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Source code for the Frocentric team site, built using WordPress/Bedrock

Home Page:

License: MIT License

PHP 77.11% Shell 0.01% CSS 8.41% JavaScript 14.33% Hack 0.04% SCSS 0.09% HTML 0.01%
wp-cli-dotenv roots-wp-salt bedrock wordpress

wordpress's Issues

Imported events have wrong status


Community submitted events are created with the wrong status

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Import an event from Eventbrite
  3. Review and submit

Expected behaviour

New event listed in backend with "Pending Review" status

Actual behaviour

New event listed in backend with "Draft" status

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User login redirected correctly

Given that I am on community event submission page
And I import an event
When I review the events list in the backend
Then I see the event is marked with the default status specified in the Community Events settings

Definition of "Done"

  • Pull request merged

Environment Details

  • Version: 1.13.0

Require 2FA for administrators


As an administrator, I want to activate two-factor authentication so that I can reduce the chance of my account being accessed maliciously

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User logs in within grace period

Given that I do not have 2FA enabled
And I have permission to access the admin area
And the grace period hasn't expired
When I access the Wordpress admin area
Then I see a notification reminding me to set up 2FA

Scenario: User attempts to login in outside grace period

Given that I do not have 2FA enabled
And that I'm not logged in
And I have permission to access the admin area
And the grace period has expired
When I try to login
Then my account is locked
And I see an error message notifying me that my account has been locked and instructing me how to restore access to it

Additional context

See WP 2FA

Nested discipline selection breaks events filter bar


Publishing an event with a nested taxonomy without selecting it's parent (e.g. Machine Learning > Artificial Intelligence) results in a broken events landing page

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Edit an event
  2. Select a nested discipline or interest without selecting the parent taxonomy
  3. Publish the event
  4. Navigate to the events landing page

Expected behaviour

Page displays as normal

Actual behaviour

Page doesn't render

Additional context

Error message:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Attempt to modify property "children" on null in /www/***/public/current/web/app/plugins/froware/public/class-filterbar-filter-taxonomy.php:55

Enable automatic merging for patch updates


Allow Dependabot PRs for patch updates to get automatically merged

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Patch PR

When a Dependabot submits a patch PR
And all checks pass
Then the PR is merged to main

Scenario: Major/minor PR

When a Dependabot submits a major/minor version PR
Then the PR is not merged

Logout menu link doesn't work


Clicking logout link navigates to 404 page

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Log in to site
  2. Click on 'Logout'

Expected behaviour

User is logged out

Actual behaviour

404 page is displayes

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User logged out correctly

Given that I am logged in
When I click ‘Logout’ in the main navigation menu
Then I am logged out
And I am redirected to the homepage

Definition of "Done"

  • UI tested on major platforms/browsers
  • Accessibility review completed
  • Pull request merged

Environment Details

  • OS: All
  • Mobile Device: n/a
  • Browser: All
  • Version: 1.8.1

Update Events Calendar UI with Froware styling


Apply theme styling to ensure that the calendar UI is seamless with the rest of the site

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Media library migrated

When a user navigates the site
Then all images will be loaded from the Amazon S3 bucket

Additional context

Add screenshots or other resources to help explain the task.

Enable file change monitoring


As an administrator, I want to monitor any file changes so that I can quickly respond to any unauthorised modifications

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Website files are changed outside of deployments

Given that a deployment is not being executed
When one or more files are modified
Then I receive an email notification detailing the detected change

Scenario: Websites files are changed during deployment

Given that a deployment is being executed
When one or more files are modified
Then no notifications are sent

Additional context

See Website File Changes Monitor

Content link not always highlighted


The "Content" navigation link isn't highlighted for single post, tag and author pages

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to a single content item, author listing or tag page

Expected behaviour

"Content" link in main navigation is highlighted

Actual behaviour

No links in main navigation are highlighted

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User navigates to single content item

Given that I am on the content archive page
When I navigate to a single content item
Then the "Content" navigation link stays highlighted

Scenario: User navigates to an author archive page

Given that I am on the content archive page
When I navigate to a single content item
Then the "Content" navigation link stays highlighted

Scenario: User navigates to a tag archive page

Given that I am on the content archive page
When I navigate to a single content item
Then the "Content" navigation link stays highlighted

Definition of "Done"

  • UI tested on major platforms/browsers
  • Accessibility review completed
  • Pull request merged

Remove WP Event Aggregator dependencies


Since updating to the full TEC suite, WPEA and WPEA Pro should be removed

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Community event import

Community event import by URL shouldn't rely on any WPEA functionality

Scenario: Eventbrite ticket embed

Tickets embed for events imported from Eventbrite shouldn't rely on WPEA functionality

Froware Re-release

As part of our re-release activities this epic is to group the key stories, tasks & issues that need to be addressed and completed to re-release the site.

Things to define:

  • what does done mean for the team?
  • risks
  • define the how technically and non-technical tasks are worded

Loose high level summary of what needs to done:

  • Disable both public facing Froware sites (Wordpress site and Discourse forum) @Genyus
  • Provide an engagement homepage for prospective content providers/publisher @MikeDre
  • Update home page articles with community meta data @Genyus
  • Provide user logged in call to actions for non-logged in users
  • Update Events Calendar UI with Froware styling
  • Source images/photography/iconography for design and partial style guides
  • Accessibility options on text, text on images and other a11y
  • Re-define/review all pages of site, taking a UX/UI approach (wireframes) @MikeDre
  • What have i missed?

Imported posts not displaying correct citation


Original source citations in posts imported from Feedzy have stopped being correctly formatted from around March.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to Content
  2. Click on a post title
  3. Scroll down to the content

Expected behaviour

Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 15 37 25

Actual behaviour

Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 15 35 22

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Post content view

Given that I am on a content post page
When I view the content
Then I see a styled banner saying "Originally posted by [author name] to [linked source title]"

Definition of "Done"

  • Tested on existing and new posts
  • Pull request merged

Event Aggregator not importing featured image


When importing images from Eventbrite, the featured image isn't being set

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to 'Events import'
  2. Select 'Eventbrite' as import origin
  3. Input an Eventbrite page URL
  4. Click 'Preview'

Expected behaviour

Event to be imported and display a featured image

Actual behaviour

Event is imported, but no featured image is displayed

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Featured image displayed

Given that I am on Events import page
And I select Eventbrite as the import origin
And I input a valid Eventbrite event URL
When I import the event
Then the event has the featured image set correctly

Additional context

See this KB article for possible solution?

Add "Article" as selectable post format in content search


As a user, I want to select "Article" as a post format so that I can view only text-based content

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User selects Article as post format

Given that I am on the content landing page
When I select "Article" as the post format option
Then only textual content items are displayed

Enable immediate publication of community submitted events for administrators


As an administrator, I want to set the post status when submitting an event so that I can minimise the steps for publication

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Administrator submits an event

Given that I am on the community event submission page
When I create or edit an event
Then I am able to set the event post status

Scenario: Non-administrator submits an event

Given that I am on the community event submission page
When I create or edit an event
Then I don't see any UI for the event post status

Force users to login via email address instead of username


As a user, I want to login with my email address so that I can be better protected against malicious login attempts

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User supplies correct email address and password

Given that I am on the sign-in page
When I enter my email address and password correctly
And click ‘Sign In’
Then I am taken to the dashboard

Scenario: User supplies invalid email address

Given that I am on the sign-in page
When I enter a malformed email address
and click ‘Sign In’
Then I see an error message ‘Sorry, that doesn't appear to be a valid email address.”

Scenario: User supplies incorrect email address or password

Given that I am on the sign-in page
When I enter my email address or password incorrectly
and click ‘Sign In’
Then I see an error message ‘Sorry, either the email address or password you entered is incorrect.”

Additional context

See custom code example

Recurring events not showing correct dates


A recurring event imported from Meetup doesn't show the correct date for individual events, although they are listed at the correct dates

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'

Expected behaviour

What you expected to happen.

Actual behaviour

What actually happens.

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User login redirected correctly

Given that I am on site page
And I click the login link
And I'm redirected to the sign-in page
When I enter my user name and password correctly
And click ‘Sign In’
Then I am redirected to page I started on

Definition of "Done"

  • UI tested on major platforms/browsers
  • Accessibility review completed
  • Pull request merged

Environment Details

  • OS: [e.g. iOS, Android, Windows 10, macOS Catalina]
  • Mobile Device: [if applicable, e.g. iPhone 11 Pro, Samsung Galaxy S10]
  • Browser: [e.g. Chrome, Safari]
  • Version: [if known, e.g. 22]

Additional context

Add screenshots or other resources to help explain the problem.

Add event calendar


As a member, I want to import an event so that I can quickly share it with the community

Acceptance Criteria

  • Scenario: User imports valid event URL
    Given that I am on the event creation page
    When I input a new event URL from a supported domain
    And click "Import"
    Then the event is imported to the calendar as a draft
    And I am redirected to the event editor page
    And the form is populated with the event details

  • Scenario: User imports existing event URL
    Given that I am on the event creation page
    When I input an existing event URL from a supported domain
    And click "Import"
    Then I see an error message saying "This event has already been imported."

  • Scenario: User imports invalid event URL
    Given that I am on the event creation page
    When I input a malformed URL
    And click "Import"
    Then I see an error message saying "Invalid URL, please try again."

  • Scenario: User imports empty URL
    Given that I am on the event creation page
    When I input an empty URL
    And click "Import"
    Then I see an error message saying "URL not supplied, please try again."

  • Scenario: User imports event URL from invalid domain
    Given that I am on the event creation page
    When I input an event URL from an unsupported domain
    And click "Import"
    Then I see an error message saying "Unsupported domain, please try again."

Content navigation highlighting is inconsistent


The "Content" navigation link is only highlighted for the content landing page, not when navigating content taxonomies or posts

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to '/content'
  2. Click on any listed discipline in sidebar or any post in post list

Expected behaviour

"Content" navigation link remains highlighted

Actual behaviour

"Content" navigation link isn't highlighted

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User navigates to a taxonomy archive page

Given that I am on the content archive page
When I click any discipline, interest or tag link
Then I am redirected to the taxonomy archive page
And the "Content" navigation link remains highlighted

Scenario: User navigates to a single post

Given that I am on the content archive page
When I click on any post link
Then I am redirected to the post
And the "Content" navigation link remains highlighted

Definition of "Done"

  • UI tested on major platforms/browsers
  • Pull request merged

Environment Details

  • OS: All supported
  • Browser: All supported

Additional context

Screenshot 2021-12-29 at 00 59 08

Implement events calendar


Implement event calendar functionality using The Event Calendar


  • Security:
  • Performance:
  • Accessibility:
  • Extensibility:
  • Scalability:
  • Usability:
  • Testability:
  • Maintainability:

Switch local dev environment from Local to Lando


Configure project for local development with Lando

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: New developer

When a new developer joins the team
Then they are able to get started by simply installing Lando, then starting and connecting to the application container

Additional context

Migrating from the current bare-metal configuration to simplify and ensure a consistent developer setup

Update home page articles with community meta data


As a visitor, I want to see metadata for published content so that I can navigate more effectively

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User views home page

Given that I am on the home page
When I view a post
Then I see the post category
And the tags
And the comment count
And the reply count
And the read time

Scenario: User views content landing page

Given that I am on the content landing page
When I view a post
Then I see the post category
And the tags
And the comment count
And the reply count
And the read time

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots for the user story here.

Provide an engagement homepage for prospective content providers/publisher


As a visitor, I want to submit my interest so that I can participate in the community

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User submits valid form values

Given that I am on the landing page
When I input valid content into all the required fields
And click ‘Submit’
Then the form is submitted
And a confirmation message is displayed
And a notification email is sent to the admin team

Scenario: User submits invalid form values

Given that I am on the landing page
When I input invalid content into a field
And click ‘Submit’
Then an error message is displayed
And the focus is returned to the first invalid field

Additional context

@MikeDre to confirm whether form will be displayed inline or in a modal

Implement release-based deployments


Restructure deployment action to trigger off releases instead of pushes

Acceptance Criteria

  • Merging to main bumps version, generates tag and pre-release release (e.g. tag:x.x.x, release: x.x.x-rc.1)
  • Merging to production bumps version, generates tag and generates production release (e.g. x.x.x)
  • Pre-release release triggers deployment to staging
  • Production release triggers deployment to production

Additional context

Add screenshots or other resources to help explain the task.

Display creator copyright


As a creator, I want to see my copyright information displayed so that I can be correctly attributed

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User supplies correct user name and password

Given that I am on a post that I authored
When I reach the end of my post
Then I see a copyright license message

Additional context

Suggested message text: "© [year] [post author]. Licensed for use by Frocentric CIC."

Importing event produces duplicates


When using the event import form, duplicate events are created

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Paste in Eventbrite event URL
  3. Click on 'IMPORT EVENT'

Expected behaviour

Single event to be created

Actual behaviour

Two events are created

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Event imported

Given that I am on the community event submission page
When I enter an unimported, valid Eventbrite event URL
And click ‘IMPORT EVENT’
Then a single event is created

Definition of "Done"

  • UI tested on major platforms/browsers
  • Accessibility review completed
  • Pull request merged

Security hardening


Implement security hardening measures


  • Security:
  • Performance:
  • Accessibility:
  • Extensibility:
  • Scalability:
  • Usability:
  • Testability:
  • Maintainability:

WordPress-Discord auth can fall out of sync


It's possible for the login state between WordPress and Discord to fall out of sync. It appears to be when the WordPress cookie expires, but the Discord one is still valid.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in
  3. Wait until WP cookie expires
  4. Click 'Log in'

Expected behaviour

I am navigated to the login form, where I am logged out.

Actual behaviour

I am navigated to Discourse app, where I am already logged in.

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User login redirected correctly

Given that I am on site page
And I click the login link
And I'm redirected to the sign-in page
When I enter my user name and password correctly
And click ‘Sign In’
Then I am redirected to page I started on

Definition of "Done"

  • UI tested on major platforms/browsers
  • Accessibility review completed
  • Pull request merged

Environment Details

  • OS: [e.g. iOS, Android, Windows 10, macOS Catalina]
  • Mobile Device: [if applicable, e.g. iPhone 11 Pro, Samsung Galaxy S10]
  • Browser: [e.g. Chrome, Safari]
  • Version: [if known, e.g. 22]

Additional context

Add screenshots or other resources to help explain the problem.

Refactor Froware SSP


The main site-specific plugin has a huge number of methods in the public and admin classes. It should be refactored into sub-classes for logical separation and easier maintenance.

Acceptance Criteria

  • All front-end and admin methods will exist in logically distinct sub-classes, to better adhere to SRP
  • Methods will be listed alphabetically, for easier location

Remove Elementor


Implement an alternative page builder

Additional context

Elementor has not only become a pricey component, but it and the various extensions are having a performance impact

Post tags not displayed correctly on home page


Latest post tags are styled incorrectly

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to homepage
  2. Scroll down to 'Fresh Content'

Expected behaviour

Tag styling to match styling on content archive page (small white text on black background)

Actual behaviour

Tags are styled like discipline labels (large white text on red background)

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: User login redirected correctly

Given that I am on site page
And I click the login link
And I'm redirected to the sign-in page
When I enter my user name and password correctly
And click ‘Sign In’
Then I am redirected to page I started on

Definition of "Done"

  • UI tested on major platforms/browsers
  • Pull request merged

Environment Details

  • OS: All supported
  • Browser: All supported

Additional context

Screenshot 2021-12-29 at 21 29 47

Social share buttons mis-rendered on Black In Data posts


Social share buttons are rendered, but styled badly

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to any post by Black In Data
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the post

Expected behaviour

No share buttons within content

Actual behaviour

Share buttons poorly rendered

Definition of "Done"

  • UI tested on major platforms/browsers
  • Pull request merged

Environment Details

  • OS: [e.g. iOS, Android, Windows 10, macOS Catalina]
  • Browser: [e.g. Chrome, Safari]

Additional context

Screenshot 2021-12-29 at 21 52 21

Update UI following Figma Comments

UI Changes on the following:

  1. Register page: Reduce padding
    Set margin at the bottom of the page the same as the bottom of the page
  2. Login page: Set margin at the bottom of the page the same as the bottom of the page
  3. Fresh Content page: increase padding/ margin by 15px,
    Decrease title of 20px and date to 16px
  4. Homepage: change the 'leave feedback' button from white to black
    change background colour to #f7f7f7
    update opacity of 75%

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