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πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ‡²πŸ‡¦List of awesome Moroccan things for developers πŸ‡²πŸ‡¦πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

awesome-morocco's Introduction

Hi there, I'm Mehdi welcome to my profile.

  • I am a Software Engineer, Living in London, and a Huge Rust and Go enthusiast.

  • Mostly interested in projects involving (but not limited to) Compilers, Programming languages, Developer tools ...

  • I want to contribute more to open source projects (other than the ones that I create), and upload more educational videos and live streams to Youtube and hopefully blog more regularly.

  • I am pationate about teaching people what I learned, So if you have a project involving teaching people new things, feel free to reach out.

awesome-morocco's People


aboullaite avatar akiyamasm avatar awixor-zz avatar bourhaouta avatar bzinoun avatar disklosr avatar ezzarghili avatar hamzablm avatar ilyassfouih avatar imeriem avatar ismailelazizi avatar jefferyhus avatar kafiln avatar kaoussi avatar khofaai avatar marvelbark2 avatar medyo avatar mehdibo avatar melbahja avatar melbarch avatar mouadbh avatar mouadziani avatar otman404 avatar simoebenhida avatar smakosh avatar soub4i avatar souhailharrati avatar wahidsaidmaroc avatar yjose avatar zackbraksa avatar





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