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react-dropzone-s3-uploader's Introduction

Drag and drop s3 file uploader for React

This component uploads files dropped into react-dropzone to s3 with react-s3-uploader.

For more detailed docs see the source packages

Usage (client)

Available props

s3Url and upload are the only props that require configuration. All others have sensible defaults that may be overridden.

Prop Type Description
s3Url string.isRequired The url of your s3 bucket (
upload object.isRequired Upload options passed to react-s3-uploader. See react-s3-uploader for available options. Don't set onProgress, onError or onFinish here - use the ones below
filename string Used as the default value if present. Filename of an image already hosted on s3 (i.e. one that was uploaded previously)
notDropzoneProps array A list of props to not pass to react-dropzone
isImage func A function that takes a filename and returns true if it's an image
imageComponent func Component used to render an uploaded image
fileComponent func Component used to render an uploaded file
progressComponent func Component used to render upload progress
errorComponent func Component used to render an error
children node || func If present the above components will be ignored in favour of the children
passChildrenProps bool If true we pass the current state to children of this component. Default is true. Set to false to avoid React warnings about unused props.
onDrop func Called when a file is dropped onto the uploader
onError func Called when an upload error occurs
onProgress func Called when a chunk has been uploaded
onFinish func Called when a file has completed uploading. Called once per file if multi=true All other props are passed on to the react-dropzone component


import DropzoneS3Uploader from 'react-dropzone-s3-uploader'

export default class S3Uploader extends React.Component {

  handleFinishedUpload = info => {
    console.log('File uploaded with filename', info.filename)
    console.log('Access it on s3 at', info.fileUrl)

  render() {
    const uploadOptions = {
      server: 'http://localhost:4000',
      signingUrlQueryParams: {uploadType: 'avatar'},
    const s3Url = ''

    return (
        maxSize={1024 * 1024 * 5}

Custom display component

Specify your own component to display uploaded files. Passed a list of uploadedFile objects.

// elsewhere
class UploadDisplay extends React.Component {
  renderFileUpload = (uploadedFile, i) => {
    const {
      filename,   // s3 filename
      fileUrl,    // full s3 url of the file
      file,       // file descriptor from the upload
    } = uploadedFile

    return (
      <div key={i}>
        <img src={fileUrl} />

  render() {
    const {uploadedFiles, s3Url} = this.props
    return (

// back in your uploader...
class S3Uploader extends React.Component {


  render() {
    return (
        <UploadDisplay />

Usage (server)

  • Use s3Router from react-s3-uploader to get signed urls for uploads.
  • react-dropzone-s3-uploader/s3router can be used as an alias for react-s3-uploader/s3router.
  • See react-s3-uploader for more details.
app.use('/s3', require('react-dropzone-s3-uploader/s3router')({
  bucket: 'MyS3Bucket',                           // required
  region: 'us-east-1',                            // optional
  headers: {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'},  // optional
  ACL: 'private',                                 // this is the default - set to `public-read` to let anyone view uploads

react-dropzone-s3-uploader's People


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react-dropzone-s3-uploader's Issues

How to add Authentication to header ?

How can I add authorization to the header as Authorization: "token 1341sfsdf23rt..."

import DropzoneS3Uploader from "react-dropzone-s3-uploader";

   const uploadOptions = {
    signingUrl: signedUrl,
    signingUrlQueryParams: { uploadType: "avatar" }


Props for custom component

In your README is written: Specify your own display for an uploaded file. Will receive these props: {fileUrl, s3Url, filename, progress, error, imageStyle}, but it never does. Check your code, childProps are passed only to FileComponent (which is not documented at all). These values are never passed to DropzoneS3Uploader children.

Readme proposal

It is not really a bug or an issue, but I wanted to propose, that you mention in the docs, that the 'progressComponent' is also the component holding the dropzone-area when not actively uploading, and not having any children.
Took us quiet a while to figure this out and would've really helped if it was mentioned in the props descriptions.
Thank you :)

XHR error on mobile

Hey guys, has anybody tested this on mobile?
Deployed. Added the address to S3's CORS profile. Works perfectly on a desktop browser. Fails on mobile with "XHR error".

Client custom headers

Unless I'm missing something, it doesn't seem possible to add custom headers to the signing servers. How could I request a signing URL to my server using an authorization header?

s3uploader file info - missing filename - onFinish returns /undefined

react-dropzone component expects filename in info returned by s3uploader component. The preprocess function doesn't return filename in the info object, only name.
onFinish returns /undefined file

S3Upload.prototype.preprocess = function(file, next) {
console.log('base.preprocess()', file);
return next(file);


File(16991) {preview: "blob:http://localhost:3000/f6e4d946-e01c-4b8e-8986-ccb813265d4d", name: "Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 20.36.24.png", lastModified: 1525714585346, lastModifiedDate: Mon May 07 2018 20:36:25 GMT+0300 (EEST), webkitRelativePath: "", …}

s3Url, uploadedFiles, and uploaderOptions causing warnings in browser

Getting these warnings in the Chrome console. React 16.2.0

Warning: React does not recognize the s3Url prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase s3url instead. If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element.

Warning: React does not recognize the uploadedFiles prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase uploadedfiles instead. If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element.

Warning: React does not recognize the uploaderOptions prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase uploaderoptions instead. If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element.

react-s3-uploader dependencies

Any reason for the react-s3-uploader not to have a ^ and use "^4.5.0" so updates can be used? Or at least a ~ to get bug fixes. "4.8.0" is the current version.

 "dependencies": {
    "prop-types": "^15.5.8",
    "react-dropzone": "^4.0.0",
    "react-s3-uploader": "4.5.0"

Multiple files preview

How is the component supposed to handle displaying multiple files/images? If it only accepts ONE fileUrl, then what is the purpose of multiple file uploads?

DropzoneS3Uploader gives UploadError:404 after successful signed URL request

I'm building a serverless React app (using npm for development), that uses DropzoneS3Uploader to upload images to S3. I'm configuring it to use API Gateway (backed by Lambda) to request a signed URL before uploading a file to an S3 bucket

const uploadOptions = {
s3Path: '//',
signingUrl: '',
signingUrlMethod: 'POST',
accept: 'image/*',
autoUpload: true

The render method goes on to return component as follows...

When this is executed it manages to generate the signed URL fine..

Request URL: Request Method: POST Status Code: 200


However it goes straight from that into a 404 (stacktrace below). I'm starting to wonder if npm tries to cache the image as a temp file? Whatever the problem it cant seem to reference the server/image during the PUT request to S3...

Request URL: http://localhost:3000/undefined Request Method: PUT Status Code: 404 Not Found

http://localhost:3000/undefined 404 (Not Found) ./node_modules/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/node_modules/react-s3-uploader/s3upload.js.S3Upload.uploadToS3 @ s3upload.js:171 (anonymous) @ s3upload.js:108 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) ./node_modules/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/node_modules/react-s3-uploader/s3upload.js.S3Upload.executeOnSignedUrl @ s3upload.js:113 ./node_modules/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/node_modules/react-s3-uploader/s3upload.js.S3Upload.uploadFile @ s3upload.js:178 (anonymous) @ s3upload.js:53 ...

There is a 'server' option as part of the DropzoneS3Uploader upload options. Leave it blank and i get this error, populate it with someone else and it replaces error with whatever server URL I mention. As mentioned, I plan to run this serverless so dont have a server to mention.

I switch to Dropzone and use axios and it works ok, so am wondering if DropzoneS3Uploader is just abstracting too much of the implementation code away to allow this behaviour to be controlled?


Uploaded File Path


I'm thinking of using the library but I cant understand how to get the uploaded file path in s3 after the uploading.

I've tested it a little and the onFinish action is triggered with the signingUrl.

Can you please help?

Bug or what am I missing information from upload options?

Disclaimer I'm not using the react-s3-uploader function to get the signed URL. I have a different API through the serverless framework.

serverless code

import json
import logging
import os
import boto3
import sys
import mimetypes
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
s3 = boto3.client('s3')

from model import validate_and_clean, generate

def signedUrl(event, context):
    data = event['queryStringParameters']
    object_name = data.get(u'objectName')
    content_type = data.get(u'contentType',mimetypes.guess_type(object_name)[0])
    signed_url = s3.generate_presigned_url(
        'Key': object_name,
        ExpiresIn = 300

    obj = {
        'signedUrl': signed_url,
        'publicUrl' : '/s3/uploads/' + object_name,
        'filename': object_name,
        'fileKey': object_name

    response = {
        'headers': {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '<DOMAIN>'},
        "statusCode": 200,
        "body" : json.dumps({
            "data": obj,
            "errors" : [],
            "success": True
    return response

React code

import Dropzone from 'react-dropzone-s3-uploader';
class renderArtDropzoneInput extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      files: [],
    this.onFinish = this.onFinish.bind(this);

  onFinish(acceptedFiles, rejectedFiles) {

      files: acceptedFiles,

  onOpenClick() {;

  handleFinishedUpload = info => {
    console.log('File uploaded with filename', info.filename)
    console.log('Access it on s3 at', info.fileUrl)

  render() {
    const uploadOptions = {
      server: '',
      signingUrlQueryParams: {uploadType: 'avatar'},
      s3Url: ''
    const s3Url = ''

    return (
        ref={(node) => { this.dropzone = node; }}
        maxSize={1024 * 1024 * 5}

I end up getting an error:


PUT http://localhost:3000/user/artist/undefined 404 (Not Found)
  | ./node_modules/react-s3-uploader/s3upload.js.S3Upload.uploadToS3 | @ | s3upload.js:171

I'm not sure how it properly uses the server setting to get the signedUrl from the server but somehow is using the current react application's url for the PUT action to upload the file.

package.json (i had react dropzone installed before trying your lib not sure if this matters)

    "react-dropzone": "^4.1.3",
    "react-dropzone-s3-uploader": "^1.1.0",

Removing previews

Currently I don't see how it would be possible to let the user remove an item once it has been dragged into the dropzone area.

Dropzone supports addRemoveLinks. Any hint on how this could be used from react-dropzone-s3-uploader?

CORS error (no permissions)

I am trying to upload photos through the react-dropzone-s3-uploader but I am not sure how to give access to the bucket. I get a CORS error and a 403 forbidden.

This is what I have so far

const handleFinishedUpload = (info) => {
    console.log("File uploaded with filename", info.filename);
    console.log("Access it on s3 at", info.fileUrl);

const uploadOptions = {
    server: "http://localhost:3000",
    accept: 'image/*',
    autoUpload: true
  const s3Url = "";

Then in the server.js

import reactS3 from "react-dropzone-s3-uploader/s3router.js";

app.use('/s3', (reactS3)({
  bucket: 'mybucket',                      
  region: 'us-east-1',                         
  headers: {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}, 
  ACL: 'private',                           

And in the .env file I have the access and secret access keys.

I'd appreciate any help

Cannot get it to work with Meteor

Hi, first of all, sorry for putting this under "issue". This is more of a cry for help.
Do you guys have this working with Meteor? For some reason I kept getting the "net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED" error when calling the backend to retrieve that signed URL. It's as if the server route doesn't exist.
Some newbie questions:

  1. Does one have to specify the "server" in uploaderProps even if it's under the same domain?
  2. What are some ways to debug where in the chain this broke?

Here's my code:

`render() {
const style = {
height: 200,
border: 'dashed 2px #999',
borderRadius: 5,
position: 'relative',
cursor: 'pointer',

    const uploaderProps = {
        maxFileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 50,
        server: 'https://localhost:3000',
        s3Url: '',
        signingUrlQueryParams: {uploadType: 'avatar'},

    return (
        <DropzoneS3Uploader onFinish={this.handleFinishedUpload} {...uploaderProps} />

`import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import express from 'express';

import { MAILGUN_URL, AWSAccessKeyId, AWSSecretKey } from './secrets';

Meteor.startup(() =>
process.env.AWSAccessKeyId = AWSAccessKeyId;
process.env.AWSSecretKey = AWSSecretKey;
process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = AWSAccessKeyId;
process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = AWSSecretKey;

let app = express();

            bucket: 'outfit-generator',
            headers: {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}, // optional
            ACL: 'private' // this is default


Many thanks.

using onDrop function stops the s3 upload process

I tried using the onDrop function and get a set of uploading file objetcs in a table layout but after using it the progress of uploading never starts

<DropzoneS3Uploader upload={uploadOptions} onFinish={handleUploads} onProgress={e => console.log(e)} onDrop={e => console.log(e)} accept="video/*" s3Url={s3Url} > <UploadDisplay /> </DropzoneS3Uploader>

this is an unusual case since this is a direct function to work with but I experience it has an issue for sure and to see the outputs I will upload the 2 scenarios

Without using onDrop

using onDrop

any clues to sort this out?

Custom progress component

It would be great if there was a way to pass in custom progress element. Currently, I would need to require the full react-bootstrap just to get a progress bar

Passing onDrop prop ensures handleDrop method will not be called

If DropzoneS3Uploader is given an onDrop callback, it will be present in the dropzoneProps const in the component's render method.

In render, when the Dropzone component is returned, it is given an onDrop property set to this.handleDrop, but then spreads the dropzoneProps, which will have an onDrop key. This means that onDrop={this.handleDrop} will always be replaced when the onDrop property exists.

This makes it strange that the handleDrop method checks the presence of and invokes this.props.onDrop.

Is the onDrop prop is supposed to fully replace handleDrop, or be called at the end of handleDrop? From my read on it, the latter can never happen.

CORS Error on upload

I recently followed the guide and created this setup for my frontend react app as well as the express API on a separate project



and i have a config.js with the secret key and access key to access my AWS. Once i put a .jpg image to drop zone i get this on server log


but i get this on fronted log

Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 403

Is there a way to find out what the actual issue is?

Multiple uploads

I'm not quite sure how you've implemented multiple uploads? As far as I can tell, onFinish only get's called once, even if multiple images have been dragged into the component. So how do you handle that?
The react-dropzone component stores the files in state, where you then can loop through them onDrop

How to display text inside dropzone?

How to display any text inside the dropzone and don't break onProgress function?

        maxSize={1024 * 1024 * 5}
     <p>Try dropping some files here, or click to select files to upload.</p>

adding <p> paragraph blocks somehow progress dispaly and also casues that after successful upload filename is not displayed inside the drop zone.

Basically I'd love to have something like that

How can I display text inside the dropzone and also have progress info and file name after the upload completes?

Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-dropzone-s3-uploader'

I have installed all these libraries via:

npm install --save react-s3-uploader react-dropzone restuta-react-dropzone-s3-uploader && npm start

And I am still getting this error:

Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-dropzone-s3-uploader' in '\src\components\MediaHome'

My code is

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import DropzoneS3Uploader from 'react-dropzone-s3-uploader'

class MediaHome extends Component {

  componentDidMount() {
    // TODO 

  render() {

    return (

I even downloaded the folder as a ZIP and tried manually putting in node_modules.

My package.json is

    "react": "^16.3.0",
    "react-datetime": "^2.14.0",
    "react-dom": "^16.3.0",
    "react-dropzone": "^4.2.9",
    "react-router-dom": "^4.2.2",
    "react-s3": "^1.2.4",
    "react-s3-uploader": "^4.8.0",
    "react-scripts": "1.1.1",
    "restuta-react-dropzone-s3-uploader": "^0.20.4",

Why these childProps?

When I use this (awesome btw) component with something like:

      <div style={box}>
        <DropzoneS3Uploader onFinish={this.handleFinishedUpload} {...uploaderProps}>
          <div style={legend}>
            Drop an image on here or click to select

the rendered component looks fine, but React complains:

Warning: Unknown props `fileUrl`, `s3Url`, `filename`, `progress`, `error`, `imageStyle` on <div> tag. Remove these props from the element. For details, see

Which makes some sense.

Digging in, I see this line, which maybe makes sense for the FileComponent path, but I don't think it makes sense for the this.props.children path.

I'm happy to submit a PR if I'm not missing a scenario.

Error uploading files with invalid characters

When uploading files with invalid characters, the upload fails with this error

invalid filename

The onError method is not called so there's no way to give an error message that the string is incorrect. The react-s3-uploader has a scrubFilename method which I believe is intended for issues like this. It will be great if this props or something similar is added for issues like this.

Duplicate Files

Hey there,

Unsure if this issue is caused by issues with the onDrop prop callback. I was using the onDrop prop to check for duplicate files (I store an array in state to check for duplicates) until I realised that the onDrop call would prevent the component from continuing thus no uploads would occur.

I then tried to put the same duplicate check in the s3-uploader preprocess prop call, I'm able to have minor success via the next(file) method, however when I hit a duplicate I can't simply skip that file by not calling next(file), as it then cancels uploads for all further files in that drop.

Is there something I'm missing to achieve this?

Many thanks

The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.

Hi there.

I'm getting The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method. back from AWS when trying to submit files. I'm on version 0.7.3.

Any ideas what may be happening?

Here's my setup:


  app.use('/s3', require('react-dropzone-s3-uploader/s3router')({
    bucket: "my-queue-name",
    region: 'us-east-1',
    signatureVersion: 'v4', 
    headers: {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}, 
    ACL: 'private',


		const style = {
			className: "uploadNew"

		const uploaderProps = {
			server: 'http://localhost:3000', 
			s3Url: '', 
			signingUrl: "/s3/sign",
			uploadRequestHeaders: { 'x-amz-acl': 'public-read' },
			contentDisposition: "auto",

    return (
		<div className="filesDocs">
			<label>Files & Documents</label>
			<div className="uploaded">
				<ul className="unstyled">

			<DropzoneS3Uploader {...uploaderProps}>

Here's the complete error I'm getting back. I notice the CanonicalRequest is labeled as UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD. Not sure if that's indicative of what's going on...

The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.
AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 20161114T033436Z 20161114/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request 41fe70bff8e3ba4abbcb046361064f9a8dab17cd2b4de89d640a23f0e4a9268c
41 57 53 34 2d 48 4d 41 43 2d 53 48 41 32 35 36 0a 32 30 31 36 31 31 31 34 54 30 33 33 34 33 36 5a 0a 32 30 31 36 31 31 31 34 2f 75 73 2d 65 61 73 74 2d 31 2f 73 33 2f 61 77 73 34 5f 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 0a 34 31 66 65 37 30 62 66 66 38 65 33 62 61 34 61 62 62 63 62 30 34 36 33 36 31 30 36 34 66 39 61 38 64 61 62 31 37 63 64 32 62 34 64 65 38 39 64 36 34 30 61 32 33 66 30 65 34 61 39 32 36 38 63
GET /28fad916-9cee-4116-93aa-f80461d77e41_Getting_Started.rtf Content-Type=text%2Frtf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAI7O2H3HADOMOS3MA%2F20161114%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20161114T033436Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host%3Bx-amz-acl&x-amz-acl=private x-amz-acl:private host;x-amz-acl UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD
47 45 54 0a 2f 32 38 66 61 64 39 31 36 2d 39 63 65 65 2d 34 31 31 36 2d 39 33 61 61 2d 66 38 30 34 36 31 64 37 37 65 34 31 5f 47 65 74 74 69 6e 67 5f 53 74 61 72 74 65 64 2e 72 74 66 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54 79 70 65 3d 74 65 78 74 25 32 46 72 74 66 26 58 2d 41 6d 7a 2d 41 6c 67 6f 72 69 74 68 6d 3d 41 57 53 34 2d 48 4d 41 43 2d 53 48 41 32 35 36 26 58 2d 41 6d 7a 2d 43 72 65 64 65 6e 74 69 61 6c 3d 41 4b 49 41 49 37 4f 32 48 33 48 41 44 4f 4d 4f 53 33 4d 41 25 32 46 32 30 31 36 31 31 31 34 25 32 46 75 73 2d 65 61 73 74 2d 31 25 32 46 73 33 25 32 46 61 77 73 34 5f 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 26 58 2d 41 6d 7a 2d 44 61 74 65 3d 32 30 31 36 31 31 31 34 54 30 33 33 34 33 36 5a 26 58 2d 41 6d 7a 2d 45 78 70 69 72 65 73 3d 36 30 26 58 2d 41 6d 7a 2d 53 69 67 6e 65 64 48 65 61 64 65 72 73 3d 68 6f 73 74 25 33 42 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 61 63 6c 26 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 61 63 6c 3d 70 72 69 76 61 74 65 0a 68 6f 73 74 3a 64 6f 74 62 63 2d 71 75 65 75 65 2e 73 33 2e 61 6d 61 7a 6f 6e 61 77 73 2e 63 6f 6d 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 61 63 6c 3a 70 72 69 76 61 74 65 0a 0a 68 6f 73 74 3b 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 61 63 6c 0a 55 4e 53 49 47 4e 45 44 2d 50 41 59 4c 4f 41 44

How to specify path of upload

I am trying to get the file uploaded into a path such as this:


I am passing in an s3Url such as this:

const s3Url = ''; const path = 'folder1/folder2'; ... <DropzoneS3Uploader onFinish={this.handleFinishedUpload} s3Url={s3Url} maxSize={1024 * 1024 * 5} upload={{s3path: path}} />

What this is doing is adding the file but it is adding the unique id stuff (that s3 prepends to the url) to the first folder:


Whereas I would like it to be:


multiple uploads qued

Hi i am working on a video upload component.In here it takes a while to upload a video so there is a risk of loosing all data if everythng is uploaded at once.So is there a way to make it upload one by one in a waiting queue so that at least few videos are uploaded if theres any issue coming and have to loose all uploaded progress?

How do I explicitly pass the AWS Access Key Id?

I am using an express server.

app.use('/s3', require('react-dropzone-s3-uploader/s3router')({
  bucket: my-s3-bucket',
  region: 'us-east-1',
  headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' },
  ACL: 'public-read',

The issue is that the url is missing the AWSAccessKeyId query parameter (see below)

I have this listed in my .env file


Does anyone have any suggestions?

Weird failures with latest build

Trying to upgrade to 1.0.0-rc.2, and in my CRA app, I'm getting weird failures:

[1] Starting the development server...
[1] Failed to compile.
[1] Error in ./~/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib/DropzoneS3Uploader.js
[1] Module not found: 'react-transform-catch-errors' in /Users/da/src/participedia/frontend/node_modules/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib
[1]  @ ./~/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib/DropzoneS3Uploader.js 3:34-73
[1] Error in ./~/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib/DropzoneS3Uploader.js
[1] Module not found: 'redbox-react' in /Users/da/src/participedia/frontend/node_modules/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib
[1]  @ ./~/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib/DropzoneS3Uploader.js 11:19-42
[1] Compiling...
[1] Failed to compile.
[1] Error in ./~/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib/DropzoneS3Uploader.js
[1] Module not found: 'react-transform-catch-errors' in /Users/da/src/participedia/frontend/node_modules/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib
[1]  @ ./~/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib/DropzoneS3Uploader.js 3:34-73
[1] Error in ./~/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib/DropzoneS3Uploader.js
[1] Module not found: 'redbox-react' in /Users/da/src/participedia/frontend/node_modules/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib
[1]  @ ./~/react-dropzone-s3-uploader/lib/DropzoneS3Uploader.js 11:19-42

I'll dig in a bit more, but I figured I'd flag early given that it's an RC.

Invalid Response From Server

can you help me, i have problem when i use react-dropzone-s3-uploader.
i upload my photo, and i got Message "Invalid Response From Server", why ?

const uploadOptions = {
            server: 'http://localhost:3000',
            signingUrlQueryParams: { uploadType: 'avatar' },

const s3Url = '' // i think Url like that( because i confuse to find url S3).

return (
    maxSize={1024 * 1024 * 5}

image orientation from iOS

Not sure if this is an issue with the uploader or not but when i take a picture in portrait mode from iOS and upload it with react-dropzone-s3-uploader it appears at a 90° angle when i go to view the image. Images taken in landscape mode are fine. Some preliminary research has me thinking it might have something to do with the exif info but I'm not sure if there is a way to set that info with the uploader or not. Pictures pulled from the camera roll seem to be fine. If anyone has seen this and has info great, otherwise you can close this issue. Thanks!

Manual upload

Does anyone know how to pass a ref to react-s3-uploader through the dropzone?

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