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This is an extension for Behat which provides debugging functionality by taking a screenshot of failed tests.

License: MIT License

PHP 72.22% Gherkin 27.78%

behat-screenshot's Issues

Check the driver to not create warnings

Adding a if (!$driver instanceof Selenium2Driver) { return } could prevent this extension to try to create screenshot while using the Symfony2 driver, for example.
Thx !

Memory leak

I really like this extension. The problem is that as the tests run the extension keeps adding screenshots to the array of screenshots (in ScreenshotTaker->takeScreenshot() which in itself is a memory leak.

With this extension disabled we don't run into memory leaks:

PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 8912975 bytes) in [...]

No image or 0b image generated

I have this settings:


        - FeatureContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MessageContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrushContext
      javascript_session: selenium2
      base_url: http://somesite.dd:8083
      #goutte: ~
        browser: firefox
        wd_host: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
      blackbox: ~
          screenshot_directory: screenshots
          clear_screenshot_directory: true  # Enable removing all images before each test run. It is false by default.


    "name": "drupal-composer/drupal-project",
    "description": "Project template for Drupal 8 projects with composer",
    "type": "project",
    "license": "GPL-2.0+",
    "authors": [
            "name": "",
            "role": ""
    "repositories": {
        "drupal": {
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""
        "leaflet": {
            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "leaflet/leaflet",
                "version": "v0.7.7",
                "type": "drupal-library",
                "dist": {
                    "url": "",
                    "type": "zip"
    "require": {
        "composer/installers": "^1.2",
        "drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold": "^2.2",
        "cweagans/composer-patches": "~1.0",
        "drupal/core": "~8.0",
        "drush/drush": "~8.0",
        "drupal/console": "~1.0",
        "drupal/paragraphs": "^1.0",
        "drupal/admin_toolbar": "^1.18",
        "drupal/addtoany": "^1.7",
        "drupal/pathauto": "^1.0@beta",
        "drupal/imagemagick": "^1.0@alpha",
        "drupal/tvi": "^1.0@beta",
        "drupal/google_analytics": "^2.1",
        "drupal/webform": "5.0-beta7",
        "drupal/parade": "2.x-dev",
        "drupal/drupal-extension": "^3.3"
    "require-dev": {
        "behat/mink": "~1.7",
        "behat/mink-goutte-driver": "~1.2",
        "jcalderonzumba/gastonjs": "~1.0.2",
        "jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver": "~0.3.1",
        "mikey179/vfsStream": "~1.2",
        "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.8",
        "symfony/css-selector": "~2.8",
        "drupal/devel": "1.x-dev",
        "bex/behat-screenshot": "^1.2",
        "behat/mink-selenium2-driver": "^1.3",
        "phpspec/phpspec": "^3.4",
        "bex/behat-test-runner": "^1.2",
        "jakoch/phantomjs-installer": "^2.1"
    "conflict": {
        "drupal/drupal": "*"
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "prefer-stable": true,
    "autoload": {
        "classmap": [
    "scripts": {
        "drupal-scaffold": "DrupalComposer\\DrupalScaffold\\Plugin::scaffold",
        "pre-install-cmd": [
        "pre-update-cmd": [
        "post-install-cmd": [
        "post-update-cmd": [
    "extra": {
        "installer-paths": {
            "web/core": ["type:drupal-core"],
            "web/libraries/{$name}": ["type:drupal-library"],
            "web/modules/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-module"],
            "web/profiles/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-profile"],
            "web/themes/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-theme"],
            "drush/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-drush"]

And my problem is, when I add 'goutte: ~' on selenium2 level, my test works well, but it doesn't generate any image. If I remove that line, I get a 0b image, but all my tests fails (those too, which needs to be passed and passed with 'goutte: ~'). How do I need to use this?

Symfony 5 support


This is a great Behat extension, but currently it does not support Symfony 5 - are there plans to add support for it?

The current composer.json contains:

        "symfony/filesystem": "^2.7|^3.0|^4.0",
        "symfony/finder": "^2.7|^3.0|^4.0"
        "behat/mink-extension": "^2.0.0",

which are not Symfony 5 compatible - would you be interesed in a PR that bumps these dependencies/upgrades code if needed?

I know that the Behat MinkExtension does not support Symfony 5, but there is a fork for that: which can be used.

Question: attempt to take screenshot on successful scenario steps, expected?

Hi guys, I was wondering whether the extension behaviour explained below is expected or not.

I have a successful Scenario Outline step that gets executed, but it looks like an attempt to take a screenshot is made:

| zh-Hant-CN   |
      Screenshots are not supported by Behat\Mink\Driver\GoutteDriver

The extension configuration is as follows:

          screenshot_directory: ./
      screenshot_taking_mode: failed_scenarios

Shouldn't the message appear only when a failed scenario occurs?

How to kick off to work? No results.

My config:

          screenshot_directory: '/var/www/project/tests/failures'

Test ouput:

    And I should see the text "The requested product Test Product is currently not available for this country" # Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext::assertTextVisible()
      The text "The requested product Test Product is currently not available for this country" was not found anywhere in the text of the current page. (Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException)

--- Failed scenarios:


1 scenario (1 failed)
7 steps (6 passed, 1 failed)

No message, no screenshot.

What am I doing wrong? behat version 3.0.15

complains about null parameter when using @beforeStep in feature context

I just noticed that – if you annotate a method with @beforeStep in your FeatureContext extends MinkContext and you're using behat-screenshot – behat-screenshot complains about a null parameter, when starting bin/behat:

  Warning: end() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in {projectRoot}\vendor\bex\behat-screenshot\src\Bex\Behat\ScreenshotExtension\Service\ScreenshotTaker.php line 91

behat [-s|--suite SUITE] [-f|--format FORMAT] [-o|--out OUT] [--format-settings
FORMAT-SETTINGS] [--init] [--lang LANG] [--name NAME] [--tags TAGS] [--role ROLE
] [--story-syntax] [-d|--definitions DEFINITIONS] [--append-snippets] [--no-snip
pets] [--strict] [--order ORDER] [--rerun] [--stop-on-failure] [--dry-run] [--]

I originally wanted to initiate a debug-session for behat with that method. But even an empty method causes this error:

in features/bootstrap/FeatureConetxt.php:

    * @beforeStep
    * @param BeforeStepScope $scope
   public function synchronizeClientSession(BeforeStepScope $scope)

As soon as I remove the annotation @beforeStep everything works again – no complaints.

Extension not working with behat 3.1.0

the extension is not working this is what my composer file looks like
{ "name": "project", "description": "", "type": "project", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "PROJECT", "role": "Dev team" } ], "require": { "behat/mink": "*", "behat/mink-goutte-driver": "~1.2", "jcalderonzumba/gastonjs": "~1.0.2", "jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver": "~0.3.1", "phpunit/phpunit": "4.8.*", "symfony/css-selector": "~2.8", "bex/behat-screenshot": "1.2.*" }, "minimum-stability": "dev", "prefer-stable": true }

behat.yml file
default: suites: default: contexts: - FeatureContext extensions: Behat\MinkExtension: goutte: ~ selenium2: ~ base_url: Bex\Behat\ScreenshotExtension: image_drivers: local: screenshot_directory: '/var/www/behat/results/screenshot' test: suites: default: filters: tags: "@test"
Can you let me know what am i missing .

Screenshot only works on javascript scenarios?

I have this settings:

      browser_name: 'chrome'
      goutte: ~
        wd_host: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub'
        browser: 'chrome'
          browser: 'chrome'
            - "--headless"
            - "--disable-gpu"
      javascript_session: 'selenium2'
      base-url: 'http://localhost:8080/my-site'
      files_path: '/home/user/environment/my-site'
      api_driver: 'drupal'
      blackbox: ~
        drupal_root: '/home/user/environment/my-site'
        message_selector: '.messages'
        error_message_selector: '.messages.error'
        success_message_selector: '.messages.status'
        - '/home/user/environment/my-site/sites/default'
        alias: 'default'
        binary: '/home/user/environment/my-site/vendor/package/toolkit/bin/drush'
        header: "#layout-header"
        featured: ".region-featured-wrapper"
        content_top: ".content-top"
        content: "#content-wrapper"
        left sidebar: "#sidebar-left"
        right sidebar: "#sidebar-right"
        footer: "#layout-footer"
      screenshot_taking_mode: failed_scenarios
          screenshot_directory: '/home/user/environment/my-site/tests/screenshots'
          clear_screenshot_directory: true
    pretty: ~

And I noticed it only creates screenshots from the failed scenarios if the scenario is annotated as a javascript scenario. It's not possible to create screenshot if it's not annotated like that? And some why on the screenshot I can see only the text without css... But form the browser it works...

%paths.base% not taken into account for screenshot_directory

Taking the following behat.yml the screenshots will be saved into Drupal's root dir (drupal_root: ../../web) as directory named %paths.base%/screenshots/failed_steps.

So it seems that screenshot_directory currently can only be an absolute path or a relative path to the target projects's web root. But it MUST also be possible to use %paths.base% to make it relative to the current behat.yml.

        - FeatureContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MessageContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrushContext
      base_url: http://drupal.localhost
      goutte: ~
        wd_host: http:/drupal.localhost:4444/wd/hub
          marionette: true
          browser: chrome
      browser_name: chrome
      blackbox: ~
      api_driver: drupal
        drupal_root: %paths.base%/../../web
      screenshot_taking_mode: failed_steps
          screenshot_directory: %paths.base%/screenshots/failed_steps

Cannot get package via composer

Hi guys,

I was trying to composer require --dev bex/behat-screenshot:1.2.2 today but then I started getting this:

./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - The requested package elvetemedve/behat-screenshot could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.

Potential causes:
 - A typo in the package name
 - The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting
   see <> for more details.

Read <> for further common problems.

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.

Does it need changing on packagist or something?


Requirements clarification

Trying to find my path to screenshots in Behat tests one thing is still unclear to me:

To make use of this pretty nice tool (❤️) we need a JavaScript session with for example Selenium or PhantomJS, yes?

As we need a browser in the first place, is this right?

For example I have the following behat.yml were screenshots are only taken for @javascript tagged scenarios. And I guess that's how it's supposed to work, yes?

        - FeatureContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MessageContext
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrushContext
      base_url: http://foobar.localhost
      goutte: ~
      selenium2: ~
      blackbox: ~
      screenshot_taking_mode: all_scenarios
          screenshot_directory: /tmp/screenshots

Full page capture

Great extension, just what I wanted, but is there any way to capture the full contents of the browser window, not just the visible viewport?

This is a tricky problem because the browser driver is only going to render and deliver the viewport, so the only way to really do this is to cause the browser to scroll through the page and capture viewport-sized chunks of them (plus the remainder) and stitch them together into the final image. Do you have any intention of doing this, or perhaps accepting a PR that does this?

It involves javascript injection black magic. But it can work...

capture on demand

How do I capture a screenshot on demand? I have it working on error.

Requires ext-Fileinfo, please declare it


  • your project uses "bex/behat-screenshot": "^1.2"
  • And your php installation doesn't have the extension php_fileinfo installed (php.ini)


  • you run bin\behat

Then an error will be thrown:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'finfo' not found in {project-root}\vendor\bex\behat-screenshot\src\Bex\Behat\ScreenshotExtens
Stack trace:
#0 {project-root}\vendor\bex\behat-extension-driver-lo
cator\src\Bex\Behat\ExtensionDriverLocator\DriverLocator.php(98): Bex\Behat\Scre
#1 {project-root}\vendor\bex\behat-extension-driver-lo
cator\src\Bex\Behat\ExtensionDriverLocator\DriverLocator.php(54): Bex\Behat\Exte
#2 {project-root}\vendor\bex\behat-screenshot\src\Bex\
Behat\ScreenshotExtension\ServiceContainer\Config.php(119): Bex\Behat\ExtensionD
tion\ContainerBuilder), Array, Array)
#3 {project-root}\vendor\bex\behat-screenshot\src\Bex\
Behat\ScreenshotExtension\ServiceContainer\ScreenshotExtension.php(8 in {project-root}\vendor\bex\behat-screenshot\src\Bex\Behat\Scree
nshotExtension\Driver\Local.php on line 48

I suggest that you either work around the finfo requirement or you declare the requirement in composer.json:

"require": {
    "php": ">=5.4",
    "behat/behat": "^3.0.0",
    "behat/mink-extension": "^2.0.0",
    "bex/behat-extension-driver-locator": "^1.0.2",
    "symfony/filesystem": "^2.7|^3.0",
    "symfony/finder": "^2.7|^3.0",
    "ext-Fileinfo": "*"

I'll post a pull request with the patch in a moment.

Get error after install "Imagemagick PHP extension is required"

After requiring via composer then adding the extension using screenshot_taking_mode: failed_scenarios with the local image driver, I got the following error on the first run:

Invalid configuration for path "testwork.screenshot.screenshot_taking_mode": Imagemagick PHP extension is required,  
   but not installed. 

It doesn't seem this dependency was highlighted by Composer during install time... can the Imagemagick requirement be added to the composer.json requirements?

Add option to change screenshots repository


I'm working on a behat project where i'd like to separate test suites on my jenkins instance into different jobs. To avoid jobB erasing screenshots from jobB I thought that it will be nice to add the possibility of extending screenshot repository defined in .yml file. That way my jobs will generate their screenshots in their own folder rather than using the one in .yml.

I'd like to have you opinion on it, and if you're thinking it's a good idea, I'd be glad to work on that and submit a PR.

Best regards

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