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Javascript bindings for the Solidity compiler

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License: MIT License

JavaScript 10.48% Solidity 1.14% TypeScript 88.37%
solidity ethereum compiler hacktoberfest

solc-js's Issues

Warnings returned as error

Result of the compiling for the following contract:

contract SimpleContract{
    address addr;

with compilers version 0.4.x:
"errors":["test/Simple/simple.sol:1:1: Warning: Source file does not specify required compiler version!

It would be nice to report warnings as such and not as errors.

Why doesn't this package include a cli?

I was expecting I could npm install -g solc and have solc in my path. That was the impression I got from

NPM / node.js

This is probably the most portable and most convenient way to install Solidity locally.

A platform-independent JavaScript library is provided by compiling the C++ source into JavaScript using > Emscripten for browser-solidity and there is also an NPM package available.

To install it, simply use

npm install solc

I guess I just install the binaries instead?

Please raise compiler memory limit.. large "var (tuples)" during inter-contract calls now overflow :-(

In version solc 3.7> I use to be able to have large var tuple instantiation without causing a memory overflow.

Such as:

BoardRoom board = BoardRoom(msg.sender);
var (name, destination, proxy, value, hash, executed, debatePeriod, created) = board.proposals(_proposalID);

Now things like this are causing massive memory overflow. I remember we can just raise the memory limit somewhere in the compiler. Can we raise this again, I had asked before and during v3 and we raised it. Looks like we set it back again.

Otherwise I have to add a crap ton of getters to my contract... not looking forward to it =(

Thanks yall.

invalid soljson.js file after upgrade to v0.4.0

Can not require solc after upgrading to version 0.4.0. Error message: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

I can see the soljson.js file contains HTML with an error message


File not found

    The site configured at this address does not
    contain the requested file.

the soljson.js file is not in the repo so this must be dynamically generated but I don't know how.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Update dependency in package.json to "solc":"^0.4.0",
  2. Run npm install solc
  3. compile project that uses the solc module. eg

Make solcjs have better output

Currently, solcjs has almost no output. Even if a build errors out, it will just silently exit and simply not make any files.

A desired behaviour would be to have solcjs print out all of the error messages that caused the build to fail and then return a non-zero exit code, instead.

":" added in front of contract name

It seems your last version adds a ":" in front of the contract name. Using the following code:

var solc = require('solc');
var input = 'contract x { function g() {} }';
var output = solc.compile(input, 1); // 1 activates the optimiser
for (var contractName in output.contracts) {
    console.log(contractName + ': ' + output.contracts[contractName].bytecode);
    console.log(contractName + '; ' + JSON.parse(output.contracts[contractName].interface));

Version 0.4.9 output:

$ node test.js
:x: 60606040523415600b57fe5b5b605e8060196000396000f300606060405263ffffffff60e060020a600035041663e2179b8e81146020575bfe5b3415602757fe5b602d602f565b005b5b5600a165627a7a72305820e8b0c70626050e1e6a4bebdbdf05a2fad07018a377ee47c825a7c4431095b55b0029
:x; [object Object]

Version 0.4.8 output:

$ node test.js
x: 6060604052346000575b605d8060166000396000f300606060405263ffffffff60e060020a600035041663e2179b8e81146022575b6000565b34600057602c602e565b005b5b5600a165627a7a72305820686ccb19afb1089a94c403bbef1c50117601224abebee233f6feebb22877b2ce0029
x; [object Object]


Unable to require('solc')

I am trying to run Ethereum smart contracts on vm.
VM tech: vagrant
host OS: mac osx
vm os: ubuntu trusty
solc version:

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~/repo/sol-00$ solc --version
solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface
Version: 0.3.4-0/RelWithDebInfo-Linux/g++/Interpreter

solc-js version: [email protected]

I have created small script called c1.js with just one line

var solc = require('solc');

When I run it using node c1.js I get one line result "Killed".

Can you help please?

trying to compile getting exit status 1

Hi i really need some help.. i have been trying to use solc to compile for the last 2 days, from console and from atom and i keep getting the error " exit status 1 must provide file"
i have no idea what is going wrong, in the atom i built a contract and in the console i either gave a path to a contract or wrote one in eth.compile.solidity("---contract---") and it just wont work..

any help would be greatly appericiated.

i am runing solc 0..3.6 btw

thanks for the help!

"Must provide a file" issue


Issue I'm experiencing with:

$ ./geth attach ipc:/home/resurtm/.ethereum/testnet/geth.ipc
Welcome to the Geth JavaScript console!

instance: Geth/v1.4.18-stable-c72f5459/linux/go1.7.1
coinbase: 0x1eded942353420c4ac3f3766ea858dff1f4afdca
at block: 1819615 (Mon, 31 Oct 2016 16:53:09 +06)
 datadir: /home/resurtm/.ethereum/testnet
 modules: admin:1.0 debug:1.0 eth:1.0 miner:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0

> var contract = eth.compile.solidity("contract test { function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) { return a * 7; } }")
solc: exit status 1
Must provide a file

Specify --help for available options

    at web3.js:3119:20
    at web3.js:6023:15
    at web3.js:4995:36
    at <anonymous>:1:16


Here's my system & software details:

$ ./geth version
Version: 1.4.18-stable-c72f5459
Protocol Versions: [63 62]
Network Id: 1
Go Version: go1.7.1
OS: linux
$ screenfetch
         _,met$$$$$gg.           resurtm@resurtm-desktop
      ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P.        OS: Debian testing stretch
    ,g$$P""       """Y$$.".      Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.7.0-1-amd64
   ,$$P'              `$$$.      Uptime: 4h 58m
  ',$$P       ,ggs.     `$$b:    Packages: 2565
  `d$$'     ,$P"'   .    $$$     Shell: bash 4.4.0
   $$P      d$'     ,    $$P     Resolution: 1920x1200
   $$:      $$.   -    ,d$$'     DE: XFCE
   $$\;      Y$b._   _,d$P'      WM: Xfwm4
   Y$$.    `.`"Y$$$$P"'          WM Theme: Next
   `$$b      "-.__               GTK Theme: Xfce-basic [GTK2]
    `Y$$                         Icon Theme: Tango
     `Y$$.                       Font: Sans 10
       `$$b.                     CPU: Intel Core i3 CPU 540 @ 3.067GHz
         `Y$$b.                  GPU: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
            `"Y$b._              RAM: 4598MiB / 5961MiB
$ uname -a
Linux resurtm-desktop 4.7.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.7.8-1 (2016-10-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ cat /proc/version 
Linux version 4.7.0-1-amd64 ([email protected]) (gcc version 5.4.1 20160904 (Debian 5.4.1-2) ) #1 SMP Debian 4.7.8-1 (2016-10-19)

$ cat /etc/debian_version 
$ node --version

$ npm --version

$ solcjs --version

$ solc --version

$ ls -la /usr/bin/solc*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  6 Oct 31 16:47 /usr/bin/solc -> solcjs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Oct 31 16:32 /usr/bin/solcjs -> ../lib/node_modules/solc/solcjs

Also reported here: ethereum/go-ethereum#2944 (comment)


I recently in buliding the ethereum development environment.Everything goes well with the early,include truffle and testrpc.
But when I install solc.I met a big trouble.

sudo npm install -g solc solc-cli --save-dev
└── [email protected]
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of solc@^0.3.5 but none was installed.

I try install solc first,but the solc virsion is

└─┬ [email protected]
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├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
└─┬ [email protected]
└── [email protected]

The solc-cli need solc@^0.3.5.

thanks for the help!

Export linker

The library linking option is not available in Javascript. Would be very useful to have it in the form of:

solc.linkBytecode(bytecode, <class name / address pairs>)<output JSON from compile>, <class name to link>, <class name / address pairs>)

This could also obsolete the linking code in browser-solidity (and perhaps in truffle).

It could be
a) implemented in Javascript in solc-js or
b) solidity/solc/jsonCompiler.cpp could be extended to export link() too (as it is present internally).

Extra colon in contract names

contract MyGoodContract {
  function doThing(){}

The output name has a colon (:myGoodContract instead of myGoodContract)

{ contracts: 
   { ':MyGoodContract': 
      { assembly: [Object],
        bytecode: '60606040523415600b57fe5b5b60788061001a6000396000f30060606040526000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900463ffffffff168063fa62770c14603a575bfe5b3415604157fe5b60476049565b005b5b5600a165627a7a72305820695b304d793049b81cd9e7655797bd5edfd679b8c71858363c5b8b7313310e930029',
        functionHashes: [Object],
        gasEstimates: [Object],
        interface: '[{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"doThing","outputs":[],"payable":false,"type":"function"}]',
        metadata: '{"compiler":{"version":"0.4.9+commit.364da425"},"language":"Solidity","output":{"abi":[{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"doThing","outputs":[],"payable":false,"type":"function"}],"devdoc":{"methods":{}},"userdoc":{"methods":{}}},"settings":{"compilationTarget":{"":"MyGoodContract"},"libraries":{},"optimizer":{"enabled":false,"runs":200},"remappings":[]},"sources":{"":{"keccak256":"0x654418339d51814dacd735e57934e06fa925dbeaf415c8534cea9bd93633e3f9","urls":["bzzr://8256fcd2faa122281a2175578b24e95a3230331483503c10c09d070b2300dfda"]}},"version":1}',
        runtimeBytecode: '60606040526000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900463ffffffff168063fa62770c14603a575bfe5b3415604157fe5b60476049565b005b5b5600a165627a7a72305820695b304d793049b81cd9e7655797bd5edfd679b8c71858363c5b8b7313310e930029',
        srcmap: '0:48:0:-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',
        srcmapRuntime: '0:48:0:-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;27:20;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::o' } },
  errors: [ ':1:1: Warning: Source file does not specify required compiler version!Consider adding "pragma solidity ^0.4.9\ncontract MyGoodContract {  function doThing(){}}\n^----------------------------------------------^\n' ],
  formal: { why3: '\n\nmodule UInt256\n\tuse import\n\ttype uint256\n\tconstant max_uint256: int = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\n\tclone export with\n\t\ttype t = uint256,\n\t\tconstant max = max_uint256\nend\n\nmodule Address\n\tuse import\n\ttype address\n\tconstant max_address: int = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff (* 160 bit = 40 f\'s *)\n\tclone export with\n\t\ttype t = address,\n\t\tconstant max = max_address\nend\n   \nmodule Contract_MyGoodContract\n\tuse import int.Int\n\tuse import ref.Ref\n\tuse import map.Map\n\tuse import array.Array\n\tuse import int.ComputerDivision\n\tuse import\n\tuse import UInt256\n\texception Revert\n\texception Return\n\ttype state = ()\n\ttype account = {\n\t\tmutable balance: uint256;\n\t\tstorage: state\n\t}\n\tval external_call (this: account): bool\n\t\tensures { result = false -> this = (old this) }\n\t\twrites { this }\n\tlet rec _doThing (this: account):\n\t\t\t()\n\t\twrites { this }\n\t\t=\n\t\tlet prestate = {balance = this.balance; storage = ()} in \n\t\ttry\n\t\tbegin\n\t\tend;\n\t\traise Return\n\t\twith Return -> () |\n\t\t     Revert -> this.balance <- prestate.balance; ()\n\tend\nend\n\n' },
  sourceList: [ '' ],
  sources: { '': { AST: [Object] } } }

Question: Is the generated ABI in written order?

If I have contract:

contract MyContract {

    function A() {}

    funciton B() {}

In the contract outputs, will method A always be in front of method B in the ABI array?


[{name: "A" ...}, {name: "B" ...} ...]

Or is there no guarantee or requirement for this by a Ethereum contract compiler?

Support Natspec Flags

One difference between the solc-js and solc native binary is that the additional flags for natspec flags don't seem to be supported with the JS version.

These include:

  --combined-json abi,asm,ast,bin,bin-runtime,clone-bin,devdoc,interface,opcodes,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc
  --ast                AST of all source files.
  --ast-json           AST of all source files in JSON format.
  --asm                EVM assembly of the contracts.
  --asm-json           EVM assembly of the contracts in JSON format.
  --opcodes            Opcodes of the contracts.
  --bin                Binary of the contracts in hex.
  --bin-runtime        Binary of the runtime part of the contracts in hex.
  --clone-bin          Binary of the clone contracts in hex.
  --abi                ABI specification of the contracts.
  --hashes             Function signature hashes of the contracts.
  --userdoc            Natspec user documentation of all contracts.
  --devdoc             Natspec developer documentation of all contracts.
  --formal             Translated source suitable for formal analysis.

Document 'errors'

By trial and error I found out that in case the compilation fails compile() returns an object with a errors attribute, which is a list of all compiler errors. This is really useful! Maybe it could be documented somewhere. I'm not sure here is the best place, because that already comes from the compiler I assume, but here was where I was looking for it.

browserify -- provide instructions and best practices

Please provide the browserify instructions and best practices. Many people will use this module in the browser. We should have a solid known way to browserify everything properly.

i.e. something like this:

browserify -s 'solc' -e . -o ./dist/solc-bundle.js

solc-js throws an error with just a number; trouble compiling strings.js

When you try to compile solidity stringutils's strings.sol, solc-js will throw an error with only a number as its error message. I've created a github project showing how you can reproduce the error, link below. This error was originally posted on Truffle's issue tracker here.

$ ./index.js

/Users/tim/Documents/workspace/Consensys/solcbug/node_modules/solc/soljson.js:1 (function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { var Module;if(!Module)Module=(typeof Module!=="undefined"?Module:null)||{};var moduleOverrides={};for(var key in Module){if(Module.hasOwnProperty(key)){moduleOverrides[key]=Module[key]}}var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=typeof window==="object";var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=typeof importScripts==="function";var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=typeof process==="object"&&typeof require==="function"&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL=!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER;if(ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE){if(!Module["print"])Module["print"]=function print(x){process["stdout"].write(x+"\n")};if(!Module["printErr"])Module["printErr"]=function printErr(x){process["stderr"].write(x+"\n")};var nodeFS=require("fs");var nodePath=require("path");Module["read"]=function read(filename,binary){filename=nodePath"normalize";var ret=nodeFS["readFil


Insignificant newline changes output of solc.compile

A newline (\n) at the end of a contract's source code causes the output bytecode to be different to the same contract without the newline. So, for example, if you copy and paste a contract into a string to be compiled, the result may be different to reading the source code into a string from file.

Contract Source Files as inputs for compilations

I am a newbee on ethereum and trying to evaluate this package for automated-deployment , My idea is to provide source 'files' (not just strings) to the solc-js and then somehow use this as a deployment services. Its hard to put string directly in the definitions where the actual contract code lies in different files.

`solc` breaks mocha test runner.

Repro case here:

Run either with docker build -t mocha-test . && docker run --rm mocha-test or with npm install && node_modules/.bin/mocha. Notice that the test runner crashes.

Comment out the line here and then notice that the test runner does not crash.

Prime suspect is, though replacing the require("solc") line with that does not cause the problem to persist. I have been unable to narrow down the problem past solc, though the test runner crash output suggests that solc is to blame.

Change compile() so that it always works with JSON input

I think going forward, compile() should always work JSON input and the readFile callback and should always return a JSON.

compile() then should do the wrapping to work with older versions of soljson, which lack compileJSONCallback and/or compileJSONMulti.

Create output dir if it does not exist


 solcjs -o **IdontExist** --bin contract.sol

fails because IdontExist well... does not exist.

Using fs-extra makes it an easy fix:

var fs = require('fs-extra);
fs.ensureDirSync (outputDir);

Making compileJSONCallback work

Intro for anyone trying to understand the context:

Basically compileJSONCallback uses the same interface as compileJSONMulti (which supports multiple input files defined in a JSON) with the addition of a readFileCallback parameter.

This callback is executed when a missing import statement is encountered. It receives the import path and should return the destination file contents. To be more precise it expects an array with two fields: contents and error.

Internally this is wrapped to match the readFileCallback(path, contents, error) method (see in C). It has an Emscripten-wrapping, therefore all parameters are pointers to the Emscripten heap. (relevant Emscripten doc)

Now in C world we have a condition to display an error if both contents and error are null (i.e. JS didn't touched them). Otherwise they are copied around appropriately.


The wrapped callback is executed as evidenced by a console.log within, but no matter what is done, upon returning from this callback nothing happens.

If the callback doesn't touches the contents/error, they should remain null and the error as mentioned above should be displayed.

Sample code to test:

var cb = soljson.Runtime.addFunction(function() { console.log('We should trigger the error') });
var output = compileInternal(input, optimize, cb);
bash-3.2$ node test.js 
We should trigger the error

The only way I can get a different result is by setting the pointer to a wrong location: soljson.setValue(ptr, ptr, '*'):

(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { var Module;if(!Module)Module=(typeof Module!=="undefined"?Module:null)||{};var moduleOverrides={};for(var key in Module){if(Module.hasOwnProperty(key)){moduleOverrides[key]=Module[key]}}var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL=false;if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]){if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="WEB"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=true}else if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="WORKER"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=true}else if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="NODE"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=true}else if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="SHELL"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL=true}else{throw new Error("The provided Module['ENVIRONMENT'] value is not valid. It must be one of: WEB|WORKER|NODE|SHELL.")}}else{ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=typeof window==="object";ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=typeof importScripts==="function";ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=typeof process==="object"&&typeof require==="function"&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_W
abort() at Error
    at jsStackTrace (/Users/alex/Projects/solc/solc-js/soljson.js:1:15961)
    at stackTrace (/Users/alex/Projects/solc/solc-js/soljson.js:1:16144)
    at Object.abort (/Users/alex/Projects/solc/solc-js/soljson.js:19:14981)
    at _abort (/Users/alex/Projects/solc/solc-js/soljson.js:1:1240434)
    at cXa (/Users/alex/Projects/solc/solc-js/soljson.js:5:332247)
    at Array.zi (/Users/alex/Projects/solc/solc-js/soljson.js:6:74167)
    at Object.UJb [as dynCall_viii] (/Users/alex/Projects/solc/solc-js/soljson.js:12:322458)
    at invoke_viii (/Users/alex/Projects/solc/solc-js/soljson.js:1:1272342)
    at Array.Xsa (/Users/alex/Projects/solc/solc-js/soljson.js:7:455012)
    at Object.wLb [as dynCall_viiii] (/Users/alex/Projects/solc/solc-js/soljson.js:12:328625)
If this abort() is unexpected, build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 which can give more information.

Errors for demo use case

Using "solc": "^0.3.6", in a project and trying to compile the demo:

var solc = require('solc');
var input = {
    'lib.sol': 'library L { function f() returns (uint) { return 7; } }',
    'cont.sol': 'import "lib.sol"; contract x { function g() { L.f(); } }'
var output = solc.compile({sources: input}, 1);



lib.sol:1:1: Error: Libraries not supported.
library L { function f() returns (uint) { return 7; } }

lib.sol:1:35: Error: Unnamed return variables not yet supported.
library L { function f() returns (uint) { return 7; } }


After looking into it more, I assume this is only error for formal verification and should not affect the compilation of contracts? If so feel free to close this issue :)

coherent output between solc and solcjs

Is there a reason why which are output by the native solc compiler differ from the solcjs output?
It would be great to receive the same output from both.

bytecode vs. bin
runtimeBytecode vs. bin-runtime
interface vs. abi

Feature Request: allow for input of pre-compiled bytecode

Right now the solc compiler can only intake the sources of solidity files/source maps. But when I'm compiling more than say, 15 contracts (which I do often, as many of us use the EVM/solc as a testing environment). The compile time takes forever, sometimes up to 10+ minutes depending on the source. Many of the contracts I'm compiling have already been compiled (and have not changed). Often times, I may only be changing one or two at most. So I'd like to request a bytecode input feature (if something like this is possible and doable).


var solc = require('solc');
var input = {
    'lib.sol': 'library L { function f() returns (uint) { return 7; } }',
    'cont.sol': 'import "lib.sol"; contract x { function g() { L.f(); } }',
var bytecode = {
    'cont.sol': '0x00..',
var output = solc.compile({ sources: input, bytecode: bytecode }, 1);

This way, if the bytecode is presented for a specific contract, then it won't recompile the source, instead it will just use the source provided.

Optimizations like this allow us to have a faster environment to develop large Solidity applications. This way, the build environment can optimize compile time by presenting bytecode that often times does not change.


One con/Fix:

  • what if the bytecode is old and the contract has actually changed, but the build environment improperly handled the change, and did not recompile code properly.
    Potential Fix: instead of the bytecode map being "contract_name": "bytecode", it could be: "keccak256(contract_code)": "bytecode". This way, the map will only map to that contracts bytecode and nothing else. This would avoid a situation where bytecode is presented for an old contract code.

Error: Cannot find module 'ws' from '/home/nick/github/wafr/node_modules/solc' while browserify

Error: Cannot find module 'ws' from '/home/nick/github/wafr/node_modules/solc'
    at /home/nick/github/wafr/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:46:17
    at process (/home/nick/github/wafr/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:173:43)
    at ondir (/home/nick/github/wafr/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:188:17)
    at load (/home/nick/github/wafr/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:69:43)
    at onex (/home/nick/github/wafr/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:92:31)
    at /home/nick/github/wafr/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:22:47
    at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:123:15)

I should be able to browserify a module that depends on and requires solc. But I keep getting this error, where the ws package is not required.

Should we install this as a dependency and include it in the package.json? How should I proceed?


Currently the versioning of solc is not 100% semver (and thus npm) compatible.

e.g. 0.3.1-1 translates to prerelease version of 1.

For reference, the C solc has a version of v0.3.2-2016-04-22-dd4300d, which includes a lot of build metadata. The right way to include that is by using the plus sign: 0.3.1+1 or 0.3.1+2016-04-22-dd4300d.

@chriseth also raised that mirroring the version in JS causes the issue that interface changes in JS cannot be properly signaled using semver as it is tied to the C version.

solcjs not compatible with console

Hi, I'm having an issue with solcjs when I try to compile something from the console :

> admin.setSolc("/usr/local/bin/solcjs")
"0.4.2+commit.af6afb04.mod.Emscripten.clang\n\npath: /usr/local/bin/solcjs"
> eth.compile.solidity('contract C{}')
solc: exit status 1
Must provide a file

Specify --help for available options

    at web3.js:3119:20
    at web3.js:6023:15
    at web3.js:4995:36
    at <anonymous>:1:1

I did not understand until I setSolc to a debugging python program :

import sys
print(, file=sys.stderr)
print(sys.argv, file=sys.stderr)

(when you use setSolc, you have to return an exit code of 0, but you can modify the program again before you compile)

The issue seems to be that solcjs has no input_file parameter, and is passed the program via stdin.
Is it possible to modify it to accept input from stdin ?

Expose AST w/o import processing

I'd like to use solc's abstract syntax tree to evaluate imports and to eventually extend the import functionality using custom imports (i.e., import "Foo"; would pull Foo's source from a package manager). Unfortunately, when creating the abstract syntax tree solc evaluates imports which, of course, can't be resolved in this case. In response I've created my own solidity-parser project, but there's no use maintaining two sets of code and I'd very much like to use the canonical AST. Can you expose a function that creates an abstract syntax tree without the need to resolve imports? Thanks!

Latest 4 solc versions are missed.

When listing the remote versions the loop misses the last 4 versions in the list.

for (var i = sources.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    // FIXME: use build as well
    var version = sources[i].match(/^soljson-v([0-9.]*)-.*.js$/);

    // Skip invalid lines
    if (!version) {

    if (version[1] === wanted) {

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