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Utilities for use with RxJava 2

License: Apache License 2.0

Java 99.97% Shell 0.03%
rxjava stream concurrency reactive reactivex reactive-streams java

rxjava2-extras's Introduction


Maven Central

Utilities for use with RxJava 2


Status: released to Maven Central

Maven site reports are here including javadoc.

Getting started

Add this to your pom.xml:


Or add this to your build.gradle:

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.davidmoten:rxjava2-extras:VERSION_HERE'


To use rxjava2-extras on Android you need these proguard rules.


  • Primary target type is Flowable (the backpressure supporting stream)
  • Operators will be implemented initially without fusion support (later)
  • Where applicable Single, Maybe and Completable will be used
  • To cross types (say from Flowable to Maybe) it is necessary to use to rather than compose
  • Transformers (for use with compose and to) are clustered within the primary owning class rather than bunched together in the Transformers class. For example, Strings.join:
//produces a stream of "ab"
Maybe<String> o = Flowable

concat, join


from(Reader),from(InputStream),from(File), ..

fromClasspath(String, Charset), ..

split(String), split(Pattern)







from(InputStream), from(File)

unzip(File), unzip(InputStream)

Builder for .retryWhen()






buffer with size and timeout







match, matchWith
















doNothing setToTrue throwing

constant throwing

alwaysTrue alwaysFalse throwing

constant throwing

addLongTo addTo assertBytesEquals close decrement doNothing increment printStackTrace println set setToTrue

constant identity throwing

alwaysFalse alwaysTrue







To buffer on maximum size and time since last source emission:

  Transformers.buffer(maxSize, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

You can also make the timeout dependent on the last emission:

  Transformers.buffer(maxSize, x -> timeout(x), TimeUnit.SECONDS));


Accumulate statistics, emitting the accumulated results with each item.


Behaves as per toListWhile but allows control over the data structure used.

This operator supports request-one micro-fusion.


Performs an action only if a stream completes without emitting an item.



This is a Flowable creation method that is aimed at supporting calls to a service that provides data in pages where the page sizes are determined by requests from downstream (requests are a part of the backpressure machinery of RxJava).

Here's an example.

Suppose you have a stateless web service, say a rest service that returns JSON/XML and supplies you with

  • the most popular movies of the last 24 hours sorted by descending popularity

The service supports paging in that you can pass it a start number and a page size and it will return just that slice from the list.

Now I want to give a library with a Flowable definition of this service to my colleagues that they can call in their applications whatever they may be. For example,

  • Fred may just want to know the most popular movie each day,
  • Greta wants to get the top 20 and then have the ability to keep scrolling down the list in her UI.

Let's see how we can efficiently support those use cases. I'm going to assume that the movie data returned by the service are mapped conveniently to objects by whatever framework I'm using (JAXB, Jersey, etc.). The fetch method looks like this:

// note that start is 0-based
List<Movie> mostPopularMovies(int start, int size);

Now I'm going to wrap this synchronous call as a Flowable to give to my colleagues:

Flowable<Movie> mostPopularMovies(int start) {
    return Flowables.fetchPagesByRequest(
          (position, n) -> Flowable.fromIterable(mostPopular(position, n)),
        // rebatch requests so that they are always between 
        // 5 and 100 except for the first request
      .compose(Transformers.rebatchRequests(5, 100, false));

Flowable<Movie> mostPopularMovies() {
    return mostPopularMovies(0);

Note particularly that the method above uses a variant of rebatchRequests to limit both minimum and maximum requests. We particularly don't want to allow a single call requesting the top 100,000 popular movies because of the memory and network pressures that arise from that call.

Righto, Fred now uses the new API like this:

Movie top = mostPopularMovies()

The use of maxRequest above may seem unnecessary but strangely enough the first operator requests Long.MAX_VALUE of upstream and cancels as soon as one arrives. The take, elemnentAt and firstXXX operators all have this counter-intuitive characteristic.

Greta uses the new API like this:

    .doOnNext(movie -> addToUI(movie))

A bit more detail about fetchPagesByRequest:

  • if the fetch function returns a Flowable that delivers fewer than the requested number of items then the overall stream completes.


Inserts zero or one items into a stream if the given Maybe succeeds before the next source emission.


  .interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
     Maybe.just(-1L).delay(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))) 

produces (with 500ms intervals between every emission):



Modifies the last element of the stream via a defined Function.


    .just(1, 2, 3)
    .compose(Transformers.mapLast(x -> x + 1))



match, matchWith

Finds out-of-order matches in two streams.


You can use FlowableTranformers.matchWith or Flowables.match:

Flowable<Integer> a = Flowable.just(1, 2, 4, 3);
Flowable<Integer> b = Flowable.just(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4);
Flowables.match(a, b,
     x -> x, // key to match on for a
     x -> x, // key to match on for b
     (x, y) -> x // combiner



Don't rely on the output order!

Under the covers elements are requested from a and b in alternating batches of 128 by default. The batch size is configurable in another overload.


Limits upstream requests.

  • may allow requests less than the maximum
  • serializes requests
  • does not buffer items
  • requests at start and just before emission of last item in current batch

To constrain some requests then no constraint:

  .compose(Transformers.maxRequest(100, 256, 256, 256, Long.MAX_VALUE);

See also: minRequest, rebatchRequests


When you use Flowable.merge on synchronous sources the sources are completely consumed serially. As a consequence if you want to merge two infinite sources synchronously then you only get the first source and the second source is never read.

Flowables.mergeInterleaved round-robins the requests to the window of current publishers (up to maxConcurrent) so that two or more infinite streams can be merged without resorting to apply asynchronicity via an asynchronous scheduler.

There is a sacrifice made in that the operator is less performant than merging asynchronous streams because only one stream is requested from at a time. In addition the operator does not include micro- and macro-fusion optimisations.


Ensures requests are at least the given value(s).

  • serializes requests
  • may buffer items
  • requests at start and just after emission of last item in current batch

To allow the first request through unconstrained:

  .compose(Transformers.minRequest(1, 10));

See also: maxRequest, rebatchRequests


With this operator you can offload a stream's emissions to disk to reduce memory pressure when you have a fast producer + slow consumer (or just to minimize memory usage).

If you have used the onBackpressureBuffer operator you'll know that when a stream is producing faster than the downstream operators can process (perhaps the producer cannot respond meaningfully to a slow down request from downstream) then onBackpressureBuffer buffers the items to an in-memory queue until they can be processed. Of course if memory is limited then some streams might eventually cause an OutOfMemoryError. One solution to this problem is to increase the effectively available memory for buffering by using off-heap memory and disk instead. That's why onBackpressureBufferToFile was created.

rxjava-extras uses standard file io to buffer serialized stream items. This operator can still be used with RxJava2 using the RxJava2Interop library.

rxjava2-extras uses fixed size memory-mapped files to perform the same operation but with much greater throughput.

Note that new files for a file buffered observable are created for each subscription and those files are in normal circumstances deleted on cancellation (triggered by onCompleted/onError termination or manual cancellation).

Here's an example:

// write the source strings to a 
// disk-backed queue on the subscription
// thread and emit the items read from 
// the queue on the io() scheduler.
Flowable<String> flowable = 
    .just("a", "b", "c")

You can also use an Observable source (without converting to Flowable with toFlowable):

Flowable<String> flowable = 
    .just("a", "b", "c")

Note that to is used above to cross types (Observable to Flowable).

This example does the same as above but more concisely and uses standard java IO serialization (normally it will be more efficient to write your own DataSerializer):

Flowable<String> flowable = 
    .just("a", "b", "c")

An example with a custom serializer:

// define how the items in the source stream would be serialized
DataSerializer<String> serializer = new DataSerializer<String>() {

    public void serialize(String s, DataOutput out) throws IOException {

    public String deserialize(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        return input.readUTF();
    public int sizeHint() {
        // exact size unknown
        return 0;
  .just("a", "b", "c")

You can configure various options:

  .just("a", "b", "c")

.fileFactory(Func0<File>) specifies the method used to create the temporary files used by the queue storage mechanism. The default is a factory that calls Files.createTempFile("bufferToFile", ".obj").

There are some inbuilt DataSerializer implementations:

  • DataSerializers.utf8()
  • DataSerializers.string(Charset)
  • DataSerializers.bytes()
  • DataSerializers.javaIO() - uses standard java serialization (ObjectOutputStream and such)

Using default java serialization you can buffer array lists of integers to a file like so:

Flowable.just(1, 2, 3, 4)
    //accumulate into sublists of length 2

In the above example it's fortunate that .buffer emits ArrayList<Integer> instances which are serializable. To be strict you might want to .map the returned list to a data type you know is serializable:

Flowable.just(1, 2, 3, 4)
    .map(list -> new ArrayList<Integer>(list))


Usual queue drain practices are in place but the queue this time is based on memory-mapped file storage. The memory-mapped queue borrows tricks used by Aeron. In particular:

  • every byte array message is preceded by a header
message length in bytes (int, 4 bytes)
message type (1 byte) (0 or 1 for FULL_MESSAGE or FRAGMENT)
padding length in bytes (1 byte)
zeroes according to padding length
  • high read/write throughput is achieved via minimal use of Unsafe volatile puts and gets.

When a message is placed on the memory-mapped file based queue:

  • The header and message bytes above are appended at the current write position in the file but the message length is written as zero (or in our case not written at all because the value defaults to zero).
  • Only once all the message bytes are written is message length given its actual value (and this is done using Unsafe.putOrderedInt).
  • When a read is attempted the length field is read using Unsafe.getIntVolatile and if zero we do nothing (until the next read attempt).

Cancellation complicates things somewhat because pulling the plug suddenly on Unsafe memory mapped files means crashing the JVM with a sigsev fault. To reduce contention with cancellation checks, resource disposal is processed by the queue drain method (reads) and writes to the queue are serialized with cancellation via CAS semantics.

TODO Describe fragmentation handling.


Throughput is increased dramatically by using memory-mapped files.

rxjava2-extras can push through 800MB/s using 1K messages compared to rxjava-extras 43MB/s (2011 i7-920 @2.67GHz). My 2016 2 core i5 HP Spectre laptop with SSD pushes through up to 1.5GB/s for 1K messages.

Smaller messages mean more contention but still on my laptop I am seeing 6 million 40B messages per second.

To do long-running perf tests (haven't set up jmh for this one yet) do this:

mvn test -Dn=500000000


Constrains requests to a range of values (rebatches).

rebatchRequests is the composition of the operators minRequest and maxRequest.


  .compose(Transformers.rebatchRequests(5, 100));

Allow the first request to be unconstrained by the minimum:

  .compose(Transformers.rebatchRequests(5, 100, false));

See also: minRequest, maxRequest


If a stream has elements and completes then the last element is repeated.



A common use case for .retry() is some sequence of actions that are attempted and then after a delay a retry is attempted. RxJava does not provide first class support for this use case but the building blocks are there with the .retryWhen() method. RetryWhen offers static methods that build a Function for use with Flowable.retryWhen().

Retry after a constant delay

    RetryWhen.delay(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build());

Retry after a constant delay with a maximum number of retries

    RetryWhen.delay(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

Retry after custom delays

//the length of waits determines number of retries
Flowable<Long> delays = Flowable.just(10L,20L,30L,30L,30L);
    RetryWhen.delays(delays, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build());

Retry only for a particular exception



Reverses the order of emissions of a stream. Does not emit till source completes.



Custom operators are difficult things to get right in RxJava mainly because of the complexity of supporting backpressure efficiently. Transformers.stateMachine enables a custom operator implementation when:

  • each source emission is mapped to 0 to many emissions (of a different type perhaps) to downstream but those emissions are calculated based on accumulated state


An example of such a transformation might be from a list of temperatures you only want to emit sequential values that are less than zero but are part of a sub-zero sequence at least 1 hour in duration. You could use toListWhile above (when migrated!) but Transformers.stateMachine offers the additional efficiency that it will immediately emit temperatures as soon as the duration criterion is met.

To implement this example, suppose the source is half-hourly temperature measurements:

static class State {
     final List<Double> list;
     final boolean reachedThreshold;
     State(List<Double> list, boolean reachedThreshold) {
         this.list = list; 
         this.reachedThreshold = reachedThreshold;


FlowableTransformer<Double, Double> trans = Transformers 
    .initialStateFactory(() -> new State(new ArrayList<>(), false))
    .<Double, Double> transition((state, t, subscriber) -> {
        if (t < 0) {
            if (state.reachedThreshold) {
                if (subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {
                    return null;
                return state;
            } else if (state.list.size() == MIN_SEQUENCE_LENGTH - 1) {
                for (Double temperature : state.list) {
                    if (subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {
                        return null;
                return new State(null, true);
            } else {
                List<Double> list = new ArrayList<>(state.list);
                return new State(list, false);
        } else {
            return new State(new ArrayList<>(), false);
    .just(10.4, 5.0, 2.0, -1.0, -2.0, -5.0, -1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 6.0)


To read serialized objects from a file:

Flowable<Item> items =;

To write a Flowable to a file:

Serialized.write(flowable, file).subscribe();


Serialized also has support for the very fast serialization library kryo. Unlike standard Java serialization Kryo can also serialize/deserialize objects that don't implement Serializable.

Add this to your pom.xml:


For example,

To read:

Flowable<Item> items = Serialized.kryo().read(file);

To write:

Flowable.write(flowable, file).subscribe();

You can also call Serialized.kryo(kryo) to use an instance of Kryo that you have configured specially.


You may want to group emissions from a Flowable into lists of variable size. This can be achieved safely using toListWhile.

As an example from a sequence of temperatures lets group the sub-zero and zero or above temperatures into contiguous lists:

Flowable.just(10, 5, 2, -1, -2, -5, -1, 2, 5, 6)
        (list, t) -> list.isEmpty() 
            || Math.signum(list.get(0)) < 0 && Math.signum(t) < 0
            || Math.signum(list.get(0)) >= 0 && Math.signum(t) >= 0)


[10, 5, 2]
[-1, -2, -5, -1]
[2, 5, 6]

See also collectWhile. This operator supports request-one micro-fusion.


Sliding window minimum/maximum:

Flowable.just(3, 2, 5, 1, 6, 4)

rxjava2-extras's People


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rxjava2-extras's Issues

rxjava 2.0.6 and 2.0.7 related errors

Changes in rxjava 2.0.6 and 2.0.7 are causing rxjava2-extras test failures:




  testRebatchRequestsMinEqualsMaxDontConstrainFirstRequest(com.github.davidmoten.rx2.internal.flowable.FlowableMinRequestTest): expected:<[5, 5]> but was:<[5, 5, 5]>
  testConstrainedFirstRequest(com.github.davidmoten.rx2.internal.flowable.FlowableMinRequestTest): expected:<[2, 2, 2, 2, 2]> but was:<[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]>

gradle shrink fails for Android gradle project

when I use this library in my gradle android project, the build fails:

com/github/davidmoten/rx2/internal/flowable/buffertofile/MemoryMappedFile references unknown class: sun/misc/Unsafe
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder$2$1 references unknown class: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/Kryo
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder$5 references unknown class: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/io/Input
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder$5 references unknown class: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/Kryo
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/internal/flowable/buffertofile/UnsafeAccess references unknown class: sun/misc/Unsafe
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder references unknown class: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/io/Input
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder references unknown class: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/Kryo
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder$4 references unknown class: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/io/Input
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder$2$1 references unknown class: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/io/Output
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized references unknown class: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/Kryo
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder$3 references unknown class: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/io/Input
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder$; references unknown class member: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/io/Input.<init>:(Ljava/io/InputStream;I)V
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder$1 references unknown class: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/io/Output
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder$2 references unknown class: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/io/Output
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized.kryo:()Lcom/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder; references unknown class member: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/Kryo.<init>:()V
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/internal/flowable/buffertofile/MemoryMappedFile references unknown class: sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl
com/github/davidmoten/rx2/flowable/Serialized$KryoBuilder$; references unknown class member: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/io/Output.<init>:(Ljava/io/OutputStream;I)V

Some flaky tests


We tried running your project and discovered that it contains some flaky tests (i.e., tests that nondeterministically pass and fail). We found these tests to fail more frequently when running them on certain machines of ours.

To prevent others from running this project and its tests in machines that may result in flaky tests, we suggest adding information to the file indicating the minimum resource configuration for running the tests of this project as to prevent observation of test flakiness.

If we run this project in a machine with 1cpu and 1gb ram, we observe flaky tests. We found that the tests in this project did not have any flaky tests when we ran it on machines with 2cpu and 2gb ram.

Here is a list of the tests we have identified and their likelihood of failure on a system with less than the recommended 2 CPUs and 2 GB RAM.

  1. com.github.davidmoten.rx2.internal.flowable.FlowableServerSocketTest#testLoad (4 out 10)
  2. com.github.davidmoten.rx2.buffertofile.FlowableOnBackpressureBufferToFileTest#testCancelObservable (1 out 10)


FROM maven:3.5.4-jdk-11

WORKDIR /home/

RUN git clone && \
  cd rxjava2-extras && \
  git checkout 3f35966fb5cd3b7a4d4ada38165de3f9fae7c6d6 

WORKDIR /home/rxjava2-extras

RUN mvn install -DskipTests

ENTRYPOINT ["mvn", "test", "-fn"]

Build the image:

$> mkdir tmp

$> cp Dockerfile tmp

$> cd tmp

$> docker build -t rxjava2-extras . # estimated time of build 3m

this configuration likely prevents flakiness (no flakiness in 10 runs)

$> docker run --rm --memory=2g --cpus=4 --memory-swap=-1 rxjava2-extras | tee output.txt
$> grep "Failures:"  output.txt # checking results

checking results

this other configuration –similar to the previous– can’t prevent flaky tests (observation in 10 runs)

$> docker run --rm --memory=1g --cpus=0.5 --memory-swap=-1 rxjava2-extras | tee output2.txt
$> grep "Failures:"  output2.txt # checking results

Android P blacklist

Reflection blacklist Lsun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl;->map0 use(s):

Observable vs Flowable Support

Hey David,

Do you think this project should only support Flowable operators? Or will there be plans for Observable support as well?

Thomas N.

Strings.split appends extraneous empty strings

// java String.split() works as expected
assertEquals(1, "Hello World\n".split("\n").length);

TestSubscriber<String> subscriber = Strings
  .from(new StringReader("Hello World\n"))

subscriber.assertValueCount(1);  // Fails with a result of '2'
subscriber.assertValues("Hello World"); // Fails with a result of ['Hello World', '']

retryWhenInstanceOf not triggering for subclasses


I was trying to use RetryWhen.retryWhenInstanceOf(IOException.class) but it would never trigger for classes that extend IOException. Is that the intended behaviour?
By looking at the name I was assuming that it should trigger for any Object that inherits whatever class I have passed.

Feature request: allow RetryWhen to count only consecutive errors

The semantics would be "Retry when the count of consecutive errors has not exceeded a certain value." The error count would be reset upon a successful onNext call.

It could be done with a builder function like .consecutiveErrorCountLessThan( int n ). (If 2+ billion consecutive errors isn't enough, make the parameter a long :-)

I've implemented something like this as a composable ObservableTransformer. It also accepts an optional list of the types of Exception to be counted. Caveat: it's not well tested yet.

public class RetryLimiter<T> implements ObservableTransformer<T,T> {
    private final static String TAG = RetryLimiter.class.getSimpleName();
    private int errorCount = 0;
    private int maxErrorCount;
    private List<Class> countedExceptions;  // note errors not in this list (if defined) are not counted and will continue retries
    // constructor passes max tolerated consecutive errors (count is rezeroed upon a successful emission)
    public RetryLimiter( int maxErrors ) {
        if( maxErrors < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "maxErrors cannot be < 0" );
        maxErrorCount = maxErrors;
    // constructor that accepts a list of the types of exceptions to count (others are ignored)
    public RetryLimiter( int maxErrors, List<Class> exceptions ) {
        this( maxErrors );
        if( exceptions != null ) {
            for( Class c : exceptions ) {  // check that the supplied list contains only Throwable (sub)classes
                if( !Throwable.class.isAssignableFrom( c ) ) {  // is c a Throwable or subclass of Throwable?
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "List can only contain class Throwable or its subclasses" );
            countedExceptions = exceptions;
        } else {
            throw new NullPointerException( "If supplied, Exception Class list cannot be null" );
    public ObservableSource<T> apply( Observable<T> upstream ) {
        return upstream
                .doOnError( err -> {
                    if( countedExceptions != null ) {
                        for( Class t : countedExceptions ) {
                            if( err.getClass().equals( t ) ) {
                                break;        // don't count more than once
                    } else {  // null list of counted Exceptions
                    if( DEBUG ) Log.d( TAG, "Consecutive error #" + errorCount + ": " + err.toString() );
                } )  
                .doOnNext( next -> errorCount = 0 )
                .retryUntil( () -> errorCount > maxErrorCount );

Also, what about including an option for a general Predicate function to decide whether or not to retry? I realize this is essentially the same as the standard .retryUntil( Predicate ) but it could be a useful addition: .isTrue( Predicate p ). Not to gild the lily, but it could perhaps be two functions: .and( Predicate p ) and .or( Predicate p ). Arguments to the Predicate are TBD but would presumably include the Throwable.

OrderedMerge operator

One of the operators that was great in rxjava-extras was OrderedMerge.
Is this something that will be added to rxjava2-extras or is there a better way to do this now?

If this is to be added I could try to create a PR.

Bad interleaving found that causes test failure

commit version- d0315b6

Describe the bug
It is possible to encounter an unexpected crash due to a bad thread interleaving. The bad interleaving may occur due to sharing one variable (variable name is cancelled). For example, I saw at Line 53 and at Line 66 of, they share the same variable. Of these two accesses one method is writing on that variable at Line 66 and another Line at 53 reads the value of that variable. However, this may cause a crash anytime if multiple threads interleave in different ways.

Expected behavior
No error or sudden crash of the program is expected.

Additional context
When I investigated the FlowableRepeat class, I found that the cancelled variable is used on Line 53 and Line 66. Of these two access, one is a write operation. Hence, any unexpected crash or inconsistency may occur if multiple threads interleave.

Environment(please complete the following information):
I ran the test on an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS machine using OpenJDK 1.8.0_312.

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