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catalyst-prioritized-problems's Issues

After Town Hall - 8th September 2021 - Catalyst Circle Secretary Candidates

After Town Hall - 8th September 2021 - Catalyst Circle Secretary Candidates


Nori Nishigaya
Stephen Whitenstall (Rowan)
Alice Sitar
Michael Yagi
Peter Wolcott
Felix Weber
John Buck

Meeting Notes

  • Action - Secretary role will be shared between Michael Yagi, Stephen Whitenstall, Alice Sitar & Peter Wolcott
  • Action - Michael Yagi, Stephen Whitenstall will share core Secretary role at first and mentor / handover to Alice Sitar & Peter Wolcott
  • Action - Michael Yagi will focus on Agenda and organisation working with Stephen on GitHub infrastructure
  • Action - Stephen will take ownership of detailed minute-taking at first.

Circle Meeting 1 - Toolmaker and Maintainer Circle - Tracking

Circle Meeting 1 - Toolmaker and Maintainer Circle - Tracking

The Catalyst Alliance Meeting - 17/07/2021 - 16:00

1) Saturday Swarm Session - 17/07/2021 - 18:00


Discord context

Recording from Saturday T&M problem sensing

Miro Board link

2) After Town Hall - Wednesday, 21st, July 2021

2021-07-21 (4)

3) Saturday Swarm Session - 24th July 2021

2021-07-29 (7)

4) After Town Hall, 28th July 2021 - Final Form of T&M Problem Statement

2021-07-29 (8)

Improve awareness of Project Catalyst

Improve awareness of Project Catalyst

Collect input from what we know. Analyze problems. Develop a draft prototype project plan as a result of what we know and on-boarding survey.

23rd September 2021
Discussed at Catalyst Circle Meeting 6. Please refer to the minutes.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Trello card by Unito

Catalyst Circle Meeting 5 - Agenda - Thursday, 9th September 2021 at 17.00 UTC

Catalyst Circle Meeting 5 - Agenda - Thursday, 9th September 2021 at 17.00 UTC

  • Previous Meeting - #18
  • Next Meeting -


Google Docs

GitHub version control

Catalyst Circle Tracking

Agenda Items for CC meeting 5

Thursday, September 9th. at 17.00 UTC

Topic template:

(Topic start time) Topic of discussion/Objective - Leader(s) - Duration in minutes

Planned agenda items for CC meeting 5 - 120 min

Opening, Announcements and Expectations Alignment (10 min)

(00:00) Check-in - All - 5 min

(00:05) Revise agenda and align expectations - All - 5 min

Updates on CC actions (35 min) -> Update Trello Board Accordingly

(00:15) Trello board guideline - Dor and Victor - 10 min

(00:25) Updates on new CA/vCA reward model - Victor - 5 min

  • Related problem statement: (CAs) CAs/vCAs rewarding system

(00:30) CA Outreach & Onboarding campaign - Victor and Felix - 10 min

  • Related problem statement: (CAs) Risk of not enough CAs/vCAs
  • Related problem statement: (T&M/ FP) Catalyst Onboarding

(00:40) Updates on Challenge team - Rapid Funding Challenge - Felix - 10 min

  • Related problem statement: (CC) Faster funding for Catalyst projects

(00:50) Updates on CC Facilitator & Secretary teams - Felix - 5 min

  • Related problem statement: N/A

(00:55) Discussing/finalizing the CCv2 budget - Lauris - 10 min

  • Related problem statement: (CC) CC is not resourced to accomplish its goals.

(01:05) CC Website & Email Accounts - Felix - 5 min

  • Related problem statement: Improve Awareness

New topics for discussion (5 min)

(01:10) Proposal: What do we want to do for Fund6 retrospective week? - Dor - 5 min

Next CC priority and update Trello (10 min)

(01:15) Choose a problem statement to be prioritized in the next 2 weeks, until CC meeting 5 - All - 10 min

Open Conversation (20 min)

(01:25) Open Conversation. Topics:

  • CC and lessons learned.

Meeting feedback and buffer time (20 min)

(01:45) Fill out feedback form about the meeting productivity - 5 min

(01:50) Buffer time / Open dialogue - All - 10 min

Catalyst Circle Facilitator and Secretary Meeting - Friday, September 17, 2021 - 1800 to 1900

Catalyst Circle Facilitator and Secretary Meeting - Friday, September 17, 2021 - 1700 UTC


  • Nadim Karam
  • Nori Nishigaya
  • Stephen Rowan
  • Peter Wolcott
  • Felix Weber
  • Lauris
  • Victor


  • Michael Yagi
  • Alice Sitar
  • Charlie Robertstad


Check-in (start 0:00)
Start Recording
Administrative: (start 0:05)
Overview of previous minutes
Announcement - Pete OK offering training
Accept proposed Content Agenda
Content Agenda (start 0:08)
Feedback from Victor on his facilitation experience with Catalyst Circle to date (Victor) [moving to top as he has limited time]
Temporary solution for Victor to facilitate previous meetings.
Share feedback form so mistakes are not repeated.
A lot of people - lot to discuss in short period of time
Focus on agenda is important
5 or 10 minutes on each topic - always need more time
Last 20 minutes : 5 minutes for feedback form, 15 minutes buffer time.
First 5 minutes for introductions
5 more minutes for announcements

Working with a group decision software (Alice)
Trying out Loo mio
Agenda logistics (Stephen)
Google docs : raise draft agenda week in advance of meeting
Google docs : separate document
Minutes logistics (Stephen)
Google docs : save draft, then edit - import into GitBook. Distribute
Google docs : separate document
Meeting recording logistics (Stephen)
Secretary laises with Dany IOG to obtain recording
Recording uploaded to Youtube (QA-DAO or Swarm)
Felix makes secretary, host or co-host. Co-host records meeting. Passes recording onto Dany. Dany upload recording to IOHK
Regular scheduling for this meeting (Nori)
Proposal: once every two weeks, the day after the CC meeting so we have two weeks to craft the next agenda, remind and chase action items, and the meeting is fresh in mind for a debrief on what went well/can be improved.
Makes more sense to have 1 week in advance - Nadim
Not enough time if we start to prepare a week in advance - Nori
Timeliness of tracking - Peter
Proposal approved to meet the day after the CC meeting.
Action item: Nori to send out a recurring meeting
Rotation for Facilitator and Secretary for this meeting (Nori)
Proposal: Trade off the facilitator and secretary for this meeting so people can start practicing the skills for facilitation and recording of the minutes, prep for meeting, etc. Come up with a schedule or rotation so people can know when they will be on-deck.
Proposal accepted
Action Item: Team to create a schedule for admin and facilitator
Action Item: Support Felix in progress and achievement reporting Slidedeck at TH

Closing round

Catalyst Circle is supposedly breaking the rules of enagagement within Catalyst

Bringing this to Allison's attention and for tracking, I as a ADA holder consider this very problematic if true...

This is not the first time. A while back the circle decided to grant themselves an exception to submit a proposal after the deadline. #Power2OurPeople


@stephen-rowan can you, or some librarian (that is a business function established in process driven organizations, not a derogatory use of the word, they are very important) please provide reference to the minutes where this was discussed, justified, and decided?

Catalyst Circle Meeting 2 - July 29th, 2021

Catalyst Circle Meeting 2 - July 29th, 2021

  • Previous Meeting - #6
  • Next Meeting - #13

Catalyst Circle Meeting 2 - Tracking

Proposed Agenda July 29 CC meeting

Attendance: Victor Corcino, Felix Weber, Juliane Montag, Lauris, Dor Garbash, Dean Jayes, John Buck, Pete Oliver-Krueger, David Taylor (family emergency)

(0:00) Welcome Dean Jayes, All Ada Rep, + Opening round (10 min)

(0:10) Administrative matters (3 min)

  • Announcements:
  • Our Miro board has been updated with problem statements;
  • Problem statements grouped
  • Same statements not grouped
  • The problem statements in Miro refer to list of problem statements document
  • Trello Board created for today’s output:
  • Next meeting: proposed for August 12 same time
  • Review/accept record of July 12 meeting
  • Accept Content Agenda

Agenda Considerations

  • Timeline (End of first of 3 months — sprint 2 out of 6)
  • Sociocracy Training Videos (just-in-time, as needed)
  • Clustering (Simplify by Grouping Similar Problem Statements) & Consent
  • Enter to Trello
  • Prioritizing the Clusters (use grid known-unknown / energy)
  • Move forward in Trello

Content Agenda

(0:17) Deliberate on proposal to work initially with three clusters - see Miro board

  • Dor: Replace “Open, Alternative Category” and call it “Alternative Funding” or “Funding Rigidity”. Group SPO’s problem statement for needing a miscellaneous Challenge category together with Toolmakers Reward System problem statement.
  • Juli: Make sure that we are acknowledging the difference between funding and the rewards system. They are currently different.
  • Lauris: Add “Awareness” to the “Onboarding” problem cluster
    -Dor: Suggest holding the clusters lightly. Just because the problems are clustered, doesn’t mean that the problems are the same, and the problems should be tracked separately.

(0:45) Option to split into breakout groups that reflect the consented clusters (open space style)

  • Work together or in breakout rooms to put consented cluster on two-axis grid: known-unknown / low energy - high energy
  • Use the grid to determine how to move the cluster forward into actionable columns on the Trello board

(1:20) Re-assemble (if in breakout groups). The groups brief each other on what they’ve done. Consent to Trello cards action plans entered by each group.

Closing round evaluation of meeting (1:45)

oral comments.

  • Dean: Like to have Ada holder perspective on ideas moving forward
  • Lauris: A bit slow. Want to discuss issues other groups have to understand deeper. Not sure of next steps.
  • Felix: Lose time in discussing methods. More simple design up front. And you all are awesome. Value to listen to other points of view
  • Victor: Lost time discussing things we didn’t need, or didn’t have the overview to understand. Read agenda beforehand. What are expectations for next meeting, and end goal for the circle? Concrete
  • Juli: Like different points of view, questioning, and challenging. More space to speak free, more-open conversation. Too slow.
  • Dor: A bit upset and impatient at times. More focus on achieving outcome, and less meta conversation. Less polish and on the clock. Rounds of consent takes too much time and feels mechanical. Might be more efficient ways to achieve it, rather than one by one. Eats time. More time at start of the Trello board and rationale and how it translates. More about outcomes than blind trust in the process. Want more upfront information, like the Trello board and its logic rather than guessing the intentions. Everybody here is incredible, and already a lot of progress.
  • Lauris: I like the structure rounds of consent; a little time consuming but great. We’ll find the best method for this circle; guinea pigs.
  • complete evaluation form:

Reference: Ideas for other ways to analyse problem statements:

Create a grid with 2 axes and map the ideas to scales or grids. Examples of grids:

  • Local -- Global
  • Known -- Unknown
  • Cynefin - four quadrants: simple, complicated, complex, chaotic
    Examples of scales:
  • Emotional/Energetic Ranking of the statements
  • 0 - No energy
  • 1 - Intellectual interest
  • 2 - Emotional interest
  • 3 - High Emotional interest
  • Importance, Criticality, Speed of Change: Sort the problem statements and identify the top 2 clusters. Top priority would be most important, critical, and urgent.

T&M: There are no systems to track and visualize Trust and Participation

T&M: There are no systems to track and visualize Trust and Participation

Trello Card

T&M: There are no systems to track and visualize Trust and Participation

User journey (Guidelines )

Problem Backlog

360 Feedback

Well-Defined Problems (Ready)

  • Schedule time to present the problem during Town Hall
  • Define solving strategy with Circle (Presentation? Challenge? Proposal? Facilitate problem solving sessions?)
  • Prepare a presentation.
  • Present it.
  • Move to “Shared with Community” section

Method for Selecting Catalyst Technical Council


A method is needed to select members of the technical council that ensures members have high qualifications with the appropriate technical competency. A community vote works well for selecting Circle members since these individuals are responsible for representing the people of the community. In contrast, the technical council is responsible for representing the technical parameters of the Catalyst process. The individuals with the appropriate skills may not have the political skills necessary to win a popular vote. Therefore an alternative selection process that provides input from the community but is focused on the evaluation of technical skills is required.

Proposed Solution

For example, a suggested process would be the following. Randomly select a Selection Committee from the community of Catalyst IdeaScale members. A committee of 5-10 individuals would be charged with reviewing the qualifications of applicants for the Technical Council, holding interviews, and discussing the qualifications. The committee would hold a meeting to arrive at a consensus for recommending a nominee. Consensus could be defined as either 2/3rds majority or unanimity. Optionally, the nominee could be approved by a simple majority or 2/3rds of the Catalyst Circle. Such a process would ensure committee input (through random representation), focus on technical competency (through interview rather than voting process), and reduction of collusion (by insulating the Circle from the process).

Catalyst Circle Facilitator and Secretary Meeting Agenda - September 15, 2021 - 1300 to 13:50 UTC

Catalyst Circle Facilitator and Secretary Meeting Agenda - September 15, 2021 - 1300 to 13:50 UTC

Link to Zoom Meeting:

Zoom Meeting Badge

  • Last Meeting - link to last meeting Issue
  • Next Meeting -


  • Nadim Karam
  • Charlie Robertstad
  • Nori Nishigaya
  • Stephen Rowan
  • Alice Sitar
  • Felix Weber


  • Michael Yagi - Travelling
  • Peter Wolcott

Check-in (start 0:00)

  • Start Recording

Administrative: (start 0:05)


  • Item

Accept proposed Content Agenda

  • Item

Contact info for meeting invites

  • Item
  • Team to add (or verify) email addresses - on google doc
  • Nadim Karam
  • Charlie Robertstad
  • Nori Nishigaya
  • Stephen Rowan
  • Alice Sitar
  • Michael Yagi
  • Peter Wolcott
  • Felix Weber

Content Agenda


  • Nadim is traveling trying to keep up to date when he can
  • Item

Discussion on purpose of Catalyst Circle Facilitators and Secretary team

  • Item

Propose a discussion on roles and responsibility of facilitator, secretary, and team on Friday? (30m might not be enough for this meeting)

  • Confirm outcome of - #26

Agenda creation for September 23 Catalyst Circle meeting

  • Item

Closing round

Set-up Catalyst-Circle Tracking

Set-up Catalyst-Circle Tracking

Catalyst-Circle Tracking Project Board

FelixWeber and Victor Corcino - as discussed I have setup tracking of the Toolmakers and CA Circles here ( ) . I will record any Toolmaker or CA Circle event and link to the documentation you produce.

The Catalyst Alliance

Barriers to tracking and documenting the content of Catalyst Circle Meetings

Barriers to tracking and documenting the content of Catalyst Circle Meetings

QA-DAO is no longer able to track the content of Catalyst Circle Meetings because the meeting is no recorded only in a proprietary Miro format and recorded on video. There is no longer any easy way to get an overview without accessing a Miro Board.

  • To transcribe meeting content from a Miro Board would take several hours.
  • The only snap shot available is a PDF copy of the miro which I will attach to Meeting Oversight.

Further discussion of this issue is documented here :

Faster Funding for Catalyst Projects

Faster Funding for Catalyst Projects

Setting up a challenge Team to submit a "Rapid Funding Mechanism" Challenge in Project Catalyst Fund 6.

Waiting for funding - draft actions ? Great CA ranking.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Trello card by Unito

Catalyst Circle Meeting 1 - July 12th, 2021

Problem Sensing - Bullying on Telegram

Kerstin Nobel - First incident was on December 17th. Len made a comment about the EU government and added in brackets that they "want to vaccinate babies". I commented that I would ask to leave those comments out of the chat because some, including me, might find it insensitive. I´ll send a screenshot of Marks reply, which was out of line in my opinion and the screenshots makes it clear that it was not just me, who thought this.

Kerstin Nobel - The second incident was basically a gender discussion which led to Mark calling out, as I said - cultural Marxism. I provided just the Wikipedia on this theorem to make people aware of what it means and Mark made very rude comments and called me "leftist gang". I made sure to not call him out to keep the discussion fair, but he didn´t and then Matthias (midas) chimed in about communism and then Danny called for this to end on both of us. I did not make any pro-communist remarks and didn´t put any political stuff into my replies or comments at all, but Len and Mark do this in a very clear way and I find this to be very problematic. (On a personal note, since I live in the US part time for like 10 years. This community is not even mostly US based and the irrational fear of communism in the US is just stupid and we all know that parts of Catalyst are experimenting with UBI and stuff, so it would be great if the US paranoid far righters could leave their agenda out of this.) But I wanted to be fair and didn´t say what I would have loved to say.

Honestly, I have no idea how to deal with it. I don´t need any anonymity, I´m happy to mediate this with Mark in a group setting. I´m also ok with however the circle usually does things.
For me it was just necessary to let somebody that I relate to in this community know, that I´m not ok with how I was treated and that I´m seeing a problem in how communication is going in two of the Telegram groups.
This was my comment. While it might be accusing in it´s content, I think it is a difference to accuse and bully/ drown somebody (Mark) and to provide a viewpoint (me) on a comment so that the community can choose what they find more relevant. This should not be answered with how Mark did that.

And can we please understand what Mark is doing and how he is steering the conversation. He called me out for discussing Marxism (which he brought up) and then other people saw me as the person who is causing a problem or an argument, while this was not even the case.
this is the rest of the conversation.

here is another female member of the diversity chat and her thoughts.

Stephen Rowan (Whitenstall) - Thank you Kerstin. My first thought is to raise this a problem that relates to Codes of Conduct. To mature Catalyst needs to address how behaviour is regulated in a distributed environment (it is never a free for all). I can document what you have provided "as is" in one of Circle's GitHub repos (if you agree - it will then be public and open source) , then raise it as an agenda item and refer to it at this week's Circle Meeting (this Thursday). I support a range of viewpoints in Catalyst - but people have to listen to and respect each other. I will talk to other Circle members about this beforehand - so they have an opportunity to read the context.

Improving Challenge Continuity

Problem Definition

With the community now responsible for setting all of the challenge categories, there is a need to develop a mechanism to encourage some categories to have 3-4 quarters to develop their objectives.

Why a Solution is Needed

Part of why something like this is necessary is that voting is a very imprecise method of decision-making. If you consider the process that IOG utilized to select the categories for the first three rounds, this probably involved a committee negotiating and designing the categories. Once this was worked out, the categories were fairly stable for a few rounds. While IdeaScale provides some of this kind of challenge shaping, it’s a more difficult process to manage. So, some fine-tuning of the process may be helpful in achieving the right balance between stability and innovation in the challenge categories.

Example Solution

One way this could be accomplished is to allow a funded category to sustain its funding for the next 2-3 quarters with a) a lower voter margin for acceptance and/or b) prioritization in the ranking for a portion of the funding.

Catalyst Circle Meeting 6 - Agenda - Thursday, 23rd September 2021 at 17.00 UTC

Agenda Items for CC meeting 6

Thursday, September 23rd. at 17.00 UTC

Topic template:

(Topic start time) Topic of discussion/Objective - Leader(s) - Duration in minutes

Planned agenda items for CC meeting #6 - 120 min (2 hours)

Opening, Announcements and Expectations Alignment (10 min)

  • (00:00) Check-in - All - 5 min
  • (00.00) - Nadim introduces himself as facilitator. - Nadim
  • (00:05) Revise agenda and align expectations - All - 5 min

Updates on CC actions (60 min) -> Update Trello Board Accordingly

Moving existing Items across the board

  • (00.10) (CC) Tracking problems and actions - (Trello Card ) - Agree Implementation of guidelines presented at the last Circle meeting and discuss moving existing Items (problem backlog) across the board - Everyone - 30 mins

Defining the next elections.

  • (00.40) Reviewing the old CCv1 Voting System - All - 10 mins
  • (00.50) Defining the next election process for CCv2 - Chainvote - Felix - 10 mins

Other CC Actions

Open Conversation (10 min)

  • (01.10) Open Conversation. Topics: - 10 mins

New topics for discussion (10 min)

  • (01.20) C-Society - Space of Urgency, SecretDecks, PACE, QA-DAO - to petition for Circle support ? - Related to Onboarding Problem (Trello Card)
    ( ideation and draft solutions for Rewarding/Reputation/Onboarding structures and systems - Felix - 10 mins

Next CC priority, action items, closing remarks (10 min)

  • (01:30) Go over action items and identify ownership, closing remarks - All - 10 min
    Stephen to refer to action points made during meeting
    Meeting feedback and buffer time (20 min)
  • (01:40) Fill out feedback form about the meeting productivity - 5 min
  • (01:45) Buffer time / Open dialogue - All - 15 min
  • (02:00) End


  • Circle GitBook - Previous Meeting 5 Minutes & Agenda
  • Circle GitBook - Catalyst Prioritized Problems Trello prototype.

Completed Last Meeting - Closed ?

  • (00.00) (CC) Circle is not resourced to accomplish its goals - (Trello Card) - CCv2 initial budget - Juliane Montag, Lauris Steglics - 5 mins - depend on voting and funding
  • (00.25) (CC) Faster Funding for Catalyst Projects - (Trello Card) - Setting up a Challenge Team to submit a "Rapid Funding Mechanism" Challenge in Project Catalyst Fund 6. - Felix Weber - 5 mins - Dependent on voting and funding
    CA Onboarding & recruitment - waiting for documentation and draft of protocol

To be referenced in context of meeting

  • (00.25) Stephen to present revised Trello Board - Stephen - 5 mins
  • (01.05) Onboarding Problem - Document CA Recruitment pipeline for CC v2 - Felix, Victor - 5 mins

┆Issue is synchronized with this Trello card by Unito

Circle Meeting 2 - CA and T&M Meeting - Tuesday August 3rd at 14.00 UTC

Circle Meeting 2 - Community Advisor and Toolmaker & Maintainer Meeting

Tuesday August 3rd at 14.00 UTC (Source)

Call with Victor & Felix

Agenda items for

  • CC meeting #13 ( Victors suggestions )
  • 1 hour discuss problem gathered statements
  • 1/2 hour discuss voting process for CCv2
  • 1/2 CC potentially evolution
  • Expectation/Objectives and Roadmap for the next 4 meetings

Action Items besides CC meetings ( common suggestions )

  • Recruiting ghostwriter/ notetaker:
  • Peter Oliver - Krueger
  • Tevo Saks
  • Setting up a dev team to develop a circle-tool
  • Lucio Baglione
  • Aharon
  • Stephen Whitenstall
  • Enable resources to pay dev for developing the circle-tool.
  • IOG&CF

Circle Meeting 2 - Governance Alive - Tracking

Circle Meeting 2 - Governance Alive - Tracking

  • John Buck (Facilitator, Governance Alive)
  • Pete Oliver-Krueger (Secretary, Governance Alive),

Meetings facilitated

  • Catalyst Circle Meeting 2 - July 29th, 2021 - #9

Guidance provided

Discussion - Should Fund 7 Proposals considered for sponsorship by Circle ?

Fund 7 Proposals considered for sponsorship by Circle

Circle Infrastructure Proposals

1) F7: Miscellaneous Challenge - CC Admin Team Scope Expansion -

4) F7: Miscellaneous Challenge - Catalyst Circle Treasury Management

6) F7: Miscellaneous Challenge - Catalyst Circle Mentorship

  • - Propose as Circle
  • Sponsor by Circle

8) F7: Miscellaneous Challenge - Cv3: Sustaining the Circle

5) F7: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs - Catalyst-Coordinator Hub

9) F7: Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanisms - Catalyst Circle - Funding Mechanism


2) - F7: Improve and Grow Auditability - Community Governance Oversight

7) F7: Miscellaneous Challenge - Incentivized Voting Survey (with AIM)

  • - Propose as Circle ?
  • Sponsor by Circle

10) F7: Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanisms - Treasury for Mini Proposals

12) F7: Fund8 challenge setting - Open Source Development Ecosystem

13) F7: Fund8 challenge setting - Reputation System

14) F7: Fund8 challenge setting - Community Events

15) F7: Fund8 challenge setting - Community Advisor Improvements

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.