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py-myopl-code's Introduction


All code for my "Make your own programming language in Python" tutorial series on YouTube:

This code is an interpreter for a BASIC-like language written in Python 3.

The latest code is in the folder which is for the latest episode (ep14).

I'm now finished with the development of this project, and the tutorials are complete on YouTube.


Improvements have been made by others so I'll link to them here:

  • AdrianGjerstad - started on standard library and added string indexing

py-myopl-code's People


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py-myopl-code's Issues

Not good code

Can someone please explain to me why are all of the files from episode 14 coded in HTML? As soon as I run, it says: <title>py-myopl-code/ep14/ at master · davidcallanan/py-myopl-code · GitHub</title>
SyntaxError: invalid character '·' (U+00B7). I don't understand.

Getting InvalidSyntaxError

var animal = random(1, 3)

if animal = 1 then
print("You have Pikachu!")
elif animal = 2 then
print("You have Charmander!")
else then
print("You have Squirtle!")

I made the keywords lowercase and added a random function, but it says the if is causing an InvalidSyntaxError, the example works, and I don't know what I did differently, it says a token can't appear after another token.

Data Conversion...

Hey there! I need some help with data conversion. I am learning from your youtube videos to build interpreters but what I found in your interpreter after completing it is that if I take INPUT() it returns as a string which I cant change to integer, can I?

Issue With Interpreter

Firstly, thank you for making this wonderful series, I hope to make my own language one day and this is a great starting point. I have had an issue with my interpreter in video three in the series. When I type a digit or an operation, it states invalid syntax (attached to this issue). My code linked to this issue as well. Before this issue, everything was going well but now my language doesn't function properly. Any help would be appreciated.
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Help with print

I would like to know how I can add the following system:

input > PRINT("Hello World", 2)
output > Hello World 2

in episode 5 'AND' keyword to be '&&'.

i want my 'AND' keyword to be '&&' but whenever I use && the code pops out it as illegal: '&' BTW the code works fine when I use 'AND' as an keyword. i also tried using '&&' still didn't work

Parser getting last token only?

When I do something like this:
it returns:
Not anything else.
IDK what's causing it.
Also, what does tok.type do? It gives me a syntax error, and the syntax seems weird.

How can you use the language?

Trying to get example.myopl to run but I've no idea how. Is there a specific command to execute via shell CLI? Or a way to get it to run through the Python CLI?

EAFP: Zero division check is non-pythonic

The following code in the dived_by method in episodes 3-14 is non-pythonic and can be fixed
Sorry if I'm rude: I'm new to GitHub:

if other.value == 0:
	return None, RTError(
		other.pos_start, other.pos_end,
		'Division by zero',

	return Number(self.value / other.value).set_context(self.context), None


    return Number(self.value / other.value).set_context(self.context), None
except ZeroDivisionError:
   return None, RTError(
	other.pos_start, other.pos_end,
	'Division by zero',


The Import Basic Doesnt Work Idk Why I litellarry just copy and Pasted it

support multiplication with parentheses

how do i make it that 5(2+3) works as 5*(2+3) and (2+3)5 as (2+3)*5 so that if a number is directly connected to a parentheses it multiplies with the end value of the parentheses


I debugged episode 14 code. In terminal there was “>>>” and should be “Basic > “. When I typed “1 + 2” I got “3” as answer. So it worked. Your code does not work for me. It can’t run .myopl files. 😕
Can you fix your code?

Question: How would I make import statements?

First off, I just wanted to say that this tutorial is AMAZING!!!! I only have one "issue"/question, which is: how would I go about making an import statement in this language? All of the other stuff I wanted to do could be based off something, but import is kinda different. My apologies if this shouldn't be an issue, I didn't really know how to ask.

Parser not working

When I try use the parser it just gives an error saying “Invalid Syntax: Expected '->' or NEWLINE
File , line 1”

built in functions not working

whenever I use PRINT or any other built in function, it returns , it seems that the repr function of the BuiltInFunction is running but I don't know why

class BaseFunction(Value):
    def __init__(self, name):
        super().__init__() = name or "<anonymous>"

    def generate_new_context(self):
        new_context = Context(, self.context, self.pos_start)
        new_context.symbol_table = SymbolTable(new_context.parent.symbol_table)
        return new_context

    def check_args(self, arg_names, args):
        res = RTResult()

        if len(args) > len(arg_names):
            return res.failure(RTError(
              self.pos_start, self.pos_end,
              f"{len(args) - len(arg_names)} too many args passed into {self}",
        if len(args) < len(arg_names):
            return res.failure(RTError(
              self.pos_start, self.pos_end,
              f"{len(arg_names) - len(args)} too few args passed into {self}",

        return res.success(None)

    def populate_args(self, arg_names, args, exec_ctx):
        for i in range(len(args)):
            arg_name = arg_names[i]
            arg_value = args[i]
            exec_ctx.symbol_table.set(arg_name, arg_value)

    def check_and_populate_args(self, arg_names, args, exec_ctx):
        res = RTResult()
        res.register(self.check_args(arg_names, args))
        if res.should_return(): return res
        self.populate_args(arg_names, args, exec_ctx)
        return res.success(None)

class Function(BaseFunction):
    def __init__(self, name, body_node, arg_names, should_auto_return):
        self.body_node = body_node
        self.arg_names = arg_names
        self.should_auto_return = should_auto_return

    def execute(self, args):
        res = RTResult()
        interpreter = Interpreter()
        exec_ctx = self.generate_new_context()

        res.register(self.check_and_populate_args(self.arg_names, args, exec_ctx))
        if res.should_return(): return res

        value = res.register(interpreter.visit(self.body_node, exec_ctx))
        if res.should_return() and res.func_return_value == None: return res

        ret_value = (value if self.should_auto_return else None) or res.func_return_value or Number.null
        return res.success(ret_value)

    def copy(self):
        copy = Function(, self.body_node, self.arg_names, self.should_auto_return)
        copy.set_pos(self.pos_start, self.pos_end)
        return copy

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<function {}>"

class BuiltInFunction(BaseFunction):
    def __init__(self, name):

    def execute(self, args):
        res = RTResult()
        exec_ctx = self.generate_new_context()

        method_name = f'execute_{}'
        method = getattr(self, method_name, self.no_visit_method)

        res.register(self.check_and_populate_args(method.arg_names, args, exec_ctx))
        if res.should_return(): return res

        return_value = res.register(method(exec_ctx))
        if res.should_return(): return res
        return res.success(return_value)

    def no_visit_method(self, node, context):
        raise Exception(f'No execute_{} method defined')

    def copy(self):
        copy = BuiltInFunction(
        copy.set_pos(self.pos_start, self.pos_end)
        return copy

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<built-in function {}>"


First number's type before operator not showing

So I don't understand why but when I started to do some errors it gave me that:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\Users\..\Desktop\Real\", line 6, in <module>
    if error: print(error.as_string())
  File "c:\Users\..\Desktop\Real\", line 10, in as_string
    res += f'File {self.pos_start.fn}, line {self.pos_start.ln + 1}'
AttributeError: 'IllegalChar' object has no attribute 'pos_start'
class Error:
    def __init__(self, pos_start, pos_end,error, error_desc):
        self.start = pos_start
        self.end = pos_end
        self.error = error
        self.desc = error_desc
    def as_string(self):
        res = f'{self.error}: {self.desc}'
        res += f'File {self.pos_start.fn}, line {self.pos_start.ln + 1}'
        return res

class IllegalChar(Error):
    def __init__(self, pos_start, pos_end, desc):
        super().__init__(pos_start, pos_end, 'Illegal Character', desc)

Comparision Operators not working.

I tried the program after doing the comparison operator but when I type 2 == 2, It shows a syntax error (Not python)

INPUT >> 2 == 2
OUTPUT >> (SyntaxError: Expected + blah blah)

It's not only with ==, it's also with every operator.

TypeError occurring

So, I just finished with the code for the first video. I have made a lot of changes in the code, so my code may seem to be different than yours. The following error is raised:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 135, in <module>
    tokens, error = lexer.make_tokens()
  File "", line 65, in make_tokens
  File "", line 88, in make_number
  File "", line 54, in advance
    if self.character in " \t":
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not NoneType

And my code is the following:

operators = {
    "+" : "ADDITION",
    "-" : "SUBTRACTION",
    "/" : "DIVISION",

class Exception:
    def __init__(self, name, details, inp): = name + "Error"
        self.details = details.format(inp=inp)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{}: {self.details}"

class InvalidCharacter(Exception):
    def __init__(self, character):
        super().__init__("InvalidCharacter", "\"{inp}\" is not a valid number, integer or decimal", character)

class Token:
    def __init__(self, type_of, value):
        self.type_of = type_of
        self.value = value
    def __repr__(self):
        if (self.value != "") and (self.type_of != ""): 
            return "{type_of} :: {value}".format(
                type_of = self.type_of,
                value = self.value

            return self.type_of

class Lexer:
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text
        self.position = -1
        self.character = None
    def advance(self):
        self.position += 1

        if self.position < len(self.text):
            self.character = self.text[self.position]
            self.character = None
        if self.character in " \t":
    def make_tokens(self):
        tokens = []

        while self.character != None:
            if self.character in "+-*/()":
                tokens.append(Token("OPERATOR", operators[self.character]))
            elif self.character in "0123456789":
                return ([], InvalidCharacter(self.character))

        return (tokens, None)

    def make_number(self):
        num_string = ""
        dot_count = 0

        while self.character != None:
            if self.character in "0123456789.":
                if self.character == ".":
                    if dot_count > 0:
                    dot_count += 1
                    num_string += "."
                    num_string += self.character

            elif self.character in " \t":

        if dot_count == 0:
            return Token("INTEGER", int(num_string))
        elif dot_count == 1:
            return Token("DECIMAL", float(num_string))
            return "Something went very wrong. Here is your number: " + num_string


def zero_pad(n, width):
    out = str(n)

    while len(out) < width:
        out = "0" + out

    return out

def array_pad(arr):
    out = ""
    if not(arr):
        return None

    out += "["

    for el in arr:
        out += "\n\t" + el + ","
    out += "\n]"

    return out

n = 1
while True:
    inp = input(f"[{zero_pad(n, 3)}] >>> ")
    n += 1

    lexer = Lexer(inp)

    tokens, error = lexer.make_tokens()

    if error:

I know that I probably appear as some kind of snob to you, but I would really appreciate it anyone bothered to help me out.

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