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pyunitgen's Introduction


Creating a software application or program is an easy task, howerver a great functional software application is a task that require you to master different level of the SDLC, this, my friend is the haderst task for you as a software developer. One of the area that most software developer lake expertize is the ability to write a unittest. A unit testing is another application within your application, is like a RY(Repeat Yourself) principale. But we do that often when it comes to unittesting our code. unittest is the driver of any software application, failed to do that, make your software look like a water basket with unseen hole, when looking into the basket, there is no way you can tell whether the basket has a hole or not, but when trying pouring water into it, you will know that the basket is not in the great shape, so it is your software application. Believe it or not , most of us do a unittest, either manually or using a python unittest tools, but the question we will ask is , which one is efficient and can proove to other team member, that your code works well. Some developers want to write the unittest code, but they lake time due to the deadline. Others use manually testing, which in one hand a lot of time consumming, again Others prefer use of TDD approach which is double the time of the application delivery. With all that different approaches, do you think that the user cares ?, at the end of the day the unittest is made for developers to developers and no one has time to read all your unittest codes. So if no one has time to read all your unittest codes, can developers fake unittest?, yes they can. To make your life easier and solve all above problems, I came up with pyunitgen, the first python automatic unittest generator that allow you to focus on your actual features. With pyunitgen, you are forcing the developer to describe/comment his code and pyunitgen will take care of the unittest.


  • Environment

    • Operating System : GNU/Linux Ubuntu 18.04
  • Software packages

    Packages Version
    python 3.5+

How it works

pyunitgen allows you to describe the type of data you need to generate for your unittest using a docstring annotation.

Installation Guide

  • Automatic installation

    Download the installation script following the below command.

    ~$ sudo curl -L "" -o pyunitgen && sudo chmod +x pyunitgen && sudo ./pyunitgen

    Now go ahead and run the below command and wait.

    ~$ pyunitgen --help

Pyunitgen command line

The below table describe the information needed by pyunitgen to create the unittest data. The option unlosed with '[]' defined the optional option to provide to pyunitgen.

Option Description Default
module The module directory/fileto use for the unittest compilation. This can be a single file as a directories of directories
[-F] File to use as a footer template.
[-H] File to use as a header template.
[-X] Add a child directory name to exclude.
[-f] Force files to be generated, even if they already exist.
[-i] Include internal classes and methods starting with a _.
[-m] The path of the test module to generate. test
[-p] The prefix for test files. test_
[-t] The width of a tab in spaces (default actual tabs).
[-nw] Tell pyunitgen not to watch the module directory or file whenever the file has been modified. Running pyunitgen without this option, will make pyunitgen watch the module argument for any changes.
  • Watch module folder with pyunitgen

    Let us run pyunitgen on a module folder called module_folder

    $> pyunitgen module_folder -f

    The above command tell pyunitgen to watch the "module_folder" directory, whenever any file has been change in that directory and rerun the unittest for that file.

Getting Start

  • @apiParam

      @apiParam [{type=typeOfData}] [field=defaultValue]

    Describe a parameter passed to your Function/Method.

    Usage: @apiParam {Number} id

    Name Description
    {type} Parameter type, e.g. {Boolean}, {Number}, {String}, {Object}, {List} ,{Dict}, ...
    =typeOfData The parameters typeOfData e.g =Email, =first_name, =name, =street_address and so on
    [field] Fieldname.
    field Fieldname with brackets define the Variable as optional.
    =defaultValue The parameters default value.
    • Examples

      def ask_first_name(first_name):
          @apiParam {String} first_name
          if isinstance(first_name, str):
              return True
          return None
      class MyClass:
        def test_unit_with_email(self, test1):
            @apiParam {String=Email} [test1]
        def test_unit_with_default_test2_value_and_string(self, test1, test2):
            @apiParam {String=first_Name} [test1]
            @apiParam {String} test2="Another String parameter"
        def test_unit_with_number_and_string(self, test1, test2):
            @apiParam {String=first_Name} [test1]
            @apiParam {Number} test2
    • Supported type

      Name Description
    • typeOfData

      This data value represents python Fake module data method.

      • Example

        To create a fake data in python , we use the below code.


        in pyunitgen you write {type=email}


        More examples about the @apiParam can be found on the @apiReturn section.

  • @apiReturn

      @apiReturn {type} [value]

    Describe the return value of your Function/Method. There is a difference between testing a return for a function and testing the return value for an object. This has to be put in mind when using the return annotation.

    Usage: @apiParam {Number} id

    Name Description
    {type} Parameter type, e.g. {Boolean}, {Number}, {String}, {Object}, {List} ,{Dict}, {apiParam}...
    [value] The return value of the function.This can be any atomic string , boolean, list, dict , number,self or class_name in lower case with another method name
    • Example

      Create a folder called sample where all, the codes will be located.

      Create all the below files with their content.

      #file: sample/
      from import Pet as AnimalPet, Dog
      from import Pet
      from sample.animal import Animal
      def create_pet(name, species, age=0):
          @apiParam {String} [name]
          @apiParam {String} [species]
          @apiParam {Number=random_int} [age]
          @apiReturn {Object} [Pet(,apiParam.species)]
          return Pet(name, species).get_name()
      def create_pet_with_empty_return_object(name, species, age=0):
          @apiReturn {Object}
          return Pet(name, species)
      def create_pet_return_true(name, species, age=0):
          @apiReturn {String}
          return Pet(name, species).getSpecies()
      def create_animal(species):
          @apiReturn {Object}
          return Animal(species)
      def create_pet_return_false(name, species, age=0):
          @apiReturn {Boolean} [False]
          Pet(name, species)
          return False
      def create_pet_return_none(name, species, age=0):
          @apiReturn {Boolean} [False]    
          Pet(name, species)
  • All Examples

    #file: sample/
    class Animal(object):
    def __init__(self, species):
        self.species = species
    def getSpecies(self):
        return self.species
    #file: sample/
    from sample.animal import Animal
    class Pet(Animal):
    def __init__(self, name, *args):
        @apiParam {String} [name]
        @apiParam {String} [args]
        Animal.__init__(self, *args)
        self._name = name
    def get_name(self):
        The below declaration make sure that the function return match the value return. This only allow when the class has the init function
        @apiReturn {String}
        return self._name
    def lower(s):
        @apiParam {String} [s]
        @apiReturn {String}
        return s.lower()
    def __str__(self):
        return '%s is a %s aged %d' % (
            Pet.lower(self.get_species()), self.get_age()
    class Dog(Pet):
    #file: sample/
    from import Pet as AnimalPet, Dog
    from import Pet
    from sample.animal import Animal
    def create_pet(name, species, age=0):
        @apiParam {String} [name]
        @apiParam {String} [species]
        @apiParam {Number=random_int} [age]
        @apiReturn {Object} [Pet(,apiParam.species)]
        return Pet(name, species).get_name()
    def create_pet_with_empty_return_object(name, species, age=0):
        @apiParam {String} [name]
        @apiParam {String} [species]
        @apiParam {Number=random_int} [age]
        @apiReturn {Object}
        return Pet(name, species)
    def create_pet_return_true(name, species, age=0):
        @apiParam {String} [name]
        @apiParam {String} [species]
        @apiParam {Number=random_int} [age]
        @apiReturn {String}
        return Pet(name, species).getSpecies()
    def create_animal(species):
        @apiParam {String} [species]
        @apiReturn {Object}
        return Animal(species)
    def create_pet_return_false(name, species, age=0):
        @apiParam {String} [name]
        @apiParam {String} [species]
        @apiParam {Number=random_int} [age]
        @apiReturn {Boolean} [False]
        Pet(name, species)
        return False
    def create_pet_return_none(name, species, age=0):
        @apiParam {String} [name]
        @apiParam {String} [species]
        @apiParam {Number} [age]
        @apiReturn {Boolean} [False]    
        Pet(name, species)
    • Output

      from sample.pet_main import create_pet,create_pet_with_empty_return_object,create_pet_return_true,create_animal,create_pet_return_false,create_pet_return_none
      from import Pet as AnimalPet
      from import Dog
      from import Pet
      from sample.animal import Animal
      import unittest
      class pet_mainTest(unittest.TestCase):
          Tests for functions in the "pet_main" file.
          def setUpClass(cls):
              pass #TODO
          def tearDownClass(cls):
              pass #TODO
          def setUp(self):
              pass #TODO
          def tearDown(self):
              pass #TODO
          def test_create_pet(self):
              pet_main = create_pet(name='Erika Perkins',species='Charlene Torres',age=9858) 
              self.assertEqual(pet_main, Pet('Erika Perkins','Charlene Torres')) 
          def test_create_pet_with_empty_return_object(self):
              pet_main = create_pet_with_empty_return_object(name='Lynn Russell',species='Jonathan Boyd',age=7279) 
              self.assertIsInstance(pet_main, Pet) 
          def test_create_pet_return_true(self):
              pet_main = create_pet_return_true(name='Christopher Campbell',species='Mia Robertson',age=9057) 
              self.assertEqual(pet_main, 'Christopher Campbell') 
          def test_create_animal(self):
              pet_main = create_animal(species='Malik Holloway') 
              self.assertIsInstance(pet_main, Animal) 
          def test_create_pet_return_false(self):
              pet_main = create_pet_return_false(name='Joshua Johnson',species='Christopher Jackson',age=4464) 
          def test_create_pet_return_none(self):
              pet_main = create_pet_return_none(name='Ashley Aguilar',species='Richard Taylor',age=910676837) 
    # file: sample/
    username = None
    def name():
        @apiReturn {String} [Evarist]
        return "Evarist"
    def set_username(name):
        @apiParam {String} [name]
        @apiReturn {Boolean} [True]
        global username
        username = name
        return True
    def get_username():
        global username
        return username
    def test_boolean_true(first_name):
        @apiParam {String} first_name
        @apiReturn {Boolean} [True]
        if isinstance(first_name, str):
            return True
        return None
    def test_boolean_false(first_name):
        @apiParam {String} first_name
        @apiReturn {Boolean} [False]    
        if not isinstance(first_name, str):
            return False
    • output

      from sample.func import name,set_username,get_username,test_boolean_true,test_boolean_false
      import unittest
      class funcTest(unittest.TestCase):
          Tests for functions in the "func" file.
          def setUpClass(cls):
              pass #TODO
          def tearDownClass(cls):
              pass #TODO
          def setUp(self):
              pass #TODO
          def tearDown(self):
              pass #TODO
          def test_name(self):
              func = name() 
              self.assertEqual(func, 'Evarist') 
          def test_set_username(self):
              func = set_username(name='Rebecca Mccall') 
          def test_test_boolean_true(self):
              func = test_boolean_true(first_name='Brett Holt') 
          def test_test_boolean_false(self):
              func = test_boolean_false(first_name='Jessica Morrison') 
    # file: sample/
    class Person:
    name = []
    def set_name(self, user_name):
        @apiParam {String} [user_name]
        @apiReturn {apiParam.user_name} [self.get_name(0)]
        return len( - 1
    def get_name(self, user_id):
        @apiParam {Number} [user_id=1]
        @apiReturn {String} [There is no such user]
        if user_id >= len(
            return 'There is no such user'
    • output

      from sample.person import Person
      import unittest
      class PersonTest(unittest.TestCase):
          Tests for methods in the Person class.
          def setUpClass(cls):
              pass #TODO
          def tearDownClass(cls):
              pass #TODO
          def setUp(self):
              pass #TODO
          def tearDown(self):
              pass #TODO
          def test_set_name(self):
              person = Person()
              person_set_name=person.set_name(user_name='Maureen Simpson') 
              self.assertEqual('Maureen Simpson', person.get_name(0)) 
          def test_get_name(self):
              person = Person()
              self.assertEqual(person_get_name, 'There is no such user') 
    # file: sample/
    from .server import Server
    class AnchorPeer:
    def __init__(self, name, org_name=None):
    = name
        self.org_name = org_name
        self.server = Server()
    def dump(self):
        if self.org_name.lower() not in
   = "{}.{}".format(
        return "\n\n\n\t\t\t- Host: {}.{}\n\t\t\t  Port: {}".format(,, self.server.port)
    def test_unit_that_return_dict(self):
        @apiReturn {Number} [{"name":4}]
        print("hi there ")
    def test_unit_that_return_dict_with_a_dictionary_type(self):
        @apiReturn {Dict} [{"name":4}]
        print("hi there ")
    def test_unit_with_email(self, test1):
        @apiParam {String=Email} [test1]
        @apiReturn {Boolean} [True]
    def test_unit_with_default_test2_value_and_string(self, test1, test2):
        @apiParam {String=first_Name} [test1]
        @apiParam {String} test2="Fangnikoue Evarist"
        @apiReturn {Boolean} [True]
    def test_unit_with_number_and_string(self, test1, test2):
        @apiParam {String=first_Name} [test1]
        @apiParam {Number} test2
        @apiReturn {Boolean} [True]
    def test_unit_with_address(self, address):
        @apiParam {String=street_address} [address]
        @apiReturn {Boolean} [True]
    def test_unit_with_boolean_and_string(self, test1, test2):
        @apiParam {String} [test1]
        @apiParam {Boolean} [test2]
        @apiReturn {Boolean} [True]
    def test_unit_that_return_a_list(self, test1, test2):
        @apiReturn {Number} [1,2,3,4]
    def test_unit_that_return_a_list_with_a_list_type(self, test1, test2):
        @apiReturn {List} [1,2,3,4]
    def test_unit_3(self, test1, test2):
    def test_unit_4(self, test1, test2):
    • output

      from sample.test import AnchorPeer
      import unittest
      class AnchorPeerTest(unittest.TestCase):
          Tests for methods in the AnchorPeer class.
          def setUpClass(cls):
              pass #TODO
          def tearDownClass(cls):
              pass #TODO
          def setUp(self):
              pass #TODO
          def tearDown(self):
              pass #TODO
          def test_dump(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
              anchorpeer_dump = anchorpeer.dump() 
          def test_test_unit_that_return_dict(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
              anchorpeer_test_unit_that_return_dict = anchorpeer.test_unit_that_return_dict() 
              self.assertEqual(anchorpeer_test_unit_that_return_dict, {"name":4}) 
          def test_test_unit_that_return_dict_with_a_dictionary_type(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
              anchorpeer_test_unit_that_return_dict_with_a_dictionary_type = anchorpeer.test_unit_that_return_dict_with_a_dictionary_type() 
              self.assertEqual(anchorpeer_test_unit_that_return_dict_with_a_dictionary_type, {"name":4}) 
          def test_test_unit_with_email(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
              anchorpeer_test_unit_with_email=anchorpeer.test_unit_with_email(test1='[email protected]') 
          def test_test_unit_with_default_test2_value_and_string(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
          def test_test_unit_with_number_and_string(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
          def test_test_unit_with_address(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
              anchorpeer_test_unit_with_address=anchorpeer.test_unit_with_address(address='691 Knox Hill Apt. 408') 
          def test_test_unit_with_boolean_and_string(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
              anchorpeer_test_unit_with_boolean_and_string=anchorpeer.test_unit_with_boolean_and_string(test1='Timothy Powell',test2=True) 
          def test_test_unit_that_return_a_list(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
              anchorpeer_test_unit_that_return_a_list = anchorpeer.test_unit_that_return_a_list() 
              self.assertEqual(anchorpeer_test_unit_that_return_a_list, ['1', '2', '3', '4']) 
          def test_test_unit_that_return_a_list_with_a_list_type(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
              anchorpeer_test_unit_that_return_a_list_with_a_list_type = anchorpeer.test_unit_that_return_a_list_with_a_list_type() 
              self.assertEqual(anchorpeer_test_unit_that_return_a_list_with_a_list_type, ['1', '2', '3', '4']) 
          def test_test_unit_3(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
              anchorpeer_test_unit_3 = anchorpeer.test_unit_3() 
          def test_test_unit_4(self):
              anchorpeer = AnchorPeer()
              anchorpeer_test_unit_4 = anchorpeer.test_unit_4() 

Note for the users

  • Add Description to the @api[Param|Return]

    At this earlier stage of pyunitgen, we recommand the user to put the comment description on the next line when the pyunitgen annotation has been used.

pyunitgen's People



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