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Statistical Analysis: Haptic Nudges Increase Affected Upper Limb Movement During Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation

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buzz-nudge-crossover-trial's Introduction

Randomisation Schedule

Haptic nudge reminders were manually triggered by the observer immediately prior to movement observation by the researcher according to a planned randomisation schedule, such that for half of the observation periods a haptic nudge was to be provided and for half a haptic nudge was not to be provided. To account for any potential carry over effect across multiple observation periods randomisation was designed to deliver different types of nudge sequences. These sequences are given in the following table along with their number of occurrences.

Nudge sequence No. of occurrences
Nudge, No nudge 120, 120
Nudge-Nudge, No nudge-No nudge 120, 120
Nudge-Nudge-Nudge, No nudge-No nudge-No nudge 120, 120
Total 720, 720

Variables Included in the Analysis

## 'data.frame':    8640 obs. of  7 variables:
##  $ PartID      : Factor w/ 20 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Time        : Factor w/ 72 levels "1:00 PM","1:10 PM",..: 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ...
##  $ Obs         : num  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ Activity    : Factor w/ 6 levels "AU","BiL","BiM",..: 6 5 4 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 ...
##  $ Hour        : Factor w/ 12 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ Reason.DNN  : Factor w/ 7 levels "Inappropriate",..: 3 7 7 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 ...
##  $ Nudge.Status: Factor w/ 4 levels "Nudged","Not nudged",..: 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 ...

Data Visualisations

Activity Distribution

Activity Proportions

Each planned category (Nudge, No nudge) was to precede half (or 50%) of the total observations. However, it was not always possible to nudge the participants in accordance with the schedule. This resulted in an additional category (Missed nudge). Moreover, in some cases participants were nudged mistakenly when they were not supposed to be nudged. This also resulted in an additional category (Nudged in error).

Reasons for Missed Nudges

Participant-wise Activity Proportions

In this and subsequent sections, Nudged and Missed nudge are treated as a single category (Planned nudge), and Not nudged and Nudged in error are both treated as No nudge.

Participant-wise Proportions for AU, BiL, BiM

Primary Analysis

The aim of this intention to treat analysis is to estimate the effect of Planned nudge compared to No nudge on the combined proportion of AU, BiL or BiM types of activity out of AU, BiL, BiM, UU and No.

modelData                 <- dataSource.orig

modelData$Nudge.Schedule  <- factor(modelData$Nudge.Status,
                                    levels = c("Nudged", "Not nudged",
                                               "Missed nudge", "Nudged in error"),
                                    labels = c("Planned nudge", "No nudge",
                                               "Planned nudge", "No nudge"))

modelData$Activity        <- factor(modelData$Activity,
                                    levels = c("AU", "BiL", "BiM", "UU",
                                               "No", "Not recorded"),
                                    labels = c("AU, BiL, BiM", "AU, BiL, BiM",
                                               "AU, BiL, BiM",
                                               "No", "No", "Not recorded"))

levels(modelData$Activity)[levels(modelData$Activity) == "Not recorded"] <- NA

modelData$Activity        <- relevel(modelData$Activity, "No")

Logistic Mixed Model

The model has smooth cubic splines to explain variance across time. The knots are placed at: [8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM].

lmerModel <- glmer(Activity ~ Nudge.Schedule + ns(Obs, knots = seq(7, 67, 6)) +
                   na.action = na.omit,
                   data = modelData,
                   family = binomial(link = "logit"),
                   control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))

Model Estimates with Confidence Intervals

Buzzed Probability SE 95% CI lower 95% CI upper
Planned nudge 0.2670266 0.0694465 0.1537880 0.4220589
No nudge 0.2017954 0.0570741 0.1120875 0.3361211
Contrast Odds ratio SE Z-value P-value 95% CI lower 95% CI upper
Planned nudge / No nudge 1.441018 0.0898571 5.859032 0 1.275238 1.628349

Variance Explained across Time with Natural Splines

Sensitivity Analysis

A sensitivity analysis consisting of a simulated worst-case scenario is conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of the estimated effect size for the Planned nudge to missing data. The worst-case simulation is based on multiple (m = 10) random imputations from single trial binomial distributions with mean activity proportions of the participant with worst outcomes.

modelData.WC              <- dataSource.orig

  Nudge.Schedule          <- factor(modelData.WC$Nudge.Status,
                                    levels = c("Nudged", "Not nudged",
                                               "Missed nudge", "Nudged in error"),
                                    labels = c("Planned nudge", "No nudge",
                                               "Planned nudge", "No nudge"))

modelData.WC$Activity     <- factor(modelData.WC$Activity,
                                    levels = c("AU", "BiL", "BiM", "UU",
                                               "No", "Not recorded"),
                                    labels = c("AU, BiL, BiM", "AU, BiL, BiM",
                                               "AU, BiL, BiM",
                                               "No", "No", "Not recorded"))

levels(modelData.WC$Activity)[levels(modelData.WC$Activity) == "Not recorded"] <- NA

modelData.WC$Activity     <- relevel(modelData.WC$Activity, "No")

list.modelData.WC         <- list()

for(i in seq(1, 10)) { # 10 random imputations
  freshCopy               <- modelData.WC
  # Random imputation
  # Number of missing values following "No nudge"       = 542
  rNN                     <- factor(rbinom(542, 1, 6.4814815/100),
                                    levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("No", "AU, BiL, BiM"))
  # Number of missing values following "Planned nudge"  = 1122 - 542
  rPN                     <- factor(rbinom(1122 - 542, 1, 0.9259259/100),
                                    levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("No", "AU, BiL, BiM"))
  freshCopy$Activity[$Activity) &
                       freshCopy$Nudge.Schedule == "No nudge"]      <- rNN
  freshCopy$Activity[$Activity) &
                       freshCopy$Nudge.Schedule == "Planned nudge"] <- rPN
  list.modelData.WC[[i]]  <- freshCopy

Logistic Mixed Models

list.lmerModel.WC <- list()
for(i in seq(1, 10)) {
  list.lmerModel.WC[[i]] <- glmer(Activity ~ Nudge.Schedule +
                                    ns(Obs, knots = seq(7, 67, 6)) +
                                  na.action = na.omit,
                                  data = list.modelData.WC[[i]],
                                  family = binomial(link = "logit"),
                                  control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))

Sensitivity Estimates with Confidence Intervals

Case Nudge.Schedule Probability SE 95% CI lower 95% CI upper
WC Planned nudge 0.1991864 0.0517262 0.1164061 0.3195631
WC No nudge 0.1608939 0.0437655 0.0922143 0.2657749
Case Contrast Odds ratio SE Z-value P-value 95% CI lower 95% CI upper
WC Planned nudge / No nudge 1.297689 0.0774633 4.362185 2.56e-05 1.154409 1.458753

Exploratory Analysis

Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE)

To estimate the local average treatment effect (also known as complier average causal effect (CACE)), an instrumental variable analysis is conducted.

modelData.IV                <- dataSource.orig

  Nudge.Schedule            <- factor(modelData.IV$Nudge.Status,
                                      levels = c("Nudged", "Not nudged",
                                                 "Missed nudge", "Nudged in error"),
                                      labels = c("Planned nudge", "No nudge",
                                                 "Planned nudge", "No nudge"))

modelData.IV$Nudge.Schedule <- relevel(modelData.IV$Nudge.Schedule, "No nudge")

modelData.IV$Nudge.Deliver  <- factor(modelData.IV$Nudge.Status,
                                      levels = c("Nudged", "Not nudged",
                                                 "Missed nudge", "Nudged in error"),
                                      labels = c("Nudged", "Not nudged",
                                                 "Not nudged", "Nudged"))

modelData.IV$Activity       <- factor(modelData.IV$Activity,
                                      levels = c("AU", "BiL", "BiM", "UU", "No",
                                                 "Not recorded"),
                                      labels = c("AU, BiL, BiM", "AU, BiL, BiM",
                                                 "AU, BiL, BiM",
                                                 "No", "No", "Not recorded"))
modelData.IV$Activity       <- relevel(modelData.IV$Activity, "No")

levels(modelData.IV$Activity)[levels(modelData.IV$Activity) == "Not recorded"] <- NA

Logistic Mixed Models

lmerModel.IV.r        <- glmer(Nudge.Deliver ~ ns(Obs, knots = seq(7, 67, 6))*Nudge.Schedule +
                               family = binomial(link="logit"),
                               control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa",
                                                      optCtrl=list(maxfun = 1e6)))

  Nudge.Schedule.r    <- resid(lmerModel.IV.r, type = "response")

lmerModel.IV          <- glmer(Activity ~ Nudge.Deliver + Nudge.Schedule.r +
                                 ns(Obs, knots = seq(7, 67, 6)) +
                               na.action = na.omit,
                               data = modelData.IV,
                               family = binomial(link = "logit"),
                               control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))

LATE Estimate with Confidence Intervals

Case Buzzed Probability SE 95% CI lower 95% CI upper
LATE Nudged 0.2857959 0.0724608 0.1663566 0.4451937
LATE Not nudged 0.1965228 0.0558364 0.1089760 0.3284736
Case Contrast Odds ratio SE Z-value P-value 95% CI lower 95% CI upper
LATE Nudged / Not nudged 1.636041 0.1190303 6.766249 0 1.418616 1.886789

Estimated Compliance across Time

Secondary Analysis

The aim of this analysis is to separately estimate the effect of Planned nudge compared to No nudge on the proportion of AU and BiL or BiM types of activity out of AU, BiL, BiM, UU and No.

Logistic Mixed Models

Two linear logistic mixed regression models are setup to separately estimate the effect of Planned nudge compared to No nudge on AU and BiL or BiM.

# Model for AU
modelData_AU              <- dataSource.orig

  Nudge.Schedule          <- factor(modelData_AU$Nudge.Status,
                                    levels = c("Nudged", "Not nudged",
                                               "Missed nudge", "Nudged in error"),
                                    labels = c("Planned nudge", "No nudge",
                                               "Planned nudge", "No nudge"))

modelData_AU$Activity     <- factor(modelData_AU$Activity,
                             levels = c("AU", "BiL", "BiM", "UU",
                                        "No", "Not recorded"),
                             labels = c("AU", "No", "No",
                                        "No", "No", "Not recorded"))

levels(modelData_AU$Activity)[levels(modelData_AU$Activity) == "Not recorded"] <- NA

modelData_AU$Activity     <- relevel(modelData_AU$Activity, "No")

lmerModel_AU              <- glmer(Activity ~ Nudge.Schedule +
                                     ns(Obs, knots = seq(7, 67, 6)) +
                                   na.action = na.omit,
                                   data = modelData_AU,
                                   family = binomial(link = "logit"),
                                   control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))

# Model for BiL, BiM
modelData_BiL_BiM         <- dataSource.orig

  Nudge.Schedule          <- factor(modelData_BiL_BiM$Nudge.Status,
                                    levels = c("Nudged", "Not nudged",
                                               "Missed nudge", "Nudged in error"),
                                    labels = c("Planned nudge", "No nudge",
                                               "Planned nudge", "No nudge"))

  Activity                <- factor(modelData_BiL_BiM$Activity,
                                    levels = c("AU", "BiL", "BiM", "UU",
                                               "No", "Not recorded"),
                                    labels = c("No", "BiL, BiM", "BiL, BiM",
                                               "No", "No", "Not recorded"))

levels(modelData_BiL_BiM$Activity)[levels(modelData_BiL_BiM$Activity) == "Not recorded"] <- NA

  Activity                <- relevel(modelData_BiL_BiM$Activity, "No")

lmerModel_BiL_BiM         <- glmer(Activity ~ Nudge.Schedule +
                                     ns(Obs, knots = seq(7, 67, 6)) +
                                   na.action = na.omit,
                                   data = modelData_BiL_BiM,
                                   family = binomial(link = "logit"),
                                   control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))

Model Estimates with Confidence Intervals

Contrast Odds ratio SE Z-value P-value
Planned nudge / No nudge (AU) 2.034658 0.2172070 6.65390 0.0000000
Planned nudge / No nudge (BiL or BiM) 1.128862 0.0760345 1.79957 0.0719286
Contrast 95% CI lower 95% CI upper
Planned nudge / No nudge (AU) 1.6505268 2.508189
Planned nudge / No nudge (BiL or BiM) 0.9892548 1.288171

buzz-nudge-crossover-trial's People


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