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xun's Introduction



Xun is a distributed and functional Python framework for cluster compute. Rather than focusing on batching jobs, xun is about defining values declaratively.


Quick Start

Standalone example xun project file for computing fibonacci numbers

import xun

def fibonacci_number(n):
    return f_n_1 + f_n_2
    with ...:
        f_n_1 = (
            0 if n == 0 else
            1 if n == 1 else
            fibonacci_number(n - 1)
        f_n_2 = fibonacci_number(n - 2) if n > 1 else 0

def fibonacci_sequence(n):
    return sequence
    with ...:
        sequence = [fibonacci_number(i) for i in range(n)]

def main():
    Compute and print the first 10 fibonacci numbers
    blueprint = fibonacci_sequence.blueprint(10)
    sequence =
    for num in sequence:

if __name__ == '__main__':

To see a visualization of the call graph:

xun graph examples/ "fibonacci_sequence(10)"

A closer look

Let's break down the code from fibonacci_number in the example above in to 4 parts


The decorator @xun.function() compiles this function into a xun function. Xun functions are functions that are meant to be executed in parallel, possibly on remote workers.

def fibonacci_number(n):

The function definition is just a normal python function definition.

    return f_n_1 + f_n_2

The body of the function is just regular python, it has as expected access to the function arguments, but it also has access to the variables defined in the special xun definitions statement.

    with ...:
        f_n_1 = (
            0 if n == 0 else
            1 if n == 1 else
            fibonacci_number(n - 1)
        f_n_2 = fibonacci_number(n - 2) if n > 1 else 0

Statements on the form with ...: we refer to as xun definitions. They introduce new syntax and rules that we will get more into in the next section. Note for example that the recursive calls to fibonacci_number(n) are memoized in the context store and can therefore, after scheduling, be run in parallel.

In fact, xun works by first figuring out all the calls that will happen, building a call graph, and scheduling the calls such that any previous call that we may depend on is executed before we evaluate the current call. This requires the call graph to be a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

Xun Definitions

def do_some_work(some_values):
    result = expensive_computation(data)
    with ...:
        data = depencency(fixed_values)
        fixed_values = [fix(v) for v in some_values]

In the above example, a job takes in some iterable some_values as argument, polishes the values in it and calls another context function that it depends on. Note that the order of the statements inside the xun defintions statements does not matter. The syntax of xun definitions statements is similar to where clauses in Haskell and has rules that differ from standard python. In general, for xun definitions statements the following apply:

  • Order of statements is arbitrary
  • Xun functions can only be called from xun definition statements (with ...:)
  • Only assignments and free expressions are allowed
  • There can only be one xun definitions statement per xun function
  • Values cannot be modified
  • If a function modifies a value passed to it, the changes will not be reflected for the value in the definitions. That is, arguments to calls are passed by value.
  • Any code in xun definitions statements will be executed during scheduling, so the heavy lifting should be done in the function body, and not inside the xun definitions statements

Xun definition statements allow xun to figure out the order of calls needed to execute a xun program.


As calls to xun functions are executed and finished, the results are saved in the store of the context. Stores are classes that satisfy the requirements of, are pickleable, and whos state is shared between all instances. Stores can be defined by users by defining a new class with extending


Drivers are the classes that have the responsibility of executing programs. This includes scheduling the calls of the call graph and managing any concurrency.

The @xun.make_shared decorator

from math import radians
import numpy as np

def not_installed():

def not_installed_but_shared():

def xun_function():
    not_installed()            # Not OK
    not_installed_but_shared() # OK
    radians(180)               # OK because the function is builtin
    np.array([1, 2, 3])        # OK because the function is defined in an installed module

Because xun functions are pickled, any function they reference must either be installed on the system or be represented differently. xun comes with a decorator, @xun.make_shared, that can make many functions serializable.

Function Scope and Best Practices

  • You should only reference global scope from a function that would not change the outcome of the function if changed. Global scope is not considered when identifying results, thus changes to the global scope might give undesired results.
  • A good use for global scope is to specify configuration values, such as cluster addresses or file system paths.
    data_dir = '/path/to/data'
    def load_data():
        return load(data_dir)
  • If you want a variable change to impact your results, define it as a xun function. For example to configure a simulation with a fixed seed, define the value as a xun function rather than a variable in global scope
    def simulation_seed():
        return 196883

Yielding Auxiliary Results

Functions can yield auxiliary results accessible through interfaces. This is useful if a function returns large, but separable results. Results can be yielded to interfaces specified by a decorator @<xun.Function>.interface. This let's the original function write results accessible through the interface as if they were xun functions. Yields from a xun function are declared in the function body as yield statements of the form yield <call-to-interface> is <expr>.

Interfaces must specify which function that should be responsible for producing it's result.

In this example the function f returns what is passed to it, but in addition yields results to interfaces even and odd. Calling even and odd interfaces will return the n-th even and odd integer respectively.

import xun

def f(n):
    yield even(n) is n * 2
    yield odd(n) is n * 2 + 1
    return n

def even(n):
    yield from f(n)

def odd(n):
    yield from f(n)

xun's People


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xun's Issues

Flag previous calls as invalid

This could possibly be done by scrambling the result hashes

    def invalidate(self, call, func=None):
        if not self.completed(call, func):

        namespace = / 'results' / call

        hash = func.hash if func is not None else namespace['latest']

        sha256 = hashlib.sha256(bytes.fromhex(hash))
        distorted = sha256.hexdigest()

        namespace[distorted] = namespace.pop(hash)
        if namespace['latest'] == hash:
            namespace['latest'] = distorted

Implement resources

Some tasks require limited concurrency, this can be achieved through a resource system.

@xun.function(resources=[xun.GlobalResource('zephyre', 1, default_available=2),
                         xun.WorkerResource('GPU', 1)])
def zephyre():


@xun.GlobalResource('zephyre', 1, default_available=2)
@xun.GlobalResource('another', 2, default_available=5)
@xun.WorkerResource('GPU', 1)
def zephyre():


  • Change xun.function constructor to use resources
  • Update decorator to accept resource argument or create two new decorators
  • Enforcing resources
    1. Dask worker resources
    2. Xun global resource (Invent new algorithm, Kahn derivative (Dual queue?))

Structures unpacking

Allow structured unpacking of constants. At the moment, the following is not allowed

def f():
    return a + b
    with ...:
        a, b = some_xun_function()

Graph-based store interface

Heres a test I wrote for testing invalidation of data in such a system:

def test_call_invalidation(invalidation):
    graph_store, root, invalidated_node = invalidation
    pre = graph_store.graph[root]
    post = graph_store.graph[root]

    DiGM = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(pre, post)
    DiGM.is_isomorphic() # Populates DiGM.mapping if isomorphic
    mapping = DiGM.mapping # Isomorphism

    invalid_nodes = nx.algorithms.dag.descendants(pre, invalidated_node)
    valid_nodes = pre.nodes - invalid_nodes

    valid_pre_graph = pre.subgraph(valid_nodes)
    valid_post_graph = post.subgraph(mapping[n] for n in valid_nodes)
    invalidated_pre_graph = pre.subgraph(invalid_nodes)
    invalidated_post_graph = post.subgraph(mapping[n] for n in invalid_nodes)

    assert invalidated_node in pre and invalidated_node not in post
    assert nx.is_isomorphic(pre, post)
    assert not nx.is_isomorphic(pre, post, node_match=lambda a, b: a == b)
    assert nx.is_isomorphic(
        node_match=lambda a, b: a != b
    assert nx.is_isomorphic(
        node_match=lambda a, b: a == b

Don't load results from dependensies that are not used by the function body

Example, download_image is a dependency, but the result value is not used in the function body and does not need to be loaded when running.


def wordcloud(topic, max_resolution=512):
    return image, text

    with ...:
        text = download_text(topic)
        raw_image = download_image(topic)
        image = resize_image(raw_image, max_resolution)


def wordcloud(topic, max_resolution=512):
    from xun.functions import CallNode as _xun_CallNode
    from xun.functions import CopyError as _xun_CopyError
    from xun.functions import TargetNameOnlyNode as _xun_TargetNameOnlyNode
    from xun.functions import FutureValueNode as _xun_FutureValueNode
    import networkx as _xun_nx
    _xun_graph = _xun_nx.DiGraph()

    def _xun_register_sentinel(fname, external_names, targets, *args, **kwargs
        dependencies = list(filter(lambda a: a in _xun_graph, map(
            _xun_TargetNameOnlyNode, external_names)))
        outputs = [_xun_TargetNameOnlyNode(name) for name in targets]
        call = _xun_CallNode(fname, *args, **kwargs)
        _xun_graph.add_edges_from((dep, call) for dep in dependencies)
        _xun_graph.add_edges_from((call, tar) for tar in outputs)
        return _xun_FutureValueNode(call)
    from copy import deepcopy
    raw_image = _xun_register_sentinel('download_image', ['topic',
        'download_image'], ['raw_image'], topic)
    image = _xun_register_sentinel('resize_image', ['raw_image',
        'resize_image', 'max_resolution'], ['image'], raw_image, max_resolution
    text = _xun_register_sentinel('download_text', ['topic',
        'download_text'], ['text'], topic)
    return _xun_graph


def wordcloud(topic, max_resolution=512):
    from xun.functions import CallNode as _xun_CallNode
    from copy import deepcopy
    raw_image = _xun_store[_xun_CallNode('download_image', topic)]
    image = _xun_store[_xun_CallNode('resize_image', raw_image, max_resolution)
    text = _xun_store[_xun_CallNode('download_text', topic)]
    return image, text

Symbolic results are not loaded when used in expressions such as dicts later

Look at tp_val and hs_val in the generated code for this expression:

def sima_parameters(start, end, seed=1):
    # import pudb; pudb.set_trace()
    return json.dumps(params)
    with ...:
        params = {
            'stask': '/work53/xun/sima/model/HYS-HS4-SGRE-Mann_v1_sima401.stask',
            'input': {
                'windDirectory': '/work53/xun/sima/wind-fields/200m_mann_classC/',
                'CtrlPath': '/work53/xun/sima/controllers/EQN-HYS/',
                'Umean': u_mean(start, end),
                'WindDirMET': wind_dir_met(start, end),
                'Current_Dir_11_72': current_dir(start, end, '11.72'),
                'Current_Dir_31_72': current_dir(start, end, '31.72'),
                'Current_Dir_3_72': current_dir(start, end, '3.72'),
                'Current_Dir_67_72': current_dir(start, end, '67.72'),
                'Current_Speed_11_72': current_speed(start, end, '11.72'),
                'Current_Speed_31_72': current_speed(start, end, '31.72'),
                'Current_Speed_3_72': current_speed(start, end, '3.72'),
                'Current_Speed_67_72': current_speed(start, end, '67.72'),
                'Hs': hs_val,
                'WaveDirMET': wave_dir(start, end),
                'WindSDev': wind_sdev(start, end),
                'Tp': tp_val,
                'GammaWindSea': gamma_jonswap(hs_val, tp_val),
                'GammaWindSea': gamma_jonswap(hs(start, end), tp(start, end)),
                'SpreadingWindSea': wave_spreading(start, end),
                'inProduction': 1,
                'SimTime': 3600,
                'seedWaves': seed,
        hs_val = hs(start, end)
        tp_val = tp(start, end)
def sima_parameters(start, end, seed=1):
    def _xun_load_constants():
        from copy import deepcopy
        from xun.functions import CallNode as _xun_CallNode
        from import StoreAccessor as _xun_StoreAccessor
        _xun_store_accessor = _xun_StoreAccessor(_xun_store)
        tp_val = _xun_CallNode('tp', start, end)
        hs_val = _xun_CallNode('hs', start, end)
        params = {
            'stask': '/work53/xun/sima/model/HYS-HS4-SGRE-Mann_v1_sima401.stask',
            'input': {
                'windDirectory': '/work53/xun/sima/wind-fields/200m_mann_classC/',
                'CtrlPath': '/work53/xun/sima/controllers/EQN-HYS/',
                'Umean': _xun_CallNode('u_mean', start, end),
                'WindDirMET': _xun_CallNode('wind_dir_met', start, end),
                'Current_Dir_11_72': _xun_CallNode('current_dir', start, end, '11.72'),
                'Current_Dir_31_72': _xun_CallNode('current_dir', start, end, '31.72'),
                'Current_Dir_3_72': _xun_CallNode('current_dir', start, end, '3.72'),
                'Current_Dir_67_72': _xun_CallNode('current_dir', start, end, '67.72'),
                'Current_Speed_11_72': _xun_CallNode('current_speed', start, end, '11.72'),
                'Current_Speed_31_72': _xun_CallNode('current_speed', start, end, '31.72'),
                'Current_Speed_3_72': _xun_CallNode('current_speed', start, end, '3.72'),
                'Current_Speed_67_72': _xun_CallNode('current_speed', start, end, '67.72'),
                'Hs': hs_val,
                'WaveDirMET': _xun_CallNode('wave_dir', start, end),
                'WindSDev': _xun_CallNode('wind_sdev', start, end),
                'Tp': tp_val,
                'GammaWindSea': _xun_CallNode('gamma_jonswap', hs_val, tp_val),
                'GammaWindSea': _xun_CallNode('gamma_jonswap', _xun_CallNode('hs', start, end), _xun_CallNode('tp', start, end)),
                'SpreadingWindSea': _xun_CallNode('wave_spreading', start, end),
                'inProduction': 1,
                'SimTime': 3600,
                'seedWaves': seed
        return {
            'stask': '/work53/xun/sima/model/HYS-HS4-SGRE-Mann_v1_sima401.stask',
            'input': {
                'windDirectory': '/work53/xun/sima/wind-fields/200m_mann_classC/',
                'CtrlPath': '/work53/xun/sima/controllers/EQN-HYS/',
                'Umean': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('u_mean', start, end), hash=b'\xb6\xe9\x13:\xa0\xeai\xf9\x12`\xc4\xfc$X\n\xfc\x8e\x1f\xb1Zfw\x07\nk(\xf2/\xf2\xc4\xb5\xdd'),
                'WindDirMET': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('wind_dir_met', start, end), hash=b'\x1b\xb2\x9dj\xa2\x87\x03"u\xf3e^\xa8.\xb7\x95\xc7`\xbe\xce\x81\xc9\n\x92cjW\'s\x86\xbcY'),
                'Current_Dir_11_72': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('current_dir', start, end, '11.72'), hash=b'\x1d\x80\xab\x8e4\x1b\xe4\xcc\nd\x9f\x0c=\xccB\xd5\x8ev\xa9\xe3{\x84\xe5\xc6\xf2o\x82\xa3\xf9\xe3\xea\xcc'),
                'Current_Dir_31_72': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('current_dir', start, end, '31.72'), hash=b'\x1d\x80\xab\x8e4\x1b\xe4\xcc\nd\x9f\x0c=\xccB\xd5\x8ev\xa9\xe3{\x84\xe5\xc6\xf2o\x82\xa3\xf9\xe3\xea\xcc'),
                'Current_Dir_3_72': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('current_dir', start, end, '3.72'), hash=b'\x1d\x80\xab\x8e4\x1b\xe4\xcc\nd\x9f\x0c=\xccB\xd5\x8ev\xa9\xe3{\x84\xe5\xc6\xf2o\x82\xa3\xf9\xe3\xea\xcc'),
                'Current_Dir_67_72': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('current_dir', start, end, '67.72'), hash=b'\x1d\x80\xab\x8e4\x1b\xe4\xcc\nd\x9f\x0c=\xccB\xd5\x8ev\xa9\xe3{\x84\xe5\xc6\xf2o\x82\xa3\xf9\xe3\xea\xcc'),
                'Current_Speed_11_72': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('current_speed', start, end, '11.72'), hash=b'\xcd\xbfoI\xb1\xc1l\xfc%\x89\x95I\xb7\xc2\x10)\xdc|\xd7\xdb(F\x03\x01\xbf\x0e|\xf0\xbd/\x90\x92'),
                'Current_Speed_31_72': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('current_speed', start, end, '31.72'), hash=b'\xcd\xbfoI\xb1\xc1l\xfc%\x89\x95I\xb7\xc2\x10)\xdc|\xd7\xdb(F\x03\x01\xbf\x0e|\xf0\xbd/\x90\x92'),
                'Current_Speed_3_72': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('current_speed', start, end, '3.72'), hash=b'\xcd\xbfoI\xb1\xc1l\xfc%\x89\x95I\xb7\xc2\x10)\xdc|\xd7\xdb(F\x03\x01\xbf\x0e|\xf0\xbd/\x90\x92'),
                'Current_Speed_67_72': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('current_speed', start, end, '67.72'), hash=b'\xcd\xbfoI\xb1\xc1l\xfc%\x89\x95I\xb7\xc2\x10)\xdc|\xd7\xdb(F\x03\x01\xbf\x0e|\xf0\xbd/\x90\x92'),
                'Hs': hs_val, # This has to be loaded
                'WaveDirMET': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('wave_dir', start, end), hash=b'\xf9\x1a\x8bM.\xd2\xe3V\xa6\x9a\x93\xc1\xa1k\xa6\xaaOa\x83r\xf8\n\xccU\xaa\x94\xf9\xfa\xf6\x19\xe6\xc2'),
                'WindSDev': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('wind_sdev', start, end), hash=b'\xb1\x9a\xbd\x95h\xb3-\x8a\xb0\xb7\xea\xd4^|&\xed\xa3\x1eC\r\xab\t\x93\xd7\xfd\xc7d\xb1\xd4\xdd\x06\xb0'),
                'Tp': tp_val, # This too
                'GammaWindSea': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('gamma_jonswap', hs_val, tp_val), hash=b"\xd0T\xe82B.\x86\xa9r*\x1d4F\xe2N\xbc\x06*\x85U\xacgm\x01C\xb7\xbf'\xe87u\xd1"),
                'GammaWindSea': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('gamma_jonswap', _xun_CallNode('hs', start, end), _xun_CallNode('tp', start, end)), hash=b"\xd0T\xe82B.\x86\xa9r*\x1d4F\xe2N\xbc\x06*\x85U\xacgm\x01C\xb7\xbf'\xe87u\xd1"),
                'SpreadingWindSea': _xun_store_accessor.load_result(_xun_CallNode('wave_spreading', start, end), hash=b'\xba\xb57W/\x8ee\x8f\xc0,\xf3)\x8c\xef\x19R\n/\xb85\x9e\x98\x8d\x8at\xa5\xf9\xd7\x19\x11\xb2\x1c'),
                'inProduction': 1,
                'SimTime': 3600,
                'seedWaves': seed

    params, = _xun_load_constants()
    return json.dumps(params)

Nested xun calls

In test_functions, there is a test failing named test_nested_calls.

@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Nested calls not supported yet")
def test_nested_calls():
    def f():
        return 'a'

    def g(v):
        return v + 'b'

    def h():
        with ...:
            r = g(f())
        return r

    result = h.blueprint().run(

    assert result == 'ab'

Unpack from subscripted function

The following test currently fails. However, it is correct Python syntax, so it should also be correct Xun syntax.

    def f():
        return 'a', ('b', 'c')

    def h():
        with ...:
            b, c = f()[1]
        return b, c

    result = h.blueprint().run(

    assert result == ('b', 'c')

Store definition

Currently there is a StoreMeta metaclass that adds requirements to Store implementations. This should be redone, the Redis store comming with the celery driver does not implement this interface.

sample_sin_blueprint step size is incorrect

The code under can be found in xun/tests/, but it erroneously defines step size. Change the definition to a correct one.

def sample_sin_blueprint(offset=42, sample_count=10, step_size=36):
    def mksample(i, step_size):
        return i / step_size

    def deg_to_rad(deg):
        return radians(deg)

    def sample_sin(offset, sample_count, step_size):
        return [sin(s) + offset for s in radians]
        with ...:
            samples = [mksample(i, step_size) for i in range(sample_count)]
            radians = [deg_to_rad(s) for s in samples]

    blueprint = sample_sin.blueprint(offset, sample_count, step_size)
    expected = [
        sin(radians(i / step_size)) + offset for i in range(sample_count)

    return blueprint, expected

Accept function without target in with constants statement

import xun

def returns_complex(size):
    return {i: i * 2 for i in range(size)}

def accepts_complex(complex):

def workflow():
    with ...:
        c = returns_complex(4)

This currently fails, because accepts_complex(c) does not have a target in workflow(). However, having a target should not be necessary in this case.

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