer live, it is scheduled to be destroyed so that the memory it consumes may be reclaimed.

The AF Cache ties in to the .NET Framework's memory management model through the use of both strong and weak references. A weak reference allows an object reference to be kept without preventing the object from being garbage collected. By contrast, a strong reference (or simply, a reference) will always prevent an object from being garbage collected.

With this information in mind, we can revisit the meanings of the AF cache tuning parameters:

  • AFGlobalSettings.CacheMaxObjects: The maximum number of strong references to keep in the AF cache. After this limit is reached, the least recently used references in the cache are converted to weak references, so that this limit is not exceeded.
  • AFGlobalSettings.CacheTime: The time period after which any strong references in the AF cache may be converted to weak references. Each object in AF has its own 'timer' for this purpose, and the timer is reset each time the object is retrieved.

Tying into the .NET memory model is advantageous for the AF SDK. The use of strong references . Eventually converting to weak references allows for objects retrieved from the AF Server to be potentially reused between requests if garbage collection has not occurred, or if there is still a strong reference elsewhere in the program, sparing the expense of a round-trip to the AF server if these objects are still available in memory when they are needed again. The design also allows leaves decisions as to when space must be freed to the sophisticated garbage collection algorithm implemented in the .NET Framework.

Now we can understand the outcome of this case. Even though there are no strong references in the AF cache, there are weak references. And on our second call to systems.Find, there is a strong reference to our test element outside of the AF cache- on the line above! The internals of the AF SDK locate the weak reference in the cache. The weak reference is clearly capable of being followed, as the referenced object is still in memory. As such, the same object is retrieved on the second call.


8. Observe the Garbage Collector in Action

In both of these cases, we explore the assertions made above about the nature of the .NET Garbage Collector.

#####Case One We set AFGlobalSettings.CacheMaxObjects to 100, and retrieve an element. After creating a local weak reference to the element, we set the local variable myElement to null, removing our local strong reference.

After garbage collection, the weak reference is still resolvable. This is because a strong reference still exists in the AF cache.

#####Case Two We set AFGlobalSettings.CacheMaxObjects to 0, and retrieve an element. After creating a local weak reference to the element, we set the local variable myElement to null, removing our local strong reference.

After garbage collection, the weak reference is no longer resolvable. This is because the reference that previously existed in the AF cache was also a weak reference, due to the object limit in the cache. Since there were no longer any strong references to the object in the runtime, at the time that garabage collection occurred, our element was determined to be a dead object and was cleared so that its memory could be reclaimed.

9. Demonstrate Monitor

Armed with a full understanding of the AF Cache, we now try to implement a concurrency solution on top of the AF SDK to make our example from #1 safe. This first attempt uses a Monitor, which causes all requests that wish to enter a critical block to queue in a single file line.

  • Straightforward to consume and reason about
  • Syntactic sugar built into the language (lock statement)
  • Extremely fast when uncontested (on the order of tens of microseconds)
  • No unmanaged resources must be used/disposed of.
  • Does not allow for 'safe' operations (e.g., reads) to happen concurrently
  • Is thread-based, so protected operations must happen on a single thread, and may not be async.

If your application is low-volume, or the mix of reads and writes is not strongly oriented toward reads, and the threading constraints are acceptable, a Monitor/lock statement may be a suitable approach for protecting access.


10. Demonstrate Reader/Writer Lock

Implementing a Reader/Writer Lock is an incremental step forward over our previous case. The reader/writer lock manages access so that operations can run concurrently if possible. To demonstrate this, we've changed our previous for loop into a call to Parallel.For, which will attempt to run the protected operations in parallel. We've taken care to scope our lock acquisition within the parallelized action, so that two of the 'same' action executing in parallel must each acquire their own lock.

  • Allows for 'safe' operations (e.g., reads) to happen concurrently, while ensuring that unsafe operations get exclusive access.
  • Very fast (about 65-75% slower than acquiring a monitor, which is still quite fast)
  • More difficult to program with: try/finally blocks must be written manually, which leaves more opportunities for error.
  • Is thread-based, so protected operations must happen on a single thread, and may not be async.
  • The lock consumes native resources, and must be disposed of properly when use is complete.

If your application is high-volume, there are likely more reads than writes, the threading constraints are acceptable, and you can take care to ensure that the locks are acquired and released properly, then Reader/Writer Locks may be appropriate for your application.

As of the 2015 R2 release, all releases of PI Web API use ReaderWriterLockSlim to guarantee threadsafe access to the AF SDK.


11. Demonstrate Concurrent/Exclusive Scheduler Pair

ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair is a class introduced in the 4.5 version of the .NET Framework. The class consists of a pair of TPL TaskSchedulers. Concurrent-safe operations may be scheduled on the Concurrent scheduler; others may be scheduled on the Exclusive scheduler. This is essentially a TPL-based implementation of a reader/writer lock.

To iterate on our previous example, we convert to ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair, and use a Parallel.For overload that takes a ParallelOptions. The ParallelOptions is instructed to run its work on one of the two schedulers in the pair.

12. Concurrent/Exclusive Scheduler Pair (Redux)

In this final case, we demonstrate using a concurrent/exclusive scheduler pair without Parallel.For. In the Shorthand example, we define an extension method on the scheduler pair to simplify task creation on the scheduler. We've now seen the pair in action in two different scenarios.

  • Allows for 'safe' operations (e.g., reads) to happen concurrently, while ensuring that unsafe operations get exclusive access.
  • Threads are not the unit of protection, so a protected operation can be parallelized.
  • No unmanaged resources must be used/disposed of.
  • More cumbersome to program with if you're not used to working with the TPL, or you're not trying to parallelize execution.
  • No Task.Run overload takes a custom scheduler; dispatching must usually happen using Task.Factory.StartNew.
  • The overload of creating and scheduling a task is orders of magnitude higher than acquiring a Monitor or Reader/Writer Lock. There is also performance overhead associated with executing tasks; e.g. marshaling synchronization and execution contexts.

If your application is highly parallel, and the additional performance overhead of creating a task and marshaling context is acceptable for your application, the concurrent/exclusive scheduler pair may be a good choice for your application.

The PI Web API development team plans to prototype and performance test a concurrent/exclusive pair-based approach to managing AF resources for possible inclusion in a future PI Web API release.



In this tutorial we've demonstrated a number of properties about the AF SDK, and how those properties influence attempts to use it in a concurrent manner. We hope that we've given you sufficient strategies to begin determining the approach most suitable for your own application.

For questions or comments, please visit PI Developer's Club on PI Square.

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