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android-gif-animated-writer's Issues

writer.write doesn't work

Hi ! I know this code is old, but i'm interested so :)

I tried to run your code to make a simply gif with two 20x20png, but the programm fail each time at the same line. (line 48 below) And i've just copy and paste your exemple ... :(


If you have any idea !

Kotlin version

import java.lang.Exception
import java.lang.NullPointerException
import java.util.*
import kotlin.experimental.and
import kotlin.experimental.or

class AnimatedGIFWriter @jvmoverloads constructor(isApplyDither: Boolean = false) {
// Fields
private var codeLen = 0
private var codeIndex = 0
private var clearCode = 0
private var endOfImage = 0
private var bufIndex = 0
private var empty_bits = 0x08
private var bitsPerPixel = 0x08
private val bytes_buf = ByteArray(256)
private lateinit var colorPalette: IntArray
private val isApplyDither: Boolean

 * A child is made up of a parent(or prefix) code plus a suffix color
 * and siblings are strings with a common parent(or prefix) and different
 * suffix colors
var child = IntArray(4097)
var siblings = IntArray(4097)
var suffix = IntArray(4097)
private var logicalScreenWidth = 0
private var logicalScreenHeight = 0
private var animated = false
private var loopCount = 0
private var firstFrame = true

// Write as a single frame GIF

fun write(img: Bitmap?, os: OutputStream) {

    if (img == null) throw NullPointerException("Input image is null")
    val imageWidth = img.width
    val imageHeight = img.height
    val pixels = IntArray(imageWidth * imageHeight)
    img.getPixels(pixels, 0, imageWidth, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)

    write(pixels, imageWidth, imageHeight, os)


private fun encode(pixels: ByteArray, os: OutputStream) {

    // Define local variables

    var parent = 0
    var son = 0
    var brother = 0
    var color = 0
    var index = 0
    val dimension = pixels.size

    // Write out the length of the root

        if (bitsPerPixel == 1) {
        } else {
            bitsPerPixel.also { bitsPerPixel = it }

    // Initialize the encoder


    // Tell the decoder to initialize the string table

    send_code_to_buffer(clearCode, os)

    // Get the first color and assign it to parent

    parent = pixels[index++].toInt() and 0xff

    while (index < dimension) {

        color = pixels[index++].toInt() and 0xff

        son = child[parent]

        if (son > 0) {

            if (suffix[son] == color) {

                parent = son

            } else {

                brother = son

                while (true) {

                    if (siblings[brother] > 0) {

                        brother = siblings[brother]

                        if (suffix[brother] == color) {

                            parent = brother



                    } else {

                        siblings[brother] = codeIndex
                        suffix[codeIndex] = color
                        send_code_to_buffer(parent, os)
                        parent = color

                        // Check code length

                        if (codeIndex > 1 shl codeLen) {

                            if (codeLen == 12) {

                                send_code_to_buffer(clearCode, os)

                            } else codeLen++






        } else {

            child[parent] = codeIndex
            suffix[codeIndex] = color
            send_code_to_buffer(parent, os)
            parent = color

            // Check code length

            if (codeIndex > 1 shl codeLen) {

                if (codeLen == 12) {

                    send_code_to_buffer(clearCode, os)

                } else codeLen++




    // Send the last color code to the buffer

    send_code_to_buffer(parent, os)

    // Send the endOfImage code to the buffer

    send_code_to_buffer(endOfImage, os)

    // Flush the last code buffer

    flush_buf(os, bufIndex + 1)


 * This is intended to be called after writing all the frames if we write
 * an animated GIF frame by frame.
 * @param os OutputStream for the animated GIF
 * @throws Exception

fun finishWrite(os: OutputStream) {



private fun flush_buf(os: OutputStream, len: Int) {

    os.write(bytes_buf, 0, len)

    // Clear the bytes buffer

    bufIndex = 0

    Arrays.fill(bytes_buf, 0, 0xff, 0x00.toByte())


private fun init_encoder(bitsPerPixel: Int) {

    clearCode = 1 shl bitsPerPixel
    endOfImage = clearCode + 1
    codeLen = bitsPerPixel + 1
    codeIndex = endOfImage + 1

    // Reset arrays

    Arrays.fill(child, 0)
    Arrays.fill(siblings, 0)
    Arrays.fill(suffix, 0)


 * This is intended to be called first when writing an animated GIF
 * frame by frame.
 * @param os OutputStream for the animated GIF
 * @param logicalScreenWidth width of the logical screen. If it is less than
 * or equal zero, it will be determined from the first frame
 * @param logicalScreenHeight height of the logical screen. If it is less than
 * or equal zero, it will be determined from the first frame
 * @throws Exception

fun prepareForWrite(os: OutputStream, logicalScreenWidth: Int, logicalScreenHeight: Int) {

    // Header first

    writeHeader(os, true)
    this.logicalScreenWidth = logicalScreenWidth
    this.logicalScreenHeight = logicalScreenHeight

    // We are going to write animated GIF, so enable animated flag

    animated = true


// Translate codes into bytes
private fun send_code_to_buffer(code: Int, os: OutputStream) {

    var code = code
    var temp = codeLen

    // Shift the code to the left of the last byte in bytes_buf

    bytes_buf[bufIndex] = bytes_buf[bufIndex] or ((code and MASK[empty_bits] shl 8 - empty_bits).toByte())
    code = code shr empty_bits
    temp -= empty_bits

    // If the code is longer than the empty_bits

    while (temp > 0) {

        if (++bufIndex >= 0xff) {

            flush_buf(os, 0xff)


        bytes_buf[bufIndex] = bytes_buf[bufIndex] or ((code and 0xff).toByte())
        code = code shr 8
        temp -= 8


    empty_bits = -temp


fun setLoopCount(loopCount: Int) {

    this.loopCount = loopCount


private fun write(pixels: IntArray, imageWidth: Int, imageHeight: Int, os: OutputStream) {

    // Write GIF header

    writeHeader(os, true)

    // Set logical screen size

    logicalScreenWidth = imageWidth
    logicalScreenHeight = imageHeight
    firstFrame = true

    // We only need to write one frame, so disable animated flag

    animated = false

    // Write the image frame

    writeFrame(pixels, imageWidth, imageHeight, 0, 0, 0, os)

    // Make a clean end up of the image



 * Writes an array of BufferedImage as an animated GIF
 * @param images an array of BufferedImage
 * @param delays delays in millisecond for each frame
 * @param os OutputStream for the animated GIF
 * @throws Exception

fun writeAnimatedGIF(images: Array<Bitmap>, delays: IntArray, os: OutputStream) {

    // Header first

    writeHeader(os, true)

    val logicalScreenSize = getLogicalScreenSize(images)
    logicalScreenWidth = logicalScreenSize.width()
    logicalScreenHeight = logicalScreenSize.height()

    // We are going to write animated GIF, so enable animated flag

    animated = true

    for (i in images.indices) {

        // Retrieve image dimension

        val imageWidth = images[i].width
        val imageHeight = images[i].height
        val pixels = IntArray(imageWidth * imageHeight)
        images[i].getPixels(pixels, 0, imageWidth, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)

        writeFrame(pixels, imageWidth, imageHeight, 0, 0, delays[i], os)




 * Writes an array of GIFFrame as an animated GIF
 * @param frames an array of GIFFrame
 * @param os OutputStream for the animated GIF
 * @throws Exception

fun writeAnimatedGIF(frames: Array<GIFFrame>, os: OutputStream) {

    // Header first

    writeHeader(os, true)
    val logicalScreenSize = getLogicalScreenSize(frames)
    logicalScreenWidth = logicalScreenSize.width()
    logicalScreenHeight = logicalScreenSize.height()

    // We are going to write animated GIF, so enable animated flag

    animated = true

    for (i in frames.indices) {

        // Retrieve image dimension

        val imageWidth = frames[i].frameWidth
        val imageHeight = frames[i].frameHeight
        val pixels = IntArray(imageWidth * imageHeight)
        frames[i].frame!!.getPixels(pixels, 0, imageWidth, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)

        if (frames[i].transparencyFlag == GIFFrame.TRANSPARENCY_INDEX_SET && frames[i].transparentColor != -1) {

            val transColor = frames[i].transparentColor and 0x00ffffff

            for (j in pixels.size - 1 downTo 1) {
                val pixel = pixels[j] and 0x00ffffff
                if (pixel == transColor) pixels[j] = pixel


            pixels, imageWidth, imageHeight, frames[i].leftPosition, frames[i].topPosition,
            frames[i].delay, frames[i].disposalMethod, frames[i].userInputFlag, os




 * Writes a list of GIFFrame as an animated GIF
 * @param frames a list of GIFFrame
 * @param os OutputStream for the animated GIF
 * @throws Exception

fun writeAnimatedGIF(frames: List<AnimatedGIFWriter.GIFFrame>, os: OutputStream) {

    writeAnimatedGIF(frames.toTypedArray(), os)


private fun writeComment(os: OutputStream, comment: String) {

    val commentBytes = comment.toByteArray()

    val numBlocks = commentBytes.size / 0xff
    val leftOver = commentBytes.size % 0xff
    var offset = 0

    if (numBlocks > 0) {

        for (i in 0 until numBlocks) {

            os.write(commentBytes, offset, 0xff)
            offset += 0xff



    if (leftOver > 0) {

        os.write(commentBytes, offset, leftOver)




fun writeFrame(os: OutputStream, frame: GIFFrame) {

    // Retrieve image dimension

    val image = frame.frame
    var imageWidth = image!!.width
    var imageHeight = image.height
    val frameLeft = frame.leftPosition
    val frameTop = frame.topPosition

    // Determine the logical screen dimension

    if (firstFrame) {
        if (logicalScreenWidth <= 0) logicalScreenWidth = imageWidth
        if (logicalScreenHeight <= 0) logicalScreenHeight = imageHeight

    if (frameLeft >= logicalScreenWidth || frameTop >= logicalScreenHeight) return

    if (frameLeft + imageWidth > logicalScreenWidth) imageWidth = logicalScreenWidth - frameLeft

    if (frameTop + imageHeight > logicalScreenHeight) imageHeight =
        logicalScreenHeight - frameTop

    val pixels = IntArray(imageWidth * imageHeight)

    image.getPixels(pixels, 0, imageWidth, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)

    // Handle transparency color if explicitly set

    if (frame.transparencyFlag == GIFFrame.TRANSPARENCY_INDEX_SET && frame.transparentColor != -1) {

        val transColor = frame.transparentColor and 0x00ffffff

        for (j in pixels.size - 1 downTo 1) {
            val pixel = pixels[j] and 0x00ffffff
            if (pixel == transColor) pixels[j] = pixel


        pixels, imageWidth, imageHeight, frame.leftPosition, frame.topPosition,
        frame.delay, frame.disposalMethod, frame.userInputFlag, os


fun writeFrame(os: OutputStream, frame: Bitmap, delay: Int = 100) {

    // Retrieve image dimension

    var delay = delay
    var imageWidth = frame.width
    var imageHeight = frame.height

    // Determine the logical screen dimension

    if (firstFrame) {
        if (logicalScreenWidth <= 0) logicalScreenWidth = imageWidth
        if (logicalScreenHeight <= 0) logicalScreenHeight = imageHeight

    if (delay <= 0) delay = 100
    if (imageWidth > logicalScreenWidth) imageWidth = logicalScreenWidth
    if (imageHeight > logicalScreenHeight) imageHeight = logicalScreenHeight

    val pixels = IntArray(imageWidth * imageHeight)
    frame.getPixels(pixels, 0, imageWidth, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)

    writeFrame(pixels, imageWidth, imageHeight, 0, 0, delay, os)


private fun writeFrame(
    pixels: IntArray,
    imageWidth: Int,
    imageHeight: Int,
    imageLeftPosition: Int,
    imageTopPosition: Int,
    delay: Int,
    disposalMethod: Int,
    userInputFlag: Int,
    os: OutputStream
) {

    // Reset empty_bits

    empty_bits = 0x08
    var transparent_color = -1
    var colorInfo: IntArray

    // Reduce colors, if the color depth is less than 8 bits, reduce colors
    // to the actual bits needed, otherwise reduce to 8 bits.

    val newPixels = ByteArray(imageWidth * imageHeight)
    colorPalette = IntArray(256)
    colorInfo = checkColorDepth(pixels, newPixels, colorPalette)

    if (colorInfo[0] > 0x08) {
        bitsPerPixel = 8
        colorInfo = if (isApplyDither) reduceColorsDiffusionDither(
        ) else reduceColors(pixels, bitsPerPixel, newPixels, colorPalette)

    bitsPerPixel = colorInfo[0]
    transparent_color = colorInfo[1]

    val num_of_color = 1 shl bitsPerPixel

    if (firstFrame) {

        // Logical screen descriptor

        var flags =
            0x88.toByte() //0b10001000 (having sorted global color map) - To be updated
        var bgcolor: Byte = 0x00.toByte() // To be set
        val aspectRatio: Byte = 0x00.toByte()
        val colorResolution = 0x07.toByte()

        // Set GIF logical screen descriptor parameters

        flags = flags or ((colorResolution.toInt() shl 4 or bitsPerPixel - 1).toByte())
        if (transparent_color >= 0) bgcolor = transparent_color.toByte()

        // Write logical screen descriptor

            logicalScreenHeight.toShort(), flags.toShort(), bgcolor, aspectRatio

        // Write the global colorPalette

        writePalette(os, num_of_color)
        writeComment(os, "Created by ICAFE -")

        if (animated) // Write Netscape extension block
            writeNetscapeApplicationBlock(os, loopCount)


    // Output the graphic control block

    writeGraphicControlBlock(os, delay, transparent_color, disposalMethod, userInputFlag)

    // Output image descriptor

    if (firstFrame) {


        firstFrame = false

    } else {

            bitsPerPixel - 1

        // Write local colorPalette

        writePalette(os, num_of_color)


    // LZW encode the image

    encode(newPixels, os)
    /** Write out a zero length data sub-block  */



private fun writeFrame(
    pixels: IntArray,
    imageWidth: Int,
    imageHeight: Int,
    imageLeftPosition: Int,
    imageTopPosition: Int,
    delay: Int,
    os: OutputStream
) {



// Unit of delay is supposed to be in millisecond
private fun writeGraphicControlBlock(
    os: OutputStream,
    delay: Int,
    transparent_color: Int,
    disposalMethod: Int,
    userInputFlag: Int
) {

    // Scale delay

    var delay = delay
    delay = Math.round(delay / 10.0f)
    val buf = ByteArray(8)
    buf[0] = EXTENSION_INTRODUCER // Extension introducer
    buf[1] = GRAPHIC_CONTROL_LABEL // Graphic control label
    buf[2] = 0x04.toByte() // Block size

    // Add disposalMethod and userInputFlag

    buf[3] = buf[3] or ((disposalMethod and 0x07 shl 2 or (userInputFlag and 0x01 shl 1)).toByte())
    buf[4] = (delay and 0xff).toByte() // Delay time
    buf[5] = (delay shr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
    buf[6] = transparent_color.toByte()
    buf[7] = 0x00
    if (transparent_color >= 0) // Add transparency indicator
        buf[3] = buf[3] or 0x01
    os.write(buf, 0, 8)


private fun writeHeader(os: OutputStream, newFormat: Boolean) {

    // 6 bytes: GIF signature (always "GIF") plus GIF version ("87a" or "89a")

    if (newFormat) os.write("GIF89a".toByteArray()) else os.write("GIF87a".toByteArray())


private fun writeImageDescriptor(
    os: OutputStream,
    imageWidth: Int,
    imageHeight: Int,
    imageLeftPosition: Int,
    imageTopPosition: Int,
    colorTableSize: Int
) {

    val imageDescriptor = ByteArray(10)
    imageDescriptor[0] = IMAGE_SEPARATOR // Image separator ","
    imageDescriptor[1] = (imageLeftPosition and 0xff).toByte() // Image left position
    imageDescriptor[2] = (imageLeftPosition shr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
    imageDescriptor[3] = (imageTopPosition and 0xff).toByte() // Image top position
    imageDescriptor[4] = (imageTopPosition shr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
    imageDescriptor[5] = (imageWidth and 0xff).toByte()
    imageDescriptor[6] = (imageWidth shr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
    imageDescriptor[7] = (imageHeight and 0xff).toByte()
    imageDescriptor[8] = (imageHeight shr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
    imageDescriptor[9] = 0x20.toByte() //0b00100000 - Packed fields

    if (colorTableSize >= 0) // Local color table will follow
        imageDescriptor[9] = imageDescriptor[9] or ((1 shl 7 or colorTableSize).toByte())

    os.write(imageDescriptor, 0, 10)


// Write logical screen descriptor
private fun writeLSD(
    os: OutputStream,
    screen_width: Short,
    screen_height: Short,
    flags: Short,
    bgcolor: Byte,
    aspectRatio: Byte
) {

    val descriptor = ByteArray(7)

    // Screen_width

    descriptor[0] = (screen_width.toInt() and 0xff).toByte()
    descriptor[1] = (screen_width.toInt() shr 8 and 0xff).toByte()

    // Screen_height

    descriptor[2] = (screen_height.toInt() and 0xff).toByte()

    descriptor[3] = (screen_height.toInt() shr 8 and 0xff).toByte()

    // Global flags

    descriptor[4] = (flags.toInt() and 0xff).toByte()

    // Background color

    descriptor[5] = bgcolor

    // AspectRatio

    descriptor[6] = aspectRatio



private fun writeNetscapeApplicationBlock(os: OutputStream, loopCounts: Int) {

    val buf = ByteArray(19)
    buf[0] = EXTENSION_INTRODUCER // Extension introducer
    buf[1] = APPLICATION_EXTENSION_LABEL // Application extension label
    buf[2] = 0x0b.toByte() // Block size
    buf[3] = 'N'.code.toByte() // Application Identifier (8 bytes)
    buf[4] = 'E'.code.toByte()
    buf[5] = 'T'.code.toByte()
    buf[6] = 'S'.code.toByte()
    buf[7] = 'C'.code.toByte()
    buf[8] = 'A'.code.toByte()
    buf[9] = 'P'.code.toByte()
    buf[10] = 'E'.code.toByte()
    buf[11] = '2'.code.toByte() // Application Authentication Code (3 bytes)
    buf[12] = '.'.code.toByte()
    buf[13] = '0'.code.toByte()
    buf[14] = 0x03.toByte()
    buf[15] = 0x01.toByte()
    buf[16] = (loopCounts and 0xff).toByte() // Loop counts
    buf[17] = (loopCounts shr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
    buf[18] = 0x00.toByte() // Block terminator



private fun writePalette(os: OutputStream, num_of_color: Int) {

    var index = 0
    val colors = ByteArray(num_of_color * 3)

    for (i in 0 until num_of_color) {
        colors[index++] = (colorPalette[i] shr 16 and 0xff).toByte()
        colors[index++] = (colorPalette[i] shr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
        colors[index++] = (colorPalette[i] and 0xff).toByte()

    os.write(colors, 0, num_of_color * 3)


class GIFFrame @JvmOverloads constructor(
    frame: Bitmap?,
    leftPosition: Int = 0,
    topPosition: Int = 0,
    delay: Int = 0,
    disposalMethod: Int = DISPOSAL_UNSPECIFIED,
    userInputFlag: Int = USER_INPUT_NONE,
    transparencyFlag: Int = TRANSPARENCY_INDEX_NONE,
    transparentColor: Int = TRANSPARENCY_COLOR_NONE
) {

    // Frame parameters

    var frame: Bitmap? = null
    var leftPosition = 0
    var topPosition = 0
    var frameWidth = 0
    var frameHeight = 0
    var delay = 0
    var disposalMethod = DISPOSAL_UNSPECIFIED
    var userInputFlag = USER_INPUT_NONE
    var transparencyFlag = TRANSPARENCY_INDEX_NONE

    // The transparent color value in RRGGBB format.
    // The highest order byte has no effect.

    var transparentColor = TRANSPARENCY_COLOR_NONE // Default no transparent color

    constructor(frame: Bitmap?, delay: Int) : this(frame, 0, 0, delay, DISPOSAL_UNSPECIFIED) {}

    constructor(frame: Bitmap?, delay: Int, disposalMethod: Int) : this(
    ) {



    companion object {

        const val DISPOSAL_UNSPECIFIED = 0
        const val DISPOSAL_LEAVE_AS_IS = 1
        const val DISPOSAL_RESTORE_TO_PREVIOUS = 3

        // Values between 4-7 inclusive

        const val DISPOSAL_TO_BE_DEFINED = 7
        const val USER_INPUT_NONE = 0
        const val USER_INPUT_EXPECTED = 1
        const val TRANSPARENCY_INDEX_NONE = 0
        const val TRANSPARENCY_INDEX_SET = 1
        const val TRANSPARENCY_COLOR_NONE = -1


    init {

        var delay = delay

        requireNotNull(frame) { "Null input image" }
        require(!(disposalMethod < DISPOSAL_UNSPECIFIED || disposalMethod > DISPOSAL_TO_BE_DEFINED)) { "Invalid disposal method: $disposalMethod" }
        require(!(userInputFlag < USER_INPUT_NONE || userInputFlag > USER_INPUT_EXPECTED)) { "Invalid user input flag: $userInputFlag" }
        require(!(transparencyFlag < TRANSPARENCY_INDEX_NONE || transparencyFlag > TRANSPARENCY_INDEX_SET)) { "Invalid transparency flag: $transparencyFlag" }
        require(!(leftPosition < 0 || topPosition < 0)) { "Negative coordinates for frame top-left position" }

        if (delay < 0) delay = 0

        this.frame = frame
        this.leftPosition = leftPosition
        this.topPosition = topPosition
        this.delay = delay
        this.disposalMethod = disposalMethod
        this.userInputFlag = userInputFlag
        this.transparencyFlag = transparencyFlag
        frameWidth = frame.width
        frameHeight = frame.height
        this.transparentColor = transparentColor



 * Java port of
 * C Implementation of Wu's Color Quantizer (v. 2)
 * (see Graphics Gems vol. II, pp. 126-133)
 * Author:	Xiaolin Wu
 * Dept. of Computer Science
 * Univ. of Western Ontario
 * London, Ontario N6A 5B7
 * [email protected]
 * Algorithm: Greedy orthogonal bipartition of RGB space for variance
 * minimization aided by inclusion-exclusion tricks.
 * For speed no nearest neighbor search is done. Slightly
 * better performance can be expected by more sophisticated
 * but more expensive versions.
 * The author thanks Tom Lane at [email protected] for much of
 * additional documentation and a cure to a previous bug.
 * Free to distribute, comments and suggestions are appreciated.

private class WuQuant(private val pixels: IntArray, lut_size: Int) {

    private class Box {
        var r0 /* min value, exclusive */ = 0
        var r1 /* max value, inclusive */ = 0
        var g0 = 0
        var g1 = 0
        var b0 = 0
        var b1 = 0
        var vol = 0

    private val size : Int /*image size*/
    private var lut_size : Int /*color look-up table size*/
    private lateinit var qadd: IntArray
    private var transparent_color = -1 // Transparent color

    private val m2 = Array(QUANT_SIZE) {
        Array(QUANT_SIZE) {

    private val wt = Array(QUANT_SIZE) {
        Array(QUANT_SIZE) {

    private val mr = Array(QUANT_SIZE) {
        Array(QUANT_SIZE) {

    private val mg = Array(QUANT_SIZE) {
        Array(QUANT_SIZE) {

    private val mb = Array(QUANT_SIZE) {
        Array(QUANT_SIZE) {

    fun quantize(newPixels: ByteArray, lut: IntArray, colorInfo: IntArray): Int {

        val cube = arrayOfNulls<Box>(MAXCOLOR)
        var lut_r: Int
        var lut_g: Int
        var lut_b: Int
        val tag = IntArray(QUANT_SIZE * QUANT_SIZE * QUANT_SIZE)
        var next: Int
        var i: Int
        var k: Int
        var weight: Long
        val vv = FloatArray(MAXCOLOR)
        var temp: Float

        Hist3d(wt, mr, mg, mb, m2)
        M3d(wt, mr, mg, mb, m2)
        i = 0

        while (i < MAXCOLOR) {
            cube[i] = Box()

        cube[0]!!.b0 = 0
        cube[0]!!.g0 = cube[0]!!.b0
        cube[0]!!.r0 = cube[0]!!.g0
        cube[0]!!.b1 = QUANT_SIZE - 1
        cube[0]!!.g1 = cube[0]!!.b1
        cube[0]!!.r1 = cube[0]!!.g1
        next = 0

        if (transparent_color >= 0) lut_size--

        i = 1

        while (i < lut_size) {
            if (Cut(cube[next], cube[i])) {
                /* volume test ensures we won't try to cut one-cell box */
                vv[next] = if (cube[next]!!.vol > 1) Var(cube[next]) else 0.0f
                vv[i] = if (cube[i]!!.vol > 1) Var(cube[i]) else 0.0f
            } else {
                vv[next] = 0.0f /* don't try to split this box again */
                i-- /* didn't create box i */
            next = 0
            temp = vv[0]
            k = 1
            while (k <= i) {
                if (vv[k] > temp) {
                    temp = vv[k]
                    next = k
            if (temp <= 0.0f) {
                k = i + 1

        k = 0

        while (k < lut_size) {

            Mark(cube[k], k, tag)
            weight = Vol(cube[k], wt)

            if (weight > 0) {
                lut_r = (Vol(cube[k], mr) / weight).toInt()
                lut_g = (Vol(cube[k], mg) / weight).toInt()
                lut_b = (Vol(cube[k], mb) / weight).toInt()
                lut[k] = 255 shl 24 or (lut_r shl 16) or (lut_g shl 8) or lut_b
            } else {
                lut[k] = 0



        i = 0

        while (i < size) {
            if (pixels[i] ushr 24 < 0x80) newPixels[i] = lut_size.toByte() else newPixels[i] =

        var bitsPerPixel = 0

        while (1 shl bitsPerPixel < lut_size) bitsPerPixel++

        colorInfo[0] = bitsPerPixel
        colorInfo[1] = -1

        if (transparent_color >= 0) {
            lut[lut_size] = transparent_color // Set the transparent color
            colorInfo[1] = lut_size

        return lut_size

    fun quantize(lut: IntArray, colorInfo: IntArray): Int {

        val cube = arrayOfNulls<Box>(MAXCOLOR)
        var lut_r: Int
        var lut_g: Int
        var lut_b: Int
        var next: Int
        var i: Int
        var k: Int
        var weight: Long
        val vv = FloatArray(MAXCOLOR)
        var temp: Float

        Hist3d(wt, mr, mg, mb, m2)
        M3d(wt, mr, mg, mb, m2)
        i = 0

        while (i < MAXCOLOR) {
            cube[i] = Box()

        cube[0]!!.b0 = 0
        cube[0]!!.g0 = cube[0]!!.b0
        cube[0]!!.r0 = cube[0]!!.g0
        cube[0]!!.b1 = QUANT_SIZE - 1
        cube[0]!!.g1 = cube[0]!!.b1
        cube[0]!!.r1 = cube[0]!!.g1
        next = 0

        if (transparent_color >= 0) lut_size--
        i = 1

        while (i < lut_size) {
            if (Cut(cube[next], cube[i])) {
                /* volume test ensures we won't try to cut one-cell box */
                vv[next] = if (cube[next]!!.vol > 1) Var(cube[next]) else 0.0f
                vv[i] = if (cube[i]!!.vol > 1) Var(cube[i]) else 0.0f
            } else {
                vv[next] = 0.0f /* don't try to split this box again */
                i-- /* didn't create box i */
            next = 0
            temp = vv[0]
            k = 1
            while (k <= i) {
                if (vv[k] > temp) {
                    temp = vv[k]
                    next = k
            if (temp <= 0.0f) {
                k = i + 1

        k = 0

        while (k < lut_size) {
            weight = Vol(cube[k], wt)
            if (weight > 0) {
                lut_r = (Vol(cube[k], mr) / weight).toInt()
                lut_g = (Vol(cube[k], mg) / weight).toInt()
                lut_b = (Vol(cube[k], mb) / weight).toInt()
                lut[k] = 255 shl 24 or (lut_r shl 16) or (lut_g shl 8) or lut_b
            } else {
                lut[k] = 0

        var bitsPerPixel = 0

        while (1 shl bitsPerPixel < lut_size) bitsPerPixel++
        colorInfo[0] = bitsPerPixel
        colorInfo[1] = -1

        if (transparent_color >= 0) {
            lut[lut_size] = transparent_color // Set the transparent color
            colorInfo[1] = lut_size

        return lut_size


    /* Histogram is in elements 1..HISTSIZE along each axis,
	 * element 0 is for base or marginal value
	 * NB: these must start out 0!

    private fun Hist3d(
        vwt: Array<Array<LongArray>>,
        vmr: Array<Array<LongArray>>,
        vmg: Array<Array<LongArray>>,
        vmb: Array<Array<LongArray>>,
        m2: Array<Array<FloatArray>>
    ) {

        /* build 3-D color histogram of counts, r/g/b, c^2 */

        var r: Int
        var g: Int
        var b: Int
        var i: Int
        var inr: Int
        var ing: Int
        var inb: Int
        val table = IntArray(256)
        i = 0
        while (i < 256) {
            table[i] = i * i
        qadd = IntArray(size)
        i = 0

        while (i < size) {

            val rgb = pixels[i]

            if (rgb ushr 24 < 0x80) { // Transparent
                if (transparent_color < 0) // Find the transparent color
                    transparent_color = rgb

            r = (rgb shr 16) and 0xff
            g = (rgb shr 8) and 0xff
            b = rgb and 0xff
            inr = (r shr 3) + 1
            ing = (g shr 3) + 1
            inb = (b shr 3) + 1
            qadd[i] = (inr shl 10) + (inr shl 6) + inr + (ing shl 5) + ing + inb
            vmr[inr][ing][inb] += r.toLong()
            vmg[inr][ing][inb] += g.toLong()
            vmb[inr][ing][inb] += b.toLong()
            m2[inr][ing][inb] += (table[r] + table[g] + table[b]).toFloat()

    /* At conclusion of the histogram step, we can interpret
	 *   wt[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of P(c)
	 *   mr[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of r*P(c)  ,  similarly for mg, mb
	 *   m2[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of c^2*P(c)
	 * Actually each of these should be divided by 'size' to give the usual
	 * interpretation of P() as ranging from 0 to 1, but we needn't do that here.
    /* We now convert histogram into moments so that we can rapidly calculate
	 * the sums of the above quantities over any desired box.

    private fun M3d(
        vwt: Array<Array<LongArray>>,
        vmr: Array<Array<LongArray>>,
        vmg: Array<Array<LongArray>>,
        vmb: Array<Array<LongArray>>,
        m2: Array<Array<FloatArray>>
    ) {

        /* compute cumulative moments. */

        var i: Int
        var r: Int
        var g: Int
        var b: Int
        var line: Int
        var line_r: Int
        var line_g: Int
        var line_b: Int
        val area = IntArray(QUANT_SIZE)
        val area_r = IntArray(QUANT_SIZE)
        val area_g = IntArray(QUANT_SIZE)
        val area_b = IntArray(QUANT_SIZE)
        var line2: Float
        val area2 = FloatArray(QUANT_SIZE)
        r = 1
        while (r < QUANT_SIZE) {
            i = 0
            while (i < QUANT_SIZE) {
                area_b[i] = 0
                area_g[i] = area_b[i]
                area_r[i] = area_g[i]
                area[i] = area_r[i]
                area2[i] = area[i].toFloat()
            g = 1
            while (g < QUANT_SIZE) {
                line_b = 0
                line_g = line_b
                line_r = line_g
                line = line_r
                line2 = line.toFloat()
                b = 1
                while (b < QUANT_SIZE) {
                    line += vwt[r][g][b].toInt()
                    line_r += vmr[r][g][b].toInt()
                    line_g += vmg[r][g][b].toInt()
                    line_b += vmb[r][g][b].toInt()
                    line2 += m2[r][g][b]
                    area[b] += line
                    area_r[b] += line_r
                    area_g[b] += line_g
                    area_b[b] += line_b
                    area2[b] += line2
                    vwt[r][g][b] = vwt[r - 1][g][b] + area[b]
                    vmr[r][g][b] = vmr[r - 1][g][b] + area_r[b]
                    vmg[r][g][b] = vmg[r - 1][g][b] + area_g[b]
                    vmb[r][g][b] = vmb[r - 1][g][b] + area_b[b]
                    m2[r][g][b] = m2[r - 1][g][b] + area2[b]

    private fun Vol(cube: Box?, mmt: Array<Array<LongArray>>): Long {
        /* Compute sum over a box of any given statistic */
        return (
                + mmt[cube!!.r1][cube.g1][cube.b1]
                - mmt[cube.r1][cube.g1][cube.b0]
                - mmt[cube.r1][cube.g0][cube.b1]
                + mmt[cube.r1][cube.g0][cube.b0]
                - mmt[cube.r0][cube.g1][cube.b1]
                + mmt[cube.r0][cube.g1][cube.b0]
                + mmt[cube.r0][cube.g0][cube.b1]
                - mmt[cube.r0][cube.g0][cube.b0]

    /* The next two routines allow a slightly more efficient calculation
	* of Vol() for a proposed subbox of a given box.  The sum of Top()
	* and Bottom() is the Vol() of a subbox split in the given direction
	* and with the specified new upper bound.

    private fun Bottom(cube: Box?, dir: Int, mmt: Array<Array<LongArray>>): Long {

        /* Compute part of Vol(cube, mmt) that doesn't depend on r1, g1, or b1 */
        /* (depending on dir) */

        if (cube != null) {

            return when (dir) {

                RED -> {
                    return (
                        + mmt[cube.r0][cube.g1][cube.b0]
                        + mmt[cube.r0][cube.g0][cube.b1]
                        - mmt[cube.r0][cube.g0][cube.b0]

                GREEN -> {

                    return (
                        + mmt[cube.r1][cube.g0][cube.b0]
                        + mmt[cube.r0][cube.g0][cube.b1]
                        - mmt[cube.r0][cube.g0][cube.b0]
                BLUE -> {
                    return (
                        + mmt[cube.r1][cube.g0][cube.b0]
                        + mmt[cube.r0][cube.g1][cube.b0]
                        - mmt[cube.r0][cube.g0][cube.b0]

                else -> 0



        return 0


    private fun Top(cube: Box?, dir: Int, pos: Int, mmt: Array<Array<LongArray>>): Long {

        /* Compute remainder of Vol(cube, mmt), substituting pos for */
        /* r1, g1, or b1 (depending on dir) */

        if (cube != null) {

            return when (dir) {

                RED -> {
                        - mmt[pos][cube.g1][cube.b0]
                        - mmt[pos][cube.g0][cube.b1]
                        + mmt[pos][cube.g0][cube.b0]

                GREEN -> {
                    return (
                        - mmt[cube.r1][pos][cube.b0]
                        - mmt[cube.r0][pos][cube.b1]
                        + mmt[cube.r0][pos][cube.b0]

                BLUE -> {
                    return (
                        - mmt[cube.r1][cube.g0][pos]
                        - mmt[cube.r0][cube.g1][pos]
                        + mmt[cube.r0][cube.g0][pos]

                else -> 0



        return 0


    private fun Var(cube: Box?): Float {

        /* Compute the weighted variance of a box */
        /* NB: as with the raw statistics, this is really the variance * size */

        val dr: Float
        val dg: Float
        val db: Float
        val xx: Float

        dr = Vol(cube, mr).toFloat()
        dg = Vol(cube, mg).toFloat()
        db = Vol(cube, mb).toFloat()

        xx = (
                - m2[cube.r1][cube.g1][cube.b0]
                - m2[cube.r1][cube.g0][cube.b1]
                + m2[cube.r1][cube.g0][cube.b0]
                - m2[cube.r0][cube.g1][cube.b1]
                + m2[cube.r0][cube.g1][cube.b0]
                + m2[cube.r0][cube.g0][cube.b1]
                - m2[cube.r0][cube.g0][cube.b0]

        return xx - (dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db) / Vol(cube, wt)


    /* We want to minimize the sum of the variances of two subboxes.
	* The sum(c^2) terms can be ignored since their sum over both subboxes
	* is the same (the sum for the whole box) no matter where we split.
	* The remaining terms have a minus sign in the variance formula,
	* so we drop the minus sign and MAXIMIZE the sum of the two terms.

    private fun Maximize(
        cube: Box?, dir: Int, first: Int, last: Int, cut: IntArray,
        whole_r: Long, whole_g: Long, whole_b: Long, whole_w: Long
    ): Float {

        var half_r: Long
        var half_g: Long
        var half_b: Long
        var half_w: Long
        val base_r: Long
        val base_g: Long
        val base_b: Long
        val base_w: Long
        var i: Int
        var temp: Float
        var max: Float
        base_r = Bottom(cube, dir, mr)
        base_g = Bottom(cube, dir, mg)
        base_b = Bottom(cube, dir, mb)
        base_w = Bottom(cube, dir, wt)
        max = 0.0f
        cut[0] = -1
        i = first

        while (i < last) {

            half_r = base_r + Top(cube, dir, i, mr)
            half_g = base_g + Top(cube, dir, i, mg)
            half_b = base_b + Top(cube, dir, i, mb)
            half_w = base_w + Top(cube, dir, i, wt)
            /* now half_x is sum over lower half of box, if split at i */if (half_w == 0L) {
                /* subbox could be empty of pixels! */continue  /* never split into an empty box */
            temp = (half_r * half_r + half_g * half_g + half_b * half_b) / half_w.toFloat()
            half_r = whole_r - half_r
            half_g = whole_g - half_g
            half_b = whole_b - half_b
            half_w = whole_w - half_w
            if (half_w == 0L) {
                /* subbox could be empty of pixels! */continue  /* never split into an empty box */
            temp += (half_r * half_r + half_g * half_g + half_b * half_b) / half_w.toFloat()
            if (temp > max) {
                max = temp
                cut[0] = i

        return max


    private fun Cut(set1: Box?, set2: Box?): Boolean {
        val dir: Int
        val cutr = IntArray(1)
        val cutg = IntArray(1)
        val cutb = IntArray(1)
        val maxr: Float
        val maxg: Float
        val maxb: Float
        val whole_r: Long
        val whole_g: Long
        val whole_b: Long
        val whole_w: Long
        whole_r = Vol(set1, mr)
        whole_g = Vol(set1, mg)
        whole_b = Vol(set1, mb)
        whole_w = Vol(set1, wt)
        maxr = Maximize(
            set1, RED, set1!!.r0 + 1, set1.r1, cutr,
            whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w
        maxg = Maximize(
            set1, GREEN, set1.g0 + 1, set1.g1, cutg,
            whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w
        maxb = Maximize(
            set1, BLUE, set1.b0 + 1, set1.b1, cutb,
            whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w
        if (maxr >= maxg && maxr >= maxb) {
            dir = RED
            if (cutr[0] < 0) return false /* can't split the box */
        } else if (maxg >= maxr && maxg >= maxb) dir = GREEN else dir = BLUE
        set2!!.r1 = set1.r1
        set2.g1 = set1.g1
        set2.b1 = set1.b1
        when (dir) {
            RED -> {
                run {
                    set1.r1 = cutr[0]
                    set2.r0 = set1.r1
                set2.g0 = set1.g0
                set2.b0 = set1.b0
            GREEN -> {
                run {
                    set1.g1 = cutg[0]
                    set2.g0 = set1.g1
                set2.r0 = set1.r0
                set2.b0 = set1.b0
            BLUE -> {
                run {
                    set1.b1 = cutb[0]
                    set2.b0 = set1.b1
                set2.r0 = set1.r0
                set2.g0 = set1.g0
        set1.vol = (set1.r1 - set1.r0) * (set1.g1 - set1.g0) * (set1.b1 - set1.b0)
        set2.vol = (set2.r1 - set2.r0) * (set2.g1 - set2.g0) * (set2.b1 - set2.b0)

        return true


    private fun Mark(cube: Box?, label: Int, tag: IntArray) {

        var r: Int
        var g: Int
        var b: Int
        r = cube!!.r0 + 1
        while (r <= cube.r1) {
            g = cube.g0 + 1
            while (g <= cube.g1) {
                b = cube.b0 + 1
                while (b <= cube.b1) {
                    tag[(r shl 10) + (r shl 6) + r + (g shl 5) + g + b] = label


    companion object {
        private const val MAXCOLOR = 256
        private const val RED = 2
        private const val GREEN = 1
        private const val BLUE = 0
        private const val QUANT_SIZE = 33 // quant size

    init {
        size = pixels.size
        this.lut_size = lut_size

 * A hash table using primitive integer keys.
 * Based on
 * Probing table implementation of hash tables.
 * Note that all "matching" is based on the equals method.
 * @author Mark Allen Weiss
private class IntHashtable<E>(size: Int) {
    /** The array of HashEntry.  */
    private var array // The array of HashEntry
            : Array<HashEntry<E>?>
    private var currentSize // The number of occupied cells
            = 0

     * Insert into the hash table. If the item is
     * already present, do nothing.
     * @param key the item to insert.
    fun put(key: Int, value: E) {
        // Insert key as active
        val currentPos = locate(key)
        if (isActive(currentPos)) return
        array[currentPos] = HashEntry(key, value, true)

        // Rehash
        if (++currentSize > array.size / 2) rehash()

     * Expand the hash table.
    private fun rehash() {
        val oldArray = array

        // Create a new double-sized, empty table
        array = arrayOfNulls<HashEntry<E>?>(nextPrime(2 * oldArray.size))
        currentSize = 0

        // Copy table over
        for (i in oldArray.indices) if (oldArray[i] != null && oldArray[i]!!.isActive) put(
            oldArray[i]!!.key, oldArray[i]!!.value

     * Method that performs quadratic probing resolution.
     * @param key the item to search for.
     * @return the index of the item.

    private fun locate(key: Int): Int {
        var collisionNum = 0

        // And with the largest positive integer
        var currentPos = (key and 0x7FFFFFFF) % array.size
        while (array[currentPos] != null &&
            array[currentPos]!!.key != key
        ) {
            currentPos += 2 * ++collisionNum - 1 // Compute ith probe
            if (currentPos >= array.size) // Implement the mod
                currentPos -= array.size
        return currentPos

     * Find an item in the hash table.
     * @param key the item to search for.
     * @return the value of the matching item.

    operator fun get(key: Int): E? {
        val currentPos = locate(key)
        return if (isActive(currentPos)) array[currentPos]!!.value else null

     * Return true if currentPos exists and is active.
     * @param currentPos the result of a call to findPos.
     * @return true if currentPos is active.

    private fun isActive(currentPos: Int): Boolean {
        return array[currentPos] != null && array[currentPos]!!.isActive

     * Make the hash table logically empty.

    fun makeEmpty() {
        currentSize = 0
        for (i in array.indices) array[i] = null

    // The basic entry stored in ProbingHashTable

    private class HashEntry<V> @JvmOverloads internal constructor(// the key
        var key: Int, // the value
        var value: V, // false if deleted
        var isActive: Boolean = true
    ) {
        init {
            isActive = isActive

    companion object {

         * Internal method to find a prime number at least as large as n.
         * @param n the starting number (must be positive).
         * @return a prime number larger than or equal to n.

        private fun nextPrime(n: Int): Int {
            var n = n
            if (n % 2 == 0) n++
            while (!isPrime(n)) {
                n += 2
            return n

         * Internal method to test if a number is prime.
         * Not an efficient algorithm.
         * @param n the number to test.
         * @return the result of the test.

        private fun isPrime(n: Int): Boolean {
            if (n == 2 || n == 3) return true
            if (n == 1 || n % 2 == 0) return false
            var i = 3
            while (i * i <= n) {
                if (n % i == 0) return false
                i += 2
            return true

     * Construct the hash table.
     * @param size the approximate initial size.

    init {
        array = arrayOfNulls<HashEntry<E>?>(size)


private class InverseColorMap @JvmOverloads constructor(rbits: Int = 5) {

    private val bitsReserved // Number of bits used in color quantization.
            : Int
    private val bitsDiscarded // Number of discarded bits
            : Int
    private val maxColorVal // Maximum value for each quantized color
            : Int
    private val invMapLen // Length of the inverse color map
            : Int

    // The inverse color map itself

    private val invColorMap: ByteArray

    // Fetch the forward color map index for this RGB

    fun getNearestColorIndex(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int): Int {

        return invColorMap[((red shr bitsDiscarded) shl (bitsReserved shl 1)) or
                ((green shr bitsDiscarded) shl bitsReserved) or
                (blue shr bitsDiscarded)].toInt() and 0xff


     * Create an inverse color map using the input forward RGB map.

    fun createInverseMap(no_of_colors: Int, colorPalette: IntArray) {
        var red: Int
        var green: Int
        var blue: Int
        var r: Int
        var g: Int
        var b: Int
        var rdist: Int
        var gdist: Int
        var bdist: Int
        var dist: Int
        var rinc: Int
        var ginc: Int
        var binc: Int
        val x = 1 shl bitsDiscarded // Step size for each color
        val xsqr = 1 shl bitsDiscarded + bitsDiscarded
        val txsqr = xsqr + xsqr
        var buf_index: Int
        val dist_buf = IntArray(invMapLen)

        // Initialize the distance buffer array with the largest integer value

        run {
            var i = invMapLen
            while (--i >= 0) {
                dist_buf[i] = 0x7FFFFFFF

        // Now loop through all the colors in the color map

        for (i in 0 until no_of_colors) {
            red = (colorPalette[i] shr 16) and 0xff
            green = (colorPalette[i] shr 8) and 0xff
            blue = colorPalette[i] and 0xff

             * We start from the origin (0,0,0) of the quantized colors, calculate
             * the distance between the cell center of the quantized colors and
             * the current color map entry as follows:
             * (rcenter * x + x/2) - red, where rcenter is the center of the
             * Quantized red color map entry which is 0 since we start from 0.

            rdist = (x shr 1) - red // Red distance
            gdist = (x shr 1) - green // Green distance
            bdist = (x shr 1) - blue // Blue distance
            dist = rdist * rdist + gdist * gdist + bdist * bdist //The modular

            // The distance increment with each step value x

            rinc = txsqr - (red shl bitsDiscarded + 1)
            ginc = txsqr - (green shl bitsDiscarded + 1)
            binc = txsqr - (blue shl bitsDiscarded + 1)
            buf_index = 0

            // Loop through quantized RGB space

            r = 0
            rdist = dist

            while (r < maxColorVal) {
                g = 0
                gdist = rdist
                while (g < maxColorVal) {
                    b = 0
                    bdist = gdist
                    while (b < maxColorVal) {
                        if (bdist < dist_buf[buf_index]) {
                            dist_buf[buf_index] = bdist
                            invColorMap[buf_index] = i.toByte()
                        bdist += binc
                        binc += txsqr
                    gdist += ginc
                    ginc += txsqr
                rdist += rinc
                rinc += txsqr

    // Constructor using bitsReserved bits for quantization
    // Default constructor using 5 for quantization bits

    init {
        bitsReserved = rbits
        bitsDiscarded = 8 - bitsReserved
        maxColorVal = 1 shl bitsReserved
        invMapLen = maxColorVal * maxColorVal * maxColorVal
        invColorMap = ByteArray(invMapLen)


companion object {

    // Define constants

    const val IMAGE_SEPARATOR: Byte = 0x2c.toByte() // ","
    const val IMAGE_TRAILER: Byte = 0x3b.toByte() // ";"
    const val EXTENSION_INTRODUCER: Byte = 0x21.toByte() // "!"
    const val GRAPHIC_CONTROL_LABEL = 0xf9.toByte()
    const val APPLICATION_EXTENSION_LABEL = 0xff.toByte()
    const val COMMENT_EXTENSION_LABEL = 0xfe.toByte()
    const val TEXT_EXTENSION_LABEL: Byte = 0x01.toByte()
    private val MASK = intArrayOf(0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff)
    private fun getLogicalScreenSize(images: Array<Bitmap>): Rect {

        // Determine the logical screen dimension assuming all the frames have the same
        // left and top coordinates (0, 0)

        var logicalScreenWidth = 0
        var logicalScreenHeight = 0
        for (image in images) {
            if (image.width > logicalScreenWidth) logicalScreenWidth = image.width
            if (image.height > logicalScreenHeight) logicalScreenHeight = image.height

        return Rect(0, 0, logicalScreenWidth, logicalScreenHeight)


    private fun getLogicalScreenSize(frames: Array<GIFFrame>): Rect {

        // Determine the logical screen dimension given all the frames with different
        // left and top coordinates.

        var logicalScreenWidth = 0
        var logicalScreenHeight = 0

        for (frame in frames) {
            val frameRightPosition = frame.frameWidth + frame.leftPosition
            val frameBottomPosition = frame.frameHeight + frame.topPosition
            if (frameRightPosition > logicalScreenWidth) logicalScreenWidth = frameRightPosition
            if (frameBottomPosition > logicalScreenHeight) logicalScreenHeight =

        return Rect(0, 0, logicalScreenWidth, logicalScreenHeight)


    private fun checkColorDepth(
        rgbTriplets: IntArray,
        newPixels: ByteArray,
        colorPalette: IntArray
    ): IntArray {

        var index = 0
        var temp = 0
        var bitsPerPixel = 1
        var transparent_index = -1 // Transparent color index
        var transparent_color = -1 // Transparent color
        val colorInfo = IntArray(2) // Return value
        val rgbHash = IntHashtable<Int>(1023)
        for (i in rgbTriplets.indices) {
            temp = rgbTriplets[i] and 0x00ffffff
            if (rgbTriplets[i] ushr 24 < 0x80) { // Transparent
                if (transparent_index < 0) {
                    transparent_index = index
                    transparent_color = temp // Remember transparent color
                temp = Int.MAX_VALUE
            val entry = rgbHash[temp]
            if (entry != null) {
                newPixels[i] = entry.toByte()
            } else {
                if (index > 0xff) { // More than 256 colors, have to reduce
                    // Colors before saving as an indexed color image
                    colorInfo[0] = 24
                    return colorInfo
                rgbHash.put(temp, index)
                newPixels[i] = index.toByte()
                colorPalette[index++] = (0xff shl 24) or temp
        if (transparent_index >= 0) // This line could be used to set a different background color
            colorPalette[transparent_index] = transparent_color

        // Return the actual bits per pixel and the transparent color index if any

        while (1 shl bitsPerPixel < index) bitsPerPixel++
        colorInfo[0] = bitsPerPixel
        colorInfo[1] = transparent_index

        return colorInfo


    private fun reduceColorsDiffusionDither(
        rgbTriplets: IntArray,
        width: Int,
        height: Int,
        colorDepth: Int,
        newPixels: ByteArray,
        colorPalette: IntArray
    ): IntArray {

        require(!(colorDepth > 8 || colorDepth < 1)) { "Invalid color depth $colorDepth" }

        val colorInfo = IntArray(2)
        var colors = 0
        colors = WuQuant(rgbTriplets, 1 shl colorDepth).quantize(colorPalette, colorInfo)

        // Call Floyd-Steinberg dither

            rgbTriplets, width, height, newPixels, colors, colorPalette,

        // Return the actual bits per pixel and the transparent color index if any

        return colorInfo


    // Color quantization

    private fun reduceColors(
        rgbTriplets: IntArray,
        colorDepth: Int,
        newPixels: ByteArray,
        colorPalette: IntArray
    ): IntArray {

        val colorInfo = IntArray(2)
        WuQuant(rgbTriplets, 1 shl colorDepth).quantize(newPixels, colorPalette, colorInfo)

        return colorInfo


    private fun dither_FloydSteinberg(
        rgbTriplet: IntArray, width: Int, height: Int, newPixels: ByteArray, no_of_color: Int,
        colorPalette: IntArray, transparent_index: Int
    ) {

        var index = 0
        var index1 = 0
        var err1: Int
        var err2: Int
        var err3: Int
        var red: Int
        var green: Int
        var blue: Int

        // Define error arrays
        // Errors for the current line

        var tempErr: IntArray
        var thisErrR = IntArray(width + 2)
        var thisErrG = IntArray(width + 2)
        var thisErrB = IntArray(width + 2)

        // Errors for the following line

        var nextErrR = IntArray(width + 2)
        var nextErrG = IntArray(width + 2)
        var nextErrB = IntArray(width + 2)
        val invMap: InverseColorMap
        invMap = InverseColorMap()
        invMap.createInverseMap(no_of_color, colorPalette)

        for (row in 0 until height) {

            var col = 0

            while (col < width) {

                // Transparent, no dither

                if ((rgbTriplet[index1] ushr 24) < 0x80) {
                    newPixels[index1] = transparent_index.toByte()

                // red

                red = ((rgbTriplet[index1] and 0xff0000) ushr 16) + thisErrR[col + 1]

                if (red > 255) {
                    red = 255
                } else if (red < 0) {
                    red = 0

                // green

                green = ((rgbTriplet[index1] and 0x00ff00) ushr 8) + thisErrG[col + 1]

                if (green > 255) {
                    green = 255
                } else if (green < 0) {
                    green = 0

                // blue

                blue = (rgbTriplet[index1] and 0x0000ff) + thisErrB[col + 1]

                if (blue > 255) {
                    blue = 255
                } else if (blue < 0) {
                    blue = 0

                // Find the nearest color index

                index = invMap.getNearestColorIndex(red, green, blue)

                if (index < 0) {

                    println("red: $red green: $green blue: $blue")
                    println("index: $index")

                    index = 0


                newPixels[index1] = index.toByte() // The colorPalette index for this pixel

                // Find errors for different channels

                err1 = red - ((colorPalette[index] shr 16) and 0xff) // Red channel
                err2 = green - ((colorPalette[index] shr 8) and 0xff) // Green channel
                err3 = blue - (colorPalette[index] and 0xff) // Blue channel

                // Diffuse error

                // Red

                thisErrR[col + 2] += err1 * 7 / 16
                nextErrR[col] += err1 * 3 / 16
                nextErrR[col + 1] += err1 * 5 / 16
                nextErrR[col + 2] += err1 / 16

                // Green

                thisErrG[col + 2] += err2 * 7 / 16
                nextErrG[col] += err2 * 3 / 16
                nextErrG[col + 1] += err2 * 5 / 16
                nextErrG[col + 2] += err2 / 16

                // Blue

                thisErrB[col + 2] += err3 * 7 / 16
                nextErrB[col] += err3 * 3 / 16
                nextErrB[col + 1] += err3 * 5 / 16
                nextErrB[col + 2] += err3 / 16


            // We have finished one row, switch the error arrays

            tempErr = thisErrR
            thisErrR = nextErrR
            nextErrR = tempErr
            tempErr = thisErrG
            thisErrG = nextErrG
            nextErrG = tempErr
            tempErr = thisErrB
            thisErrB = nextErrB
            nextErrB = tempErr

            // Clear the error arrays

            Arrays.fill(nextErrR, 0)
            Arrays.fill(nextErrG, 0)
            Arrays.fill(nextErrB, 0)




init {
    this.isApplyDither = isApplyDither


Enable compression?

Hi, I am working with bitmaps which are 720x840 and their size is normally 256KB.
When writing to Internal Storage, I compress them with Bitmap.compress() at 80 compression level.
The images doesn't loose too much quality and the size is incredibly reduced: 65KB.

I've used your GifWriter, but the final size of 6 frames is 1.5MB... What can I do to reduce the gif size?

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