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dumper-7's Issues

Can't get static classes

i was trying to get the static class in my internal but it gives me no result

/*Objects & Names inits*/

auto GStatic = (SDK::UGameplayStatics*)SDK::UGameplayStatics::StaticClass();/// 0000000000

but when i try to get those static classes on the dumper it gives me results

UEClass GStatic = ObjectArray::FindClassFast("GameplayStatics"); /// 000000002D064E40

Crash on getting class static

I crash when i try to get all this adress

if (!this->MathLib) this->MathLib = (SDK::UKismetMathLibrary*)SDK::UKismetMathLibrary::GetDefaultObj();
if (!this->KismetSystemLib) this->KismetSystemLib = (SDK::UKismetSystemLibrary*)SDK::UKismetSystemLibrary::GetDefaultObj();
if (!this->GPStatics) this->GPStatics = (SDK::UGameplayStatics*)SDK::UGameplayStatics::GetDefaultObj();


if (!this->MathLib) this->MathLib = (SDK::UKismetMathLibrary*)SDK::UKismetMathLibrary::StaticClass();
if (!this->KismetSystemLib) this->KismetSystemLib = (SDK::UKismetSystemLibrary*)SDK::UKismetSystemLibrary::StaticClass();
if (!this->GPStatics) this->GPStatics = (SDK::UGameplayStatics*)SDK::UGameplayStatics::StaticClass();


Like you tell me i set the offset or maybe it's not what you tell me.

Error On Unreal 4.26.1

idk if you already fixed this, but it gave me an error. However, I have already fixed it. :/

9.00 crashes when using sdk

When I try to print the address of any object I get 0000000, and if i use GetFullName or GetName the function crashes

Here is the code and the place it crashes at is when i print with getfullname in dllmain.cpp

here is where GetFullName() is

and the crash log reads:


Unhandled exception

FortniteSDK!SDK::UObject::GetFullName() [pathtoproject\SDK\CoreUObject_functions.cpp:28]
FortniteSDK!DLLMain() [pathtoproject\dllmain.cpp:23]

How do I use the SDK?

Sorry for the dumb question.
But there is any tutorial about making a DLL or something with the SDK? Like how to correctly add it into the project.
I tried but I have a lot of errors.
This is the only one that I couldn't fix.

Generated SDK problems

Recently built the dumper at commit 2f8743d

and these errors have appeared in basic.hpp:
There are duplicate functions in this image and the EClassFlags enum is not in the right place:
Error Image

There is also this error inside of CoreUObject_classes.hpp:
Error Image2

Crashing when generating SDK for towerunite

Compiling in release-x64

when I inject the game crashes sometimes before generating anything in 'C:/dumper-7',
sometimes it will generate some of the SDK but every time it does it is really broken.

7.40 dump issue



Unhandled exception

Dumper_7!ObjectArray::FindObjectFast() [C:\Users\e\source\repos\Dumper-7-main\Dumper\ObjectArray.cpp:365]
Dumper_7!ObjectArray::GetAllPackages() [C:\Users\e\source\repos\Dumper-7-main\Dumper\ObjectArray.cpp:322]
Dumper_7!Generator::GenerateSDK() [C:\Users\e\source\repos\Dumper-7-main\Dumper\Generator.cpp:36]
Dumper_7!MainThread() [C:\Users\e\source\repos\Dumper-7-main\Dumper\Main.cpp:57]

Getting a million errors

I'm getting many errors with the same issue "incomplete type is not allowed", how do I fix this?


fix yo goddamn sdk dumper!!!! 12.41 crashg!!!!!!!!! omg so bad

Missing File

Hello it seems that SDK/Border_ItemInfo_Blank_DkBlue_structs.hpp don't exist in my folder.


how can i watch UDataTable details data

class UDataTable : public UObject
class UScriptStruct* RowStruct; // 0x28(0x8)(Edit, ZeroConstructor, EditConst, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash, NativeAccessSpecifierPublic)
uint8 Pad_2199[0x50]; // Fixing Size After Last Property [ Dumper-7 ]
uint8 bStripFromClientBuilds : 1; // Mask: 0x1, PropSize: 0x10x80(0x1)(Edit, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash, NativeAccessSpecifierPublic)
uint8 bIgnoreExtraFields : 1; // Mask: 0x2, PropSize: 0x10x80(0x1)(Edit, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash, NativeAccessSpecifierPublic)
uint8 bIgnoreMissingFields : 1; // Mask: 0x4, PropSize: 0x10x80(0x1)(Edit, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash, NativeAccessSpecifierPublic)
uint8 BitPad_103 : 5; // Fixing Bit-Field Size [ Dumper-7 ]
uint8 Pad_21B8[0x7]; // Fixing Size After Last Property [ Dumper-7 ]
class FString ImportKeyField; // 0x88(0x10)(Edit, ZeroConstructor, HasGetValueTypeHash, NativeAccessSpecifierPublic)
bool InInitialLoadOrDestruction; // 0x98(0x1)(ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash, NativeAccessSpecifierPublic)
uint8 Pad_21B9[0x1F]; // Fixing Size Of Struct [ Dumper-7 ]

static class UClass* StaticClass();
static class UDataTable* GetDefaultObj();


Generator appears to generate broken enums

For some reason, generator generates enums of type uint8 and then puts bigger values in them, bigger than the type can handle. Here's an example:

enum class EAkSpeakerConfiguration : uint8
	Ak_Speaker_Front_Left          = 1,
	Ak_Speaker_Front_Right         = 2,
	Ak_Speaker_Front_Center        = 4,
	Ak_Speaker_Low_Frequency       = 8,
	Ak_Speaker_Back_Left           = 16,
	Ak_Speaker_Back_Right          = 32,
	Ak_Speaker_Back_Center         = 256,
	Ak_Speaker_Side_Left           = 512,
	Ak_Speaker_Side_Right          = 1024,
	Ak_Speaker_Top                 = 2048,
	Ak_Speaker_Height_Front_Left   = 4096,
	Ak_Speaker_Height_Front_Center = 8192,
	Ak_Speaker_Height_Front_Right  = 16384,
	Ak_Speaker_Height_Back_Left    = 32768,
	Ak_Speaker_Height_Back_Center  = 65536,
	Ak_Speaker_Height_Back_Right   = 131072,
	Ak_Speaker_MAX                 = 131073,

There are many of them like this.

Generated SDK:

Plans to dump Mappings as well as SDK?

Since this is more actively maintained than UnrealMappingsDumper for the time being, are there plans to add support for dumping mappings as well as the SDK?

Alignment and struct size bug

Check out these structs:

// 0x40 (0x2D8 - 0x298)
// Class Polaris.Barrier
class ABarrier : public AActor
	TArray<struct FWallBarrierGroup>             WallBarrierGroups;                                 // 0x298(0x10)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, BlueprintReadOnly, ZeroConstructor, NativeAccessSpecifierPublic)
	TArray<struct FBarrierGroup>                 BarrierGroups;                                     // 0x2A8(0x10)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, BlueprintReadOnly, ZeroConstructor, NativeAccessSpecifierPublic)
	TArray<struct FWallBarrierGroup>             WallCullBackGroups;                                // 0x2B8(0x10)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, BlueprintReadOnly, ZeroConstructor, NativeAccessSpecifierPublic)
	TArray<struct FBarrierInitializeRequestOne>  InitializeRequest;                                 // 0x2C8(0x10)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, BlueprintReadOnly, ZeroConstructor, ContainsInstancedReference, NativeAccessSpecifierPublic)

	static class UClass* StaticClass();
	static class ABarrier* GetDefaultObj();

	struct FBarrierInitializeRequestOne PopInitializeRequest();

// 0xD9 (0x3B1 - 0x2D8)
// BlueprintGeneratedClass BP_Barrier.BP_Barrier_C
class ABP_Barrier_C : public ABarrier
	struct FPointerToUberGraphFrame              UberGraphFrame;                                    // 0x2D8(0x8)(ZeroConstructor, Transient, DuplicateTransient)
	class USceneComponent*                       DefaultSceneRoot;                                  // 0x2E0(0x8)(BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, InstancedReference, NonTransactional, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	double                                       MinDistance;                                       // 0x2E8(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	double                                       MaxDistance;                                       // 0x2F0(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	double                                       MinHeight;                                         // 0x2F8(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	double                                       MaxHeight;                                         // 0x300(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	double                                       FloorHeightFB;                                     // 0x308(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	double                                       FloorBarrierAlphaOffset;                           // 0x310(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	TArray<class UMaterialInstanceDynamic*>      MIDs;                                              // 0x318(0x10)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, DisableEditOnInstance)
	TArray<class ABP_WallBarrierCamera_C*>       OverlapVolumes_DEPLICATED;                         // 0x328(0x10)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, DisableEditOnTemplate)
	double                                       OverlapVolumeCount_DEPLICATED;                     // 0x338(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	double                                       PrevOverlapVolumeCount_DEPLICATED;                 // 0x340(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	bool                                         UseOverlapVolumes_DEPLICATED;                      // 0x348(0x1)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	uint8                                        Pad_1C7A[0x7];                                     // Fixing Size After Last Property  [ Dumper-7 ]
	TArray<class UMaterialInstanceDynamic*>      EffectMIDs;                                        // 0x350(0x10)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, DisableEditOnInstance)
	double                                       FloorHeight;                                       // 0x360(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	bool                                         EnabledCullBack;                                   // 0x368(0x1)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	bool                                         QueuedVisibility;                                  // 0x369(0x1)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	bool                                         Queueing;                                          // 0x36A(0x1)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	bool                                         Initialized;                                       // 0x36B(0x1)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	uint8                                        Pad_1C7B[0x4];                                     // Fixing Size After Last Property  [ Dumper-7 ]
	double                                       DistanceScale;                                     // 0x370(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	double                                       AlphaOffset;                                       // 0x378(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	struct FVector                               FacadeVector;                                      // 0x380(0x18)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	bool                                         LocalFacade;                                       // 0x398(0x1)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	uint8                                        Pad_1C7C[0x7];                                     // Fixing Size After Last Property  [ Dumper-7 ]
	double                                       AlphaOffset1;                                      // 0x3A0(0x8)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	int32                                        Step;                                              // 0x3A8(0x4)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, DisableEditOnInstance, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	int32                                        NumReplaceTimeSlice;                               // 0x3AC(0x4)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
	bool                                         EveryBattle_StageReset;                            // 0x3B0(0x1)(Edit, BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)

// 0xF (0x3C0 - 0x3B1)
// BlueprintGeneratedClass BP_BarrierCol1.BP_BarrierCol1_C
class ABP_BarrierCol1_C : public ABP_Barrier_C
	uint8                                        Pad_1035[0x7];                                     // Fixing Size After Last Property  [ Dumper-7 ]
	class UBoxComponent*                         Box;                                               // 0x3B8(0x8)(BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, InstancedReference, NonTransactional, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)

	static class UClass* StaticClass();
	static class ABP_BarrierCol1_C* GetDefaultObj();


I'm interested in the ABP_BarrierCol1_C::Box member. It's commented by the dumper offset of 0x3B8 is correct: I verified it manually with reclass.

But the tests won't pass here:

static_assert(offsetof(ABP_BarrierCol1_C, Box) == 0x3B8);
static_assert(sizeof ABP_BarrierCol1_C == 0x3C0);

The reason they won't pass is because size of ABP_Barrier_C is actually 0x3B8, because it has its' last member at offset 0x3B0: bool EveryBattle_StageReset, and so it's size becomes 0x3B1, but then the compiler aligns struct's size to be 0x3B8. But then at the start of ABP_BarrierCol1_C it also adds 7 bytes of padding, and the offset of the Box becomes 0x3C0 and the size of ABP_BarrierCol1_C becomes 0x3C8.

The SDK dumper reports the size of ABP_Barrier_C to be 0x3B1. I also verified it manually and it does report 0x3B1 in the reflection system. But I doubt it is, since the default on x64 is to align structs bigger than 8 by 16, align pointers by 8, etc.

I don't think this bug was present in the original Kn4cker's SDK generator. So whatever algorithm he wrote to add paddings should also work here correctly.

SDK Crashes

When you use the sdk in a project the dll will not work because the SDK fails

8.51 dump issues


Unhandled exception

Dumper_7!UEObject::GetIndex() [E:\Dumper-7-main\Dumper\UnrealObjects.cpp:25]
Dumper_7!ObjectArray::Init() [E:\Dumper-7-main\Dumper\ObjectArray.cpp:176]
Dumper_7!Generator::Init() [E:\Dumper-7-main\Dumper\Generator.cpp:11]
Dumper_7!MainThread() [E:\Dumper-7-main\Dumper\Main.cpp:35]

Incorrect implementation of StaticClass for Blueprint classes

At the moment current implementation to get the class is:

class UClass* ABP_CharacterLightController_C::StaticClass()
	static class UClass* Clss = nullptr;

	if (!Clss)
		Clss = UObject::FindClassFast("BP_CharacterLightController_C");

	return Clss;

It is correct for C++ classes, because C++ classes get loaded at the start and never get unloaded from memory. However, blueprint classes might and do get loaded and then unloaded from memory when all objects of that class get destroyed. In my case it's on level load and unload.

So, when I first get the static class when I'm on the level, it works. But after levels get unloaded and then loaded back, the blueprint class has a different pointer and this pointer is no longer valid.

When I change the code to this:

class UClass* ABP_CharacterLightController_C::StaticClass()
	return UObject::FindClassFast("BP_CharacterLightController_C");

The bug disappears, because it always looks for the class.

For a quick fix, I did find and replace in the SDK project. Find: (class UClass\* .BP_.*?::StaticClass\(\)\r\n{\r\n)(\s*static class UClass\* Clss = nullptr;\r\n)(.*?)(\s*if \(!Clss\)\r\n\s)(\s) and replace with $1$5UClass* , this appears to fix all the BP classes in the project.

don't even know how to explain this

sdk on latest fn (ue 5.2, fn 25.11) generates both FortniteGame and FortniteAI files (structs, classes & params), and both of them are using structs from eachother, for example, UAthenaAIBotDebugMiniMapIndicator : public UFortMiniMapIndicator (from FortniteAI_classes) uses UFortMiniMapIndicator from FortniteGame_classes, so it leads to errors like 'SDK::UFortMiniMapIndicator': base class undefined or incomplete type is not allowed, makes it impossible to compile

worked well

is possible to generate json format for ?

Crash when generating SDK for The Culling

When generating the SDK for The Culling (a defunct UE 4.15 game), the process suddenly exits during generation.
I can see a bunch of SDK files being generated (and they look very promising, digging out fields that no other SDK generator has found me thus far), but SDK.hpp is never generated.

I'm launching the game with EAC disabled.

I'm not entirely sure how to debug this properly because I don't know enough about how the SDK generator works yet. When attaching a debugger it breaks here:

Exception thrown at 0x00007FF921EEA8D6 (Dumper-7.dll) in Victory.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000008.

(I'm guessing it's actually GetFlags that's throwing the exception and it's getting inlined)

This is the call-stack:

(While I'm here, I might as well ask whether the moment of injection matters. Right now, I'm injecting the dll after the game has entirely loaded. I'm assuming it needs the entities loaded that I want to have in the SDK. Is that actually needed or can I inject the dll on process start already?)

12.41 dump issues

12.41 dump aint compiling, class redefinition in files that start with s12 and intro files
getsocketlocation func in mesh crashes my game (uworld is good, i use the initgobjects func before everything)

"Fatal Error!" crash

I am trying to use this on a random pre-alpha game called Astro, it uses UE 5.2 and keeps giving me this error:

I don't know if it matters or not but the game was distributed as a development build.
I have tried using both an older commit (idk which, I built it a few weeks ago) and the most recent e6dde46

Wrong offsets on DBD

Hello i just tried generating an SDK for Dead by Daylight, i get a lot of errors in the static_assert that offsets are wrong? Is there a way to fix it inside my cheat or do i need to use manual overrides in the Generator.cpp?

Screenshot 2023-10-24 170508

Missing Files

Trying to use FProperty branch on 12.10 but theres missing Border/TextStyle Files

Crash when getting class


When i want get UGameplayStatics or any class in engine the game crash.

static inline SDK::UGameplayStatics* GPStatics = nullptr;
if (!this->GPStatics) this->GPStatics = (SDK::UGameplayStatics*)SDK::UGameplayStatics::StaticClass();

I change like in this issue : #52

static inline SDK::UGameplayStatics* GPStatics = nullptr;
if (!this->GPStatics) this->GPStatics = (SDK::UGameplayStatics*)SDK::UGameplayStatics::GetDefaultObj();

And it crash too.

Thx for any reply.

The generator doesn't generate anything on 5.0.3 and 5.1.2 projects

  1. Ship a barebones UE5.0.3 project in x64 release configuration for Windows.
  2. Compile Dumper-7 in x64 Release configuration.
  3. Run the project.
  4. Inject Dumper-7.dll into the barebones project.

Generator shows logs and reports done, but there are no folders and no files created.


Started Generation [Dumper-7]!

Dumper-7 by me, you & him

Searching for GObjects...

Found FChunkedFixedUObjectArray GObjects at offset 0x7bc7c70

Found FName::AppendString at Offset 0x1a3e200

Off::UStruct::Children: 48
Off::UField::Next: 28
Off::UStruct::SuperStruct: 40
Off::UStruct::Size: 58
Off::UClass::CastFlags: d8
Game uses FProperty system

Off::UStruct::ChildProperties: 50
Off::UClass::ClassDefaultObject: 110
Off::UEnum::Names: 40
Off::UFunction::FunctionFlags: b0

Off::UProperty::ElementSize: 3c
Off::UProperty::ArrayDim: 38
Off::UProperty::Offset_Internal: 4c
Off::UProperty::PropertyFlags: 40
UPropertySize: 78

Off::UArrayProperty::Inner: 78
Off::USetProperty::ElementProp: 78
Off::UMapProperty::Base: 78

PE-Offset: 0x1ca07b0
PE-Index: 0x4b

GameName: UE53rdPersonShooter
GameVersion: 5.0.3-20979098+++UE5+Release-5.0

[=] Done [=]

Also tried to inject it into a real game on 5.1.2 with the same result. Same result with a different injector.

I do have write access to all of these folders and other generators like UE4SS do successfully generate headers for UHT.

GetRawString Crashing

Using GetRawString crashes on some Names, i'm not sure yet why i can get some names and some don't but it appears to be an issue with AppendString, is there an alternative to use maybe? Im using it on Dead by Daylight which is EAC protected if thats related

SDK Generation for Foxhole Crashes

it seems to crash on StringifyObjectFlags in UnrealObjects.cpp

probably useless info but ill add it for context

i have tried using reclass and reversing all the major structs but the game seems quite different from the base 4.24 engine
despite this using corrm's tool seems to generate a sdk mind you its missing alot but it seems to work using the base 4,24 structs
either this game is just fucked or i am just retarded and fell into a pitfall somewhere

thank you

made my compiler crash 7 times in a row

Generator generates structs with the same names, which causes struct redefinition errors

2 examples:
In file AB_SKT_CH_base_msl_wait_structs.hpp:

// 0x0 (0x1 - 0x1)
// ScriptStruct AB_SKT_CH_base_msl_wait.AB_SKT_CH_base_msl_wait_C.AnimBlueprintGeneratedMutableData
struct FAnimBlueprintGeneratedMutableData : public FAnimBlueprintMutableData


Then in file AB_SKT_CH_base_msl_structs.hpp:

// 0x0 (0x1 - 0x1)
// ScriptStruct AB_SKT_CH_base_msl.AB_SKT_CH_base_msl_C.AnimBlueprintGeneratedMutableData
struct FAnimBlueprintGeneratedMutableData : public FAnimBlueprintMutableData


This causes struct redefinition error: Error C2011 'SDK::FAnimBlueprintGeneratedMutableData': 'struct' type redefinition.

These are just 2, there are like 20 of them and other FAnimBlueprintGeneratedMutableData are not empty. They're only used inside their respective classes, so I managed to fix the name clashes by adding name of the class before them: AB_SKT_CH_base_msl_FAnimBlueprintGeneratedMutableData.

A fix for a generator could be just this:
โ€ข Keep a list with all struct names.
โ€ข Once there's more than just 1 struct with the same name detected, prepend the name of the class to both of them.

Here's the generated SDK:

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