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#236 opened 25 days ago by huangblue 第十九章,面向对象编程19.4 Working with Fractions in C# C#示例程序
#235 opened 25 days ago by huangblue 第十九章,面向对象编程19.3 Working with Fractions in C++,C++示例程序
#234 opened 25 days ago by huangblue 第十九章,面向对象编程19.2 Program to work with fractions – Objective-C version
#233 opened 25 days ago by huangblue 第十九章,面向对象编程 19.1 Simple program to work with fractions,C语言版本
#232 opened 27 days ago by huangblue 第十八章,调试程序 18.5 测试 gdb的命令
#231 opened on 28 Jul by huangblue 第十八章,调试程序 18.4 A Simple Program for Use with gdb 使用gdb的示例程序
#230 opened on 19 Jul by huangblue 第十八章,调试程序 18.3 Defining a DEBUG Macro 定义DEBUG宏

#229 opened on 18 Jul by huangblue 第十八章,调试程序 18.2 Compiling in Debug Code 在编译时决定要不要调试代码
#228 opened on 18 Jul by huangblue 第十八章,调试程序 18.1 Adding Debug Statements with the Preprocessor 添加预处理调试语句
#227 opened on 16 Jul by huangblue 第十七章,杂项和高级特征 17.1 copy one file to another 复制文件,参数写在命令行
#226 opened on 11 Jul by huangblue 第十六章,C语言的输入输出操作 e16.6 按20行一次输出文件内容,输出后,等待键盘输入。如果输入q,则结束程序,否则输出下20行,直到结果。
#225 opened on 11 Jul by huangblue 第十六章,C语言的输入输出操作 e16.5 输出文件中每行的第m列到第n列,m,n从终端输入。
#224 opened on 11 Jul by huangblue 第十六章,C语言的输入输出操作 e16.4 将两个文件同序号行连接起来输出到stdout。如果文件行数不一样,余下的行按原样输出
#223 opened on 11 Jul by huangblue 第十六章,C语言的输入输出操作 e16.3 复制一个文件到另一个文件,将内容中的小写字母改成大写字母
#222 opened on 11 Jul by huangblue 第十六章,C语言的输入输出操作 e16.2 输入输出结果重定向
#221 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 第十六章,C语言的输入输出操作 16.3 copy one file to another 把一个文件复制到另一个文件
#220 opened on 8 Jul by huangblue 第十六章,C语言的输入输出操作 16.2 echo characters until an end of file 显示一个文件的所有内容

#219 by huangblue was closed on 6 Jul 第十六章,C语言的输入输出操作 scanf格式符规则
#218 opened on 4 Jul by huangblue 第十六章,C语言的输入输出操作 16.1 various printf formats 格式符使用方法展示
#217 opened on 4 Jul by huangblue 第十六章,C语言的输入输出操作 printf格式符规则
#216 opened on 30 Jun by huangblue 第十四章,更多的数据类型 e14.3 根据隐含类型转换规则,确定表达式数据类型
#215 opened on 30 Jun by huangblue 第十四章,更多的数据类型 e14.2 写参数为enum类型的函数,返回字符串指针
#214 opened on 30 Jun by huangblue 第十四章,更多的数据类型 e14.1 Define a type FunctionPtr (using typedef) that represents a pointer to a function 定义函数指针
#213 opened on 30 Jun by huangblue 第十四章,更多的数据类型 14.1 enum使用方法举例
#212 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 e13.11 测试与习题6,7,8功能相同的库函数isupper,isalpha和isdigit
#211 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 e13.10 分析课文中的宏 printint ,能否用在循环中?
#210 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 e13.9 写求绝对值的宏

#209 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 e13.8 写判断是否为数字的宏,判断是否为特殊字符的宏,要用到判断是否为字母的宏
#208 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 e13.7 写一个判断字符是否为字母的宏,它用到课文中的判断是否为小写字母和上一题中是否为大写字母的宏
#207 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 e13.6 写一个可以判断字符是否为大写字母的宏
#206 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 e13.5 写一个能起程序12.3相同作用的宏,就是一个移位的宏。
#205 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 e13.4 求三个值的最大值的宏
#204 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 e13.3 定义一个宏,求两个值的最小值
#203 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 e13.2 确定系统头文件的位置
#202 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 13.3 the use of the #include statement #include语句,头文件的使用
#201 opened on 25 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 13.2 宏定义展示
#200 opened on 25 Jun by huangblue 第十三章,预处理器 13.1 宏定义展示

#199 opened on 21 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 e12.8 设置二进制位
#198 opened on 21 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 e12.7 抽取整数中的二进制位
#197 opened on 21 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 e12.6 搜索整数中特定的二进制位组合的位置
#196 opened on 21 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 e12.5 测试和设置指定位
#195 opened on 21 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 e12.4 根据本机int的位数,修改程序12.4,不再假定int 长度为32位
#194 opened on 21 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 e12.3 根据~0,来确定本机int是多少位的
#193 opened on 21 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 e12.2 判别本计算机是逻辑移位还是算术移位
#192 opened on 20 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 12.4 rotation of integers 循环移位算法展示
#191 opened on 19 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 12.3 shift an unsigned int left if the count is positive, and right if negative 移位函数,适应左右移位
#190 opened on 19 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 12.2  bitwise operators 按位运算展示

#189 opened on 18 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 12.1 The Bitwise AND Operator 按位与
#188 opened on 18 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 Table 12.1【301,280】
#187 opened on 18 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 @12.2 将负的二进制数变为十进制【280,301】
#186 opened on 18 Jun by huangblue 第十二章,位操作 @12.1 将负的十进制变为二进制表示【279,300】
#185 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,e11.12 指针指向的字符串输出的一些例子
#184 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,e11.11 用指针重写函数9.4(更新日期函数)
#183 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,e11.10 重写第十章的函数 compareStrings,不用数组用指针
#182 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,e11.9 用指针重写readLine函数(第十章中的),不用数组
#181 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,e11.8 写一个函数排序三个整数,不使用数组
#180 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,e11.7 用指针写排序函数

#179 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,e11.6 双向链表的插入和删除函数
#178 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,e11.5 定义和展示双向链表
#177 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,e11.4 删除链表中的一项。要删除的项位于参数所指项的后面一个。
#176 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,e11.3 插入链表,但可以插入到链表的最前面(成为其第一个元素)
#175 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,e11.2 插入链表,参数有两个,一个是被插入项,一个是要插入其后的项。两者都是指针
#174 opened on 12 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.15 count the characters in a string – Pointer version 求字符串中字符个数,指针版本
#173 opened on 12 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.14 复制字符串,使用字符串,while循环,更简略
#172 opened on 12 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.13 复制字符串,使用指针
#171 opened on 12 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.12 sum the elements of an integer array 求整型数组元素之和,用指针
#170 opened on 11 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.11 指向数组的指针

#169 opened on 11 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.10 返回指针的函数,用指针遍历链表
#168 opened on 10 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.9 pointers and functions 函数有指针参数
#167 opened on 10 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.8 illustrate using pointers and functions 展示指针用作函数参数
#166 opened on 9 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.7 traverse a linked list 遍历一个链表
#165 opened on 9 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.6 使用链表 use linked Lists
#164 opened on 9 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.5 structures containing pointers 包含指针成员的结构的使用
#163 opened on 9 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.4 illustrate structure pointers 展示结构指针
#162 opened on 8 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.3 指针用法展示
#161 opened on 8 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.2 指针用法展示
#160 opened on 8 Jun by huangblue 第十一章,指针,11.1 illustrate pointers 指针使用示例

#159 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.14 整数数值转换为字符串
#158 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.13 小写变大写函数
#157 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.12 字符串变成浮点数
#156 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.11 改程序10.11,使其可以转换前面有负号的串
#155 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.10 对词典排序
#154 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.9 改进前面的替换字符串函数,当成功时返回true,失败时(没有目标字符串)返回false
#153 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.8 替换字符串
#152 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.7 插入字符串
#151 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.6 删除字符串中的一段
#150 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.5 在一个串中找另一个串的函数

#149 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.4 求子串的函数
#148 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.3 改进计算单词的函数,把含apostrophe的当成一个单词,另外把一个数值算成一个单词
#147 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.2 判断字符串相等函数中的条件语句,如果其中一个串未完会有什么结果?
#146 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,e10.1
#145 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,10.11 convert a string to an integer 将字符串转换为数值
#144 opened on 31 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,10.10 Dictionary lookup program,compare two character strings, look up a word inside a dictionary
#143 opened on 30 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,10.9 use the dictionary lookup program,look up a word inside a dictionary 在词典中搜索单词【顺序搜索】
#142 opened on 29 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,10.8 判断是否字母,读一行字符,计算单词数。read a line of text from the terminal,count the number of words in a string
#141 opened on 29 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,10.7 count the number of words in a string 计算一个字符串中的单词数。
#140 opened on 28 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,10.6 读一行的函数

#139 opened on 28 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,10.5 illustrate the %s scanf format characters 【展示scanf的%s格式字符的用法】
#138 opened on 28 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,10.4 determine if two strings are equal【判断两个字符串是否相等】
#137 opened on 28 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,10.3 count the number of characters in a string【使用带终止符的字符数组,求字符串中的字符数,即字符串长度】
#136 opened on 28 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,10.2 count the number of characters in a string【求字符串中的字符数,即字符串长度】
#135 opened on 28 May by huangblue 第十章,字符串,10.1 concatenate two character arrays[连接两个字符数组]
#134 opened on 19 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,e9.6 修改9.4,使用compound literals
#133 opened on 19 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,e9.5 时间更新程序,当到达午夜时,可以将日期变到第二天
#132 opened on 19 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,e9.4 displays the day of the week on which a particular date falls. 求日期的星期数
#131 opened on 19 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,e9.3 function elapsed_time that takes as its arguments two time structures and returns a time structure that represents the elapsed time (in hours, minutes, and seconds) between the two times.求两个时间间的时间差
#130 opened on 19 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,e9.2 calculate the number of elapsed days between two dates. 求两个日期间的天数

#129 opened on 19 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,e9.1
#128 opened on 17 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,9.7 illustrate structures and arrays
#127 opened on 17 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,9.6 illustrate arrays of structures
#126 opened on 16 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,9.5 update the time by one second
#125 opened on 16 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,9.4 determine tomorrow's date,将求明天写成一个函数,就是函数 struct date dateUpdate (struct date today),它以结构为参数,并且返回结构
#124 opened on 16 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,9.3 determine tomorrow's date(考虑闰年)
#123 opened on 16 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,9.2 determine tomorrow's date(未考虑闰年)
#122 opened on 16 May by huangblue 第九章,结构,9.1 illustrate a structure 展示结构的用法
#121 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.16 由8.14修改, user can convert any number of integers,0作终止程序的输入
#120 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.15 由8.14修改。当用户输入错误时,要求用户重新输入直到输入合法。

#119 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.14 修改e8.10-e8.13,使用全局变量
#118 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.13 由8.12修改,take a third argument indicating whether the array is to be sorted in ascending or descending order
#117 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.12 矩阵行列互换
#116 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.11 求整型数组元素的和
#115 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.10 判断素数的程序,是则返回1,否则返回0 prime
#114 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.9 The least common multiple (lcm) of two positive integers
#113 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.8 求解一元二次方程,如果判别式小于0则输出说明,其它情况求出两个根
#112 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.7 求x的n次方
#111 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.6 由8.8修改,将求平方根的参数和返回值都改成double类型
#110 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.5 由8.8修改。将逼近判别由差变为比例

#109 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.4 由8.8修改,每次打印出guess的值。这样可以看到收敛的速度。
#108 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.3 由8.8修改,将误差epsilon作为参数传入。
#107 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.2 修改8.4中求三角数的函数,改为返回值(那里是打印),再修改5.5,它将调用这里的函数
#106 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,e8.1
#105 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.16 递归函数求阶乘 recursive
#104 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.15 Program to illustrate static and automatic variables
#103 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,const variables
#102 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.14  convert a positive integer to another base
#101 opened on 12 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.13A  scalarMultiply,displayMatrix,二维数组变长
#100 opened on 11 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.13   scalarMultiply ,displayMatrix。二维数组定长。

#99 opened on 10 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.12   sort an array of integers into ascending order
#98 opened on 10 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.11  multiplyBy2
#97 opened on 10 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.10  find the minimum value in an array(给定数组)
#96 opened on 10 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.9 find the minimum value in an array(用户输入数组的值)
#95 opened on 9 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.8 compute the square root of a number,calculate the absolute value of a number
#94 opened on 9 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.8 compute the square root of a number, calculate the absolute value of a number
#93 opened on 9 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.7 calculate the absolute value
#92 opened on 9 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.6 find the greatest common divisor of two nonnegative integer values and to return the result
#91 opened on 9 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.5 find the greatest common divisor of two nonnegative integer values (不返回值)
#90 opened on 9 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.4 calculate the nth triangular number

#89 opened on 9 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.3 调用函数的简单示例 printMessage
#88 opened on 9 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.2 调用函数的简单例子(无循环)
#87 opened on 9 May by huangblue 第八章,函数,8.1 调用函数的例子 最简单
#86 opened on 8 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,e7.7 Sieve of Erastosthenes Algorithm ,求素数
#85 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,e7.7 Sieve of Erastosthenes Algorithm(重复了) 埃拉托色尼筛网法
#84 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,e7.6 修改7.3,不用数组求Fibonacci numbers(斐波那契数列)
#83 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,e7.5 观察程序运行结果,是产生2的幂的程序
#82 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,e7.4 calculates the average of an array of 10 floating-point values
#81 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,e7.3 由7.2修改,7.2统计20个回复,这里要求可以统计任意多个回复。输入999停止程序
#80 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,e7.2 修改程序7.1,定义数组时将其所有元素初始化为0

#79 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,e7.1
#78 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,7.8 Generate Fibonacci numbers using variable length arrays,用变长数组计算斐波那契数列
#77 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,7.7 convert a positive integer to another base,数制转换
#76 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,7.6 简单字符数组举例,
#75 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,7.5 数组赋值的举例
#74 opened on 7 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,7.4 求50以内素数,用了数组
#73 opened on 6 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,7.3 generate the first 15 Fibonacci numbers,求斐波那契数列前15个数。
#72 opened on 6 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,7.2 统计20个回复,对其打分进行分类。
#71 opened on 6 May by huangblue 第七章,数组,7.1 数组元素赋值
#70 opened on 3 May by huangblue 第六章,分支,e6.7 修改6.10,求素数,改进效率。

#69 opened on 3 May by huangblue 第六章,分支,e6.6 将数值转换为英文表述
#68 opened on 3 May by huangblue 第六章,分支,e6.5 修改5.9,使其适应负数。5.9将一个数值以反序表示出来,但只适用于正数。
#67 opened on 3 May by huangblue 第六章,分支,e6.4 实现计算器功能的程序,有加减乘除、置数和退出功能
#66 opened on 3 May by huangblue 第六章,分支,e6.3 除法,保留三位小数,检查除数是否为0
#65 opened on 3 May by huangblue 第六章,分支,e6.2 测试用户输入的两个数,看前一个是否为后一个所整除
#64 opened on 3 May by huangblue 第六章,分支,e6.1
#63 opened on 2 May by huangblue 第六章,分支,6.10A 求50以内的素数
#62 opened on 2 May by huangblue 第六章,分支,6.10 generate a table of prime numbers,求50以内的素数
#61 opened on 30 Apr by huangblue 第六章,分支,6.9 evaluate simple expressions of the form value operator value 四则运算程序
#60 opened on 30 Apr by huangblue 第六章,分支,6.8A evaluate simple expressions of the form value operator value 四则运算程序

#59 opened on 29 Apr by huangblue 第六章,分支,6.8 evaluate simple expressions of the form number operator number 四则运算程序,不检查除数是否为0
#58 opened on 29 Apr by huangblue 第六章,分支,6.7 categorize a single character that is entered at the terminal 判断输入的字符种类
#57 opened on 29 Apr by huangblue 第六章,分支,6.6 sign function
#56 opened on 28 Apr by huangblue 第六章,分支,6.5 determines if a year is a leap year 判别闰年
#55 opened on 28 Apr by huangblue 第六章,分支,第六章,分支,6.4 determine if a number is even or odd (Ver. 2) 判别奇偶
#54 opened on 28 Apr by huangblue 第六章,分支,6.3 determine if a number is even or odd 判别奇偶(版本一)
#53 opened on 28 Apr by huangblue 第六章,分支,6.2 calculate the average of a set of grades and count the number of failing test grades 计算平均成绩和不及格人数
#52 opened on 28 Apr by huangblue 第六章,分支,6.1 calculate the absolute value of an integer 求整数的绝对值
#51 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,e5.11 求整数各位数字之和 calculates the sum of the digits of an integer.
#50 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,e5.10 程序5.8(求整数反序),如果输入负数,会有什么情况发生?

#49 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,e5.9 将程序5.2到5.5改写,原来的程序用的for循环,改成等价的while循环
#48 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,e5.8 修改程序5.5,使其能计算指定数目的三角数(个数和要计算其三角数的数由用户指定)
#47 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,e5.7 printf函数中field width specification的作用
#46 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,e5.6 field width specification前面的负号表示左对齐
#45 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,e5.5 修改一个程序的写法,增强其可读性(原来格式较随意)
#44 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,e5.4 求阶乘的程序
#43 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,e5.3 利用公式求三角数的程序
#42 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,e5.2 求1到10的平方
#41 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,e5.1
#40 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,5.9 reverse the digits of a number 求一个整数的反序数

#39 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,5.8 reverse the digits of a number,求一个整数的反序,0无结果
#38 opened on 25 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,5.7 find the greatest common divisor of two nonnegative integer values 求最大公约数(gcd)
#37 opened on 25 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,最大公约数算法
#36 opened on 25 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,5.6 introduce the while statement介绍while语句
#35 opened on 25 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,5.5 求5个数的三角数,用for循环
#34 opened on 25 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,5.4 求一个数的三角数
#33 opened on 24 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,5.3 generate a table of triangular numbers
#32 opened on 24 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,table5.1 Relational Operators 关系运算符
#31 opened on 24 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,5.2 calculate the 200th triangular number
#30 opened on 24 Apr by huangblue 第五章,程序循环,5.1 calculate the eighth triangular number 未用循环

#29 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,e4.8 To round off an integer i to the next largest even multiple of another integer j,
#28 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,e4.7 求一个表达式的值,(3.31 x 10^-8 x 2.01 x 10^-7) / (7.16 x 10^-6 + 2.01 x 10^-8)
#27 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,e4.6 求多项式的值 3x3 - 5x2 + 6 for x = 2.55.
#26 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,e4.5 阅读程序,求运行结果
#25 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,e4.4 华氏转换为摄氏
#24 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,e4.3 找出非法常数
#23 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,e4.2 找出非法变量名
#22 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,e4.1
#21 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,4.5 Basic conversions in C
#20 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,4.4 The modulus operator

#19 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,4.3 More arithmetic expressions
#18 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,4.2 Illustrate the use of various arithmetic operators
#17 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,table4.1 Basic Data Types 数据类型。类型定义,举例,输出格式符
#16 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 第四章,变量、数据类型和算术表达式,4.1 格式符展示
#15 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 第三章,编译和运行第一个程序,e3.6 阅读程序
#14 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 第三章,编译和运行第一个程序,e3.5 找出程序的语法错误
#13 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 第三章,编译和运行第一个程序,e3.4 减法程序
#12 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 第三章,编译和运行第一个程序,e3.3 阅读程序
#11 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 第三章,编译和运行第一个程序,e3.2 简单的屏幕输出程序
#10 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 第三章,编译和运行第一个程序,e3.1

#9 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 第三章,编译和运行第一个程序,3.6 adds two integer values and displays the results
#8 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 第三章,编译和运行第一个程序,3.5 加法程序
#7 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 第三章,编译和运行第一个程序,3.4 加法程序
#6 opened on 21 Apr by huangblue 3.3 屏幕输出程序
#5 opened on 21 Apr by huangblue 第三章,编译和运行第一个程序,3.2 简单屏幕输出程序
#4 opened on 21 Apr by huangblue 第三章,编译和运行第一个程序,3.1 屏幕输出程序
#3 opened on 18 Apr by huangblue 其它,logic.c 逻辑表达式
#2 opened on 15 Apr by huangblue 其它,conchar.c 展示部分特殊字符
#1 opened on 15 Apr by huangblue 其它,transform.c 数据类型自动转换

xie 写作方法


#34 opened 19 days ago by huangblue 卡片创作法之王云五
#33 opened 23 days ago by huangblue 写出我心——普通人如何通过写作表达自己
#32 opened 23 days ago by huangblue 写作这回事经典语录名句
#31 opened 28 days ago by huangblue 代入感
#30 opened 28 days ago by huangblue 写文章经验

#29 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 写作类别
#28 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 作图软件
#27 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 我用这6个办法,3个月写300万字,积累60万粉丝
#26 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 让阅读量增加19倍的标题秘籍
#25 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 如何提高公众号文章阅读量?
#24 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 如何提高文章阅读量
#23 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 各类文章写作方法
#22 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 追踪热点写作
#21 opened on 16 Jun by huangblue 2个月写了10万字,学到的九条读书写作干货免费分享给你
#20 opened on 14 Dec 2016 by huangblue 提高阅读量

#19 opened on 8 Dec 2016 by huangblue 在百度文库上传原创文档
#18 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue 以铜人史为镜
#17 opened on 6 Dec 2016 by huangblue 天涯
#16 opened on 5 Dec 2016 by huangblue 不可以包含链接
#15 opened on 5 Dec 2016 by huangblue 可以包含链接的
#14 opened on 3 Dec 2016 by huangblue 提交网站入口
#13 opened on 3 Dec 2016 by huangblue 百度文库
#12 opened on 3 Dec 2016 by huangblue 今日头条
#11 opened on 2 Dec 2016 by huangblue 原创文章的发布平台及发布技巧
#10 opened on 1 Dec 2016 by huangblue 路遥,写作方式,去世

#9 opened on 30 Nov 2016 by huangblue 纳博科夫的卡片创作法
#8 opened on 29 Nov 2016 by huangblue 改写哈佛幸福课
#7 opened on 27 Nov 2016 by huangblue 简书
#6 opened on 25 Nov 2016 by huangblue 团结面面观【】
#5 opened on 25 Nov 2016 by huangblue 写书评
#4 opened on 21 Nov 2016 by huangblue 想赚钱?你只需要每天写一篇文章!
#3 opened on 21 Nov 2016 by huangblue 生活,幽默等路线图
#2 opened on 20 Nov 2016 by huangblue 狗仔
#1 opened on 19 Nov 2016 by huangblue 写作猫,壹写作,scrivener



#74 opened 6 days ago by huangblue 两个数作交换,不用临时变量的例子
#73 opened 9 days ago by huangblue static的两种意义
#72 opened 12 days ago by huangblue 程序比程序员更理解c语言! cdecl程序(分析c语言的声明
#71 opened 19 days ago by huangblue strtok是什么意思?
#70 opened 19 days ago by huangblue 为什么需要size_t类型?

#69 opened 19 days ago by huangblue #line的意义
#68 opened 21 days ago by huangblue usual arithmetic conversions
#67 opened 21 days ago by huangblue Compound Literals
#66 opened 22 days ago by huangblue 复合运算符的一句未理解的话【C全面467】
#65 opened 22 days ago by huangblue 三个没有确定的情况【C全面463】
#64 opened 23 days ago by huangblue Bit Fields
#63 opened 23 days ago by huangblue 可以在定义时,将已定义的结构赋给新的结构
#62 opened 24 days ago by huangblue C语言的多字节字符(multibyte characters)是什么
#61 opened 24 days ago by huangblue digraph有什么用?
#60 opened 27 days ago by huangblue gdb的命令

#59 opened on 22 Jul by huangblue C语言 ## VA_ARGS
#58 opened on 20 Jul by huangblue gcc参数-w,-W,-Wall
#57 opened on 20 Jul by huangblue 使用调试函数来输出错误信息
#56 opened on 19 Jul by huangblue 执行C可执行文件,命令行参数之间用空格,不能用逗号
#55 opened on 18 Jul by huangblue gcc要编译出指定名称的可执行文件,加参数-o(这是字母)
#54 opened on 6 Jul by huangblue scanf格式符规则
#53 opened on 6 Jul by huangblue scanf中的%c,其中有句话还不理解【c全面p376】
#52 opened on 3 Jul by huangblue static 与 extern
#51 opened on 3 Jul by huangblue extern 变量,外部变量
#50 opened on 1 Jul by huangblue 怎样使用typedef建立新类型【C全面326(347)】

#49 opened on 30 Jun by huangblue 隐含类型转换规则【C全面书,327(348)】
#48 opened on 21 Jun by huangblue 位域[bit fields]
#47 opened on 7 May by huangblue 数值数组,初始化开头几个,则其余全部为0,其它类型的呢?
#46 opened on 15 Apr by huangblue static作用(修饰函数、局部变量、全局变量)
#45 opened on 7 Apr by huangblue address operator 和 indirection operator
#44 opened on 4 Apr by huangblue volatile是干什么的?
#43 opened on 4 Apr by huangblue sleep()是哪里的函数?
#42 opened on 4 Apr by huangblue 如何去掉txt文件中的unicode字符
#41 opened on 4 Apr by huangblue static函数是什么意思?
#40 opened on 2 Apr by huangblue 详解C语言中的wait()函数和waitpid()函数

#39 opened on 2 Apr by huangblue int main(int argc,char* argv[])详解
#38 opened on 2 Apr by huangblue 一个排序程序
#37 opened on 29 Mar by huangblue 将小写英文字母变为大写英文字母
#36 opened on 29 Mar by huangblue 一个不定长的for循环
#35 opened on 29 Mar by huangblue 求一个数字字符的值
#34 opened on 29 Mar by huangblue 单个文件,多个函数的程序结构
#33 opened on 6 Feb by huangblue 写长的字符串常量有两种方法
#32 opened on 28 Jan by huangblue 两个日期间的天数公式
#31 opened on 28 Jan by huangblue 无名结构以后要用怎么办?
#30 opened on 26 Jan by huangblue scanf的格式

#29 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 结构是值调用
#28 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 格式%.2i
#27 opened on 16 Jan by huangblue static变量只能初始化一次
#26 opened on 16 Jan by huangblue 全局变量有初值,局部变量无
#25 opened on 16 Jan by huangblue 函数中有变长的数组参数,记住长度在前,数组在后
#24 opened on 16 Jan by huangblue 传入多维数组到函数,最后一维必须给出长度
#23 opened on 16 Jan by huangblue Simple Exchange Sort Algorithm
#22 opened on 14 Jan by huangblue Newton-Raphson Iteration Technique
#21 opened on 14 Jan by huangblue fanfare
#20 opened on 13 Jan by huangblue 求素数的Sieve of Erastosthenes Algorithm

#19 opened on 13 Jan by huangblue gcc允许变量作为数组长度
#18 opened on 13 Jan by huangblue for 循环的循环变量赋值
#17 opened on 12 Jan by huangblue const是C++的关键字,但不是C的
#16 opened on 12 Jan by huangblue 可选择性的初始化数组的一些元素
#15 opened on 11 Jan by huangblue 使用bool而不是 _Bool
#14 opened on 11 Jan by huangblue 输入时,有空白,表示此处可以输入任意多个空格
#13 opened on 10 Jan by huangblue 循环最大127层
#12 opened on 10 Jan by huangblue 三种循环,for,while,do
#11 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue op=
#10 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue type cast 的优先级:低于单元运算符+和-,高于其它算术运算符

#9 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue printf ("a %% b = %i\n", a % b);
#8 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue table 4.1 Basic Data Types
#7 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue long 可以用在double前面,但不可以用在float前面
#6 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue 用%g,后面的0不显示,但用%e或%f,一定会显示够6位,零也一样。
#5 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue hexadecimal floating constant
#4 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue printf (a is %#o\n", a);,printf (a is %o\n", a);均不对
#3 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue #x还是#X?
#2 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue _Bool
#1 opened on 8 Jan by huangblue 各操作系统的IDE



#154 opened 28 minutes ago by huangblue 维生素B族片
#153 opened 10 hours ago by huangblue 番茄红素的服用方法 如何正确服用番茄红素
#152 opened 2 days ago by huangblue 益生菌
#151 opened 4 days ago by huangblue 木鳖果
#150 opened 6 days ago by huangblue 番茄红素

#149 opened 10 days ago by huangblue 为什么说农村的四最鲜嫩是:香椿芽,头刀韭,顶花黄瓜,谢花藕?
#148 opened 13 days ago by huangblue 乌梅化肾结石
#147 opened 13 days ago by huangblue 紫外光及太阳光分类
#146 opened 13 days ago by huangblue 1ug是多少国际单位
#145 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 7-脱氢胆固醇
#144 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 如何正确的晒太阳
#143 opened 16 days ago by huangblue 维生素D和阳光
#142 opened 16 days ago by huangblue UVB灯
#141 opened 18 days ago by huangblue 氟虫腈
#140 opened 19 days ago by huangblue 早上起来只吃水果对人体好吗?

#139 opened 20 days ago by huangblue 花青素
#138 opened 22 days ago by huangblue COSTCO,好市多
#137 opened 27 days ago by huangblue 雪菜鱿目鱼花卷
#136 opened on 27 Jul by huangblue 清蒸比目鱼
#135 opened on 27 Jul by huangblue 小米5splus,休眠,刷机模式和recover模式
#134 opened on 26 Jul by huangblue 360doc个人图书馆文件夹管理
#133 opened on 23 Jul by huangblue 秋刀鱼好
#132 opened on 5 Jul by huangblue 六月韭,臭死狗
#131 opened on 26 Jun by huangblue 网线没有插好,wan口灯不亮
#130 opened on 26 Jun by huangblue word 2010 的简繁转换在审阅

#129 opened on 23 Jun by huangblue 马铃薯生汁治癌
#128 opened on 15 Jun by huangblue EMS经济快递用的是丰巢
#127 opened on 15 Jun by huangblue 丰巢智能快递柜怎么取件 丰巢智能快递柜取件步骤介绍
#126 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 打开只能在微信客户端打开的链接
#125 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 如何把微信文章中的语音/音乐下载下来
#124 opened on 12 Jun by huangblue 高糖酵母与低糖酵母您用对了吗?
#123 opened on 6 Jun by huangblue 宜家食物便宜咖啡还能免费的5个小秘密
#122 opened on 2 Jun by huangblue 家庭发生烫伤如何处理
#121 opened on 26 May by huangblue 遂宁宾馆,多味居(红星路店)
#120 opened on 21 May by huangblue 成都火车东站

#119 opened on 20 May by huangblue 成都火车站(火车北站)
#118 opened on 18 May by huangblue 成都地铁买票流程一览
#117 opened on 16 May by huangblue 菌类不能同茄子一起吃?
#116 opened on 9 May by huangblue 辣椒有哪些营养价值
#115 opened on 9 May by huangblue 胡萝卜一定要用很多油来炒吗?不必!
#114 opened on 9 May by huangblue 大小青椒营养比较
#113 opened on 29 Apr by huangblue 广胡怎么样?
#112 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 黑豆胡萝卜可以一起煮
#111 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 隔夜的银耳汤能不能喝
#110 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 葡萄干可以怎样吃?

#109 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 银耳为什么要放冰糖?
#108 opened on 17 Apr by huangblue 亚马逊网站
#107 opened on 17 Apr by huangblue 在亚马逊上用人民币付款
#106 opened on 16 Apr by huangblue 终于找到一个银耳出胶的好办法,不用炖,睡一觉,早上又粘又糯软
#105 opened on 15 Apr by huangblue 亚马逊海外购的付款方式与如何索要发票!
#104 opened on 15 Apr by huangblue 2017年1亿多退休人员养老金上涨5.5%
#103 opened on 11 Apr by huangblue 长城环球通借记卡
#102 opened on 10 Apr by huangblue 取消美团的免密
#101 opened on 4 Apr by huangblue 红米Note4x不支持微信运动?(支持的)
#100 opened on 28 Mar by huangblue 吃蒜苔牙齿受不了,以后不吃

#99 opened on 27 Mar by huangblue 嫩肉粉
#98 opened on 21 Mar by huangblue 苦瓜粉
#97 opened on 15 Mar by huangblue 检测LED灯频闪
#96 opened on 15 Mar by huangblue 成信计财处
#95 opened on 14 Mar by huangblue 信用卡在境外消费应该怎么还款?
#94 opened on 14 Mar by huangblue 从成信行政楼到家,步行30分钟
#93 opened on 13 Mar by huangblue 双流机场国际出发
#92 opened on 12 Mar by huangblue 在新加坡如何坐公交和地铁
#91 opened on 12 Mar by huangblue 成信vpn
#90 opened on 11 Mar by huangblue 验证国际机票时,姓名的输入格式

#89 opened on 11 Mar by huangblue 如何去除口中残留的大蒜和洋葱味
#88 opened on 9 Mar by huangblue 银联卡在境外
#87 opened on 8 Mar by huangblue 漫游到国外的手机打当地电话
#86 opened on 8 Mar by huangblue 漫游到国外的手机,怎么打国内手机,发短信?
#85 opened on 8 Mar by huangblue 新加坡机场的wifi
#84 opened on 17 Feb by huangblue 鉴别羊毛和棉线
#83 opened on 12 Feb by huangblue 酸性體質?感冒不斷?三步驟自製天然「黃金抗生素」,一天一匙,扭轉易病體質!
#82 opened on 11 Feb by huangblue 怎么正确处理脚上磨出来的水泡?
#81 opened on 7 Feb by huangblue 切洋葱怎样才能不伤手
#80 opened on 6 Feb by huangblue 胡萝卜

#79 opened on 6 Feb by huangblue 什么蔬菜含草酸多
#78 opened on 5 Feb by huangblue 洋葱
#77 opened on 5 Feb by huangblue 黄芪可以和决明子一起泡水喝吗
#76 opened on 4 Feb by huangblue 有利胰岛细胞的食物
#75 opened on 4 Feb by huangblue 打哈欠的原因是什么?
#74 opened on 3 Feb by huangblue 三七活血
#73 opened on 2 Feb by huangblue 心率监测仪
#72 opened on 2 Feb by huangblue 血糖高膳食
#71 opened on 2 Feb by huangblue 从营养学来说煮粥是开水放米好还是冷水放米好,放之前是否要浸泡
#70 opened on 31 Jan by huangblue 降血脂食品

#69 opened on 31 Jan by huangblue 瑞舒伐他汀钙片
#68 opened on 28 Jan by huangblue 百度云1550010登录错误怎么办
#67 opened on 27 Jan by huangblue 北京华联航空港店
#66 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 制定目标
#65 opened on 24 Jan by huangblue 小米手机作为存储器的连接
#64 opened on 17 Jan by huangblue 新加坡电话号码是8位数。 座机是3或6开头,手机是8或9开头
#63 opened on 16 Jan by huangblue 从国外打**的手机
#62 opened on 11 Jan by huangblue **最好的羊肉:苏尼特羊肉
#61 opened on 10 Jan by huangblue 支付宝怎么转账到别人的银行卡
#60 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue 为什么大蒜用榨汁机榨了之后变成绿色的了?

#59 opened on 7 Jan by huangblue 农业银行,提示“不能找到指定证书”
#58 opened on 5 Jan by huangblue 虾子可以与蘑菇吃
#57 opened on 5 Jan by huangblue 虾子可以与豆芽吃
#56 opened on 29 Dec 2016 by huangblue 租房合同必须本人签字,否则租房者用此不能办理营业执照
#55 opened on 29 Dec 2016 by huangblue E27
#54 opened on 27 Dec 2016 by huangblue 全国发票查询
#53 opened on 22 Dec 2016 by huangblue 书房大电脑
#52 opened on 22 Dec 2016 by huangblue 胡萝卜可以和海带同吃吗
#51 opened on 20 Dec 2016 by huangblue 胡萝卜羊肉
#50 opened on 19 Dec 2016 by huangblue 香附子

#49 opened on 12 Dec 2016 by huangblue 人参果
#48 opened on 11 Dec 2016 by huangblue 驼铃与梦驼铃
#47 opened on 11 Dec 2016 by huangblue 三月瓜
#46 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue 晒太阳
#45 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue 南瓜
#44 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue 羊肉
#43 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue 高血压
#42 opened on 8 Dec 2016 by huangblue 区别白蚁与蚂蚁
#41 opened on 8 Dec 2016 by huangblue 大马哈鱼的一生
#40 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue 青竹鱼

#39 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue 红薯连皮吃更好
#38 opened on 4 Dec 2016 by huangblue 金针菇要切碎
#37 opened on 4 Dec 2016 by huangblue 虾能不能和莴笋同吃
#36 opened on 2 Dec 2016 by huangblue 机保局
#35 opened on 2 Dec 2016 by huangblue 四川人社厅电话
#34 opened on 30 Nov 2016 by huangblue 电梯
#33 opened on 30 Nov 2016 by huangblue 羊肉与海带
#32 opened on 28 Nov 2016 by huangblue 相对湿度
#31 opened on 27 Nov 2016 by huangblue 小米的位置设置
#30 opened on 27 Nov 2016 by huangblue 玉米须熬汤喝,可以降低尿酸,防治痛风

#29 opened on 25 Nov 2016 by huangblue 小米5充电
#28 opened on 25 Nov 2016 by huangblue 上海嘉定雨花斋
#27 opened on 24 Nov 2016 by huangblue 本地快递分类
#26 opened on 23 Nov 2016 by huangblue 高血压
#25 opened on 21 Nov 2016 by huangblue 提醒
#24 opened on 21 Nov 2016 by huangblue 停电
#23 opened on 18 Nov 2016 by huangblue 自己手机间蓝牙发送,两次没有成功
#22 opened on 18 Nov 2016 by huangblue 牛肉炒得嫩滑的诀窍【青椒炒牛肉】
#21 opened on 17 Nov 2016 by huangblue 家里热水器,燃气开关,往右是增大
#20 opened on 15 Nov 2016 by huangblue 家里菜板34X24,30X20

#19 opened on 13 Nov 2016 by huangblue 在自己电话上能不能查自己的号码
#18 opened on 7 Nov 2016 by huangblue 雷达气雾剂
#17 opened on 6 Nov 2016 by huangblue 海带怎样作才好吃?
#16 opened on 4 Nov 2016 by huangblue National Health System,NHS
#15 opened on 30 Oct 2016 by huangblue 804路现在往返有重复路线
#14 opened on 29 Oct 2016 by huangblue 中联航75折以上的票才能选座
#13 opened on 29 Oct 2016 by huangblue 双流机场T2出发大厅在三楼
#12 opened on 29 Oct 2016 by huangblue 73u是什么飞机
#11 opened on 25 Oct 2016 by huangblue 血压高的人不能吃黑枸杞
#10 opened on 25 Oct 2016 by huangblue 雪菊是降压的

#9 opened on 19 Oct 2016 by huangblue 蚊子有时在床单上
#8 opened on 18 Oct 2016 by huangblue 馒头不沾碗
#7 opened on 12 Oct 2016 by huangblue Baby spinach
#6 opened on 11 Oct 2016 by huangblue Onedrive能不能用?
#5 opened on 11 Oct 2016 by huangblue 鹿由器
#4 opened on 10 Oct 2016 by huangblue Foobar2000
#2 opened on 29 Sep 2016 by jiangjunwen 巴沙鱼
#1 opened on 18 Sep 2016 by huangblue 写mark down语法



#18 opened 22 days ago by huangblue 脑内革命
#17 opened 24 days ago by huangblue 头部“写米字” 缓解颈椎疾病
#16 opened 24 days ago by huangblue 去掉多余的东西
#15 opened 24 days ago by huangblue 安静的重要性
#14 opened 26 days ago by huangblue 香薰
#13 opened 28 days ago by huangblue 对大脑有影响的食物
#12 opened 28 days ago by huangblue FRBM:维生素D水平较低或引发个体大脑损伤
#11 opened 28 days ago by huangblue 持续用脑会使大脑中累积“乳酸”吗?
#10 opened 28 days ago by huangblue 有什么办法消除乳酸

#9 opened 28 days ago by huangblue 自由基
#8 opened 29 days ago by huangblue 皮质醇
#7 opened 29 days ago by huangblue 适当运动,可缓解脑疲劳
#6 opened 29 days ago by huangblue 脑脊液:我们脑中的母亲河
#5 opened 29 days ago by huangblue 快速消除脑疲劳的三大妙招
#4 opened on 28 Jul by huangblue 亚健康状态的我们如何缓解脑疲劳!
#3 opened on 28 Jul by huangblue 维生素b1是酸性物质的主要清洁工
#2 opened on 28 Jul by huangblue 音乐缓解大脑疲劳
#1 opened on 28 Jul by huangblue 大脑疲劳的来源



#9 opened on 4 Feb by huangblue 六书
#8 opened on 29 Jan by huangblue 直音法或反切法
#7 opened on 29 Jan by huangblue 幽州台
#6 opened on 28 Jan by huangblue 十二地支 子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥
#5 opened on 27 Jan by huangblue 宄
#4 opened on 27 Jan by huangblue 一直被误读的“襄陵”
#3 opened on 26 Jan by huangblue 卿今当涂掌事的当涂什么意思
#2 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 陈太丘与友期:相委而去的意思
#1 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 古代汉语



#9 opened 2 days ago by huangblue 当前工作
#8 opened 20 days ago by huangblue 顺序【有网络笔记数据】
#7 opened 24 days ago by huangblue 任务:固定四书,其它
#6 opened on 23 Jul by huangblue 当前工作
#5 opened on 24 May by huangblue 路径
#4 opened on 18 Apr by huangblue C语言学习
#3 opened on 18 Apr by huangblue 11.2
#2 opened on 18 Apr by huangblue logic.c
#1 opened on 4 Mar by huangblue 日常

write 写作平台


#4 opened on 19 Jul by huangblue 小说
#3 opened on 17 Jun by huangblue 投稿公众号
#2 opened on 7 May by huangblue 可以写文章赚钱的网站
#1 opened on 7 May by huangblue 适合新人写作的



#80 opened 7 days ago by huangblue 番茄红素系列

#79 opened 8 days ago by huangblue fgets() 与gets()的区别
#78 opened 8 days ago by huangblue C语言中多维数组的定义
#77 opened 23 days ago by huangblue 看了哈佛幸福课1要写的三个问题
#76 opened 25 days ago by huangblue 花青素
#75 opened 25 days ago by huangblue 颈椎健康
#74 opened 27 days ago by huangblue 人生最大的财富是内心的安详
#73 opened 28 days ago by huangblue 保持精力
#72 opened on 22 Jul by huangblue 韩愈师说与好奇心
#71 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 走神策略
#70 opened on 9 Jul by huangblue 三心三练

#69 opened on 7 Jul by huangblue 丹要注意的
#68 opened on 30 Jun by huangblue 拥抱情绪,但不要被情绪指挥
#66 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 怎样写书评
#65 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 书评:每天最重要的两小时
#64 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 书评:6秒钟改变你的情商
#63 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 茂县山体滑坡事件
#62 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 乒乓球队事件
#61 opened on 4 May by huangblue 情绪,攻击性,负面词汇
#60 opened on 21 Apr by huangblue 镜像神经元

#59 opened on 19 Apr by huangblue 多数人暴政与**
#58 opened on 17 Apr by huangblue 怎样写校史
#57 opened on 17 Apr by huangblue 打江山容易坐江山难
#56 opened on 16 Apr by huangblue 讨论怎样不失控
#55 opened on 15 Apr by huangblue 为什么不能回到**
#54 opened on 9 Apr by huangblue 以权力制止腐败,可能产生新的腐败
#53 opened on 9 Apr by huangblue 核心家庭,鲁迅家,大跃进,大食堂
#52 opened on 8 Apr by huangblue 实践是检验真理的唯一标准
#51 opened on 6 Apr by huangblue 驳地主初夜权(over)
#50 opened on 1 Apr by huangblue 大群说明(over)

#49 opened on 26 Mar by huangblue 人工智能的政治经济影响
#48 opened on 2 Mar by huangblue 腾讯wifi管家
#47 opened on 22 Feb by huangblue 建立短篇集
#46 opened on 17 Feb by huangblue 在美国怎样吃得健康
#45 opened on 6 Feb by huangblue 幽默的好处
#44 opened on 2 Feb by huangblue 深呼吸的好处
#43 opened on 1 Feb by huangblue 抗拒诱惑,走向成功
#42 opened on 31 Jan by huangblue 完美主义与追求卓越
#41 opened on 26 Jan by huangblue 休息的重要与怎样休息
#40 opened on 26 Jan by huangblue 古文简约无标点,与记录不易有关

#39 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 文言文写作的重要性
#38 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 写作的重要性
#37 opened on 24 Jan by huangblue 全球化对发达国家,开始是好的,后来不好
#36 opened on 22 Jan by huangblue 文言文与白话文各自优势
#35 opened on 21 Jan by huangblue 说政治解释
#34 opened on 20 Jan by huangblue 谈诛心
#33 opened on 15 Jan by huangblue 渐变:感激训练;突变:巅峰体验
#32 opened on 15 Jan by huangblue 工业文明是**的必由之路,改革开放是一座丰碑
#31 opened on 14 Jan by huangblue **终于进入工业文明,但来了雾霾,何去何从
#30 opened on 14 Jan by huangblue **白话文史

#29 opened on 12 Jan by huangblue 李约瑟之问
#28 opened on 12 Jan by huangblue 苏尔特训练法
#27 opened on 12 Jan by huangblue 集中注意力
#26 opened on 11 Jan by huangblue 艺术生不应降低文化考试分数
#25 opened on 10 Jan by huangblue 工业文明的三个作用
#24 opened on 8 Jan by huangblue 家庭联产承包制拯救了**
#23 opened on 6 Jan by huangblue 政治与微观
#22 opened on 19 Dec 2016 by huangblue 学记上循序渐进的主张
#21 opened on 14 Dec 2016 by huangblue 就业,找工作
#20 opened on 13 Dec 2016 by huangblue 改写已发表的scrivener使用方法

#19 opened on 11 Dec 2016 by huangblue 西南联大校歌与岳飞满江红对比
#18 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue zotero
#17 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue 分工
#16 opened on 9 Dec 2016 by huangblue 汤飞凡
#15 opened on 8 Dec 2016 by huangblue 自我催眠
#14 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue 农村的老房子
#13 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue 北京活鱼下架
#12 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue 三大工程
#11 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue 坚果云
#10 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue Scrivener工程

#9 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue 楼兰消失
#8 opened on 6 Dec 2016 by huangblue 学习方法
#7 opened on 6 Dec 2016 by huangblue 经济题目
#6 opened on 4 Dec 2016 by huangblue 团结面面观
#5 opened on 4 Dec 2016 by huangblue 改写哈佛幸福课
#4 opened on 4 Dec 2016 by huangblue 路遥与纳博科夫的对比
#3 opened on 4 Dec 2016 by huangblue 路遥生平
#2 opened on 4 Dec 2016 by huangblue 卡片写作法
#1 opened on 4 Dec 2016 by huangblue 纳博科夫的生平



#2 opened on 28 Jan by huangblue 生活问题
#1 opened on 28 Jan by huangblue 李光耀公共政策学院



#1 opened 21 days ago by huangblue 从文件夹中拖动项目到桌面



#3 opened on 6 Dec 2016 by huangblue Scrivener for Mac 使用指南
#2 opened on 5 Dec 2016 by huangblue 很多英文书
#1 opened on 5 Dec 2016 by huangblue 图书馆助学扫描书屋pdf书和光盘



#10 opened on 20 Jun by huangblue 循环移位算法
#9 opened on 18 Jun by huangblue 用异或交换两个正整数(不需要第三个变量)
#8 opened on 5 Jun by huangblue Simple Exchange Sort Algorithm
#7 opened on 30 May by huangblue Binary Search Algorithm 二分搜索算法
#6 opened on 24 May by huangblue 求两个日期之间的天数
#5 opened on 14 May by huangblue 最大公约数算法(gcd)
#4 opened on 10 May by huangblue Simple Exchange Sort Algorithm
#3 opened on 9 May by huangblue Sieve of Erastosthenes Algorithm
#2 opened on 9 May by huangblue Newton-Raphson Method to Compute the Square Root of x
#1 opened on 19 Mar by huangblu Binary Search Algorithm



#3 opened 18 days ago by huangblue 适应力
#2 opened 18 days ago by huangblue 现在抑郁症人群的平均年龄小于15岁
#1 opened 21 days ago by huangblue 利导思维



#106 opened 4 days ago by huangblue 移风易俗,莫善于乐。
#105 opened 6 days ago by huangblue 狡兔陵冈,游鱼遁川
#104 opened 12 days ago by huangblue 月过十五光明少,人到中年万事休
#103 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 琴待宫商阙 事多故人离
#102 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 弱者相信运气,强者只究因果
#101 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 可与言而不与言,失人。不可与言而与之言,失言
#100 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 知无不言,言无不尽,百人誉之不加密,百人毁之不加疏。

#99 opened 16 days ago by huangblue 仰之弥高,钻之弥坚
#98 opened 16 days ago by huangblue 死亡本身其实并不可怕,面临死亡的过程才真正可怕。
#97 opened 26 days ago by huangblue 从古知兵非好战
#96 opened on 28 Jul by huangblue 商人死于路,官人死于狱

#95 opened on 27 Jul by huangblue 祸福无门,惟人自召
#94 opened on 26 Jul by huangblue 鸟儿从来不担心树枝断裂,因为它依靠的不是树枝,而是自己的翅膀。
#93 opened on 24 Jul by huangblue 度长絜大,比权量力
#92 opened on 20 Jul by huangblue 人贵有三品:沉得住气,弯得下腰,抬得起头。处理好与人的关系,三句话:看人长处、帮人难处、记人好处。
#91 opened on 18 Jul by huangblue 寝不安席,食不甘味
#90 opened on 17 Jul by huangblue 言有易,言无难

#89 opened on 16 Jul by huangblue 危邦不入,乱邦不居
#88 opened on 13 Jul by huangblue 石韫玉而山辉,水怀珠而川媚。
#87 opened on 12 Jul by huangblue 药医不死病,佛渡有缘人
#86 opened on 8 Jul by huangblue 历史犹如是手中的沙子
#85 opened on 7 Jul by huangblue 国不知有民,民亦不知有国
#84 opened on 6 Jul by huangblue 见端知末,查微知著
#83 opened on 6 Jul by huangblue 轻则失本,躁则失君
#82 opened on 5 Jul by huangblue 谷贱伤农,谷贵伤末
#81 opened on 2 Jul by huangblue 君子口不出恶言
#80 opened on 30 Jun by huangblue 我们这一时代最伟大的革命,就是发现人类透过改变其心志可以改变其生命外在的各个层面。————威廉.吉姆斯(William James,美国心理学家)

#79 opened on 30 Jun by huangblue 讲信修睦
#78 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 无欲则刚,关心则乱,在乎则虐
#77 opened on 25 Jun by huangblue 安贫乐道
#76 opened on 20 Jun by huangblue 水静极则形象明,心静极而智慧生。
#75 opened on 20 Jun by huangblue 为学日益,为道日损
#74 opened on 17 Jun by huangblue 小人无错,君子常过
#73 opened on 16 Jun by huangblue 垃圾是放错了位置的宝藏
#72 opened on 15 Jun by huangblue 生活中有许多这样的场合,你打算用愤恨去实现的目标,完全可以用宽恕去实现——西德尼.史密斯
#71 opened on 14 Jun by huangblue 厚者为戮 薄者见疑
#70 opened on 14 Jun by huangblue 我负责万事俱备,东风他爱来不来。

#69 opened on 14 Jun by huangblue 周公恐惧流言日,王莽谦恭未篡时。
#68 opened on 9 Jun by huangblue 木秀于林,风必摧之, 堆高于岸,流必湍之, 人处于众,谗必随之。
#67 opened on 7 Jun by huangblue 事不避难,义不逃责,素位而行,随适而安;毋戚戚于功名,毋孜孜于娱乐。
#66 opened on 6 Jun by huangblue 悖入亦悖出,害人终害己
#65 opened on 5 Jun by huangblue 瓦罐不离井上破,将军难免阵前亡
#64 opened on 31 May by huangblue 危机产生强人,强人制造危机
#63 opened on 30 May by huangblue 法正则民悫,罪当则民从”
#62 opened on 25 May by huangblue 危邦不入,乱邦不居
#61 opened on 23 May by huangblue 强弩之末,势不能穿鲁缟
#60 opened on 21 May by huangblue “行万里路前读万卷书,行万里路中阅人无数,行万里路后思索回顾。”

#59 opened on 15 May by huangblue 天子之怒,伏尸百万,流血千里,布衣之怒,免冠徒跣,以头抢地。
#58 opened on 14 May by huangblue 生活平淡就好 不喜不悲 听着慢歌 读着自己喜欢的书 宁静在心❤
#57 opened on 13 May by huangblue 莫道君行早,更有早行人
#56 opened on 10 May by huangblue 恕己量人
#55 opened on 9 May by huangblue 宁鸣而死,不默而生
#54 opened on 9 May by huangblue 玉瓷之石,金刚试之
#53 opened on 9 May by huangblue 任何一个集体膜拜的领域,一定是骗子横行
#52 opened on 8 May by huangblue 一带一路
#51 opened on 8 May by huangblue 国若危,回必乱
#50 opened on 7 May by huangblue 天子守国门,君王死社稷。

#49 opened on 2 May by huangblue 能够欣赏别人,就是战胜了自己
#48 opened on 2 May by huangblue 怨春悲秋,厌夏畏冬
#47 opened on 1 May by huangblue 每个奴才都有一颗**者的心。
#46 opened on 26 Apr by huangblue 大行不顾细谨,大礼不辞小让
#45 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 一粥一饭当思来之不易,半丝半缕恒念物力维艰
#44 opened on 23 Apr by huangblue 明镜照物 妍媸毕露
#43 opened on 15 Apr by huangblue 刀刃之蜜,有割舌之患。
#42 opened on 15 Apr by huangblue 政不可知则威不可测
#41 opened on 9 Apr by huangblue 谁是人民?一美国记者问苏联老农:一切权力归苏维埃人民,你们现在有什么权利呢?老农:没有,因为我不是人民。记者:那谁是人民?老农:我想斯大林同志的父亲应该是人民。记者:你怎么知道?老
#40 opened on 7 Apr by huangblue 域民不以封疆之界,固国不以山溪之险,威天下不以兵革之利。

#39 opened on 7 Apr by huangblue 我们有一千条理由把中美关系搞好,没有一条理由把中美关系搞坏。
#38 opened on 5 Apr by huangblue 诗无达诂
#37 opened on 2 Apr by huangblue 富贵福泽,将厚吾之生也;贫贱忧戚,庸玉汝于成也
#36 opened on 28 Mar by huangblue 智者花钱养生,愚者花钱治病
#35 opened on 25 Mar by huangblue 世间爹妈情最真,泪血溶入儿女身。殚竭心力终为子,可怜天下父母心!
#34 opened on 24 Mar by huangblue 对年轻人来说,不让他做一件事的痛苦大于做那件事的后果可能带来的痛苦。
#33 opened on 22 Mar by huangblue 找不到答案的研究就是无休止的争论,没有任何实际意义
#32 opened on 21 Mar by huangblue 人无自由,国家即监狱,民无选票,政府即强盗;国无宪政,百姓皆奴隶。
#31 opened on 13 Mar by huangblue 高贵的**造就一个高贵的人,而浅薄的**造就一个悲惨的人
#30 opened on 13 Mar by huangblue 持而盈之,不如其已;锤而锐之,不可长保,金玉满堂,莫之能守,富贵而骄,自遗其咎,功成身退,天之道也。

#29 opened on 5 Mar by huangblue 人们在物质世界的大自然面前有多么渺小,人们在精神世界的大自然面前就有多么渺小。
#28 opened on 17 Feb by huangblue 泉水激石,泠泠作响;好鸟相鸣,嘤嘤成韵。蝉则千转不穷,猿则百叫无绝。
#27 opened on 15 Feb by huangblue 人以孝悌忠信是教,家惟礼义廉耻是尚。
#26 opened on 7 Feb by huangblue 在朋友身上,我寻找的不是盲目的让步,对我千依百顺的人,我寻找的是一个美丽的敌人,能挑战我,敦促我,帮助我寻求真相。
#25 opened on 2 Feb by huangblue 不戚戚于贫贱,不汲汲于富贵
#24 opened on 2 Feb by huangblue 只要心是晴朗的,人生就没有雨天。
#23 opened on 1 Feb by huangblue 鸢飞戾天者,望峰息心;经纶世务者,窥谷忘反。
#22 opened on 30 Jan by huangblue 聪明人总是拿别人的教训教育自己,糊涂人总是拿自己的教训教育别人。
#21 opened on 28 Jan by huangblue 置万山于几席,览千春于瞬息
#20 opened on 27 Jan by huangblue 景无情不发,情无景不生

#19 opened on 27 Jan by huangblue 背面敷粉,反客为主
#18 opened on 27 Jan by huangblue 素湍绿潭,回清倒影
#17 opened on 26 Jan by huangblue 高居媚时
#16 opened on 26 Jan by huangblue 高居媚时
#15 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 绾合今昔,叠印时空
#14 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 人们能想象到自己的每一步,但却觉得高峰是难以攀登的
#13 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 幽默是一种人格力量,但如果幽默被用来伤害他人,它就不能算作一种力量,所以它必须是用于道德高尚的方面
#12 opened on 24 Jan by huangblue 啾啾鸟语,唧唧虫鸣,瑟瑟风声,潺潺水响
#11 opened on 21 Jan by huangblue 不三不四搞体育,流流氓氓搞文艺
#10 opened on 19 Jan by huangblue 逐步的改变好过雄心勃勃的失败,成功建立在成功之上。

#9 opened on 15 Jan by huangblue 有时你的欢乐是微笑的源泉,但有时你的微笑也可以成为欢乐的源泉。
#8 opened on 15 Jan by huangblue 勤问必有所得,求索始于追问
#7 opened on 14 Jan by huangblue 如果星星每千年闪烁一次
#6 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue 想吃冰下雹子
#5 opened on 9 Jan by huangblue 想吃冰下雹子
#4 opened on 29 Dec 2016 by huangblue 马斯洛曾经断言:“假如我们对艺术教育有明确的认识
#3 opened on 24 Dec 2016 by huangblue 有研究证实,美国人也花最多时间,比其他任何人所花的时间都多,平均每周有四个小时做志愿者的工作,做与自身工作无关的善事,他们比世界上其他人更具社会目标
#2 opened on 24 Dec 2016 by huangblue 大学小心翼翼地将我们与外界活动隔开,这样最容易打击学习兴趣,阻碍学习进步
#1 opened on 24 Dec 2016 by huangblue 疑问引起改变,因此提问是非常重要的



#34 opened 19 days ago by huangblue 不加区别地赞扬别人
#33 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 降噪耳机
#32 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 怎样恢复精力,保持精力
#31 opened on 26 Jan by huangblue 原来,这才叫休息!——科学家揭秘真正的“休息模式”
#30 opened on 23 Dec 2016 by huangblue 心理自助运动

#29 opened on 15 Dec 2016 by huangblue 老中医教你三招,2分钟内安然入眠,入睡难、失眠的都收藏了!
#28 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue 午觉
#27 opened on 18 Nov 2016 by huangblue 宁静修习
#26 opened on 15 Nov 2016 by huangblue 想象击打练拳用的沙袋
#25 opened on 29 Oct 2016 by huangblue 八种恢复精力的方法
#24 opened on 29 Oct 2016 by huangblue 潜意识怎样起作用
#23 opened on 17 Oct 2016 by huangblue 刹那冥想的优点
#22 opened on 13 Oct 2016 by huangblue 平时思绪
#21 opened on 12 Oct 2016 by huangblue 醒了起床
#20 opened on 10 Oct 2016 by huangblue foobar2000的使用

#19 opened on 10 Oct 2016 by huangblue 解决苹果手机听音乐问题
#18 opened on 9 Oct 2016 by huangblue 大脑里有鸣响
#17 opened on 8 Oct 2016 by huangblue 智慧冥想(内观)
#16 opened on 8 Oct 2016 by huangblue 集中冥想(奢摩他)
#15 opened on 8 Oct 2016 by huangblue 冥想:放空自己一书
#14 opened on 8 Oct 2016 by huangblue 利用嫉妒取得进步的方法
#13 opened on 8 Oct 2016 by huangblue 货币经济效果
#12 opened on 8 Oct 2016 by huangblue 哄受法
#11 opened on 8 Oct 2016 by huangblue 肌肉弛缓法
#10 opened on 8 Oct 2016 by huangblue 呼吸法

#9 opened on 8 Oct 2016 by huangblue 智慧冥想与集中冥想
#8 opened on 6 Oct 2016 by huangblue capo production
#7 opened on 5 Oct 2016 by huangblue 自我催眠
#6 opened on 5 Oct 2016 by huangblue 潜意识里有什么?
#5 opened on 5 Oct 2016 by huangblue 晚上催眠曲音量应该多大
#4 opened on 4 Oct 2016 by huangblue 咒的梵语是什么?
#3 opened on 1 Oct 2016 by huangblue 流行音乐对工作学习有帮助吗?
#2 opened on 1 Oct 2016 by huangblue 脑波音乐,频率不在人耳能听的范围内,怎么起作用?
#1 opened on 29 Sep 2016 by huangblue 文学名著等神书助睡眠?



#21 opened 7 days ago by huangblue 健安喜
#20 opened 7 days ago by huangblue 积极心理学

#19 opened 8 days ago by huangblue 丹发的水果汁网站
#18 opened 9 days ago by huangblue 家用路由器
#17 opened 12 days ago by huangblue **电脑医生网
#16 opened 15 days ago by huangblue C语言常见问题集 (中文)
#15 opened 16 days ago by huangblue C编译器和IDE及相关环境
#14 opened 16 days ago by huangblue C语言库函数
#13 opened 17 days ago by huangblue 《Proramming in C》的习题答案
#12 opened 18 days ago by huangblue 在线转换pdf为word
#11 opened 18 days ago by huangblue gitbook教程
#10 opened 18 days ago by huangblue gcc在线文档

#9 opened 21 days ago by huangblue Scrivener技术支持
#8 opened 21 days ago by huangblue msdn首页
#7 opened 23 days ago by huangblue 好市多
#6 opened 23 days ago by huangblue 成都信息工程大学校报
#5 opened 23 days ago by huangblue Scrivener视频
#4 opened 24 days ago by huangblue 在线繁简转换
#3 opened on 27 Jul by huangblue 小米刷机
#2 opened on 26 Jul by huangblue 搜外网
#1 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 心理,神经科学等



#18 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue issues里缩行,可以用全角的空格
#17 opened on 18 Nov 2016 by huangblue 上传到code的文件可以下载
#16 opened on 17 Nov 2016 by huangblue issue可以搜索
#15 opened on 16 Nov 2016 by huangblue 钩子
#14 opened on 16 Nov 2016 by huangblue github界面上怎样建立新的分支?
#13 opened on 12 Nov 2016 by huangblue 如何讲解pull request
#12 opened on 12 Nov 2016 by huangblue 如果在本地处理了合并请求,github上会有什么变化?
#11 opened on 12 Nov 2016 by huangblue 鹰眼系统是什么?
#10 opened on 12 Nov 2016 by huangblue git merge命令的完整格式

#9 opened on 12 Nov 2016 by huangblue merge命令的参数--no-ff的意义
#8 opened on 12 Nov 2016 by huangblue git pull
#7 opened on 11 Nov 2016 by huangblue 用markdown
#6 opened on 10 Nov 2016 by huangblue github中的版本库
#5 opened on 8 Nov 2016 by huangblue ssh key
#4 opened on 7 Nov 2016 by huangblue 变基
#3 opened on 10 Oct 2016 by huangblue 怎样将md格式转换为word和pdf
#2 opened on 25 Sep 2016 by huangblue refusing to merge unrelated histories
#1 opened on 23 Aug 2016 by huangblue 恢复删除过的文件



#15 opened 10 days ago by huangblue 装机视频
#14 opened 10 days ago by huangblue 机箱内部结构
#13 opened 18 days ago by huangblue 线
#12 opened 19 days ago by huangblue 实装游戏主机
#11 opened 19 days ago by huangblue 安装电脑的顺序
#10 opened 19 days ago by huangblue 组装戴尔OptiPlex390“品牌机”

#9 opened 24 days ago by huangblue 尺寸不会再乱 主板板型规格知识大解析
#8 opened 25 days ago by huangblue 防呆式设计
#7 opened 25 days ago by huangblue 内存插槽的内外
#6 opened 26 days ago by huangblue 双通道内存技术
#5 opened 27 days ago by huangblue 散热器
#4 opened 29 days ago by huangblue 处理器
#3 opened on 26 Jul by huangblue 手把手教你如何组装电脑!详细图片介绍!
#2 opened on 26 Jul by huangblue 电脑组装图文详细教程(菜鸟变高手)
#1 opened on 26 Jul by huangblue 2015史上最全自己组装电脑教程


#4 opened on 7 May by huangblue 书上拷贝程序,先放在ansi格式的文本文件中,再转入codeblocks里面
#3 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 运行程序的按钮呈灰色
#2 opened on 4 Apr by huangblue 管理窗口
#1 opened on 29 Mar by huangblue 进入建立新的程序文件的途径



#27 opened 7 days ago by huangblue 在界面上不能发现工程在磁盘上的位置,但可以用另存为来发现
#26 opened 11 days ago by huangblue 不可以建立与草稿、调查、垃圾桶平级的文件夹?
#25 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 【?】The are three main types (excluding the Binder) of Collections:
#24 opened 17 days ago by huangblue 在活页夹中的左右移动键
#23 opened 18 days ago by huangblue 可以将磁盘文件拖到活页夹
#22 opened 20 days ago by huangblue 备份设置在“工具-选项-备份”中
#21 opened 21 days ago by huangblue Update Project button没有看见【NO】
#20 opened 22 days ago by huangblue 首行缩进在选项编辑器中设定

#19 opened 22 days ago by huangblue 不知道备份中的立即备份和备份到B不选压缩文件的效果
#18 opened 22 days ago by huangblue .scriv是文件夹,.scrivx是里面的文件
#17 opened 22 days ago by huangblue 在新建工程界面上可以打开已有工程
#16 opened 22 days ago by huangblue 更改保存间隔
#15 opened 23 days ago by huangblue 在一个文件中选择了,除非点击,它不会变。
#14 opened 24 days ago by huangblue 没有理解的话
#13 opened 24 days ago by huangblue 编辑器中三击
#12 opened 26 days ago by huangblue 建立一个目录的子目录
#11 opened 27 days ago by huangblue 左上角,工程名字后面有*号,则没有保存,星号消失,就保存好了。
#10 opened 27 days ago by huangblue Outliner是大纲(N)

#9 opened 28 days ago by huangblue If an associated panel has had data entered into it, an asterisk will appear in the upper-right corner of the button.
#8 opened 28 days ago by huangblue Alt-Shift-UpArrow and Alt-Shift-DownArrow,相当于编辑右边的上下箭头
#7 opened 28 days ago by huangblue Ctrl-Shift-L锁定一个编辑器
#6 opened 28 days ago by huangblue 活页夹只有一个,不可以建立,但可以设置
#5 opened 28 days ago by huangblue 收集(Collection)
#4 opened on 29 Jul by huangblue 不知道CTRL+G,CTRL+S是干什么的?
#3 opened on 29 Jul by huangblue view菜单中文版指查看
#2 opened on 29 Jul by huangblue 自定义工具栏
#1 opened on 29 Jul by huangblue 取消首字母大写



#516 opened 8 hours ago by huangblue 英语在印度
#515 opened a day ago by huangblue 2016年全国30省会房价涨幅排行 15城房价涨超10%
#514 opened a day ago by huangblue 韩愈登华山情绪崩溃 **古代文人为何多有恐高症
#513 opened a day ago by huangblue 大唐日常系列故事:韩愈爬华山遇绝境哭成泪人
#512 opened 2 days ago by huangblue 记忆,模仿,分析
#511 opened 2 days ago by huangblue 听朗读对大脑的影响
#510 opened 2 days ago by huangblue 心理表征

#509 opened 3 days ago by huangblue 刻意练习
#508 opened 4 days ago by huangblue JECFA 食品添加剂联合专家委员会
#507 opened 5 days ago by huangblue 罗兴亚人问题
#506 opened 5 days ago by huangblue 劳斯莱斯干预和斯坦福监狱实验对比
#505 opened 5 days ago by huangblue 斯坦福监狱实验
#504 opened 5 days ago by huangblue calloc 的零填充功能
#503 opened 6 days ago by huangblue 帕斯卡
#502 opened 6 days ago by huangblue 女真族的先祖在西北
#501 opened 7 days ago by huangblue Richie Davidson 通过扫描大脑,显示八周的冥想项目,可以产生重要改变
#500 opened 7 days ago by huangblue 劳斯莱斯干预

#499 opened 8 days ago by huangblue 应该同时关注优点和缺点
#498 opened 8 days ago by huangblue Yes, Virginia,
#497 opened 8 days ago by huangblue 西班牙什么时候被阿拉伯人**的??
#496 opened 8 days ago by huangblue 幸福的北欧为什么有那么多人自杀
#495 opened 10 days ago by huangblue 当我们感激时,副交感神经系统功能增强,使我们变平静,从而加强免疫系统。
#494 opened 11 days ago by huangblue 国民党失败是因为与日本工业化竞争失败
#493 opened 12 days ago by huangblue 中印半岛
#492 opened 12 days ago by huangblue 支那
#491 opened 12 days ago by huangblue 恐惧 为所欲为 人总是渴望别人的良心,甚至把命运运托付给别人的良心。这是一种非常天真的行为。
#490 opened 12 days ago by huangblue 消极情绪包括:忧愁悲伤愤怒、紧张焦虑、痛苦恐惧憎恨等 消极自由与积极自由的区别

#489 opened 14 days ago by huangblue 王粲登楼
#488 opened 14 days ago by huangblue 斗争性为什么让人睡不着?
#487 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 苏轼名言名句
#486 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 翻桌率
#485 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 鸡尾酒会效应
#484 opened 15 days ago by huangblue “遗忘痛苦”是大脑的自我保护功能
#483 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 情绪:恐惧、愤怒、痛苦之间的关系
#482 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 对当前作的事情无兴趣,99%是自己没有能力把事情作好
#481 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 每个人都有自己的真理
#480 opened 15 days ago by huangblue 模式拼接能力

#479 opened 16 days ago by huangblue 学会倾听
#478 opened 16 days ago by huangblue 柬埔寨导游口述:红色高棉杀人只看有无文化
#477 opened 16 days ago by huangblue 积极心理学的缺陷
#476 opened 16 days ago by huangblue Critical Thinking
#475 opened 16 days ago by huangblue 选择性输入
#474 opened 16 days ago by huangblue 获取知识:体验,试错
#473 opened 16 days ago by huangblue 项目管理
#472 opened 18 days ago by huangblue 诺贝尔物理学奖得主 Brian Josephson 33岁放弃物理研究 转向超心理学研究
#471 opened 19 days ago by huangblue 第六感
#470 opened 19 days ago by huangblue 压力指数

#469 opened 20 days ago by huangblue 从历史和文化状态阐述:儒家和道家对于静的解释和概念的区别
#468 opened 20 days ago by huangblue 淮南子
#467 opened 21 days ago by huangblue 写作这回事
#466 opened 21 days ago by huangblue “问过之后便会有收获”,圣经如是说
#465 opened 22 days ago by huangblue 回回炮
#464 opened 23 days ago by huangblue 写的分两种,资料型,宣传型
#463 opened 27 days ago by huangblue 好奇心驱动动机
#462 opened 28 days ago by huangblue 尼采名言大全
#461 opened 28 days ago by huangblue 曹洞宗
#460 opened 29 days ago by huangblue <孟子>尽心篇(上下)

#459 opened on 28 Jul by huangblue 岳阳楼记
#458 opened on 28 Jul by huangblue 不以物喜,不以己悲
#457 opened on 27 Jul by huangblue 三辅
#456 opened on 26 Jul by huangblue 生气与心理强大
#455 opened on 25 Jul by huangblue 熊猫
#454 opened on 24 Jul by huangblue 凡事预则立,不预则废
#453 opened on 21 Jul by huangblue 三心(好奇心,同理心,宽容心)的理解
#452 opened on 21 Jul by huangblue 情绪、思维和行为之间的关系
#451 opened on 21 Jul by huangblue 大脑皮质
#450 opened on 20 Jul by huangblue 生气,就是拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。原谅别人,就是善待自己。是哪里的句子

#449 opened on 20 Jul by huangblue 七种心态
#448 opened on 20 Jul by huangblue 释迦摩尼说的:人生只在呼吸间。 是什么意思
#447 opened on 19 Jul by huangblue 正岗子规
#446 opened on 18 Jul by huangblue 不安的时候坐下来写
#445 opened on 18 Jul by huangblue 沿用父亲名字的人总是什么都干不好
#444 opened on 16 Jul by huangblue 章仇兼琼
#443 opened on 16 Jul by huangblue 【经典】莫扎特的音乐可激活副交感神经
#442 opened on 16 Jul by huangblue 冥想
#441 opened on 16 Jul by huangblue 深呼吸
#440 opened on 16 Jul by huangblue 舒适区理论舒适区终有一天会毁掉青春

#439 opened on 16 Jul by huangblue 眼观鼻,鼻观口,口观心,心观自在
#438 opened on 15 Jul by huangblue 吸气增交感神经活性,呼气增副交感神经活性
#437 opened on 14 Jul by huangblue 前额
#436 opened on 13 Jul by huangblue 正念
#435 opened on 13 Jul by huangblue 主副交感神经
#434 opened on 13 Jul by huangblue 蓝田日暖的意思是什么?
#433 opened on 12 Jul by huangblue 西康省为什么要废除?可能恢复吗?
#432 opened on 12 Jul by huangblue 身心互相影响
#431 opened on 11 Jul by huangblue 无人系统对经济机构与跟政府机构的影响不一样
#430 opened on 11 Jul by huangblue 以好奇而不是敌意的眼光看外部世界

#429 opened on 11 Jul by huangblue 两改一超
#428 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 心理因素决定人生最终的幸福?
#427 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 思维、情绪和行为
#426 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 路德维希·维特根斯坦
#425 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 国际体系的彻底颠覆者:日本极端民族主义是如何登堂入室的?
#424 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 自动化思维
#423 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 逻辑思维中心可以激励情绪吗?
#422 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 恐惧埋藏在最底层,上面是愤怒
#421 opened on 10 Jul by huangblue 读秀
#420 opened on 9 Jul by huangblue 三心:好奇心,同理心,宽容心

#419 opened on 9 Jul by huangblue 马斯洛需求层次理论
#418 opened on 9 Jul by huangblue 神经肽
#417 opened on 8 Jul by huangblue 1962年的中印战争与中苏反目:冷战风暴里的领土纠纷
#416 opened on 8 Jul by huangblue 遭左派围攻,作家方方谈《软埋》的“软埋”
#415 opened on 8 Jul by huangblue 精神层面切割利益
#414 opened on 7 Jul by huangblue 真实性,合理性,逻辑一致性
#413 opened on 7 Jul by huangblue 素人禅
#412 opened on 7 Jul by huangblue 每个人都有内心深处都有恐惧,处理得好的就占优势
#411 opened on 7 Jul by huangblue 从“硬埋”大毒草《软埋》谈起
#410 opened on 7 Jul by huangblue 百度好学

#409 opened on 7 Jul by huangblue 早起三光,晚起三慌
#408 opened on 7 Jul by huangblue 冈村宁次提出的是“三光”还是“三不”政策
#407 opened on 6 Jul by huangblue 愤怒的背后其实是恐惧
#406 opened on 6 Jul by huangblue **未来最大的祸患:不是萨德,不是南海,而是这里!
#405 opened on 6 Jul by huangblue 好奇心驱赶愤怒和恐惧
#404 opened on 5 Jul by huangblue 刘美珣:博士论文曾让***重新选题
#403 opened on 4 Jul by huangblue 宽容的基础
#402 opened on 3 Jul by huangblue 情绪复盘
#401 opened on 1 Jul by huangblue 笑话:刑警与医生
#400 opened on 1 Jul by huangblue 王国维遗书

#399 opened on 1 Jul by huangblue 执行功能
#398 opened on 1 Jul by huangblue 体育改革
#397 opened on 1 Jul by huangblue 执行意向
#396 opened on 1 Jul by huangblue 前扣带皮质区
#395 opened on 1 Jul by huangblue 自动模式,心流与习惯
#394 opened on 30 Jun by huangblue “软技能”会产生“强效果”,
#393 opened on 30 Jun by huangblue 姚子青
#392 opened on 29 Jun by huangblue 成应华
#391 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 意志力
#390 opened on 28 Jun by huangblue 为什么脑力劳动会疲劳?

#389 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 运用内在功力
#388 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 驾驭情绪
#387 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 因果思维
#386 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 情绪用语
#385 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 工作空间的影响
#384 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 光线对工作的影响
#383 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 噪声下保持效率
#382 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 情绪智能(即情商)是通过有效综合思考与情绪而达成最佳决策的能力。
#381 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 科学发现来自意识中的一次跳跃
#380 opened on 27 Jun by huangblue 十指连心

#379 opened on 25 Jun by huangblue 清朝最后科举题
#378 opened on 24 Jun by huangblue 保路运动
#377 opened on 24 Jun by huangblue 创造性
#376 opened on 24 Jun by huangblue 做事顺序
#375 opened on 24 Jun by huangblue 悲伤
#374 opened on 24 Jun by huangblue 认知上的懒惰者
#373 opened on 24 Jun by huangblue 明治维新
#372 opened on 23 Jun by huangblue 成王败寇的出处
#371 opened on 23 Jun by huangblue 脑力劳动疲劳的原因
#370 opened on 23 Jun by huangblue 具身认知

#369 opened on 23 Jun by huangblue 梦中工作方法
#368 opened on 23 Jun by huangblue 感谢帮助你成长的对手
#367 opened on 22 Jun by huangblue **古代四大神话
#366 opened on 22 Jun by huangblue 追求平均与国家命运
#365 opened on 22 Jun by huangblue 畏惧自由竞争,不畏惧权力垄断比喻
#364 opened on 22 Jun by huangblue 1937日本的钢产量
#363 opened on 22 Jun by huangblue **牢笼
#362 opened on 21 Jun by huangblue 乌托邦**:是骗人还是连自己都骗了?
#361 opened on 20 Jun by huangblue 研究自己也很重要
#360 opened on 20 Jun by huangblue 安静的重要性

#359 opened on 20 Jun by huangblue 主动笔记,被动笔记
#358 opened on 20 Jun by huangblue 文明世界的三大毒瘤
#357 opened on 20 Jun by huangblue msl入教手续简单的意义
#356 opened on 18 Jun by huangblue 儒家学说革命的一面
#355 opened on 17 Jun by huangblue 燧人氏
#354 opened on 17 Jun by huangblue 管子·揆度原文及翻译(富能夺,贫能予)
#353 opened on 17 Jun by huangblue 不患寡而患不均
#352 opened on 17 Jun by huangblue 极权主义的魅惑
#351 opened on 16 Jun by huangblue 把信送给加西亚
#350 opened on 16 Jun by huangblue 不占人便宜,就不会吃亏上当

#349 opened on 16 Jun by huangblue 发展之道与救济之道
#348 opened on 16 Jun by huangblue 商鞅变法
#347 opened on 16 Jun by huangblue 小雅·北山
#346 opened on 16 Jun by huangblue 学习是一个永恒的主题
#345 opened on 16 Jun by huangblue 可以人工干预情绪,改变情绪。这是情绪选择的前提
#344 opened on 16 Jun by huangblue 达则兼济天下分析
#343 opened on 15 Jun by huangblue 中國未來會成為發達國家嗎?假設北上廣深獨立?
#342 opened on 15 Jun by huangblue 让每一件事情变得有意义
#341 opened on 15 Jun by huangblue 三观不正
#340 opened on 14 Jun by huangblue 自笑·已白穷经首

#339 opened on 14 Jun by huangblue 托古改制
#338 opened on 14 Jun by huangblue 你凭什么觉得,公务员就是混吃等死?
#337 opened on 14 Jun by huangblue 对现实和对未来的良心
#336 opened on 14 Jun by huangblue 司法部等的相对独立性
#335 opened on 14 Jun by huangblue 为什么日本这样的小国家当年强大到可以侵华?
#334 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 井田制
#333 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 汤武革命
#332 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 王莽
#331 opened on 13 Jun by huangblue 15个必须知道的chrome开发者技巧
#330 opened on 12 Jun by huangblue 噪声

#329 opened on 11 Jun by huangblue 孙中山修铁路为何贻笑大方
#328 opened on 11 Jun by huangblue 同情心,有时是不便轻易给予的
#327 opened on 11 Jun by huangblue 塘有万穴,塞其一,鱼何遽无由出?
#326 opened on 11 Jun by huangblue 黄金十年
#325 opened on 11 Jun by huangblue 阅读可不可以进入心流?
#324 opened on 10 Jun by huangblue 情绪地图用处
#323 opened on 10 Jun by huangblue 陈默:对当今**90后及00后深入骨髓的剖析
#322 opened on 9 Jun by huangblue 科米证词
#321 opened on 9 Jun by huangblue 第一时间反击
#320 opened on 9 Jun by huangblue 仇恨

#319 opened on 8 Jun by huangblue 林彪事件
#318 opened on 8 Jun by huangblue 林彪事件
#317 opened on 7 Jun by huangblue 听觉视觉结合
#316 opened on 7 Jun by huangblue 脑边缘系统
#315 opened on 7 Jun by huangblue 达则兼济天下
#314 opened on 5 Jun by huangblue 回应仇恨话题和jj
#313 opened on 5 Jun by huangblue 神经生物学
#312 opened on 4 Jun by huangblue 风波亭
#311 opened on 4 Jun by huangblue 疑邻盗斧
#310 opened on 3 Jun by huangblue 礼记

#309 opened on 3 Jun by huangblue 东亚先觉者之梦:近代日本向**的“输出革命”
#308 opened on 3 Jun by huangblue 虽有佳肴
#307 opened on 3 Jun by huangblue 情商又称情绪智能
#306 opened on 3 Jun by huangblue 采薇新角度
#305 opened on 2 Jun by huangblue 自然状态下,我们不了解自己的情绪
#304 opened on 2 Jun by huangblue 酷狗歌单投稿
#303 opened on 2 Jun by huangblue 轻音NewAge] Enya恩雅-《录音室/精选 16CD》合集[FLAC/分轨/整轨][百度盘]
#302 opened on 2 Jun by huangblue 音乐的节拍怎么听?
#301 opened on 2 Jun by huangblue 音乐的力量:聆听神奇的巴洛克记忆音乐
#300 opened on 2 Jun by huangblue 家兵陷阱

#299 opened on 2 Jun by huangblue 奉天承运确切意义
#298 opened on 2 Jun by huangblue 为什么会有贿赂行为?
#297 opened on 31 May by huangblue 朒朓警阙 朏魄示冲
#296 opened on 31 May by huangblue 东汉时,洛阳为政治首都,南阳为经济首都,长安(今陕西西安)是文化首都。
#295 opened on 31 May by huangblue 采薇
#294 opened on 31 May by huangblue 音乐,高峰体验,斗争性消融,潜意识
#293 opened on 30 May by huangblue 柬埔寨
#292 opened on 29 May by huangblue 上品无寒门,下品无士族
#291 opened on 28 May by huangblue 俶真训
#290 opened on 27 May by huangblue 何桀纣之昌披兮, 夫惟捷径以窘步

#289 opened on 24 May by huangblue 瓜田李下
#288 opened on 24 May by huangblue 巴西总统
#287 opened on 23 May by huangblue 扶桑国
#286 opened on 23 May by huangblue 刘寄奴(刘裕)
#285 opened on 23 May by huangblue 数据挖掘
#284 opened on 23 May by huangblue 阿拉伯帝国不是被蒙古灭了吗,今天的阿拉伯联盟是怎么回事?
#283 opened on 22 May by huangblue Deep learning
#282 opened on 22 May by huangblue 倭寇,一个王朝的谎言?
#281 opened on 19 May by huangblue 洛闽
#280 opened on 19 May by huangblue 寒浞

#279 opened on 19 May by huangblue 十年文化大革命(1966—1976) 简史
#278 opened on 18 May by huangblue 为将三世者必败,必败者何也?必其所杀伐多矣,其后受其不祥。”(史记)
#277 opened on 17 May by huangblue 农民解放后为什么生活比不上原来
#276 opened on 17 May by huangblue 治不下县
#275 opened on 16 May by huangblue 如何评价***?
#274 opened on 16 May by huangblue 石印 (平版印刷的一种方法)
#273 opened on 16 May by huangblue 我是**人,何必学外文
#272 opened on 16 May by huangblue 劳逸结合、笑口常开、身体健康、天天都有好心情!
#271 opened on 15 May by huangblue 皇帝三不利:幽默少,忙,负面情绪
#270 opened on 15 May by huangblue 为了掩盖弑君罪行,他竟然连杀两位史官

#269 opened on 15 May by huangblue 李井泉及其家人
#268 opened on 14 May by huangblue 红十字会,收费公路
#267 opened on 14 May by huangblue 粮食储存年限
#266 opened on 12 May by huangblue html中的特殊符号
#265 opened on 11 May by huangblue 商贾之家,勤俭者能延三四代;耕读之家,勤朴者能延五六代;孝友之家,则可绵延十代八代。——曾国藩 ​ ​​​
#264 opened on 11 May by huangblue 明张煌言《秋怀》诗之二:“只愁绵力弱,何以挽皇舆?
#263 opened on 9 May by huangblue 江青称被隔离后遭到工作人员武斗是怎么回事?
#262 opened on 9 May by huangblue 灵乌赋
#261 opened on 9 May by huangblue 刺果番荔枝抗癌比化疗强10000倍
#260 opened on 9 May by huangblue 选举的最大功效,破除关系网

#259 opened on 9 May by huangblue 任何无法被验证的东西,都很容易具有欺骗性
#258 opened on 8 May by huangblue 六十甲子
#257 opened on 8 May by huangblue 星岁纪年与干支纪年
#256 opened on 8 May by huangblue 三闾大夫
#255 opened on 8 May by huangblue 干支纪日
#254 opened on 7 May by huangblue 创造新文体
#253 opened on 7 May by huangblue 天干地支为什么是六十种组合?
#252 opened on 7 May by huangblue M带来斗争理论,从而增强了权力的需求。
#251 opened on 7 May by huangblue Fibonacci numbers
#250 opened on 5 May by huangblue 曾歔欷余郁邑兮, 哀朕时之不当。

#249 opened on 3 May by huangblue 离*
#248 opened on 3 May by huangblue 边缘系统能够用于学习吗?
#247 opened on 2 May by huangblue 落井下石
#246 opened on 2 May by huangblue 文字扫描王
#245 opened on 2 May by huangblue 打江山容易守江山难的来源
#244 opened on 2 May by huangblue 微博问答
#243 opened on 30 Apr by huangblue 情绪
#242 opened on 30 Apr by huangblue 关于**命运的30个预言 网文令人震惊
#241 opened on 30 Apr by huangblue 杨斌
#240 opened on 29 Apr by huangblue 太极源于武当

#239 opened on 28 Apr by huangblue 从**武术竞争力真相调查引出的忧虑
#238 opened on 27 Apr by huangblue 一个值得关注的重要动向
#237 opened on 25 Apr by huangblue 世界最著名内战一直打到现在都没停
#236 opened on 25 Apr by huangblue 也许我们有时不得不卷入与人的斗争之中,但永远不要把与人斗争作为一种生活理念
#235 opened on 25 Apr by huangblue **历史:少数民族,破除关系网,授权机制
#234 opened on 22 Apr by huangblue 团结群体,为什么其讨论常常发展为人之间的斗争
#233 opened on 21 Apr by huangblue **土地问题
#232 opened on 20 Apr by huangblue 模式化认识社会
#231 opened on 20 Apr by huangblue 控诉的魔力:土改中,如何教会农民“诉苦”?
#230 opened on 20 Apr by huangblue 讨论不以争胜为目的

#229 opened on 20 Apr by huangblue syntactics和semantics的区别
#228 opened on 19 Apr by huangblue 记录烦恼能化解烦恼吗?
#227 opened on 17 Apr by huangblue 三个重要对象:权力,利己性,集体还是个人主义
#226 opened on 15 Apr by huangblue 崇拜权力,与利己性为敌
#225 opened on 15 Apr by huangblue 金正恩文章
#224 opened on 13 Apr by huangblue 贪腐:瓷器店里的哄抢,拿走的少,打烂得多
#223 opened on 13 Apr by huangblue 消灭由市场积累财富的资本家,用权力派出的官员取代
#222 opened on 11 Apr by huangblue 小人物的生命亮度
#221 opened on 11 Apr by huangblue 权力为什么会导致腐败?这是国王选择问题:使国家更富裕,还是使国王更富裕?这里国王指一切拥有权力者。每个人都要作这道选择题。
#220 opened on 10 Apr by huangblue **的隐忧,从经济层面,是工业化不稳固。

#219 opened on 10 Apr by huangblue 微型剥削
#218 opened on 9 Apr by huangblue 缅共的最后时刻
#217 opened on 3 Apr by huangblue 一切历史都是当代史
#216 opened on 31 Mar by huangblue 我国政府运行成本过高的原因与对策
#215 opened on 31 Mar by huangblue 首联,颔联,颈联,尾联
#214 opened on 29 Mar by huangblue 威权主义
#213 opened on 29 Mar by huangblue 人类政治史
#212 opened on 29 Mar by huangblue 政府运行成本是世界的即将到来的危机
#211 opened on 28 Mar by huangblue 许昌人
#210 opened on 28 Mar by huangblue 提高自尊水平的好处,将冲突化为有益

#209 opened on 27 Mar by huangblue 东方,依赖性自尊下面还有一个层次
#208 opened on 27 Mar by huangblue 没有一种政治**只有积极作用,没有消极作用
#207 opened on 26 Mar by huangblue 往事并不如烟
#206 opened on 26 Mar by huangblue 人类学家的田野调查(field work)
#205 opened on 26 Mar by huangblue 人学家与人类学家是不是一个意思?如不是,有什么区别?
#204 opened on 26 Mar by huangblue 人学家
#203 opened on 25 Mar by huangblue 政治学的结构性缺陷,没有将人性研究纳入[新]
#202 opened on 24 Mar by huangblue 镜像神经元在教育中的作用
#201 opened on 24 Mar by huangblue 镜像神经元
#200 opened on 22 Mar by huangblue 人类学 (学科)

#199 opened on 22 Mar by huangblue 实证论
#198 opened on 22 Mar by huangblue 政治是一个长不大的孩子
#197 opened on 21 Mar by huangblue 内生动力是基于利己性的
#196 opened on 21 Mar by huangblue 头鱼理论
#195 opened on 19 Mar by huangblue 五十弦翻塞外声
#194 opened on 19 Mar by huangblue 八百里分麾下炙的典故
#193 opened on 17 Mar by huangblue 团结与权力
#192 opened on 7 Mar by huangblue 美国的三大工业区是什么
#191 opened on 6 Mar by huangblue 重资产模式
#190 opened on 6 Mar by huangblue word 2007及以上

#189 opened on 5 Mar by huangblue 咖啡与咖啡酸
#188 opened on 5 Mar by huangblue 真情妙悟铸文章
#187 opened on 5 Mar by huangblue 市场经济是研究规律,计划经济是想创造规律
#186 opened on 3 Mar by huangblue 大锅饭
#185 opened on 1 Mar by huangblue 马斯洛需求层次理论
#184 opened on 27 Feb by huangblue 新加坡电子签证中的FIN
#183 opened on 26 Feb by huangblue 李光耀公共政策学院
#182 opened on 25 Feb by huangblue 捧哏和逗哏
#181 opened on 25 Feb by huangblue 抖包袱
#180 opened on 20 Feb by huangblue 穆斯林宗教心流衍生

#179 opened on 18 Feb by huangblue 肌肉记忆
#178 opened on 10 Feb by huangblue 从众效应
#177 opened on 10 Feb by huangblue 三个层次的自尊:依赖型,独立型,无条件型
#176 opened on 9 Feb by huangblue 心流
#175 opened on 8 Feb by huangblue 培养自尊的六条实践
#174 opened on 7 Feb by huangblue B细胞
#173 opened on 7 Feb by huangblue γ-干扰素
#172 opened on 7 Feb by huangblue T淋巴细胞
#171 opened on 7 Feb by huangblue 副交感神经系统
#170 opened on 7 Feb by huangblue 黑道家族效应

#169 opened on 7 Feb by huangblue 皮质醇
#168 opened on 7 Feb by huangblue 正念
#167 opened on 6 Feb by huangblue 川普与联邦法官互怼 总统为何不能为所欲为
#166 opened on 6 Feb by huangblue 幽默与攻击性
#165 opened on 6 Feb by huangblue 皮质醇
#164 opened on 6 Feb by huangblue 镜像神经元
#163 opened on 6 Feb by huangblue T细胞
#162 opened on 6 Feb by huangblue 质胜文则野 ,文胜质则史
#161 opened on 1 Feb by huangblue 阅读步骤
#160 opened on 1 Feb by huangblue 12b-1 fees.

#159 opened on 1 Feb by huangblue 疲劳,熬夜与动脉硬化
#158 opened on 31 Jan by huangblue 帕累托法则
#157 opened on 29 Jan by huangblue 心理安全
#156 opened on 29 Jan by huangblue 拖延心理
#155 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 青霉素的发现
#154 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue TBO-过于忙碌症
#153 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 行为价值观
#152 opened on 25 Jan by huangblue 涓滴效应
#151 opened on 24 Jan by huangblue 智力题
#150 opened on 23 Jan by huangblue 抗生素不能与酒同服

#149 opened on 23 Jan by huangblue 二战时德国与日本结盟
#148 opened on 22 Jan by huangblue 日记怎么写?只写经历,不分析。美好的经历
#147 opened on 22 Jan by huangblue ABC,也就是影响、行为和认知
#146 opened on 20 Jan by huangblue [以学校十二五规划为抓手 促进高水平大学建设
#145 opened on 20 Jan by huangblue 国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要
#144 opened on 19 Jan by huangblue 《精力管理》
#143 opened on 19 Jan by huangblue 密谋行刺毛的现代荆轲——回忆我的父亲周宇驰
#142 opened on 19 Jan by huangblue 《授予博士、硕士学位和培养研究生的学科、专业目录》(1997年颁布)
#141 opened on 18 Jan by huangblue QQ群加成员
#140 opened on 17 Jan by huangblue Brother David’s Journey,论感激

#139 opened on 15 Jan by huangblue 努赛里耶派(阿拉维派)
#138 opened on 15 Jan by huangblue 舒适区,学习区,恐慌区
#137 opened on 15 Jan by huangblue 脸部回馈假说,身体回馈假说
#136 opened on 15 Jan by huangblue 马斯洛提出的“高峰体验理论”
#135 opened on 14 Jan by huangblue 文艺复兴为西方科学前驱,突出说明语言的重要性
#134 opened on 14 Jan by huangblue 找个源码网站,供阅读
#133 opened on 14 Jan by huangblue 西方标点发展的历史
#132 opened on 13 Jan by huangblue 大脑训练
#131 opened on 12 Jan by huangblue 任何社会面临两个问题
#130 opened on 12 Jan by huangblue 舒尔特训练法

#129 opened on 4 Jan by huangblue 如何在word文档的方框中打勾
#128 opened on 3 Jan by huangblue 美国大选投票日为何是11月的星期二
#127 opened on 3 Jan by huangblue 墨子
#126 opened on 1 Jan by huangblue 自自冉冉
#125 opened on 1 Jan by huangblue 斯托克代尔悖论
#124 opened on 1 Jan by huangblue 《适应力因素》
#123 opened on 31 Dec 2016 by huangblue 《思考致富》
#122 opened on 31 Dec 2016 by huangblue 赛典赤
#121 opened on 29 Dec 2016 by huangblue 阿施从众心理实验,个体对群体存在从众现象
#120 opened on 29 Dec 2016 by huangblue Pygmalion效应

#119 opened on 29 Dec 2016 by huangblue 暗示或信念使人产生巨大的进步,可能是潜意识的原因
#118 opened on 29 Dec 2016 by huangblue 国际积极心理学协会
#117 opened on 29 Dec 2016 by huangblue 自我实现
#116 opened on 29 Dec 2016 by huangblue 哲学人类学又被翻译为哲学人本学
#115 opened on 28 Dec 2016 by huangblue 关机前,注意把邮箱都关了。
#114 opened on 27 Dec 2016 by huangblue 诚信促进社会化分工
#113 opened on 27 Dec 2016 by huangblue 成长手册
#112 opened on 25 Dec 2016 by huangblue 要允许自己准许为人
#111 opened on 25 Dec 2016 by huangblue 矛盾意向
#110 opened on 25 Dec 2016 by huangblue 20度分隔

#109 opened on 25 Dec 2016 by huangblue 六度分隔理论
#108 opened on 24 Dec 2016 by huangblue ANSI C
#107 opened on 24 Dec 2016 by huangblue 成长尖端统计学
#106 opened on 24 Dec 2016 by huangblue 创伤后成长
#105 opened on 24 Dec 2016 by huangblue 创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)
#104 opened on 24 Dec 2016 by huangblue Marva Collins
#103 opened on 24 Dec 2016 by huangblue 皮格马利翁效应
#102 opened on 24 Dec 2016 by huangblue 住校导师
#101 opened on 21 Dec 2016 by huangblue 小麦取代小米
#100 opened on 21 Dec 2016 by huangblue 读书即未成名

#99 opened on 20 Dec 2016 by huangblue 学习是一个循序渐进,需要长期努力的过程
#98 opened on 20 Dec 2016 by huangblue 怎样在知乎上学习
#97 opened on 20 Dec 2016 by huangblue 布利丹效应:驴子饿死在两堆干草之间
#96 opened on 19 Dec 2016 by huangblue 学记
#95 opened on 16 Dec 2016 by huangblue 网络起源
#94 opened on 16 Dec 2016 by huangblue 台式电脑安装usb无线网卡
#93 opened on 16 Dec 2016 by huangblue 网络育人
#92 opened on 16 Dec 2016 by huangblue 延迟退休
#91 opened on 15 Dec 2016 by huangblue 非智力因素的培养
#90 opened on 14 Dec 2016 by huangblue xp关机键盘快捷键

#89 opened on 14 Dec 2016 by huangblue Post-It note
#88 opened on 14 Dec 2016 by huangblue 团结、集体、个人、教育
#87 opened on 12 Dec 2016 by huangblue win10的任务管理器
#86 opened on 12 Dec 2016 by huangblue 数据与人心
#85 opened on 12 Dec 2016 by huangblue 1933-1939年的德国
#84 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue 玩人丧德,玩物丧志
#83 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue DMG文件
#82 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue Notability
#81 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue GTD(Getting Things Done)
#80 opened on 9 Dec 2016 by huangblue 西南联大校歌词作者

#79 opened on 9 Dec 2016 by huangblue 汉尼拔·巴卡
#78 opened on 8 Dec 2016 by huangblue axd文件
#77 opened on 8 Dec 2016 by huangblue eml文件怎么打开?
#76 opened on 8 Dec 2016 by huangblue 秦始皇一死,天下造反,八十万至强秦军竟然人间蒸发?到底去了哪里...?
#75 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue iOS (苹果公司的移动操作系统)
#74 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue 党是谁翻译的
#73 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue 李梁工作室
#72 opened on 7 Dec 2016 by huangblue 楼兰
#71 opened on 6 Dec 2016 by huangblue 李约瑟难题
#70 opened on 6 Dec 2016 by huangblue **之中西对比

#69 opened on 6 Dec 2016 by huangblue **的政教分离现象、文官选拔制度、私塾教育和诸子百家流派
#68 opened on 5 Dec 2016 by huangblue 打补丁过程中被卡住怎么办?
#67 opened on 5 Dec 2016 by huangblue 肯尼迪
#66 opened on 5 Dec 2016 by huangblue 易经
#65 opened on 4 Dec 2016 by huangblue 取证稠叠,无优游不迫
#64 opened on 3 Dec 2016 by huangblue google账户就可以在goole+登陆
#63 opened on 3 Dec 2016 by huangblue wikihow
#62 opened on 3 Dec 2016 by huangblue google+
#61 opened on 3 Dec 2016 by huangblue Total commander
#60 opened on 1 Dec 2016 by huangblue 中华人民共和国劳动法

#59 opened on 30 Nov 2016 by huangblue 思维导图
#58 opened on 29 Nov 2016 by huangblue 涤非如明镜 诚信犹金石
#57 opened on 26 Nov 2016 by huangblue 鼬獾
#56 opened on 26 Nov 2016 by huangblue 蒙古军队如何携带大量马匹?
#55 opened on 23 Nov 2016 by huangblue 驱动程序
#54 opened on 21 Nov 2016 by huangblue 带着Mac去上学(一):日常学习工具推荐
#53 opened on 21 Nov 2016 by huangblue 阅读方法
#52 opened on 21 Nov 2016 by huangblue 怎样说话
#51 opened on 20 Nov 2016 by huangblue 网上投稿
#50 opened on 20 Nov 2016 by huangblue dell电脑重装

#49 opened on 19 Nov 2016 by huangblue 用一休学习的方法
#48 opened on 19 Nov 2016 by huangblue scrivener的非小说模板
#47 opened on 18 Nov 2016 by huangblue 写作猫
#46 opened on 18 Nov 2016 by huangblue 壹写作
#45 opened on 18 Nov 2016 by huangblue 云笔记功能
#44 opened on 17 Nov 2016 by huangblue 写作工具
#43 opened on 17 Nov 2016 by huangblue Scrivener
#42 opened on 17 Nov 2016 by huangblue weavi不再提供导出功能
#41 opened on 17 Nov 2016 by huangblue 连不上网,路由器关几分钟
#40 opened on 17 Nov 2016 by huangblue *(int *)a是什么意思?

#39 opened on 16 Nov 2016 by huangblue 怎样建立和调用dll文件?
#38 opened on 16 Nov 2016 by huangblue 函数指针
#37 opened on 16 Nov 2016 by huangblue 番茄工作法
#36 opened on 16 Nov 2016 by huangblue 在windows下使用curl
#35 opened on 16 Nov 2016 by huangblue 回调函数
#34 opened on 16 Nov 2016 by huangblue 四象限时间管理
#33 opened on 15 Nov 2016 by huangblue 思维导图
#32 opened on 15 Nov 2016 by huangblue 前端开发
#31 opened on 13 Nov 2016 by huangblue 一个IT问题的提问网站segmentfault
#30 opened on 10 Nov 2016 by huangblue 读书笔记,未理解问题怎么记

#29 opened on 6 Nov 2016 by huangblue 肯尼迪就职演说
#28 opened on 6 Nov 2016 by huangblue 易百教程
#27 opened on 5 Nov 2016 by huangblue 故事法
#26 opened on 5 Nov 2016 by huangblue 细胞写作法
#25 opened on 4 Nov 2016 by huangblue 雪花式写作法
#24 opened on 29 Oct 2016 by huangblue win10命令提示符
#23 opened on 29 Oct 2016 by huangblue 睌,䁂
#22 opened on 29 Oct 2016 by huangblue win10去开机密码
#21 opened on 29 Oct 2016 by huangblue win10更新后需要二次启动
#20 opened on 29 Oct 2016 by huangblue lambda

#19 opened on 25 Oct 2016 by huangblue win10卸载程序
#18 opened on 23 Oct 2016 by huangblue 红米1上,wps 打开 PDF文件,复制内容不能直接到 onenote
#17 opened on 23 Oct 2016 by huangblue 有mingw的就可以在命令行编译C程序吗?
#16 opened on 23 Oct 2016 by huangblue code blocks用命令行编译
#15 opened on 22 Oct 2016 by huangblue onenote 在电脑上体验不好
#14 opened on 20 Oct 2016 by huangblue 制作教材
#13 opened on 19 Oct 2016 by huangblue 理科笔记软件
#12 opened on 19 Oct 2016 by huangblue 资料网站
#11 opened on 17 Oct 2016 by huangblue 记笔记的黄金三分法
#10 opened on 17 Oct 2016 by huangblue 知识管理

#9 opened on 16 Oct 2016 by huangblue latex
#8 opened on 16 Oct 2016 by huangblue 学习编程的网站
#7 opened on 16 Oct 2016 by huangblue 番茄工作法
#6 opened on 15 Oct 2016 by huangblue 知乎 live
#5 opened on 15 Oct 2016 by huangblue 简书,Q10,mtw
#4 opened on 14 Oct 2016 by huangblue 知乎上的 live
#3 opened on 13 Oct 2016 by huangblue weavi的功能
#2 opened on 13 Oct 2016 by huangblue weavi 的移动操作
#1 opened on 12 Oct 2016 by huangblue onedrive



#17 opened on 26 Jun by huangblue ABBYY finereader
#16 opened on 11 Jan by huangblue word
#15 opened on 5 Jan by huangblue 天涯
#14 opened on 23 Dec 2016 by huangblue 编辑器首句缩进
#13 opened on 20 Dec 2016 by huangblue 知乎
#12 opened on 20 Dec 2016 by huangblue 百度脑图
#11 by huangblue was closed on 15 Dec 2016 Scrivener学习笔记
#10 opened on 12 Dec 2016 by huangblue 为知笔记

#9 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue zotero
#8 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue pdf expert
#7 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue Notability
#6 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue goodreader
#5 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue Omnifocus
#4 opened on 10 Dec 2016 by huangblue 有道云笔记
#3 opened on 5 Dec 2016 by huangblue 坚果云
#2 opened on 5 Dec 2016 by huangblue macupdate
#1 opened on 5 Dec 2016 by huangblue Scrivener

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