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ftw-endpoint's Introduction

Endpoints: For The Web!

A way to define and dispatch on endpoints: For The Web!


Essentially, a no nonsense way to define functions for URLs, and a mux that takes care of them.

First things first.

(define-endpoint test "^/([^-]*)-?test/?(.*)")

What this does is defines an endpoint so that, when a request comes it, the pregexp is matched. If it matches, any regexp groups are passed as arguments to the function it calls.

The functions it may call are based on the name, in this case test, and the method the server uses to get the page. So, to start with, test/GET.

(def (test/GET prefix postfix)
  (http-response-write* (string-append prefix " test " postfix)))

Wait, http-response-write*? What is that? :drewc/ftw/endpoint exports current-http-request and current-http-response. That allows our functions to be under a request-response cycle without specific names unless needed.

(def (http-response-write*
      status: (code 200)
      headers: (headers '(("Content-Type" . "text/plain")))
      response: (res (current-http-response)))
  (http-response-write res code headers body))

Let’s test it out! We also export current-http-mux, which is where endpoints are added/defined.

(def server-address

(def server-url
  (string-append "http://" server-address))

(def httpd (start-http-server! server-address mux: (current-http-mux)))
(let (req (http-get (string-append server-url "/foo-test/bar?baz=bat")))
(check (request-status req) => 200)
(check (request-text req) => "foo test bar"))
(import  :drewc/ftw/endpoint/struct 
         :std/format :std/test 
(export define-endpoint current-http-mux current-http-request current-http-response)bg

(def current-http-mux
  (make-parameter (make-endpoint-http-mux)))

(def (add-endpoint! endpoint to: (to (current-http-mux)))
  (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! to endpoint))

(defrules define-endpoint ()
  ((_ name match)
   (add-endpoint! (make-endpoint 'name match)))
  ((_ name match args ... )
   (add-endpoint! (make-endpoint 'name match args ...)))
  ((_ name match mux: mux args ... )
   (add-endpoint! (make-endpoint 'name match args ...)
                  to: mux)))

(def (http-response-write*
      status: (code 200)
      headers: (headers '(("Content-Type" . "text/plain")))
      response: (res (current-http-response)))
  (http-response-write res code headers body))

(def (test/GET . args)
     (lambda () (map displayln args)))))

(import :std/net/httpd  :std/test 
        :std/net/request(only-in :gerbil/gambit/exceptions display-exception))

(def (test/get pre post)
  (respond* (string-append pre post)))

(def foo #f)
(def bar #f)

(def endpoint-test
    "test :drewc/ftw/endpoint"

    (def server-address

    (display server-address)

    (def server-url
      (string-append "http://" server-address))

    (def httpd
      (start-http-server! server-address mux: (current-http-mux)))

    (set! foo httpd)

   ; (stop-http-server! httpd)



(import  :drewc/ftw/endpoint/struct 
         :std/format :std/test 
(export define-endpoint add-endpoint! 
        current-http-mux current-http-request current-http-response)

(def current-http-mux
  (make-parameter (make-endpoint-http-mux)))

(def (add-endpoint! endpoint to: (to (current-http-mux)))
  (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! to endpoint))

(defrules define-endpoint ()
  ((_ name match)
   (add-endpoint! (make-endpoint 'name match)))
  ((_ name match args ... )
   (add-endpoint! (make-endpoint 'name match args ...)))
  ((_ name match mux: mux args ... )
   (add-endpoint! (make-endpoint 'name match args ...)
                  to: mux)))


(import ;; :std/net/httpd/mux 
        :std/net/httpd ;; :std/misc/sync
        :std/pregexp :gerbil/expander
        :std/sugar :std/format :std/srfi/95 :std/iter :std/error
(export #t)

(defstruct endpoint (name match priority
                          context parameters predicate function)
  constructor: :init!)

(defmethod {:init! endpoint}
  (lambda (self name match
           priority: (priority 10)
           predicate: (test endpoint-request-function-parameters)
           parameters: (parameters #t)
           function: (function endpoint-request-function) 
           context: (context (gx#current-expander-context)))
    (struct-instance-init! self name match priority
                           context parameters test function)))

(defstruct (endpoint-error <error>) (endpoint))

(def (raise-endpoint-error endpoint what . thingies)
  (raise (make-endpoint-error what thingies (endpoint-name endpoint) endpoint)))

(defstruct (endpoint-request-function-not-found endpoint-error) ())

(def (raise-endpoint-request-function-not-found endpoint what . thingies)
  (raise (make-endpoint-request-function-not-found what thingies (endpoint-name endpoint) endpoint)))

(def (endpoint-request-function endpoint request)
    (let* ((context (endpoint-context endpoint))
           (fname (string->symbol
                    (symbol->string (endpoint-name endpoint))
                    (symbol->string (http-request-method request)))))
           (exception #f)
           (bound (try (##eval fname context) (catch (e) (set! exception e) #f)))
           (proc (if (and bound (procedure? bound))

      (cond (proc proc)
              (format "~A is not a procedure. Context: ~A"
                      fname (expander-context-id context))
            ((not bound)
              (format "~A is not bound in context: ~A. ~A"
                      fname (expander-context-id context)
                      (if exception (with-output-to-string (cut display-exception

(def (endpoint-request-function-parameters endpoint request)
  (let ((groups (pregexp-match (endpoint-match endpoint)
                              (http-request-path request))))
    (if groups
      (cdr groups)

(def (make-endpoint-dispatch-function endpoint)
  (let* ((test (endpoint-predicate endpoint))
         (test (cut test endpoint <>))
         (params (endpoint-parameters endpoint))
         (param-fn (case params
                     ((#t) test)
                     ((#f) (lambda _ '()))
                      (if (procedure? params)
                        (cut params endpoint <>)
                        (lambda _ params)))))
         (dispatch-to-function (cut (endpoint-function endpoint) endpoint <>)))
    (lambda (request)
      (let (results (test request))
        (if (not results)
          (begin0 #t
            (let (args (if (eq? #t params)
                         (param-fn request)))
              (apply (dispatch-to-function request) args))))))))


(import :drewc/ftw/endpoint/struct 
        :std/net/httpd/mux :std/net/httpd :std/misc/sync
        :std/sugar :std/srfi/95 :std/iter :std/format
        :gerbil/gambit/exceptions :gerbil/expander)
(export #t)

(defstruct endpoint-http-mux (endpoints queue)
  constructor: :init!)

(defmethod {:init! endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (self)
    (struct-instance-init! self (make-sync-hash (make-hash-table)) '())))

(def (endpoint-hash endpoint)
  (string->symbol (string-append
                    (expander-context-id (endpoint-context endpoint)))
                     (cut display (endpoint-name endpoint))))))

(def (make-endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)
  (let (q (sync-hash-do (endpoint-http-mux-endpoints mux)
                        (lambda (t) (for/collect ((values k v) (in-hash t)) v))))
    (map make-endpoint-dispatch-function (sort q < endpoint-priority))))

(def (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux endpoint)
  (let (hash (endpoint-hash endpoint))
    (begin0 hash (sync-hash-put! (endpoint-http-mux-endpoints mux)
            (set! (endpoint-http-mux-queue mux) (make-endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)))))

(def current-http-request
  (make-parameter #f))

(def current-http-response
  (make-parameter #f))

(def (endpoint-http-mux-request-handler mux)
  (lambda (req res)
    (parameterize ((current-http-request req)
                   (current-http-response res))
       (let handle-request ((q (endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)))
         (if (null? q)
           (error "Cannot find handler for " (http-request-path req))
           (let (dispatched? ((car q) req))
             (or dispatched? (handle-request (cdr q))))))
      (catch (e)
         res 500 '() (format "Endpoint Error: ~A"
                         (with-output-to-string (cut display-exception e)))))))))

(defmethod {get-handler endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (mux . _) (endpoint-http-mux-request-handler mux)))

(defmethod {put-handler! endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (mux host path handler)
    (if (procedure? handler)
       mux (make-endpoint (string->symbol path) path
                          function: (lambda ()
                                      (handler (current-http-request)
                          parameters: '()
                          predicate: (lambda (req) (eqv? path
                                                    (http-request-path (current-http-request))))))
      (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux handler))))

(import :std/net/httpd/mux :std/net/httpd :std/misc/sync :std/pregexp :gerbil/expander :std/sugar :std/format :std/srfi/95 :std/iter)

(defstruct endpoint (name match priority
                          context groups test function)
  constructor: :init!)

(defmethod {:init! endpoint}
  (lambda (self name match
           priority: (priority 10)
           function: (function endpoint-request-function)
           parameters: (parameters endpoint-request-function-parameters)
           context: (context (gx#current-expander-context))
           test: (test #t))
    (struct-instance-init! self name match priority
                           context parameters test function)))

(def (endpoint-request-function endpoint request)
    (let* ((context (endpoint-context endpoint))
           (fname (string->symbol
                    (symbol->string (endpoint-name endpoint))
                    (symbol->string (http-request-method request)))))
           (exception #f)
           (bound (try (##eval fname context) (catch (e) (set! exception e) #f)))
           (proc (if (and bound (procedure? bound))

      (cond (proc proc)
            (bound (error (format "~A is not a procedure. Context: ~A"
                                   fname (expander-context-id context))))
            ((not bound)
             (error (format "~A is not bound in context: ~A. ~A"
                            fname (expander-context-id context)
                            (if exception (with-output-to-string (cut display-exception

(def (endpoint-request-function-parameters endpoint request)
  (let (groups (pregexp-match (endpoint-match endpoint)
                              (http-request-path request)))
    (if groups
      (cdr groups)

(def (make-endpoint-dispatch-function endpoint)
  (let* ((test (endpoint-test endpoint))
         (params-as-test? (eq? test #t))
         (params (cut endpoint-request-function-parameters endpoint <>))
         (function (cut endpoint-request-function endpoint <>))
         (test? (if params-as-test?
    (lambda (request)
      (let* ((results (test? request))
             (dispatch-to (when results (function request)))
             (args (when results
                     (if params-as-test?
                       (params results)))))
        (if (not results)
          (begin0 #t
            (apply dispatch-to args)))))))

(defstruct endpoint-http-mux (endpoints queue)
  constructor: :init!)

(defmethod {:init! endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (self)
    (struct-instance-init! self (make-sync-hash (make-hash-table)) '())))

(def current-http-request
  (make-parameter #f))

(def current-http-response
  (make-parameter #f))

(def (endpoint-hash endpoint)
  (string->symbol (string-append
                    (expander-context-id (endpoint-context endpoint)))
                     (cut display (endpoint-name endpoint))))))

(def (make-endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)
  (let (q (sync-hash-do (endpoint-http-mux-endpoints mux)
                        (lambda (t) (for/collect ((values k v) (in-hash t)) v))))
    (map make-endpoint-dispatch-function (sort q < endpoint-priority))))

(def (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux endpoint)
  (let (hash (endpoint-hash endpoint))
    (begin0 hash (sync-hash-put! (endpoint-http-mux-endpoints mux)
            (set! (endpoint-http-mux-queue mux) (make-endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)))))

(def (endpoint-http-mux-request-handler mux)
  (lambda (req res)
    (parameterize ((current-http-request req)
                   (current-http-response res))
       (let handle-request ((q (endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)))
         (if (null? q)
           (error "Cannot find handler for " (http-request-path req))
           (let (dispatched? ((car q) req))
             (or dispatched? (handle-request (cdr q))))))
      (catch (e)
         res 500 (format "Endpoint Error: ~A"
                         (with-output-to-string (cut display-exception e)))))))))

(defmethod {get-handler endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (mux . _) (endpoint-http-mux-request-handler mux)))

(defmethod {put-handler! endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (mux host path handler)
    (if (procedure? handler)
      (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux (make-endpoint (string-symbol path) path
                                                    function: (lambda ()
                                                                (handler (current-http-request)
                                                    parameters: '()
                                                    test: (lambda (req) (eqv? path (http-request-path)))))
      (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux handler))))

(def current-endpoint-http-mux (make-parameter (make-endpoint-http-mux)))

(def (add-endpoint! endpoint
                    mux: (current-endpoint-http-mux))

(defmethod {endpoint-matches? endpoint}
  ;; => list of matching groups, or #f if no match
  (lambda (self request)

(defmethod {endpoint-dispatch endpoint}
  (lambda (self request groups)
    (let* ((context (endpoint-context self))
           (fname (string->symbol
                    (symbol->string (endpoint-name self))
                    (symbol->string (http-request-method request)))))
           (exc #f)
           (bound? (and (hash-get (expander-context-table (endpoint-context self)) fname)
                        (try (eval fname context) (catch (e) (set! exc e) #f))))
           (proc (and bound? (procedure? bound?))))

      (cond (proc (apply proc groups))
            (bound? (error (format "~A is not a procedure. Context: ~A"
                                   fname (expander-context-id context))))
            ((not bound?)
             (error (format "~A is not bound in ~A. ~A"
                            fname (expander-context-id context)
                            (if exc (with-output-to-string (cut display-exception exc))

(def fn #f)

(def (e404 res (message "Error : I can't figure it out"))
   res 404 '(("Content-Type" . "text/plain"))

(import :std/net/httpd :std/test 
 :std/net/request (only-in  :gerbil/gambit/exceptionsdisplay-exception))

(def (respond* body status: (code 200) :headers (headers '())
                  response: (res (current-http-response)))
  (http-response-write res code headers body))

(def (test/get pre post)
  (respond* (string-append pre post)))

(def endpoint-tes
  (lambda _ ;test-suite
   "test :drewc/ftw/endpoint"

   (def server-address
   (display server-address)
   (def server-url
     (string-append "http://" server-address))

   (def mux (make-endpoint-http-mux))

   (def httpd
     (start-http-server! server-address mux: mux))

   (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux (make-endpoint 'test "(.*)test(.*)"))

   (stop-http-server! httpd)))

(import :std/net/httpd/mux :std/net/httpd :std/misc/sync :std/pregexp :gerbil/expander :std/sugar :std/format :std/srfi/95 :std/iter)

(defstruct endpoint (name match priority
                          context groups test function)
  constructor: :init!)

(defmethod {:init! endpoint}
  (lambda (self name match
           priority: (priority 10)
           function: (function endpoint-request-function)
           parameters: (parameters endpoint-request-function-parameters)
           context: (context (gx#current-expander-context))
           test: (test #t))
    (struct-instance-init! self name match priority
                           context parameters test function)))

(def (endpoint-request-function endpoint request)
    (let* ((context (endpoint-context endpoint))
           (fname (string->symbol
                    (symbol->string (endpoint-name endpoint))
                    (symbol->string (http-request-method request)))))
           (exception #f)
           (bound (try (##eval fname context) (catch (e) (set! exception e) #f)))
           (proc (if (and bound (procedure? bound))

      (cond (proc proc)
            (bound (error (format "~A is not a procedure. Context: ~A"
                                   fname (expander-context-id context))))
            ((not bound)
             (error (format "~A is not bound in context: ~A. ~A"
                            fname (expander-context-id context)
                            (if exception (with-output-to-string (cut display-exception

(def (endpoint-request-function-parameters endpoint request)
  (let (groups (pregexp-match (endpoint-match endpoint)
                              (http-request-path request)))
    (if groups
      (cdr groups)

(def (make-endpoint-dispatch-function endpoint)
  (let* ((test (endpoint-test endpoint))
         (params-as-test? (eq? test #t))
         (params (cut endpoint-request-function-parameters endpoint <>))
         (function (cut endpoint-request-function endpoint <>))
         (test? (if params-as-test?
    (lambda (request)
      (let* ((results (test? request))
             (dispatch-to (when results (function request)))
             (args (when results
                     (if params-as-test?
                       (params results)))))
        (if (not results)
          (begin0 #t
            (apply dispatch-to args)))))))

(defstruct endpoint-http-mux (endpoints queue)
  constructor: :init!)

(defmethod {:init! endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (self)
    (struct-instance-init! self (make-sync-hash (make-hash-table)) '())))

(def current-http-request
  (make-parameter #f))

(def current-http-response
  (make-parameter #f))

(def (endpoint-hash endpoint)
  (string->symbol (string-append
                    (expander-context-id (endpoint-context endpoint)))
                     (cut display (endpoint-name endpoint))))))

(def (make-endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)
  (let (q (sync-hash-do (endpoint-http-mux-endpoints mux)
                        (lambda (t) (for/collect ((values k v) (in-hash t)) v))))
    (map make-endpoint-dispatch-function (sort q < endpoint-priority))))

(def (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux endpoint)
  (let (hash (endpoint-hash endpoint))
    (begin0 hash (sync-hash-put! (endpoint-http-mux-endpoints mux)
            (set! (endpoint-http-mux-queue mux) (make-endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)))))

(def (endpoint-http-mux-request-handler mux)
  (lambda (req res)
    (parameterize ((current-http-request req)
                   (current-http-response res))
       (let handle-request ((q (endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)))
         (if (null? q)
           (error "Cannot find handler for " (http-request-path req))
           (let (dispatched? ((car q) req))
             (or dispatched? (handle-request (cdr q))))))
      (catch (e)
         res 500 (format "Endpoint Error: ~A"
                         (with-output-to-string (cut display-exception e)))))))))

(defmethod {get-handler endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (mux . _) (endpoint-http-mux-request-handler mux)))

(defmethod {put-handler! endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (mux host path handler)
    (if (procedure? handler)
      (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux (make-endpoint (string-symbol path) path
                                                    function: (lambda ()
                                                                (handler (current-http-request)
                                                    parameters: '()
                                                    test: (lambda (req) (eqv? path (http-request-path)))))
      (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux handler))))

(def current-endpoint-http-mux (make-parameter (make-endpoint-http-mux)))

(def (add-endpoint! endpoint
                    mux: (current-endpoint-http-mux))

(defmethod {endpoint-matches? endpoint}
  ;; => list of matching groups, or #f if no match
  (lambda (self request)

(defmethod {endpoint-dispatch endpoint}
  (lambda (self request groups)
    (let* ((context (endpoint-context self))
           (fname (string->symbol
                    (symbol->string (endpoint-name self))
                    (symbol->string (http-request-method request)))))
           (exc #f)
           (bound? (and (hash-get (expander-context-table (endpoint-context self)) fname)
                        (try (eval fname context) (catch (e) (set! exc e) #f))))
           (proc (and bound? (procedure? bound?))))

      (cond (proc (apply proc groups))
            (bound? (error (format "~A is not a procedure. Context: ~A"
                                   fname (expander-context-id context))))
            ((not bound?)
             (error (format "~A is not bound in ~A. ~A"
                            fname (expander-context-id context)
                            (if exc (with-output-to-string (cut display-exception exc))

(def fn #f)

(def (e404 res (message "Error : I can't figure it out"))
   res 404 '(("Content-Type" . "text/plain"))

(import :std/net/httpd :std/test 
 :std/net/request (only-in  :gerbil/gambit/exceptionsdisplay-exception))

(def (respond* body status: (code 200) :headers (headers '())
                  response: (res (current-http-response)))
  (http-response-write res code headers body))

(def (test/get pre post)
  (respond* (string-append pre post)))

(def endpoint-tes
  (lambda _ ;test-suite
   "test :drewc/ftw/endpoint"

   (def server-address
   (display server-address)
   (def server-url
     (string-append "http://" server-address))

   (def mux (make-endpoint-http-mux))

   (def httpd
     (start-http-server! server-address mux: mux))

   (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux (make-endpoint 'test "(.*)test(.*)"))

   (stop-http-server! httpd)))

(import :std/net/httpd/mux :std/net/httpd :std/misc/sync :std/pregexp :gerbil/expander :std/sugar :std/format :std/srfi/95 :std/iter)

(defstruct endpoint (name match priority
                          context groups test function)
  constructor: :init!)

(defmethod {:init! endpoint}
  (lambda (self name match
           priority: (priority 10)
           function: (function endpoint-request-function)
           parameters: (parameters endpoint-request-function-parameters)
           context: (context (gx#current-expander-context))
           test: (test #t))
    (struct-instance-init! self name match priority
                           context parameters test function)))

(def (endpoint-request-function endpoint request)
    (let* ((context (endpoint-context endpoint))
           (fname (string->symbol
                    (symbol->string (endpoint-name endpoint))
                    (symbol->string (http-request-method request)))))
           (exception #f)
           (bound (try (##eval fname context) (catch (e) (set! exception e) #f)))
           (proc (if (and bound (procedure? bound))

      (cond (proc proc)
            (bound (error (format "~A is not a procedure. Context: ~A"
                                   fname (expander-context-id context))))
            ((not bound)
             (error (format "~A is not bound in context: ~A. ~A"
                            fname (expander-context-id context)
                            (if exception (with-output-to-string (cut display-exception

(def (endpoint-request-function-parameters endpoint request)
  (let (groups (pregexp-match (endpoint-match endpoint)
                              (http-request-path request)))
    (if groups
      (cdr groups)

(def (make-endpoint-dispatch-function endpoint)
  (let* ((test (endpoint-test endpoint))
         (params-as-test? (eq? test #t))
         (params (cut endpoint-request-function-parameters endpoint <>))
         (function (cut endpoint-request-function endpoint <>))
         (test? (if params-as-test?
    (lambda (request)
      (let* ((results (test? request))
             (dispatch-to (when results (function request)))
             (args (when results
                     (if params-as-test?
                       (params results)))))
        (if (not results)
          (begin0 #t
            (apply dispatch-to args)))))))

(defstruct endpoint-http-mux (endpoints queue)
  constructor: :init!)

(defmethod {:init! endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (self)
    (struct-instance-init! self (make-sync-hash (make-hash-table)) '())))

(def current-http-request
  (make-parameter #f))

(def current-http-response
  (make-parameter #f))

(def (endpoint-hash endpoint)
  (string->symbol (string-append
                    (expander-context-id (endpoint-context endpoint)))
                     (cut display (endpoint-name endpoint))))))

(def (make-endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)
  (let (q (sync-hash-do (endpoint-http-mux-endpoints mux)
                        (lambda (t) (for/collect ((values k v) (in-hash t)) v))))
    (map make-endpoint-dispatch-function (sort q < endpoint-priority))))

(def (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux endpoint)
  (let (hash (endpoint-hash endpoint))
    (begin0 hash (sync-hash-put! (endpoint-http-mux-endpoints mux)
            (set! (endpoint-http-mux-queue mux) (make-endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)))))

(def (endpoint-http-mux-request-handler mux)
  (lambda (req res)
    (parameterize ((current-http-request req)
                   (current-http-response res))
       (let handle-request ((q (endpoint-http-mux-queue mux)))
         (if (null? q)
           (error "Cannot find handler for " (http-request-path req))
           (let (dispatched? ((car q) req))
             (or dispatched? (handle-request (cdr q))))))
      (catch (e)
         res 500 (format "Endpoint Error: ~A"
                         (with-output-to-string (cut display-exception e)))))))))

(defmethod {get-handler endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (mux . _) (endpoint-http-mux-request-handler mux)))

(defmethod {put-handler! endpoint-http-mux}
  (lambda (mux host path handler)
    (if (procedure? handler)
      (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux (make-endpoint (string-symbol path) path
                                                    function: (lambda ()
                                                                (handler (current-http-request)
                                                    parameters: '()
                                                    test: (lambda (req) (eqv? path (http-request-path)))))
      (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux handler))))

(def current-endpoint-http-mux (make-parameter (make-endpoint-http-mux)))

(def (add-endpoint! endpoint
                    mux: (current-endpoint-http-mux))

(defmethod {endpoint-matches? endpoint}
  ;; => list of matching groups, or #f if no match
  (lambda (self request)

(defmethod {endpoint-dispatch endpoint}
  (lambda (self request groups)
    (let* ((context (endpoint-context self))
           (fname (string->symbol
                    (symbol->string (endpoint-name self))
                    (symbol->string (http-request-method request)))))
           (exc #f)
           (bound? (and (hash-get (expander-context-table (endpoint-context self)) fname)
                        (try (eval fname context) (catch (e) (set! exc e) #f))))
           (proc (and bound? (procedure? bound?))))

      (cond (proc (apply proc groups))
            (bound? (error (format "~A is not a procedure. Context: ~A"
                                   fname (expander-context-id context))))
            ((not bound?)
             (error (format "~A is not bound in ~A. ~A"
                            fname (expander-context-id context)
                            (if exc (with-output-to-string (cut display-exception exc))

(def fn #f)

(def (e404 res (message "Error : I can't figure it out"))
   res 404 '(("Content-Type" . "text/plain"))

(import :std/net/httpd :std/test 
 :std/net/request (only-in  :gerbil/gambit/exceptionsdisplay-exception))

(def (respond* body status: (code 200) :headers (headers '())
                  response: (res (current-http-response)))
  (http-response-write res code headers body))

(def (test/get pre post)
  (respond* (string-append pre post)))

(def endpoint-tes
  (lambda _ ;test-suite
   "test :drewc/ftw/endpoint"

   (def server-address
   (display server-address)
   (def server-url
     (string-append "http://" server-address))

   (def mux (make-endpoint-http-mux))

   (def httpd
     (start-http-server! server-address mux: mux))

   (add-endpoint-to-http-mux! mux (make-endpoint 'test "(.*)test(.*)"))

   (stop-http-server! httpd)))

ftw-endpoint's People


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