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This project forked from mlms13/bs-decode

0.0 2.0 0.0 355 KB

Type-safe JSON decoding for ReasonML and OCaml

Home Page:

License: MIT License

OCaml 89.23% JavaScript 10.19% CSS 0.58%

bs-decode's Introduction


Decode JSON values into structured ReasonML and OCaml types. Inspired by Elm's Json.Decode and the Decode Pipeline, bs-decode is an alternative to bs-json that focuses on structured, type-safe error handling, rather than exceptions. Additionally, bs-decode collects up everything that went wrong while parsing the JSON, rather than failing on the first error.


Install via npm:

npm install --save bs-decode

Update your bsconfig.json

"bs-dependencies": [


The following is available to give you an idea of how the library works, but the complete documentation will probably be more useful if you want to write your own decoders.

/* imagine you have a `user` type and `make` function to construct one */
type user = {
  name: string,
  age: int,
  isAdmin: bool,
  lastLogin: option(Js.Date.t)

let make = (name, age, isAdmin, lastLogin) =>
  { name, age, isAdmin, lastLogin };

 * Given a JSON value that looks like:
 * { "name": "Michael", "age": 32, "isAdmin": true }
 * you can write a function to convert this JSON into a value of type `user`
module D = Decode.AsResult.OfParseError; /* module alias for brevity */

let decode = json =>
    |> field("name", D.string)
    |> field("age", D.intFromNumber)
    |> field("isAdmin", D.boolean)
    |> optionalField("lastLogin",
    |> run(json)

let myUser = decode(json); /* Belt.Result.Ok({...}) */


  1. Fork and clone this repository
  2. npm install
  3. Add features and tests
  4. npm run test

A note on project structure:

  • is where most of the actual functionality lives
  • Decode_As*.re define the actual implementations, but those are minimal
  • defines the error type useful for Results, as well as a collection of helpers to work with Results of that kind.


Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.

bs-decode's People


chinmayakcv avatar flash-gordon avatar johnhaley81 avatar mlms13 avatar phated avatar


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