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content-issues's Issues

Replace `rand` with `std::random_device` in C++

I'm seeing a lot of C++ kata using C's rand, which should be replaced by std::random_device and the likes:

std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis_i(0, 10000);
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis_d(0.0, 1.0);
int random_int = dis_i(gen);
double random_double = dis_d(gen);

Find the nth Reverse Number (6kyu+4kyu) -> retire the easy version

The 6kyu version is off balance, compared to the hard version.
It's too hard to actually be 6kyu (inputs go above 1e7 already), meaning a lot of users just end up with a solution able to pass both versions in the 6 kyu already.
So the 6 isn't different enough from the 4 and is a source of annoyance more than anything (mods needing to hide solutions very often / users expecting something simple but which isn't that easy and lead to more frustrations / monadius explained his 6kyu solution is even more complex to wirte than the 4, to make it different but yet efficient enough / ...)

current outcome of the votes (link to the message on discord):

  • 6x "retire the 6"
  • 1x "don't retire the 6"
  • 0x "I have another idea"

So the suggestion is to retire the 6 kyu.

discord related thread: Kata Tiral - Find the nth Reverse Number

Achieve consistency in "Most digits"

Most digits

There's been inconsistency among languages as some languages have arrays of positive integers while some have mix of both positive and negative (C and Java) , which creates confusion on whether the negative sign (-) should be counted as a digit or not. Two ways to fix it:

  1. Remove the negative test cases in C and Java. (more preferable)
  2. Change description to accept array of both positive and negative numbers as well as test cases of languages other than C and Java

PS: R random tests count values one digit short, which needs immediate fix ~~

"Algorithms: Interesting times in Digital Clock display" is a copy of a problem from another website

Kata: Algorithms: Interesting times in Digital Clock display (retired)
Author: dloomb

The kata is already retired, I create the issue just to keep track of it.

Original notice, from internal chat:

Received a first (that I know of) DMCA Takedown from Codility for

Identification of Infringed Material

The following copyrighted paragraphs have been allegedly copied from the copyrighted work:

  1. Link :

Text starting from
"the format "HH:MM:SS""

""22:22:21", "22:22:22", "22:22:23""

I searched it and Codility didn't come up (it's their private challenge), but found

Katas concerned with Big integers computations have Obvious Flaws

The most obvious "cheat" (here : solving by a means that was not intended) in these katas is that Node 10 or higher is enabled, making the whole kata and its ranking worthless.

Another bug is that construct which one can exploit to run shell commands are not disabled.
For instance : require in JS

retire Calculator (3 kyu)


it has been in bad shape for years (with description talking about parentheses, but no tests). Recently updated to add the requirement (which is good), but that makes it pretty close to evaluate math expressions (2 kyu) (iirc, difference is the purple has unary minus in addition).

The 2 kyu is more valuable (diversities/interest of the solutions), so imo, the 3 kyu should be retired.

Kata created by AlexIsHappy "inspired" by other sites

"If you can read this..." - Provide the alphabet dictionary in the description

If you can read this...

To solve the kata, it's necessary to have an access to NATO phonetic alphabet dictionary.

  • Some languages do not have it.
  • Some languages have the dictionary in the preloaded code, but they do not mention it in the description so user does not even know it's available.
  • Some languages mention availability of such dictionary in the description, but the dictionary itself is not provided to the user.

There's a series of complaints rolling through the discourse related to the issue.

All available translations should be fixed in a way that:

  • The dictionary is provided in the preloaded code
  • Description provides contents of the dictionary as a snippet which can be copied and pasted into local environment
  • Eventually there should be an example of accessing the data from the dictionary

Another possibility is to provide such dictionary in the solution setup, or in any other way which makes it possible to train on the kata in user's local IDE.

8 approved translations, some pending translations (cannot check how many).

C++: Remove `using namespace std;` from Preloaded section, revise `#include` statements

Apparently there are seemingly a lot of katas with this in the Preloaded section:

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

It's an extremely bad idea:

  1. It makes user code non self-sufficient; users need to add those to their own environment to make their code correct, which introduces confusion
  2. using namespace std is discouraged anyway for many reasons. In fact it shouldn't even be in initial code, since it's completely optional
  3. If author solution or text fixtures want to use it, they should do it themselves instead of polluting the entire code space. Similarly, if initial code uses vector/string it should have the include at the beginning of user code

So there are basically two lists of katas that need to be updated:

  1. using namespace std; in Preloaded
  2. Initial code contains vector/string/whatever but without #include <vector>/#include <string> statements (I have no idea how to check all std header imports, but these two seems to be the worst offenders)

Remove rounding requirement from "The Captain's Distance Request"

The Captain's Distance Request

Kata contains a requirement of truncating to full tens as a workaround for comparison with tolerance. Changing assertions to approx. equality should preserve existing solutions, because they should fall into requested tolerance.

Only two affected languages: JS and CoffeeScript. C# translation already has no rounding, and uses assertions with tolerance.

Other reported issues complain on missing sample tests and random tests.

Possible duplicate katas that should be addressed by reranking, retiring or sending back to beta/draft

Below are a list of potential duplicate katas that should be tackled upon. I decided to post these here instead of the list so that mods or any PU are not overwhelmed by the amount of content and mixing them up with the older ones which have not been addressed.

If you found any side-note wrong or any broken link, do edit it directly or notify me ~~

Also, if you found any more similar katas, do update it in this list or paste it in a reply ~~

NOTE: this list is not the final conclusion as continuous searching will reveal more similar or exact ones, so feel free to contribute, cheers


Convert time to words (dedicated issue: #48 )
Multiplication table (dedicated issue: #49 )
Number of inversions (dedicated issue: #50 )
Median (dedicated issue: #51 )
Unique Sum (dedicated issue: #56 )
derivative polynomial (dedicated issue: #57 )
Format array into comma separated sentence (dedicated issue: #58 )
valid braces (dedicated issue: #59 )
String contains another substring (dedicated issue: #61 )
count occurrence of a character in string (dedicated issue: #63)
GCD of two numbers (dedicated issue: #64 )
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock (dedicated issue: #66)
vowel / consonant count (dedicated issue: #70 )
sum array (dedicated issue: #73)
Reorder number to maximum (dedicated issue: #79 )
Reverse every word in a string (dedicated issue: #80 )
Generate chessboard (dedicated issue: #82 )
find next perfect square (Dedicated issue: #100)
Finding anagrams of a word (dedicated issue: #101)
Narcissistic number (dedicated issue: #102)
Determine if two strings are isomorphic of each other (dedicated issue: #104)
camelcase (dedicated issue: #107)
String repeat (dedicated issue: #109)
count characters in string (dedicated issue: #110)
Hanoi record (math) (dedicated issue: #111)
acronym (dedicated issue: #112)
Divisibility (dedicated issue: #113)
Palindrome verification (dedicated issue: #114)
counting number of power sets (dedicated issue: #118 )
Check for factor (dedicated issue: #120)
Exponent comparison (dedicated issue: #122)
Palindrome rearrangement (dedicated issue: #124)
Number of permutation without repetition (dedicated issue: #125)
Day of the week (dedicated issue: #126)
Hamming distance (dedicated issue: #129)
Count Words(dedicated issue: #131 )
Nth biggest / smallest numbers (dedicated issue: #132)
Multiple of 3 or 5 (dedicated issue: #133)
Integer depth before all 10 digits have been counted (dedicated issue: #134)
sum of cubes (dedicated issue: #135)
Remove duplicates from list (dedicated issue: #136)
HTML markups (dedicated issue: #137)
Find most occurrence in array (dedicated issue: #138 )
sum of triangular numbers (dedicated issue: #140 )
Array of strings to array of numbers (dedicated issue: #141 )
sum integers in string(dedicated issue: #143 )
Shortest/longest word (dedicated issue: #144 )
partitioning a string to odds & evens indexed (dedicated issue: #146 )
sum of vararg list (dedicated issue: #148)
multiply elements in array(dedicated issue: #155 )
uppercase vowels(dedicated issue: #156 )
Generate array of integers of certain length (dedicated issue: #162 )
check if left side of an array is equal to right side(dedicated issue: #166 )
sort array / string by last character(dedicated issue: #173 )
Specific number of certain days in year or range of years(dedicated issue: #175 )
find pairs(dedicated issue: #179 )
Pad 0 to front(dedicated issue: #181 )
build a tree pattern(dedicated issue: #182 )
IPV4 validator(dedicated issue: #185 )
calculate grade(dedicated issue: #186 )
string unification(dedicated issue: #187 )
Summation (dedicated issue: #188 )
candles distribution (dedicated issue: #191 )
Variable assignment (dedicated issue: #199 )
split string to n parts (dedicated issue: #202 )

In progress

lychrel number (dedicated issue: #52)

Factorial length (dedicated issue: #67)

Find first non-repeated characters in the string (dedicated issue: #71)

count ones in binary (dedicated issue: #75)

ATM money counter (dedicated issue: #93)

whether array contains specific value (dedicated issue: #119)

Filter even/odd numbers (dedicated issue: #139 )

sum of digits (dedicated issue: #145 )

Case swapping (dedicated issue: #147)

Vowel remover / converter (dedicated issue: #150)

Number of values required before value overflow (dedicated issue: #151)

get numbers / non-numerics from string (dedicated issue: #154 )

Output n highest value in a list (dedicated issue: #163 )

add spaces between each characters(dedicated issue: #164 )

euclidean distance(dedicated issue: #165 )

Calculation involving n biggest / smallest numbers(dedicated issue: #176 )

Largest / smallest product of n consecutive numbers (dedicated issue: #177 )

Find missing element(dedicated issue: #184 )

string / number accumulation(dedicated issue: #189 )

Number of days between two dates (dedicated issue: #192 )

Password Validation(dedicated issue: #195)

get first character of word (uppercase) (dedicated issue: #196 )

Animals organ count(dedicated issue: #197)

Count connected components (dedicated issue: #200 )

Find elements in an array but not in the other (dedicated issue: #201 )

window sliding (dedicated issue: #208 )

Not handled

Reverse string or array

pig latin


Find unique numbers

Word length filter

School's locker / door

Make variable equal to two different values

Formatting numbers

Basic calculator

Levenshtien distance

Uppercase string

Pluck data

implement map

Type of input

Moving zeros to front / end

manipulate parameter based on index

max / min value of array

Time decomposition

mixed arrays operation

difference between two arrays

* (7kyu, 2 languages, same as 3. except require check on second number being missing or not)
* (7kyu, 2 languages, concatenate string)
* (7kyu, 4 languages, add two numbers)
* (7kyu, 10 languages, same as above)
* (7kyu, JS only, more than two numbers involved)

Addition with limitations

count occurrences of a property in array of dict (Both are the same series)

Change inner words except first & last character

SQL Pivot (Basically the same concept)

modify math.random

Minimum change (more to be added)

Reimplement sort algo

Palindrome builder

Musical transpose

Missing and Duplicate Numbers

Diagonal Matrix


string concatenation / formatting


Alternate capitalization


Concatenate array

ascii summation

round to the nearest or next

logical calculations

cascading subsets

credit card checker (luhn algorithm)

nth element

leap year

array to string

string to array

factors of a number

star triangle (missed one kata during deduplication earlier)

Nth root of number

operations for 2D array

acronym (missed one kata during deduplication earlier)

count number of digit from 1 to N

Evaluate prefix notation

number to word

Sorting strings / arrays

run length encoding

Some PHP katas should be modified to avoid a simple hole

While it's not a PHP issue, the language behaves different than other languages when doing implicit conversion, so when the expected result is a number, and the test suite uses assertEquals, the numbers are converted to booleans instead of the other way around, so with luck, you could pass all tests simply returning true. Sometimes the output of the function is explicitly typed, but removing that from the user's solution, makes this work.
This is a list of katas already fixed (changing assertEquals for assertSame):

If you know of any other kata vulnerable to this, just list it in a reply and I'll try to fix it or warn the author/translator to fix it him/herself.


Remove rounding requirement from "Area of a Square"

Area of a Square

The kata uses "round to 2 decimal places" as a workaround for handling of precision.

Requirement of rounding should be removed and replaced by fuzzy comparison. I think that invalidation of existing solutions should not be a problem in this case, so tolerance can be stricter than 1e-2 .

Currently there's 7 accepted translations and 2 pending ones.

Improve quality of "Roman Numerals Helper"

Roman Numerals Helper

This is a very old kata and it does not meet current standards.

  • Total of 15 unresolved issues and 6 suggestions. Probably not all of them apply, but many probably do.
  • My recent translation broke the table :(
  • Usually users complain about missing or insufficient submission tests. Domain of the kata is small enough to test all possible values in most of languages.
  • People complain also about missing sample tests and initial solution stub, but as far as I got it, it was author's intention so user has to create everything from scratch, just by reading and following spec.
  • 10 accepted translations, 0 pending.

Deduplicate - lychrel numbers

lychrel number

Creating tests for this problem is tricky (but not difficult), because some seemingly small inputs can cause either infinite sequence (for example, 196), or can lead to numbers which overflow native numeric types.

  1. Lychrel numbers
  • JS only, Node 8
  • 7kyu
  • input up to 10600 (most probably chosen so none of values in the input range cause overflow, but have to check), a couple of fixed tests for lychrel numbers
  • has a parameter to stop iterations after some repetitions, what allows to handle potentially infinite sequences
  • 1 (minor) issue reported
  • created Mar 2017, author inactive
  • 93 solutions, 79% satisfaction
  • returned value is number of steps
  1. The 196-algorithm and Lychrel numbers
  • JS only, Node 8
  • 6kyu
  • input up to 10k
  • explicit tests for long iterations (the longest iteration in the input range is 261)
  • no active issues
  • created Aug 2015, author seems to be active
  • 57 solutions, 89% satisfaction
  • return value is the final palindrome from a generated sequence
  1. Palindromic Numbers
  • 3 languages (Node10 for JS)
  • 6 kyu
  • only a small set of fixed tests in JS, so no risk of overflow or infinite sequence. No random tests in JS. Ruby has full-range tests up to 5k, and Haskell has some QuickCheck magick which no one knows how it works.
  • 2 reported issues
  • created Dec 2013, autor inactive
  • 572 solutions, 86% satisfaction
  • asks for both: final palindrome and number of steps, but has poor output format

List of beta katas to be unpublished

Kata created by arhigod "inspired" by other sites

Discussion: How to fix and make existing "N queens problem" kata fun

While searching for something I could solve, I stumbled upon three kata related to N queens problem. Initially I thought they are either bad quality, or duplicates, and should be retired, and even created an entry here. However after thinking a bit I think they can be turned into some interesting stuff. Thing is that all of them are in beta, have some issues, and sit there even since 2014, while not being terribly broken, possible to fix, and with some fun potential. What's interesting, there's no similar kata which would be accepted - or at least I could not find any. I would be willing to hijack, fix and out-beta them, however I would like to hear some advice or opinion on how to approach it. The existing beta kata are:

  • N queen problem
    • Summary: the easiest one of these three, no additional constraints, 0<size<20. Available only in JS.
    • Problem: aside of typical issues (poor tests, etc). there's also issue with complexity: since input range is small, and only one valid solution is requested, it can be easily generated with O(n) formula and/or hardcoded.
    • My proposal: Since there are known O(n) generators for such solutions, I'd go with some high N (like, for example, 200). It would make hardcoding somewhat infeasible. I'd rank it as 6 or lowish 5 kyu and translate it to my languages.
  • Eight Queens Puzzle
    • Summary: size=8, one mandatory position. Nice intermediate problem, good playground for backtracking-based solutions. JS only.
    • Problems: no random tests. JS only. Very small domain (64 total solutions) what makes it easy to hardcode.
    • My proposal: vary the input a little bit, for example make 0<N<10, to make it not that easy to hardcode. Rank as 4 kyu (or go ZED and make it 5) and translate into known languages.
  • n Queens Problem
    • Summary: like above, but meant to be difficult. 0<size<50, one mandatory position. Requires efficient approach (but see further note). Nice, advanced-ish level problem. It could be seen as 2nd tier of the kata above.
    • Problems: Quality of the kata itself is not bad. C++ only, so virtually unapprovable ;) Tests are really sparse, but it's mostly a fault of codewars/codewars-runner-cli#714, because without -O2 code just crawls while it runs much, much, much faster when optimizations are enabled. Without -O2, it's difficult to estimate good range for size and amount of tests, but I'd expect them to be at least doubled in terms of N and amount of test cases. There's also quite a lot of material available online to hint some ways to solve it (mostly scientific papers and not direct implementations), so I think that current rank of 1 kyu is too much.
    • My proposal: Translate into other languages and make N dependent on performance of translation for particular language. Increase amount of test cases. Downgrade to 3 kyu, or make time constraints really tight and make the kata 2 kyu. Initial C++version could be left as is or tests could be made a bit harder (I'd have to check performance of existing solutions to find some sweet spot), but lack of -O2 is a real PITA here.

Of course it's just an idea and if you think it's bad, let me know how you'd approach it. Maybe retire all except one? Or my difficulty rankings are off? Remember that kata would still be the subject to beta evaluation, so no change is final. Or maybe I should just save my time and let them rot in beta forever?


Geodetic distance

Geodetic distance

This kata is a duplicate and its author provided a translation to the original one, so now it can be unpublished.

I asked the author to do so (they are active right now), but if they don't do it soon, a mod would have to handle this.

Deduplicate "Multiplication table" kata

Both are ranked 6 kyu and have similar satisfaction rating of ~90%.

  • Multiplication table - 14 languages, 13k completions, 1 active issue, slightly older. Requires only square tables (N x N).
  • Multiplication Tables - 3 languages (all of them covered by the kata above), 7k7 completions, 0.5 active issues. Requires also rectangular tables (M x N).

Retire one? Both? None?
Any improvements needed in the one(s) to be kept?


Idea: Deduplicate "evaluate math expression" katas.


I realize that duplicated katas are general problem on CW, which should be addressed as a whole. But since there is no technical means for that and there is no agreement how to do it, I just want to propose the other way: let's do it slowly, gradually, a kata by kata. I want this thread to be related to this particular set of katas mentioned below, and not a general problem. If we find a good solution for one instance of the problem, maybe then we will know how to resolve other ones too.

While hunting for challenging blue/easy purple katas to solve, I encountered following:

  1. Calculate the expression (5 kyu)
  2. Calculator (3 kyu)
  3. My BEDMAS Approved Calculator (3 kyu)
  4. Evaluate mathematical expression (2 kyu)
  5. Parsing and evaluation of mathematical expressions (2 kyu)
  6. Advanced Calculator! (beta/2 kyu)
  7. (added) Route Calculator (4 kyu)

I solved four of them with almost the same code, just with minor adjustments and/or translating from one language to another (I skipped the yellow and the beta ones). Each of these katas has also its own set of issues, like:

  • description: sparse and insufficient, not all tested cases (for example, number formats) are described,
  • tests: no random tests, no edge cases, only short/trivial expressions are tested,
  • design: 'on error return -999999999', 'return calculated result or string on error', 'round to X decimal places', and several other WTFs
  • no guard against external evaluation
  • difficulty: all of them except (1.) are seriously overranked and do not live up to their difficulty ratings. Also, eval.

I have two proposals how this could be fixed, however it cannot be done by any regular user or power user and requires attention of a powerer-user or admin:

Easy fix: leave two (easier and more difficult) as they are, and retire the others. My picks would go to (1.) and (5.) as their rank fits the difficulty better than in case of others. This way no one needs to edit anything, no one looses any points, only the authors of retired katas are less exposed and potentially lose opportunity of future solutions (not a big loss for the site, if you ask me). But still, we are left with not-that-perfect (albeit quite good, I'd say) katas and can use regular means of fixing them (fork/edit/republish/invalidate solutions/repeat).

More challenging fix: Retire all and send them into oblivion. Provide two new katas with two levels of difficulty: 5 kyu for BEDMAS and no error handling, and 3 (maybe 2?) kyu for additional error handling and functions (but not only unary ones, but also binary, ternary, and variadic, for example avg(32, 8+9, 15, (2+2)*2), maybe performance test, and all common issues addressed (external eval, error handling with exceptions/return values, random tests, etc). Clearly state in the description that they are deduplicates of other katas. Keep an eye on new betas and slap everyone who submits a duplicate (three slaps for anyone who approves it). If you consider it's too much work, I volunteer to create new katas and translations.

Potential follow up: obliterate (6.)

NOTE: I want this thread to become some kind of beta drive or template for "community driven deduplication process", where others can search for more duplicates, cast ideas for what should stay, what should be gone, and what/how should be fixed. @Voileexperiments already created really nice and terribly long list here: codewars/ and I think CW really needs some way to handle such problems. If community will like it, we can go with other duplicates similar way. Maybe we will even get a dedicated board for "kata related issues" :) If you do not like the idea or do not think there is any feasible solution for duplicates (for example, for some reason katas cannot be retired "just like that"), then ok - just close this thread and I promise not to create "my new, great, bright idea" suggestions anymore :)

"Restoration of permutation" is a copy of a problem from another site

Follow-up on

Note: description is copied almost verbatim from original source, but it's not themed and described in a very generic, "mathy" way, so maybe retirement would be just a last resort action.

"Caesar's Legions" is a copy of a problem from another site

Follow-up on

  • Caesar's Legions
    • Copy of Caesar's Legions problem with Codeforces
    • Still in beta
    • probably has to be retired
    • contains very vague credits note, probably not very useful

Note: description is copied almost exactly from the original site, but it's somewhat neutral and does not seem to use "propertiary" theme, so maybe retirement would be a last resort action.

Move to beta: Snake Collision

Snake Collision

Would it be possible to move this kata back to beta?

It's quite an old one, but I cannot tell when it got approved. It managed to collect three issues in a short time, and has not many completions ( < 40).

Compiler to Lambda Calculus: please remove copied solution

Hide solutions which are valid

Apparently, mods can do this.

Compiler to Lambda Calculus has a single user solution, by a cheater, which is an exact copy of my own solution ( but for a single comment ).

I was delighted to see I had a user solution. ๐Ÿ˜„ Then I discovered it was a cheat ( and solver was already banned ). ๐Ÿ˜ง

Every time I see it it breaks my heart. That kata is a labour of love I don't really expect any solutions on anymore anyway.

Can someone nuke that solution? From orbit? Just so I don't have to see it? If I don't have to look at the "Total times this kata has been completed: 2" either, that would be even greater ( but I can understand that might require completely removing the solution, which maybe can't be done ).

( If this is asking too much, for too little gain, please just close this issue. )

Kata created by myjinxin2015 "inspired" by other sites

Author: myjinxin2015


Note: In order to view the problem on codesignal you've to register on the website.


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