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This project forked from staven630/vue-cli4-config

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JavaScript 76.12% HTML 3.45% Vue 20.34% CSS 0.08%

vue-cli3-config's Introduction

vue-cli3 全面配置(持续更新)


Nuxt.js 全面配置


☞ 配置多环境变量

  通过在 package.json 里的 scripts 配置项中添加--mode xxx 来选择不同环境

  在项目根目录中新建.env, .env.production, .env.analyz 等文件

  只有以 VUE_APP 开头的变量会被 webpack.DefinePlugin 静态嵌入到客户端侧的包中,代码中可以通过 process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API 访问

  NODE_ENV 和 BASE_URL 是两个特殊变量,在代码中始终可用

.env serve 默认的环境变量
NODE_ENV = 'development'
.env.production build 默认的环境变量

  如果开启 ali oss,VUE_APP_SRC 配置为 ali oss 资源 url 前缀,如:''

NODE_ENV = 'production'


REGION = 'oss-cn-hangzhou'
BUCKET = 'staven'
PREFIX = 'demo'
.env.analyz 用于 webpack-bundle-analyzer 打包分析

  如果开启 ali oss,VUE_APP_SRC 配置为 ali oss 资源 url 前缀,如:''

NODE_ENV = 'production'
IS_ANALYZ = 'analyz'


REGION = 'oss-cn-hangzhou'
BUCKET = 'staven'
PREFIX = 'demo'

  修改 package.json

"scripts": {
  "serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
  "build": "vue-cli-service build",
  "analyz": "vue-cli-service build --mode analyz",
  "lint": "vue-cli-service lint"

▲ 回顶部

☞ 配置基础 vue.config.js

const IS_PROD = ['production', 'prod'].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV);

module.exports = {
  baseUrl: './', // 默认'/',部署应用包时的基本 URL
  outputDir: process.env.outputDir || 'dist', // 'dist', 生产环境构建文件的目录
  assetsDir: '',  // 相对于outputDir的静态资源(js、css、img、fonts)目录
  lintOnSave: false,
  runtimeCompiler: true, // 是否使用包含运行时编译器的 Vue 构建版本
  productionSourceMap: false,  // 生产环境的 source map
  parallel: require('os').cpus().length > 1,
  pwa: {}

▲ 回顶部

☞ 配置 proxy 跨域

const IS_PROD = ['production', 'prod'].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV);
module.exports = {
    devServer: {
        // overlay: {
        //   warnings: true,
        //   errors: true
        // },
        open: IS_PROD,
        host: '',
        port: 8000,
        https: false,
        hotOnly: false,
        proxy: {
          '/api': {
            target: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API || '',
            changeOrigin: true

▲ 回顶部

☞ 修复 HMR(热更新)失效

module.exports = {
    chainWebpack: config => {
        // 修复HMR

▲ 回顶部

☞ 修复 Lazy loading routes Error: Cyclic dependency vuejs/vue-cli#1669

module.exports = {
    chainWebpack: config => {
        config.plugin('html').tap(args => {
            args[0].chunksSortMode = 'none';
            return args;

▲ 回顶部

☞ 添加别名

const path =  require('path');
const resolve = (dir) => path.join(__dirname, dir);
const IS_PROD = ['production', 'prod'].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV);

module.exports = {
    chainWebpack: config => {
        // 添加别名
          .set('@', resolve('src'))
          .set('assets', resolve('src/assets'))
          .set('components', resolve('src/components'))
          .set('layout', resolve('src/layout'))
          .set('base', resolve('src/base'))
          .set('static', resolve('src/static'));

▲ 回顶部

☞ 压缩图片

npm i -D image-webpack-loader
module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config => {
        mozjpeg: { progressive: true, quality: 65 },
        optipng: { enabled: false },
        pngquant: { quality: "65-90", speed: 4 },
        gifsicle: { interlaced: false },
        webp: { quality: 75 }

▲ 回顶部

☞ 去除多余无效的 css

  • 方案一:@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss
npm i -D postcss-import @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss

  更新 postcss.config.js

const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer')
const postcssImport = require('postcss-import')
const purgecss = require('@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss')
const IS_PROD = ['production', 'prod'].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV)
let plugins = []
if (IS_PROD) {
      content: [
      extractors: [
          extractor: class Extractor {
            static extract(content) {
              const validSection = content.replace(
              return validSection.match(/[A-Za-z0-9-_:/]+/g) || []
          extensions: ['html', 'vue']
      whitelist: ['html', 'body'],
      whitelistPatterns: [/el-.*/],
      whitelistPatternsChildren: [/^token/, /^pre/, /^code/]
module.exports = {
  plugins: [...plugins, autoprefixer]
  • 方案二:purgecss-webpack-plugin
npm i --save-dev glob-all purgecss-webpack-plugin
const path = require('path')
const glob = require('glob-all')
const PurgecssPlugin = require('purgecss-webpack-plugin')
const resolve = dir => path.resolve(__dirname, dir)
const IS_PROD = ['production', 'prod'].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV)

module.exports = {
  configureWebpack: config => {
    if (IS_PROD) {
      const plugins = []
        new PurgecssPlugin({
          paths: glob.sync([resolve('./**/*.vue')]),
          extractors: [
              extractor: class Extractor {
                static extract(content) {
                  const validSection = content.replace(
                  return validSection.match(/[A-Za-z0-9-_:/]+/g) || []
              extensions: ['html', 'vue']
          whitelist: ['html', 'body'],
          whitelistPatterns: [/el-.*/],
          whitelistPatternsChildren: [/^token/, /^pre/, /^code/]
      config.plugins = [...config.plugins, ...plugins]

▲ 回顶部

☞ 添加打包分析

const BundleAnalyzerPlugin = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer').BundleAnalyzerPlugin;

module.exports = {
    chainWebpack: config => {
        // 打包分析
        if (process.env.IS_ANALYZ) {
            .use(BundleAnalyzerPlugin, [{
              analyzerMode: 'static',

▲ 回顶部

☞ 配置 externals

  防止将某些 import 的包(package)打包到 bundle 中,而是在运行时(runtime)再去从外部获取这些扩展依赖

module.exports = {
    configureWebpack: config => {
        config.externals = {
          'vue': 'Vue',
          'element-ui': 'ELEMENT',
          'vue-router': 'VueRouter',
          'vuex': 'Vuex',
          'axios': 'axios'

▲ 回顶部

☞ 去掉 console.log

const UglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
    configureWebpack: config => {
        if (IS_PROD) {
            const plugins = [];
                new UglifyJsPlugin({
                    uglifyOptions: {
                        compress: {
                            warnings: false,
                            drop_console: true,
                            drop_debugger: false,
                            pure_funcs: ['console.log']//移除console
                    sourceMap: false,
                    parallel: true
            config.plugins = [
方法二:使用 babel-plugin-transform-remove-console 插件
npm i --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-remove-console

在 babel.config.js 中配置

const plugins = [];
if(['production', 'prod'].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV)) {

module.exports = {
  presets: [["@vue/app",{"useBuiltIns": "entry"}]],
  plugins: plugins

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☞ 开启 gzip 压缩

npm i --save-dev compression-webpack-plugin
const CompressionWebpackPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin');
const productionGzipExtensions = /\.(js|css|json|txt|html|ico|svg)(\?.*)?$/i;

module.exports = {
    configureWebpack: config => {
        if (IS_PROD) {
            const plugins = [];
                new CompressionWebpackPlugin({
                    filename: '[path].gz[query]',
                    algorithm: 'gzip',
                    test: productionGzipExtensions,
                    threshold: 10240,
                    minRatio: 0.8
            config.plugins = [

  还可以开启比 gzip 体验更好的 Zopfli 压缩详见

npm i --save-dev @gfx/zopfli brotli-webpack-plugin
const CompressionWebpackPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin');
const zopfli = require("@gfx/zopfli");
const BrotliPlugin = require("brotli-webpack-plugin");
const productionGzipExtensions = /\.(js|css|json|txt|html|ico|svg)(\?.*)?$/i;

module.exports = {
    configureWebpack: config => {
        if (IS_PROD) {
            const plugins = [];
                new CompressionWebpackPlugin({
                    algorithm(input, compressionOptions, callback) {
                      return zopfli.gzip(input, compressionOptions, callback);
                    compressionOptions: {
                      numiterations: 15
                    minRatio: 0.99,
                    test: productionGzipExtensions
                new BrotliPlugin({
                    test: productionGzipExtensions,
                    minRatio: 0.99
            config.plugins = [

▲ 回顶部

☞ 为 sass 提供全局样式,以及全局变量

  可以通过在 main.js 中 Vue.prototype.$src = process.env.VUE_APP_SRC;挂载环境变量中的配置信息,然后在js中使用$src 访问。

  css 中可以使用注入 sass 变量访问环境变量中的配置信息

module.exports = {
    css: {
        modules: false,
        extract: IS_PROD,
        sourceMap: false,
        loaderOptions: {
          sass: {
            // 向全局sass样式传入共享的全局变量
            data: `@import "~assets/scss/variables.scss";$src: "${process.env.VUE_APP_SRC}";`

在 scss 中引用

.home {
    background: url($src + '/images/500.png');

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☞ 为 stylus 提供全局变量

npm i -D style-resources-loader
const path = require('path')
const resolve = dir => path.resolve(__dirname, dir)
const addStylusResource = rule => {
      patterns: [resolve('src/assets/stylus/variable.styl')]
module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config => {
    const types = ['vue-modules', 'vue', 'normal-modules', 'normal']
    types.forEach(type =>

▲ 回顶部

☞ 添加 IE 兼容

npm i --save @babel/polyfill

  在 main.js 中添加

import '@babel/polyfill';

配置 babel.config.js

const plugins = [];

module.exports = {
  presets: [["@vue/app",{"useBuiltIns": "entry"}]],
  plugins: plugins

▲ 回顶部

☞ 文件上传 ali oss

  开启文件上传 ali oss,需要将 baseUrl 改成 ali oss 资源 url 前缀,也就是修改 VUE_APP_SRC

npm i --save-dev webpack-oss
const AliOssPlugin = require('webpack-oss');

module.exports = {
    configureWebpack: config => {
        if (IS_PROD) {
            const plugins = [];
            // 上传文件到oss
            if (process.env.ACCESS_KEY_ID || process.env.ACCESS_KEY_SECRET || process.env.REGION || process.env.BUCKET || process.env.PREFIX) {
                    new AliOssPlugin({
                        accessKeyId: process.env.ACCESS_KEY_ID,
                        accessKeySecret: process.env.ACCESS_KEY_SECRET,
                        region: process.env.REGION,
                        bucket: process.env.BUCKET,
                        prefix: process.env.PREFIX,
                        exclude: /.*\.html$/,
                        deleteAll: false
            config.plugins = [

▲ 回顶部

☞ 完整配置

  • 安装依赖
npm i -D compression-webpack-plugin babel-plugin-transform-remove-console style-resources-loader


  • 环境配置


NODE_ENV = 'development'


  如果开启 ali oss,VUE_APP_SRC 配置为 ali oss 资源 url 前缀,如:''

NODE_ENV = 'production'


REGION = 'oss-cn-hangzhou'
BUCKET = 'staven'
PREFIX = 'demo'


  如果开启 ali oss,VUE_APP_SRC 配置为 ali oss 资源 url 前缀,如:''

NODE_ENV = 'production'
IS_ANALYZ = 'analyz'


REGION = 'oss-cn-hangzhou'
BUCKET = 'staven'
PREFIX = 'demo'
  • package.json
"scripts": {
    "serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
    "build": "vue-cli-service build",
    "analyz": "vue-cli-service build --mode analyz",
    "lint": "vue-cli-service lint"
  • babel.config.js
const plugins = [];
// if(['production', 'prod'].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV)) {
//   plugins.push("transform-remove-console")
// }

module.exports = {
  presets: [["@vue/app",{"useBuiltIns": "entry"}]],
  plugins: plugins
  • postcss.config.js
const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
// const postcssImport = require("postcss-import");
// const purgecss = require("@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss");

const IS_PROD = ["production", "prod"].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV);
let plugins = [];

if (IS_PROD) {
  // plugins.push(postcssImport);
  // plugins.push(
  //   purgecss({
  //     content: ["./src/**/*.vue"],
  //     extractors: [
  //       {
  //         extractor: class Extractor {
  //           static extract(content) {
  //             const validSection = content.replace(
  //               /<style([\s\S]*?)<\/style>+/gim,
  //               ""
  //             );
  //             return validSection.match(/[A-Za-z0-9-_:/]+/g) || [];
  //           }
  //         },
  //         extensions: ["vue"],
  //         whitelistPatterns: [/el-.*/]
  //       }
  //     ]
  //   })
  // );

module.exports = {
  plugins: [...plugins, autoprefixer]
  • vue.config.js
const BundleAnalyzerPlugin = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer')
const UglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin')
const CompressionWebpackPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin')
// const zopfli = require("@gfx/zopfli");
// const BrotliPlugin = require("brotli-webpack-plugin");
// const AliOssPlugin = require('webpack-oss')

const path = require('path')
// const PurgecssPlugin = require('purgecss-webpack-plugin')
// const glob = require('glob-all')

const resolve = dir => path.join(__dirname, dir)
const IS_PROD = ['production', 'prod'].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV)
const productionGzipExtensions = /\.(js|css|json|txt|html|ico|svg)(\?.*)?$/i

// 添加stylus规则
// const addStylusResource = rule => {
// rule
// .use('style-resouce')
// .loader('style-resources-loader')
// .options({
// patterns: [resolve('src/assets/stylus/variable.styl')]
// })
// }

module.exports = {
  baseUrl: IS_PROD ? process.env.VUE_APP_SRC || '/' : './', // 默认'/',部署应用包时的基本 URL
  outputDir: process.env.outputDir || 'dist', // 'dist', 生产环境构建文件的目录
  assetsDir: '', // 相对于outputDir的静态资源(js、css、img、fonts)目录
  lintOnSave: false,
  runtimeCompiler: true, // 是否使用包含运行时编译器的 Vue 构建版本
  productionSourceMap: false, // 生产环境的 source map

  configureWebpack: config => {
    // cdn引用时配置externals
    // config.externals = {
    // 'vue': 'Vue',
    // 'element-ui': 'ELEMENT',
    // 'vue-router': 'VueRouter',
    // 'vuex': 'Vuex',
    // 'axios': 'axios'
    // }

    if (IS_PROD) {
      const plugins = []

      // 去除多余css
      // plugins.push(
      // new PurgecssPlugin({
      // paths: glob.sync([path.join(__dirname, "./**/*.vue")]),
      // extractors: [
      // {
      // extractor: class Extractor {
      // static extract(content) {
      // const validSection = content.replace(
      // /<style([\s\S]*?)<\/style>+/gim,
      // ""
      // );
      // return validSection.match(/[A-Za-z0-9-_:/]+/g) || [];
      // }
      // },
      // extensions: ['html', 'vue']
      // }
      // ],
      // whitelist: ["html", "body"],
      // whitelistPatterns: [/el-.*/],
      // whitelistPatternsChildren: [/^token/, /^pre/, /^code/]
      // })
      // );

        new UglifyJsPlugin({
          uglifyOptions: {
            compress: {
              warnings: false,
              drop_console: true,
              drop_debugger: false,
              pure_funcs: ['console.log'] //移除console
          sourceMap: false,
          parallel: true
        new CompressionWebpackPlugin({
          filename: '[path].gz[query]',
          algorithm: 'gzip',
          test: productionGzipExtensions,
          threshold: 10240,
          minRatio: 0.8

      // 上传文件到oss
      //if (process.env.ACCESS_KEY_ID || process.env.ACCESS_KEY_SECRET || process.env.REGION || process.env.BUCKET || process.env.PREFIX) {
      // plugins.push(
      // new AliOssPlugin({
      // accessKeyId: process.env.ACCESS_KEY_ID,
      // accessKeySecret: process.env.ACCESS_KEY_SECRET,
      // region: process.env.REGION,
      // bucket: process.env.BUCKET,
      // prefix: process.env.PREFIX,
      // exclude: /.*\.html$/,
      // deleteAll: false
      // })
      // );

      // Zopfli压缩,需要响应VC库
      // plugins.push(
      // new CompressionWebpackPlugin({
      // algorithm(input, compressionOptions, callback) {
      // return zopfli.gzip(input, compressionOptions, callback);
      // },
      // compressionOptions: {
      // numiterations: 15
      // },
      // minRatio: 0.99,
      // test: productionGzipExtensions
      // })
      // );
      // plugins.push(
      // new BrotliPlugin({
      // test: productionGzipExtensions,
      // minRatio: 0.99
      // })
      // );
      config.plugins = [...config.plugins, ...plugins]
  chainWebpack: config => {
    // 修复HMR

    // 修复Lazy loading routes Error: Cyclic dependency []
    config.plugin('html').tap(args => {
      args[0].chunksSortMode = 'none'
      return args

    // 添加别名
      .set('@', resolve('src'))
      .set('assets', resolve('src/assets'))
      .set('components', resolve('src/components'))
      .set('layout', resolve('src/layout'))
      .set('base', resolve('src/base'))
      .set('static', resolve('src/static'))

    // 打包分析
    if (process.env.IS_ANALYZ) {
      config.plugin('webpack-report').use(BundleAnalyzerPlugin, [
          analyzerMode: 'static'

    // 压缩图片
    // config.module
    // .rule("images")
    // .use("image-webpack-loader")
    // .loader("image-webpack-loader")
    // .options({
    // mozjpeg: { progressive: true, quality: 65 },
    // optipng: { enabled: false },
    // pngquant: { quality: "65-90", speed: 4 },
    // gifsicle: { interlaced: false },
    // webp: { quality: 75 }
    // });

    // stylus
    // const types = ['vue-modules', 'vue', 'normal-modules', 'normal']
    // types.forEach(type =>
    // addStylusResource(config.module.rule('stylus').oneOf(type))
    // )

    // 多页面配置,为js添加hash
    // config.output.chunkFilename(`js/[name].[chunkhash:8].js`)

    // 修改图片输出路径
    // config.module
    // .rule('images')
    // .test(/\.(png|jpe?g|gif|ico)(\?.*)?$/)
    // .use('url-loader')
    // .loader('url-loader')
    // .options({
    // name: path.join('../assets/', 'img/[name].[ext]')
    // })
  css: {
    modules: false,
    extract: IS_PROD,
    // 为css后缀添加hash
    // extract: {
    // filename: 'css/[name].[hash:8].css',
    // chunkFilename: 'css/[name].[hash:8].css'
    sourceMap: false,
    loaderOptions: {
      sass: {
        // 向全局sass样式传入共享的全局变量
        // data: `@import "~assets/scss/variables.scss";$src: "${process.env.VUE_APP_SRC}";`
        data: `$src: "${process.env.VUE_APP_SRC}";`
      // px转换为rem
      // postcss: {
      // plugins: [
      // require('postcss-pxtorem')({
      // rootValue : 1, // 换算的基数
      // selectorBlackList : ['weui', 'el'], // 忽略转换正则匹配项
      // propList : ['*']
      // })
      // ]
      // }
  pluginOptions: {
    // 安装vue-cli-plugin-style-resources-loader插件
    // 添加全局样式global.scss
    // "style-resources-loader": {
    // preProcessor: "scss",
    // patterns: [
    // resolve(__dirname, "./src/scss/scss/variables.scss")
    // ]
    // }
  parallel: require('os').cpus().length > 1,
  pwa: {},
  devServer: {
    // overlay: {
    // warnings: true,
    // errors: true
    // },
    open: IS_PROD,
    host: '',
    port: 8000,
    https: false,
    hotOnly: false,
    proxy: {
      '/api': {
        target: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API || '',
        changeOrigin: true

vue-cli3-config's People


staven630 avatar



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