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Super easy and lightweight transitions animation library

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CSS 7.13% HTML 7.94% JavaScript 46.48% TypeScript 38.45%

anix's Introduction


Super easy and lightweight transitions animation library。


AniX is a lightweight and easy-to-use animation library with excellent performance and good compatibility for modern browsers.

It uses the native css transition attribute, better than js simulation animation performance. And can use hardware acceleration.

AniX is less than 10k in size, and it does not change your coding habit as much as possible. There are multiple versions of the AniX option, umd version, jQuery version and react version...

Install and Include

Install and manage with npm.

$ npm install anix --save-dev

import { AniX } from 'anix';


The umd version anix.umd.js. Check out the UMD repository for more details.

<script src="./js/anix.umd.ts" type="text/javascript"></script>

jQuery plugin anix.jq.js, that supports chain syntax.

<script src="./js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="./js/anix.jq.ts" type="text/javascript"></script>


use the pure AniX library., 1, {
    width: "200px",
    height: "100px",
    delay: 0.5,
    onComplete: function(){

use jquery plugin anix.jq.js

$('.con').css({'left':'0px'}).to(.5, {
    'left': Math.random() * $(window).width() + 'px',
    'background-color': getRandomColor()


vist on

the jquery plugin anix.jq.js

$(..).to(time: number, args: {ease?:string; delay?:number; [propName:string]:any;})

$(..).fromTo(time: number, fromArgs: Object, toArgs: Object)

$(..).kill(complete?: boolean)

$(..).getTransform(param: any)


about the React version react-anix

//1. import module
import { Anix } from 'react-anix';

  anis = {[
    { left: '120px', background: '#000', time: .5 },
    { background: color, width: 0, time: .5, onComplete: this.aniComplete.bind(this), disAppear: true },
    { time: .5, from: { width: '0px' }, to: { width: '350px', background: color, delay: .1 }, appear: true }
  ani={{ left:'20px', time:.5, delay: 1 }}
  appear={{ left:'20px', time:.5 }}
  control animation play

Test and Build

build all task

git clone [email protected]:a-jie/AniX.git
npm install
npm run all

build jq and umd

npm run jq
npm run umd

test and build example (the document page) made by create-react-app

cd ./example
npm install
npm start
npm run build

view on http://localhost:3000/

debug the test page

view the ./test/test.html


The BSD License.

anix's People




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