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dominikg / css-minification-benchmark Goto Github PK

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This project forked from goalsmashers/css-minification-benchmark

0.0 1.0 0.0 2.47 MB

A comparison of CSS minifiers for node.js

Home Page:

License: MIT License

JavaScript 0.49% CSS 99.51%

css-minification-benchmark's Introduction

Build Status devDependency Status

What is css-minification-benchmark?

A comparison of CSS minification engines.


Which engines are covered?

How can I see the results?

Clone the repository, install the dependencies with npm install and then run node ./bin/bench.js. That's it!

If you prefer to see results without cloning the repo here are the most recent ones.

How can I generate the html report?

Just run node ./bin/bench.js --html > report.html

How can I test my CSS file?

Just copy your file to the data directory (make sure the filename ends with .css) and re-run the benchmark.

How can I add a new minifier to the list?

  • add it to package.json as a devDependency
  • run npm install
  • require it in lib/minify.js and add it to minifiers hash
  • run npm run bench
  • add it to this file in "Which engines are covered?" section above
  • send a PR (if you wish to have it included)

How can I compare a subset of minifiers?

Just run node ./bin/bench.js --only csso,cssnano (it's turned into /.*(csso|cssnano).*/ regex)

Can I get the compressed gzip size as well?

Run node ./bin/bench.js --gzip to measure the gzip size instead of the regular file size.


css-minification-benchmark is released under the MIT License.

css-minification-benchmark's People


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