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codesandbox-importers's Issues

CLI fails to deploy on Windows because of backward slashes in file paths

The path methods in Node output \ paths on Windows, so the directory modules object will end-up looking like this for a just created create-react-app project:

[ 'public\\index.html',
  'public\\favicon.ico' ]

This is a problem because the rest of the code has hard-coded Unix paths with forward slashes, so when it tries to find the default main file of 'src/index.js` it will fail. A minimal solution could be as simple as this:

diff --git a/packages/import-utils/src/create-sandbox/index.ts b/packages/import-utils/src/create-sandbox/index.ts
index 4f41c0a..8282178 100644
--- a/packages/import-utils/src/create-sandbox/index.ts
+++ b/packages/import-utils/src/create-sandbox/index.ts
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ export default async function createSandbox(
   const packageJsonPackage = JSON.parse(packageJson.content);
   const template = getTemplate(packageJsonPackage, directory);
-  const mainFile = findMainFile(directory, packageJsonPackage.main, template);
+  const mainFileUnix = findMainFile(directory, packageJsonPackage.main, template);
+  const mainFile = process.platform === "win32" ? mainFileUnix.replace(/\//g, "\\") : mainFileUnix;
   if (!directory[mainFile]) {
     throw new Error(

I'll push a PR so that we can take the technical discussion there.

Also, when it fails because of this it does throw an Error, but the console message Uploading files to CodeSandbox keeps going, giving the false impression that the process can still continue, when it is actually hanged.

(apparently no one is using the CLI on Windows? 😅 )

Please support HTTP proxy settings

codesandbox doesn't seem to support HTTP proxies. For those of us behind corporate networks, this can be painful.

Ideally, codesandbox would look at the following environment variables in order to determine proxy settings:


Additionally, command-line parameters to control proxy behavior would also be useful.

Ability to set entry file name

By default, the entry file needs to be named index.js however others might name it main.js or even index.jsx (different extension name). Would it be possible to specify the full file name in an input field for the entry file?

Just a feature to be considered. I love the project and the site and am really looking forward to seeing it grow as a platform.

(cli): Misleading usage information

Presently, the usage information that shows up along with the help text is as below:-

Usage: Usage: codesandbox [options] [command]


Usage: codesandbox [command] [options]

posibility of a 2.2.4 release with updated axios

Hi, @CompuIves @sbinlondon,

Issue Description

I noticed that a vulnerability is introduced in [email protected]:
Vulnerability CVE-2020-28168 affects package axios (versions:<0.21.1):
The above vulnerable package is referenced by [email protected] via:
[email protected][email protected]

Since [email protected] (3,338 downloads per week) is referenced by 93 downstream projects (e.g., @patternfly/react-docs 4.21.35 (latest version), trafimage-maps 1.5.36 (latest version), @antv/gatsby-theme-antv 1.1.8 (latest version), storybook-addon-preview 2.1.2 (latest version), mobility-toolbox-js 1.3.5 (latest version)), the vulnerability CVE-2020-28168 can be propagated into these downstream projects and expose security threats to them via the following package dependency paths:
(1)@antv/[email protected][email protected][email protected]
(2) @pxwlab/[email protected][email protected][email protected]

If [email protected].* removes the vulnerable package from the above version, then its fixed version can help downstream users decrease their pain.

Given the large number of downstream users, could you help update your package to remove the vulnerability from [email protected] ?

Fixing suggestions

In [email protected], maybe you can kindly try to perform the following upgrade(not crossing major version) :
axios ^0.18.1 ➔ ^0.21.1;

[email protected](>=0.21.1) has fixed the vulnerability CVE-2020-28168.

Thank you for your attention to this issue.

Best regards,

Create sandbox from input stream

.then(response => response.body)
.then(body => body.pipeThrough(unpack).pipeTo(createSandbox))

This removes the overhead of writing to file system, by streaming in memory. It also adds flexibility to the API and performance gains.

Thanks for the excellent work @CompuIves and team. Kindly share your thoughts.

Cli fails to wait for user to input token on WSL

On Windows Bash (WSL), after clicking yes to "We will open CodeSandbox" and then yes to "We will open CodeSandbox to finish the login process", it shows a link to the login but the browser doesn't load. It also doesn't work manually as the program exits before allowing the user to input a token.

The browser probably isn't launching because on WSL, windows apps must have .exe appended like chome.exe. I'm able to click on the provided link, log into Github and get a token, but unfortunately I can't input it because the program has already exited.

CLI says project to big, then fails to stop.


I'm using the CLI and it gave me this error trying to import my project:

[error] This project is too big, it contains 595 files which is more than the max of 120.

And it then continues to show

Uploading files to CodeSandbox

That seems to be a bug in the CLI.

I've also become a patron to lift limits. Granted, I've chosen the lowest payment ($5 a month) and I'm still stuck with the same hurdles to get my code uploaded to CodeSandbox. Are there different levels of patronage? Are different limits lifted with different patron contributions? Needless to say, if there is, it is all less than transparent. That also needs fixing.


Is there a way to upload assets in post request without using a URL?


I would like to create a CodeSandbox with some assets that are not hosted anywhere using define api.
So I want to use something like Uint8Array and datauri.
As follows.

const parameters = getParameters({
  files: {
    "package.json": {
      content: {
        dependencies: {
          react: "latest",
          "react-dom": "latest",
    } as any,
    "fromDataURI.png": {
      isBinary: true, // something else
    "fromBuffer.jpg": {
      content: someUint8Array,
      isBinary: true,

Is there plan to realize these or any ways which we can be replicated?

`getParameters` method in define API requires file content to be a `string` in TypeScript

The getParameters method currently requires the value under content (which is a property of a file) to be a string:

But in the docs, it's specified that content under package.json can be an object.

Either the documentation or the type signature on getParameters should be updated accordingly. I currently can't use an object in TS.

shortid: string;
title: string;
directoryShortid: string | undefined | null;
export type ITemplate =
| "adonis"
| "vue-cli"
| "preact-cli"
| "svelte"
| "create-react-app-typescript"
| "create-react-app"
| "angular-cli"
| "parcel"
| "@dojo/cli-create-app"
| "cxjs"

Respect gitignore when publishing

I often publish a local version of an example I have so that I can revert the changes, but there's some files commonly ignored that I need to remove from the final sandbox, or even prevent the publish if I don't remove them first. A couple examples are:

  • dist
  • .next

I could see even .env, which would be even more problematic.

When gathering the files to publish, it should first check git to list any files that are ignored in the current repo and not publish those.

I'm happy to do a PR if it's clear where to add these checks + will be approved.


similar issue: #67


After installing codesandbox package I have some vulnerabilites on my project.
Here is npm audit report:

# npm audit report

axios  <=0.27.2
Severity: high
Axios vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery -
axios Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity vulnerability -
Axios Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability -
Depends on vulnerable versions of follow-redirects
fix available via `npm audit fix --force`
Will install [email protected], which is a breaking change
  codesandbox  >=1.0.0
  Depends on vulnerable versions of axios
  Depends on vulnerable versions of pacote
  Depends on vulnerable versions of update-notifier

follow-redirects  <=1.15.5
Severity: high
Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor in follow-redirects -
Exposure of sensitive information in follow-redirects -
Follow Redirects improperly handles URLs in the url.parse() function -
follow-redirects' Proxy-Authorization header kept across hosts -
fix available via `npm audit fix --force`
Will install [email protected], which is a breaking change

got  <11.8.5
Severity: moderate
Got allows a redirect to a UNIX socket -
fix available via `npm audit fix`
  package-json  <=6.5.0
  Depends on vulnerable versions of got
    latest-version  0.2.0 - 5.1.0
    Depends on vulnerable versions of package-json
      update-notifier  0.2.0 - 5.1.0
      Depends on vulnerable versions of latest-version

http-cache-semantics  <4.1.1
Severity: high
http-cache-semantics vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service -
fix available via `npm audit fix`
  make-fetch-happen  2.1.0 - 6.1.0
  Depends on vulnerable versions of http-cache-semantics
    pacote  2.0.0 - 9.5.12
    Depends on vulnerable versions of cacache
    Depends on vulnerable versions of make-fetch-happen
    Depends on vulnerable versions of ssri

ssri  <=6.0.1
Severity: high
Regular Expression Denial of Service in ssri -
Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) -
fix available via `npm audit fix`
  cacache  10.0.4 - 11.0.0 || 7.0.0 - 9.3.0
  Depends on vulnerable versions of ssri
  Depends on vulnerable versions of ssri

12 vulnerabilities (5 moderate, 7 high)

To address issues that do not require attention, run:
  npm audit fix

To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
  npm audit fix --force

Is it possible to update vulnerable packages ?

Export via CLI

It would be super helpful to have the ability to not only import, but to export sandbox locally (a la git clone) by running codesandbox <sandboxName> <destination>

Is the git-extractor API hosted anywhere?

I was wondering if there's a publicly accessible API based on the git-extractor package?

Seems there's the Define API but it's a bit limited. I'm more interested in being able to hit the /define/git/github/:username/:repo/:branch/commit/:commitSha* endpoint.

Any ideas?

RFC: Add Koa to the list of Server Templates

  • I was thinking that adding Koa to the templates would be a nice addition to the Server side templates.

  • I would personally look into this if there is some interest. It would give me something to get my hands dirty in OSS code for the first time.

Thank you everyone ahead of time.

Update an existing sandbox

Is there a way to update a specific sandbox with code from my local machine? It looks like the Codesandbox CLI always creates a new sandbox. And the APIs don't seem to have a way to do the same.

Is there a POST or something?


[Feature Request] Add a means of indicating a "node" project

Currently, when the template of a project cannot be inferred via a big stack of conditions, create-react-app is chosen as a default.

Particularly with the new server-side evaluation support, this may not be a reasonable or safe default anymore. Perhaps node should be the new default, with create-react-app being only reasonable in the presence of react or cra as a (dev)dependency?

Publish Cloud sandbox

Hey there,

I was wondering if there could be an option to publish a sandbox as cloud sandbox.

As far as I can tell, there is only the possibility to publish browser sandboxes. However, via the API it is possible to publish a cloud sandbox (by passing v2: true).

Maybe this could be a configuration in the sandbox.config.json file or maybe as a command flag.

Dev dependencies was not installed as expected

I have a project on github It is ejected creater-react-app project with replaced babel config (It doesn't use create-react-app preset). Also it has patched babel packages in dependencies, specified this way:

    "@babel/helper-builder-react-jsx": "",
    "@babel/parser": ""

Locally it works as expected: patched babel packages are installed and project builds correctly.
But after importing it to codesandbox I can see parsing errors (looks like original babel was used).

Is it a bug? Is my case unsupported?

Separate pull request info endpoint

Per this message thread:

  • make pullInfo a separate endpoint in the importer, so we call /pullInfo/:username/:repo/pull/:pullNumber instead of /info/:username/:repo/pull/:pullNumber and we'll prevent conflicts with the import sandbox endpoint

Additionally, we do want to be able to import a specific PR's files as a sandbox, so work should be done on the server afterwards to make sure this is happening.

Issue found


@CompuIves We may have found a bug in your repository.

This bug was found while issuing the following command:

curl -D- http://localhost:2000/git/github/info/user/%1F/tree/branch/path

Making this call resulted in the following response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 54
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 10:50:44 GMT
Connection: keep-alive

{"error":"Request path contains unescaped characters"}

Making this call resulted in the following stack trace:

Request path contains unescaped characters
    at new ClientRequest (_http_client.js:127:13)
    at Object.request (http.js:38:10
    at Object.request (/src/node_modules/@sentry/node/dist/integrations/http.js:65:18)
    at RedirectableRequest._performRequest (/src/node_modules/axios/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:128:24)
    at new RedirectableRequest (/src/node_modules/axios/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:54:8)
    at Object.wrappedProtocol.request (/src/node_modules/axios/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:252:14)
    at dispatchHttpRequest (/src/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:131:25)
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at httpAdapter (/src/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:18:10)
    at dispatchRequest (/src/node_modules/axios/lib/core/dispatchRequest.js

To resolve this issue, we recommend URL encoding all paths and queries before making HTTP calls.

Github Import bringing folders out of the path into files

I opened this issue on the client but maybe I should do it here as well:

Description of the problem

When trying to create a sandbox from a Github repo, and in a specific path, instead of only bringing files from the path, it's randomly bringing a folder that is on a directory above the specified path.

The folder marked below should not have been imported (It's in the upper directory):

How has this issue affected you? What are you trying to accomplish?

I'm trying to embed a working example in our guides but the sandbox will not work because of this additional unwanted folder.

To Reproduce

Create a new sandbox using Github import from this path:

Link to sandbox: link (optional)

Your Environment

Software Name/Version
Сodesandbox Web
Browser Brave/1.39.111
Operating System MacOS 12.4

Blue is undefined

When trying to deploy my directory via

yarn global add codesandbox
codesandbox ./

I am receiving this error:

    console.log("  " + chalk_1["default"].blue.bold("Code") + chalk_1["default"].yellow.bold("Sandbox") + " " + chalk_1["default"].bold("CLI"));

TypeError: Cannot read property 'blue' of undefined
    at Object.logCodeSandbox (/Users/sam/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/codesandbox/lib/utils/log.js:10:43)

Using node v10.7.0 (npm v6.2.0)

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