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aphrodite-jss's Introduction

JSS Documentation site

Site generator features

  • Designed for multi-repo projects.
  • Loads versions using github API, allows users to select the version.
  • Renders everything at runtime.
  • Has SSR.
  • Doesn't need prepared .md files locally, loads everything via XHR from github.


Move the site engine to a separate repo. It can be actually used for any projects.


File a bug against cssinjs/jss prefixed with [site].

aphrodite-jss's People


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aphrodite-jss's Issues

Can't edit styles in Chrome

Just curious, is this avoidable?


I can't edit any JSS styles because they are greyed out for some reason.

How to Dynamically Theme Components

The docs say theming can be done without headaches but I am having trouble doing just that. What is the recommended approach to theming?

I am currently using jss and react and wrote some mods so I can do:

const styles = (theme) => ({
  button: {
    color: theme.palette.primary

class Button extends React.Component {
  render () {
    const { s, label } = this.props
    return (
      <button className={s.button}>
        <div>{ label }</div>

This way I can also dynamically modify the theme and have changes instantly appear.
Change Theme -> HOC detects change -> HOC updates its WrappedComponent

Problem with this approach, this lib, and react, is that if the theme is changed then every style needs to be recalculated. In order to update react we could simply update the stylesheet, and the DOM would take care of everything. But this is only possible if the classnames have not changed. If they do change the react comps need updating.

My thoughts on how this could work with your lib and without integrating with React:
Change Theme -> Stylesheet.create (yours wrapped by my code) detects theme change -> triggers a stylesheet update -> DOM automatically updates everything

I believe that for this to work the classnames must remain the same.

If they can not, then I require an HOC to pass new classnames down as props which will trigger the React update. Of course if this is the only way then there is no place for this lib + react + dynamic theming. Correct?

Any ideas?


Attempting to do a simple keyframe animation, just curious how this would work through aphrodite-jss.

Using with React

If we use this with React, the render() method may call css(rule1, rule2) multiple times. Is this okay?

@keyframes don't work

Hello! I tried to add simple keyframes animation to my styles with aphrodite-jss.
I tried this:

StyleSheet.create((() => {
  ... ... ...
  '@keyframes anim': {
    from: {opacity: 0},
    to: {opacity: 1}
  animationName: 'anim',
  animationDuration: '4s'


animation: anim 1s ease-out;

But it didn't work.
I'm using Chrome 60 and it doesn't need webkit prefix, for example.

Am I wrong with the syntax or this is a bug?

Suggested labels: question; example & if this is bug - bug

merge is one-level


const s = StyleSheet.create({                                                   
  red: { 
    '&.active': {                                                               
      width: '100px',                                                           
  blue: {
    '&.active': {                                                               
      height: '100px',                                                          

<div className={cx(css(,, 'active')}>                 

Got {
  height: 100px;

Expect {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;

Add more tests

We need to add tests here to ensure JSS updates don't break this package. Anyone interested to help?

[bug?] Warning: [JSS] Could not find the referenced rule logoAndCopyright in aphrodite-jss.

I've got some styles using jss-nested with $classname syntax:

const style = StyleSheet.create({
  footer: {
    // ...

    '& $logoAndCopyright': {
      // ...

  logoAndCopyright: {},

then when I use it,


I get an error like

Warning: [JSS] Could not find the referenced rule logoAndCopyright in aphrodite-jss.

Full output:

Warning: [JSS] Could not find the referenced rule logoAndCopyright in aphrodite-jss.
  | warning | @ | _app.js:26063
-- | -- | -- | --
  | (anonymous) | @ | _app.js:1331
  | onProcessStyle | @ | _app.js:1393
  | onProcessStyle | @ | _app.js:3186
  | onProcessRule | @ | _app.js:3171
  | addRule | @ | _app.js:3759
  | css | @ | _app.js:211
  | render | @ | _app.js:26170
  | finishClassComponent | @ | main.js:24135
  | updateClassComponent | @ | main.js:24097
  | beginWork | @ | main.js:24766
  | performUnitOfWork | @ | main.js:26805
  | workLoop | @ | main.js:26844
  | renderRoot | @ | main.js:26884
  | performWorkOnRoot | @ | main.js:27502
  | performWork | @ | main.js:27424
  | performSyncWork | @ | main.js:27396
  | requestWork | @ | main.js:27296
  | scheduleWork$1 | @ | main.js:27160
  | scheduleRootUpdate | @ | main.js:27727
  | updateContainerAtExpirationTime | @ | main.js:27754
  | updateContainer | @ | main.js:27781
  | module.exports.webpackJsonp.../node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js.ReactRoot.render | @ | main.js:28064
  | (anonymous) | @ | main.js:28204
  | unbatchedUpdates | @ | main.js:27621
  | legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer | @ | main.js:28200
  | hydrate | @ | main.js:28256
  | renderReactElement | @ | main.js:6559
  | _callee5$ | @ | main.js:6534
  | tryCatch | @ | main.js:30206
  | invoke | @ | main.js:30440
  | prototype.(anonymous function) | @ | main.js:30258
  | step | @ | main.js:166
  | _next | @ | main.js:181
  | (anonymous) | @ | main.js:188
  | F | @ | main.js:1500
  | (anonymous) | @ | main.js:161
  | _doRender | @ | main.js:6551
  | doRender | @ | main.js:6433
  | _callee2$ | @ | main.js:6339
  | tryCatch | @ | main.js:30206
  | invoke | @ | main.js:30440
  | prototype.(anonymous function) | @ | main.js:30258
  | step | @ | main.js:166
  | _next | @ | main.js:181
  | (anonymous) | @ | main.js:188
  | F | @ | main.js:1500
  | (anonymous) | @ | main.js:161
  | _render | @ | main.js:6369
  | render | @ | main.js:6311
  | _callee$ | @ | main.js:6290
  | tryCatch | @ | main.js:30206
  | invoke | @ | main.js:30440
  | prototype.(anonymous function) | @ | main.js:30258
  | step | @ | main.js:166
  | _next | @ | main.js:181
  | Promise.then (async) |   |  
  | step | @ | main.js:176
  | _next | @ | main.js:181
  | Promise.then (async) |   |  
  | step | @ | main.js:176
  | _next | @ | main.js:181
  | Promise.then (async) |   |  
  | step | @ | main.js:176
  | _next | @ | main.js:181
  | (anonymous) | @ | main.js:188
  | F | @ | main.js:1500
  | (anonymous) | @ | main.js:161
  | ../node_modules/next/dist/client/next-dev.js | @ | main.js:6592
  | __webpack_require__ | @ | manifest.js:715
  | fn | @ | manifest.js:118
  | 0 | @ | main.js:35329
  | __webpack_require__ | @ | manifest.js:715
  | webpackJsonpCallback | @ | manifest.js:26
  | (anonymous) | @ | main.js:2

Media queries

Hey I'm playing around with using this in a project (I replaced aphrodite because I wanted JSS plugins). I was hoping to start a discussion about media queries.

Do you have any ideas on how this would be done?

Also, somewhat related.. I've tweaked the css function a bit to allow something like css(, css(, but it relies on an ugly hack which essentially caches the original object name and rule set. I'd love to submit a PR for something like that, but would be interested in hearing about the media query approach because it will most likely break my naive changes.

Broken with new versions of JSS?

@phyllisstein commented on Thu May 04 2017

Hey there! I'm getting an error when calling aphrodite-jss's reset() function after server-side rendering:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'remove' of undefined
    at reset (/Users/daniel/Repos/Ignota/ignota1/node_modules/aphrodite-jss/lib/index.js:78:15)
    at module.exports../ (/Users/daniel/Repos/Ignota/ignota1/dist/app.js:11504:29)
    at dispatch (/Users/daniel/Repos/Ignota/ignota1/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:44:32)
    at next (/Users/daniel/Repos/Ignota/ignota1/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:45:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/daniel/Repos/Ignota/ignota1/dist/app.js:11477:12)
    at boundThen (eval at processIncludes (/Users/daniel/Repos/Ignota/ignota1/node_modules/nodent-runtime/runtime.js:36:12), <anonymous>:3:4765)
From previous event:
    at module.exports../ (/Users/daniel/Repos/Ignota/ignota1/dist/app.js:11471:24)
    at dispatch (/Users/daniel/Repos/Ignota/ignota1/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:44:32)
    at /Users/daniel/Repos/Ignota/ignota1/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:36:12
    at Server.handleRequest (/Users/daniel/Repos/Ignota/ignota1/node_modules/koa/lib/application.js:136:14)
    at emitTwo (events.js:111:20)
    at Server.emit (events.js:194:7)
    at parserOnIncoming (_http_server.js:563:12)
    at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:99:23)

It seems like the JSS API might have changed and broken aphrodite-jss. I'm also seeing some strange stuff in the Web Inspector---empty <style> tags and grayed-out styles---that could conceivably be related:

screen shot 1

Are there any plans to update the package? I'm trying a switch to react-jss, but its story around merging styles at runtime---e.g., when a parent component wants to pass styles to a child---seems a little less clear-cut and more dependent on damnable specificity.

Thanks in advance for your help, and thanks for all your work on JSS!

@kof commented on Thu May 04 2017

Looks like a bug, do you like to try fixing it?

@phyllisstein commented on Fri May 05 2017

I managed to fix the server-side rendering API, which was a quick one-line change, in #12, but unfortunately don't have any insight yet into why styles are being rendered as null. I'll dig a little more but I'm not sure I even know where to start.

@kof commented on Fri May 12 2017

@phyllisstein any luck?

@phyllisstein commented on Fri May 12 2017

I think so? Left a note here: #12 (comment).

Alternate name for the project?


Please don't take this the wrong way: as clever as "Aphrodisiac" is, the name is awkward at best. In particular, can be offputting to others when explaining the tool and its benefits. It's hard to credibly demonstrate this when the name is such a deterrent. (Yes, this actually happened in a meeting!)

May I suggest "Venus", the Roman goddess of love, or Aphrodite's counterpart? Thanks for your consideration.

Unable to render media queries

Hey guys.

I'm not sure why but I'm unable to render media queries.

Can I not render my media queries like this?

  base: {
    '@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px)': {
      width: px(20),

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