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Simple and elegant form-handling for React

Formous strives to be a simple, elegant solution to handling forms in React. Formous's features and benefits:

  • Allows easy testing/validation of fields.
  • Can differentiate between critical (blocker) field errors and warnings (can still submit the form).
  • Super simple to use. No over-engineering here!
  • Unopinionated when it comes to UI. Formous just tells you what you need to know and lets you handle the rest.



npm i --save formous

Quick Start

Use the code snippet below as an example to help you get started right away.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Formous from 'formous';

class ErrorText extends Component {
  render() {
    return <div style={{ color: '#f00' }}>

class MyComponent extends Component {
  componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
  	// Set default form values (might be appropriate in a different method
  	  age: 33,
  	  name: 'Sir Fluffalot',
  handleSubmit(formStatus, fields) {
    if (!formStatus.touched) {
      alert('Please fill out the form.');

    if (!formStatus.valid) {
      alert('Please address the errors in the form.');

    // All good! Do something with and fields.age.value
    console.log(formStatus, fields);

  render() {
    const {
      fields: { age, name },
    } = this.props;

    return <div>
      <form onSubmit={formSubmit(this.handleSubmit)}>
            { }
          <ErrorText { } />
            { }
          <ErrorText { ...age.failProps } />
          <button type="submit">Submit</button>

const formousOptions = {
  fields: {
    name: {
      name: 'name',
      tests: [
          critical: true,
          failProps: {
            errorText: 'Name is required.',
          test(value) {
            return value !== '';

    age: {
      name: 'age',
      tests: [
          critical: true,
          failProps: {
            errorText: 'Age should be a number.',
          test(value) {
            return /^\d*$/.test(value);
          critical: false,
          failProps: {
            errorText: 'Are you sure you\'re that old? :o',
          test(value) {
            return +value < 120;

export default Formous(formousOptions)(MyComponent)


Formous is a higher-order component that you can use to wrap your component in order to supply it with field validation, error notifications, and form submission handling.

Import Formous at the top of your component's code:

import Formous from 'formous';

And at the bottom:

export default Formous(options)(MyComponent)

We'll get into the the options in a bit. Wrapping your component with Formous provides extra props (such as fields) that you'll use to apply event-handlers and error-reporting to any JSX elements you wish. Let's say you have username and password fields in your component that you want Formous to handle. That could look like this:

const { username, password } = this.props.fields;

return <div>
      { }

      { }

This applies onBlur, onChange, and onFocus handlers to the appropriate elements. These will become controlled inputs, so be sure to include the value={...} attribute!

Formous was built to work with any UI framework (or none at all). So if, for example, you happen to be using Material UI, this would work just as well:

  { }

Formous Options

The Formous wrapper component requires a single argument, which is an object literal containing information about your fields, including tests to run in order to perform validation. The general format for the options is as follows:

const options = {
  fields: {
    field1: {
      name: 'field1', // must match the property name
      tests: [
          critical: true, // is this test fails, it's a blocker to submitting the form
          failProps: {
            // the props that should be applied to a given element if the test fails
          test(value, fields) {
             * value: string
             *   The value of this field at the time the test is run (on blur)
             * fields: Object
             *   Access to all the values of the fields in this options object.
             *   This is used for side-effect/chained tests.

            // return true if value is good, otherwise return false
      alsoTest: [
        // Array of field names to test after this field is tested

    field2: {
      // ...

Test Object Structure

Let's cover the test object properties in detail.

critical: boolean

If this test is critical and the test fails, it's considered a blocker. This means two things: #1, the form will be considered to be in an invalid state, and #2, any subsequent tests for this field will not be run.

If the test is not critical, it's considered a warning and the form will still be in a valid state. You could use this, for example, to warn someone that their password is not strong enough but you don't want to prevent form submission.

Make sure critical tests are always placed above non-critical tests! Only a single error can be returned from Formous, so if a non-critical test is above a critical one and it fails, no more tests in the list will be performed.

failProps: Object

This object contains properties that you'd want to apply to a particular element in order to indicate to the user that the field in question failed validation. Being a collection of props, this allows the developer more freedom in handling how they want to display an error.

For instance, in Material UI, a TextField component can accept the props errorText and errorStyle to display an error. So in Formous, we might specify failProps as such:

failProps: {
  errorStyle: { color: '#f00' },
  errorText: 'Email is required.',

Then we just make sure these props get applied to the TextField element:

  { }
  { }

test: (value: string, fields: Object) => boolean

The test function is called whenever the field's onBlur event is triggered. Two arguments are passed into test: the first is the value of the field at the time of the blur event, and the second is an object containing all the fields that Formous is managing. This is useful for test-chaining.

Simply perform whatever test you need on the given value, and return true if it's valid, or false if not.


Formous supports test-chaining, via the alsoTest array, which allows you to test related fields after the current field has passed its own tests. This is useful in cases where one field relies upon another, such as when a password field has been filled out but its corresponding confirmation field has not. In this example, when the user fills out the password field and tabs out of it, you wouldn't necessarily want the confirmation field to display an error because they haven't even gotten to that point yet. This is why Formous will quietly mark the confirmation field as invalid without returning an error. This effectively marks the entire form as invalid, but gives the user a chance to finish filling it out. See the example below.

const passwordFilled = {
  critical: true,
  failProps: {
    errorText: 'Password is too short.',
  test(value) {
    return value === '' || value.length >= 4;

const options = {
  fields: {
    password: {
      name: 'password',
      tests: [
      alsoTest: ['passwordConfirm'],

    passwordConfirm: {
      name: 'passwordConfirm',
      tests: [
          critical: true,
          failProps: {
            errorText: 'Please confirm the password you typed above.',
          test(value, fields) {
            if (!fields.password) return true; // fields not populated yet
            return fields.password.value === '' || value !== '';
          critical: true,
          failProps: {
            errorText: 'The passwords do not match.',
          test(value, fields) {
            if (!fields.password) return true;
            return value === fields.password.value;

Handling Form Submission

Formous passes another prop into the wrapped component, called formSubmit. You pass formSubmit a single function, and it returns a bound function which should be used in your form onSubmit prop. For example:

class MyComponent extends Component {
  handleSubmit(formStatus, fields) {   
  render() {
    return <div>
      <form onSubmit={this.props.formSubmit(this.handleSubmit)}>
        {/* ... */}


All annotations use Flow syntax.

Formous-Supplied Props

clearForm: Function

  • Call with no arguments. Sets all fields to empty.

fields: Object

  • <field name>
    • value: string - the current value of the field
    • events: Object - contains events necessary to capture field input
    • failProps: Object - contains the props specified in the Formous wrapper options, or an empty object if there's no error

formSubmit: (handler: Function) => Function

  • handler: (formStatus: Object, fields: Object) - the function to be called when the user attempts to submit the form
    • formStatus: { touched: boolean, valid: boolean }
      • touched - indicates whether the form has been "touched" at all (if any fields have received focus)
      • valid - indicates whether the field is valid

formState: Object

  • touched: boolean - whether the form has been touched (field focused)
  • valid: boolean - whether the form is valid

setDefaultValues: (fields: Object)

  • fields - name/value pairs, e.g.:
  name: 'My Name',
  age: 30,

Formous Wrapper Options

fields: Object

  • name: string - name of the field
  • tests: Array<Object> - sequential list of tests to perform
    • critical: boolean - whether the test failure is a blocker
    • failProps: Object - props to pass into wrapped component in case of test failure
    • test: (value: string, fields: Object) => boolean - test function
      • value - the field's current value (at the time of the test)
      • fields - an object containing values of all the fields in the form
  • alsoTest: Array<string> - a list of field names to test after this field's tests are complete

Planned Features

  • Implement support for multi-step forms.
  • Give the ability for the test function to perform an async operation and report the result (as well as indicate when it's busy/done).
  • Allow for the error message to be conveyed as a simple string instead of props.

formous's People


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formous's Issues

Using failProps with react-bootstrap?

Wondering if it's possible to use this package with react-bootstrap for validation.
In react-bootstrap, there is a validationState property to set 'error', but it's on the element's parent component, FormGroup. FormGroup wraps both the label and the form control.

Something is breaking server-side rendering

I haven't tracked down the cause. But I have a form that works fine in a client-only app, but causes server-side rendering to hang.

My form looks like this:

/* @flow */

import React from 'react';
import Formous from 'formous';

const ErrorText = ({errorText}) =>
  <div style={{ color: '#f00' }}>{errorText}</div>;

class LoginForm extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const {
      fields: { username, password },
    } = this.props;

    console.log('username, password');

    return (
        <form onSubmit={formSubmit(onSubmit)}>
              placeholder="username or email address"
              placeholder="your password"
            <button type="submit">Submit</button>

const formousOptions = {
  fields: {
    username: {
      name: 'username',
      tests: [
          critical: true,
          failProps: { errorText: 'Your username or email address is required.' },
          test: value => value !== '',
    password: {
      name: 'password',
      tests: [
          critical: true,
          failProps: { errorText: 'You must supply a password.' },
          test: value => value !== '',

export default Formous(formousOptions)(LoginForm);

I'm rendering it in this component:

const GlobalHeader = () => {
  return (
    <div className={styles.root}>
      <div className={styles.logo}>
        <Logo />
      <div className={styles.locale}>
        <LocaleSwitcher />
      <div className={styles.login}>
        <LoginForm />

Usage of HOC

Just wondering if usage of HOC is right here. Shouldnt this technique be used for extending component behaviour but without it knowing it?

Here we have used it to inject few things into it. Seems for me that regular component with children would be more appropriate here. What are your thoughts on the matter?


pass formStatus to wrapped component

would you be open to passing formStatus to the wrapped component? ie:

      return <Wrapped
        { ...this.props }

This would be useful in cases where you might want to disable something if the form is not valid.

Suggestion on package name

Hey! nice work on formous... I always get hipped with high order components :D

I'd like to suggest you to rename your package to react-formous, considering that all packages strictly created for react has this prefix... this would make it easier for react developers to find your package (at least it would for me).

Also, the name is available for registration :D

This is just a suggestion though, formous is still a great name


setDefaultValues still renders without default

since setDefaultValues calls setState inside Formous, the form component that is wrapped by Formous can still rendered once without default values

ie in the form's componentWillMount

componentWillMount() {
    someField: 'hello'
render() {
  this.props.fields.someField.value; // this will still be an empty string: ""
 // ...

it would be nice if the field options allowed an initial value or do you have another idea how render could be prevented until i am able to set the default value?

Bug: inputs don't get validated on enter/return key


  1. Make a normal form like:
<form onSubmit={formSubmit(this.handleSubmit)}>
    <input type="text" placeholder="username" value={username.value} {} />
    <input type="password" placeholder="password" value={password.value} {} />
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
  1. User clicks the username input.
  2. Types the username
  3. Presses Tab
  4. password input gets focus
  5. Types any valid password
  6. Presses Enter.
  7. Guess what they see? formStatus.valid is false even when the inputs are correct so handleSubmit alerts Please address the errors in the form
  8. User clicks the button. Works fine because password input loses focus and gets validated.

Possible Fixes:

  1. Give users a way to manually validate the form anytime they want to.
  2. Validate the form before invoking the callback passed to formSubmit.

Probably would fix #7

Support checkboxes

Hi! I have a problem with setting up checkboxes inside formous. What's the best way to do it?

Now I have to do something like this:

  onBlur={(event) => { = this.state.rememberMeValue;;
  onChange={(event) => {
    this.setState({ rememberMeValue: !this.state.rememberMeValue }); = this.state.rememberMeValue;;
  Remember me

I guess checkboxes aren't supported by formous, are they?

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