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View Code? Open in Web Editor NEWFast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
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License: MIT License
Add some rendering hooks, only really needed
once we have ORM support so we can see what
is impacting performance
get(':filename.css', static) // something like this
addedRoute etc
use(MethodOverride, { param: '_method' })
when client accepts html
So Profiler can wrap leading / trailing triggers etc
and options like sinatra supports for raising errors, etc
No need to dink around with browser discrepancies here
as func args
with common logger and profiler
cuts rps down by 1/3, date formatting == slow
init args in module context.. and hooks in mod context so for example
use(DefaultContentType, 'text/html')
With a bit of closure magic we should be able to provide utility functions
to routes without this. Also now we may consider:
get('/user/:id/:operation', function(id, operation){
With halt()
adjust core as needed
As far as I can tell, you have a synchronous request handling.
Consequently, you will fail at
Just letting you know, because I am working on a node.js framework myself and did the exact same mistake at the beginning.
VS similar frameworks
only cache in production env,
make sure that contrib view engines have options
to disable their own caching
param('id') becomes '1/foo'
with "public" directory setting, ensure test -f
replace unescape
for JSON / XML etc
fix / refactor into own file and specs
Use Break for iterators
check back on the nodejs group
Add rawBody so the decoder module can support arbitrary body decoding
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