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chacra's Introduction


A REST API for storing and retrieving specific versions and architectures of (binary) packages.

The URL structure is very simple and allows to be explicit about what the type and version of a given binary package the API is providing:


So for a CentOS 7 x86_64 package for Ceph the url could look like:



The service needs to be configured with a few items to correctly work with binaries.


The binary_root is a required configuration item, it defines where binaries live so that when a new binary is POSTed the service will use this path to save the binary to.


The distributions_root is a required configuration item, it defines where the project specific distributions files will be stored when creating debian repositories.


The POST and DELETE HTTP methods are protected by default using basic HTTP authentication. The credentials must be defined in the configuration file for the service as follows:

api_user = 'username'
api_key = 'secret'


The API provides informational JSON at every step of the URL about what is available as a resource. The following examples show informational output that can be consumed to dig deeper into the URL structure:

GET /binaries/:

    "ceph": ["firefly", "giant", "hammer"],
    "ceph-deploy": ["main"]

GET /binaries/ceph/:

    "firefly": ["centos", "redhat", "debian", "ubuntu"]

GET /binaries/ceph/firefly/:

    "head": ["centos", "debian", "ubuntu"],
    "95c4287b5d24b762bc8538633c5bb2918ecfe4dd": ["centos"],

GET /binaries/ceph/firefly/head/:

    "centos": ["7", "6"],
    "debian": ["wheezy"],
    "ubuntu": ["trusty"],

GET /binaries/ceph/firefly/head/centos/:

    "7": ["x86_64"],
    "6": ["x86_64"]

GET /binaries/ceph/firefly/head/centos/7/:

    "x86_64": ["ceph-0.87.2-0.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm"]

GET /binaries/ceph/firefly/head/centos/7/x86_64/:

    "ceph-0.87.2-0.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm": {
        "signed": True,
        "size": "12M",
        "last_updated": "14 hours, 39 minutes, 19 seconds ago",
        "built-by": "ktdreyer",
    "ceph-0.87.1-0.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm": {
        "signed": True,
        "size": "12M",
        "last_updated": "20 days, 6 hours, 39 minutes, 19 seconds ago",
        "built-by": "ktdreyer",
    "ceph-0.87-0.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm": {
        "signed": True,
        "size": "12M",
        "last_updated": "35 days, 6 hours, 39 minutes, 19 seconds ago",
        "built-by": "alfredodeza",


At this point, the keys for the JSON object represent the available binaries for the next part of the URL.

So another GET operation on that final URL would retrieve the actual binary. Other metadata may be provided, but the rule would be that all top-level keys are meant to be part of the consumable url.

Querying binary information

The search endpoint is /search/ and accepts a few keyword arguments. At the moment only simple querying is allowed (only matches are used) and no other logical operators can be used, like >= for example.

In its most simple form a query would look like:


Successful responses will return an array of items found along with metadata about locations.

The supported query parameters are:

  • distro
  • distro_version
  • arch
  • ref
  • built_by
  • size
  • name

These require to have exact matches. For example a query like ?distro=CentOS would not return binaries that have a centos distro value.

Search terms that allow more flexiblity are:

  • name-has

The -has connotation means that any part of the binary name (in this case) can have that value. For example a query like ?name-has=deploy would match a binary like ceph-deploy_1.5.21_all.deb.

HTTP Responses:

  • 200: Success. Body:

        "ceph-0.87.2-0.el10.centos.x86_64.rpm": {
            "url": "/binaries/ceph/firefly/centos/10/x86_64/ceph-0.87.2-0.el10.centos.x86_64.rpm"
        "ceph-0.87.1-0.el10.centos.x86_64.rpm": {
            "url": "/binaries/ceph/firefly/centos/10/x86_64/ceph-0.87.1-0.el10.centos.x86_64.rpm"

HTTP Responses:

  • 200: Success.

  • 400: Invalid request. Body:

    { "msg": "invalid query params: {keys}" }

File resources

POST requests will create new resources when using the full url with all the metadata parts including the filename when uploading files. For example:

curl -F "file=@/home/user/repos/ceph-0.87.2-0.el10.centos.x86_64.rpm"

Note how a trailing slash is required as well as the full name of the binary.

If the binary exists it will not get overwritten unless the force value is set. Otherwise a 400 is returned.

If the force flag is set and the binary is overwritten a 200 is returned. If the resource does not exist, a 201 is returned.

File uploads cannot create metadata other than the file path where the binary is stored at.

User must configure the location of binary uploads in the config file, for a location relative to where the config file lives:

binary_root = '%(confdir)s/public'

Or any other absolute path is allowed too:

binary_root = '/opt/binaries'

Directory paths will follow the same structure as in URLs. For example, with a binary_root key that points to /opt/binaries/ the final location for a resource that lives in /binaries/ceph/firefly/head/centos/10/x86_64/ceph-0.87.1-0.el10.centos.x86_64.rpm/ would be /opt/binaries/ceph/firefly/head/centos/10/x86_64/ceph-0.87.1-0.el10.centos.x86_64.rpm/

HTTP Responses:

  • 200: Resource was updated

  • 201: Resource was created

  • 400: Invalid request. Body:

    { "msg": "resource already exists and 'force' flag was not set" }

POST will create new items at given parts of the URL. For example, to create a new package, a POST to /binaries/ with an HTTP body that should look like:

{ "name": "my_new_package" }

For other parts of the URL the "name" key is also required.

HTTP Responses:

  • 200: Success.

  • 400: Invalid request. Body:

    { "msg": "my_new_package already exists" }

Binary metadata updates

For non-existing URLs a retroactive feature will create the rest of the url structure. For example, a new distribution release for CentOS 10 that didn't exist before at this url and for the following package:


Would create all the parts that didn't exist before ('10','x86_64', and 'ceph-0.87.2-0.el10.centos.x86_64.rpm' from our previous examples). This would happen with file uploads too.

The body for the POST HTTP request would still require the "name" key:

{ "name": "ceph-0.87.2-0.el10.centos.x86_64.rpm" }

Optional (but recommended key) is the built-by:

    "name": "ceph-0.87.2-0.el10.centos.x86_64.rpm",
    "built-by": "alfredodeza"

These requests need to go to the parent url part, so for the example above the HTTP request would go to:


Note the need for a trailing slash.

Force a rewrite of a binary metadata

If a POST is done to a binary URL that already exists, the API will return a 400 with a message indicating that the binary is already there.

But sometimes, rewriting a binary is needed and the API allows that with a flag in the JSON object when doing a POST:

    "name": "ceph-0.87.2-0.el10.centos.x86_64.rpm",
    "force": True

Again, note that this POST would need to go to the root of the url, following the examples above that would mean:


Note the need for a trailing slash.

HTTP Responses:

  • 200: Success.

  • 400: Invalid request. Body:

    { "msg": "resource already exists and 'force' flag was not set" }

Automatic Repositories

This service provides automatic repository creation per distribution version (enabled by default), with optional handling of combined repositories in the case of DEB packages.

The default repository structure URL looks like:

/repos/{project}/{ref}/{sha1}/{distro}/{distro version}/{REPO}

The type of repository (rpm or deb) is usually inferred from the type of binaries uploaded; however, 'raw' repos are also supported. To set the repo type, POST to the repo URL and include a data payload that contains a JSON structure

{"type": "raw"}

Defining custom repositories

To create repos that combine multiple distro versions, define them in repos dictionary in your config. Repos can only be created per REF, although configuration is done at PROJECT level, affecting all REFs. For example in

repos = {
    'ceph': {
        'combined': ['wheezy', 'precise', 'jessie'],

The above configuration would create a "combined" repository of the defined versions. The repository would then be available at:

/repos/{project}/{ref}/{sha1}/combined/{combined REPO}

All other repos built for other other distro versions will still be available at the default endpoint:

/repos/{project}/{ref}/{sha1}/{distro}/{distro version}/{REPO}


Creating a repository that combines multiple distro versions is only available for debian based distros.

Defining extra packages

For extra packages that may be coming from other projects, the configuration structure will allow for definition of them. For example, 'ceph-deploy' exists publicly in the 'ceph' repositories, just like 'radosgw-agent'. This inclusion would be defined at the project level, like:

repos = {
    'ceph': {
        'all': {
            'ceph-deploy': ['all'],
        'firefly' {
            'radosgw-agent': ['all'],
            'ceph-deploy': ['v1.0.0', 'v1.1.1'],
        'hammer' {
            'radosgw-agent': ['all'],
        'giant' {
            'radosgw-agent': ['all'],
        'combined': ['wheezy', 'precise', 'jessie'],

The extras key would require those projects to be present in the chacra instance that is creating the repositories. # TODO: Maybe allow for URLs as well? That way packages could come from another source?

Disabling repositories

Repository creation can be disabled (on by default) in the configuration for repos. In the case of a project like ceph-deploy that is usually included in other repos, it could be disabled like:

repos = {
    'ceph-deploy': {
        'disabled': True

And it can also be disabled if a repository is not configured with:

disable_unconfigured_repos = True

A repository is considered as unconfigured if it doesn't have an entry in the repos dictionary.

Disabling Automatic Repositories

This is a special kind of behavior where a new binary uploaded will trigger a repository to be created (or updated). If a project is of interest to other projects (e.g. project1 binaries should be included in project2) this can trigger unwanted behavior.

Or if a build process is uploading several binaries at the same time, it might be desirable to wait for repo creation until the very end.

To disable this automatic behavior, and similar to disabling repositories, the configuration can be done per project:

repos = {
    'ceph-deploy': {
        'automatic': False

Configuring distributions

Creating a debian repository requires a distributions file be created. Chacra will create these for each project by using the following configuration:

distributions = {
   "defaults": {
        "DebIndices": "Packages Release . .gz .bz2",
        "DscIndices": "Sources Release .gz .bz2",
        "Contents": ".gz .bz2",
        "Origin": "",
        "Description": "",
        "Architectures": "amd64 armhf i386 source",
        "Suite": "stable",
        "Components": "main",
    "ceph": {
        "Description": "Ceph distributed file system",

The defaults key is used for any project that doesn't have it's own explicitly defined key. This key isn't required, but it can be usueful when you have many projects with similar values in their distributions files.

If you want to add keys or modify keys that exist in defaults for a specific project, add that project name as a key of distributions and define the keys you'd need to override or add there.


If authentication is configured, you can use the following flags to curl:

curl --basic -u myuser -k -F "[email protected]"

You should also investigate, a client that wraps the chacra API and handles authentication in a configuration file, etc.

about the name

chakra is a quechua word to refer to a small farm in the outskirts, dedicated to produce food for the city.


chacra's People


akraitman avatar alfredodeza avatar alimaredia avatar andrewschoen avatar angeiv avatar christinameno avatar dmick avatar essut avatar guits avatar idryomov avatar ktdreyer avatar ljflores avatar ryanpetrello avatar tchaikov avatar toabctl avatar zmc avatar


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chacra's Issues

failing to get rabbitmq installed before enabling the service

This probably hasn't showed up in production because rabbitmq-server is already installed.

TASK [common : ensure chacra-celerybeat is enabled and running] ****************
fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "Failed to start chacra-celerybeat.service: Unit rabbitmq-server.service not found.\n"}

statsd wrapper library

So that it can be used similarly to the logging module, configurable with a secret key and automatic host detection.

increase timeouts to 20 minutes

Because debug binaries are gigantic and it takes a while to POST them.

[chacractl.api.binaries][INFO  ] POSTing file: /extra/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/arm64/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/release/10.2.2/rpm/el7/RPMS/aarch64/ceph-debuginfo-10.2.2-0.el7.aarch64.rpm
[requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool][INFO  ] Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool][DEBUG ] "POST /binaries/ceph/jewel/centos/7/arm64/ HTTP/1.1" 502 166
[chacractl.api.binaries][WARNING] 502 -> <html>
<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/arm64/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/venv/bin/chacractl", line 6, in <module>
  File "/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/arm64/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacractl/", line 38, in __init__
  File "/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/arm64/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacractl/", line 68, in newfunc
    return f(*a, **kw)
  File "/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/arm64/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacractl/", line 82, in main
  File "/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/arm64/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tambo/", line 21, in dispatch
    return instance.main()
  File "/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/arm64/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacractl/api/", line 127, in main, filename)
  File "/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/arm64/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacractl/api/", line 82, in post
  File "/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/arm64/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/", line 844, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 502 Server Error: Bad Gateway for url:

binary create fails with HTTP 405 -- what am I missing?

(chacra)vagrant@vagrant:~$ pip freeze --version chacractl
(chacra)vagrant@vagrant:~$ chacra/bin/chacractl binary create calamari/1.4.7/centos/7/x86_64/ calamari-server-1.4.7.rpm 
[requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool][INFO  ] Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
/home/vagrant/chacra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ SNIMissingWarning: An HTTPS request has been made, but the SNI (Subject Name Indication) extension to TLS is not available on this platform. This may cause the server to present an incorrect TLS certificate, which can cause validation failures. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see
/home/vagrant/chacra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see
[requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool][DEBUG ] "HEAD /binaries/calamari/1.4.7/centos/7/x86_64/calamari-server-1.4.7.rpm/ HTTP/1.1" 404 0
[chacractl.api.binaries][INFO  ] POSTing file: /home/vagrant/calamari-server-1.4.7.rpm
[requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool][INFO  ] Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
/home/vagrant/chacra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see
[requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool][DEBUG ] "POST /binaries/calamari/1.4.7/centos/7/x86_64/ HTTP/1.1" 405 56
[chacractl.api.binaries][WARNIN] 405 -> {"message": "POST requests to this url are not allowed"}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chacra/bin/chacractl", line 6, in <module>
  File "/home/vagrant/chacra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacractl/", line 38, in __init__
  File "/home/vagrant/chacra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacractl/", line 68, in newfunc
    return f(*a, **kw)
  File "/home/vagrant/chacra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacractl/", line 82, in main
  File "/home/vagrant/chacra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tambo/", line 21, in dispatch
    return instance.main()
  File "/home/vagrant/chacra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacractl/api/", line 136, in main, filepath)
  File "/home/vagrant/chacra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacractl/api/", line 82, in post
  File "/home/vagrant/chacra/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/", line 844, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 405 Client Error: Method Not Allowed for url:

Repos in shaman and chacra is NULL while Finished is SUCCESS?

I make a just like "shaman/config/" to run chacra.
After the Jenkins build finished with success, the Repos in shaman and chacra is NULL. Would you tell me why is this or how to start (setup) chacra. Thank you. @andrewschoen @alfredodeza
The following is part of log:

  • cat /home/jenkins/workspace/ceph-dev-build/ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_DIST/trusty/DIST/trusty/repo-extra.json

  • cat /home/ubuntu/.chacractl
    url = ""
    user = "admin"
    key = "secret"
    ssl_verify = False

  • curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json --data @/home/jenkins/workspace/ceph-dev-build/ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_DIST/trusty/DIST/trusty/repo-extra.json -u admin:secret
    % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
    Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
    100 1198 100 771 100 427 15724 8708 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 16062
    {"project_name": "ceph", "extra": {"build_url": ",AVAILABLE_ARCH=x86_64,AVAILABLE_DIST=trusty,DIST=trusty/97/", "root_build_cause": "MANUALTRIGGER", "version": "12.0.0-810-gda06227", "node_name": "phy-", "job_name": "ceph-dev-build/ARCH=x86_64,AVAILABLE_ARCH=x86_64,AVAILABLE_DIST=trusty,DIST=trusty", "package_manager_version": "12.0.0-810-gda06227-1trusty"}, "distro_version": "trusty", "path": null, "flavor": "default", "size": 0, "needs_update": true, "sha1": "da06227c7fdd71936fc152e29551268e78541e21", "is_queued": false, "is_updating": false, "type": "deb", "modified": "2017-02-27 17:09:20.166290", "signed": false, "ref": "master", "archs": ["x86_64"], "distro": "ubuntu"}+ /tmp/venv.Dp0IvzuZV8/bin/chacractl repo update ceph/master/da06227c7fdd71936fc152e29551268e78541e21/ubuntu/trusty/flavors/default
    [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool][DEBUG ] Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool][DEBUG ] "HEAD /repos/ceph/master/da06227c7fdd71936fc152e29551268e78541e21/ubuntu/trusty/flavors/default/update HTTP/1.1" 200 0
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] POST:
    [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool][DEBUG ] Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool][DEBUG ] "POST /repos/ceph/master/da06227c7fdd71936fc152e29551268e78541e21/ubuntu/trusty/flavors/default/update HTTP/1.1" 200 771
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] needs_update: True
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] project_name: ceph
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] is_queued: False
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] is_updating: False
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] extra: {u'build_url': u',AVAILABLE_ARCH=x86_64,AVAILABLE_DIST=trusty,DIST=trusty/97/', u'root_build_cause': u'MANUALTRIGGER', u'version': u'12.0.0-810-gda06227', u'node_name': u'phy-', u'job_name': u'ceph-dev-build/ARCH=x86_64,AVAILABLE_ARCH=x86_64,AVAILABLE_DIST=trusty,DIST=trusty', u'package_manager_version': u'12.0.0-810-gda06227-1trusty'}
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] ref: master
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] modified: 2017-02-28 09:00:31.405657
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] distro_version: trusty
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] sha1: da06227c7fdd71936fc152e29551268e78541e21
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] signed: False
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] path: None
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] flavor: default
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] distro: ubuntu
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] type: deb
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] archs: [u'x86_64']
    [chacractl.api.repos][INFO ] size: 0

  • echo Check the status of the repo at:
    Check the status of the repo at:

  • update_build_status completed ceph ubuntu trusty x86_64

  • state=completed

  • project=ceph

  • distro=ubuntu

  • distro_version=trusty

  • distro_arch=x86_64

  • submit_build_status POST completed ceph ubuntu trusty x86_64

  • http_method=POST

  • state=completed

  • project=ceph

  • distro=ubuntu

  • distro_version=trusty

  • distro_arch=x86_64

  • cat

  • cat


  • curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json --data @/home/jenkins/workspace/ceph-dev-build/ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_DIST/trusty/DIST/trusty/build_status.json -u admin:secret
    % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
    Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
    100 772 100 2 100 770 136 52441 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 55000
    {}+ rm -fr /tmp/install-deps.12694
    Notifying upstream projects of job completion
    Finished: SUCCESS

purge repos is not removing the repository directory path

It currently removes:

  • the actual binary
  • the binary model object (database)
  • repository model object (database)

But it doesn't remove the actual repository path (where the built repository goes to). This is trivial to fix as the repository model object has the path stored in it.

`ref` should be able to understand what `sha1` has it built

From @alfredodeza on May 24, 2016 18:55

This presents a problem because the current URL structure is:


So modifying this to accommodate sha1 (backwards incompatible) would look like


The other option would be to not make sha1 part of the url, but part of the API. That is, ref would need to be told about the sha1 it is receiving, but this sounds problematic as the correctness would fully rely on the client and not the system. It would be tricky to ensure separation of sha1's across the board.

For example, when building a repository, code would need to be adapted to not mix different binaries from different sha1's.

I am not sure what is the best answer here, some users may not even want to have a sha1 in the url and that would be cumbersome to make it optional.

Copied from original issue: ceph/mita#73


Using a similar solution for the callback system (see issue #110) implement a "ping" request to a remote destination so that when an instance fails it can be removed from rotation.

Configurable options should look like:

  • ping_frequency (in seconds). Note it is critical to allow enough time in between checks on the receiving end to avoid being marked as down.
  • ping_url: the remote host and endpoint that receives the request
  • ping_retries: Retry count for failed ping requests (non 200 responses back)

The code should determine what constitutes a working system for its various systems: database, rabbitmq, http)

`[..]/$arch/flavors/$flavor` endpoint

Implement a distinct flavors endpoint to accommodate different kinds of binaries for the same kind of build.

This should be optional, and the default would be to show the non-distinct flavor (which would help in any instance that doesn't care about build "flavors")

callback system

From @alfredodeza on May 24, 2016 18:59

Whenever a repository is fully built and ready to be consumed, it would be nice to be able to define a URL to get a POST with metadata information about the repository:

  • distro
  • distro version(s)
  • ref (and sha1?)
  • architecture
  • timestamp(s)

This would help if a separate system is in charge of understanding what has been built. For testing purposes it is crucial to be able to know what distro versions at what sha1 are ready to be consumed.

Copied from original issue: ceph/mita#74

deploy chacra failed

hosts file is

[test] short_hostname=chacra1

deply.yml is

- hosts: test
  user: root
    - common
    - repos
    - statsd
     app_name: "chacra"
     use_ssl: true
     wsgi_callable: application
     ansible_ssh_port: 22
     binary_root: "/opt/binaries"
     repos_root: "/opt/repos"
     branch: "master"
     development_server: true
     purge_repos: True
     fqdn: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
     # required for first deploy
     api_user: "admin"
     api_key: "secret"
     # graphite reporting for statsd
     graphite_host: ""
     # required
     graphite_api_key: '1234-asdf-1234'
     # callbacks
     callback_url: ""
     # required for first deploy
     callback_user: "admin"
     callback_key: "secret"
     callback_verify_ssl: False
     health_ping: true
     health_ping_url: ""
     # use_letsencrypt: True
     # nginx_ssl_cert_path: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ fqdn }}/fullchain.pem"
     # nginx_ssl_key_path: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ fqdn }}/privkey.pem"
     nginx_ssl_cert_path: "/etc/ssl/certs/{{ fqdn }}-bundled.crt"
     nginx_ssl_key_path: "/etc/ssl/private/{{ fqdn }}.key"
     combine_deb_repos: False

The deploy command is 'ansible-playbook -vvv -i hosts deploy.yml'

it's failed with

TASK [common : populate the database for chacra] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /opt/chacra/src/chacra/deploy/playbooks/roles/common/tasks/postgresql.yml:81
Using module file /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/modules/commands/
<> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o Port=22 -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o ControlPath=/root/.ansible/cp/d61856f8b9 '/bin/sh -c '"'"'ALEMBIC_CONFIG=/opt/chacra/src/chacra/alembic-prod.ini /usr/bin/python && sleep 0'"'"''
<> (1, '\n{"changed": true, "end": "2021-08-06 16:34:13.372460", "stdout": "==> LOADING ENVIRONMENT\\nbasepath=/opt/chacra/src/chacra,module_name=prod", "cmd": ["/opt/chacra/bin/pecan", "populate", "/opt/chacra/src/chacra/"], "failed": true, "delta": "0:00:02.304443", "stderr": "Traceback (most recent call last):\\n  File \\"/opt/chacra/bin/pecan\\", line 8, in <module>\\n    sys.exit(CommandRunner.handle_command_line())\\n  File \\"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/commands/\\", line 96, in handle_command_line\\n[1:])\\n  File \\"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/commands/\\", line 91, in run\\n    self.commands[ns.command_name]().run(ns)\\n  File \\"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacra/commands/\\", line 34, in run\\n    self.load_app()\\n  File \\"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/commands/\\", line 162, in load_app\\n    return load_app(self.args.config_file)\\n  File \\"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/\\", line 213, in load_app\\n    set_config(config, overwrite=True)\\n  File \\"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/\\", line 253, in set_config\\n    config = conf_from_file(config)\\n  File \\"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/\\", line 183, in conf_from_file\\n    *imp.find_module(module_name, [basepath])\\n  File \\"/opt/chacra/src/chacra/\\", line 5, in <module>\\n    from prod_db import sqlalchemy\\nImportError: No module named prod_db", "rc": 1, "invocation": {"module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "/opt/chacra/bin/pecan populate /opt/chacra/src/chacra/", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null, "stdin": null}}, "start": "2021-08-06 16:34:11.068017", "msg": "non-zero return code"}\n', '')
fatal: []: FAILED! => {
    "changed": true, 
    "cmd": [
    "delta": "0:00:02.304443", 
    "end": "2021-08-06 16:34:13.372460", 
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "_raw_params": "/opt/chacra/bin/pecan populate /opt/chacra/src/chacra/", 
            "_uses_shell": false, 
            "chdir": null, 
            "creates": null, 
            "executable": null, 
            "removes": null, 
            "stdin": null, 
            "warn": true
    "msg": "non-zero return code", 
    "rc": 1, 
    "start": "2021-08-06 16:34:11.068017", 
    "stderr": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/opt/chacra/bin/pecan\", line 8, in <module>\n    sys.exit(CommandRunner.handle_command_line())\n  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/commands/\", line 96, in handle_command_line\n[1:])\n  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/commands/\", line 91, in run\n    self.commands[ns.command_name]().run(ns)\n  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacra/commands/\", line 34, in run\n    self.load_app()\n  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/commands/\", line 162, in load_app\n    return load_app(self.args.config_file)\n  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/\", line 213, in load_app\n    set_config(config, overwrite=True)\n  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/\", line 253, in set_config\n    config = conf_from_file(config)\n  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/\", line 183, in conf_from_file\n    *imp.find_module(module_name, [basepath])\n  File \"/opt/chacra/src/chacra/\", line 5, in <module>\n    from prod_db import sqlalchemy\nImportError: No module named prod_db", 
    "stderr_lines": [
        "Traceback (most recent call last):", 
        "  File \"/opt/chacra/bin/pecan\", line 8, in <module>", 
        "    sys.exit(CommandRunner.handle_command_line())", 
        "  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/commands/\", line 96, in handle_command_line", 
        "  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/commands/\", line 91, in run", 
        "    self.commands[ns.command_name]().run(ns)", 
        "  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chacra/commands/\", line 34, in run", 
        "    self.load_app()", 
        "  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/commands/\", line 162, in load_app", 
        "    return load_app(self.args.config_file)", 
        "  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/\", line 213, in load_app", 
        "    set_config(config, overwrite=True)", 
        "  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/\", line 253, in set_config", 
        "    config = conf_from_file(config)", 
        "  File \"/opt/chacra/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pecan/\", line 183, in conf_from_file", 
        "    *imp.find_module(module_name, [basepath])", 
        "  File \"/opt/chacra/src/chacra/\", line 5, in <module>", 
        "    from prod_db import sqlalchemy", 
        "ImportError: No module named prod_db"
    "stdout": "==> LOADING ENVIRONMENT\nbasepath=/opt/chacra/src/chacra,module_name=prod", 
    "stdout_lines": [

RUNNING HANDLER [common : restart app] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************           : ok=31   changed=7    unreachable=0    failed=1 

handle large files better

Currently chacra reads an entire binary into memory and then writes it to a file. Some of Ceph's binaries are huge (ceph-test-dbg is 770MB) and this can easily overwhelm a chacra server so that it is unresponsive (SSH times out, etc).

From chacra/controllers/binaries/

        destination = os.path.join(dir_path, self.binary_name)
        with open(destination, 'wb') as f:
            except AttributeError:

Instead of prefering f.write(file_obj.getvalue()), it would be good to prefer the iterator (If that really works?) and make that read/write something like 8192 bits at a time.

The health check endpoint should check disk usage

If shaman gives out a chacra node that has little disk space builds fail when trying to upload the binaries. We need some way to remove chacra nodes from the pool that are not capable of storing anymore binaries or repos.

At some point when those repos are auto deleted we'll need a mechanism for adding them back to the pool as well.

automatic (configurable) time-to-deletion

From @alfredodeza on May 24, 2016 19:3

Binaries are huge, and for testing purposes there is no need to keep every binary and every repository built.

A configurable value (that defaults to two weeks) should be allowed to destroy a sha1/refs for a given project.

Copied from original issue: ceph/mita#75

test repos should not combine debian versions

For our chacra gitbuilder nodes we do not want to combine debian versions into one repo. We need to remove this configuration from all test chacra nodes:

In the example we found it also mixed two different sha1s into the same repo:

cleanup the async modules, separating them logically

Currently there are tasks for creating deb and rpm repos and for polling but they all exist in async/ and it is becoming impossibly large.

These tasks should get separated, cleaned up, and use the proper Celery helpers to get them initialized and configured properly.

Add support for a generic blob repo

We can now build Windows binaries that are currently distributed via a zip file. Since this extension doesn't map to an RPM nor DEB repo, there is no easy way to access the artifacts via chacra repo url.

allow disabling of automatic repo creation

The current docs say it can be done but that really disables all repo creation (docs should get updated too)

Automatic repo creation is triggered when a new binary is uploaded. Projects that upload multiple binaries will benefit from not pilling up on repo creation requests.

implement metrics

These should fire to statsd that will end up relaying to a central Graphite instance.

Things to do:

  • wrapper to automatically go on the right bucket based on hostname+module+metric
  • configuration settings and docs to properly set it up
  • deployment tasks to create a local statsd instance that would run alongside this service

Problem with ubuntu repos and/or package_manager_version

As I'm working on teuthology support for shaman/chacra, I've mostly been running tests against centos 7 since there aren't any ubuntu 14.04 builds yet. Today I tried a few tests against 16.04 and am seeing issues.

First, the rest runs. This one uses my wip branch but is using gitbuilder:
This run uses shaman:

Focusing on one job, it appears there may something wrong with the repos being generated, and package_manager_version isn't matching what the packages are actually using:

2016-09-09T14:55:05.362 u'echo deb ubuntu/16.04 main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list'
2016-09-09T14:55:05.382 ubuntu/16.04 main
2016-09-09T14:55:05.383 'sudo apt-get update'
2016-09-09T14:55:05.666 xenial-security InRelease [94.5 kB]
2016-09-09T14:55:05.759 xenial InRelease
2016-09-09T14:55:05.808 ubuntu/16.04 InRelease
2016-09-09T14:55:05.830 ubuntu/16.04 Release
2016-09-09T14:55:05.839 xenial-updates InRelease
2016-09-09T14:55:05.853 ubuntu/16.04/main amd64 Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:05.875 ubuntu/16.04/main all Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:05.897 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en_US
2016-09-09T14:55:05.919 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en
2016-09-09T14:55:05.920 xenial-backports InRelease
2016-09-09T14:55:05.941 ubuntu/16.04/main amd64 Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:05.963 ubuntu/16.04/main all Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:05.984 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en_US
2016-09-09T14:55:06.006 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en
2016-09-09T14:55:06.028 ubuntu/16.04/main amd64 Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:06.050 ubuntu/16.04/main all Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:06.072 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en_US
2016-09-09T14:55:06.094 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en
2016-09-09T14:55:06.116 ubuntu/16.04/main amd64 Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:06.138 ubuntu/16.04/main all Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:06.160 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en_US
2016-09-09T14:55:06.182 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en
2016-09-09T14:55:06.204 ubuntu/16.04/main amd64 Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:06.226 ubuntu/16.04/main all Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:06.248 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en_US
2016-09-09T14:55:06.270 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en
2016-09-09T14:55:06.292 ubuntu/16.04/main amd64 Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:06.292  404  Not Found
2016-09-09T14:55:06.314 ubuntu/16.04/main all Packages
2016-09-09T14:55:06.337 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en_US
2016-09-09T14:55:06.359 ubuntu/16.04/main Translation-en
2016-09-09T14:55:06.397 94.5 kB in 0s (118 kB/s)
2016-09-09T14:55:07.397 package lists...
2016-09-09T14:55:07.439 The repository ' ubuntu/16.04 Release' does not have a Release file.
2016-09-09T14:55:07.439 Failed to fetch  404  Not Found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.440 Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
2016-09-09T14:55:07.441 u'sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install ceph=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial ceph-mds=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial ceph-common=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial ceph-fuse=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial ceph-test=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial radosgw=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial python-ceph=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial libcephfs1=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial libcephfs-java=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial libcephfs-jni=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial librados2=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial librbd1=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial rbd-fuse=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial'
2016-09-09T14:55:07.483 package lists...
2016-09-09T14:55:07.644 dependency tree...
2016-09-09T14:55:07.645 state information...
2016-09-09T14:55:07.680 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'ceph' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.680 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'ceph-mds' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.680 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'ceph-common' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.680 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'ceph-fuse' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.680 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'ceph-test' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.680 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'radosgw' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.680 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'python-ceph' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.681 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'libcephfs1' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.681 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'libcephfs-java' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.681 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'libcephfs-jni' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.681 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'librados2' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.681 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'librbd1' was not found
2016-09-09T14:55:07.681 Version '10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial' for 'rbd-fuse' was not found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/teuthworker/src/teuthology_wip-shaman-2/teuthology/", line 83, in __exit__
  File "/home/teuthworker/src/teuthology_wip-shaman-2/teuthology/", line 101, in next
  File "/home/teuthworker/src/teuthology_wip-shaman-2/teuthology/", line 19, in capture_traceback
  File "/home/teuthworker/src/teuthology_wip-shaman-2/teuthology/task/", line 107, in _update_deb_package_list_and_install
  File "/home/teuthworker/src/teuthology_wip-shaman-2/teuthology/orchestra/", line 192, in run
  File "/home/teuthworker/src/teuthology_wip-shaman-2/teuthology/orchestra/", line 399, in run
  File "/home/teuthworker/src/teuthology_wip-shaman-2/teuthology/orchestra/", line 166, in wait
CommandFailedError: Command failed on vpm107 with status 100: u'sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install ceph=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial ceph-mds=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial ceph-common=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial ceph-fuse=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial ceph-test=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial radosgw=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial python-ceph=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial libcephfs1=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial libcephfs-java=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial libcephfs-jni=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial librados2=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial librbd1=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial rbd-fuse=10.2.2-508-g9bfc0cf-1xenial'

Validation for distro and distro_version

Provide some simple validation for distro and distro_version. For example, if 'centos' is a known and accepted distro and that '7' is a valid distro_version for centos.

auto-sign repos (or packages)

Some projects need to have automatic repository (for DEBs) or package (for RPMs) signing.

An unattended signing process requires a number of constraints, primarily is the ability to not require a passphrase (or to have it in clear text somewhere).

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