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WoWHellgarve 10.7.x

Hellgarve-Project How to use the bugtracker?

On the Bugtracker everything must be written in English. Before reporting, please make sure that the problem has not been reported already by another player.

  • Register your own Github account for free to report your issue(s).
  • Use the search engine to find out if a similar problem has been already reported. If so, check if it's already been fixed and waits for update.
  • Make sure, that what you report is actually a bug.
  • Enclose links to things related to the bug using (please note: The XP relates issues are not completely reliable because there have been many changes in the game between Cataclysm-4.3.4 and the current version what wowhead uses).
  • You can use screenshot/video clip from ingame to visual the issue and for better understanding the problem.
  • Use our ISSUE_TEMPLATE when you creating a new report (otherwise it would be invalid).
  • Write your reports title according to the format:

Example issue report titles:

  • [QuestId][Azuremyst Isle] Red Snapper - Very Tasty!
  • [NPCId] Magistrix Erona
  • [SpellId][Mage] Fireball
  • [NpcId][DropId] Ghostclaw Lynx
  • [Web] 404 error

Remember: To find IDS easier search here -> or use a InGame-ADDON.

Additional Information

Supported Patch: 10.7.x
------------------- :-----------------------------------------------------------
Realmlist: SET portal ""

wowhellgarve-10.7.x's People


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wowhellgarve-10.7.x's Issues

Instant insane level boost Draenei starting zone

but this doesnt always occur. I had a char before, draenei, that didnt had this. It's the quest You survived! in the Draenei starting zone.


EDIT: I made a new char to see if it happend again. This time it instantly boosted me till level 12.


[Spell][Warlock] Demonology - Call Dreadstalkers

The demonology-only spell Call Dreadstalkers (I hope this is the right link, so many versions on wowhead) does not appear to be working.
Currently, it seems to consume only 1 soul shard, instead of the normal 2 required, and does not summon the 2 temporary dreadstalker minions.

Side note: I did not attempt to cast the spell prior to taking the talent Demonic Calling, so I am not aware if the spell works with out it.
I do know, however, that the spell seems to have the same issue when the talent is triggered.

Or maybe I'm just really terrible at summoning my demons

Dh starting zone

I can't start DH start questline because the npc doesn't show
i try it on 5 different characters.


Gnome starter zone quest

Quest (ID): 27635/decontamination
target is friendly and killing it with gm command does not trigger as completed quest phase


A Habilidade de Rolamento do monk, não tem animação nem ação, a gente usa e não se movimenta.

Logging Screen Error

What can I say? Just Blizz error. I'm not able to join playing and using GM tools

Mistveawer Monk Complete Bug Compilation

Spell/(ID) The ID is: 197900/mist-wrap

The Current Behaviour is as following: does not increase duration or healing by 10%

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Increases Enveloping Mist's duration by 1 sec and its healing bonus by 10%.

Additional Information: -

Spell/(ID) The ID is: 115008/chi-torpedo

The Current Behaviour is as following: properls forward like it should , but speed scale on 2nd charge does not increase speed from 30% to 60%

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Torpedoes you forward a long distance and increases your movement speed by 30% for 10 sec, stacking up to 2 times.

Spell/(ID) The ID is: 197908/mana-tea

The Current Behaviour is as following: does not reduce mana consuption at all

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Reduces the mana cost of your spells by 50% for 10 sec.

Monk class roll ability

Spell: Roll ability from monk class

The Current Behaviour is as following: Nothing happens

Expected Behaviour should be as following: To roll a short distance forward

Horde spawns in Alliance ship

-Blood elf, Tauren, Goblin for Exile's reach spawn in alliance's boat.
-Orc and Undead also respawn in Alliance boat but with the difference that he doesn't see the Private Cole.

When you die in Exile's reach, at least as a Horde member, even if you click on the graveyard and there is an angel, normal players cannot see it.

I get an "Error creating character" in general, but after changing random names many times or creating other characters, I eventually am able to create the character I want.

It could be good if they removed the mature filter because Corona and Lich King, and so many other names are forbidden.

Assasination Rogue Complete Bug List Compiled

Spell (ID) The ID is: spell=2818/deadly-poison

The Current Behaviour is as following:no scale of attack power or mastery stat

Expected Behaviour should be as following: poison the enemy for [(6.3% of Attack power) * 12 / 2] Nature damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal (4.5% of Attack power) Nature damage.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information: in link is description of what mastery stat does for assasination spec

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=328085/blindside

The Current Behaviour is as following: not procing at all

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Mutilate has a 20% chance to make your next Ambush free and usable without Stealth. Chance increased to 40% if the target is under 35% health.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Talent (ID) The ID is: /spell=14062/nightstalker

The Current Behaviour is as following: increases speed but not damage by 50%

Expected Behaviour should be as following:
is active, you move 20% faster and your abilities deal 50% more damage.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Talent(ID) The ID is: spell=255989/master-assassin

The Current Behaviour is as following: no crit chance increase or proc of any kind after exiting stealth

Expected Behaviour should be as following: While Stealth is active and for 3 sec after breaking Stealth, your critical strike chance is increased by 50%.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:

Talent(ID) The ID is: spell=14983/vigor

The Current Behaviour is as following: selecting the talent it increases energy to 150 but afrer relog it goes back to 100 and energy regen is not increased before or after relog

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Increases your maximum Energy by 50 and your Energy regeneration by 10%

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information: -
Talent ID) The ID is: spell=193531/deeper-stratagem

The Current Behaviour is as following: adds 6th combo point on bar but after using mutilate witch grants 2 cp per cast , at last combo point it does not register the 6th one

Expected Behaviour should be as following: You may have a maximum of 6 combo points, your finishing moves consume up to 6 combo points, and your finishing moves deal 5% increased damage.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Talent ID) The ID is: spell=137619/marked-for-death

The Current Behaviour is as following: instantly adds 5 cp as itended but if target dies sooner than 1 min buff goes away from target and cd is not reset

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Marks the target, instantly generating 5 combo points. Cooldown reset if the target dies within 1 min.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=280716/leeching-poison

The Current Behaviour is as following: no leech buff on poisons / no heal on attack

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Adds a Leeching Poison effect to your Deadly Poison and Wound Poison, granting you 10% Leech.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=154904/internal-bleeding

The Current Behaviour is as following: no bleed debuff on target / no damage after applying kidney shot

Expected Behaviour should be as following:

Kidney Shot also deals up to Deeper Stratagem[6 * (18.72% of Attack power)][5 * (18.72% of Attack power)] Bleed damage over 6 sec, based on combo points spent. | Kidney Shot also deals up to Deeper Stratagem[6 * (18.72% of Attack power)][5 * (18.72% of Attack power)] Bleed damage over 6 sec, based on combo points spent. |
-- | -- | --
Kidney Shot also deals up to Deeper Stratagem[6 * (18.72% of Attack power)][5 * (18.72% of Attack power)] Bleed damage over 6 sec, based on combo points spent.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=196861/iron-wire

The Current Behaviour is as following: no silence increase and no damage reduction from target affected by garotte

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Increase the duration of Garrote's silence effect by 3 sec.

Enemies silenced by Garrote deal 15% reduced damage for 8 sec.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=131511/prey-on-the-weak

The Current Behaviour is as following: no damage increase from all sources by 10%

Expected Behaviour should be as following: uppon being stunned target should recieve 10% more damage from all sources for 6 seconds

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information: -

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=152152/venom-rush

The Current Behaviour is as following: no 8 energy refund after casting mutilate on a poisoned target

Expected Behaviour should be as following: 8 energy refund on poisoned target

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-
Talent ID) The ID is: spell=193539/alacrity

The Current Behaviour is as following: no proc visible and no haste increase at all

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Your finishing moves have a 20 + (20 * ComboPoints)% chance per combo point to grant 2% Haste for 20 sec, stacking up to 5 times.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=200806/exsanguinate

The Current Behaviour is as following: does not proc / activate at all

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Twist your blades into the target's wounds, causing your Bleed effects on them to bleed out 100% faster.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-
Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=255544/poison-bomb

The Current Behaviour is as following: no poison pool showing under the target or any damage being made

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Envenom and Rupture have a 4% chance per combo point spent to smash a vial of poison at the target's location, creating a pool of acidic death that deals [(11% of Attack power) * 4] Nature damage over 2 sec to all enemies within it.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Talent ID) The ID is: spell=270061/hidden-blades

The Current Behaviour is as following: shows buff as active and it does stack but afer useing fan o knives it should reset stack from 20 to 1 for example but does not instead stays at 20 stacks constant

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Every 2 sec, gain 20% increased damage for your next Fan of Knives, stacking up to 20 times.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=121411/crimson-tempest

The Current Behaviour is as following: applies bleed effext but regardless if you have 5 cp or 1cp duration does not increase not does damage always stays on 5 seconds event at 5cp when it should be 12 second duration...

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Finishing move that slashes at up to 8 enemies within 10 yards, dealing instant damage and causing victims to bleed for additional damage. Lasts longer per combo point.

1 point : [(4.68% of Attack power) * 2] plus [(11.7% of Attack power) * 2] over 4 sec
2 points: [(4.68% of Attack power) * 3] plus [(11.7% of Attack power) * 3] over 6 sec
3 points: [(4.68% of Attack power) * 4] plus [(11.7% of Attack power) * 4] over 8 sec
4 points: [(4.68% of Attack power) * 5] plus [(11.7% of Attack power) * 5] over 10 sec
5 points: [(4.68% of Attack power) * 6] plus [(11.7% of Attack power) * 6] over 12 sec

Deeper Stratagem
6 points: [(4.68% of Attack power) * 7] plus [(11.7% of Attack power) * 7] over 14 sec

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Spell (ID) The ID is: spell=5171/slice-and-dice

The Current Behaviour is as following: buff appears and does increase attack speed but not sure if its by 50% and i saw no energy regeneration increase , also constantly stays at 5 second duration

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Finishing move that consumes combo points to increase attack speed by 50% and Energy regeneration rate by 15%. Lasts longer per combo point.
1 point : 12 seconds
2 points: 18 seconds
3 points: 24 seconds
4 points: 30 seconds
5 points: 36 seconds

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Spell ID : spell=36554/shadowstep
The Current Behaviour is as following: usable on self when it shouldn't also sometimes breaks stealth when it shouldn't

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Step through the shadows to appear behind your target and gain 70% increased movement speed for 2 sec.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Spell (ID) The ID is: spell=185565/poisoned-knife#modified-by

The Current Behaviour is as following: does damage , but does not always apply poisons on target

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Throws a poison-coated knife, dealing (16% of Attack power) damage and applying your active Lethal and Non-Lethal Poisons.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Spell (ID) The ID is: spell=5938/shiv

The Current Behaviour is as following: does damage ,but cd of 20 seconds does not activate sometimes so spell beacomes spammable , also does not increase nature damage recived by target by 20% for 9 seconds

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Attack with your your poisoned blades dealing (50% of Attack power)% Physical damage, and applying a concentrated form of your active Non-Lethal poison.

Your Nature damage done against the target is increased by 20% for 9 sec.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Spell (ID) The ID is: spell=185311/crimson-vial

The Current Behaviour is as following: heals and all but removes stealth when used when it shoudn't

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Drink an alchemical concoction that heals you for 30% of your maximum health over 6 sec. This ability can be used while Stealthed.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:

Spell Passive (ID) The ID is: spell=14190/seal-fate

The Current Behaviour is as following: no additional combo point uppon crit

Expected Behaviour should be as following: When you critically strike with a melee attack that generates combo points, you gain an additional combo point per critical strike.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Spell ID : spell=79134/venomous-wounds

The Current Behaviour is as following: does not work at all ...

Expected Behaviour should be as following: You regain 8 Energy each time your

Internal Bleeding
Garrote, Rupture, or Internal Bleeding

Garrote or Rupture deal Bleed damage to a poisoned target.

If an enemy dies while afflicted by your Rupture, you regain energy based on its remaining duration.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information:-

Outlaw Complete Bug List Compiled

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=200733/weaponmaster

The Current Behaviour is as following: no additional strikes are being made

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Sinister Strike has a 10% increased chance to strike an additional time.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE): -

Additional Information: -

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=196937/ghostly-strike

The Current Behaviour is as following: incorrect damage based off of att damage % / no 10% increase in damage from all sources

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Strikes an enemy, dealing (80% of Attack power) Physical damage and causing the target to take 10% increased damage from your abilities for 10 sec.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE): -

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID) The ID is: spell=185311/crimson-vial

The Current Behaviour is as following:
incorrect hp& heal scaleing

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Drink an alchemical concoction that heals you for 20% of your maximum health over 4 sec.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):

Additional Information: my rogue has 40k hp so 20% should be 8k per tick of the buff instead heals 2.3k only...

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=193546/iron-stomach

The Current Behaviour is as following: incorrect hp% granted on crimson vial spell...

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Increases the healing you receive from Crimson Vial, healing potions, and healthstones by 30%.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE): -

Additional Information: -
Spell (ID) The ID is: spell=193316/roll-the-bones

The Current Behaviour is as following: just does not work at all...

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Finishing move that rolls the dice of fate, providing a random combat enhancement. Lasts longer per combo point:
1 point : 12 seconds
2 points: 18 seconds
3 points: 24 seconds
4 points: 30 seconds
5 points: 36 seconds
Deeper Stratagem
6 points: 42 seconds
This spell gives you one, two, or five of these possible buffs:

Broadside: Your combo-generating abilities generate 1 additional combo point and deal 20% increased damage.
Buried Treasure: Generates 4 Energy per second.
Grand Melee: Attack speed increased by 55%. Leech increased by 25%.
Ruthless Precision: Critical strike chance of Between the Eyes increased by 60% and of all other abilities by 20%.
Skull and Crossbones: Sinister Strike has an additional 30% chance of striking an additional time.
True Bearing: Finishers reduce the remaining cooldown on many of your abilities by 1 sec per combo point in addition to the specs passive Restless Blades.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE): -

Additional Information: -

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=256170/loaded-dice

The Current Behaviour is as following: adds buff on any spell press when it should only work uppon activateing Adrenaline Rush.

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Activating Adrenaline Rush causes your next Roll the Bones to grant at least two matches.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE):-

Additional Information: -

Talent (ID) The ID is: /spell=343142/dreadblades

The Current Behaviour is as following: no damage to target uppon activation and no increased physical damage uppon auto attacks , keeps 5cp trough whole duration of the spell when it should make all generating cp spells grant 5cp instead of assigned 1cp per 1 cast , also player does not lose hp uppon casting finishers

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Strike at an enemy, dealing (95% of Attack power) Physical damage and empowering your weapons for 10 sec, causing your Sinister Strike,Ghostly Strike,Sepsis,Slaughter,Echoing Reprimand,Serrated Bone Spike
Ambush, and Pistol Shot to fill your combo points, but your finishing moves consume 5% of your current health.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE): -

Additional Information: -

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=271877/blade-rush

The Current Behaviour is as following: no damage proc , to the main target or side target , with Acrobatic Strikes talent it does silly animation only , and blade flurry does no damage increase by 100% aswell...

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Charge to your target with your blades out, dealing [(60% of Attack power)% * 200 / 100] Physical damage to the target and (60% of Attack power)% to all other nearby enemies.

While Blade Flurry is active, damage to non-primary targets is increased by 100%.

Generates 25 Energy over 5 sec.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE): -

Additional Information: -

Talent (ID) The ID is: spell=51690/killing-spree

The Current Behaviour is as following: no correct damage scaling implemented , also is stunnable/fearable and charmable when it should uppon target casting stuch spells only half the duration of the spell from 8 seconds to 4secons for example...

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Teleport to an enemy within 10 yards, attacking with both weapons for a total of [(32% of Attack power) * 6 + (64% of Attack power) * 6] Physical damage over 2 sec.

While Blade Flurry is active, also hits up to 4 nearby enemies for 100% damage.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE): -

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID) The ID is: spell=35551/combat-potency

The Current Behaviour is as following: no off hand damage procs and no energy being granted

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Your off-hand attacks have a 75% chance to generate 10 Energy.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE): -

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID) The ID is: spell=86392/main-gauche

The Current Behaviour is as following: no proc visible and no attack power % scaling implemented

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Your main-hand attacks have a 30% chance to trigger an attack with your off-hand that deals (0.1% of Attack power) Physical damage.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE): -

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID) The ID is: spell=79096/restless-blades

The Current Behaviour is as following: no cooldown reduction uppon activating said spells

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Finishing moves reduce the remaining cooldown of Adrenaline Rush, Between the Eyes, Blade Flurry, Grappling Hook, Roll the Bones, Sprint, Ghostly Strike,Marked for Death,Blade Rush,Killing Spree and Vanish by 1 sec per combo point spent.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE): -

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID) The ID is: spell=14161/ruthlessness

The Current Behaviour is as following: no cp being granted uppon executing finishing moves

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point spent to grant a combo point.

Screenshot/Video (IMGUR/YOUTUBE): -

Additional Information: -


A Passiva "Hot Streak" (combar os 2 críticos), não esta funcionando.
a passiva da Bola de fogo:
(toda vez que você errar você terá 10% de chance a mais de critar na proxima fica stcakando ate 10 e não crita.)

[Skill] Mage Fire

As seguintes skills do mage não esta funcionando corretamente:
Runa do poder não aparece nem a animação no chão a aura nem o buff no personagem.
a passiva de Hot Streak não está funcionando corretamente também.
a passiva da bola de fogo stacka ate os 10 mas não da ativa o Hot Streak.
Fire Blast não concede o buff de Hot streak.
Combustão não esta a funcionar também.
o Talento Anel Gelido também não esta prendendo os NPC.

Immortal cows

In Elwynn Forest, close to Fargodeep Mine, the cows are immortal hahahahaha



[Quest] [The wolf`s Offensive]
[NPC] Genn greymane
[Map] Kul Tiras, Tiragarde Sound, Boralus.


Valley of Trials and durotar area bugs

Quest : hover icon to pick up quest item is a black square instead of a wheelcog icon to gather - can not turn in quest after waking up 4 peons - currently it counts as kill reward trigger quest , when actually a player needs to be affected by scorpions sting debuff and use quest item to collect venom (currently scorpions dont afflict poison debuff on player) - does not register watchtowers to use quest item -quest needs to be properly scripted . there is a phase where you are turned ito a wolf as shown here. - quest item kills npc and player.... quest item id : 58958

Sub Rogue Complete bug Compile list

Spell (ID):spell=53/backstab

The Current Behaviour is as following: does damage but applies find weakness on normal attacks when it should apply it only on critical strike on target

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Stab the target, causing [(41.106% of Attack power) * ((max(0, min(Level - 10, 10)) * 11 + 260) / 370)] Physical damage. Damage increased by 20% when you are behind your target

Subtlety (Level 46)
and critical strikes apply Find Weakness for 6 sec

Awards 1 combo point.

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID):spell=200758/gloomblade

The Current Behaviour is as following: deals damage but also like backstab adds find weakness on normal attacks when it should do only on crits and duration is 17 seconds when it should be 6 on find weakness buff

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Replaces Backstab
35 Energy Melee Range
Requires Rogue (Subtlety)
Requires level 15
Punctures your target with your shadow-infused blade for (47.151% of Attack power) Shadow damage, bypassing armor.

Subtlety (Level 46)
Critical strikes apply Find Weakness for 6 sec

Awards 1 combo point.

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID):spell=193537/weaponmaster

The Current Behaviour is as following: no proc on extra hit

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Shadowstrike and Backstab have a 15% chance to hit the target twice each time they deal damage.

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID):spell=343160/premeditation

The Current Behaviour is as following: does not grant slice and dice for 10seconds and does not generate 2 cp if buff is active..

Expected Behaviour should be as following: After entering Stealth, your next Shadowstrike grants up to 10 sec of Slice and Dice, and generates 2 additional combo points if Slice and Dice is active.

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID):spell=257505/shot-in-the-dark

The Current Behaviour is as following: no free cheap shot uppon entering stealth or shadow dance

Expected Behaviour should be as following: After entering Stealth or Shadow Dance, your next Cheap Shot is free.

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID):spell=238104/enveloping-shadows

The Current Behaviour is as following: does not reduce cd on shadow dance

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Deepening Shadows reduces the remaining cooldown of Shadow Dance by an additional 0.5 sec per combo point spent.

Shadow Dance gains 1 additional charge.

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID):spell=245687/dark-shadow

The Current Behaviour is as following: does not increase damage by 30% while shadow dance is active

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Shadow Dance now increases damage by 30%.

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID):spell=185313/shadow-dance

The Current Behaviour is as following: incorrect aura effects being applied

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Allows use of all Stealth abilities and grants all the combat benefits of Stealth for 8 sec, and increases damage by 15%. Effect not broken from taking damage or attacking.

Movement speed while active is increased by 0% and damage dealt is increased by 0%

Shadow Focus
Abilities cost 20% less while active

Master of Subtlety
Attacks from Shadow Dance and for 5 sec after deal 10% more damage

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID):spell=280719/secret-technique

The Current Behaviour is as following: just some random damage no clones spawn or any physical damage that should be done by the clones

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on up to 6 enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets.
1 point : [(11% of Attack power) * 1 * 3] total damage
2 points: [(11% of Attack power) * 2 * 3] total damage
3 points: [(11% of Attack power) * 3 * 3] total damage
4 points: [(11% of Attack power) * 4 * 3] total damage
5 points: [(11% of Attack power) * 5 * 3] total damage

Deeper Stratagem
6 points: [(11% of Attack power) * 6 * 3] total damage

Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend.

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID):spell=277925/shuriken-tornado

The Current Behaviour is as following: does not work at all

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Focus intently, then release a Shuriken Storm every sec for the next 4 sec.

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID):spell=121471/shadow-bladesdoes

The Current Behaviour is as following: generate additional combo point but no 50% damage increase visible

Expected Behaviour should be as following: Draws upon surrounding shadows to empower your weapons, causing your combo point generating abilities to generate 1 additional combo point and deal 50% additional damage as Shadow for 20 sec.

Additional Information: -

Spell (ID):spell=212283/symbols-of-death

The Current Behaviour is as following: does not generate energy , no damage increase and requires no charges to activate

Expected Behaviour should be as following: 1 Charges
Requires Rogue (Subtlety)
Requires level 29
Invoke ancient symbols of power, generating 40 Energy and increasing your damage done by 15% for 10 sec.

Subtlety (Level 43)
Your next combo point generator will critically strike

Additional Information:

Spell (ID):spell=315584/instant-poison spell=3408/crippling-poison spell=8679/wound-poison spell=5761/numbing-poison

The Current Behaviour is as following: all can be active at 1 time

Expected Behaviour should be as following: only 2 poisons should be active at once and of 2 that should be active only 1 can change the 2nd one must stay criplling poison (there muss never be instant and wound poison together or numbing poison with wound poison) etc...

Additional Information: -

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  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

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    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.