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pg-aggregates's Issues

graphile-build:warn TypeError: getComputedColumnDetails is not a function



"postgraphile": "^4.5.5",
"postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter": "^1.1.3",
"@graphile/pg-aggregates": "^0.1.0"

When running node app.js, I get the following error

graphile | at GraphQLInputObjectType.getFields (/app/node_modules/graphql/type/definition.js:1017:27)
graphile | at Object.newWithHooks (/app/node_modules/postgraphile-core/node_modules/graphile-build/node8plus/makeNewBuild.js:702:36)
graphile | at /app/node_modules/@graphile/pg-aggregates/dist/AddHavingAggregateTypesPlugin.js:173:31
graphile | at Array.reduce ()
graphile | Recoverable error occurred:
graphile | 2021-04-23T18:59:15.472Z graphile-build:warn TypeError: getComputedColumnDetails is not a function
graphile | at /app/node_modules/@graphile/pg-aggregates/dist/AddHavingAggregateTypesPlugin.js:209:55
graphile | at Array.reduce ()
graphile | at fields (/app/node_modules/@graphile/pg-aggregates/dist/AddHavingAggregateTypesPlugin.js:199:90)
graphile | at fields (/app/node_modules/postgraphile-core/node_modules/graphile-build/node8plus/makeNewBuild.js:563:27)
graphile | at resolveThunk (/app/node_modules/graphql/type/definition.js:438:40)
graphile | at defineInputFieldMap (/app/node_modules/graphql/type/definition.js:1056:18)

Removing limitation of stringified `keys`


The values in the keys list are always stringified, this is a known limitation due to interactions with GraphQL.

How about returning keys as JSON? It would make consuming non-trivial keys (like aggregation returning arrays) trivial on any frontend compared to parsing postgres-formatted strings.

I see that getting right proper type for each aggregation + field variant is not easy, but JSON keys is a change of just a couple of lines.

Getting - Error: Option 'appendPlugins' should be an array of functions, found 'object' at index 0

Getting when using "PgAggregatesPlugin" plugin.

Error: Option 'appendPlugins' should be an array of functions, found 'object' at index 0
    at ensureValidPlugins (/data/intrepid/postpraphile-int/node_modules/postgraphile-core/node8plus/index.js:18:19)
    at getPostGraphileBuilder (/data/intrepid/postpraphile-int/node_modules/postgraphile-core/node8plus/index.js:169:5)
    at Object.watchPostGraphileSchema (/data/intrepid/postpraphile-int/node_modules/postgraphile-core/node8plus/index.js:245:62)
    at createGqlSchema (/data/intrepid/postpraphile-int/node_modules/postgraphile/build/postgraphile/postgraphile.js:108:65)
    at getPostgraphileSchemaBuilder (/data/intrepid/postpraphile-int/node_modules/postgraphile/build/postgraphile/postgraphile.js:58:30)
    at postgraphile (/data/intrepid/postpraphile-int/node_modules/postgraphile/build/postgraphile/postgraphile.js:261:53)
    at file:///data/intrepid/postpraphile-int/src/index.js:10:5
    at (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:154:23)
    at async Loader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:166:24)
    at async Object.loadESM (node:internal/process/esm_loader:68:5)

The issue does not happen when using another plugin.
It might also be related to the one mentioned here [] mentioned for "pg-many-to-many" plugin.

The code for which I'm getting the exception.

import express from "express";
import { postgraphile } from 'postgraphile'
import ConnectionFilterPlugin from "postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter";
import PgAggregatesPlugin from "@graphile/pg-aggregates";
import PgManyToManyPlugin from '@graphile-contrib/pg-many-to-many'

const app = express();

        process.env.DATABASE_URL || "postgres://XXX:YYYY*ZZZZZ@localhost:5432/TTTTT",
            watchPg: true,
            graphiql: true,
            enhanceGraphiql: true,
            extendedErrors: ['hint', 'detail', 'errcode'],
            appendPlugins: [PgAggregatesPlugin ]


app.listen(process.env.PORT || 5000);

And library versions:

  "dependencies": {
    "@graphile-contrib/pg-many-to-many": "^1.0.1",
    "@graphile-contrib/pg-simplify-inflector": "^6.1.0",
    "@graphile/pg-aggregates": "^0.1.0",
    "@types/node": "^15.12.5",
    "express": "^4.17.1",
    "postgraphile": "^4.12.5",
    "postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter": "^2.2.2",
    "prettier": "^2.3.2",
    "typescript": "^4.3.5"

Too few types are exported in V5 plugin

Types here:

Not exported here:

Definitely need AggregateSpec.

declare global {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace
  namespace DataplanPg {
    interface PgCodecExtensions {
      isNumberLikeOrTimestamp: boolean;
  // FIXME: use GraphileBuild.Build extended by @graphile/pg-aggregates
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace
  namespace GraphileBuild {
    interface Build {
      pgAggregateSpecs: AggregateSpec[];

Supporting user-defined aggregate functions


Supporting user-defined aggregate functions

Additional context

I have a custom type and a user-defined aggregate function that works on that type.

CREATE TYPE public.amount AS (
	number numeric,
	currency text

CREATE FUNCTION public.sum(state public.amount[], current public.amount) RETURNS public.amount[]
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$
    found boolean = false;
    i int = 0;
    IF array_length(state, 1) IS NULL THEN
        RETURN array[current];
    END IF;

    FOR i IN 1..array_length(state, 1)
        IF state[i].currency = current.currency THEN
            state[i].number := state[i].number + current.number;
            found := true;
        END IF;
    IF NOT found THEN
        state := array_append(state, current);
    END IF;

    RETURN state;

CREATE AGGREGATE public.sum(public.amount) (
    SFUNC = public.sum,
    STYPE = public.amount[],
    INITCOND = '{}'

Unsurprisingly, columns using the custom amount type are not recognized as aggregatable by the plugin. I couldn't find any mention of user-defined aggregate functions in the documentation so I assume they are not supported. Would it be easy to add support? Any simple workarounds here to add support?

getComputedColumnDetails is not a function


When adding @graphile/pg-aggregates --append-plugin, I have this warning:

graphile-build:warn TypeError: getComputedColumnDetails is not a function
  graphile-build:warn     at /home/aviallon/Nextcloud/Pro/Prestas/Sprint/Avocat/plateforme_juridique/angularelectronapp/node_modules/@graphile/pg-aggregates/dist/AddHavingAggregateTypesPlugin.js:209:55

I am using PG 13.2. I ran yarn upgrade, still had the issue, retried with npx yarn-deduplicate && yarn, kept having the issue.
I have one computed column, returning a custom type, which might be the issue?

Steps to reproduce

Do the above.

Expected results

I expect to not have this warning.

Actual results

As summary says.

Additional context

@graphile/[email protected]
@graphile/[email protected]


  • I am a Graphile backer

Add relation aggregates to aggregates

Feature description

It would be really useful to be able to get summary aggregates of relations, so one could answer questions about related data.

Motivating example

Given this query:

  allUsers {
    nodes {
      ordersByUserId {
        aggregates {
          sum {

It would useful to also get the aggregated prices for all of the orders, something like this:

  allUsers {
    aggregates {
      ordersByUserId {
        sum {
    nodes {
      ordersByUserId {
        aggregates {
          sum {

Or to avoid creating children of aggregates that are not aggregates:

  allUsers {
    aggregates {
      sum {
        ordersByUserId {
    nodes {
      ordersByUserId {
        aggregates {
          sum {

Or even this…?

  allUsers {
    aggregates {
      sum {
        ordersByUserId(attribute: ORDERS_BY_USER_ID_PRICE)
    nodes {
      ordersByUserId {
        aggregates {
          sum {

Anyhow, the details in the resulting schema could be worked out with some iteration :) These examples are kind of trivial because it would be possible to get the sum of the order prices by querying allOrders directly. However, if you went one level deeper (imagine a multi-tenant system here, where an account is a company or some higher-order entity):

  allAccounts {
    aggregates {
      sum {
        usersByAccountId {
          ordersByUserId {

Then you end up with some really powerful capabilities, where you can get aggregates at many levels, which could by used to create useful dashboards, analytics features, etc.

Breaking changes

None—this would just expand the capabilities of the existing aggregates.

Supporting development

I [tick all that apply]:

  • am interested in building this feature myself
  • am interested in collaborating on building this feature
  • am willing to help testing this feature before it's released
  • am willing to write a test-driven test suite for this feature (before it exists)
  • am a Graphile sponsor ❤️
  • have an active support or consultancy contract with Graphile

Aggregate keys should be nullable

Reported via chat:

A table with a nullable column, using the pg-aggregates plugin, has the potential to error when retrieving the keys resource.

For the pg-aggregates plugin, when one does a a groupedAggregates query, the keys may not be null (

keys: {
type: new GraphQLList(new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)),

However, the query is able to select nullable fields to group by. This can result in unexpected errors. Is there a reason why keys needs to be non-null? If possible, could keys be made nullable?

Example table, query, data, and output is here:

The last item results with:

    "keys": null,
    "distinctCount": {
        "a": "1"

This is better than a crash, but could keys be [null, "2", "6"] (based on the example data)? Although certainly not an exhaustive test, I did remove the new GraphQLNonNull portion and it worked as desired.


Feature description

Add more truncated timestamp group by options:

Motivating example

Clearly missing from the list:

This is required for my reporting project. Until this is in, I'll have to manually build queries for these.

This is an incredible tool to use for reporting services on an isolated reporting replica... it only makes sense to complete this list so that we can group our data in all the meaningful ways, using a terse built-in method that already exists.

Breaking changes

I don't see any reason this would cause breaking changes, simply extending current features.

Supporting development

I [tick all that apply]:

  • am interested in building this feature myself
  • am interested in collaborating on building this feature
  • am willing to help testing this feature before it's released
  • am willing to write a test-driven test suite for this feature (before it exists)
  • am a Graphile sponsor ❤️
  • have an active support or consultancy contract with Graphile

Aggregates provide null values

I dockerized a PostGraphile app by following steps in
Next, I used pg-aggregates to get sum, average, max, min, etc.

Here is the info -


\connect mypostgraphile;
create schema mygraphile;

/*Create store table in mygraphile schema*/
    storename VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,

'List of stores.';

/*Create product table in mygraphile schema*/
CREATE TABLE mygraphile.product (
    productname VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,

COMMENT ON TABLE mygraphile.product IS
'List of products.';

/*Create brand table in mygraphile schema*/
CREATE TABLE mygraphile.brand (
    brandname VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,
    price NUMERIC(5,2),
    product_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES mygraphile.product(id)

COMMENT ON TABLE mygraphile.brand IS
'List of brands.';

/*Create brand table in mygraphile schema*/
    quantity SMALLINT NOT NULL CHECK (quantity > 0),
    brand_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES mygraphile.brand(id)

'Record of sales.';


st.sql (dummy data)

\connect mypostgraphile;

/*Create some dummy users*/
INSERT INTO mygraphile.user (username) VALUES

/*Create some dummy posts*/
INSERT INTO (title, body, author_id) VALUES
('First post example', 'First post body', 1),
('Second post example', 'Second post body', 2),
('Third post example', 'Third post body', 3);

/*Create some dummy stores*/
('Store A'),
('Store B'),
('Store C');

/*Create some dummy products*/
INSERT INTO mygraphile.product (productname) VALUES
('Product A'),
('Product B'),
('Product C');

/*Create some dummy brands*/
INSERT INTO mygraphile.brand (brandname, price, product_id) VALUES
('Brand A', 100.50, 1),
('Brand B', 200.50, 2),
('Brand C', 300.50, 1),
('Brand D', 400.50, 2),
('Brand E', 500.50, 3),
('Brand F', 600.00, 3),
('Brand G', 700.50, 1);

/*Create some dummy sales*/
INSERT INTO (quantity, store_id, brand_id) VALUES
(5, 1, 1),
(4, 2, 2),
(3, 3, 3),
(2, 2, 4),
(1, 3, 7),
(2, 1, 6),
(3, 2, 5),
(4, 3, 1),
(9, 2, 3),
(7, 1, 4);

Dockerfile for GraphQL -

FROM node:alpine
LABEL description="Instant high-performance GraphQL API for your PostgreSQL database"

RUN npm install -g postgraphile
RUN npm install -g @graphile/pg-aggregates

ENTRYPOINT ["postgraphile", "-n", ""]



version: "3.3"
    container_name: apu-postgraphile-db
    restart: always
    image: apu-postgraphile-db
      context: ./db
      - db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - ./.env
      - network
      - 5432
    container_name: apu-postgraphile-graphql
    restart: always
    image: apu-postgraphile-graphql
      context: ./graphql
      - ./.env
      - db
      - network
      - 5433:5433





  "name": "graphile-apps",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "api",
  "scripts": {
    "docker-build": "docker-compose build",
    "docker-run": "docker-compose up",
    "start": "npm run docker-build && npm run docker-run"
  "engines": {
    "node": "15.x",
    "npm": "7.x"
  "author": "apu",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "@graphile-contrib/pg-simplify-inflector": "^6.1.0",
    "db-migrate": "^0.11.12",
    "db-migrate-pg": "^1.2.2",
    "postgraphile": "^4.12.0-alpha.0",
    "@graphile/pg-aggregates": "^0.1.0"


Here is the output that I get on graphiql -

Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 8 45 04 AM

Please let me know if I missed anything which made me get null values for aggregates.

Cannot get the given example to work

First of all, thanks a lot for this plugin, it looks awesome! I got some things working, but not everything


I tried to follow your example, step by step, but cannot get 2 things to work:

  • MATCH_STATS_BY_PLAYER_ID_SUM_GOALS_ASC and matchStatsByPlayerId do not exist

Steps to reproduce

Just follow the examples, as described in the README

Expected results

No missing values / fields.

Actual results

  "errors": [
      "message": "Value \"MATCH_STATS_SUM_GOALS_ASC\" does not exist in \"PlayersOrderBy\" enum. Did you mean the enum value \"VIEW_MATCH_STATS_SUM_GOALS_ASC\", \"VIEW_MATCH_STATS_SUM_GOALS_DESC\", \"VIEW_MATCH_STATS_MAX_GOALS_ASC\", \"VIEW_MATCH_STATS_MIN_GOALS_ASC\", or \"VIEW_MATCH_STATS_SUM_POINTS_ASC\"?",
      "locations": [
          "line": 279,
          "column": 21
      "message": "Cannot query field \"viewMatchStatsByPlayerId\" on type \"Player\". Did you mean \"viewMatchStatsList\" or \"viewMatchStats\"?",
      "locations": [
          "line": 282,
          "column": 7

Additional context

These are the package versions I am using:

    "@graphile-contrib/pg-order-by-related": "^1.0.0-beta.6",
    "@graphile-contrib/pg-simplify-inflector": "^6.1.0",
    "@graphile/pg-aggregates": "^0.1.0",
    "postgraphile": "^4.12.3",
    "postgraphile-core": "^4.12.1",
    "postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter": "^2.2.2",
    "postgraphile-plugin-nested-mutations": "^1.1.0",

I am using it as a library, with these options

export const options: PostGraphileCoreOptions = {
  subscriptions: true,
  appendPlugins: [
  simpleCollections: "both",
  graphileBuildOptions: {
    nestedMutationsSimpleFieldNames: true,
    connectionFilterRelations: true,
  ignoreIndexes: false,

Possible Solution

The way I got it to work was to replace:

  • matchStatsByPlayerId with viewMatchStats

But I am wondering why the ones you have described did not get generated for me.... and I wonder what else might not be working?

Aggregates can return unsafe integers


We have some sums of numeric columns that exceed the range of safe integers in JS. The sum aggregator and others build the JSON object with the number directly without seeing if it's within bounds.

Obviously postgraphile and this plugin aren't limited to just the JS ecosystem, but a large consumer of postgraphile are surely browsers.

Steps to reproduce

Query an aggregate such that it returns a number larger than 2^53 - 1.

Expected results

A result such as:

{ "@sum": { "@amount": "29531249370647025750" } }

Actual results

{ "@sum": { "@amount": 29531249370647025750 } }

Which when parsed in JS yields (note the lost precision):

> JSON.parse('{"@sum":{"@amount":29531249370647025750}}')
{ '@sum': { '@amount': 29531249370647028000 } }

Additional context

Possible Solution

I'm willing to submit a patch to fix this issue, but need some direction on how to best implement this functionality.

To me, it seems that numerics, due to their arbitrary length both before and after the decimal place, should always be cast to text before getting returned, but this isn't backwards compatible.

Alternatively, additional aggregates could be introduced that can be used to cast to text when the aggregates are likely to exceed safe bounds and it's up to the consumer to parse those into numbers.

Not able to use pg-aggregates

I'm trying to use pg-aggregates but unfortunately I was not able to make it work.

First problems occurred during the installation I'm not sure if I do it right.
My approach, installation:

git clone \
    && cd pg-aggregates \
    && yarn install \
    && yarn build


postgraphile --connection postgres://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db> --schema public --watch --enhance-graphiql --append-plugins <path>/pg-aggregates/dist/index.js

postgrahile runs but I'm not able to execute any aggregation query.

What I tried:

  allPayments {
    nodes {
        sum {

Maybe @benjie you can provide an example how to setup and use pg-aggregates.

What's the best way to aggregate on duration?

Hey @benjie!

Our team is trying to add support for aggregating on durations with an interval data type but noticed that's not supported by the library yet. Is it straightforward to add that support? If so, we can take a stab at implementing it and submit PR. Alternatively, we could switch to representing durations with float instead if you recommend that.

Order by totalCount with per-query custom filtering applied


Allow order by with totalCount

Additional context

I think this will expand on this issue #25

Currently we can filter with aggregate result, but not allow output to order by it.

For example, we have schema as follow:

type Author @entity{

type Book @entity{
  author: Author! //Fk author_id
  year: Int!

And we want to sort authors by the amount of books written after a certain year.

With pg-aggregates and connection-filter I could query list of authors and books written after year 1995,

However, the BOOKS_COUNT_DESC does not order by filtered result, it counts all books belong to author and order desc.

query {
    filter: {
      books: { 
        aggregates: { 
          distinctCount: { id: { greaterThan:"0" } } } 
  ) {
    nodes {

Is there a generic solution for this? Rather than something like create additional plugin and make sortable on compute column. Thank you !

Aggregates ignore ordering


orderBy is ignored for aggregates - data is unordered and ORDER BY is missing from resulting SQL query

Steps to reproduce

Consider this example:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE example(id int, order_value int, group_value text);

INSERT INTO example(id, order_value, group_value)
VALUES (1, 2, 'gr1'), (2, 1, 'gr1'), (3, 3, 'gr2'), (4, 1, 'gr2'), (5, 2, 'gr2'), (6, 1, 'gr3');

Running query like this (implementation of arrayAgg is out of the issue, naive version actually worked for me):

query {
  examples(orderBy: [ORDER_VALUE_ASC]) {
    aggregates {
      arrayAgg {

Should return the same as this query:

SELECT group_value, array_agg(id)
FROM (SELECT * FROM example ORDER BY order_value ) AS ordered
GROUP BY group_value;

Which is:

group_value array_agg
gr1 {2,1}
gr2 {4,5,3}
gr3 {6}

Expected results

Ordering is included by at least some means. It should be possible in general:

The aggregate functions array_agg, json_agg, jsonb_agg, json_object_agg, jsonb_object_agg, string_agg, and xmlagg, as well as similar user-defined aggregate functions, produce meaningfully different result values depending on the order of the input values. This ordering is unspecified by default, but can be controlled by writing an ORDER BY clause within the aggregate call, as shown in Section 4.2.7. Alternatively, supplying the input values from a sorted subquery will usually work. For example:

SELECT xmlagg(x) FROM (SELECT x FROM test ORDER BY y DESC) AS tab;

Also see this thread.

Actual results

Ordering is absent from SQL query (according to graphiql).

Additional context

Ordering might be very important for some cases, e.g. when you want to return grouped rows themselves (and not just group keys or some aggregates).

More context why exactly I want this

I've been desperately trying to get grouped rows with pagination for each groups with postgraphile. The task is to return first N rows starting at M for every group. What I've tried:

  • Subquery for each group. For given example it looks like this:
    query {
      group_1: examplesConnection(orderBy: [ORDER_VALUE_ASC], condition: {groupValue: 'gr1'}, limit: N, offset: M) {
        nodes: { id }
      group_2: examplesConnection(orderBy: [ORDER_VALUE_ASC], condition: {groupValue: 'gr2'}, limit: N, offset: M) {
        nodes: { id }
      group_3: examplesConnection(orderBy: [ORDER_VALUE_ASC], condition: {groupValue: 'gr3'}, limit: N, offset: M) {
        nodes: { id }
    This is awful in practive as every group is a statement and for 20-30-40 groups it takes >10s, and query with 50 groups is denied by graphql. Normally acceptable 100-500ms per heavy query is 10 times worse than needed here, and we just cannot optimize it any further (plans are as good as we know).
  • Wrap postgraphile's resulting SQL query into LATERAL+LIMIT or add row_number() or anything else for paginated groups, see. I dind't find any way to do it in the docs with makeExtendSchemaPlugin or something else.
  • Add array_agg aggregate and paginate manually with javascript. Even two-step process will do: first query ids and paginate them, then query data for those ids. Trying to go this way but ordering not preserved for aggregates is the blocked here
  • Just load everything for every group and paginate manually in js. This is painfully stupid and I'd like to avoid it - having SQL DB and graphql framework and doing that.

Possible Solution

Maybe wrap table expression here into subquery with ORDER BY if orderBy is present?

Filtering by totalCount

Feature description

I would like to be able to filter a query using the count of a related object

Motivating example

I would like for instance to filter by number of warehouses of a company:

query MyQuery {
  companies {
    nodes {
        filter: {totalCount: {greaterThan: 2}}){

I saw this kind of use case in this issue in postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter : graphile-contrib/postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter#152 (comment)

However, I couldn't manage to use the proposed solution for all possible values, it worked only for greater than 0. It would also be easier to use I think with the above example, which was also what was tried initially by the linked issue's author.

Supporting development

I [tick all that apply]:

  • am interested in building this feature myself
  • am interested in collaborating on building this feature
  • am willing to help testing this feature before it's released
  • am willing to write a test-driven test suite for this feature (before it exists)
  • am a Graphile sponsor ❤️
  • have an active support or consultancy contract with Graphile

All attributes appear in aggregates, even if disabled by behaviors


Using this plugin, I wanted to disable property.created_at but it shows up in the aggregate (see screenshot)

Using graphile behavior debug pgCodecAttribute property.created_at my final string for this property.created_at attribute is

Final string:
  -list -insert -update -delete -filterBy -orderBy -* -select -query -connection -order -base -filter -aggregates

Shouldn't it be disabled in the distinctCount aggregate?

Steps to reproduce

Use PgAggregates and set an attribute's behavior to -*.

Expected results

I would not expect that attribute to appear in the schema.

Actual results

That attribute appears in the schema.

Additional context

Discord thread

GroupBy computed columns not generated ?

create or replace function doe_indice(doe public.doe) returns text
    language sql
    select ...;
comment on function doe_indice(doe public.doe) is E'indice de validation';

In schema.graphql :

type Doe implements Node {
"""indice de validation"""
  indice: String

enum DoeGroupBy {
  # INDICE not found :(

It says it should be available in the README :

We also support grouping your data via the value of one of your columns, no-additional-arguments computed columns

If i try to return an integer i see only it generated in the DoeHavingXXXInput inputs but not in the GroupBy. Am i missing something ?

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.