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kobocloud's Issues

HTTP server doesn't seem to support byte ranges. Cannot resume.

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< HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
< Server: nginx
< Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 18:55:46 GMT
< Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
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< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

  • HTTP server doesn't seem to support byte ranges. Cannot resume.
  • Closing connection 0
    } [5 bytes data]
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS alert, Client hello (1):
    } [2 bytes data]
    Remote file information:
    Status code: 500
    Error: Server error

Wifi does not work on lates Kobo OS

When using kobocloud on latest kobo os wifi does not work. Because of that you are stuck because to uninstall you need wifi... I have a kobo clara hd and tried on two diffrent readers.

Can I check TAR folder structure

Hi - this project looks great, and I'm pleased for the people who got it installed - but I am having problems with installation.

The first problem I had was with the TAR creation. The supplied shell script didn't work for me - I am using Ubunutu on WSL. When I try the script, I get:

dfrancocci@DESKTOP-CLMLFTK:/mnt/c/Users/dfran/Source/KoboCloud$ ./
: not 2: ./
tar: usr\r: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

So, I figured that you wanted the TAR to contain the etc and usr folders, but not the src folder, so instead I tried:

dfrancocci@DESKTOP-CLMLFTK:/mnt/c/Users/dfran/Source/KoboCloud$ tar -cvzf KoboRoot.tgz -C src ./etc ./usr

Could you confirm if this is the correct structure for the TAR file?

I copied it to the .kobo folder, and my Kobo restarted and did some installation, but when I reconnected to my PC, I don't see the .add folder:


I'm trying to install this on Kobo Clara HD.


New kobo software issues?

Ever since the new software release, my Kobo Clara HD is not playing nicely with kobocloud anymore. Books are pulled in in duplicate, and only about half the books?
Any testing been done to see if something is broken?
As an aside, I've read that the Kobo forma(?) Will now have native Dropbox support.

Not downloading with Google Drive

Hi there, followed the steps but I don't see anything happening.

my log shows the following:

2020-06-30_16:49:02 waiting for internet connection
Reading # Add your URLs to this file
Comment found
Reading # Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud
Comment found
Comment found
Reading # Google Drive
Comment found
2020-06-30_16:49:08 done

It seems like maybe it's not recognizing or reading the link I've put in the kobocloudrc file?

any help would be appreciated (and thanks for all the hard work so far!)

Correcting wrong WebDAV url

Hi Francesco,
First thank you for your great program. It worked almost perfectly in my case. Why 'almost'? I wanted to use a free folder on my own Nextcloud server,. The server has the given url :
Your original program ( was trying to download the files through the following webdav url (information read in the get.log):
instead of
So I slightly modified the source to modify the linkLine. Just before'linkLine=... I set relativeLink=`echo $relativeLink | sed 's/nextcloud\///g'` to remove "nextcloud/" from the relativeLink.
Now it works great.
Since I suspect that the problem is specific to my server url (, I prefer not to propose a merge request, I let you find the correct way to fix this bug.
Best regards,


Overdrive stopped working as soon as I installed this and even when I uninstalled it, overdrive was still not working.

Not working for recent Kobo?

I would love to be able to sync directly from Dropbox, but KoboCloud doesn't seem to work on latest firmware. Any chance of an update?


cbz/cbr downloaded but not showing up in My Books

I added the link of my Google Drive to the config file. The log files show that it finds the link and downloads my 2 cbz files. They are also downloaded and present in .add/kobocloud/library

But when going to my library of my Kobo, it doesn’t show up in the list... When I add a simple PDF to the Google Drive, it does show up. I added the same cbz file directly on the mounted drive when plugging in my Clara and it DOES show up that file. So it’s not a corrupted or unreadable file for my Kobo...

I tried a one page CBZ file with Kobocloud and that one appears. Could it be that my cbz-file is too large? It’s about 150MB

Stop working on a kobo aura hd

Hi, I'm using your tool on a kobo aura hd for several months, and I must thank yop for your very good work, but since a week afther a kobo firmware upgrade it's stop working. I have done a full reset of the device and now I'm not able to reinstall it. When I put the KoboRoot file afther the reset I'don't find the kobocloud directory.
Can ou help me ?

Thanks in advance Lorenzo


Line 27: Permission denied

2019-02-02_23:56:07 waiting for internet connection
/usr/local/kobocloud/ line 27: /usr/local/kobocloud/curl: Permission denied
Reading # Add your URLs to this file
Comment found
Reading # Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud
Comment found
Comment found
2019-02-02_23:56:12 done

Similar issue to what mic85rm is having, permission seems to be denied. This is a Aura One, and even running the UNINSTALL line returns in the same error:

2019-02-02_23:43:46 waiting for internet connection
Reading # Add your URLs to this file
Comment found
Reading # Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud
Comment found
/usr/local/kobocloud/ line 15: /usr/local/kobocloud/curl: Permission denied
2019-02-02_23:43:51 done

I'm gonna go ahead and do a factory reset, to see if that would fix the issue. Otherwise I have no idea and it is very unfortunate, I would love this feature. So close yet so far :(

Additionally, I feel like I should mention I have no experience with linux and compiled on Windows 10 using Git Bash, if that could be an issue.

Nextcloud not working on Libra H2O

Hi @fsantini Thanks for creating this. I'm struggling to get these scripts to work on a Libra H2O running software version 4.25.15875 (dated 11/9/2020) and Nextcloud 20.0.4.

Here's my config:

# Add your URLs to this file
# Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud
# Nextcloud:

And the log:

2020-12-24_11:12:49 waiting for internet connection
Reading # Add your URLs to this file
Comment found
Reading # Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud
Comment found
Comment found
Reading # Nextcloud:
Comment found
2020-12-24_11:13:00 done

Per the log, it does not appear there was any attempt to 'read' or 'get' anything at my URL. There are no spacing issues.

When I look at DNS queries from the Kobo, it looks like the internet check with is attempted, as there is a DNS lookup for that, but there is never any DNS lookup for

There are no issues accessing the Nextcloud shared folder from other devices.

I've tried running the scripts on my computer to debug, but I don't think it will work on other devices? For example, I ran with some modifications to make it more verbose. The cURL receives XML with this error: Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotAuthenticated. Again, I don't think the script is even getting this far, since there's nothing in the log to say it read the Nextcloud URL.

I also tested it with Dropbox (not shown above) and that worked, so the issue appears isolated to how Nextcloud works.

Help much appreciated.

Exclude certain file types?

Hi there! Thanks for keeping this going. I find it very useful!
I was wondering if you could add a way to exclude certain filetypes or specify only certain filetypes to sync? For me, my books include metadata files and those get synced too and clutter up the library. It would be neat to specify to only sync kepub files for instance.


wifi issue

I've installed kobocloud on my old Kobo Glo (with last firmware 4.21.15015).
After install the kobo is not able to view any wifi networks (everything was ok before install).
After Uninstall KoboCloud the issue is still present.

I have to reinstall firmware update to recover wifi.
I tried several times with the last firmware and the March 2020 release (4.20.14622), but always have the same issue.

Any idea ?

line 16: /usr/local/kobocloud/curl: Permission denied

I tried twice to follow the instructions but in the log it seems like it can't open the google drive folder

2020-07-06_14:10:09 waiting for internet connection
Reading # Add your URLs to this file
Comment found
Reading # Google drive:
Comment found
Reading ...
Getting ...
Getting ...
/usr/local/kobocloud/ line 16: /usr/local/kobocloud/curl: Permission denied
Reading # Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud
Comment found
Comment found
2020-07-06_14:10:20 done

KEPUB not synced

I've set up sync with Google Drive and Dropbox but KEPUB files are not synced to my device, only EPUB files. As KEPUB is the Kobo format I would have expected it to work. Is it an error or is KEPUB not supported?

Not working with Libra H20

Just installed on a new Kobo Libra H20 and can't get sync to work with Google Drive or drop box.

The kobocloud.rc file is configured as follows

#Add your URLs to this file
#Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud

The get.log says

2020-11-21_17:25:56 waiting for internet connection
Reading # Add your URLs to this file
Comment found
Reading # Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud
Comment found
Comment found
Reading #Dropbox
Comment found
2020-11-21_17:26:07 done

I tried first by compiling the tgz file on my windows laptop. This failed so I uninstalled kobocloud and used the ready compiled tgz file.

This still doesn't work.

Any ideas?


Problem install (how to properly uninstall?)

It seems something has gone wrong with my installation. It is not syncing at all now (on my Kobo Clara HD).

My get.log file says this:

2018-11-27_17:28:01 waiting for internet connection
Reading # Add your URLs to this file
Comment found
2018-11-27_17:28:10 done

Which makes no sense, since my kobocloudrc file only contains the dropbox url, not that starting line from the template. It's like the installation is reading from a template version of the kobocloudrc file or something.

I tried deleting the entire kobocloud directory - this gets recreated on reboot. I have also tried reinstalling the entire thing from scratch, but it makes no difference.

Any ideas what has happened? How can I do a full proper uninstall? Thanks

Kobo Nia issues

installed this on a Nia I recently purchased.
Device rebooted, could see the .add folder but syncing doesn't nothing.
also there is no kobocloudrc.tmpl, just a unix executable, log file and a library folder.. nothing else.

how to I even go about uninstalling this now, or working out why dropbox doesn't work?

Doesn't work on Libra's latest version

After installing this on my Libra with the latest firmware, configured the dropbox and gdrive links (made sure that was a line below in the file) and nothing happened on restart. .log file first showed curl permission denied and on all the following restarts just an error that there was no wifi connection

Is this applicable to Kobo Aura edition 2?

Hi - I have .tgz file ready to go .kobo (1) folder but the (1) is not showing. I've enabled viewing of hidden files.

I tried just copying the .tgz file into the .kobo folder. After disconnecting the device it rebooted. But after the reboot was finished, the .tgz file was gone and I have no way of opening ".add/kobocloud/kobocloudrc"

Is my Kobo firmware just too old for this hack?

Pinging '' not possible in some regions

in, line 14 to 27 :

#check internet connection
echo "`$Dt` waiting for internet connection"
while [ $r != 0 ]; do
  if [ $i -gt 60 ]; then
    ping -c 1 -w 3
    echo "`$Dt` error! no connection detected" 
    exit 1
  ping -c 1 -w 3 >/dev/null 2>&1
  if [ $r != 0 ]; then sleep 1; fi
  i=$(($i + 1))

Dropbox is pinged to check whether internet connection is available. But due to some reasons, Dropbox is not reachable in China, thus pinging will never be succeed. Ping or may be a better choice.

this project is amazing

No issues, just to say THANK YOU!
your tool is so great!
One thing I still missing - "share notes"
if one day you will find a solution to sync highlights to facebook or Instagram somehow - will be nothing to dream about

Re-downloading existing books?

Please correct me if wrong but does the script not try to download the entire library on each update.
would adding a check such as

if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
    echo "$FILE exists."
    echo "$FILE does not exist."

to greatly improve performance when the cloud library is very large?

save synced ebooks to external SD?

It seems that files automatically download to ~/.add/kobocloud/Library
Is there a way to select target directory (external SD) in the case of Kobo Aura N514?

Incorrect filesize for NextCloud?

  • Nextcloud version: 15.0.11
  • KoboCloud version: git HEAD on 2019-08-27
  • Device: Kobo Forma

It seems that syncing from NextCloud does not work great: the files are reported as 9010 bytes while actually the files are much larger than that. It results in downloading of incorrect filesizes and therefore corrupt files on the Kobo. I've tried the Dropbox sync, and that works fine (for the same files).

2019-08-27_20:14:04 waiting for internet connection
Reading # Add your URLs to this file
Comment found
Reading # Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud
Comment found
Comment found
Reading https://<REDACTED>
Getting https://<REDACTED>
https://<REDACTED>.....pdf -> /mnt/onboard/.kobo/kobocloud/Library/<REDACTED>.pdf
Remote size: 9010
getRemoteFile ended
Reading<REDACTED><REDACTED> -> /mnt/onboard/.kobo/kobocloud/Library/<REDACTED>.pdf
Remote size: 1696078
File exists: skipping
getRemoteFile ended
2019-08-27_20:14:18 done

Wifi doesn't work after install on Clara

Hi, I've used this script for ages without any issues, when it suddenly stopped working. I noticed that there was an update when I came back here, so I deleted and went through the whole process again, but the dropbox still didn't work, and the folder was missing in the directory - more importantly, the Wifi on my Clara doesn't work anymore - it just scans for networks, but never finds any.

I've tried restoring to factory setting, manual resets, firmware updates, syncing over the desktop (which is the only way to get it to work at all after the factory reset), and contacting Rakuten was no help at all. It's very possible that I did something wrong when I was trying to install it, but I was hoping you might have an idea of how to solve the issue with Wifi, or at least what might've gone wrong? No worries if not, but thought it was worth a shot.

Thank you!

Limited number of synchronized books

Hello, I used your script on my Kobo Clara and I am able to synchronized my books on the cloud, but there is a problem. The number of the books that I can synchronized is limited. I have a folder with all my books (more than 100) on dropbox and the same folder also on google drive. With Gdrive I am able to synchronize 41 books while with dropbox only 30. How can I solve this problem? I tried several times, also rebooting the device but nope... there are only the same books and it didn't import the other ones. How can I fix and synchronize all the books? Thank you very much for your work

This is the log

Nextcloud suddenly stopped working

I've used KoboCloud now for about a year on two kobo readers without any problems, but now it just stopped working.
I can't really understand why.

I uninstalled KoboCloud on one of the devices and reinstalled it with the new updated version (the one with the .add folder) just to check if it was something with the new nextcloud update or the old KoboCloud. Still no luck.

Log file on the reader looks like this:

2020-11-06_13:25:38 waiting for internet connection
Reading # Add your URLs to this file
Comment found
Reading # Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud
Comment found
Comment found
Reading https://mynextcloudserver.example/s/randomLetters
Getting https://mynextcloudserver.example/s/randomLetters
Reading https://mynextcloudserver.example/s/randomLetters
Getting https://mynextcloudserver.example/s/randomLetters

Added another shared folder just to see if it made a difference, the log before that looks just like this one, but without the extra folder.

Also checked the server logs and I can see that the reader never tried to contact it. So is my config somehow broken?


#Add your URLs to this file
#Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud

I haven't been able to test the other reader yet, but the user doesn't get any books downloaded either and no contact according to the logs on the server.

Kobo Aura One
Kobo Clara HD

Nextcloud version: 19.0.4 (if that helps)

Any useful tips how to solve this?

Not installing on Kobo Libra H2O

After putting the tgz into .kobo, I reboot, then dots are moving, so some installation is starting. However after startup, tgz disappeared and no kobocloud folder installed. (No new file at all.)
This model is relatively new, probably something has been changed.
Many thanks for your efforts!

Waiting for internet connection error

I've been using KoboCloud successfully on my new Clara HD with GoogleDrive for about a month or so, but it has stopped working. My kobocloudrc file has only one line - the URL of my public GoogleDrive folder. After trying to sync the Kobo, the log says:

2021-03-17_10:56:41 waiting for internet connection
2021-03-17_10:56:50 done

I am able to navigate to the GoogleDrive folder in the beta browser, so I know I can connect to the internet, but for some reason, the Kobo isn't connecting to the GoogleDrive or not downloading any files. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?

Btw, I'm a noob and have no programming experience. I was very excited that I got KoboCloud working, but I don't have enough knowledge to fix it when it breaks. Please be kind when providing advice, thanks.

Files with apostrophes do not sync

When attempting to sync the file: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J. K. Rowling.epub", the file is not synced and instead a file named "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer" is created in the kobocloud library folder.

Issue syncing large google drive directories

Before anything: thank you for the work invested in this project!

Now on the issue: I have used the google drive integration without problem for months. Recently I started to experience issues syncing.

Taking a look at the sync process I noticed two issues:

  • Google drive detects multiple downloads on a row and complains as follows:
Your computer or network may be sending automated queries.
To protect our users, we can't process your request right now

The sync process does not detect this error and saves it as the book contents. Further sync wont work as the file appears downloaded and the remoteSize is not obtained and defaults to 1 (the content previously saved size is 1k).

  • The sync process seems to take longer than it's expected and is stopped before it finished. I noticed this looking at the logs and seeing that the lasts files wont get synced (it processes items in alphabetical ascending order).

I have logs if that helps. Some details to reproduce: 70 files, averaging 1.5Mb each.

My intention is to use this shared directory for permanent storage for my books, rather than to use it as a temporary place for syncing.

casually files dont show from dropbox problem

getfile after mod at usr/local/kobocloud of my kobo h2o

2018-12-23_23:40:39 waiting for internet connection
Sto leggendo # Add your URLs to this file
Commento trovato
Sto leggendo # Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud
Commento trovato
Sto leggendo #UNINSTALL
Commento trovato
Sto leggendo

Sto leggendo

-> /mnt/onboard/.kobo/kobocloud/Library/
Remote size:
sh: -ge: argument expected

curl: Can't open '/mnt/onboard/.kobo/kobocloud/Library/'!
curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information
Error resuming: redownload file
getRemoteFile ended

-> /mnt/onboard/.kobo/kobocloud/Library/
Remote size:
sh: -ge: argument expected
curl: Can't open '/mnt/onboard/.kobo/kobocloud/Library/'!
curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for mo

Latest version doesn't work with my Kobo Nia, but last version worked perfectly

The lastest version does not work for my Kobo nia. Installation did trigger a reboot, but after that, nothing. tgz file disappeared, but nothing was added under the .add directory, nor any book fetched from my dropbox. Version before lastest works perfectly, and was even able to uninstall by having the UNINSTALL keyword in the rc file.

Maintainers wanted

This is a long overdue post from my side... Unfortunately I cannot test all scenarios and I cannot reproduce many bugs. So I would like somebody to lend a hand with managing the issues and testing. Ideally it would be somebody working with Google Drive, as I don't use it and there are a number of issues related to it.

Please comment to this thread if you are interested!

koboroot.tgz not being created?

So I booted up Ubuntu and I did everything in the instructions but when i tried to open, it said "couldn't open". I was wondering if you could put KoboRoot.tgz directly onto the page instead of users generate it? Thanks.

EDIT: So sorry, I downloaded it from releases, must not have seen it. Thanks :)

subfolder support

Hey, first of all, huge thanks for the project, I am using it and it works perfectly.
Is there any chance for subfolder support in the future?
That would be very convenient because Calibre uses subfolders.

Books in dropbox folder not showing up on ereader

I've just installed the kobocloud on my kobo Clara and have put a epub book into the folder however it is not showing on my ereader even after restarting the device a few times.
This is my first time using code or github so I'm not sure if I have done everything correctly.

[RFE] Build/use rclone

This works great, thanks for putting this together!

Unfortunately we have curl getting the file every time (we should look at using -z in curl to compare against the old file time), and limited support for cloud sources.

Updating to use rclone would allow more diverse support of sources, as well as authenticated support. E.g., have a user create an rclone config file, then copy it over to kobo.

(Assumes the EABI5 arm rclone binary works, or one is made with a working golang)


Clara hd

Hi, I'm having trouble getting this to work with new clara hd - trying to sync a dropbox folder. this is my log. any help much appreciated! thanks

2018-12-21_18:15:43 waiting for internet connection
Reading # Add your URLs to this file
Comment found
Reading # Remove the # from the following line to uninstall KoboCloud
Comment found
Comment found


2018-12-21_18:16:14 done

permission denied

this is my log file

2018-12-21_16:14:03 waiting for internet connection
Reading # Add your URLs to this file
Comment found

/usr/local/kobocloud/ line 27: /usr/local/kobocloud/curl: Permission denied <!-- ho dato un occhiata ai sorgenti non trovo nulla riguardo a questo errore
2018-12-21_16:14:09 bind mounting to SD <!-- risolto copiando la cartella anche su sd esterna
mount: mounting /mnt/onboard/.kobo/kobocloud/Library on /mnt/sd/kobocloud failed: No such file or directory
2018-12-21_16:14:09 done

i have kobo aura h2o system software : 4.12.12111 del 11/12/18

thanks a lot

Should the links to the cloud services be entered twice?

According to the procedure, links to the cloud services are mentioned twice: first


  • Move to the project directory root
  • Open the configuration file located at src/usr/local/kobocloud/kobocloudrc.tmpl
  • Add the links to the cloud services (see the configuration example that follow below)

and then


After following the installation process:

  • Plug your Kobo back into the computer
  • Open the configuration file located at .add/kobocloud/kobocloudrc
  • Add the links to the cloud services (one per line)

Should the links to the cloud services be entered twice?

Thank you!

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