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var's Introduction


The "VaR" package is a comprehensive Python tool for financial risk assessment, specializing in Value at Risk (VaR) and its extensions. It enables robust financial risk forecasting by incorporating methods like historical, parametric, Monte Carlo, and Parametric GARCH. It also focuses on the Probability Equivalent Level of VaR and Expected Shortfall (PELVE). The package also features backtesting capabilities, distribution fitting, and detailed plotting options for clear visualization. Designed for ease of use, it includes practical examples and is easily installable through pip. With dependencies like numpy and pandas, it's tailored for those seeking advanced risk measurement tools in finance.

Key Features

Calculate, Backtest and Plot the

  • Value at Risk,
  • Conditional Value at Risk (Expected Shortfall),
  • Conditional Drawdown at Risk,
  • Probability Equivalent Level of VaR and Expected Shortfall

with different methods, such that:

  • Historical
  • Parametric
  • Monte Carlo
  • Parametric GARCH



In this example we will show all the key features of the var package. At first we will import all necessary packages.

from var import VaR, load_data
import numpy as np

To quickly test and demonstrate the functions, the package includes a function named load_data, which by default includes the daily returns of stocks TSLA, AAPL and NFLX.

data = load_data()
              NFLX      AAPL     TSLA
2016-06-28  0.0056  0.001725 -0.00020
2016-06-29  0.0139  0.001075  0.01012
2016-06-30  0.0057  0.002900 -0.00138
2016-07-01  0.0167  0.001000  0.02072
2016-07-05  0.0271 -0.001000  0.00850
            ...       ...      ...
2021-06-21 -0.0464  0.020000 -0.03650
2021-06-22  0.1028  0.018500  0.05460
2021-06-23  0.0426 -0.000700  0.24570
2021-06-24  0.0010 -0.010400  0.04830
2021-06-25 -0.0177 -0.003500 -0.17710
[1258 rows x 3 columns]

The only important thing in the data preparation is that the columns contain the individual positions of the portfolio, and the rows the date. Another important point is that the column "Date" should be defined as an index, and it must also be formatted as a date.

Now we can define some weights for the individual positions and initialize the VaR class:

weights = np.array([0.40, 0.50, 0.10])

var = VaR(data, weights)

The standard confidence is at 0.01. Individual confidences can be defined with the parameter alpha:

var = VaR(data, weights, alpha=0.05)
<VaR - μ: 0.05%, σ: 3.5096%, Portfolio σ: 3.511%>

The repr of the class provides the following information:

  • μ : The mean return of the portfolio.
  • σ : The unweighted volatility of the portfolio.
  • Portfolio σ : The weighted volatility of the portfolio.

You can summarize the results of the different methods with the method:

var.summary().round(2)  # or use print(var)
                      VaR(0.99)  CVaR(0.99)  ES(0.99)
Parametric                -0.13       -0.15       -0.64
Historical                -0.20       -0.21       -0.64
Monte Carlo               -0.13       -0.14       -0.64
Stressed Monte Carlo      -0.16       -0.17       -0.64

You can access the different VaR methods by using the methods:

            VaR(0.99)  CVaR(0.99)
2021-06-25  -0.203479   -0.211246
            VaR(0.99)  CVaR(0.99)
2021-06-25  -0.130036   -0.149269
            VaR(0.99)  CVaR(0.99)
2021-06-25  -0.132929    -0.13989
            VaR(0.99)  CVaR(0.99)
2021-06-25  -0.159149   -0.162875

Or access to the Conditional Drawdown at Risk with:
2021-06-25  -0.636892

Fitting Distribution

Thank you @Osman Mahmud Kim for the hint!

By default the VaR class chooses a normal distribution of the data. You can override this with another distribution with:

var = VaR(data, weights, alpha=0.05, distribution="t")
<VaR - μ: 0.06%, σ: 3.4461%, Portfolio σ: 3.4475%>

If the distribution is norm or t, the mean and the standard deviation of the returns are used. The degree of freedom of the t distribution is set to len(returns) - 1. You can define your own parameter with additional keyword arguments. Lets say, you want a f distribution with parameter dfn, dfd

var = VaR(data, weights, alpha=0.05, distribution="f", dfn=10000, dfd=500)
<VaR - μ: 0.06%, σ: 3.4461%, Portfolio σ: 3.4475%>

You can also refine the distribution or fit new distributions with the method

var.fit_distributions(include_other=True, verbose=True)
Fitting 13 distributions: 100%|██████████| 13/13 [00:00<00:00, 15.33it/s]

Best fits:
         sumsquare_error         aic          bic  kl_div  ks_statistic  \
t             156.808460  180.121004 -2598.062910     inf      0.032883
lognorm       955.113977  672.331106  -325.101442     inf      0.126492
f             957.581920  671.103512  -314.717779     inf      0.129057
norm          957.604766  666.417186  -328.962322     inf      0.127633
gamma         985.488639  655.557001  -285.717340     inf      0.138701

t        1.287770e-01
lognorm  5.266286e-18
f        9.986222e-19
norm     2.523508e-18
gamma    1.421048e-21

Best fit:
Distribution t with parameters {'df': 1.6718900963531307, 'loc': 0.0011873373129386235, 'scale': 0.014747352151602807}

You can also define only one distribution with



Thank you @Osman Mahmud Kim for the hint!

PELVE is essentially a ratio or a multiplier. It tells us how to adjust the confidence level when switching from VaR to ES so that we get an equivalent measure of risk. The formula for calculating PELVE is ES*{1−cɛ}(X)=V aR*{1−ɛ}(X), where ε is a small number close to 0, X is a loss random variable, and c is the PELVE.

The idea here is to answer the question: if we replace VaR with ES in our risk models, how will that affect our estimated capital requirements? Will we need more capital to cover potential losses, or less?

The passage provides an example with ε set at 0.01. If the calculated PELVE is more than 2.5, that means using ES at a 97.5% confidence level (ES*{0.975}) will estimate a higher risk value than using VaR at a 99% confidence level (VaR*{0.99}). In other words, switching to ES would mean we'd need more capital to cover potential losses.

On the other hand, if the PELVE is less than 2.5, that means using ES at a 97.5% confidence level will estimate a lower risk value than using VaR at a 99% confidence level. That means switching to ES would indicate that we need less capital to cover potential losses.

In simple terms, PELVE is a tool to help decide what confidence level to use when switching from VaR to ES, in a way that keeps the estimated level of risk (and hence the amount of capital needed) the same.

In the current version you can calculate the PELVE with the historical or the parametric method:

(array([8.89189276]), 3.610864030825778e-05)

The first value is the PELVE and the second value is the optimization error.


You can backtest the accuracy of each method with the method backtest and the method keys:

  • 'h': VaR calculated with the historical method,
  • 'p': VaR calculated with the parametric method,
  • 'mc': VaR calculated with the monte carlo method,
  • 'smc': VaR calculated with the stressed monte carlo method,
bth = var.backtest(method='h')
Backtest: Historic Method: 100%|██████████| 1008/1008 [00:03<00:00, 332.53it/s]

Evaluate the backtest results with the method evalutate

           Amount   Percent Mean Deviation STD Deviation Min Deviation  \
VaR(0.99)      10  0.009921      -0.023765      0.028671     -0.003515
CVaR(0.99)     10  0.009921      -0.023407      0.028545     -0.003382
CDaR(0.99)      6  0.005952      -0.017702       0.02285     -0.001713

           Max Deviation
VaR(0.99)      -0.099554
CVaR(0.99)     -0.098803
CDaR(0.99)     -0.060682

The table contains the following information:

  • Amount : Total amount of exceptions.
  • Percent : Total amount of exceptions in relative to all observations (multiply this by 100 to obtain the total amount of exceptions in percent).
  • Mean Deviation : The mean value of the exceptions.
  • STD Deviation : The standard deviation of the exceptions.
  • Min Deviation : The wort overestimation of the value.
  • Max Deviation : The worst underestimation of the value.

Plot Backtest

Plot the backtest results via:








There are currently different methods to install var.

Using pip

The var package is provided on pip. You can install it with::

pip install var

Standard Python

You can also download the source code package from this repository or from pip. Unpack the file you obtained into some directory ( it can be a temporary directory) and then run::

python install


  • Python: Python 3.7
  • Packages: numpy, pandas, scipy, matplotlib, tqdm, seaborn, numba

var's People


ibaris avatar matthewburke1995 avatar sb5m avatar


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var's Issues

Problems with var.backtest(method='p')

Hi @ibaris, I hope you are doing great.

I wanted to report some problems when accesing the parametric .backtest method. It appear that a df = df.dropna() code in backtest() is deleting quite a lot of data from the dfs.

Below I have attached the var_plot (all plots are affected afaik). The data used is the one loaded from load_data() so it should be easy for you to replicate this.


The conflicting code is, I believe, this:

It can be fixed by implementing a shifted .fillna. But I don't think this is the best of solutions.

VaR for Long/Short Portfolios

Weight supplied that adds to 0 will yield error due to

self.pnl = pd.DataFrame(np.average(self.returns, 1, self.weights),
                        columns=["Daily PnL"])

A workaround that I have used is to change the above to:

self.pnl = pd.DataFrame((self.returns * self.weights).sum(axis=1),
                        columns=["Daily PnL"])

The above change will make the PnL into a long short excess return for the portfolio. However, the backtest() function doesn't yield correct graph though.

var.backtest("p") incorrectly sets loc, scale parameter while var.parametric() doesn't

When I call

rslt = VaR(rets.loc[:date, positions.Ticker], positions["Position (%)"].values)

yields results that look very reasonable:

| | VaR(95.0) | VaR(97.5) |VaR(99.0)|
|2024-01-31 |-0.052734 |-0.062913 |-0.074748|

This is when loc and scale in kwargs were poped out before calling parametric.

However, when rslt.backtest('p') is called, the loc and scale were kept inside kwargs as it's defined in backtest method in file

def backtest(self, method: str, window_days: int = 250, auto_fit: bool = False):
            if auto_fit:
                f = Fitter(pnl, distributions=self.__dist_name)

                best_fit = f.get_best(method='sumsquare_error')

            else: #########These parameters are still being kept in kwargs!########
                kwargs["loc"] = np.mean(pnl)
                kwargs["scale"] = np.std(pnl)

            if method == "p":
                cov_matrix = returns_sample.cov()
                cov_matrix.fillna(0, inplace=True)
                daily_std = np.sqrt(
                ### My Work Around Added here ######
                kwargs.pop("loc", None)
                kwargs.pop("scale", None)

                kwargs["daily_std"] = daily_std
                kwargs["ppf"] = self.distribution.ppf

            if method == "mc":
                kwargs["rvs"] = self.distribution.rvs

            var_dict[returns_sample.index.max()] = method_applied(**kwargs)

        daily_var_table = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(var_dict).T.astype("float") = str_method
        daily_var_table.columns = self.header

        daily_var_table.index = daily_var_table.index + pd.DateOffset(1)  # Adjustment for matching VaR and actual PnL

        df = pd.merge_asof(self.pnl, daily_var_table, right_index=True, left_index=True)
        df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric)

        df1 = df.filter(self.header)  #* This contains the VaR and ES values

        for i, _ in enumerate(self.header):
            df[self.header_exception[i]] = df['Daily PnL'] < df1.values[:, i]

        df = df.dropna() = str_method

        return df

My current work around is simply pop these parameters out of kwargs when 'p' argument is supplied to the backtest call.

window_days in VaR.backtest method not dynamic

The default window_days assumes prices change daily in a year and has a default value of 250.

bth = var.backtest(method='h', window_days=250)
b = var.evaluate(bth)

If you resample your data to weekly (i,e. 52 data points in a year), the method returns an error and cannot handle it.

It is possible to have a parameter that makes this dynamic? e.g. sampling_period = 'D' or 'W' or 'M' etc.

Error when plotting the VaR backtest


First of all, thank you very much for the project. The historic, parametric and monte carlo results seem consistent with mine. However, there is a problem when plotting a VaR backtest, could this be looked into?

AttributeError: 'VaR' object has no attribute 'plot'

Thank you very much.

.summary method problems

Hi @ibaris, it seems like I am having some problems accesing the .summary method. I have attached my output below.

I have checked using Readme parameters to check the error and it has persisted. I did import the functions directly from src.


Potential Mistake at Evaluation

This Issue is raised by Osman Mahmud Kim

When lookback window is 500 days based on “g” (GARCH) backtesting period 2018-06-01 to 2023-
06-01. VaR 95% violation percentage is shown here as 6.84%. Then I save the backtesting results in an Excel file and then carry out the VaRtests. Then I see under Kupiec failure rate it shows as 4.98% instead of the 6.84% suggested above in backtest_evaluate. This discrepancy is greater for instance for Monte Carlo – Normal. I investigated the number of “True” in Var 95.0 exception column in the Excel file and it seems to suggest the 4.98% suggested by the Kupiec failure rate should be correct. Therefore, I think maybe in the evaluate function something is going wrong, perhaps.

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