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AppName description
audacity An easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder
upscaler 超分辨率 gui 版
pure-live 直播聚合 app
scoop-search scoop-search
musicfox 网易云音乐 TUI 版 app
docker-desktop docker desktop for windows
windows-terminal-quake windows-terminal 雷神模式
handbrake-cli A video transcoder with extensive support for multiple formats. (CLI version)
fishing funds 👍 看基金 app
mi-assistant 👍 小米助手
wegame 👍 腾讯 Wegame.
fastbootEnhance 👍 A user-friendly Fastboot ToolBox & Payload Dumper for Windows.
dim 画质增强,基于realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan封装的可交互 cli
MouseInc 👍 不只是鼠标手势吧
xwtoolbox👍 小丸工具箱
winxray 👍 除了 clasr auto,觉得好用的代理神器
aria2 多线程下载
gallery-dl👍 Command-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites.
nircmd👍 Execute various system wide tasks
wttop 👍 System monitor for the new Windows Terminal
pup Parsing HTML at the command line
say An approximation of say from macOS
lf 👍 终端的文件浏览器
mysql57 mysql
gsudo a sudo with windows
gh github cli
dvm deno versions manager
shim Create shim for programs
officetoolplus👍 office 安装利器
dotnet-sdk dotnet-sdk
xidel command line tool to download and extract data from HTML/XML pages as well as JSON APIs.
gradle4 gradle4
netch Game accelerator
oss-browser 阿里云 oss gui
PowerSession Terminal session recorder
rainbow Print text in rainbow pattern.
php php
silentcmd 👍 Executes a batch file without opening the command prompt window
rclone Sync files and directories to and from mulitple cloud / FTP / HTTP hosters
vcredist2010 微软运行库
yuque 语雀
gow Unix command line utilities installer for Windows
jianyingpro 剪映
docker-cli Unofficial build of Docker CLI for Windows
format-factory 格式工厂
innounp Inno Setup Unpacker
msys2 A software distro and building platform for Windows
googlechrome 谷歌浏览器
winfetch 👍 系统信息
mysql mysql
vscode vscode
chromium chromium
nvm-windows node versions manager
homedale wifi 信号强度
optipng 👍 A PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information.
pastel A command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors
WechatWork 企业微信
7zip 压缩神器
vim vim
tokei Count your code, quickly.
bat2exe 👍 bat to exe
kate linux 常用编辑器
shellcheck Static analysis tool for shell scripts
micro 👍 A terminal-based text editor that aims to be easy to use and intuitive, while also taking advantage of the full capabilities of modern terminals.
mtn 👍 Movie Thumbnailer - save thumbnails (screenshots) of movie or video files to image files.
terminus A terminal for a more modern age
youtube-dl Download videos from (and a few more sites) using command line.
switchhosts Hosts management & switching
EasyContextMenu Sordum's Easy Context Menu. Add useful commands to the right context menus.
monolith 👍 Saves complete web pages as a single HTML file.
neteasemusic 网易云音乐
topgrade Upgrade everything, keep your system up to date by detecting which tools you use and run their appropriate package managers.
touch👍 A port of the Unix touch command.(创建文件)
unzip 👍 Unzip compression utility
httpstat 👍 curl(1) statistics visualizer(可视化的 curl)
wechat 微信
memreduct 内存清理
postman api 调试工具
nmap-portable Network exploration and security auditing utility.
pypy3 A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python language.
f2 👍 快速安全地批量重命名文件和目录。(cli)
itch 玩 游戏的最佳方式
figma 设计工具
anaconda3 The most popular Python distribution for data science
lsd The next gen ls command
potplayer 播放器
yq A portable command-line YAML processor
flutter-cn flutter
GitNote Note Application sync via git,which support html and markdwon both
powertoys windows 增强工具
svtplay-dl Video downloader from various sites
python py 解释器
neovim 👍 neovim
you-get 👍 视频下载器
fx 👍 Terminal JSON viewer
neofetch A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+
nginx An HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server.
DNSAngel Sordum's DNS Angel. Filter and block vast and uncensored content on the internet.
hwmonitor 硬件监视工具
WXQQ_RevokeMsgPatcher 微信小插件
aliyundrive 阿里云盘
lepton Lepton 是一个基于 GitHub Gist 的代码片段管理器
composer php 包管理器
libwebp👍 Encodes and decodes WebP image files.
memo 使用 GitHub Gists 做更智能的笔记。
notion The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
vcredist2019 微软运行库
nexusfont Best font manager for Windows
x264 H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video encoder
justcolorpicker 取色器,建议用 powertoys
gdrive👍 Command line utility for interacting with Google Drive.
m3u8downloader M3U8 下载利器
koodo-reader A cross-platform ebook reader
rufus 装机必备
sox Command line utility that can convert various formats of computer audio files into other formats.
wechatdevtools 微信开发者工具
unbound 一个验证的、递归的、缓存的 DNS 解析器
xh 👍 Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests
youtube-dl-gui youtube-dl 的 gui
BaiduNetdisk 百度网盘
scrcpy-gui scrcpy 的 gui,开源投屏工具
trash 👍 删除文件目录命令行
bandicam 班迪录屏
wxwork 企业微信
chromedriver 自动化测试工具
everything 全局搜索工具
FixWin10 修理 windows10 的一些小问题
fzf👍 一个通用的命令行模糊查找器
fu 👍 Cross-platform app to upload images/files in Clipboard to a remote server
kodi👍 Kodi is an award-winning free and open source software media player and entertain
ncspot ncurses Spotify client written in Rust
m4a-to-mp3-converter👍 m4a-to-mp3-converter
pngquant👍 A command-line utility for lossy compression of PNG images
pwsh pwsh
termscp Terminal UI file explorer with SCP/SFTP/FTP support
justcolorpicker 取色器,建议用 powertoys
gdrive Command line utility for interacting with Google Drive.
m3u8downloader M3U8 下载利器
koodo-reader A cross-platform ebook reader
rufus 装机必备
sox Command line utility that can convert various formats of computer audio files into other formats.
wechatdevtools 微信开发者工具
unbound 一个验证的、递归的、缓存的 DNS 解析器
xh 👍 Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests
youtube-dl-gui youtube-dl 的 gui
BaiduNetdisk 百度网盘
scrcpy-gui scrcpy 的 gui
trash 删除文件目录命令行
bandicam 班迪录屏
wxwork 企业微信
chromedriver 自动化测试工具
everything 全局搜索工具
FixWin10 修理 windows10 的一些小问题
fzf 一个通用的命令行模糊查找器
fu Cross-platform app to upload images/files in Clipboard to a remote server
kodi Kodi is an award-winning free and open source software media player and entertain
ncspot ncurses Spotify client written in Rust
m4a-to-mp3-converter m4a-to-mp3-converter
pngquant A command-line utility for lossy compression of PNG images
pwsh pwsh
termscp Terminal UI file explorer with SCP/SFTP/FTP support
tomcat8 tomcat8
upx UPX is a free, portable, extendable, high-performance executable packer for several executable formats
yarn node 包管理工具之一
highlight Converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting
netcat Read and write from/to network connections
scoop-completion scoop 增强插件
go-cn go sdk
marktext 额,这个是编写习惯的问题还是?有些地方有违常理
vcredist2017 微软运行库
apache apache sever
gradle An open-source build automation tool focused on flexibility and performance.
python39 待更新
TIM 办公版 QQ
wp-cli wordpress cli
zola 一个静态网页生成器
geekuninstaller 必装卸载器
foobox-cn 汉化,美化版 foobar2000
dog Command-line DNS client
zoom 音视频会议
carnac windows 桌面按键提示
dart dart sdk
android-sdk android-sdk
kotlin 靠,他灵
pngcrush PNG(便携式网络图形)文件的优化器。
mvndaemon The Maven (mvn) Daemon is based on GraalVM and allows for faster Maven builds.
poppler PDF rendering library
mdcat cat for markdown
fiddler 抓包利器
speedtest-cli 测速命令行版
pypy2 python 其他版
php74 php74
jetbrains-toolbox jetbrains toolbox
psutils powershell 命令行集合
vcredist2008 微软运行库
qt-creator qt 设计器
ffmpeg A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
sudo 管理员运行(like linux)
clash-for-windows 上网工具
OracleJDK8 jdk8
OpenHashTab 给 windows 添加一个 hashTab
spotify-latest spotify
hellofont 字由
dismplusplus 清理工具
mpxplay 命令行的音乐播放器
typora 成熟的 markdown 编辑器
win32-openssh A suite of secure networking utilities based on the Secure Shell protocol
pyenv python 版本管理工具
gof 模糊搜索工具
qpdf pdf 转换(cli)
registry-finder 注册表工具
redis5 redis5
zstd 高压缩比 cli 工具
yt-dlp A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes.
qrcp 命令行生成二维码传输文件到手机
fat32format FAT32 format tool that supports volumes greater than 32 GB
github github 桌面端
redis redis
telegram 电报
cyberduck cyberduck,有那么一点点有吧,但是太老了
clashrauto clashr 增强版
sumatrapdf 轻量 pdf 阅读器
xzvoice AI 配音专家,整理自 github
nvm node 版本管理工具
recycle-bin 相当于 trash
gitui Terminal client for Git
listen1desktop 音乐聚合软件
ContextMenuManager windwows 菜单管理软件
nali 一款离线查询 IP 地理信息和 CDN 提供商的工具
dingtalk 钉钉
firefox-zh-cn 火狐
grex 正则生成器
macchina 类似 neofetch 的系统信息查看工具
n-m3u8dl-cli m3u8 下载器
oh-my-posh3 终端美化利器
powershell pwsh
fluent-reader 订阅阅读
imagine 🖼️ PNG/JPEG optimization app for macOS, Windows and Linux.
TianRuoOCR 天若 ocr
obs-studio obs
tuya 图压,一款图片压缩软件
ysyy 央视影音客户端
oxipng 👍 多线程无损 PNG 优化器
PDF-XChange-Viewer PDF-XChange-Viewer
electron-fiddle electron-fiddle
n_m3u8dl-cli m3u8 下载器
cosbrowser 腾讯 cos
time An approximation of the Unix time command.
tesseract-languages 用于 Tesseract 开源 OCR 引擎的训练模型的便携版本
nyagos 命令行
gdu 终端的磁盘使用分析工具
windows-application-driver windows-application-driver
ZY-Player 在线视频
ftnn 富途牛牛
tesseract 开源的 ocr 引擎
warp 创建二进制应用程序
pyflow👍 A modern Python installation and dependency manager
hbuilderx hbuilderx 制图
deno node- > deno
RightMenuMgr 右键菜单管理
regexp Enhanced Registry editor/explorer
nano 终端编辑器
imewlconverter 深蓝词库转换
maven maven
phantomjs 可使用 JavaScript 编写脚本的无头 Web 浏览器。
ntop 👍 system-monitor
tup 适用于 Linux、OSX 和 Windows 的基于文件的构建系统。
rnr 👍 重命名文件或者路径的命令行工具
ydl-ui youtube 下载器
far👍 文本模式文件和档案管理器
git git
prince 👍 Convert HTML to PDF with CSS
youtubedownloader youtube 下载器
cpu-z cpu-z
dark WiX (Windows Installer XML) Toolset Decompiler
mdbook Creates a book from markdown files
rclone-browser rclone-browser
selenium A smart proxy server that allows Selenium tests to route commands to remote web browser instances
gitomatic A tool to monitor git repositories and automatically pull & push changes.
jabba 👍 java 版本管理工具
x265 Encodes video or images into an H.265 / HEVC bitstream.
restic Fast, secure and simple backup program.
wget a non-interactive network retriever.
sayit A text-to-speech command line tool
glow 带有 TUI 和加密云存储的终端 Markdown 阅读器
mubu 幕布
png2jpeg png to jpeg
prs Secure, fast & convenient password manager CLI with GPG & git sync
ClashDotNET Clash .Net 版
diskgenius 分区工具
qqmusic QQ 音乐
tar👍 File archiver for manipulation with '.tar.*' files.
charles 抓包工具
tldr man pages
win32yank A clipboard tool for Windows
xsv A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust
filezilla Ftp 工具
wkhtmltopdf 👍 Render HTML into PDF
xming xlaunch
redis-desktop-manager redis-desktop-manager
scrcpy Display and control your Android device
crow-translate 自用好用的翻译软件
fl980 fl980 键盘驱动
shimo 石墨文档
okular pdf 阅读器
qtscrcpy scrcpy 的 gui
nsis windows 程序打包器
empty-recycle-bin 同 trash
ShadowsocksR ShadowsocksR
vcredist2013 微软运行库
which 类 linux which
wrangler Cloudflare Workers project manager
adb adb
lwc 类 linux wc
opus-tools Command-line utilities to encode, inspect, and decode .opus files.
screentogif git 录制工具
figlet 命令行字符
pandoc Universal markup converter
nero-aac AAC Encoder
git-town Git plugin, that adds Git commands that make collaborative software development more efficient and safe.
nvs 👍 node 版本管理工具
aria-ng-gui aria-ng-gui
DefenderControl 禁用 Windows defender
cowsay cowsay
vcredist2022 微软运行库
s 👍 命令行搜索工具
youtube-dl-wpf youtube 下载器
z 👍 快速切换目录,根据历史记录
hub 👍 An extension to command-line git that helps with everyday GitHub tasks without ever leaving the terminal.
unxutils 👍 GNU utilities for Win32.
nu A modern shell written in Rust
wavpack 混合无损音频压缩
aofv 基金收益查看工具
bcut 必剪
biyi 比译
dim2clear 图像画质增强
landrop 传输文件
tubabox 图吧工具箱
windows10manager windows 10 清理维护自定义软件
snipaste 截图软件
uwd Windows10 去除预览版水印
alipan 第三方的阿里云盘
OpenHashTab 为资源管理器属性加上 Hash 校验
yddict 有道词典

| windows11manager | windows 11 清理维护自定义软件 |

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